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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 7th, 2008


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*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 07 01:33
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 01:58
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 07 02:18
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 03:03
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 07 03:48
twitter:) Put Lenny on my trusty, 233 MHz Thinkpad 600.  7GB hard drive, 256MB RAM, Pentium 2.Nov 07 03:49
tessierSounds painful.Nov 07 03:50
twitterIt almost worked out of the box. I had to blacklist the modem and snd_cs4232 and manually load snd_cs4236 with nasty isa options.Nov 07 03:50
twitteradded E16 and it works OK.  Try that with Vista or Vista 7, ha ha ha.Nov 07 03:51
twitterYou will have to get a scsi DVD player for starters because 600 typically has a CD.Nov 07 03:52
twitterIt is a heavy laptop but very sturdy and the screen is still excellent after ten years of use.Nov 07 03:52
twitterRythm box plays local files smoothly, Gnash on Iceweasel is just too much for it.Nov 07 03:53
twitterIceweasel works well otherwise.Nov 07 03:53
*logger_bot has quit ( 07 03:53
twitterHave not tried out Open Office yet.Nov 07 03:54
twitterHave not tried mp4 or mpeg movie playing but those used to work under Sarge and Etch.Nov 07 03:55
*logger_bot () has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 03:55
twitterLenny started faster and played music better than Etch did.  That was surprising.Nov 07 03:55
*logger_bot has quit ( 07 04:32
*logger_bot () has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 04:37
*schestowitz has a 400MHz laptop lying about (AMD).Nov 07 07:39
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 08:39
MinceRj0Nov 07 08:56
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 09:55
schestowitzDell offering White Spaces connectivity with future Laptops < >\Nov 07 09:56
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 07 09:56
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 10:17
schestowitzSandisk axes 15 per cent of workforce < >; AMD lets Stream author go < >Nov 07 11:27
schestowitz "Corresponding with the election of Barack Obama as President, ex vice President and now green crusader Al Gore and his organization are pushing a new heavily advertised triple play energy package that they say could provide the US with 100% green power within ten years.."Nov 07 11:31
schestowitzStock manipulation or fear of big debt? Ballmer Says Unequivocal 'No' to New Yahoo Deal < >. Also a scary thought: Ballmer or Bezos as Obama CTO? < >Nov 07 11:35
schestowitzPalin didn't know Africa is a continent, McCain aides say < >Nov 07 11:50
schestowitzWhy is the FFBI getting involved in this < >, as if Intel chips contain some NSA-'friendly' bits?Nov 07 12:00
schestowitzLayoffs Strike Again < >Nov 07 12:54
schestowitzNovell ads in eWeek: "Nov 07 13:33
schestowitzMixed Source VirtualizationNov 07 13:33
schestowitzMicrosoft and Novell: Driving data center agility through mixed source virtualizationNov 07 13:33
schestowitzUntil recently, the burden of interoperability has rested on the shoulders of the IT professional. With the collaboration between Microsoft and Novell, however, this is no longer the case. Join us on Oct. 29 as experts from Microsoft and Novell share insights into how mixed-source virtualization can help improve operational efficiency, and what work is being done to help manage these environments. Register Now!"Nov 07 13:33
schestowitzIDC advertising a product as 'article' and uses FUD: "SMobile argues that because Android is open source, it will attract more hackers who will be able to look for holes they can exploit to gather user data for malicious purposes." < > IDC status >> gutterNov 07 13:48
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 13:51
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 13:57
trmancoHiNov 07 14:00
schestowitzHey, trmanco, what's up?Nov 07 14:01
trmancoNothing much, reading the news :-PNov 07 14:01
schestowitzBig news from Creative: 07 14:01
trmancocoolNov 07 14:02
trmancoto bad I don't have anything from creativeNov 07 14:02
trmancotoo late into the game IMONov 07 14:02
schestowitzThey got sh*tload of bad reputation for the driver (and like a hundred pages of complaints). Now they'll have it put in the kernel, which means that more hardware will work with Linux out of the box.Nov 07 14:03
trmancoyes that is great for the kernelNov 07 14:04
schestowitzBut no, don't buy Creaive. The damage was done.Nov 07 14:05
schestowitzCreative climbs down over home brew Vista drivers : 07 14:05
schestowitzCreative Labs : Product Boards : Sound Blaster : Message to Daniel_K : 07 14:05
schestowitzHaha. Why Vista sounds worse < >; Audio in Linux is awesome < >Nov 07 14:06
EruaranhelloNov 07 14:08
Eruaran"Man gets printer working with Vista"Nov 07 14:08
EruaranI came across some uber retardation with a Vista system todayNov 07 14:09
EruaranI customer doesn't just want to use his high end hardware for work, he wants games as wellNov 07 14:09
EruaranBut, he cant play any on VistaNov 07 14:09
EruaranIts a 64bit systemNov 07 14:10
EruaranOr, some of it isNov 07 14:10
EruaranVista 64bit makes two program folders for 32 and 64 bit stuffNov 07 14:10
EruaranAnd, some of its own stuff isn't 64bitNov 07 14:10
EruaranAnd...Nov 07 14:11
schestowitzOf course.Nov 07 14:11
schestowitzVista was never 64-bit readyNov 07 14:11
schestowitzhardly for server either, AFAIKNov 07 14:11
EruaranHe can't play games... on Windows... it reboots every time he starts up oneNov 07 14:11
schestowitzIt's foolish to tell Windows users to go 64-bit.Nov 07 14:11
EruaranI had a look at itNov 07 14:11
schestowitz"Valued customers" bug Neat Receipts over Vista support  : 07 14:12
schestowitzNext Release of OneCare Won't Support Vista x64 : 07 14:12
EruaranThere are actually two versions of the "ribbon" screensaver, a 32bit one and a 64bit oneNov 07 14:12
EruaranCould it be more bizarreNov 07 14:12
schestowitzMicrosoft Vista 64 bit is no go in 2007 : 07 14:12
Eruaranwhen he tries to start a gameNov 07 14:12
schestowitzRelated to your problem: Windows XP 64 is crap and things break and printers dont work and quickbooks doesnt work the list goes on 07 14:12
Eruaraninexplicably the 32bit ribbon screensaver attempts to startNov 07 14:13
EruaranandNov 07 14:13
Eruarancrashes the systemNov 07 14:13
schestowitzSupport for Microsoft Windows XP x64 Not Worth Anything http://roacm.blogspot.comNov 07 14:13
schestowitzYes, crashes too..Nov 07 14:13
schestowitzVista users get the 64-bit blues : 07 14:13
EruaranIt would have to be one of the mose bizarre things I have ever seen... Even for WindowsNov 07 14:13
schestowitzVista7 will Fix --Everything-- nothing.Nov 07 14:14
schestowitzThey already chose a wallpaper for it though. Very neat!Nov 07 14:14
EruaranyeahNov 07 14:14
Eruaranthat divine light thingNov 07 14:15
schestowitzBetter than the Leopard purple. Off choice from Apple.Nov 07 14:15
schestowitz*OddNov 07 14:15
EruaranMicrosoft with the messianic complex... kind of like Michael JacksonNov 07 14:15
MinceRand like steve jobs.Nov 07 14:16
EruaranyesNov 07 14:16
EruaranhehNov 07 14:16
EruaranI read Ballmers comments about GoogleNov 07 14:17
EruaranAnd commented on El RegNov 07 14:17
*_doug () has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 14:18
EruaranBallmer is a dinosaurNov 07 14:18
EruaranHe doesn't understand any strategy that doesn't sound like, "Will this sell more copies of Windows ?"Nov 07 14:18
schestowitzEveryone is sacking staff and meanwhile Red Hat is expanding :-) 07 14:19
Eruaran"He who knows neither self nor enemy will fail in every battle" - Sun TzuNov 07 14:20
_dougSCO resurecting Caldera ..Nov 07 14:20
_doug 07 14:20
trmancodid the trolls on usenet get any weird update on their Windummy machines or are they only doing a routine clean upNov 07 14:20
_dougtrmanco: weird update ?Nov 07 14:22
trmancoyesNov 07 14:23
trmancodid I misspell it?Nov 07 14:23
_dougno, just wondering what are you refering to ?Nov 07 14:23
trmancothose security updates from MSNov 07 14:24
trmancolast week or soNov 07 14:24
_dougahhh ...Nov 07 14:24
schestowitzVista seems to be hurting Dell...  Dell struggles to cut costs < >Nov 07 14:25
_dougYouTube to stream full major motion pictures?Nov 07 14:25
_doug 07 14:25
schestowitz_doug: Anonymous writes: "They're going to market a new Linux distro unified with UNIX! They could call it, hmm... Caldera Linux!"Nov 07 14:25
_dougThe future of the Internet, television + adverts ...Nov 07 14:25
schestowitz_doug: there's a joke in USENET that the trolls walked away because they got a bad patch and can't reboot.Nov 07 14:26
_dougahh soo .. has it been quite ?Nov 07 14:26
schestowitzRelatively, for sure.Nov 07 14:26
schestowitzThe ugly ones are gone.Nov 07 14:26
Eruaran"In war, numbers are not the issue. It is a question of not attacking too aggressively. Concentrate your strength, assess your enemy, and win the confidence of your men: That is enough." - Sun TzuNov 07 14:26
Eruaran"Rashly underestimate your enemy, and you will surely be taken captive." - Sun TzuNov 07 14:27
_dougGoogle Groups seem to be borked ..Nov 07 14:28
_dougI stand corrected . .the search function doesn't seem to be working .. like I know the article is there .. but search can't find it ...Nov 07 14:29
_dougBBC and iPlayer's future ..Nov 07 14:31
_doug 07 14:31
EruaranI don't think Huggers would know a Linux user if he walked through the NYSE.Nov 07 14:40
schestowitz Obama, McCain campaigns' computers hacked for policy data < >Nov 07 15:00
schestowitzErik Huggers is a Microsoft employee.. was... is... same thing.. cronyism in MSBBC.Nov 07 15:00
schestowitzI see that Huggers throws that old 1% market share FUD.Nov 07 15:03
EruaranIt doesn't even make senseNov 07 15:03
schestowitzThe BBC one said that only 600 people (in the UK?) use Linux.Nov 07 15:06
schestowitzWay to go, BBC. That's informing the public... that's what it's all about... at their expense too (tax money)Nov 07 15:06
twittergood morning, catching up.Nov 07 15:35
twitterLiked the links today.Nov 07 15:35
schestowitzJoe gets slapped. 07 15:35
schestowitzSomeone has volunteered to create indexes for BN. Initial pages: 07 15:37
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 07 15:38
schestowitzThis is absolutely brilliant. Bless him for this! It's just as I imagined it would be in order to serve as an index. We get about 20,000 pageviews a day, so this would give people a starting point (they tend to read just the latest bits because it's hard to locate the old stuff).Nov 07 15:38
schestowitzI'll need to credit thie guy publicly but he wants no attribution (are people afraid of something?). In case people want post excerpts, put the headline in the search box, as such: . Then you see the summary, which is otherwise invisible. Nov 07 15:39
twitterPeople should be afraid.Nov 07 15:40
twitterI'm glad people are willing to help.Nov 07 15:40
schestowitzOne reader wrote: "About 3 and 4 years  ago there were a few articles about how ODF had great potential now just like the other open document format that brought us the web and e-commerce did back in 1994 or so." Hee found: (OpenDocument could 'turn the world inside out' )Nov 07 15:41
twitterTrolls are still around, but concentrating their effort on blasting their message rather than harassment.  All M$ spin of course.Nov 07 15:41
schestowitz"Now we have the potential to explode the world again, to turn everything inside out again, if we get the widespread use across the office desktops of the world, of a common, open, unencumbered, reusable data format, namely OpenDocument. So we could see an explosion over the next decade that is like the Web happening again and that would be fun..." Hm.... I should make an ODF version too.Nov 07 15:41
schestowitztwitter: you've been smeared in a couple of threads  in BN (usual stalker) overnightNov 07 15:42
twitterAh, nothing changes.  Got links for me?Nov 07 15:42
twitterThere are better articles about Vista audio.  Peter Guttman explained Vista audio problems in terms of DRM and that's the root of all problems.Nov 07 15:43
twitterSPDIF and all XP drivers were thrown away as "untrusted"  System checks things 30 times a second when you do simple things like play a CD.  All of it was designed to fail.  Windows 7 will suffer the same.Nov 07 15:44
twitterWhen you understand the root cause, it's easy to make predictions.Nov 07 15:44
schestowitzHere's the interesting thing. The HTML and PDF versions are over 400KB in size (each). The ODF version is just 80KB.Nov 07 15:45
trmancosave it in .doc or .docxNov 07 15:46
trmanco3 times bigger than an odf versionNov 07 15:46
twitterThe Darkness article about Linux audio suckage was old and stale.  As long as hardware makers bow to M$, newbies will have audio problems though.Nov 07 15:46
schestowitz.doc has a tendency yo bloat things up for forensics.Nov 07 15:47
schestowitzMicrosoft might claim it's ad hoc stuff to speed up saving/opening.Nov 07 15:47
twitterwindows meta file, spawn of the devil.Nov 07 15:47
trmancoyes indeedNov 07 15:47
*schestowitz distracted (on phone while here)Nov 07 15:48
twitterOh, have some links to the smears.  I like to follow them up.Nov 07 15:49
schestowitzOnce thought safe, WPA Wi-Fi encryption is cracked  < >Nov 07 15:49
schestowitztwitter: he's doing Samba next.Nov 07 15:50
twitterWPA cracks, that passed by Slashdot a couple of weeks ago.  Supposedly they got versions 1 and 2.Nov 07 15:51
twitterWPA sucked and was a distraction from real, end to end security.Nov 07 15:52
twitterI hope WPA dies a swift and complete death so that wifi is easy to use again.Nov 07 15:53
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 15:59
_dougEstimating the Value of Linux ..Nov 07 16:02
_doug 07 16:02
schestowitzAt least they didn't hire shills this time around (unlike last year).Nov 07 16:03
_doug"The Linux Foundation  .. finds that it would take approximately $10.8 billion to build the Linux community distribution Fedora 9 in today’s dollars"Nov 07 16:03
_dougAcacia patents interactive TV ..Nov 07 16:06
schestowitzThey hired at least one person who works on this (and Linux Development Network), then said.. "hey, get some figures thrown together, make pretty charts and produce a 'white' paper for us to promote with..."Nov 07 16:06
_doug 07 16:06
schestowitzAcacia patents Troll-suicide. Now *that's* INNOVA~1.Nov 07 16:06
_dougAcacia patents credit card fraud protection ..Nov 07 16:07
_doug 07 16:07
schestowitzTell Obama to send Acacia to Alcatraz. They got room... 07 16:07
schestowitzMyhrvold can cook for them.Nov 07 16:07
schestowitz:-)Nov 07 16:08
_dougAcacia Research licenses interactive television from Thomson SA ..Nov 07 16:08
_doug 07 16:08
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 07 16:20
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 07 16:25
twitterI'm glad to see Red Hat expanding.  There's opportunity in M$'s failure.Nov 07 16:29
twitterI had a nice look at that Black Tower article, but I'm still not interested in Gnome.Nov 07 16:30
twitterOne interesting thing I noticed in the link about alternate desktop environments was XFCE's modularity.  The file manager thunar looked particularly interesting, but still worlds away from Konqueror.Nov 07 16:32
schestowitzhttp://www.europarl.europa...Nov 07 16:34
twitterI'm probably going to install it on my 233 MHz laptop, which I'm using to look at Gnome stuff.Nov 07 16:34
schestowitzFriend: "I tried to find out the membership of the PETI committee to see who my  rep is, but that info is blocked"Nov 07 16:34
schestowitzI wrote about PETI this morning: Also see: 07 16:34
twitterhmmmNov 07 16:34
twitterLOL, I'm your "attack poodle".  That makes me the attack dog's attack dog as the M$ people like to spin it.  That puts me in good company, they have described all free software advocates and the FSF itself that way.Nov 07 16:39
schestowitzMicrosoft still abuses YHOO share price... http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource...Nov 07 16:40
schestowitztwitter: they try to embarrass and belittle people.Nov 07 16:41
twitternot workingNov 07 16:41
schestowitzIn USENET, if someone supports me, they label him/her "lapdog" many times.Nov 07 16:41
schestowitzAnother pattern is stirring up of inner conflict.Nov 07 16:42
schestowitzIf there is a change in opinion, they'll accentuate this and try to cause 'civil wars;Nov 07 16:42
schestowitzIn the past, they even started new accounts with female names to try to create unnecessary tensions.Nov 07 16:42
schestowitzLike saying "I agree with X, but Y is just a zealot" (both applied to advocates)Nov 07 16:43
twitteryep.  the waste of resources is amazing.Nov 07 16:43
schestowitzMicrosoft loves civil wars. it talks about this in the Slog Doc.Nov 07 16:43
twitterthe goal is all the same, disrupt the "enemy" (everyone in the world that's not M$)Nov 07 16:43
schestowitz 07 16:45
schestowitzlternative headline for: "Yahoo! Poisons itself" or "Microsoft executives moves to a different department"Nov 07 16:46
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 16:48
schestowitzMicrosoft employees/bloggers at ZDNET spotted hyping up MSFT in the press.Nov 07 16:50
twitterThey have been told to do that.  It really discredits both M$ and ZDNet.Nov 07 16:51
twitterIt's one thing when employees with technical knowledge step in to make corrections.  M$ people are obviously just cutting and pasting from talking points.Nov 07 16:52
schestowitzThose who make a living from Microsoft go out of their way to Freeze the Makret(C), e.g. 07 16:53
schestowitzEarlier on I found a reader of BN leaving a comment in a site, calling it "Vista 7"Nov 07 16:54
twitterThe PC market has been "frozen" since 1998.  Their retail channel is just about shot.Nov 07 16:54
twitterWithout that, the world is open to change.  Those who want to survive will be moving with that change quickly.Nov 07 16:55
twitterThe edges of their support network, mom and pop stores, have taken the first, hardest and longest beating.Nov 07 16:55
schestowitzI need a list with names of people who received bribes from Microsoft.Nov 07 16:56
schestowitzI can't find the list of those who attended the secret meeting and got Vista 7 laptopsNov 07 16:56
twitterYou never will, I'm afraid.Nov 07 16:56
schestowitzI have not a single name yetNov 07 16:56
twitterYou can get a few by looking at who brags about having attended the meeting.Nov 07 16:57
twitterKennedy said they all had to pay to be there and all at least got a 160GB drive with software.Nov 07 16:58
twitterOther gifts would be harder to track down.Nov 07 16:58
_dougThe only reason Vista 7 was announced was to freeze any upgrades to an Open Source desktop ..Nov 07 16:58
schestowitz.nd yet another MSBBC advert: 07 16:58
schestowitzNo name on the advert... well, it's not an article, is it?Nov 07 16:59
_dougvaporewareNov 07 16:59
schestowitzMaybe Huggers and the cronies push for that type of stuff... non-existent products.Nov 07 16:59
schestowitztwitter: I think I know who gort a laptopNov 07 16:59
schestowitzIna Friedshill bragged about the "goods" in some blog post, IIRC.Nov 07 17:00
schestowitzLet me searchNov 07 17:00
_doug"Microsoft Corp. is not interested in making another bid to buy Yahoo Inc. but there could be a partnership on search"Nov 07 17:00
_doug 07 17:00
_douginteresting, will MS have to report theselves to the DOJ ?Nov 07 17:00
_dougMicrosoft luring Verizon away from Google ..Nov 07 17:01
_doug 07 17:01
twitterSure, Vista 7 is like XP was to ME and W2K.  XP was also huge flop, Vista was worse.  All along M$ has had to squeeze customers harder and harder to keep the money rolling in.  More for less.Nov 07 17:01
schestowitzBTW, one of the 'analysts' from Redmond got a free Vista laptop from MicrosoftNov 07 17:02
twitterI hope he quickly put free software on it.Nov 07 17:02
schestowitzThis guy >> 07 17:03
schestowitz_doug: DOJ *is* Microsoft. It's tainted by their people. Don't ask me. Others say this too.Nov 07 17:04
schestowitz 07 17:05
twitterOMG, that vista crashes graph from WinHEC is priceless.  It's basically a flat line, indicating that nothing has changed.Nov 07 17:05
schestowitzI can't find the names of the weasels who picketed the $2000 gift and said nothing.Nov 07 17:05
schestowitz ( Microsoft delivers the goods at PDC 2008 )Nov 07 17:06
schestowitz"Here's the 160GB Western Digital portable hard drive and a pre-beta copy of Windows 7 that attendees of PDC 2008 received on Tuesday."Nov 07 17:07
schestowitzSo Microsoft gave all attendees gifts.Nov 07 17:07
twittercomplete with known exploit from "critical" flaws.Nov 07 17:07
schestowitzWatch this image from the article: 07 17:08
schestowitzVista 7 looks just like Vista.Nov 07 17:08
schestowitz""It looks like a re-packaged Vista" with "a little bit of eye candy," said Daniel McGloin, a software engineer at Intuit."Nov 07 17:08
schestowitz"Keeping the underlying code similar means fewer incompatibility issues with apps and drivers, but "is it compelling to the end user? I don't know," he said."Nov 07 17:09
twitterKennedy found out that Vista 7 had new incompatibilities anyway.  ha ha.Nov 07 17:09
twitterthey are also shifting their focus to Hailstone 2, aka Azure, which has been described as "iron clad" lockin for vendors.Nov 07 17:10
schestowitzFree speech? Malaysia blogger's joy at release < >Nov 07 17:12
schestowitztwitter: office live and azure are not new!Nov 07 17:12
schestowitzNeither is Vista 7Nov 07 17:12
schestowitzIt's amazing how everything in the conference was rebraning of products. of coure, bribed  reporters (some of them) fail to call it!Nov 07 17:13
twitterYeah, but Vista 7 is pushing even simple things like paint into the Hailstorm.Nov 07 17:13
twitterAccording to Kennedy, users will have to download their mail client, movie editor, paint program, etc, etc.Nov 07 17:14
schestowitzOffice Live ... existed in 2006, AKAIK.... Azure? Just another 'roadmap' for a cloud that existed _FOR YEARS_. Windows 7? Vista with a name theme and name. W0W.Nov 07 17:14
schestowitztwitter: well, pay-per-app. Another /revenue/ 'idea'...Nov 07 17:15
schestowitzOr.... just get Free software... or a Blu-Ray DVD of Debian 5.0 with 20+ GB of software readily available.Nov 07 17:15
twitterIt's the same old model, using the web.  Give the user Works and expect them to buy Office, but never a competitor's product because their work would be lost.Nov 07 17:16
twitterThe problem is that they have destroyed their retail chain.Nov 07 17:16
twitterThey can hype all of this shit to they sky but retailers are going to be very cautious.Nov 07 17:16
schestowitz2 people have requested a list of bribed bloggers and all... I'll do a post that's a plea for info.Nov 07 17:17
twitterWith Vista, they made almost everyone in the world aware but no one wanted it.  It was something ridiculous like 90% knew about Vista, 12% wanted it.  The want it number fell from there.Nov 07 17:18
twitterGood luck getting the list together.  I'll keep my eyes open, but I'm not likely to come across it.Nov 07 17:18
twitterVista 7 is going to be much the same.  No one wants a new computer and even fewer want the nightmare of an upgrade.Nov 07 17:19
schestowitztwitter: search for clues in Google.Nov 07 17:20
schestowitzThe "get the goods" post was tattooed in my mind cause I saw it the other day... before Kennedy spilled the beans. Microsoft did more harm than good by blacklisting him.Nov 07 17:21
schestowitzAlso: it's possible to leave a comment in Kennedy's blog asking if he can disclose names.Nov 07 17:21
schestowitz"Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd will invest RM300mil in Malaysia over the next three years in a programme likely to give a boost to the local software technology scene, managing director Yasmin Mahmood said." 07 17:23
schestowitzBastards.Nov 07 17:23
schestowitzMalaysia is moving to ODF and, so they 'pull a Korea'Nov 07 17:23
schestowitzNo, no... I'm wrong... it's all just goodwill.Nov 07 17:23
twitterbblNov 07 17:24
schestowitz 07 17:25
*_doug (n=_doug) has left #boycottnovellNov 07 17:29
schestowitzMicrosoft to use a portion of KDE (ish)??? Microsoft may adopt WebKit, won't stop IE development < >Nov 07 17:31
schestowitzNo traces of laptop bribed in these 2 posts... hm.... 07 17:36
schestowitzMicrosoft sued for patent violation: 07 17:39
schestowitzTime Warner CEO: Still looking at potential AOL deals < >Nov 07 17:46
schestowitzNovell/Meeks: "This is a smartish move by Microsoft. It will make, thanks to Miguel's prescience, MS Office available on the GNU/Linux desktop. However it will cost Microsoft a fortune in server hardware and electricity, and there are formidable problems around metering and managing the live service, particularly against a leaner, simpler free (beer) rival in Google." 07 17:58
schestowitz 07 18:03
schestowitzAmerica sacks 240,000 in October < >Nov 07 18:06
schestowitzLenovo profits disappear < >Nov 07 18:07
schestowitzEarlier today Gavin Clarke did some Microsoft praising. he also does a lot of the 'Microsoft open source' chanting. Now he's having lunch with Microsofties.. 07 18:12
schestowitz "But indeed, he [Shuttleowrth] can write again €«I’m a fan of regulated capitalism€», because, without capitalism, he couldn't possibly have made those big buck, could he?"Nov 07 18:18
schestowitz "More than half of town halls admit using anti-terror laws to spy on families suspected of putting their rubbish out on the wrong day."Nov 07 18:44
trmancoschestowitz, how are M% shares?Nov 07 18:56
schestowitzBad.Nov 07 18:56
schestowitzWas almost below $20 yesterday, but the market is up today.Nov 07 18:57
trmancoany links?Nov 07 18:57
*kentma1 has quit ("Leaving.")Nov 07 18:58
schestowitzEven bribing criminals are hurt: Otellini says the recession's gonna hurt < >Nov 07 18:58
schestowitztrmanco: no link to that (financial news).Nov 07 18:58
trmancookNov 07 18:58
trmancothanksNov 07 18:58
schestowitz'The recession wil get worse, he warned. “This is the deepest one I’ve seen in my lifetime. All the smart people that I talk to tell us the US is in for a two-to-three quarter recession,” he said. “We’ll see much larger unemployment a year from now.”'Nov 07 18:59
schestowitzMaybe he can destroy more charities and bribe more shops (then destroy his E-mails, i.e. evidence, again) to make a buck for a while..Nov 07 19:00
trmanconew wine dev version availableNov 07 19:02
trmanco 07 19:05
schestowitz.Teenager found dead after dispute with parents over Xbox < >; Baby killed with video game controller < >; (Microsoft Xbox Kills Baby)Nov 07 19:07
trmancoLinux kernel releasedNov 07 19:08
schestowitzURL?Nov 07 19:08
trmancolooking for itNov 07 19:10
schestowitzNovell/MS puppet suffers: "CHINA'S LENOVO reported a 78 drop in profit for its second fiscal quarter of 2008 today, compared with Q2 last year." < >Nov 07 19:10
schestowitzThanks, trmanco.Nov 07 19:10
trmancoI found the change log but not yet the official email 07 19:10
schestowitz 07 19:10
schestowitz?Nov 07 19:10
trmanconopNov 07 19:11
trmancoginal releaseNov 07 19:11
trmancofinal*Nov 07 19:11
schestowitz2.6.28 Nov 07 19:11
trmancosaw it on gmaneNov 07 19:11
schestowitzI need to find out what Microsoft is up to in Provo.Nov 07 19:11
schestowitzSome guy says his friends from Novell are involved with Vista 7, but I doubt it.Nov 07 19:12
schestowitzMicrosoft also opened some branch or expanded in Provo a few months ago. This was done quietly.Nov 07 19:12
schestowitzI DON"T think this has substance, but THEY COULD be experimenting with Linux, as they did with Singularity (then shelved it away for suckage).Nov 07 19:13
schestowitzThe very existence of Project Singularity indicates that they considered trashing Windows.Nov 07 19:13
schestowitzInternal memos from some months ago indicated similar things.Nov 07 19:13
schestowitzSingulairity was later labeled "just research' and I can't imagine that they want to go head-to-head with kernels vs. OS X (Darwin) and Linux.Nov 07 19:14
schestowitzAnd then there's this: 07 19:14
MinceRthe osx kernel is overratedNov 07 19:15
schestowitzHow would KDe devs feel if Microsoft actually used their code... their 'cancer'? Vista 7 is already 'theft' of KDE4 ideas.Nov 07 19:15
schestowitzMinceR: I wasn't arguing otherwise.Nov 07 19:15
schestowitzBut the UNIX philosophy of BSD is the result of decades of research, trial and error, etc.Nov 07 19:15
MinceRi thought the unix philosophy of bsd was the result of not wanting to pay at&t for unixNov 07 19:16
schestowitzOn the other hand, WIndows 'kernel' (not even modular a system) is a pile of BillG brainfart goo.Nov 07 19:16
schestowitzWindows was not even designed for the network!!!Nov 07 19:16
MinceRwindows wasn't designedNov 07 19:16
MinceRit's random stolen code and ideas cemented together with vomitNov 07 19:17
schestowitzThat's one of the reasons it scales badly, it crashes, it 'borrows' BSD code, and it is not secure (no good handling of privileges)Nov 07 19:17
trmancoschestowitz, found itNov 07 19:21
trmanco 07 19:21
trmanco 07 19:21
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 19:43
*macabe has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Nov 07 19:54
*macabe (i=43f0d869@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 19:54
trmanco 07 19:55
*schestowitz write letter to the VoleNov 07 19:58
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 20:00
trmanco 07 20:04
schestowitzThanks, I'll do a post about it.Nov 07 20:07
schestowitzJust posted: 07 20:07
trmancocoolNov 07 20:09
trmancocontacting individuals :-P, have you thought of the next person to contact?Nov 07 20:09
schestowitzYes, formal complaint.Nov 07 20:09
schestowitzJust got this E-mail. :-) "Your work is very valuable and points to the excesses of unethical and criminal behavior that people have come to expect as the norm. That can't be left unsaid and because of general apathy screwed values have grown out of proportion."Nov 07 20:10
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 07 20:16
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Nov 07 20:21
schestowitztrmanco: 07 20:36
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Nov 07 20:39
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 20:42
*libervisco_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 07 20:43
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 07 20:46
trmancoschestowitz, nice :-)Nov 07 20:47
*libervisco_ is now known as liberviscoNov 07 21:15
twitterha ha.  M$ may have noticed that I made about half of my sock puppets with M$ Live email addresses.Nov 07 21:19
twitterAs soon as it was obvious they were watching my traffic and knew anyway, I started doing that.  Yes, I checked the "email responses" box so that BillG could bear the cost of storing flames as well as the cost of writing them.Nov 07 21:20
twitterI also used my real name and email address for each, so nothing was under the table.Nov 07 21:21
twitterI'm sorry that M$ will no longer be offering me this valuable service to me.Nov 07 21:21
twitterI can't wait for them to finally nerf my wife off Hotmail, so she can go tell all her mommy blog friends.Nov 07 21:23
twitterThat will drive them all to Google.Nov 07 21:24
schestowitzI notice that DesktopLinux has an updateNov 07 21:24
schestowitzHe managed to make this work. I don't know if others still have the same issue. I bet Microsoft just wasn't honouring standards (nor testing with #1 rival O/S).Nov 07 21:25
schestowitzPost about Vista 7 out in a minute...Nov 07 21:25
twitterThe wife has not said anything yet.Nov 07 21:26
schestowitz 07 21:29
twitterah, I see, it was a browser user agent setting.  Mepis uses Firefox, she won't see the problem.Nov 07 21:29
twitterlooking at Vista 7 bribes....Nov 07 21:29
twitter:)Nov 07 21:33
trmanco 07 21:45
trmancoLinux boots in 2.97 secondsNov 07 21:45
schestowitzIt could do better.Nov 07 21:50
trmancoschestowitz, 1 second :-PNov 07 21:58
twitterIt does better waking up on my Zaurus but not even my ancient Handspring visor can boot that fast.  Wake up on palmtops is shorter than a second.Nov 07 21:59
twitterHere's a terrible story about someone who clearly lost their mind. 07 22:00
twitterHa ha, M$ Innovates the Apple App Store 07 22:02
twitterSweaty B says no to webkit too.Nov 07 22:03
schestowitzSays no?Nov 07 22:04
schestowitz"Ballmer: Microsoft working on App Store-like software distribution" ......... has Microsoft patented this yet?Nov 07 22:04
schestowitzLike they patented the iPod? As in 'invented' portable music player (duh!) but never implemented anything?Nov 07 22:05
schestowitzProblem confirmed: 07 22:07
twitterI think they are using Iceweasel too.Nov 07 22:13
twitterM$ is crazy stupid for using a useragent block on something that works otherwise.Nov 07 22:14
schestowitzDoes it matter? Microsoft needs to deliver standard code, not sniff headers.Nov 07 22:14
twitterLet's see how far it goes.Nov 07 22:14
schestowitzYou beat me to it.Nov 07 22:14
twitter:)Nov 07 22:14
twitterbblNov 07 22:14
twitterAh, before I go, the point seems to be division again.  Because only half of distros will have this problem, there will be confusion and a chance to make arguments between the fans.Nov 07 22:15
schestowitzMicrosoft: everyone should just use the sameNov 07 22:16
twitterRight.Nov 07 22:16
schestowitzSolving problem recipe: Windows+IE+x86 in the stack. Who da f needs choice, as long as Wintel gets the stash?Nov 07 22:16
PetoKrausthough Core i7 is niceNov 07 22:17
PetoKrausi must admitNov 07 22:17
PetoKrausi hope fusion will deliverNov 07 22:17
PetoKrausgood gpu performance, that is.Nov 07 22:17
twitterOh yeah, they will continue to recommend at least IE through Wine or Winblows though VMware, for "balanced" people.  Anything to keep people using their crap.Nov 07 22:18
twitternow, I'll go do a few things.Nov 07 22:18
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Nov 07 22:18
schestowitzPetoKraus: but every time you buy Intel, a kitten dies. :-( :-(Nov 07 22:20
PetoKrausyupNov 07 22:21
schestowitz 07 22:31
schestowitzMicrosoft ditches old Hotmail design; users gripe (NOT just Linux users) < >Nov 07 22:49
schestowitzIna Friedshill's obligatory ad placements for Microsoft at CNET: 07 22:50
schestowitzObama is already appointing shillbyists (lobbyists) to take position in govt. "Rivera is not currently registered as a lobbyist, but according to the Center for Responsive Politics, he lobbied for the Catholic Television Network in 2001." < >. Commercial lobbying needs to be illegalised.Nov 07 22:52
schestowitzFunny how Obama raved about no lobbyists fund his campaign, unlike McCain'sNov 07 22:52
schestowitzFCC = drone army. "According to the Center for Responsive Politics, more than 100 former FCC employees have also worked in the private sector. At least 50 percent of them have lobbied on issues related to telecom, communications, and broadcast at some point in their careers."Nov 07 22:53
schestowitzif you can't earn customers, buy them: Microsoft touts 25 percent eBay Cashback rebate < >Nov 07 22:59
schestowitzIt now appears as though Vista 7 'boasts' tracking of the users. Good for targeted ads but also good for the police (surveillance, on top of cellphones)Nov 07 23:00
schestowitzThe MSBBC promotes Windows/Microsoft and easts its own poison now: Windows zombies. ( BBC suffers DDOS attack )Nov 07 23:30
schestowitzAnother article that doesn't get it (Microsoft and lockin): Microsoft Signs Asian Start-ups on to BizSpark < >Nov 07 23:41
schestowitz 07 23:50
schestowitzDisturbing too: http://www.informationclearinghou...Nov 07 23:52
schestowitz "Naomi Klein: the bank bailout  will encourage risky bank practices that will get the bankers bailouts over and over. It should be canceled."Nov 07 23:56
schestowitzThe Bush gang's parting gift: a final, frantic looting of public wealth < >Nov 07 23:56

Recent Techrights' Posts

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GNU/Linux news for the past day
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IRC logs for Sunday, December 15, 2024