It's a "sm0l" World and It Won't Outsource to the Pentagon Anymore
Utter trash like UEFI is just a wet dream of Microsoft and Intel (both perishing) and their immoral collaborators. They arrogantly assumed they would successfully impose anything they wanted to on everybody, irrespective of popular resistance and collective common sense, not to mention non-x86 hardware.
Lupa is offline at the moment (it has been down for nearly 24 hours already), along with
as a whole*, but its snapshot from 24 hours ago said that in Geminispace "2548 (90.0 %) capsules are self-signed, 60 (2.1 %) use the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt, 223 (7.9 %) are signed by another CA (may be not a trusted one)."
Well, 60 is a new low for the Linux Foundation's Let's Encrypt (we mentioned 61 most recently) and this past day we saw many new articles in Geminispace. We posted links to several dozens of them here.
Recently, as we've noted a few times already, we also found out that GNU/Linux distros had adopted Geminispace. They deemed it strategic. There may soon be over 4,000 known capsules. Well done, "sm0l Web"!
What about "sm0l OS"?
Well, it's looking good too. As many people aren't interested in a new PC - or simply cannot afford one - we can expect leaner operating systems to gain further. Or for cheaper hardware (i.e. not x86) to be acquired.
It is perfectly possible that next month GNU/Linux will be measured at over 5% globally, though a lot truly depends on India (a billion and a half people, many of whom use laptops and choose to use GNU/Linux).
The future doesn't look all bad. (Ignore climate change, wars etc.) █
* Not the first such incident. It always recovers eventually.