[Meme] Levels of Outrage
Context: Robbery at the European Patent Office (EPO), Office Staff as 'Prisoners'
FORGET about Putin for a moment.
Put aside the US losing its Constitution (once it can be discarded or ignored it's just a piece of legacy paper or mere "history").
The EPO not only violates its Constitution (EPC) every single day. It's doing so to enable the people who attack Europe (patent trolls, litigation firms, multinational monopolies) and even the patent courts exist in violation of constitutions, conventions, and laws. It's a giant white-collar conspiracy to override all the laws and the interests of European citizens. We know who stands to benefit and at whose expense.
The Mafia that's responsible for it constantly sends threats to media and even blogs that merely report what's happening. We've lost track of the number of legal threats we received from corrupt EPO officials and Team UPC. Apparently it's hip for criminals to leverage "the law" to silence their exposers. They cover up their wrongdoing using photo ops, hoping to borrow legitimacy from well-known figures.
Oh, but don't worry. This Mafia supports diversity, according to the Mafia. █