"Linux on the Desktop" (Less Than a Third of Web-connected Computers Still a Desktop or Laptop)
IF OUR collective goal is to make GNU/Linux more mainstream on desktops and laptops, then we must also remember that for more and more people desktops and laptops (PC) ownership is something they never understood (young people in particular) or no longer miss/yearn for. Some people say it's "faster" on an "app" than on desktops and laptops (which they would need to boot; Windows takes a long time to do this), even if I cannot agree with them on that (I last rebooted my laptop more than 420 days ago).
The Linux Foundation does not care about desktops and laptops (heck, its staff uses Apple and Microsoft on desktops and laptops!), but for those of us who still care, the above chart may be increasingly important. It's like we're chasing a goal that's 2 or 3 decades in the past. The world is changing.
These are the international trends. █