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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: July 8th, 2008

*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 08 02:23
ZiggyFishlol lol lol lol, 08 02:23
ZiggyFishMicrosoft's Silverlight draws patent suitJul 08 02:24
ZiggyFishThe company cites Microsoft's upcoming on-demand video coverage of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on as infringing behavior, because the Web site uses Silverlight to tag video and make it searchable.Jul 08 02:24
schestowitzZiggyFish: watch this: 08 05:39
ZiggyFishyeahJul 08 05:42
ZiggyFishwe can't even do our taxes on line without windowsJul 08 05:42
schestowitzI thought they fixed it. I mean, before Sam Varghese wrote something about it going sour again.Jul 08 05:43
ZiggyFishnopeJul 08 05:43
ZiggyFish 08 05:44
schestowitzCan Wine handle it?Jul 08 05:45
ZiggyFishnope (not completely, you  can install it, but you get to a point where you start answering questions, then it fails)Jul 08 05:46
schestowitzConsidering the fact that it's you who's paying for it, the client needn't just be cross-platform. It must be Free software or at least open source too.Jul 08 05:47
schestowitzThen again, didn't the government also sell out to the maximalists by approving swpatents?Jul 08 05:47
ZiggyFishbut 'The Tax Office will continue investigating to make e-tax available to different computer platforms.' suggests that it's in the planningJul 08 05:47
ZiggyFishthe tool is free.Jul 08 05:48
ZiggyFishyes, I think they didJul 08 05:48
schestowitz"Continue investigating" = "get off our bloody backs"Jul 08 05:49
schestowitzIt was the same with iPlayer. Words are cheap!Jul 08 05:49
ZiggyFishyepJul 08 05:49
ZiggyFisheven macs can't do use itJul 08 05:49
ZiggyFishe-tax is not compatible with Linux or Apple Macintosh computers. However, e-tax has been tested successfully on an Apple computer running OS X v10.4.3 with Virtual PC 7 software emulating a recommended Windows operating system.Jul 08 05:50
schestowitzNo, no. They need to go out and buy Vista. Good luck finding a PC that can run the thing.Jul 08 05:50
schestowitzAgents of monopolisation. Wintel must be proud. There should really be some global laws against this type of abuse.Jul 08 05:51
schestowitzThey must be out of their minds forcing people to buy one of the worst O/Ses in recent decades (XP no longer up for sale) -- also one that got 40% of the PC worldwide hijacked. It's like forcing all citizens to eat a bug.Jul 08 05:53
ZiggyFishwhat can you do though?Jul 08 05:54
schestowitzIdentify those responsible for this mess. Protest.Jul 08 05:54
ZiggyFishhow long have the green peace been protesting for?Jul 08 05:55
schestowitzThey are heard. Companies at least try to score better.Jul 08 05:56
ZiggyFishhave you seen power's(from LinuxJornal) video to HP?Jul 08 05:57
ZiggyFish 08 05:58
schestowitzYes.Jul 08 05:58
schestowitzPosted it in too. H-P is very close to Microsoft. See my post from yesterday about GNOME and OpenLogic.Jul 08 05:59
ZiggyFishATM, I'm working on LinuxMadeEasy <>Jul 08 06:06
schestowitzFor you or for friends?Jul 08 06:07
ZiggyFishfor meJul 08 06:07
ZiggyFishit's a website I'm creating to make the transition to Linux easyerJul 08 06:08
schestowitzAh, nice one.Jul 08 06:08
schestowitz101erJul 08 06:08
ZiggyFishyep, but I want to stay away from the howto's as much as possibleJul 08 06:09
ZiggyFishfell free to create some content for the site. it's going to be an open project, where anyone can contributeJul 08 06:10
schestowitzThe Aussie banks should go ahead with their plans to just disseminate Live CDs/Jul 08 06:10
schestowitzSee, this is the thing. Banks go bananas because Windows is Swiss cheese and at the same time the tax office forces people to buy that Swiss cheese.Jul 08 06:11
ZiggyFishyepJul 08 06:12
schestowitzI don't know much about AU, but it seems as though the government there is Bill-friendly. It's probably worse in the UK, but there you have it...Jul 08 06:14
ZiggyFishit's is exactly like thatJul 08 06:15
schestowitz"USA - Gates, Melinda F. - Co-Founder, Gates Foundation, wife of Bill Gates " 08 06:17
schestowitzSee if you can identify someone from you government there. Brown and Blair are part of this club.Jul 08 06:17
ZiggyFishnope (quick glance), our country code is AU (or sometimes (AUS))Jul 08 06:19
ZiggyFishUSA has 36 thoughJul 08 06:21
schestowitzYes, they are powerful. It's mostly the centralisation of control. It's a timely mentioned because of what goes on in Europe at the moment (I suppose you've read it).Jul 08 06:22
ZiggyFishyeahJul 08 06:22
schestowitzAdd to this Ichan and Ballmer running around to behead Yahoo!Jul 08 06:23
schestowitzIn part, this is about Silverlight and use of the Web to force people to buy software.Jul 08 06:23
ZiggyFishyeah, but will the share holder  vote for this movement, that is the questionJul 08 06:24
schestowitzAt Yahoo?Jul 08 06:24
ZiggyFishyeahJul 08 06:24
schestowitzMicrosoft is planting its own people. It's seat warmers, just like in OOXML, even Cocast did this last year at the FCC hearing.Jul 08 06:24
schestowitz*ComcastJul 08 06:25
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 08 07:57
*logger_bot has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Jul 08 08:10
*logger_bot ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 08 08:11
schestowitzHow was the trip?Jul 08 08:12
PetoKrausvery niceJul 08 08:16
PetoKrausi am tired like hell, though :)Jul 08 08:16
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 08 08:17
schestowitzMorning, kentma.Jul 08 08:17
ZiggyFishPetoKraus: good morningJul 08 08:23
*ZiggyFish has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jul 08 08:30
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 08 08:33
*RogerBacon ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 08 09:00
RogerBaconhiJul 08 09:00
RogerBaconsomeone read this before ? : 08 09:00
schestowitzSeen it, yes.Jul 08 09:01
schestowitzDid you see what I posted about it yesterday? Trails of corruption.Jul 08 09:01
RogerBaconlink ?Jul 08 09:02
RogerBaconi can't sleep (its 3 am here)Jul 08 09:02
RogerBacondrinked too mutch pepsi i guess ;)Jul 08 09:02
schestowitz 08 09:03
RogerBacontime to create my own darknet :/Jul 08 09:06
schestowitzLet me know when you have one built.Jul 08 09:07
RogerBaconoopsJul 08 09:09
RogerBacondarknet is for file sharingJul 08 09:09
RogerBaconinternet of confiance sounds betterJul 08 09:10
schestowitzWhere's Google et al in this whole fiasco? Eerily quiet.Jul 08 09:10
RogerBaconhey, just find out that drupal for pythonJul 08 09:15
RogerBaconseem nice to use ;)Jul 08 09:15
schestowitzYou mean Drupal written in Python?Jul 08 09:15
RogerBaconshi*Jul 08 09:16
RogerBacondjangoJul 08 09:17
schestowitzOh, I see. That's Ajax.Jul 08 09:17
RogerBaconweb framework for pythonJul 08 09:18
PetoKrausright. What's the most important thing that happened in last 4 days?Jul 08 09:19
PetoKraus:PJul 08 09:19
schestowitzPetoKraus: the Internet thingie you mean?Jul 08 09:19
PetoKrausanything, basicallyJul 08 09:19
PetoKrausis Iran under US attack yet?Jul 08 09:20
*RogerBacon thx PetoKraus to have hijacked my conversation ...Jul 08 09:20
PetoKraus:PJul 08 09:20
schestowitz:-pJul 08 09:20
schestowitzSo what's that about a python in Iran?Jul 08 09:20
PetoKrausi am just wondering at... XXX new feeds everywhere, so, looks like something happened, and i don't feel like wikipedia chain todayJul 08 09:21
RogerBaconwhat happened in the last 4 day - just get impressed by the fact that the world didn't collapsed *YET*Jul 08 09:23
schestowitzSee Beranger's latest rant about it.Jul 08 09:24
PetoKraus:DJul 08 09:24
schestowitz 08 09:24
RogerBaconjust finished reading little brotherJul 08 09:25
schestowitzI'm going to make some posts for now. Some ugly MS stuff, as usual...Jul 08 09:32
*RogerBacon has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jul 08 09:50
PetoKrausthat rant is nice.Jul 08 09:52
PetoKraus:)Jul 08 09:52
schestowitzNo more DE reviews though.Jul 08 09:54
schestowitzHe should really evaluate proprietary software to show how broken it is.Jul 08 09:55
PetoKrausthat gentoo thing was niceJul 08 09:56
PetoKrausit's true.Jul 08 09:56
schestowitzWell, it's a scary thing to approach. No more scary than OpenBSD though. :-)Jul 08 09:59
PetoKrausyes. I mean, all those things about gentoo identity crisis are true. If i was managing the project, i'd ditch the livecd installs, and support only online-based installation from minimal installation mediaJul 08 10:00
PetoKraus(or possibly, offline based, with source codes of bunch of apps, but not as an automated installation livecd)Jul 08 10:01
PetoKrausthe point is, they try to market gentoo as an user-friendly distro, suitable for everyone, etc etc, easy to install... which it isn't, definitely, and hopefully never be (since making something easy to install means making it less configurable, "stocked", generalised)Jul 08 10:02
schestowitzHave you see Steve's Lake latest article? I sent it to PJ and she liked it too. It's about Ubuntu vanity -- deciding for others that GNOME is it.Jul 08 10:03
PetoKrausno, i've read only the rant so far :PJul 08 10:04
*RogerBacon ( has joined #boycottnovellJul 08 10:06
PetoKrausschestowitz: could you throw a link, please?Jul 08 10:08
schestowitzYes, sure.Jul 08 10:09
schestowitzBut to what exactly?Jul 08 10:09
RogerBaconWE ARE DOOMEDJul 08 10:10
RogerBacon 08 10:10
schestowitzOh, Microsoft has done this for ages. 08 10:11
schestowitzYou are not allowed to talk about it though. If you do, anonymous shills would start calling you paranoid and if you link to man bits of proofs, they'll go to great lengths to dismiss articles as 'incorrect'. It's a taboo, like global warming, but even the Partner Group recently acknowledged this.Jul 08 10:13
RogerBacon'm in the security business, and the security business is the business of paranoiaJul 08 10:15
PetoKraus"Mr. Gates, when did you realise you are trying to build a monopoly?" "Oh, monopoly is a game, i am trying to rule the world! We are currently working on a project called total information technology - TIT. And when you are sucking the tit, we've got you by the motherboard!" -- Robin Williams, Live On BroadwayJul 08 10:16
PetoKrauswhen comedians realise how bad the situation is, it's really bad.Jul 08 10:17
schestowitz:-) Well, there's nothing funny about it. Mac OS X is the same BTW.Jul 08 10:17
PetoKrausthat scary part is the funny one.Jul 08 10:18
RogerBaconos x is crap ?Jul 08 10:19
*RogerBacon ruunnnJul 08 10:20
schestowitzHmmm...Jul 08 10:25
schestowitzIt's only funny because I never touch proprietary O/Ses.Jul 08 10:25
RogerBaconwowJul 08 10:30
RogerBacondidn't sleep at all - was in front of my computer all thsi time ... wow ...Jul 08 10:30
schestowitzThis is why I love wikileaks: 08 11:08
moparx:)Jul 08 14:15
schestowitzIt seems like everyone is now falling victim to Microsoft buddies: . Who's next? Google? Novell already has that IBM plant called Hovsepian.Jul 08 17:51
schestowitzBeebe on KDE: Now I understand why some people labeled him Linux-hostile.Jul 08 18:26
RogerBacondunno if its a good idea to leak some professional programJul 08 20:06
schestowitzGo ahead.Jul 08 20:08
RogerBaconit's for some VHF transmiter / receiverJul 08 20:09
RogerBaconmotorola CDM seriesJul 08 20:09
RogerBaconprofessional stuffJul 08 20:11
schestowitzWhere?Jul 08 20:11
RogerBaconwhere i'll put the files ?Jul 08 20:12
schestowitzIs it legal to do so?Jul 08 20:12
RogerBacontotally notJul 08 20:13
RogerBacon:PJul 08 20:13
RogerBaconi can pastle the license agrement ..Jul 08 20:13
schestowitzWell, maybe the folks at channel #b0yc011n0v311 would be interested.Jul 08 20:14
moparx:oJul 08 20:14
RogerBaconthat's channel is too leet for meJul 08 20:14
RogerBacon;)Jul 08 20:14
moparxhahaJul 08 20:14
RogerBacon*l33tJul 08 20:15
RogerBaconim doing it wrong :/Jul 08 20:15
schestowitzYup!!111Jul 08 20:15
schestowitz133tJul 08 20:15
schestowitzI've just found something curiousJul 08 20:15
schestowitzI reckon GNOME is becoming a bit more like Novell.Jul 08 20:16
RogerBaconhow can you said thatJul 08 20:16
RogerBacon:@Jul 08 20:16
schestowitzI have nothing firm to support this yet.Jul 08 20:16
schestowitzMiguel's... well, GNOME co-founder (I believe) is working with Microsoft-affiliated companies.Jul 08 20:17
schestowitzShe's now coming to GNOME as one who's supposed to market it to Microsoft-oriented companies.Jul 08 20:17
schestowitzIt's the whole IPR reform thing. Making FOSS just OSS and an object owned by those with imaginary assets.Jul 08 20:18
schestowitzI presented the case yesterday, but it wasn't compelling enough. It got about 50 Diggs in 24 hours, but no front page. I'll have a second go later, equipped with new exhibits.Jul 08 20:19
RogerBaconwhere's the best place to lleek some fileJul 08 20:20
RogerBaconim sure motorola youldn't be happyJul 08 20:21
schestowitzI don't know. Motorola isn't really evil.Jul 08 20:21
*RogerBacon has offered (6367193 bytes)Jul 08 20:21
RogerBaconokay, then do it ;)Jul 08 20:22
schestowitzWhat would I do with a CAB? I don't have Winders on any of my boxes.Jul 08 20:24
*DCC RECV connect attempt to RogerBacon failed (err=Connection timed out).Jul 08 20:27
cozubthere's cabextract or something like thatJul 08 20:28
cozub seems to be the home pageJul 08 20:29
schestowitzOh, thanks. What would I do with the file though? Other than the fact that RogerBacon publicly sends a file that he's not allowed to...?Jul 08 20:32
cozubhuh, I wasn't following, just noticed you're asking about a CAB files... as usualyl I lack context, sorry :)Jul 08 20:32
schestowitzThat's OK. I'm slow to respond now BTW. Making dinner so running up and down the house.Jul 08 20:35
schestowitzIf anyone on IRC could help with the research on GNOME, please holler.Jul 08 20:43

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