”...GNOME Foundation does not in any way approve or support OOXML as an ISO standard.“With apologies to Jeff Waugh, let it be clarified that the GNOME Foundation does not in any way approve or support OOXML as an ISO standard. Gnumeric may be allowing Microsoft to claim wider OOXML support, but GNOME as a whole does not approve the acceptance of OOXML as an international standard. This comes as a bit of a surprise because it seems to contradict the views expressed by Jody Goldberg and Miguel de Icaza, whose take on this issue is not welcomed by everyone in the GNOME community.
Jeff adds that "the GNOME Foundation doesn't endorse, support or contribute to ISO standardisation of OOXML, as noted in the statement we released." He also adds that "a majority of GNOME developers oppose ISO standardisation, but neither the GNOME Foundation or I can speak for all GNOME developers, nor will the GNOME Foundation or I control their views." ⬆
Jeff Waugh
2007-11-26 09:43:20
2007-11-26 16:09:46
Thanks for the clarification and the press release. Please do not completely blame Roy for any misquotes. Some of his concerns are valid and need clarifications. Some of your high profile developers , they are either members of gnome or act like one of them, have been spreading various levels of misinformation. I think it's important that you stay focused with the open source principles while not losing your 'coolness'.
2007-11-26 18:19:41
If influential voices from GNOME support OOXML its not to difficult for GNOME to start proceeding in the wrong direction and you by association start pushing in that direction.
It is perplexing that the direction GNOME has taken, is opposite to Google, IBM, Redhat, Sun the largest financial contributors to FLOSS, so again, this direction must be bennifical even thou there is a political fallout.
Jeff Waugh
2007-11-26 18:28:22
Of course it's not beneficial. You're looking for conspiracy theories again. I'm just foolishly wasting my time here defending it because I can't stand seeing such offensive insinuations and FUD written about FLOSS projects and people. I shouldn't participate in this.
2007-11-26 19:07:51
OK putting aside the motives, insinuations and the rest you keep bringing up. Finally, the epic moment has arrived: it seems like there is a admision that the foundation made a mistake by Jeff because if its not beneficial in anyway but does damages, then its a MISTAKE.
If its not a mistake then all those insinuations and what you call FUD is 100% true
Jeff Waugh
2007-11-26 19:12:39
Repre Hendor
2007-11-26 19:15:43
it looks funny that you are accusing others of "looking for conspiracy theories", while on the other hand your own mates from the Gnome community do think that you are the one who sees conspiracies at work... against yourself:
(Source: GNOME Board 2007 candidates: The bad)
With these kind of comments in the debate about the Gnome Foundation's 2007 election candidates, it looks like your so-much self-quoted credibility and honesty is much in limbo...
Roy Schestowitz
2007-11-26 19:57:34
2007-11-26 20:40:49
Note: comment has been flagged for arriving from a known, pseudonymous, nymshifting, abusive Internet troll
Repre Hendor
2007-11-26 23:33:24
Jeff said:
According to the minutes of the Gnome Foundation Board meeting happeing on 15th of November 2007 (and published a week later, that was: last Thursday), for topic '4)' it is noted:
Uh huh. So up until a week ago, Miguel officially was the GNOME President?
Looks like Jeff himself thinks Miguel is an irrelevant embarrassment to GNOME, so that he even avoids mentioning this 'hot news' which reached the public eye only 4 days ago (even though it could have served to strengthen his point).
Why did Miguel resign? Was he put under pressure to do so? Was it because of the continuous negative wave of publicity he is causing for Gnome (see his infamous "OOXML is a superb standard" stance...)?