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IRC: #tuxmachines @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, April 29, 2024

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*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 00:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 00:12
DaemonFC[17:31] <psydruid> it's a very expensive mandatory insurance scam when people could get health insurance at maybe half the amount they would pay for MedicareApr 29 00:42
DaemonFCUS Medicare?Apr 29 00:42
DaemonFCYou're not going to get a cheaper private insurance plan than that.Apr 29 00:43
psydruidHow much is it now? $600?Apr 29 00:51
DaemonFCThe Part B premium, which is outpatient, is the largest part of it.Apr 29 00:55
DaemonFCLike $160-something for most people I think.Apr 29 00:56
DaemonFCThe Part D (prescriptions) can be anywhere from $18-60 a month depending on which plan you want.Apr 29 00:56
DaemonFCMost people don't pay Part A.Apr 29 00:56
DaemonFCA is the hospital inpatient part.Apr 29 00:56
psydruidThat's a lot cheaper than what I saw before, but still kind of expensiveApr 29 00:57
DaemonFCNot compared to private insurance.Apr 29 00:58
psydruidIt's €240 here, which is also a lot more than it used to beApr 29 00:58
DaemonFCIf you have to pay the entire cost of a private insurance policy it's going to run you at least several hundred a month, and even then it won't be as good as Medicare.Apr 29 00:58
DaemonFCBecause it's easier for them to deny claims, require "step therapies" they know won't work to try to cause you to die, and do other bullshit.Apr 29 00:58
psydruidSo private insurance is only for the rich?Apr 29 00:59
DaemonFCAnd your deductibles are going to run from $2,000 to $10,000 a year.Apr 29 00:59
DaemonFCpsydruid: That's the best part.Apr 29 00:59
DaemonFCThey give the shittiest insurance that pays the least to the people who don't have a lot of money.Apr 29 00:59
DaemonFCSo they still lose everything if they get sick, even with the insurance.Apr 29 00:59
DaemonFCPrivate insurance companies negotiate group discounts, but it is not fee for service like Medicare is.Apr 29 01:00
DaemonFCMedicare pays the Approved Amount and you pay no more than 20% of that amount.Apr 29 01:00
DaemonFCWith a private insurance plan, you start out wondering what they'll even cover, but there's no way to know for sure until the bill comes.Apr 29 01:00
DaemonFCThen you have to meet your deductible before the insurance has actually paid any of their money towards your healthcare.Apr 29 01:01
DaemonFCUntil you reach the deductible, you get their "network discount", but only if the care was "in network" and approved.Apr 29 01:01
DaemonFCpsydruid: So basically what their incentives are, are roughly this:Apr 29 01:01
DaemonFCCharge you, the policy holder, or the government (subsidies) a fucking fortune.Apr 29 01:02
DaemonFCSet the deductible so high that you'd have to have a tractor run over you to get there during a plan year. Then reset it every plan year on January 1st.Apr 29 01:02
DaemonFCDeny everything they possibly can.Apr 29 01:02
DaemonFCKeep you in the dark about what will be approved to discourage you from seeking out healthcare because you don't know what they'll actually cover until they process that claim.Apr 29 01:03
DaemonFCIf they cover a condition and approve the service, they step in and tell your doctor to try cheaper things that probably won't work. Their goal is if you're seriously ill, by the time they force your doctor to quit fucking around, you'll be dead.Apr 29 01:04
DaemonFCThen if you go past the deductible, they might actually pay something, but in almost all cases, the house wins.Apr 29 01:04
DaemonFC:DApr 29 01:04
DaemonFCBecaue everything leading up to that huge deductible is not actually costing them anything.Apr 29 01:04
DaemonFCBefore Obamacare, the deductibles were usually like no more than $500-1000 per year.Apr 29 01:05
DaemonFCAfter Obamacare, a typical person has to pay one that is almost never less than $2,500, and a more typical one can be $5,000, $6,000, or even $10,000.Apr 29 01:05
DaemonFCThey get bigger every year while the Democrats talk about how "premium growth has been contained".Apr 29 01:06
DaemonFCBy that logic, make the deductible $50,000 a year and sell the policy for $80 a month!Apr 29 01:06
psydruidI'm amazed at how messed up does all of this look lolApr 29 01:06
psydruidlooks*Apr 29 01:06
DaemonFCIt's worse than I could even describe it.Apr 29 01:06
DaemonFCThey keep it so opaque that you never know what to do, by design.Apr 29 01:07
DaemonFCpsydruid: Last year, my spouse had so many medical costs he was past his deductible anyway.Apr 29 01:07
DaemonFCSo I decided to go for broke and have the ENT get him in for like $70,000 worth of surgery on his ear that he never got because nobody has that amount of money.Apr 29 01:08
psydruidI think my parents would simply die in the US considering they're retired and just get some pension and/or disability moneyApr 29 01:08
DaemonFCAnd it maxed out his out of pocket cap (a catastrophic coverage thing) and we ended up getting the surgery in pretty cheap.Apr 29 01:08
DaemonFCpsydruid: Medicare isn't that bad.Apr 29 01:09
DaemonFCYou go to the doctor and even without Medigap, the visit is like $27 or something after your small deductible.Apr 29 01:09
DaemonFCYou go to get labs and it usually doesn't cost anything at all.Apr 29 01:09
DaemonFCOld people get pretty much whatever they want because they vote.Apr 29 01:09
DaemonFCAnd the politicians take it out of everyone else's butts because they aren't so reliable about voting.Apr 29 01:10
DaemonFCIf everyone else got together and voted and formed a lobbying group called "We don't want to pay for this shit." Medicare would go away.Apr 29 01:10
DaemonFCIt's as simple as that.Apr 29 01:10
DaemonFCIt's single payer healthcare, but only for the reliable voting bloc.Apr 29 01:10
DaemonFCIt makes sense if you think about it.Apr 29 01:11
DaemonFCIf they don't vote, don't give them anything.Apr 29 01:11
DaemonFCYou're not on their radar. Your opinions don't matter. If you protest, the police will come out with guns, pepper spray, and zip ties.Apr 29 01:11
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 01:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 01:12
DaemonFCThe crackdown on these protests is happening because the voter turnout rate is pretty much nil in that age group anyway.Apr 29 01:12
DaemonFCSo what they want doesn't matter. And pissing them off has no consequences.Apr 29 01:12
psydruidAre those the pro-Hamas protests? Or are there other protests as well?Apr 29 01:13
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 02:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 02:12
*gyemsz (~DaxSon@freenode-2ue.6ih.pu7h8v.IP) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 02:34
techrights-newsTechrights – [Video] Why Microsoft is by Far the Biggest Foe of Computer Security (Clue: It Profits From Security Failings) ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Why_Microsoft_is_by_Far_the_Biggest_Foe_of_Computer_Secur.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Why_Microsoft_is_by_Far_the_Biggest_Foe_of_Computer_Secur.gmi ∎Apr 29 02:44
gyemszte kutya, logni fogszApr 29 02:48
techrights-newsTechrights – [Video] GNU and Linux Everywhere (Except by Name) ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_GNU_and_Linux_Everywhere_Except_by_Name.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_GNU_and_Linux_Everywhere_Except_by_Name.gmi ∎Apr 29 03:07
techrights-newsTechrights – IRC Proceedings: Sunday, April 28, 2024 ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_April_28_2024.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_April_28_2024.gmi ∎Apr 29 03:09
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today in Techrights ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Today_in_Techrights.gmi ∎Apr 29 03:10
techrights-newsTechrights – Over at Tux Machines... ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi ∎Apr 29 03:11
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 03:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 03:12
techrights-newsTechrights – Syria, John Lennon & Debian WIPO panel appointed ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Syria_John_Lennon_Debian_WIPO_panel_appointed.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Syria_John_Lennon_Debian_WIPO_panel_appointed.gmi ∎Apr 29 03:26
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: If we move I'll lose my $10 a month internet access. That'll suck.Apr 29 03:27
DaemonFCBut this place is fucking gross.Apr 29 03:27
DaemonFCThe landlord has given up even taking the garbage.Apr 29 03:28
DaemonFCI emailed photos to the code enforcement office of this mess.Apr 29 03:28
DaemonFCThe last straw was when I stepped in shit. I don't even want to know what left that there.Apr 29 03:29
techrights-sec3i seeApr 29 03:38
schestowitz-pi2well, it is good news you got your mom to ERApr 29 03:39
schestowitz-pi2i am sure they saw cases like her beforeApr 29 03:39
schestowitz-pi2old and stubbornApr 29 03:39
DaemonFCShe's back home now. They gave her some IV fluids and discharged her.Apr 29 03:40
DaemonFCI'm telling you, they don't really care.Apr 29 03:40
DaemonFCBut she's going to a specialist tomorrow.Apr 29 03:40
DaemonFCIt's sad that I had to get on the horn with my uncle down in Georgia.Apr 29 03:40
DaemonFCHe called and got after her and said that if she didn't do something, he was going to get together with me and my cousins and we were going to involve the authorities.Apr 29 03:41
techrights-sec3I hope that is getting resolvedApr 29 03:41
techrights-sec3It sounds like some progress has been madeApr 29 03:41
DaemonFCThere seems to be some, yes. I'm hoping that this specialist knows what he's doing.Apr 29 03:42
DaemonFCOur system is in total decay.Apr 29 03:42
DaemonFCI would have felt better about her going to the doctor if this was 30 years ago and some of them still gave a damn.Apr 29 03:42
DaemonFCMedical technology is better today, but the doctors are all a bunch of idiots and creeps and weirdos.Apr 29 03:43
schestowitz-pi2gmApr 29 03:43
schestowitz-pi2i am processing my publication "order"Apr 29 03:43
DaemonFCIt's like everything else. They figure bring the doctors in from third world countries where women are not treated as people.Apr 29 03:43
schestowitz-pi2to make it easier to followApr 29 03:43
schestowitz-pi2ioerror comes towards the endApr 29 03:43
schestowitz-pi2i really liked that mumble chat - useful to have those once in 1-2 months Apr 29 03:43
DaemonFCThen raise the cost of healthcare sky high.Apr 29 03:44
schestowitz-pi2they are propertyApr 29 03:44
schestowitz-pi2even the wordsApr 29 03:44
schestowitz-pi2imply the women are ownedApr 29 03:44
DaemonFCAnd use that money to.....hire a $500 million dollar a year CEO.Apr 29 03:44
DaemonFC:)Apr 29 03:44
techrights-sec3gmApr 29 03:44
techrights-sec3okApr 29 03:44
techrights-sec3npApr 29 03:44
DaemonFCMy doctor is a Jewish woman. I try to find one that doesn't wear a turban and have the bedside manner of a tarantula.Apr 29 03:45
DaemonFCThat gets harder every year.Apr 29 03:45
schestowitz-pi2voting thursApr 29 03:46
DaemonFCMy psychiatrist is a white man, but they're almost gone.Apr 29 03:46
schestowitz-pi2friday we plan to visit 5 places we likeApr 29 03:46
schestowitz-pi2monday is bank holidayApr 29 03:46
schestowitz-pi2no pool this week, so i can produce a lot till thursApr 29 03:46
DaemonFCHe's in his 70s.Apr 29 03:46
schestowitz-pi2will try to focus on qualityApr 29 03:46
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: i know what you meanApr 29 03:46
schestowitz-pi2in the medical profession here many are muslim, BUTApr 29 03:46
schestowitz-pi2they are some of the BETTER docsApr 29 03:47
schestowitz-pi2many come from other countriesApr 29 03:47
DaemonFCHow'd you manage that?Apr 29 03:47
schestowitz-pi2and they do diagnosis rather wellApr 29 03:47
DaemonFCOurs are just like, unbelievably shitty.Apr 29 03:47
schestowitz-pi2same for nurses to some extent, and phaamacists of courseApr 29 03:47
DaemonFCThey don't know anything. They don't care about what's wrong with you. And they make offensive comments about you in their office right to your face, and nothing happens to them.Apr 29 03:47
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: The goal of our system lately seems to be to stick the minimum legal thing you can call a doctor in there.Apr 29 03:48
DaemonFCAnd let them commit malpractice on every patient that comes in.Apr 29 03:48
techrights-sec3Wednesday is a holiday hereApr 29 03:49
techrights-sec3Further north in Norway an further south in Finland it is a big holiday, Apr 29 03:49
techrights-sec3not so much here as student traditions and labor protections are bothApr 29 03:49
techrights-sec3weak and generally despised around here.  <shrugs>Apr 29 03:49
schestowitz-pi2yle is not cheering anymoreApr 29 03:49
schestowitz-pi2many articles are negativeApr 29 03:49
schestowitz-pi2about health, economy etc.Apr 29 03:49
DaemonFCIt's even worse in Indiana.Apr 29 03:49
schestowitz-pi2and that's yle!Apr 29 03:49
schestowitz-pi2i don't bring that up here anymore, as you already have the rss feed and are about 24 hours "ahead"Apr 29 03:49
schestowitz-pi2i stay behind on purpose, "dupe control"Apr 29 03:49
DaemonFCOne time I got dragged into an office and yelled at for missing appointments. I went, "I'm not missing appointments." Apr 29 03:50
DaemonFCThey go "You are Donald, right?"Apr 29 03:50
DaemonFCI said, "No but I'm sure that Donald would be interested to know about the HIPAA violations going on here, like putting his medical chart up on your computer screen in front of me."Apr 29 03:50
techrights-sec3The economic situation is terrible no matter how they try to spin it.  Apr 29 03:50
techrights-sec3Then there are two fronts of war atmApr 29 03:50
techrights-sec3Yeah duplicates are a problem to manage.  Apr 29 03:50
DaemonFCThe guy frantically closed that window.Apr 29 03:50
schestowitz-pi2what works for me is,Apr 29 03:51
schestowitz-pi2stay behind, let rianne march aheadApr 29 03:51
schestowitz-pi2then pick up what's left a day later, cluster if necessaryApr 29 03:51
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: weirdApr 29 03:51
schestowitz-pi2https://tradingeconomics.com/finland/labor-force-participation-rateApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi266 pctApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi2relates to yle report from fridayApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi2which ia am sure you sawApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi2https://tradingeconomics.com/germany/labor-force-participation-rateApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi280 pctApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi2same in https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/labor-force-participation-rateApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi2see "finland economy history sweden job"Apr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi2from what i read from decent sources, historically, pre-nokia, many had to go to sweden for jobsApr 29 03:55
schestowitz-pi2and that sort of makes senseApr 29 03:55
techrights-sec3depression then.  That was one of several periods when people went toApr 29 03:56
techrights-sec3Sweden for work.  Now Sweden is hostile to such migration and accomodatesApr 29 03:56
techrights-sec3only moslems and war criminals, ideally according to their specs both.Apr 29 03:56
techrights-sec3In the 1990s there was a very large economic downturn, an acknowledgedApr 29 03:56
schestowitz-pi2i cApr 29 03:57
schestowitz-pi2i was gonna say "but ZHC"Apr 29 03:57
schestowitz-pi2with wolt, i guess it's not a uniquely uk issueApr 29 03:57
DaemonFCThey put the migrants to work making penis enlarger pumps.Apr 29 03:57
schestowitz-pi2scandinavia has that tooApr 29 03:57
schestowitz-pi2biab, need to type up something about abuses against rianne by lozzaApr 29 03:57
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: i saw one at a market the other dayApr 29 03:57
schestowitz-pi2it's very weirdApr 29 03:58
schestowitz-pi2clothes, food... oh, what's thatApr 29 03:58
schestowitz-pi2wait, "PENIS pump"?Apr 29 03:58
schestowitz-pi2ok, whatever...Apr 29 03:58
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: when people are stressed it's harder for them to get it upApr 29 03:58
schestowitz-pi2or to get it "hard"Apr 29 03:58
schestowitz-pi2so i guess this is a gfrowing issueApr 29 03:59
schestowitz-pi2i.e. new "market opport"Apr 29 03:59
techrights-sec3In the 1990s there was a very large economic downturn, an acknowledgedApr 29 04:00
techrights-sec3depression then. Apr 29 04:00
techrights-sec3npApr 29 04:00
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: Had this weird thing going on where I wake up and for a minute or two my mind is just completely blank.Apr 29 04:00
schestowitz-pi2https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/05/from-forestry-and-heavy-industry-to-a-vibrant-knowledge-based-economy/Apr 29 04:00
schestowitz-pi2https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_FinlandApr 29 04:00
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: not so unusualApr 29 04:01
schestowitz-pi2i think i know what you meanApr 29 04:01
schestowitz-pi2not blackoutApr 29 04:01
DaemonFCI don't remember who or where I am, and then it's like "I want to say I'm in my apartment....okay, what apartment. I know it's the one from 20 years ago and I'm in that apartment where the bed folded into the wall and it's almost time to go to the factory."Apr 29 04:01
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: talk to psydruid about itApr 29 04:01
schestowitz-pi2i think he had similar experiencesApr 29 04:01
schestowitz-pi2but cannot reclal for sureApr 29 04:01
schestowitz-pi2he said the vaccine or covid caused brain fogApr 29 04:01
DaemonFCCould be worse I guess.Apr 29 04:02
DaemonFCCould have whatever's going on with mom.Apr 29 04:02
techrights-sec3https://nypost.com/2024/04/28/us-news/guerrilla-journalist-says-he-was-beaten-by-anti-israel-protesters-at-cuny-for-waving-american-flag-on-campus-videoApr 29 04:03
techrights-sec3"knowledge-based" == MLM scam based on re-selling m$ crap -- to each otherApr 29 04:03
techrights-sec3The colleges here don't even provide a consistent day to day or even weekApr 29 04:03
techrights-sec3to week schedule at any point in the academic year.  That is to softenApr 29 04:03
techrights-sec3the kids up for zero-hour contracts when they get out into the work force.Apr 29 04:03
schestowitz-pi2"goodwill" economy ;-)Apr 29 04:03
schestowitz-pi2interesting theory about a lack of proper programApr 29 04:03
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 29 04:03
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: your mom's predates covid, afaikApr 29 04:03
schestowitz-pi2maybe it worsened it, i don't knowApr 29 04:04
DaemonFCShe hasn't gotten better with age.Apr 29 04:04
schestowitz-pi2she didn't participate in pfizer clinical trialsApr 29 04:04
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 04:04
DaemonFCThere was a time when she was far more reasonable than she is now.Apr 29 04:04
DaemonFCI'd say that her mental health has been in reverse gear for at least 20 years.Apr 29 04:05
techrights-sec3It seems to match what is happening.  It's also a lack of competency onApr 29 04:05
techrights-sec3the part of the administration and a deck chair shuffle to attempt toApr 29 04:05
techrights-sec3hide that they are intentionally understaffed by at least 30% so classesApr 29 04:05
techrights-sec3are always canceled and rescheduled ad nauseum.  It's theatre not education,Apr 29 04:05
techrights-sec3more akin to the LARPing going on in the "business" community.  Apr 29 04:05
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: She'd have been better off with my dad than all this garbage that came after him.Apr 29 04:05
DaemonFCShe really knows how to outdo herself. I'm glad that stopped when it did (finding another one to marry and having it be worse than last time).Apr 29 04:06
DaemonFCI've seen people that used cocaine that had better brains than the third husband did.Apr 29 04:06
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: Did I ever tell you about me filling up lawn bags full of powerball tickets he bought and then never checked and threw in a pile, to take down and scan at the gas station?Apr 29 04:07
DaemonFCIt happened twice that I went over there and filled a lawn bag with powerball tickets.Apr 29 04:07
DaemonFCHe bought hundreds of them and never won anything.Apr 29 04:07
schestowitz-pi2in 2012 i went to a job interview hereApr 29 04:07
schestowitz-pi2same department where i did my phdApr 29 04:07
schestowitz-pi2there were two people: my former tutor and some business manager who knew nothing about the fieldApr 29 04:07
schestowitz-pi2she didn't show understanding of itApr 29 04:07
schestowitz-pi2sirius was already struggling, so i checked contingenciesApr 29 04:08
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: She was working overtime to pay all of their bills.Apr 29 04:08
DaemonFCSo he could play Powerball.Apr 29 04:08
DaemonFCAnd if he had ever won, you know what he would have done.Apr 29 04:08
DaemonFCConceal it, put it all in his bank account, and file for divorce.Apr 29 04:08
schestowitz-pi2what is Powerball?Apr 29 04:08
schestowitz-pi2like bingo?Apr 29 04:08
DaemonFCThe lottery.Apr 29 04:09
DaemonFCEach one of those tickets cost $12!Apr 29 04:09
schestowitz-pi2let's say she winsApr 29 04:09
schestowitz-pi2then what?Apr 29 04:09
DaemonFCShe wasn't playing it.Apr 29 04:09
schestowitz-pi270 year oldApr 29 04:09
DaemonFCHe was.Apr 29 04:09
schestowitz-pi2with complciated medical condApr 29 04:09
schestowitz-pi2so what?Apr 29 04:09
schestowitz-pi2oh, okApr 29 04:09
schestowitz-pi2and he died youngApr 29 04:09
DaemonFCNo.Apr 29 04:09
DaemonFCDave is still alive.Apr 29 04:10
DaemonFCHe messaged her on Facebook a couple months ago.Apr 29 04:10
DaemonFCHe said "I found one of your old tax returns and there are some things we need to talk about."Apr 29 04:10
DaemonFCThey've been divorced for almost 10 years.Apr 29 04:10
DaemonFCThey didn't have kids together.Apr 29 04:10
DaemonFCThere's nothing to talk about.Apr 29 04:10
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: She says some days he would drink 2-3 gallons of milk.Apr 29 04:11
schestowitz-pi2lactose issues?Apr 29 04:11
DaemonFCShe said whatever amount she would buy, he'd drink, and then blame on my brother who doesn't even drink milk.Apr 29 04:11
schestowitz-pi2i cannot drink that muchApr 29 04:11
schestowitz-pi2i would have to go to the toiletsApr 29 04:11
DaemonFCHe was eating cake frosting.Apr 29 04:11
DaemonFCBy the jar with a spoon.Apr 29 04:11
DaemonFCNo cake, just the frosting.Apr 29 04:11
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 04:12
schestowitz-pi2diabetes...Apr 29 04:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 04:12
DaemonFCHe said "It soothes the palate."Apr 29 04:12
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: He also smokes.Apr 29 04:12
DaemonFCHe made it into his 60s though.Apr 29 04:13
DaemonFCHe's morbidly obese.Apr 29 04:13
DaemonFCLike, they didn't need a fat suit for the new Dune movies. Dave would have made an excellent Baron Harkonnen.Apr 29 04:13
DaemonFCThey didn't even give him many lines.Apr 29 04:13
techrights-sec3 Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3Almost everything has been made dependent on tourism, and that is not Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3in any way sustainable and contributes to the ongoing death of the downtown.Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3More places have closed each visit and there are only very rarely replacements.   Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3The region is struggling because of this LARPing.  It took over the cityApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3some decades ago.  Then to keep from going bankrupt they used a highly corruptApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3local newspaper to engineer a merger with the well-off, well-managed, organizedApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3rural municipality surrounding it.  Within weeks of the merger, theApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3rural municipality was suffering economically and services started toApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3get slashed.  Now there is basically nothing anywhere because of clowns.Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3The village nearby used to have a health service for pensioners, a dental clinicApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3with both dentists and hygienists, a library, and a good K-12 school, a Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3post office, a bank office, two grocery stores, and two barbers.  I am probablyApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3forgetting something.  Now they have K-8 school, no high school, that has beenApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3sold, allowed to cave in from neglect, demolished, and replaced with a daycare.Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3The library, dental clinic, bank, post, and barbers are all gone.  Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3The church even meets only once a month on unpredictable Sundays nowadays.Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3One of the remaining libraries is in the downtown and there is no library Apr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3director there since decades now.  There is someone using the budgetApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3but they are the third in a series of city council representatives thereApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3"to represent the city council's interest" within the library.  The layerApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3of "managers" below are now also of the same fiber.  And given the natureApr 29 04:15
techrights-sec3of society now, people working there have turned against eachother andApr 29 04:16
techrights-sec3even yell and scream at eachother during work instead of at these maliciousApr 29 04:16
techrights-sec3and fake replacements for libary leadership.  Apr 29 04:16
DaemonFCtechrights-sec3: Sounds like Fort Wayne annexing the Village of Coventry for the white people with money to tax. 20 years later it was another ghetto with black people and gang violence. No taxes.Apr 29 04:16
DaemonFCThe movie theater turned into a dollar theater with a leaking roof.Apr 29 04:16
DaemonFCEver heard the expression "There goes the neighborhood!"?Apr 29 04:17
DaemonFCThat's what white people say when the first black people move onto the street.Apr 29 04:17
DaemonFC10-20 years later, everything is unmaintained, there's gunshots, the whole thing goes kaput.Apr 29 04:17
DaemonFCThe only thing black people want to do is blast loud stereos with the most offensive noise they can possibly create, chase pussy, sell drugs, and shoot at other black people. The women are okay, for the most part, because the women go to college and the men go to prison.Apr 29 04:18
techrights-sec3 Oh, and they've been burning booksApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3by the armload each week for about 10 years now.  They have their eye onApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3culling the North Calotte's Lapponia collection there.  And speaking of Apr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3collection management, they don't do that any more so technically,Apr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3if one follows UN definitions, there is no library any more.  Apr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3So everyone can see through the BS of declaring it a "happy country" becauseApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3that is a relative measurement and the others have declined even more.  Apr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3That is all qualitative, for the most part.  The schools have plummeted inApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3quality in part because the parents are only ever nose down in their phonesApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3and have abandoned upbringing of their own kids such that the creatures deliveredApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3to school are almost feral and animal like, not counting the moslem "youth"Apr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3who learn at age 8 to ignore what women say or do, even teachers.  As forApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3the teachers, they are burdened with irrelevant and time wasting tasks Apr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3such as playing Wilma instead of activities related to teaching.   HoweverApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3the raw material, the kids, which they have to start from have not been broughtApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3up to speed by parents.  Similar with dogs as people even walk their dogsApr 29 04:20
techrights-sec3with nose down in the phone so that the dog does not get socialized to behave Apr 29 04:21
techrights-sec3non aggressively.Apr 29 04:21
schestowitz-pi2parents work 8-6Apr 29 04:21
schestowitz-pi2no time to invest in the kidsApr 29 04:21
schestowitz-pi2and both parents "need" to work nowApr 29 04:21
schestowitz-pi2for the same salary as 1990sApr 29 04:21
techrights-sec3No, 8-6 would be a fixed schedule.  They mostly work zero hour contractsApr 29 04:21
techrights-sec3with random quantities of hours per week at random times, at some placesApr 29 04:21
techrights-sec3only scheduled a day or two in advance.  Apr 29 04:21
techrights-sec3The pay is lower than the 1990s and then if you count inflation it is *much*Apr 29 04:21
techrights-sec3lower.  Apr 29 04:21
schestowitz-pi2at least they are very happy, based on questionnaires as "science"Apr 29 04:22
schestowitz-pi2like "LF Research" [sic]Apr 29 04:22
techrights-sec3I'm surprised there are not  more 'three parent' households since at leastApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3three incomes are required to acquire and maintain a property, especiallyApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3a rental. Apr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3Very happy compared to other countries, as said.  Apr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3There are violent riots continuously in Malmö for example.Apr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3Extra police are continously rotated in from DK and NO to try to stem theApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3tide, but no one is addressing the core problem because political discourseApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3there moved to Facebook years ago and the topic is censored and can not onlyApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3cause a permaban from Facebook (a social death sentence there) but bring Apr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3actual state prosecution resulting in both fines and jail time -- at the sameApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3time -- for even circumnavigating the topic.  That's Malmö.  Gothenburg, Apr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3Stockholm, heck all the cities, even Alvesta, are similar in proportion toApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3their size.  Alvesta, which started out as and still is a train crossing whereApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3the N-S line crosses one of the E-W lines, has a howling mosque going atApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3well over 100 dB five times per day and capacity for 10,000 occupants butApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3no provision for parking.  So the town, which you can walk across in 10 minutes Apr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3is completely overrun and it is common to see full niqabs and other symbolsApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3of hate, violence, and extremism.  Stabbings, shootings, explosions, are Apr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3commonplace.  I have not heard reports about open carrying of rifles becomingApr 29 04:29
techrights-sec3common there yet however.Apr 29 04:29
schestowitz-pi2sounds like southern shoreline towns or cities in .frApr 29 04:30
schestowitz-pi2re-reading now, don't mind my ctrl+gApr 29 04:30
techrights-sec3Yes, France has, in absolute numbers, a more dire situation.  Apr 29 04:35
techrights-sec3Germany is similar.  80% of students in many cities are 1) moslemApr 29 04:35
techrights-sec3and 2) attacking non-moslem classmates, beating them into submissionApr 29 04:35
techrights-sec3and in some cases into conversion to islam.  Also the same report showedApr 29 04:35
techrights-sec3that 68% of all students state that the Koran is far more important than German law.  Apr 29 04:35
techrights-sec3There are a bunch more figure along the same lines.  A double digit perecentageApr 29 04:35
techrights-sec3figure that violence is desirable if it is used to promote or 'defend' islam. Apr 29 04:35
schestowitz-pi2pop-wise, the % "officially" referring to demography/religion is limit3ed to regisrered residentsApr 29 04:37
techrights-sec3Yes, 'registered'  However, each country has millions or more unregisteredApr 29 04:37
techrights-sec3It is not a parallel society is is /their/ society that they are carryingApr 29 04:37
techrights-sec3over to their colonies and settlements.  There is no magic dirt.Apr 29 04:37
schestowitz-pi2[04:17] <DaemonFC> 10-20 years later, everything is unmaintained, there's gunshots, the whole thing goes kaput.Apr 29 04:39
schestowitz-pi2each country has this issueApr 29 04:39
schestowitz-pi2the variable is what the "undesirable" group isApr 29 04:40
DaemonFCNobody except the criminals and illegal aliens calls white people undesirable.Apr 29 04:40
DaemonFCThey don't mind living off us though.Apr 29 04:40
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: After that mass shooting at the Batman movie, the theaters have really cracked down on backpacks and stuff. It has nothing to do with safety. It's a way to make sure you don't bring snacks and drinks in.Apr 29 04:47
DaemonFCStallman mentioned the TSA one time. He said that someone who wants to kill people on a plane is just as happy to kill people standing in line to go through security.Apr 29 04:47
DaemonFCAn unarmed teenager telling you to leave your backpack in the car is not an obstacle.Apr 29 04:48
DaemonFChttps://www.newsweek.com/ex-amc-employee-reveals-how-bring-outside-food-theaters-video-viewed-1m-times-1642779Apr 29 04:50
DaemonFC"While there are technically no laws that say people can't bring outside food into the theater, employees have the right to legally kick someone out of the building for breaking the code of conduct."Apr 29 04:50
DaemonFCOMG COCApr 29 04:50
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: writing about ontarioApr 29 05:05
schestowitz-pi2wanna draft-proof?Apr 29 05:05
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 05:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 05:12
schestowitz-pi2http://techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Harassment_Against_My_Wife_Continues.shtmlApr 29 05:14
techrights-newsTechrights – Harassment Against My Wife Continues ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Harassment_Against_My_Wife_Continues.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Harassment_Against_My_Wife_Continues.gmi ∎Apr 29 05:14
DaemonFC"we shall show time time"Apr 29 05:28
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  6 More Weeks Till We Turn 20 ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/6_More_Weeks_Till_We_Turn_20.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/6_More_Weeks_Till_We_Turn_20.gmi ∎Apr 29 05:28
schestowitz-pi2fixed, thanksApr 29 05:29
DaemonFCbecause" "TRANSPHOBIC!!!" Apr 29 05:29
DaemonFCExtra quote.Apr 29 05:29
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: I ordered a couple of safety razors and 50 blades.Apr 29 05:29
DaemonFCThe cost of the Gillette Mach 3 has gone through the roof.Apr 29 05:30
DaemonFCAnd I swear they don't shave like they did 20 years ago.Apr 29 05:30
DaemonFCIn the early 2000s I recall a blade lasting all month. Now you're lucky to get 14-15 days out of one.Apr 29 05:30
schestowitz-pi2i bought some yesterdayApr 29 05:30
DaemonFCThey're making them out of thinner strips of metal or something so you have to buy twice as many.Apr 29 05:30
schestowitz-pi2we have about 80 razors nowApr 29 05:30
DaemonFCFuck this.Apr 29 05:30
schestowitz-pi2we go through 1-2 per monthApr 29 05:31
DaemonFCSo the cost has tripled since 2003. And I have to buy double the cartridges.Apr 29 05:31
schestowitz-pi2venus is 4 pounds for 4 unitsApr 29 05:31
schestowitz-pi2i got the pack for 1Apr 29 05:31
DaemonFCIt's one of life's little aggravations.Apr 29 05:31
schestowitz-pi2so quarter priceApr 29 05:31
schestowitz-pi2and bic 10 for 1 pounsApr 29 05:31
schestowitz-pi2i got 60 decent gilette for 10 poundsApr 29 05:31
schestowitz-pi2so not bad a bargainApr 29 05:32
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: 100 for $8 or so.Apr 29 05:32
DaemonFCWas what I've seen, that's the ballpark.Apr 29 05:32
schestowitz-pi2what type?Apr 29 05:32
schestowitz-pi2the very cheap ones last 0 timesApr 29 05:32
schestowitz-pi2you open themApr 29 05:32
DaemonFCYou get 4 Mach 3 heads for $12 now at Walmart.Apr 29 05:32
schestowitz-pi2they already cut barely anythingApr 29 05:32
schestowitz-pi2you need a decent brandApr 29 05:32
DaemonFChttps://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CC4CGDSQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1Apr 29 05:33
schestowitz-pi2"This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location. "Apr 29 05:34
DaemonFCThere's a bundle that comes with a handle and 10 blades another 30 blades for like $15.97, then I got a second handle with 10 more blades using a 10% discount for the handle and that came in at like $8.97.Apr 29 05:34
schestowitz-pi2does not show price evenApr 29 05:34
DaemonFCLOL, then I used another coupon for 30% off another 30 blades.Apr 29 05:37
DaemonFC$6.92 for 30.Apr 29 05:37
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: 23 cents per blade.Apr 29 05:39
DaemonFCWonder how many shaves I'll get.Apr 29 05:40
DaemonFCI suppose when one side is dull, use the other side. So really, whatever number of shaves you get from one end x2.Apr 29 05:40
DaemonFCWhen it gets uncomfortable, flip it around.Apr 29 05:40
DaemonFCNever used one of these systems before.Apr 29 05:40
DaemonFCMom says that that's what dad always used.Apr 29 05:41
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: 12 cartridges for $30 is the best you'll get on the Mach 3 heads.Apr 29 05:41
DaemonFCThat's a pretty shitty deal.Apr 29 05:41
DaemonFCHopefully this new system will be better and I don't go back to the Mach 3.Apr 29 05:42
schestowitz-pi2it is the same hereApr 29 05:42
schestowitz-pi22-3 poundsApr 29 05:42
schestowitz-pi2the cheapestApr 29 05:42
schestowitz-pi2ebay has fakesApr 29 05:42
schestowitz-pi2counterfeitsApr 29 05:42
DaemonFCThey're starting to lock them up and make you go flag down an employee.Apr 29 05:42
DaemonFCAre we ridiculous yet?Apr 29 05:42
DaemonFCIt's turning into the $9 tube of toothpaste behind bulletproof glass, shaving edition.Apr 29 05:42
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: Want to wipe after taking a shit?Apr 29 05:43
DaemonFCPlease call an associate for assistance!Apr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2Techrights-sec: Apr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2outline:Apr 29 05:44
DaemonFCWant to brush your teeth>Apr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2-domain censorshipApr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2-suicidesApr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2-char assassApr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2...Apr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2we'll see after thatApr 29 05:44
DaemonFCPlease call an associate for assistance!Apr 29 05:44
schestowitz-pi2i will do my editorials to tie togetherApr 29 05:44
DaemonFCWant to shave? Something that should be so cheap it's like a penny or two each time you do it?Apr 29 05:44
DaemonFCPlease call an associate for assistance!Apr 29 05:44
DaemonFCGPS trackers in the steaks.Apr 29 05:44
DaemonFC$5 loaves of bread.Apr 29 05:45
DaemonFC"Biden Miracle! Very robust!"Apr 29 05:45
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 05:45
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 05:46
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: Nobody cares if I wash my car with that thing I got from China.Apr 29 05:46
DaemonFCThat was definitely one of the best things I've bought recently.Apr 29 05:46
DaemonFCNow that I have the system, it costs me about a nickel to wash my car.Apr 29 05:46
DaemonFCSo much for the $16 car wash that doesn't give you any soap.Apr 29 05:47
DaemonFCYou wash your car twice the thing's paid for itself.Apr 29 05:47
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: From the way the car wash has gotten, I wonder if my landlord bought that too.Apr 29 05:48
DaemonFCHe is the "Chief Risk Officer" at a major bank for the "Asian" investments.Apr 29 05:48
DaemonFCYou'd think that someone whose only job it is to look at investments and assess risk for a major bank would have smelled this place coming a mile away.Apr 29 05:49
DaemonFCMakes me never wan to bank tehre.Apr 29 05:49
DaemonFC*thereApr 29 05:49
DaemonFCThe truth is that banks don't really assess risk. They have to tell regulators that they are, but they don't really want to know.Apr 29 05:50
DaemonFCThey want to throw money at investments that "might" pay off using depositor money, and then when the bank fails they just grab Biden's inflation canon and put out the fire.Apr 29 05:50
DaemonFCSo he's there doing a role called.Apr 29 05:53
DaemonFC"Just lie about the risk and if you're wrong, who cares? Nobody ever goes to prison, and if they do it's not really prison they just say it is."Apr 29 05:53
DaemonFCOne of us! One of us!Apr 29 05:53
techrights-newsTechrights – Software in the Public Interest (SPI) is Not a Friend of Freedom ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Software_in_the_Public_Interest_SPI_is_Not_a_Friend_of_Freedom.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Software_in_the_Public_Interest_SPI_is_Not_a_Friend_of_Freedom.gmi ∎Apr 29 05:56
techrights-newsTechrights – Lucas Nussbaum & Debian attempted exploit of OVH Hosting insider ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Lucas_Nussbaum_Debian_attempted_exploit_of_OVH_Hosting_insider.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Lucas_Nussbaum_Debian_attempted_exploit_of_OVH_Hosting_insider.gmi ∎Apr 29 05:59
techrights-sec3When I make a typo in the html, usually an extraneous deletion, it is usuallyApr 29 06:01
techrights-sec3hard to track down.  I need to figure out how to make the error reportingApr 29 06:01
techrights-sec3more informative.  Apr 29 06:01
techrights-sec3It's a hard task though since it is not feasible to look for specific patternsApr 29 06:01
techrights-sec3of what shouldn't be there, that is 'everything' in principle.  Apr 29 06:01
schestowitz-pi2did you alter something?Apr 29 06:02
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 06:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 06:12
techrights-sec3No just in the .html file, there it is about once every other week I Apr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3cause some damage to the structue of the working file for that particularApr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3day.  Often it is something which can be spotted in seconds.  TodayApr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3it took about 20 minutes to find.  Apr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3<h5><a href=""></a></h5>Apr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3vsApr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5>Apr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3the first one was damaged (no <li> prior to the H5)Apr 29 06:14
techrights-sec3it is valid XHTML but not the expectted structureApr 29 06:14
schestowitz-pi2i conveyed before that i had the same issue with the html files if i made an errorApr 29 06:15
schestowitz-pi2sometimes takes over 20mins to spot Apr 29 06:15
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 29 06:16
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 06:16
techrights-sec3s/militant who has been harassing/microsofter ho has been harassing/Apr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3It's really hard to spot errors which are errors despite validating.  Apr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3I'll have to see if I can change the way things are searched.  PerhapsApr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3split out the list and then it might be possible to find elementsApr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3which are out of alignment.     Apr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3   Apr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3The National Library has rolled out a DRM'd Android "app" for e-books, withApr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3the assumption that 100% of the population has 'smart' phones and that theApr 29 06:19
techrights-sec3other 15% are using iOS.  Apr 29 06:19
schestowitz-pi2i will respond in a momentApr 29 06:21
schestowitz-pi2too much multitaskingApr 29 06:21
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Review: Fedora 40 "KDE" ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Review_Fedora_40_KDE.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Review_Fedora_40_KDE.gmi ∎Apr 29 06:24
techrights-newsTechrights – Debian 'Cabal' (via SPI) Tried to Silence or 'Cancel' Daniel Pocock at DNS Level. It Didn't Work. It Backfired as the Material Received Even More Visibility. ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Debian_Cabal_via_SPI_Tried_to_Silence_or_Cancel_Daniel_Pocock_a.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Debian_Cabal_via_SPI_Tried_to_Silence_or_Cancel_Daniel_Pocock_a.gmi ∎Apr 29 06:26
techrights-sec3It is not clear /who/ has been threatening suicide in the post about theApr 29 06:29
techrights-sec3microsoft militant.  I presume it is him but the context could be made muchApr 29 06:29
techrights-sec3more precise.Apr 29 06:29
schestowitz-pi2the cop mentioned the wordApr 29 06:30
schestowitz-pi2but i don't want to give that awayApr 29 06:30
schestowitz-pi2let it remain vague for nowApr 29 06:30
techrights-sec3Well it should be made clear that it is the microsofter making those threatsApr 29 06:30
techrights-sec3tooApr 29 06:30
schestowitz-pi2second-hand accountApr 29 06:30
techrights-sec3Important IMHOApr 29 06:31
techrights-sec3Then that annotation can be included.Apr 29 06:31
schestowitz-pi2don't want him to start harassing the cops here tooApr 29 06:32
schestowitz-pi2with a "case"Apr 29 06:32
schestowitz-pi2let it beApr 29 06:32
schestowitz-pi2oh waitApr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2misinderstandingApr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2outline:Apr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2-domain censorshipApr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2-suicidesApr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2-char assassApr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2...Apr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2^ that's about pocock, not TRApr 29 06:33
DaemonFChttps://www.amazon.com/Nispira-Belgian-Belgium-Luxury-Balance/dp/B077VXKZVWApr 29 06:33
DaemonFCI'll admit, that does look neat, but not practical.Apr 29 06:33
schestowitz-pi2maybe notApr 29 06:36
schestowitz-pi2you can do betterApr 29 06:36
schestowitz-pi2but need o searchApr 29 06:36
schestowitz-pi2then bulk-buyApr 29 06:36
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Best Free and Open Source: CNC Software, and Passive OS Fingerprinting Tools ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_CNC_Software_and_Passive_OS_Fingerpri.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_CNC_Software_and_Passive_OS_Fingerpri.gmi ∎Apr 29 06:37
techrights-sec3https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/389135Apr 29 06:39
techrights-sec3https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/28/protesters-call-for-islamic-state-in-germany/Apr 29 06:39
techrights-sec3https://www.jpost.com/international/article-798989Apr 29 06:39
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Collections of Different Linux Distributions ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Collections_of_Different_Linux_Distributions.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Collections_of_Different_Linux_Distributions.gmi ∎Apr 29 06:40
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Nuvoton NuMicro MA35D0 is a low-cost dual-Core Arm Cortex-A35 microprocessor for industrial edge applications ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Nuvoton_NuMicro_MA35D0_is_a_low_cost_dual_Core_Arm_Cortex_A35_m.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Nuvoton_NuMicro_MA35D0_is_a_low_cost_dual_Core_Arm_Cortex_A35_m.gmi ∎Apr 29 06:54
DaemonFC$1 for two liters of Sam's choice cola.Apr 29 07:01
DaemonFCOkay, I recall it being 58 cents in 2005.Apr 29 07:01
DaemonFCWhere's the inflation? :PApr 29 07:01
DaemonFC$4.46 for 12 12 oz cans. Those were $1.88 in 2005.Apr 29 07:02
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: $13.48 for a 24 pack of Coke.Apr 29 07:03
DaemonFCWhich was $4.98 in 2005.Apr 29 07:03
DaemonFCGive it just another year or two and the price will have tripled in about 20 years.Apr 29 07:03
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Linux 6.9-rc6 ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Linux_6_9_rc6.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Linux_6_9_rc6.gmi ∎Apr 29 07:04
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Ubuntu 24.10 Codename Revealed ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Ubuntu_24_10_Codename_Revealed.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Ubuntu_24_10_Codename_Revealed.gmi ∎Apr 29 07:04
DaemonFCBetween 1999 and 2005, the price of a 24 pack of Coke went from $3.99 to $4.98. But that was because we didn't have Walmart in town in 1999 so you had to get it at Lance, which was locally owned.Apr 29 07:04
DaemonFCSo Walmart is massive and they're able to slow inflation down based on sheer buying power.Apr 29 07:04
DaemonFCHyperinflation didn't work out so well for Jimmy Carter.Apr 29 07:05
DaemonFCBut badly bungling the Iranian hostage crisis, and getting a strong primary challenge from Ted Kennedy didn't help.Apr 29 07:06
DaemonFCThere's definitely echos of 1980 going on here.Apr 29 07:06
DaemonFCBiden has badly fucked the economy. People are livid about an inflationary recession.Apr 29 07:06
DaemonFCHe's handling a different crisis with Iran badly and looking like a wuss.Apr 29 07:07
DaemonFCAnd Robert Kennedy Jr.Apr 29 07:07
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: People don't respond well to leaders that look weak.Apr 29 07:08
DaemonFCIf he doesn't start leveling Iran, he's fucked. Of course, if he does start leveling Iran, he's also fucked.Apr 29 07:08
DaemonFCBecause the Democrats have made crazy Imam huggers a part of the base, which wasn't really a problem for Carter, had he decided to act forcefully.Apr 29 07:09
DaemonFCThe Ayatollah absolutely loves people like Brandon Lobster and all of these agitators on the college campuses.Apr 29 07:10
DaemonFCOh sure, he'd kill them all if they were in Iran.Apr 29 07:10
DaemonFCBut anything that throws the United States off balance is something he approves of.Apr 29 07:10
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Shotcut 24.04 Rolls Out New Audio Enhancement ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Shotcut_24_04_Rolls_Out_New_Audio_Enhancement.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Shotcut_24_04_Rolls_Out_New_Audio_Enhancement.gmi ∎Apr 29 07:10
DaemonFCHe'd kill me if I was in Iran, but then you don't see me going out there "protesting" in favor of a savage terror religion.Apr 29 07:11
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 07:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 07:12
psydruidThe vast majority of Iranians in Iran don't support the AyatollahApr 29 07:41
psydruidAnd then you have clueless people in the west who claim to support himApr 29 07:41
psydruidWhat a crazy world we live inApr 29 07:42
schestowitz-pi2yupApr 29 07:46
DaemonFCThe only thing I can think of to say about Islam that's nice is those clothes look damned comfortable.Apr 29 07:53
DaemonFCBut if I had to live in a desert with no air conditioning, I'd want some comfortable light-reflecting clothes too.Apr 29 07:53
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: i wish trans4hamas a month in tehranApr 29 07:54
schestowitz-pi2get arrestedApr 29 07:54
schestowitz-pi2then make a complaint in canadaApr 29 07:54
schestowitz-pi2that the iranian police, which murders and rapes and tortures people..Apr 29 07:54
schestowitz-pi2gave a "SOUR LOOK"Apr 29 07:54
schestowitz-pi2like in OntarioApr 29 07:54
schestowitz-pi2the revolutionary guard would shiverApr 29 07:55
schestowitz-pi2some tribunal Apr 29 07:55
schestowitz-pi2looking into the "sour look"Apr 29 07:55
DaemonFCI smoked weed.Apr 29 07:55
DaemonFCGot a little high.Apr 29 07:55
DaemonFCWent nuts...Apr 29 07:55
DaemonFCYou know, maybe that thing about the police was a little too much?Apr 29 07:55
DaemonFCLet's just agree to disagree!Apr 29 07:55
schestowitz-pi2opened caseApr 29 07:56
DaemonFC-Brandon LobsterApr 29 07:56
schestowitz-pi2to complainApr 29 07:56
schestowitz-pi2about "sour look"Apr 29 07:56
DaemonFCStone cold sour.Apr 29 07:58
schestowitz-pi2duct-tape their lipsApr 29 07:58
schestowitz-pi2so they ALWAYS smileApr 29 07:58
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: The way Canada happened was a long long time ago.Apr 29 07:58
schestowitz-pi2at the drug-addicted man in dressApr 29 07:58
DaemonFCThe people that the British didn't really want too close to them who weren't smart enough to live in America, went there.Apr 29 07:59
DaemonFCThen some stuff happened, and they decided that Troons were more important than a Bill of Rights.Apr 29 07:59
DaemonFCAnd yada yada.Apr 29 07:59
DaemonFCTook away their guns because Trudeau didn't feel like he was in a safe space.Apr 29 07:59
DaemonFCAnd so on and so forth.Apr 29 08:00
DaemonFCNow Trudeau thinks he can win elections with Muslim Mortgage.Apr 29 08:00
DaemonFCWhich is even dumber than the shit we have going on down here with Biden, somehow.Apr 29 08:00
DaemonFCIn the middle of Canada is some lovely French culture. You know. Fuck everything that moves and smoke cigarettes.Apr 29 08:01
schestowitz-pi2trans4hamas https://yle.fi/a/74-20086123Apr 29 08:02
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  TDE R14.1.2 released! ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/TDE_R14_1_2_released.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/TDE_R14_1_2_released.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:02
psydruida degenerate event by degenerates for degeneratesApr 29 08:05
psydruidwelcome to the new and improved worldApr 29 08:06
schestowitz-pi2kill 1300 in a "raid"Apr 29 08:06
schestowitz-pi2then put on underwearApr 29 08:06
schestowitz-pi2and sing for bill gatesApr 29 08:06
schestowitz-pi2psydruid: these people support "palestine"Apr 29 08:07
schestowitz-pi2that's why i said, trans4hamasApr 29 08:07
schestowitz-pi2they demanded BSDApr 29 08:07
schestowitz-pi2in eurovisionApr 29 08:07
schestowitz-pi2*BDSApr 29 08:07
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 08:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 08:12
techrights-sec3Basically.  As mentiond, the police there are currently overwhelmedApr 29 08:20
techrights-sec3and have had continuous reinforcement from DK and NO for weeksApr 29 08:20
techrights-sec3The 'festival' hasn't even started.  Apr 29 08:20
schestowitz-pi2mom just said the same over mumbleApr 29 08:21
schestowitz-pi2anyway, i am learning how to better multitaskApr 29 08:21
schestowitz-pi2but then need to do a sanity check pass afterwardsApr 29 08:21
schestowitz-pi2quick passApr 29 08:21
schestowitz-pi2i improvedApr 29 08:21
schestowitz-pi2sometimes i skip stepsApr 29 08:21
schestowitz-pi2esp. if talking while doing themApr 29 08:21
schestowitz-pi2but imperfection is inevitable anywayApr 29 08:22
techrights-sec3Multitasking is to be avoided when possible. Apr 29 08:23
techrights-sec3I have been trying to find a public domain edition of White Snake or TheApr 29 08:23
techrights-sec3Legend of the White Snake, the  one with Bai Suzhen a female snake spirit.Apr 29 08:23
techrights-sec3Ideally an edition /not/ from mainland aka Red China.  It's an old enoughApr 29 08:23
techrights-sec3legend that perhaps there is a version in Singapore?Apr 29 08:23
schestowitz-pi2elaborating a littleApr 29 08:23
schestowitz-pi2i set aside _certainApr 29 08:23
schestowitz-pi2_ tasks_Apr 29 08:23
schestowitz-pi2mechanical in natureApr 29 08:23
schestowitz-pi2that i can mostly do ok while talking and listeningApr 29 08:23
schestowitz-pi2i found some new workflow hacksApr 29 08:24
schestowitz-pi2i nmever heard of White SnakeApr 29 08:24
techrights-sec3It's one of the Classics.  There have been all kinds of plays, movies, operas,Apr 29 08:24
techrights-sec3etc over the centuries.  I would have figured it would be easy to find, butApr 29 08:24
techrights-sec3it is not.  Apr 29 08:24
schestowitz-pi2maybe not notable [sic] enoughApr 29 08:24
techrights-sec3:/Apr 29 08:25
schestowitz-pi2bribe jimbo wales PACApr 29 08:25
schestowitz-pi2then it will be notableApr 29 08:25
schestowitz-pi2offtopic remark (brainfart)Apr 29 08:27
schestowitz-pi2the www is becoming scarce in terms of worthy links/infoApr 29 08:27
schestowitz-pi2that sometimes leads to OCD over keeping or holding on to thingApr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2refreshing moreApr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2doubl;e checkinmgApr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2but in reality it is likely not worth itApr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2hence, i will make more (and better) articlesApr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2do some more hacking for the workflowApr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2and not obsess over capturing everythingApr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2or read every offtopic rant in ircApr 29 08:28
techrights-sec3True enoughApr 29 08:28
techrights-sec3But culture does not have the resources to bribe though bullshit doesApr 29 08:28
techrights-sec3and now bytedance's tiktok has severed the cultural connection betweenApr 29 08:28
techrights-sec3Gen Alpha and all of preceding history.  That's a tangent though.Apr 29 08:28
techrights-sec3Worthy pages (let alone whole sites) have become quite few and far between.Apr 29 08:28
techrights-sec3Correct.  Apr 29 08:28
schestowitz-pi2yes.Apr 29 08:29
schestowitz-pi2but it takes effort to find them, catalogue them.Apr 29 08:29
schestowitz-pi2that means the discovery process itself is a productivity sink.Apr 29 08:29
schestowitz-pi2and priorities need to change a bit (imho)Apr 29 08:29
DaemonFCWent out there and sprayed my car off again.Apr 29 08:30
DaemonFCLet the storm do the hard work.Apr 29 08:30
schestowitz-pi2case of point: if i speak to family i focus on the talkApr 29 08:30
schestowitz-pi2if i make some "clerical" error, okApr 29 08:30
schestowitz-pi2it's not the end of the worldApr 29 08:30
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: good ideaApr 29 08:30
DaemonFCThe car soap doesn't really cost much of anything. It's night time and so it just sits there without the sun beating down and drying it out.Apr 29 08:30
DaemonFCThen it storms all over the car and washes the soap off with the dirt and stuff it lifted off the paint.Apr 29 08:31
DaemonFCI used to wash the Taurus like this every time there was a good storm coming.Apr 29 08:31
DaemonFCThey didn't have those battery powered sprayers back then.Apr 29 08:32
schestowitz-pi2detailed: when talking i make notes of what to add to TM in batch, i post and edit links, sometimes i do add a batch to TMApr 29 08:32
schestowitz-pi2it's possible to get something wrong, do I think twice over any stepApr 29 08:32
schestowitz-pi2so at the end it works out okApr 29 08:32
schestowitz-pi2but i stopped worrying too much or triple-checkingApr 29 08:32
schestowitz-pi2it's the same when i talk to rianne while curatingApr 29 08:32
schestowitz-pi2her 'office' is next doorApr 29 08:32
DaemonFCI'm sure my landlord back then wouldn't have cared if I was washing my car.Apr 29 08:32
DaemonFCI was the only one in town he knew would pay him.Apr 29 08:32
DaemonFCEvery once in a while I'd go to the garage and grab the garden hose and do it that way.Apr 29 08:33
DaemonFCHe had me doing the lawn stuff.Apr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: gulagboy mails security@ companyApr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2hi,mApr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2my name is mattApr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2see my MSFT portfolioApr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2hire meApr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2PLEASE!Apr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2you have some job ad onloineApr 29 08:33
schestowitz-pi2dated 2021Apr 29 08:33
DaemonFCHe actually cared about his properties so he had be washing the siding off with this sprayer thing that attached to the hose.Apr 29 08:34
DaemonFCSo I could use that as a foaming pot too.Apr 29 08:34
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: That's probably the one thing I hate about not "owning" a home.Apr 29 08:34
DaemonFCJust wash the car in the driveway.Apr 29 08:34
DaemonFCBut I figured out how to make it work here.Apr 29 08:35
DaemonFCYou go to the car washes in town you may as well just take a cheese grater to your paint.Apr 29 08:35
DaemonFCI know it's an old car but there's no reason why it should look worse and worse and worse faster than it needs to.Apr 29 08:35
DaemonFCIt's not just about appearances. It's about slowing down rust.Apr 29 08:36
DaemonFCRust is car cancer.Apr 29 08:36
DaemonFCIt's unavoidable where I am but you can keep it at bay a while.Apr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2speaking of rustApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2my mom just told me her new washing machine is rusyingApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2we talked about quakility of produycts going downApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2the door of the washing machine is rustingApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2this didn't happen decades agoApr 29 08:37
DaemonFCYeah, when I pulled the drum out of that old one I was getting rid of, it was very rusted.Apr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2she inquired about replacing itApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2but likely cheaper to buy a new machineApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2we talked about electric kettleApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2she offered to give us hersApr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2that my sister bought herApr 29 08:37
DaemonFCYeah, don't even try to service a newer washing machine.Apr 29 08:37
schestowitz-pi2but i said our hob (stove, us) is okApr 29 08:38
DaemonFCSomething else will just go as soon as you do.Apr 29 08:38
DaemonFCThey have it set up so that you fix one thing and something else breaks.Apr 29 08:38
DaemonFCAnd eventually you say....Apr 29 08:38
DaemonFC"It's costing me twice what buying a new one every 5 years would to fix this one!"Apr 29 08:38
schestowitz-pi2point is, she can see quality of prodycts going down the drainApr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2literallyApr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2for washing machinesApr 29 08:39
DaemonFCYes.Apr 29 08:39
DaemonFCIt's like these new cars.Apr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2and it seems like society in generalApr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2products getting worseApr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2people getting more hatefulApr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2and worse in intelligenceApr 29 08:39
DaemonFCYou give the exterior of a new car 3-4 years...Apr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2like GenZApr 29 08:39
DaemonFCIt looks older than my car.Apr 29 08:39
DaemonFCWhich is almost 18 years old.Apr 29 08:39
DaemonFCSo why?Apr 29 08:39
DaemonFCThey don't do a good job painting them anymore.Apr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2materialsApr 29 08:39
schestowitz-pi2cheaper materialsApr 29 08:40
DaemonFCThey make them look good and then the pain flicks off by itself, right down to the metal.Apr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2like plastics with coating that looks matalicApr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2the innovation is,Apr 29 08:40
DaemonFCYou don't even know what's causing it.Apr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2makeking things cheaperApr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2while looking the sameApr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2same in foodsApr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2making the foodc cheaper to makeApr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2and smaller fApr 29 08:40
schestowitz-pi2for same price as beforeApr 29 08:40
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: Hector down at the car repair place said "Your car is always so clean."Apr 29 08:41
DaemonFCI said, "Yeah, I'm out there washing it 2-3 times a week."Apr 29 08:41
DaemonFC"As soon as a bird shits on it, I'm out there spraying it off."Apr 29 08:41
DaemonFCI've seen what bird shit does and how fast it does it.Apr 29 08:41
DaemonFCYou can go from a bird shitting on your car, to the spot bubbling up, and underneath it the paint is gone and you have a rust bubble in about 4-5 months.Apr 29 08:42
DaemonFCThat's extreme. That's what happens if you never clean the car.Apr 29 08:42
DaemonFCYou're always going to lose to rust, but if you stay on top of the car washes and take a paint touch up pen to scratches and dents, and you can hold it off. Don't be like one of these people that has rust eating every body panel and the car is only 6-7 years old.Apr 29 08:43
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos  ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/today_s_howtos.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/today_s_howtos.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:46
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  EasyOS Kirkstone: Two Updates ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/EasyOS_Kirkstone_Two_Updates.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/EasyOS_Kirkstone_Two_Updates.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:47
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Mozilla on privacy and New Tab Wallpapers ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Mozilla_on_privacy_and_New_Tab_Wallpapers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Mozilla_on_privacy_and_New_Tab_Wallpapers.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:49
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Security and Windows TCO ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Security_and_Windows_TCO.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Security_and_Windows_TCO.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:49
DaemonFCYep, there we go schestowitz-pi2Apr 29 08:50
DaemonFCThe rain is taking off the car soap.Apr 29 08:50
DaemonFCTouchless car wash.Apr 29 08:50
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Games: SuperTuxKart and More ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Games_SuperTuxKart_and_More.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Games_SuperTuxKart_and_More.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:51
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Distributions and Operating Systems: NixOS and FreeBSD ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_NixOS_and_FreeBSD.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Distributions_and_Operating_Systems_NixOS_and_FreeBSD.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:52
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  GNU World Order and GNU Emacs for IRC ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/GNU_World_Order_and_GNU_Emacs_for_IRC.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/GNU_World_Order_and_GNU_Emacs_for_IRC.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:52
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: Someone at work asked Mandy where he got bread. They were wondering where they could buy it like that.Apr 29 08:53
DaemonFCHe had to tell them I bake bread when I get bored.Apr 29 08:53
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  A Tribute to Estuary Developer and Kodi Team Member, Piers ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/A_Tribute_to_Estuary_Developer_and_Kodi_Team_Member_Piers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/A_Tribute_to_Estuary_Developer_and_Kodi_Team_Member_Piers.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:54
DaemonFCBread machines got popular in the 90s.Apr 29 08:55
DaemonFCBack then they just had a box with all the stuff to make various types and you poured it in according to the directions. Now you have to make it from scratch.Apr 29 08:55
DaemonFCBut I got better at it. I learned all the ways to do it better by screwing up plenty of loaves along the way.Apr 29 08:56
DaemonFCI noticed that it's really easy to mess up a loaf of bread, even in a bread machine.Apr 29 08:56
techrights-sec3Hmm. There have even been multiple TV series about White Snake.Apr 29 08:56
techrights-sec3https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bai_SuzhenApr 29 08:56
DaemonFCEven doing exactly the same instructions with a different brand of flour.Apr 29 08:56
DaemonFCWhat I've noticed about flour is Aldi has really awful quality on their flour.Apr 29 08:56
DaemonFCIt's fine for baking cookies.Apr 29 08:57
DaemonFCThe protein for bread just isn't there. You end up with bread that won't rise properly and if you're not careful you'll be chiseling it out of the bread pan.Apr 29 08:57
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Open Hardware and Linux Devices ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Open_Hardware_and_Linux_Devices.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Open_Hardware_and_Linux_Devices.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:57
DaemonFCGreat Value (Walmart) is acceptable. Pillsbury isn't.Apr 29 08:58
DaemonFCKing Arthur makes the best flour. Their regular flour works fine, but the bread flour is better.Apr 29 08:58
DaemonFCSo I started only buying King Arthur flour.Apr 29 08:58
DaemonFCTHey have a 1-800 number on the bag for if you want to talk to someone about baking with their flour which I thought was kind of neat for something you buy at Walmart.Apr 29 08:59
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Apps, Programming, and Standards ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Apps_Programming_and_Standards.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Apps_Programming_and_Standards.gmi ∎Apr 29 08:59
DaemonFCWalmart usually leans on their suppliers to make things so cheaply that they can barely figure out how to keep the lights on.Apr 29 09:01
techrights-newsTechrights – Gemini Links 29/04/2024: Gopher Experiment and Profectus Alpha 0.9 ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Gemini_Links_29_04_2024_Gopher_Experiment_and_Profectus_Alpha_0.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Gemini_Links_29_04_2024_Gopher_Experiment_and_Profectus_Alpha_0.gmi ∎Apr 29 09:01
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 29/04/2024: "AI" Hype Deflated, Economies Slow Down Further ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Links_29_04_2024_AI_Hype_Deflated_Economies_Slow_Down_Further.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Links_29_04_2024_AI_Hype_Deflated_Economies_Slow_Down_Further.gmi ∎Apr 29 09:03
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 09:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 09:12
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: I'm going to make kung pao chicken.Apr 29 09:20
DaemonFCIn the instant pot.Apr 29 09:20
DaemonFCMandy thought it was good last time.Apr 29 09:20
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 29 09:55
*MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 09:55
schestowitz-pi2DaemonFC: i have japenese onesApr 29 09:58
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 10:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 10:12
DaemonFCschestowitz-pi2: $7 a pound for ground beef now.Apr 29 10:21
DaemonFCBrandon Lobster was promoting eating bugs.Apr 29 10:21
DaemonFCHe mentioned ordering crickets as food off of Amazon.Apr 29 10:21
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: April 28th, 2024 ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_April_28th_2024.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_April_28th_2024.gmi ∎Apr 29 10:38
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Mozilla Devs Adding ‘New Tab Wallpapers’ to Firefox ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Mozilla_Devs_Adding_New_Tab_Wallpapers_to_Firefox.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Mozilla_Devs_Adding_New_Tab_Wallpapers_to_Firefox.gmi ∎Apr 29 11:03
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 11:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 11:12
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 29 11:12
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techrights-newsTechrights – Richard Stallman's Talk in Spain Canceled (at Short Notice) ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Richard_Stallman_s_Talk_in_Spain_Canceled_at_Short_Notice.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Richard_Stallman_s_Talk_in_Spain_Canceled_at_Short_Notice.gmi ∎Apr 29 11:43
schestowitz-pi2RMS just got cancelled again, and this time it seems to have worked: http://techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Richard_Stallman_s_Talk_in_Spain_Canceled_at_Short_Notice.shtmlApr 29 11:44
techrights-sec3back in some hoursApr 29 11:45
techrights-sec3backApr 29 11:45
techrights-sec3:(Apr 29 11:45
schestowitz-pi2i will ask aroundApr 29 11:46
techrights-sec3No details thereApr 29 11:46
techrights-sec3Some people connecte to that Univeristy really hate software freedomApr 29 11:46
techrights-sec3and are likely microsofters on top of that.  That's my bet.Apr 29 11:46
schestowitz-pi2https://stallman.org/articles/microsoft-talk.htmlApr 29 11:47
schestowitz-pi2stupid deedApr 29 11:47
schestowitz-pi2a week before they libeled himApr 29 11:47
techrights-sec3Yes, I still don't understand how he made such a foolish mistake.Apr 29 11:51
schestowitz-pi2i can ask him directly why this got canceled, but i do not expect a straight answerApr 29 11:51
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 12:12
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 12:12
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Garuda Linux Releases “Bird of Prey” ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Garuda_Linux_Releases_Bird_of_Prey.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Garuda_Linux_Releases_Bird_of_Prey.gmi ∎Apr 29 12:24
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Arch Linux-Based Garuda Linux “Bird of Prey” Distro Lands with KDE Plasma 6 ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Arch_Linux_Based_Garuda_Linux_Bird_of_Prey_Distro_Lands_with_KD.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Arch_Linux_Based_Garuda_Linux_Bird_of_Prey_Distro_Lands_with_KD.gmi ∎Apr 29 12:26
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Shotcut 24.04 Open-Source Video Editor Released with Ambisonic Encoder Filter ⇨ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Shotcut_24_04_Open_Source_Video_Editor_Released_with_Ambisonic_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/04/29/Shotcut_24_04_Open_Source_Video_Editor_Released_with_Ambisonic_.gmi ∎Apr 29 12:51
techrights-newsTechrights – Freedom of Speech... Let's Ban All Software Freedom Speeches? ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Freedom_of_Speech_Let_s_Ban_All_Software_Freedom_Speeches.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Freedom_of_Speech_Let_s_Ban_All_Software_Freedom_Speeches.gmi ∎Apr 29 12:53
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 13:12
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techrights-newsTechrights – A Discussion About Suicides in Science and Technology (Including Debian and the European Patent Office) ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/A_Discussion_About_Suicides_in_Science_and_Technology_Including.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/A_Discussion_About_Suicides_in_Science_and_Technology_Including.gmi ∎Apr 29 14:02
schestowitz-pi2trying to tie togetherApr 29 14:04
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 14:12
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schestowitz-pi2i have a questionApr 29 14:15
schestowitz-pi2is it ok for an employer to phone a worker at home outside working hours?Apr 29 14:15
schestowitz-pi2if so, what circumstances?Apr 29 14:15
techrights-newsTechrights – [Video] How Much Will It Take for Most People to Realise "Open Source" Became Just Openwashing (Proprietary Giants Exploiting Cost-Free or Unpaid 'Human Resources')? ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_How_Much_Will_It_Take_for_Most_People_to_Realise_Open_Sou.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_How_Much_Will_It_Take_for_Most_People_to_Realise_Open_Sou.gmi ∎Apr 29 14:17
techrights-newsTechrights – [Meme] Write Code 100% of the Time ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Meme_Write_Code_100_of_the_Time.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Meme_Write_Code_100_of_the_Time.gmi ∎Apr 29 14:25
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 14:50
techrights-sec3I'm sure there might be exceptions, with appropriate agreement in advanceApr 29 14:51
techrights-sec3and compensation, but the short answer is no.Apr 29 14:51
techrights-sec3https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/en/european-industrial-relations-dictionary/right-disconnectApr 29 14:53
techrights-sec3https://europeanlawinstitute.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/p_eli/Publications/Guiding_Principles_Workers_Right_to_Disconnect.pdfApr 29 14:53
schestowitz-pi2twice in 4 monthsApr 29 14:53
schestowitz-pi2but twice in 7 daysApr 29 14:53
schestowitz-pi2https://techrights.org/n/2024/03/04/Debian_Developer_at_Sirius_Was_Under_the_Wrong_Impression_That_.shtmlApr 29 14:55
schestowitz-pi2https://disguised.work/debian/ben-bell-mark-taylor-sirius-open-source-debconf-sponsorship-insincere-promises/Apr 29 14:55
techrights-sec3https://www.epsu.org/article/right-disconnect-implement-eu-social-partners-agreement-central-government-administrationsApr 29 14:56
techrights-sec3Generally there was some indication whether one was 'on call' in some way   Apr 29 14:57
techrights-sec3or another and, if so, there was compensation.  Apr 29 14:57
techrights-sec3or another and, if so, there was compensation.  And all that would be decidedApr 29 14:59
techrights-sec3in advance, not made up on the fly. Apr 29 14:59
techrights-sec3Generally there would be some indication whether one was 'on call' in some wayApr 29 14:59
techrights-sec3or another and, if so, there was compensation.  And all that would be decidedApr 29 14:59
techrights-sec3in advance, not made up on the fly. Apr 29 14:59
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 15:12
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techrights-newsTechrights – [Video] Enshittification of the Media, of the Web, and of Computing in General ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Enshittification_of_the_Media_of_the_Web_and_of_Computing.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Enshittification_of_the_Media_of_the_Web_and_of_Computing.gmi ∎Apr 29 15:24
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesApr 29 15:29
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techrights-sec3Generally there would be some indication whether one was 'on call' in some wayApr 29 18:14
techrights-sec3or another and, if so, there was compensation.  And all that would be decidedApr 29 18:14
techrights-sec3in advance, not made up on the fly. Apr 29 18:14
techrights-sec3x https://risky.biz/RBNEWSSI41/ FUD stormApr 29 18:14
schestowitz-pi2it says "Sponsored"------------------------------------------------ 22222@ --------------------------------------------------------------------Apr 29 18:59
schestowitz-pi2so one can assume it's an ad, not articleApr 29 18:59
techrights-sec3yepApr 29 19:04
techrights-sec3but a FUD storm nonethelessApr 29 19:04
techrights-sec3Looking at this TV stuff some more today and the rights one had in the non-Apr 29 19:04
techrights-sec3networked era do not exist in the networked era.  With an antenna oneApr 29 19:04
techrights-sec3can both view and timeshift/mediashift.  With the Internet (or specificallyApr 29 19:04
techrights-sec3the WWW) one cannot even view due to barriers like Google (ie Widevine)Apr 29 19:04
techrights-sec3looked this up the other day: Apr 29 19:04
techrights-sec3https://www.routledge.com/How-the-Irish-Became-White/Ignatiev/p/book/9780415963091Apr 29 19:04
techrights-newsTechrights – [Video] Not Everyone Claiming to Protect the Vulnerable is Being Honest ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Not_Everyone_Claiming_to_Protect_the_Vulnerable_is_Being_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Not_Everyone_Claiming_to_Protect_the_Vulnerable_is_Being_.gmi ∎Apr 29 19:11
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 19:12
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schestowitz-pi2i am delaying the last video to give more time for readers to absorbApr 29 19:22
schestowitz-pi2drafting overview of disguised.workApr 29 19:22
techrights-sec3Actually the rights /do/ exist, but they simply are inaccessible any more.Apr 29 19:26
schestowitz-pi2if you cannot exercise those rights, they're as good as non-existentApr 29 19:26
techrights-sec3Basically but I realize that it is important to understand that the rightsApr 29 19:27
techrights-sec3do exist regardless of the illegal (but widely accepted) behavior of variousApr 29 19:27
techrights-sec3companies.  Apr 29 19:27
schestowitz-pi2seeing the news is so slow, added as [topic]Apr 29 19:28
techrights-sec3thxApr 29 19:31
techrights-newsTechrights – Outline of Themes to Cover in the Coming Weeks ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Outline_of_Themes_to_Cover_in_the_Coming_Weeks.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Outline_of_Themes_to_Cover_in_the_Coming_Weeks.gmi ∎Apr 29 19:36
schestowitz-pi2[Video] Ignore Buzzwords and Pay Attention to Attacks on Software DevelopersApr 29 19:38
schestowitz-pi2i have 3 articles after this :-)Apr 29 19:38
techrights-sec3:)Apr 29 19:43
schestowitz-pi2i bet you the pocock stuff really struck a nerve, and i'm fine with itApr 29 19:44
schestowitz-pi2There are <em>many</em>< lawsuits and almost no success stories, i.e. companies that are actually profitable in this area (investment being attracted is not the same as profit). Cory Doctorow <a href="https://locusmag.com/2023/12/commentary-cory-doctorow-what-kind-of-bubble-is-ai/"Apr 29 19:44
techrights-sec3SLAPP ?Apr 29 19:45
schestowitz-pi2nahApr 29 19:45
schestowitz-pi2it won't age wellApr 29 19:45
schestowitz-pi2The "Hey Hi" (AI) hype won't die overnight (we've called it "HEY HI" for about 3 years already) because the discipline is so old and people are meant to think some kind of revolution happened in later 2023 because of chatbots (LLMs).Apr 29 19:46
schestowitz-pi2The "Hey Hi" (AI) hype won't die overnight (we've called it "HEY HI" for about 3 years already) because the discipline is so old and people are meant to think some kind of revolution happened in later 2023 because of chatbots (LLMs). They don't even qualify as  "Hey Hi", <a href="https://techrights.org/o/2023/08/21/stochastic-parrots-spun-as-ml/">"stochastic parrots" is a more suitable name for them</a>.Apr 29 19:49
schestowitz-pi2Judging by media coverage, we shall see waning press coverage about this subject, i.e. <a href="https://techrights.org/n/2023/12/29/Web3_Blockchain_Metaverse_Hey_Hi_AI_and_Vision_Pro_What_Ever_Ha.shtml">the same as saw with Web3, Blockchain, Metaverse, and Vision Pro</a>. We amusing IBM comments about it last week, just like comments from Microsoft insiders. They're deeply concerned the companies tie their fate to this buzzwords or buzzphrase.Apr 29 19:49
techrights-sec3afkApr 29 20:03
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 20:12
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techrights-newsTechrights – [Video] Ignore Buzzwords and Pay Attention to Attacks on Software Developers ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Ignore_Buzzwords_and_Pay_Attention_to_Attacks_on_Software.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Video_Ignore_Buzzwords_and_Pay_Attention_to_Attacks_on_Software.gmi ∎Apr 29 20:14
*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)Apr 29 20:33
techrights-newsTechrights – The Cyber Show Explains What CCTV is About ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/The_Cyber_Show_Explains_What_CCTV_is_About.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/The_Cyber_Show_Explains_What_CCTV_is_About.gmi ∎Apr 29 20:36
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Apr 29 20:54
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techrights-newsTechrights – [Teaser] Ubuntu Cover-up After Death ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Teaser_Ubuntu_Cover_up_After_Death.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Teaser_Ubuntu_Cover_up_After_Death.gmi ∎Apr 29 21:02
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Apr 29 21:12
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techrights-newsTechrights – Workers' Right to Disconnect Won't Matter If Such a Right Isn't Properly Enforced ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Workers_Right_to_Disconnect_Won_t_Matter_If_Such_a_Right_Isn_t_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Workers_Right_to_Disconnect_Won_t_Matter_If_Such_a_Right_Isn_t_.gmi ∎Apr 29 22:06
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techrights-newsTechrights – Microsoft Still Owes Over 100 Billion Dollars and It Cannot be Paid Back Using 'Goodwill' ⇨ http://news.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Microsoft_Still_Owes_Over_100_Billion_Dollars_and_It_Cannot_be_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/04/29/Microsoft_Still_Owes_Over_100_Billion_Dollars_and_It_Cannot_be_.gmi ∎Apr 29 23:58

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