Disappointing 'Results' and Mass Layoffs (Without Severance Pay) Sank Microsoft, But It's a Lot Worse Than Shareholders Care to Realise
SOME days ago Microsoft fired off a relatively rude E-mail, telling staff they were losing everything, not only their jobs [1, 2]. Microsoft's shares fell on disappointing 'results' (it's getting harder to con people using buzzwords and false numbers). Is that all though?
Do 'investors' care to realise that outside of Windows and Office Microsoft has many units that only lose a lot of money? And moreover, Windows and Office lost their former dominance?
Take a look at this graph which shows Windows slipping away due to its sole form factor ebbing away. We're showing it below as well.
What has Microsoft got left? The hype of the mere promise (vapourware) of "hey hi"? That won't work. People are losing their patience; they're not seeing solid use cases. The bubble is popping. It is not popping due to some obscure company from China; that's just some convenient excuse. █