Raspberry Pi Foundation Can Afford to Stay Independent and Modest
Raspberry Pi (a.k.a. or formerly "RASPBERRY PI (TRADING) LIMITED", as per the latest filings) does not need an IPO. It can stand on its own financially. Based on the latest statement filed last year for 2022:
So it has profits and it is growing, even in spite of recent years' shortages.
We've decided to look into it due to this recent article, "Raspberry Pi Foundation at Risk of Being Easier to Control by Corporate Ownership (Microsoft Remains the Worst Enemy)" and we can see that Raspberry Pi (RPi) and Raspberry Pi Trading (RPT) do not need an 'exit' strategy, such as an IPO.
An associate has wondered aloud: "What role is Arm's minority stake in Raspberry Pi playing in Eben's talk about an IPO?"
"Once he launches an IPO, he might personally have a lot of money but as far as control of RPT goes he'd be out."
"That'd also adversely affect the FOSS community because despite the intrusion of Microsofters into the board and staffing, RPi remains reasonably supportive of FOSS goals. That'd end too after an IPO So there are repercussions for FOSS in all that."
We hope that the Foundation can stay small and modest. Size isn't everything and we should prioritise freedom over "market share". █