If you and your friend do not want to spend a lot of money, putting the Linux operating system on the old PC is a much less expensive option. Many versions of Linux have a graphical point-and-click interface these days, but they still may have a learning curve for new users.
As designed, however, the Ubuntu-based system is also voter-verifiable because the public can review in advance the screens they'll see on Election Day, presented as pre-rendered picture files.
The discount agreement with Mandriva is valid for the next four years. How many of France's postgraduate schools and universities today use GNU/Linux distribution Mandriva is not recorded, said Verez.
The LiMux developers are not changing licences of existing software, but they are releasing their own additional applications using the EUPL.
Plasma has "matured" in version 4.1 compared to its initial introduction in KDE 4.0, the developers said in the announcement of the test version.
Open-source solutions used to be adopted quietly by company boffins who snuck in an Apache Web server or an open-source development tool suite under the philosophy "It's easier to get forgiveness than permission" (not to mention "It's easier to do it with open-source tools than to get an IT budget").
Public and private sector representatives from 21 countries will sign an open-source agreement at a regional summit in Cebu this October.
The "Instruction for Contracting IT Services" was published last week by the Secretary of Logistics and IT, part of the Ministry of Planning. The instruction is intended prevent equivalent software solutions from being developed several times.
2008-06-01 16:08:19
Linus opinion about SUN. HAHAHA. Nice !!!
Roy Schestowitz
2008-06-01 16:45:46
Roy Schestowitz
2008-06-01 17:24:28
2008-06-01 17:21:05