Bonum Certa Men Certa

Over at Tux Machines...

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Oct 06, 2024

Shot along Pacific Coast Highway just north of Huntington Beach 16 Dec 2007

Updated This Past Day

  1. Aqua Security Blaming on "Linux" Stuff That Has Nothing to Do With Linux
    the usual FUD
  2. SUSE/OpenSUSE: Tumbleweed – Review of the week; security fixes
    Some SUSE news
  3. Kernel and Graphics
    On kernel 6.12, mesa 24.2.4, and more


  4. today's leftovers
    BSD, Games, and more
  5. Programming Leftovers
    Programming related picks mostly R
  6. Security Leftovers
    Security related picks
  7. Open Hardware/Modding: HackFest, Hackaday Podcast, and More
    hacking on hardware
  8. Software Leftovers
    Mastodon, Hyprland, and more
  9. today's howtos
    only 3 howtos for now
  10. This Week in GNOME: #168 Testing Portals
    Update on what happened across the GNOME project in the week from September 27 to October 04
  11. Wine 9.19
    The Wine development release 9.19 is now available
  12. today's leftovers
    4 more links
  13. FreeBSD 13.4: What’s new, and how did we get here?
    FreeBSD has long been a premier choice for those seeking a modern, enterprise-class open source operating system
  14. Red Hat's Latest Articles
    4 from Red Hat dot com
  15. Parabolic: A Powerful Tool for Downloading Online Media on Linu
    This article will guide you through the features of Parabolic and provide step-by-step instructions on how to install it using Flathub, Snap, or by cloning the repository directly.
  16. Security Leftovers
    mostly CISA
  17. Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi and More
    Some devices and more
  18. Videos: GNU/Linux Videos From the Past Week
    via Invidious
  19. Mozilla: Pretending That Firefox Values Privacy and Tweaks for Handling Message Threads in Thunderbird
    Mozilla picks
  20. today's howtos
    long afternoon batch
  21. Wine 9.19 Debuts with Wayland Improvements
    New Wine 9.19: Better Unicode support, Wayland improvements, and DirectPlay enhancements
  22. The FSF is turning 39! Join us in celebrating almost 40 years of fighting for software freedom
    Can you believe that we've been demanding user freedom since 1985
  23. Best Free and Open Source Software
    The software collection forms part of our series of informative articles for Linux enthusiasts
  24. Android Leftovers
    Arc Search for Android is now available in beta
  25. This week in Plasma: 6.2 is nigh
    Plasma 6.2 will be released in just three days! In the end we did revert the notification changes I mentioned last week
  26. Games: Whispering Willows, Flowstone Saga, Pinball Spire, and More
    The latest from GamingOnLinux
  27. Linux desktop freezes, pm_runtime_work hogged CPU error
    The problem you're facing is as follows. You've updated your Linux machine
  28. Stable kernels: Linux 6.11.2, Linux 6.10.13, and Linux 6.6.54
    I'm announcing the release of the 6.11.2 kernel
  29. Debian welcomes Freexian as our newest partner!
    We are excited to announce and welcome Freexian into Debian Partners
  30. New Releases of GNU/Linux Distros: 4MLinux 47.0 BETA, LiveRaizo v15.24.10.01i, Pearl Linux, Dr.Parted Live 24.10
    some new distro releases
  31. Today in Techrights
    Some of the latest articles
  32. Devices and Open Hardware: RISC-V and Linux
    some hardware related picks
  33. Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
    and some howtos, too
  34. Hugo and WordPress: SSG and Content Management Systems (CMS)
    Some blogging systems' blurbs
  35. today's leftovers
    GNU/Linux focus
  36. Security Leftovers
    Security related picks

    The corresponding text-only bulletin for Saturday contains all the text.

    Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):

    Span from 2024-09-29 to 2024-10-05
    1321 /n/2024/09/29/Arch_Linux_Announces_Collaboration_With_Valve.shtml
    946 /n/2024/09/27/CVE_2024_47076_CVE_2024_47175_CVE_2024_47176_and_CVE_2024_47177.shtml
    879 /n/2024/09/30/Mozilla_Firefox_131_Is_Now_Available_for_Download_Here_s_What_s.shtml
    807 /n/2024/09/22/There_s_No_Lower_Spec_Linux_Machine_Than_This_One.shtml
    753 /n/2024/10/02/Manjaro_24_1_Xahea_launches_with_KDE_Plasma_6_1_5_VirtualBox_7_.shtml
    745 /n/2024/09/29/Linus_Torvalds_Announces_First_Linux_Kernel_6_12_Release_Candid.shtml
    684 /n/2024/09/30/today_s_howtos.1.shtml
    677 /n/2024/09/30/FFmpeg_7_1_Peter_Released_with_Full_Native_VVC_Decoder_MV_HEVC_.shtml
    670 /n/2024/09/30/qBittorrent_5_0_BitTorrent_Client_Adds_Support_for_Systemd_Powe.shtml
    628 /n/2024/09/28/Arch_Linux_and_Valve_Collaboration.shtml
    559 /n/2024/09/30/Linux_Mint_22_1_Slated_for_Release_in_December_with_Revamped_Ci.shtml
    531 /n/2024/09/29/Programming_Leftovers.shtml
    529 /n/2024/10/03/Say_goodbye_to_Microsoft_Windows_11_and_hello_to_Nitrux_Linux_3.shtml
    517 /n/2024/09/29/today_s_howtos.shtml
    509 /n/2024/09/30/today_s_howtos.shtml
    505 /n/2024/10/02/British_Host.shtml

Other Recent Techrights' Posts

EFF Celebrates Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office as "Digital Inclusion", Mocks GNU/Linux-Based ChromeOS
Yet another example/evidence that EFF has become a rotten pile of junk
[Meme] Years Have Passed and EPO Management Still Isn't Obeying a Ruling From a Court Regarding Communications Between Staff
Representatives talking to their staff is "privacy violation"?
Presentations of the Staff Union of the European Patent Office in Its Headquarters Tomorrow After Work
Annual General Meeting and reports
Gemini Links 06/10/2024: SSH Keys and Hobby Game Development
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, October 05, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, October 05, 2024
[Meme] How to Keep Granting Hundreds of Thousands of Fake Patents (Without Upsetting Anybody in Politics and Media)
This is very Kremlin-like
EPO Examiners to Adopt Resolution Condemning EPO Management for Breaking the Law in Order to Grant Many Illegal Software Patents
Europe's second-largest institution (EPO) is a law-breaking institution hiding behind the veil of "law"
[Meme] Sup, Nazi?
"Come back, one year"
Calling "Nazi" and "Right Wing" Everyone Who Does Not Agree With You (Even Leftists Whose Views on Some Issues Slightly Differ From Yours)
Oil money has become exceptionally notorious for takeover of online platforms and institutions/NGOs (using them to incite society inwards, not upwards)
EFF Losing the Plot
Like the Linux Foundation and OSI, the EFF has succumbed to corporate influence and is derailing itself (along with its original mission)
Links 05/10/2024: Patents Being Squashed, EFF Insists on Children's Access to Porn
Links for the day
Gemini Links 05/10/2024: Multitudinous Agreeable Futures and Misfin Mail
Links for the day
Links 05/10/2024: Amazon Culling 14,000 Managers, About 160 People Resign From Automattic
Links for the day
Microsoft Moles in Nerdearla, Openwashing and Whitewashing Microsoft With Its Latest Ponzi Scheme and Storytelling
Also GPL violations en masse
The Danger of Outsourcing Your Platform to Social Control Media and Getting "Information" There
Stella is probably not aware of what she has just done
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, October 04, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, October 04, 2024
Links 05/10/2024: Shift to ARM, Microsoft XBox Crisis
Links for the day
[Meme] Who to Trust on Privacy... (Not Someone Who Boasts About Breaking Into Devices Without Authorisation)
You're not even a computer scientist...
When It Comes to Encryption, The Web (as in World Wide Web) Isn't Secure and Uses Weak Ciphers About as Often as Every Day, Even in 2024
Gemini Protocol does not
The GPL Does Not Prohibit Use of Code for Death
Windows kills even more people, but in other ways
Journalism in Europe on Life Support
Assange articulated some of the ordeals he went through
[Video] Stella Assange and Thórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir on Protecting Journalists Who Expose Injustice
Stella (the wife) says her husband received an invitation from the committee (PACE) while he still undergoes recovery
[Video] Thórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir (Iceland, SOC) Explains That Julian Assange Was Punished for Exposing Crimes (Instead of the Criminals Getting Published)
Thórhildur Sunna Ævarsdóttir speaks out...
Links 04/10/2024: Health, Asia, and Censorship
Links for the day
Links 04/10/2024: Ingrid's Back and Creative Mornings
Links for the day
[Video] The Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly on Julian Assange
The Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly has voted to confirm that Julian Assange was held as a political prisoner
Links 04/10/2024: Telegram Issues Deepen, Texas Sues TikTok
Links for the day
"The Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly has voted to confirm that Julian Assange was held as a political prisoner."
This stuff should not have been in Twitter (X)
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) Do Not Run Windows
The projects that deal with ICBMs are extremely unlikely to involve Microsoft
"Microsoft is asking for a handout... yet again"
Just over a month after the last bailout fell through the cracks
One Step Closer to the End of Microsoft's XBox
XBox sales are down over 50% in the past year
GNU/Linux Flaring Up in ASEAN
We said we'd not post statCounter for a few months
Gemini Links 04/10/2024: Asteroid City and Retro Gaming
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, October 03, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, October 03, 2024