The many larger laptops with Vista installed were left untouched. Sad eh? Even thieves don’t want Vista.
I have employees who have been using Mepis Linux for four years. These systems have remained rock-solid, and we do periodic updates through the Internet.
Step 1: Learn more about Linux. A good way to start would be to read this brief but informative Wikipedia article on Linux. You will know a few Linux terminologies that will surely be useful later on.
I have been around the Linux community for more than 10 years now. From the very beginning, I have known that there are basic differences between Linux and Windows that will always set them apart. This is not, in the least, to say one is better than the other.
So, would I recommend antiX 7.5, given the improvements that have been made since my last review?
This year's Google Summer of Code is drawing inexorably to its close: the first indication that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness is indeed upon us.
If you’re a big music lover, Amarok is definitely a program you should consider. It’s so terrific that I even had one friend who hates all things KDE admit that he used Amarok. So if you like doing everything you can with your media player, give Amarok a whirl.
2008-08-27 12:07:10
The support is for M$, crApple desktops. They're trying to get into your pocket, no matter what it takes, since installing M$, Apple OS's lead to spending more money to try to get a decent working desktop through adding non Free Open Source Software.
So there really is no change. Monopoly owns the politicos, the media, the ANALysts. It's only how they spin it.