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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 3rd, 2008


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PetoKraus( == 0) == trueDec 03 00:06
PetoKrausecho "GN guys."Dec 03 00:07
schestowitzexit(99);Dec 03 00:16
*PetoKraus ( has left #boycottnovell ("99")Dec 03 00:16
schestowitzOrlowski idiocy: Nokia! won't! buy! Yahoo! < >Dec 03 00:19
MinceRlolDec 03 00:19
MinceRi like the reg's Yahoo! Related! Headlines!Dec 03 00:19
schestowitzBut! It! Makes! No Dec 03 00:22
schestowitzBut! It! Makes! No! ! Sense! for Nokia! to Buy! Yahoo! No! More! Than! Apple! Buying! IBM!Dec 03 00:22
schestowitzDinner's ready: Boffins build omelette-making android < >Dec 03 00:23
MinceRIf! Nokia! Bought! IBM! They! Could! Make! Real! Computers!Dec 03 00:25
MinceRoopsDec 03 00:25
MinceRIf! Apple! Bought! IBM! They! Could! Make! Real! Computers!Dec 03 00:25
MinceRas for nokia buying yahoo!, i have no ideaDec 03 00:25
MinceRnokia is already spreading in a sinister way, they've already eaten QtDec 03 00:26
MinceRs/Qt/Trolltech/Dec 03 00:26
kevin8675309and the shot down the adoption of theora into the html standardDec 03 00:26
kevin8675309they*Dec 03 00:26
MinceRindeedDec 03 00:26
MinceRand they insulted the FLOSS community.Dec 03 00:27
kevin8675309"submarine patents... oh nos!!"Dec 03 00:27
kevin8675309heheDec 03 00:27
MinceRit's so submarine that Xiphophorus has disclosed that the owner of the patents has licensed them to everyoneDec 03 00:28
kevin8675309indeedDec 03 00:28
schestowitzAtokiaDec 03 00:28
schestowitzNoia also does automation with Linux now.Dec 03 00:29
MinceRnokia should drown in its symbianDec 03 00:29
schestowitzIn the news: 03 00:29
schestowitz+1 (Symbian drowning)Dec 03 00:29
MinceRwell, nokia will put linux anywhere now... except in phonesDec 03 00:29
schestowitzThey have the Eclipse licence... probably friendly towards DRM and 'stuff'Dec 03 00:29
kevin8675309eek... DRMDec 03 00:30
schestowitzThere's moreDec 03 00:30
schestowitzThey also defended Hollywood while publicly bashing FOSS people.Dec 03 00:30
schestowitzWell, them=AriDec 03 00:30
kevin8675309i try to avoid hardware that supports DRM, but it's not easyDec 03 00:31
schestowitzIntel?Dec 03 00:32
schestowitzAMD supports DX10 tooDec 03 00:32
kevin8675309i'm on AMD... an old athlon 64Dec 03 00:32
schestowitzA lot of stuff is poisoned by conspiracy-inspired specs.Dec 03 00:32
schestowitz (New York serves AMD free Foundry lunch)Dec 03 00:33
kevin8675309but i am aware of things like PVP and HDCP, and if one wants a decent video card it will be hard to avoid emDec 03 00:33
schestowitz"New York's economic-development agency is providing the billion-plus bribe incentive package in return for the siting of a $4.6bn fab in Malta NY, 20 miles north of the state capital of Albany. "Dec 03 00:33
schestowitzThere need to be action.Dec 03 00:33
schestowitzWell, there might be some action against Novell in FOSDEMDec 03 00:33
MinceRgnDec 03 00:34
schestowitzRMS says we should protest when this happens (Novell sponsorship)Dec 03 00:34
schestowitzBN might set up a 'propaganda corner'. We can multiply this Boycott at every event we see Novell. One person has already  booked :-)Dec 03 00:34
twitter"i am aware of things like PVP and HDCP, and if one wants a decent video card" a video card that does not do what you want is not decent.Dec 03 00:35
schestowitz'Pulling an Anivar' is a last resort, but someone will ask Stallman's support for a call to FOSDEM organisors.Dec 03 00:36
schestowitzI suppose I could be coming for FOSDEEM, but it's too risky for me. Michael Larabel sort of invited me last year, but Novell people hate me.Dec 03 00:37
twitterha ha, I also do not believe M$ will disappear in the next decade.  I think they will tank in the next 20 months.Dec 03 00:37
schestowitzHaha.Dec 03 00:37
schestowitzNot so fast.Dec 03 00:37
schestowitzDebt first, then agony.Dec 03 00:38
schestowitzEither way, I look forward to Novell action.Dec 03 00:38
schestowitzGot this from someone nearby;Dec 03 00:38
schestowitz<anon> I can proxify the event a bitDec 03 00:38
schestowitz<anon> I can rent some ULB students :-)Dec 03 00:38
schestowitz<anon> or UCL students :-)Dec 03 00:38
schestowitz<anon> it is a good opportunity to troll themDec 03 00:38
schestowitz<anon> or get the job done by other proxiesDec 03 00:38
schestowitz<anon> taking Money from Novell is similar to participation in a drug trafficDec 03 00:38
schestowitz<anon> the OSS community will put the criminals in jailDec 03 00:38
twitterDebt destroys their illusion of invincibility, which is the only reason people buy into their second rate junk.Dec 03 00:39
schestowitzLayoffs too.Dec 03 00:40
schestowitzNovell closed office in Europe recently.Dec 03 00:40
kevin8675309it's sort of funny that MS has had to change their plans with Windows 7 (targeting netbooks). it's like the failed to predict the marketDec 03 00:40
schestowitzOnly the Germany media covered this, IIRC.Dec 03 00:40
twitterThe tipping point is already past and things will only get faster.  No bribe money, no followers and people start doing what's in their best interest without fear.Dec 03 00:40
schestowitzI mailed Asay, so he wrote about this too.Dec 03 00:40
kevin8675309they*... my Y isn't working today :)Dec 03 00:41
schestowitzBTW, I had nothing to do with the action in India, but it was effective. It got the word out. We need more of this.Dec 03 00:41
twitterIn the last two weeks, you have posted about two large school systems going free.  The word is out.Dec 03 00:42
kevin8675309that would really be niceDec 03 00:42
twitterEven if people don't understand all of the benefits of freedom, they know GNU/Linux costs a fraction of M$'s prison.Dec 03 00:42
schestowitzThat too, but..Dec 03 00:43
schestowitzIn India, articles explained why Novell had betrayed freedom. it's not about price.Dec 03 00:43
schestowitzIt also harms MICROSOFT.Dec 03 00:43
kevin8675309when i went to college, 90% of the software we used was microsoftDec 03 00:43
kevin8675309there was a linux class though which was quite nice... we used fedoraDec 03 00:44
schestowitzThe media never covers freedomDec 03 00:44
schestowitzIn the media, freedom is described as things like "voting", democracy", freedom to choose.Dec 03 00:44
twitterbroadcast and freedom are oppositesDec 03 00:44
schestowitzThat's not freedom in the libre sense and lots of it is an illusion.Dec 03 00:44
schestowitzRMS talks about the confusion of "choice" and "Freedom"Dec 03 00:45
schestowitzMicrosoft, for instance, might try to describe "freedom" as the freedom to choose a program (well, as long as it's Microsoft or Windows)Dec 03 00:45
twitterbroadcast has always given people "choice" of centrally controlled "culture", it is natural broadcasters to try to curtail software freedom, but they are failing.Dec 03 00:45
kevin8675309"yes, it's cross platform. It runs on Windows 98, 2000, and xp!" heheDec 03 00:46
schestowitzYou are "free" t choose between iPhone and iPHone 3GDec 03 00:46
schestowitzBoth are expensive prisons with a plan, but you are still "free" to choose.Dec 03 00:46
schestowitzFree as in "free markets"... free to destroy, free to lock customers in, etc.Dec 03 00:46
schestowitzkevin8675309: and XBox too sometimes.Dec 03 00:47
schestowitzIt's not a joke.Dec 03 00:47
schestowitzJoe Wilcox caught them. Hold on.Dec 03 00:47
schestowitz““When you speak about interoperability do you mean across different platforms, like Windows and Unix, or among different versions of Windows, like XP and 2000.” He meant among different versions of Windows.” 03 00:48
kevin8675309one small example would be for them to support more file systemsDec 03 00:50
kevin8675309one problem there would be having two files called Kevin and kevin in a directory.. windows doesn't allow thatDec 03 00:51
kevin8675309every other OS does thoughDec 03 00:51
schestowitzApple gets ZFSDec 03 00:51
schestowitz (Palm Warning Adds Further Pressure To Co's New Products)Dec 03 00:55
*kevin8675309 has quit ("Leaving.")Dec 03 01:18
twitterUpdated the Jeff Gould, AlexGr connection 03 02:28
twitterand 03 02:28
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 06:33
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 07:32
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 03 07:34
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 09:21
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 03 09:23
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 09:24
*kentma has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Dec 03 09:31
MinceRgeekingsDec 03 09:36
kentma1mornin'Dec 03 09:39
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 12:44
EruaranhelloDec 03 12:56
schestowitzHey there.Dec 03 13:00
*Grummy ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 13:01
GrummyhiDec 03 13:01
schestowitzHeyDec 03 13:08
schestowitzWhat\s up?Dec 03 13:08
Eruaranjust got homeDec 03 13:08
EruaranI find Microsoft's 2005/06 definition of "interoperability" staggering.Dec 03 13:09
Grummyi find channel on googleDec 03 13:09
schestowitzGrummy: Google does channel listings?Dec 03 13:09
EruaranI can't say I agree with Joe Wilcox's 2006 post, "it's a communications problem that Microsoft customers and partners--and most certainly competitors--need to understand"Dec 03 13:13
EruaranHe doesn't seem to require that Microsoft understand that when the rest of the world talks about interoperability, it doesn't mean between different versions of Windows.Dec 03 13:14
EruaranCan you imagine what the world would be like if Microsoft had a monopoly on telecommunications ?Dec 03 13:16
PetoKrausblue.Dec 03 13:17
schestowitzRedDec 03 13:17
EruaranLunar.Dec 03 13:18
Eruaranbeige ?Dec 03 13:18
MinceRit would be like the Dark AgesDec 03 13:19
MinceRthough if couriers are also telecommunications, it would be even worseDec 03 13:19
EruaranSomeone tried to suggest to me the other day that NTFS was superior to Ext3Dec 03 13:19
EruaranI just looked at him like thisDec 03 13:19
Eruarano_0Dec 03 13:19
MinceRlolDec 03 13:19
trmancololDec 03 13:20
trmancoI use to have an NTFS formatted hard drive 4 days agoDec 03 13:20
trmancoI reformatted it to ext3 and my read/write speed tripledDec 03 13:21
EruaranHilarity ensued today at workDec 03 13:21
EruaranWe had a Vista system inDec 03 13:21
EruaranIt had spyware and viruses up to the gulletDec 03 13:21
schestowitzVista?Dec 03 13:22
EruaranMeanwhile, when you tried run any useful software to remedy the situation, UAC pops up... cancel, or allow...Dec 03 13:22
schestowitzNooooooooooo.........Dec 03 13:22
schestowitzIt's immune...Dec 03 13:22
schestowitzJim Allchin, Gartner and Enderle said so.. 03 13:23
EruaranRiddled with malware and UAC is popping up as if its promptings are not slightest bit of a moot point.Dec 03 13:23
EruaranThought that was hilariousDec 03 13:23
EruaranI should have taken a photoDec 03 13:24
schestowitzUAC protects..Dec 03 13:24
schestowitzThe viruses.Dec 03 13:24
EruaranjhahaDec 03 13:24
schestowitzFrom the userDec 03 13:24
EruaranIt does a good jobDec 03 13:24
schestowitzThat's what they sayDec 03 13:24
EruaranlolDec 03 13:24
schestowitz"it's designed to annoy the user," remember?Dec 03 13:24
schestowitzLet me find the quoteDec 03 13:24
schestowitz 03 13:25
EruaranI should have taken a photo with the "Smart Antivirus 2009" dialogue behind the UAC prompt...Dec 03 13:25
schestowitz'"The reason we put UAC into the platform was to annoy users. I'm serious," said Cross [of Microsoft].'Dec 03 13:25
schestowitzIt works.Dec 03 13:25
EruaranIts pure geniusDec 03 13:26
schestowitzI can't believe I said it (something from Microsoft works)Dec 03 13:26
EruaranUAC worksDec 03 13:27
schestowitzIt's an antifeatureDec 03 13:27
schestowitz 03 13:27
EruaranLong after the system has been totally compromised, UAC continues to prompt... it works ;)Dec 03 13:27
schestowitzRory Cellan-Jones is a friend of MicrosoftDec 03 13:32
schestowitzHe invited them over and interviews the seniorsDec 03 13:32
schestowitzNot he uses the MSBBC to take a shot at Apple: 03 13:32
schestowitzAmazing.Dec 03 13:32
schestowitzCronies armyDec 03 13:32
schestowitz "The US has already bailed out a tiny slice of geography in one city and some electron rearranging businesses for hundreds of billions of dollars because it was claimed it was so very important."Dec 03 13:40
schestowitzIf Presidential speeches are on YouTube instead of a .gov site, the YouTube TOS becomes a Federal regulation.  < >Dec 03 13:45
*[H]omer_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 03 13:45
*Eruaran watches Sophie Koh & Steve Kilbey sing the Go-Betweens "Streets Of Your Town".Dec 03 13:46
EruaranSteve Kilbey sounds pretty much exactly the same today as he did back in the late 80'sDec 03 13:47
EruaranWhich is good thing.Dec 03 13:48
schestowitzMicrosoft invades FOSS.IN: "As I stated in my last blog,  I am attending the premier Indian Open Source conference, FOSS.IN, in Bangalore. " 03 14:59
schestowitzSomeone should tell Microsoft that until they stop threatening to sue Free software, their only role in FOSS.IN should be stair sweepers.Dec 03 14:59
EruaranI just had an argument with a genuine freetardDec 03 15:05
EruaranSomeone who doesn't understand FOSS, copyright, and musicians.Dec 03 15:06
EruaranHe at first sounds good until you realise he's taking it too far.Dec 03 15:07
EruaranInformation should be free. I agree.Dec 03 15:07
EruaranBut this guy wouldn't pay a band at a live venue either. He'd rather leech off the artist.Dec 03 15:08
schestowitzHow can one leech off an artist?Dec 03 15:09
schestowitzIt's reversing the issue.Dec 03 15:09
schestowitzLike thieving vs sharing.Dec 03 15:09
EruaranHe indicated he'd be happy to make money off the public who come to enjoy the music when they buy drinks and refreshments etc. And let the artist go home with nothing but his principles.Dec 03 15:09
EruaranThis guy is the kind of jerk who I've had to contend with before at bars. You play a couple of sets for which you're not getting paid and you won't even get a free drink at the bar. You'll be charged for that. He's making money off you though. (young bands and artists get exploited like this all the time).Dec 03 15:11
schestowitz "Love is suing to terminate her contract with Vivendi Universal (V ), arguing that some common practices of the Big Five music labels are illegal. Most important, she contends that record labels are skirting a law that limits contracts to seven years. "Dec 03 15:12
schestowitzI couldn't find the quote (I think from her) where she accused the record labels, not the fans, of being "thieves"Dec 03 15:12
EruaranEventually you grow up and you don't allow yourself to get used anymore. The honest and sincere publicans are the ones who put their money where their mouth is.Dec 03 15:12
twitterOh, I think you are looking for the "Courtney love does the math"  article.Dec 03 15:13
schestowitzOh, I see what you mean. I pictured it differently.Dec 03 15:13
schestowitztwitter: could use some help here.Dec 03 15:13
twitter 03 15:13
schestowitz[H]omer could find the quote I guess..Dec 03 15:14
EruaranI basically objected to this guys attitude. Code for free, art for free, music for free, thats all one thing... But exploitation is another.Dec 03 15:14
twitterGo read what Love has to say for herself.Dec 03 15:14
schestowitzIt's usually the distributors, not listeners.Dec 03 15:15
EruaranMy position was that what he argued for was not freedom, it was exploitation. Placing an artist in a worse position than if he/she is deriving a pittance from Apple through iTunes.Dec 03 15:15
schestowitzThey are also not helping by charging $20 for a piece of plasticDec 03 15:15
schestowitzThey doesn't help fans and not artists, either (they need mass distribution)Dec 03 15:15
EruaranAnd the funny thing isDec 03 15:15
twitterIt's the big music publishers.  Basically, no matter how much you sell you will end up with $30k/year.Dec 03 15:15
EruaranIt all started when I complained about the music corporationsDec 03 15:16
Eruaranthe publishersDec 03 15:16
schestowitzYEsDec 03 15:16
schestowitzI saw some good interviews about it.Dec 03 15:16
schestowitzIt's enlightening.Dec 03 15:16
schestowitzI don't thing the media covers it.Dec 03 15:16
schestowitzCircular issue maybe.Dec 03 15:16
schestowitzThe media does not criticise the mediaDec 03 15:16
schestowitz"Today I want to talk about piracy and music. What is piracy? Piracy is the act of stealing an artist's work without any intention of paying for it. I'm not talking about Napster-type software. I'm talking about major label recording contracts. " --Courtney LoveDec 03 15:17
EruaranI wanted to go online and buy an album by The Church... Apple made it impossible for me as a Linux user, and they wouldn't give the artist anything worth sneezing at anyway... and Amazon expects me to be a US citizen (since when you sign up to their music service they assume everybody in the world lives in a state in the US).Dec 03 15:17
schestowitz"What happens to that million dollars? They spend half a million to record their album. That leaves the band with $500,000. They pay $100,000 to their manager for 20 percent commission. They pay $25,000 each to their lawyer and business manager. That leaves $350,000 for the four band members to split. After $170,000 in taxes, there's $180,000 left. That comes out to $45,000 per person. "Dec 03 15:18
schestowitzThere are newer articles.  They try to go solo now (no middlemen)Dec 03 15:18
schestowitzEruaran:  the artists need to make their own sitesDec 03 15:18
schestowitzPay DIRECTDec 03 15:18
EruaranI'm happy to give The Church a few bucks in support of their music... But the corps made it very difficult for me to simply do that, and enjoy some good music.Dec 03 15:18
Eruaranschestowitz: yes, like Radiohead didDec 03 15:19
schestowitzThey also work along the lines og guilds now, whereby several bands can share resources in online shops. NO DRM.Dec 03 15:19
twitter" Add it up and the record company has spent about $4.4 million.  So their profit is $6.6 million; the band may as well be working at a 7-Eleven."Dec 03 15:19
schestowitzDRM is not necessarily to force people to buy THE SAME THING over and over again.Dec 03 15:19
EruaranRadiohead put their last album on their site and let you pay or not pay whatever you wantDec 03 15:19
schestowitzIt just puts expiry dates on your music collection so that you starveDec 03 15:19
schestowitzWhen starved, you're likely to buy NEW music.Dec 03 15:20
EruaranMany people just downloaded the music for freeDec 03 15:20
schestowitzThey don't want people to keep their vinyls and play  hundreds of them for decades.Dec 03 15:20
schestowitzIt's simple business modelsDec 03 15:20
EruaranBut the Radiohead fans, like me, were happy to pay $5, $10, $20, in support of their favorite artist.Dec 03 15:20
schestowitzSame with Vista... Windows becomes insecure, no patches... must upgrades... must get new PC too.... new software for it... you know the gig.Dec 03 15:20
EruaranNo one was forced.Dec 03 15:21
schestowitzEruaran: Radiohead made themselves more famous this wayDec 03 15:21
schestowitzThey opened up to people outside the 'choir'Dec 03 15:21
EruaranRadiohead wont release any figures or details, but rumor has it they did better out of that than they would through a record company.Dec 03 15:21
schestowitzPeople _who would have never paid anyway_Dec 03 15:21
schestowitzSame with booksDec 03 15:21
schestowitzO'Reilly Radar wrote about this recently.Dec 03 15:22
EruaranAt some stage I'll get a band together and we'll record some stuffDec 03 15:22
schestowitzIf person X won't buy your book anyway, why mind if s/he download it? After readind, that person might recommend it to a buying friends.Dec 03 15:22
schestowitz*friendDec 03 15:22
EruaranI will do what Radiohead didDec 03 15:22
schestowitzJono Bacon did this tooDec 03 15:22
schestowitzI have his album as OggDec 03 15:22
EruaranBut I'll make everything available as oggies :)Dec 03 15:22
schestowitzOne files, gunzipped tarDec 03 15:23
EruaranyesDec 03 15:23
schestowitz*file (many tracks)Dec 03 15:23
schestowitzThere is no 'shelf life' either.Dec 03 15:23
EruaranIts much nicer when it comes to art, that people give without compulsionDec 03 15:23
schestowitzThe files are there for decades, so even a thousand d/ls per year can accumulateDec 03 15:23
schestowitzArt was always like thatDec 03 15:24
EruaranIts nicer to me, because like many musicians I can't help but take it personallyDec 03 15:24
schestowitzUntil people decided to charge for oxygen (art)Dec 03 15:24
schestowitzThey appointed themslelves gatekeepersDec 03 15:24
EruaranIts not a dollars and cents thingDec 03 15:24
schestowitzThe illusion of incentives if propagandaDec 03 15:24
schestowitzLike "piracy ruins jobs and the ecnomy"Dec 03 15:24
schestowitzBSDec 03 15:24
schestowitzIt ruins the structure of oppressorsDec 03 15:25
schestowitzEruaran: there's no scarcityDec 03 15:25
schestowitzIn the past you needed to set up band to play for you.Dec 03 15:25
schestowitzLater you needed things like expensive stereos and media , I guees.Dec 03 15:25
schestowitzRight now you just need the 'pipes' (Internet), not the mediaDec 03 15:25
EruaranIf people are happy to give you money for what you do, you think consciously or unconsciously, "they like me, they like music"... and conversely, if people are cheap bastards, "they don't like me, maybe my music isn't very good"...Dec 03 15:26
schestowitzThis obviates the need for shopkeepers and physical transporation.Dec 03 15:26
Eruaran*they like my musicDec 03 15:26
schestowitzIt's down to stream of electrical signals now.Dec 03 15:26
schestowitzNot a Big band and an auditoriumDec 03 15:26
schestowitzI run BN without any profit because I want people to read it.Dec 03 15:26
schestowitzIt's wrong to assume that journos wrote for money, either.Dec 03 15:27
schestowitzThey are always underpaid and overworked.Dec 03 15:27
schestowitzIt's about self-expression, which is something instinctive.Dec 03 15:27
schestowitzThis morning I turned my Nas CD into Oggs.Dec 03 15:28
schestowitzI won it in a radio show :-)Dec 03 15:28
EruaranIf I put something on a website, I'd be much happier to make it available for free or pay if you like it, and find that 10 thousand people got it free without being threatened by some corporate, and a thousand people gave me $10 each for it... I'd be like, "wow 1000 people liked my music enough to give me $10 each for it"Dec 03 15:29
schestowitzCorporate Wolves Circle Yahoo's Goose < >Dec 03 15:29
schestowitzEruaran: the sag is price-fixing.Dec 03 15:30
schestowitzArtificial inflation of price still enabled very few people to exclude so many.Dec 03 15:30
schestowitzYouTube is inversion of this.Dec 03 15:30
EruaranIts funny how the vultures seem to gather around Yahoo proclaiming its a corpse, while they are still doing much better in online search advertising than Microsoft.Dec 03 15:30
schestowitzThey are still agitated.Dec 03 15:31
schestowitzPredatory capitalism = hawks, blood, greed, dog eat dogDec 03 15:31
Eruaranschestowitz: yes, I wouldn't fix any prices, I was just using $10 as a generic number hypothetical example thingyDec 03 15:31
schestowitzIcahn = white-collar criminalDec 03 15:31
schestowitzPrice-fixing is something different.Dec 03 15:32
schestowitzI was referring to the labels.Dec 03 15:32
schestowitzIt's like the thing Samsung/LG do... also NVidia, Intel..Dec 03 15:32
schestowitzPatents facilitates this.Dec 03 15:32
schestowitz"The eagerly awaited new album by Prince is being launched as a free CD with a national Sunday newspaper in a move that has drawn widespread criticism from music retailers." 03 15:33
EruaranI paid $20 (AUD) for Radiohead's 'In Rainbows'... I could have downloaded it for free, but as a fan I can't do that ;) ... And when it was left up to me to decide how much I'd pay, I felt I was being too cheap until I settled on $20Dec 03 15:33
schestowitzThough shalt not make a bargain.Dec 03 15:33
schestowitzOther bands followed suitDec 03 15:34
EruaranI think its greatDec 03 15:34
schestowitzSome get a cold shoulder or retaliation for challenging the business model of the MAFIAADec 03 15:34
EruaranI was the one who was in the position of deciding what was fairDec 03 15:34
Eruaranthe listener is empoweredDec 03 15:35
EruaranI'm not even on the MAFIAA's radar anywayDec 03 15:35
EruaranI'm just thinking of getting a few muso friends together and hoping to have some good music grow out of some jam sessions...Dec 03 15:36
Eruarannice and organicDec 03 15:36
Eruaranfun and relaxed with no expectationsDec 03 15:37
Eruaranif we think we're doing some good stuff and were really into the sound... we'll record what were doing and put it up on a siteDec 03 15:37
EruaranIts about sharing what you're doing and getting feedbackDec 03 15:37
schestowitzOh, yeah.. feedback too.Dec 03 15:38
EruaranAnd I don't think it hurts to have an open door there if people want to make a donationDec 03 15:38
schestowitzI'm gonna do a post about this later: Trumpet Windows Loudly--- Except When It's Malware Outbreaks < >Dec 03 15:38
EruaranBut it would be fairly free (free as in, unstructured)Dec 03 15:39
schestowitzKDE accepts donations tooDec 03 15:39
EruaranyesDec 03 15:39
schestowitzLots of companies would suffer had it ceased to be developedDec 03 15:39
schestowitzSo they share the costs among them,.Dec 03 15:39
EruaranyesDec 03 15:39
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 15:40
EruaranIts not like nobody ever gets paid anything by people who want them to continueDec 03 15:40
schestowitzI wasDec 03 15:41
schestowitzBack when I programmedDec 03 15:41
schestowitzI was paid to do GPL-licensed developmentDec 03 15:41
schestowitzI was also paid to just do my thing in Manchester Computing.. like my PhD and all.Dec 03 15:42
EruaranSo, I was all, "whats your problem ?" with this guy becuase he thought I shouldn't pay for The Church's "Uninvited Like The Clouds" album... I don't think he even realised its published though an indy label that gives a good deal more to the band than the big publishers.Dec 03 15:44
EruaranIts like someone was saying, "thou shalt not pay for that !", while I was saying, "get off my back, if I want to give them some cash I will, so get lost"Dec 03 15:45
EruaranAnd besidesDec 03 15:45
EruaranNo one is seeding on the torrentsDec 03 15:46
Eruaran:PDec 03 15:46
schestowitzI never use torrentsDec 03 15:46
PetoKrausheheDec 03 15:46
Eruaran(I really wanted to listen to it)Dec 03 15:46
PetoKrausMichael Labarel did a good job on the benchmarks againDec 03 15:46
schestowitzLike I didn't use IRC between the age of 15 and 26Dec 03 15:46
schestowitzHis benchmarks are not being challenged.Dec 03 15:49
schestowitzThere is a danger of Phoronix becoming de facto 'truth', without refutal from competition of some sort.Dec 03 15:49
schestowitzLike peer reviewDec 03 15:49
neighborleeschestowitz, per usual  , alex said im wrong about debian and fedora not inlcuding mono in default installs but could point to nothing saying typical ;)Dec 03 15:50
neighborleethese guys are the gift that keeps on giving ;)Dec 03 15:50
schestowitz "Gordon Brown has already kicked this off with the Banking Bill, which overhauls the regulation of the banking and financial services sector." *yawn*Dec 03 15:50
*schestowitz grabs virtual doughnutsDec 03 15:51
PetoKrausschestowitz: well, in terms of benchmarks you possibly can't get betterDec 03 15:51
EruaranmmmDec 03 15:51
EruarandonutsDec 03 15:51
schestowitzAlex is crusading.Dec 03 15:51
EruaranI thought I'd try out Fedora 10 after work todayDec 03 15:51
schestowitzMission: unknownDec 03 15:51
neighborleeEruaran, its great ;)Dec 03 15:52
neighborleeschestowitz, lolDec 03 15:52
EruaranI don't know yetDec 03 15:52
schestowitzKDE4 got priases for it.Dec 03 15:52
PetoKrausumm four o clockDec 03 15:52
EruaranI got a black screenDec 03 15:52
schestowitzEruaran: did you see my links this morning?Dec 03 15:52
EruaranSo dunno yetDec 03 15:52
PetoKrausi could go for the picture hunt now...Dec 03 15:52
Eruaranschestowitz: which ones ?Dec 03 15:52
neighborleeI really like their kde4 implementation,,though I use gnome ( not sure how long thats going to last but we'll see)Dec 03 15:52
schestowitzEruaran: hold on.Dec 03 15:52
schestowitzTesting Fedora 10 KDE Edition : 03 15:53
Eruaran*click*Dec 03 15:53
schestowitzFedora 10 Review : 03 15:53
Eruaranooo sexy screenshotDec 03 15:53
schestowitzBoth have good words for KDE4Dec 03 15:53
Eruaran4.2 is looking really goodDec 03 15:54
twitterYeah, it was apparent that KDE 4 was going to be great back with Bruce Byfield was ignorantly slinging mud at it.Dec 03 15:54
neighborleelolDec 03 15:55
EruaranHe's going to have to eat his wordsDec 03 15:55
PetoKrausummDec 03 15:55
twitterOh, he's put some ass covering in his writing, so he'll be able to protest his innocence.  But I've found a pattern in that guy's writing.Dec 03 15:56
twitter 03 15:56
EruaranA pattern ? Like skidmarks ?Dec 03 15:57
twitterfollow the link if you are really interested. I mention it because I found another slimy character when researching the Peter Quinn story yesterday.Dec 03 15:57
twitterDavid Coursey, ick.Dec 03 15:58
twitterPJ picks up too many rocks.  I'm going to have to cleans myself at for a while.Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzWho's *he*?Dec 03 15:59
twitterHe was an eweek writer.Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzToo many rocks?Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzCurrent writer?Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzOr MA days?Dec 03 15:59
twittermight still be.Dec 03 15:59
schestowitzI hardly see himDec 03 15:59
schestowitzNever come across the name (or don't remember it)Dec 03 16:00
schestowitzThey used to employe Peter GalliDec 03 16:00
schestowitzHe attacked FOSS things..Dec 03 16:00
twitterSeems to have vanished in 2006 03 16:00
schestowitzGot hired by Microsoft some months ago (I call it the "reward")Dec 03 16:00
schestowitzWhere is he now?Dec 03 16:00
schestowitzWhat did he write?Dec 03 16:00
EruaranHere is a question with regard to developer mindshareDec 03 16:01
schestowitzMost recnet:Dec 03 16:01
schestowitzstarstarstarstarstar   2006-03-21 Vistas Delay Is Tough LoveDec 03 16:01
schestowitzstarstarstarstarstar 2006-02-10 Microsoft Approaches Secure, Reliable VistaDec 03 16:01
schestowitzstarstarstarstarstar 2006-02-03 Will Vista Really Ship This Year?Dec 03 16:01
schestowitzstarstarstarstarstar 2006-01-27 Vistas Transparency Is Good NewsDec 03 16:01
schestowitzWTF?????Dec 03 16:01
Eruaran"Where are all the best minds going ?"Dec 03 16:01
schestowitzWhat is this, a Vista Munchkin?Dec 03 16:01
twitterI don't know.  All I found is the above and here 03 16:01
schestowitzVista fan... back in 2006.Dec 03 16:01
EruaranSecure, Reliable Vista eh ? *falls over laughing*Dec 03 16:01
schestowitzWe all know how Vista turned out.Dec 03 16:01
twitter:)Dec 03 16:02
schestowitzEruaran had to clean a Vista PC today... UAC stodd in the wayDec 03 16:02
schestowitzGuarding the virues...Dec 03 16:02
twitterWipe, replace or relaod.Dec 03 16:02
schestowitztwitter: what else did he write?Dec 03 16:02
schestowitzAnd how did you find out?Dec 03 16:02
Eruaran"You are trying to remove malware... cancel or allow"Dec 03 16:02
schestowitzAvergae rating 3/5Dec 03 16:02
twitterLike I said, I ran into this guy looking up Peter Quinn at groklaw.Dec 03 16:03
schestowitzstarstarstarstar   2005-12-17 AOL Deal Could Speed Googles UndoingDec 03 16:03
schestowitzstarstarstarstarstar   2005-12-06 Ganging Up on GoogleDec 03 16:03
schestowitzstarstarstarstarstar   2005-11-22 How Open Can Microsofts Formats Be?Dec 03 16:03
schestowitzI fail to see: 1) something pro-Microsoft OPPONENT 2) Something against MicrosoftDec 03 16:04
schestowitzThis guy is more of an activist perhaps, not a repoterDec 03 16:04
schestowitzHe should write in a blog, not in eWeekDec 03 16:04
schestowitztwitter: what did he do to or say about Quinn?Dec 03 16:04
EruaranNo need to reinstall, I cleaned the thing up... cancel or allow...Dec 03 16:04
schestowitzMaybe revisionism?Dec 03 16:04
schestowitz 03 16:05
schestowitzAhhhhhhhhh......Dec 03 16:05
schestowitz"Opinion: The switch to the OpenDocument format will make state documents less accessible to the public because no one has the software to read the format."Dec 03 16:05
schestowitzOpinion!Dec 03 16:05
schestowitzWhose opinion?Dec 03 16:05
twitterP.J. says it best, 03 16:05
MinceROOo is so difficult to download, reallyDec 03 16:05
EruaranNext Microsoft munchikin who tries to say something smart to me, my only reply will be, "cancel or allow ?"Dec 03 16:05
MinceRand it costs so much!Dec 03 16:05
MinceREruaran: lolDec 03 16:05
schestowitzFirst, the inaccurate title: Quinn is not an "Open Source" martyr, because ODF is not Open Source. Dec 03 16:06
schestowitzWait... did he change the headline??Dec 03 16:06
schestowitz"We have a winner for most tasteless reaction to Peter Quinn's resignation, David Coursey's mean-spirited "opinion" on eWeek, offensively titled "The Open-Source Martyr Meets His Fate.""Dec 03 16:06
schestowitzOh, wait!! So they didn't change the title, but he had a whole series going.Dec 03 16:07
schestowitz  David Coursey may have done some lobbying for the Vole.. Zuck would be porudDec 03 16:07
schestowitz"But seriously, is Microsoft now in the business of causing martyrdom? What else is he saying? People can be dealt with, if they don't cooperate? If they choose Open Source? Have we become so cynical that any of us think that's acceptable?"Dec 03 16:08
schestowitz"Incidents like the libel of Peter Quinn cost Microsoft business. Here's why: There's something in the human heart that utterly despises a bully."Dec 03 16:09
schestowitz"I think Coursey and Microsoft are in for a surprise, if they think threatening folks will work long-term. Here's the thing Microsoft, and Coursey, are not factoring in. Microsoft can't bully everyone on Planet Earth, or buy us all off."Dec 03 16:09
schestowitzThank goodness eWeek is pretty much dead (bankruptcy). Ziff/Gates junkyard of poison.Dec 03 16:10
twitterThey can try to buy off the press, but you just pointed out how well that's going.Dec 03 16:10
EruaranBenQ have Netbooks out nowDec 03 16:11
*Grummy has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 03 16:11
EruaranThe Joybook LiteDec 03 16:11
EruaranIt looks a lot like the Acer Aspire OneDec 03 16:11
twitterMaureen O'Gagga is still writing.  I ran into a list of here stuff yesterday too.  It had truly embarrassing reader numbers, less than 200 for most new articles.Dec 03 16:11
EruaranWith a pattern on it...Dec 03 16:12
twitternow to cleanse..... bblDec 03 16:12
schestowitztwitter: funny you mention MOGDec 03 16:14
schestowitzI wrote about it 1 minute ago: 03 16:14
schestowitzShe went undercover for a whileDec 03 16:14
schestowitzBill Beebe knew she was doing thisDec 03 16:15
schestowitzNobody else seemed to knowDec 03 16:15
schestowitzThen PJ had MOG uncoveredDec 03 16:15
schestowitzAnd MOG came out from the hiding with a 20-year-old picDec 03 16:15
schestowitzBeebe also defneded MOG's spying.Dec 03 16:15
schestowitzWhich makes you wonder if there's 'intimacy' thereDec 03 16:15
schestowitzre #s. MOG 'articles' are never cited anywhereDec 03 16:16
schestowitzI don't know if sys-con admania is to blameDec 03 16:16
schestowitz "2004-2007 – Ziff Davis Media – Editor-at-large (and other titles). Columnist for, a founding editor of, etc. Currently doing non-editorial assignments, including writing and hosting online events."Dec 03 16:23
schestowitzHe used to work for the CNETsoftiers... "2001-2004 – CNET Networks Inc. – Executive Editor, ZDNet AnchorDesk, a daily e-mail newsletter about computers, Internet, and consumer electronics. He was also a commentator and interviewer on CNET Television, including TV on CNBC, and host of a daily call-in program on CNET Radio."Dec 03 16:24
schestowitz"His clients have included most of the elite companies in Silicon Valley and beyond."Dec 03 16:25
schestowitz"Elite companies..." first time I hear this phraseDec 03 16:25
schestowitz"# Dave still stands up for Vista. He blames hardware while paradoxically admitting that nothing has changed at M$ in the last ten years.Dec 03 16:28
schestowitz# M$ DRM booster, "a useful, even necessary new technology for business networks.""Dec 03 16:28
schestowitzGood picks there too.Dec 03 16:28
EruaranA customer asked me today of Vista, "do you think it will get better ?". I responded, "well its been two years now, I think we can draw a conclusion from that".Dec 03 16:41
EruaranDRM and networks... someone has been smoking the good stuff...Dec 03 16:42
EruaranMy first experience with DRM was quite a few years ago now... I coulnd't play any of the music on a notebook that had Windows MCE on it becuase the software couldn't verify it was OK and it wasn't plugged into a network.Dec 03 16:45
Eruaran"I'm not sure I should play this song you want me to play... let me go online and check if I'm allowed to play it... oh darn, no network... oh well, I just won't play it then"Dec 03 16:46
EruaranUser see's REDDec 03 16:46
schestowitzI think you'll like the post I've just dispatched: 03 16:49
schestowitzI wonder, how come not enough of the media is covering these issues?Dec 03 16:49
schestowitzIt's like a verboten area to explore... like how the CIA works... the taboo of back doors and neglectDec 03 16:50
schestowitzEruaran: it has been more than 2 yearsDec 03 16:50
schestowitzThey RTMed it in Nov 2006, IIRC.Dec 03 16:50
schestowitzThey have had time since then to fix bugs, regardless of when it went on sale.Dec 03 16:50
Eruaran“…the intrusion was severe enough to raise the INFOCON status, the information security equivalent of the DEFCON alert, and also necessitate the briefing of the president.”Dec 03 16:51
schestowitzMCE *shudder* DRM as an excuse for spying on any action.Dec 03 16:51
EruaranHOLY CRAP !Dec 03 16:51
schestowitzThen again, Windows does this too, with or without MCEDec 03 16:51
schestowitzBush.Dec 03 16:52
schestowitz"Oh man! Bring them folks with da bombs!Dec 03 16:52
schestowitzI kid you not...Dec 03 16:52
schestowitzThe US govt. had plans to bomb sources of botnetsDec 03 16:52
EruaranBush is a loonyDec 03 16:53
schestowitzIf they find a botmaster that's carryng out a DDOS attack, they're willing to bomb (physically, not digitally)Dec 03 16:53
schestowitzLet me find itDec 03 16:53
schestowitzElse I'd be challenged for "lying"Dec 03 16:53
schestowitzU.S. cyber counterattack: Bomb 'em one way or the other 03 16:54
schestowitzUS plans for cyber attack revealed : 03 16:54
schestowitzAt will, China could paralyze the US at any moment, IMHODec 03 16:54
schestowitzThey have enough crackers to take the digital system down and AWOL.Dec 03 16:54
schestowitzEveryDNS, OpenDNS Under Botnet DDoS Attack : _and_attacks/everydns_opendns_un der_botnet_ddos_attack.htmlDec 03 16:55
schestowitzOops. 03 16:55
schestowitzWhite house.. cracked. Pentagon.. already cracked... DNS... World Bank.. you name it.Dec 03 16:55
schestowitzThe question is, "WHICH of the incidents get /reported/?"Dec 03 16:56
EruaranI think in the event of hostilities between the US and China, the US would be blind within minutes.Dec 03 16:56
schestowitzYou think? I think they do too.Dec 03 16:58
EruaranThe NYSE doesn't use Windows, but the US Military does... Can you say, "military intelligence" ?Dec 03 16:59
schestowitzNokia eyes wider use of Linux software in phones < > WOT, no Symbian wtf?Dec 03 17:00
schestowitzEruaran: the military moves to Red Hat, but it's not there yet.Dec 03 17:01
EruaranI gotta buy me some shares in Red HatDec 03 17:01
schestowitzOracle PR, pretense of good citizenship... 03 17:03
schestowitzNo, no sharesDec 03 17:03
schestowitzWall Street is in a freefallDec 03 17:03
schestowitzIt's a casinoDec 03 17:03
EruaranI'll wait till it tanks then, and buy shares in Red Hat at bargain basement pricesDec 03 17:04
Eruaran:PDec 03 17:04
EruaranIf I were to buy tech shares, I'd be far more optimistic about Red Hat shares than Microsoft.Dec 03 17:05
schestowitzNothing is good now.Dec 03 17:06
schestowitzOne person reckons the Dow will sink to 3kDec 03 17:06
schestowitzWhich is crazy, I know.Dec 03 17:06
EruaranA boom is always followed by a bust.Dec 03 17:07
EruaranWhat goes up...Dec 03 17:07
schestowitz 03 17:07
schestowitzWell..Dec 03 17:07
schestowitzPeople said that when Dow Jone descended to 11,000Dec 03 17:07
schestowitzYou can't define bust. If you could, you'd be a prophetDec 03 17:08
EruaranBuy when no one else is buying.Dec 03 17:08
EruaranWhen people are predicting doom and selling off cheap.Dec 03 17:08
schestowitzIt's not that simpleDec 03 17:09
schestowitzIt's not a zero-sum game, either.Dec 03 17:09
schestowitzThere's commissionDec 03 17:09
EruaranYou target what you buy carefully.Dec 03 17:09
schestowitzPatents are the same, as zoobab probably knowsDec 03 17:09
EruaranThen you sit on it.Dec 03 17:09
schestowitzThe lawyers are the only winnerDec 03 17:09
schestowitzWith investments, the establishment that includes bankers is the winner.Dec 03 17:09
EruaranI am speaking in general terms of course.Dec 03 17:10
schestowitzPeople just 'play' with their money. The drinks may be free though.Dec 03 17:10
schestowitzInside information is the only way to succeed.Dec 03 17:10
schestowitzThis happens all the time and sometimes reported tooDec 03 17:10
schestowitzThe SEC does nothingDec 03 17:10
schestowitzAs an investors, you get screwed by people who know when the stock will rise and fall.Dec 03 17:11
schestowitzThey can game it too, e.g. using buybacks and pubnlic remarks.Dec 03 17:11
EruaranRed Hats stock is undervalued.Dec 03 17:11
schestowitzGoogle.. the WINDOWS-ONLY company.. again... 03 17:12
schestowitzThat's where MinceR comes in and curses GooglesoftDec 03 17:12
MinceR:)Dec 03 17:12
schestowitz"The app is currently Windows-only and requires Google Desktop version 5 or higher, leaving Mac and Linux users of Google Desktop out in the cold."Dec 03 17:12
EruaranWith Novell and Oracle gunning for Red Hat's business, Red Hat has increased its share.Dec 03 17:12
MinceRi don't think my cursing is necessaryDec 03 17:12
MinceRthe evilness of google is well-known hereDec 03 17:13
EruaranIf corps like Oracle can't put a dent in your business, you are in a strong position.Dec 03 17:13
schestowitzRyan Paul is peddling some more de Icaza toys today:  Dec 03 17:14
schestowitz 03 17:14
*Grummy ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 17:16
schestowitz"Requirements that Internet cafes in a southern Chinese city install Chinese-developed operating systems are raising new concerns over cyber snooping by authorities, a U.S. government-funded radio station reported Wednesday." < >Dec 03 17:21
schestowitz They recommend their own Linux binariesDec 03 17:22
schestowitz "Nokia has admitted Linux could take centre stage on future high-end handsets, but has dismissed adopting Android."Dec 03 17:24
Eruarancya later guys, gtgDec 03 17:25
schestowitzNokia is adamant that Symbian is not abandoned, but it spent so much money on it... and QtDec 03 17:26
schestowitzNokia should start a marketing blitz for KDE. :-)Dec 03 17:26
schestowitzTV adverts with Plasma and MarbleDec 03 17:27
MinceRthey could start with LGPLv3-ing QtDec 03 17:27
MinceRso that people won't have to worry about what they do to Qt in the future.Dec 03 17:27
schestowitzThe Qtokia DRM stack.Dec 03 17:28
schestowitz (Yahoo jumps as ex-AOL chief reportedly eyes bid)Dec 03 17:33
schestowitzAOL is not an O/S or browser vendor anymore (not after Netscape discontinuation), so it's not bad newsDec 03 17:34
*miked ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 17:34
schestowitzINTERESTING: "Patent Hawk" lawsuit was an inside job, says Microsoft < >Dec 03 17:37
schestowitz'Odom gamely admitted that Microsoft had been his client for years. "They had every opportunity for friendly discussion," he wrote.'Dec 03 17:37
schestowitz The Day The Web Went Dead < >Dec 03 17:45
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 17:47
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerDec 03 17:47
schestowitzfrom _doug to ReverseDRM:<@insomnia> it only takes three commands to install GentooDec 03 17:58
schestowitz<@insomnia> cfdisk /dev/hda && mkfs.xfs /dev/hda1 && mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/ && chroot /mnt/gentoo/ && env-update && . /etc/profile && emerge sync && cd /usr/portage && scripts/ && emerge system && emerge vim && vi /etc/fstab && emerge gentoo-dev-sources ..Dec 03 17:58
schestowitz.. && cd /usr/src/linux && make menuconfig && make install modules_install && emerge gnome mozilla-firefox openoffice && emerge grub && cp /boot/grub/grub.conf.sample /boot/grub/grub.conf && vi /boot/grub/grub.conf && grub && init 6 [ ]Dec 03 17:59
twitterHow depressions work for most people:  You lose your job, your savings become worthless but you are forced to sell them anyway to pay your mortgage.  Eventually, the bank takes your house and things get worse from there.Dec 03 18:02
schestowitzIn relation to what is it said?Dec 03 18:03
twitterdid not check out planet B, just read some buy low sell high strategy above.Dec 03 18:07
schestowitzHere in the UK it appears to be "Work in Progress"(R)Dec 03 18:07
schestowitzOne person's opinion crown Ubuntu? 03 18:31
twitterHere's good proof that G. Michaels is one of my Slashdot trolls. 03 18:36
schestowitz 03 18:38
schestowitz"But then I know that Microsoft is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to protect their image and to get _their_ story told. Remember, it was Microsoft who hounded a magazine chief editor to have a story told about one of their new projects. When the editor did assign the article to be written and a writer assigned, it was later found out that Microsoft assigned over a dozen Microsoft employees to this writer."Dec 03 18:38
schestowitz"They preplanned phone conversations, passed scripts around so everyone was on the same page, invited the writer to their site and took real good care that the _Microsoft_ version of the project was what was written. But in this case, they made one mistake and that was they accidentally included the writer in one of their planning emails."Dec 03 18:38
schestowitzAlso today: 03 18:38
schestowitz"Astroturfing, opinion shaping, advertising, paid endorsements, even techniques like elevator marketing at any IT trade show - "Hey Bob, you should see what Microsoft is showing off at their booth!", "Yeah I have - they own the market". Don't even get me started about Microsoft's ample bag of dirty tricks and influence purchasing. "Dec 03 18:39
twitterI heard that kind of thing at a national medical meeting.Dec 03 18:40
schestowitzSlashdot reposted/edit this story 2 days ago: 03 18:40
schestowitzCould they have changed the tags?Dec 03 18:40
schestowitzThey were caught changing the vistalog tags, IIRC. I have it somewhere in BNDec 03 18:41
schestowitzCan't get cahce for it, although I logged off.Dec 03 18:43
schestowitzhttp:// 03 18:43
schestowitz30 Nov: 03 18:43
schestowitzThis one works. For the diffsDec 03 18:43
schestowitzRemember how Enderle, O'Gara and company told us that SCO was sure to win? I wonder how many people have emailed them to say, 'I told you so.'Dec 03 18:45
schestowitz{quote from /. above} I can't find the differences... not yetDec 03 18:46
schestowitz "Based on my readings of eWeek --- which is more fancifully known as eMisinformed --- I maintain that eWeek is, without question, the worst source for Linux News available on the internet."Dec 03 18:54
schestowitz"Based on my readings of Jason Brooks --- which is more fancifully known as Bribed by Microsoft --- I maintain that Jason Brooks is, without question, the worst source for Linux News available on the internet."Dec 03 18:55
schestowitzNOVL releases results tomorrow < >. I need to think how to approach their PR lies. They are cooking the books and they admit this.Dec 03 19:13
schestowitzLinux News Desk=Maureen O'Gara. It used to be just .NETDJ... now she's nymshifting again.Dec 03 19:34
schestowitzTurns out Libya has a Linux site now: 03 19:55
trmanco 03 20:03
schestowitzYupDec 03 20:05
schestowitzI have it as a reference here [1]: 03 20:05
trmancoit is oldDec 03 20:08
trmancofrom 1 decemberDec 03 20:08
trmancoI'm catching up with the news todayDec 03 20:09
*miked has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Dec 03 20:13
trmanco*LOL*Dec 03 20:21
trmanco"This tool only runs on Windows as it is using the Groupwise COM APIs to fetch the calendar data."Dec 03 20:21
schestowitzDid you see that too?Dec 03 20:22
trmancoseeing it nowDec 03 20:22
trmancoreading it *Dec 03 20:22
schestowitzIt might be handy for people who read his blogDec 03 20:22
schestowitzAlthough I doubt Microsoft employees migrate to Google Mail.Dec 03 20:23
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Dec 03 20:23
trmancololDec 03 20:23
trmancoMoonlight 1Dec 03 20:23
trmanco:|Dec 03 20:23
trmancookDec 03 20:24
trmancoI'm getting sick of thisDec 03 20:24
trmanco3 posts talking and using Microshaft's junkwareDec 03 20:24
schestowitzI'll write about it laterDec 03 20:24
schestowitzNovell is lying again.Dec 03 20:24
schestowitzI've found much more than 3Dec 03 20:25
trmancowell, just yesterday and todayDec 03 20:25
trmancoin 2 daysDec 03 20:25
trmancolet me confim thisDec 03 20:25
*nulled (i=1813ed2f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 20:26
nulledFUCK MICROSOFTDec 03 20:26
schestowitz "She declined to say how much money Red Hat will donate, but it's enough to pay for about 800,000 meals at food banks run by Feeding America. In the Triangle, the group runs the Food Bank of Eastern and Central North Carolina and the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle."Dec 03 20:26
trmancoyes 3 on the same dayDec 03 20:26
nulledFUCK MICROSOFTDec 03 20:26
schestowitzHi, neighborlee. Hi to you too.Dec 03 20:26
schestowitzOops.Dec 03 20:26
trmanco2nd of December yesterday btwDec 03 20:26
schestowitznulled: I got it.Dec 03 20:26
nulledokDec 03 20:26
schestowitzWhat else is new?Dec 03 20:26
trmancowhat is up with "Fuck Microsoft"?Dec 03 20:27
nulledKnow what pissed me off just now?Dec 03 20:27
schestowitzI dunnoDec 03 20:27
nulled 03 20:27
nulledMicrosoft will deliver SUSE€® Linux Enterprise Server subscription certificates to Wal-Mart for use in Wal-Mart's IT infrastructureDec 03 20:27
trmancoAwesome -> 03 20:27
nulledMicrosoft will deliver OPEN SOURCE??? WTF???Dec 03 20:28
schestowitzWalMart is 'MS fort'Dec 03 20:28
schestowitzThe management there shares a connection with MSDec 03 20:28
trmancodon't go to walmart anymoreDec 03 20:28
schestowitzBMW is another company that's eerily close to Microsoft.Dec 03 20:28
nulledFUCK MICROSOFTDec 03 20:28 saves you €£30Million/day… : 03 20:29
trmancoBMW can do a lot better with their enginesDec 03 20:29
schestowitzIt's corporate kiss-ass thoughDec 03 20:30
nulledlater guys... get blogging about how MS is convicted monopolist... and stop wasting time in here...Dec 03 20:30
nulledthis is my blog: 03 20:30
nulledlaterDec 03 20:30
schestowitzThey do Microsoft a favour by buying Linux patent royalties (Novell calls it "coupons" or "vouchers")Dec 03 20:30
schestowitzIdeas are formed here.Dec 03 20:30
trmancoI've heard (family, friends, etc) that those BMW engines usually "crack" with little time of usageDec 03 20:31
nulledokDec 03 20:31
schestowitzNice blogDec 03 20:31
schestowitzI'll subscribe now.Dec 03 20:31
schestowitzJust don'\t wrote the F word there.Dec 03 20:31
trmancocoolDec 03 20:31
trmancosubed tooDec 03 20:31
trmancoschestowitz, there is an F word there alreadyDec 03 20:32
trmanco:-PDec 03 20:32
trmanco 03 20:32
schestowitzWhat's that?Dec 03 20:32
nulledoh boyDec 03 20:32
schestowitztrmanco: oh, well, with F word that'll be off Groklaw's radar. :-)Dec 03 20:33
trmancololDec 03 20:33
nulledok Ill try to remove em.. but what I write is pretty much rehash of what I FindDec 03 20:33
nulledgroklaw babyDec 03 20:33
*nulled has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 03 20:33
trmanco 03 20:34
schestowitzWhat's the soruce?Dec 03 20:34
schestowitzI know about this south asia thing..Dec 03 20:34
schestowitzFirefox is small in China though.Dec 03 20:34
schestowitzMicrosoft has them pwned because of the govt. kickbacks with the Man in SweaterDec 03 20:35
schestowitzHeh.Dec 03 20:37
schestowitzSomeone in the comments just posted a link to: Lead Windows developer bugged by security  < >Dec 03 20:38
schestowitz" Our products just aren't engineered for security."Dec 03 20:38
schestowitzThat goes into my quites filesDec 03 20:38
schestowitz*quotesDec 03 20:38
trmancololDec 03 20:38
schestowitzSun is pimping an anti-Linux pro-UNIX article: 03 20:44
MinceRbusiness as usual for sunDec 03 20:47
schestowitz$unDec 03 20:47
schestowitz$uninstallDec 03 20:47
schestowitz$ sudo !!Dec 03 20:47
MinceR:)Dec 03 20:48
MinceRthey try to parade as FLOSS supporters yet they try to harm the most popular FLOSS OS wherever they can.Dec 03 20:48
*mib_pwehqs (i=525fec63@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 20:50
schestowitzYes, it's a tricky situationDec 03 20:51
schestowitzThere was that "unplug a penguin" E-mail passing around.Dec 03 20:51
*mib_pwehqs has quit (Client Quit)Dec 03 20:53
MinceRthere's nothing tricky about it -- they could let [open]slowlaris compete based on its actual meritsDec 03 20:54
trmanco 03 20:54
MinceRor let it die.Dec 03 20:54
*kapipi has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 03 20:59
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 21:00
trmanco 03 21:18
trmancoWindows source code leakedDec 03 21:18
schestowitzIsn't it old?Dec 03 21:19
trmanconopDec 03 21:19
trmancothis one is newDec 03 21:19
trmanconever seen it beforeDec 03 21:19
schestowitzIt says TigerDec 03 21:19
schestowitzIt still feels like I saw it before.Dec 03 21:19
trmancooh okDec 03 21:19
trmancoIt is new for me thoDec 03 21:20
trmancoclass Windows7 extends WindowsVista implements BetterPR {Dec 03 21:20
trmanco/ Pay up suckers!Dec 03 21:20
trmanco}Dec 03 21:20
schestowitzOh, I see....Dec 03 21:25
schestowitzThey should uncomment it when it comes out of betaDec 03 21:26
trmancololDec 03 21:40
trmancothey won'tDec 03 21:40
schestowitz 03 21:41
schestowitz  blaming CNN for potentially giving away their location to the terrorists. It was a hit among CNN-hater [ ..] Sure, it's embarrassing to make a mistake -- especially one that ends up getting so much attention. But simply "disappearing" the story and pretending it never happened is a dreadful solution. If anything, leave the original story up with a clear retraction placed at thDec 03 21:47
schestowitze top."Dec 03 21:47
trmancocrapDec 03 21:49
trmancoI made a mistakeDec 03 21:49
trmancoOSS software, is this correct?Dec 03 21:49
trmancoopen source software software :|Dec 03 21:50
trmancooh wellDec 03 21:50
trmanco 03 21:51
schestowitzTrolls-filled thread.Dec 03 21:52
trmancoheyDec 03 21:53
schestowitzLots of it will he incorrect regarddless.Dec 03 21:53
trmancoI'm not a trollDec 03 21:53
schestowitzI know.Dec 03 21:53
trmanconeither nessunoDec 03 21:53
schestowitzI know.Dec 03 21:53
trmancocork isn't too I thinkDec 03 21:53
trmancoI wonder why one of the trolls messages aren't being archivedDec 03 21:54
trmancoit has to be for some reasonDec 03 21:54
schestowitz"G8, Berlusconi: Propose to regulate the Internet [...] The G8 has as its task the regulation of financial markets, there is no internet for international exploitation. I think the next G8 can bring to the table a proposal for a regulation of the Internet system," said Berlusconi... [PJ: Computer translation.] 03 22:00
schestowitz"[PJ: Did you know you could do jail time for violating a web site's terms of use by pretending to be someone else and then sending an "I love you" message? According to this trial, unless it's overturned, you can go to jail for a year and pay a $100,000 fine for each "I love you" message. Have we totally lost our minds?]"Dec 03 22:02
trmanco 03 22:02
trmancothis can't be realDec 03 22:02
schestowitzI wonder what punishment one gets for IMing an "I hate you message". The chair..?Dec 03 22:03
schestowitz 03 22:03
twittersweaty b chairDec 03 22:03
schestowitzMaybe the second one is a boosterDec 03 22:03
twitterfake miguels are usually uglyDec 03 22:04
twitterM$ divide and conquerDec 03 22:04
trmancogrrrDec 03 22:05
trmanco 03 22:05
trmancoanother oneDec 03 22:05
schestowitzNevada tops "What States Have The Fastest Internet Speeds?" < >Dec 03 22:05
twitterthey seek to destroy communicationsDec 03 22:06
twittermiguels not nevadaDec 03 22:06
schestowitzIs there more than one in /.?Dec 03 22:06
schestowitzOne faker.Dec 03 22:06
twitterthere are several.Dec 03 22:06
schestowitzYikes.Dec 03 22:07
twitterI've got at least one in my troll zoo.Dec 03 22:07
schestowitzOne was Enough to cause damage.Dec 03 22:07
twitterand one fake Bruce tooDec 03 22:07
schestowitzThat's like finding out that there's a mini-Ballmer (with a finger in the mouth)Dec 03 22:07
twitterPerens, not that Byfield clownDec 03 22:07
schestowitzI have some faker in DiggDec 03 22:07
schestowitzBut their accounts get terminatedDec 03 22:08
trmanco 03 22:08
twitterthere are half a dozen fake twitters that spew all sorts of filthDec 03 22:08
schestowitzThey wouldn't eliminate this aggravator: 03 22:08
schestowitzThat account has anti-FOSS items, no activity recently.Dec 03 22:09
schestowitzUsed to be vile attacks on me in the comment.Dec 03 22:09
twitterthere's no end to the number of nyms people can create with a botnetDec 03 22:10
schestowitzItem on choice is now associating RMS and pedophilia. There used to be Reiser murder stuff in there.Dec 03 22:10
schestowitzVery, very vile shills. Like animals..Dec 03 22:10
twitterThey tried to call me a Nazi.Dec 03 22:10
twitterIt was crude.  They could not get the language right, but other nyms pointed back at it relentlessly.Dec 03 22:11
schestowitzThat's cheapDec 03 22:11
schestowitzIt can get worse.Dec 03 22:11
schestowitzI had people fake my account and avatar.Dec 03 22:11
schestowitzThen tried to declare me gay in front page items of DiggDec 03 22:12
schestowitzLibellous smear campaigns.Dec 03 22:12
schestowitzThese are some of the terminated accounts.Dec 03 22:12
schestowitzDigg lets itself be a cesspool.Dec 03 22:12
twitterDon't blame the victim.Dec 03 22:12
twitterThings will calm down when M$ runs out of money to pay these asses.Dec 03 22:13
twitterbbl, it's time for a walk.Dec 03 22:13
twitterbefore I go, I thought I'd share this bullshit.  I've been seeing more of this tartakoff guy.Dec 03 22:15
twitterIt's amazing that people parade "get the facts" crap.Dec 03 22:15
schestowitzIt's 2 YEARS OLD!!Dec 03 22:17
schestowitz 03 22:17
schestowitzThey ran out of meterialDec 03 22:17
*trmanco cya Dec 03 22:18
schestowitzGive me 3 mins and I'll do a post.Dec 03 22:19
schestowitzDone. Enjoy: 03 22:24
schestowitzI left this comment in the shill's blog: "2007 called. They want the study back"Dec 03 22:25
schestowitzMicrosoft: "Quick|!!! VAPOURware!!!11!!1" 03 22:32
schestowitzDenmark still assume that everything that passes though the wires is owned by thee US MAFIAA 03 22:32
schestowitzMind you, the Iowa antitrust material came though torrentDec 03 22:33
schestowitzThis is not only an example of legitimate use, but MOREOVER an example where torrent helps FIGHT crime, not perpetuate it like the moguls love to argue.Dec 03 22:34
schestowitzNokia tries to artifically hype up Symbian.. 03 22:42
schestowitzMicrosoft Partner Group source FUDs the enterprise 03 22:46
*xISO-ZWT (i=41c7bd06@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 03 22:53
schestowitz "How does Google control its destiny with open source? DiBona: Basically, we use it."Dec 03 22:54
schestowitzWoman: how do you continue to cooking? Husband: I eat it.Dec 03 22:55
xISO-ZWTThe OOXML post was about document format, how did the comments wind up getting so off topic?Dec 03 23:02
schestowitzAlex, IIRCDec 03 23:06
schestowitzTypical though.Dec 03 23:06
schestowitzThis dude < > spreads a lot of pro-Microsoft stuff and now he appends FOSS FUD to some short post.Dec 03 23:07
xISO-ZWTIs computerweekly tied to 03 23:12
schestowitzI think not.Dec 03 23:15
schestowitzNot IDGDec 03 23:15
schestowitzIt's part of a British network (IDG is US-based)Dec 03 23:15
schestowitz"Registered Office: Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5AS." < >Dec 03 23:16
schestowitz "Obama's official "transition site",, lists many intended policy changes. None of them has to do with recovering the freedoms that Bush took away from us. Contrast the large section on "Homeland Security" with the completely absent section on "Civil Liberties"."Dec 03 23:19
schestowitzHe also points to: (Don't wait for the planet to go up in smoke); (Obama and the surveillance state)Dec 03 23:20
xISO-ZWTThe more things change, the more they stay the same. GN B-Shift just got here.Dec 03 23:22
schestowitzThere's another issue..Dec 03 23:23
schestowitzFor all I can tell, GWB is making many last-minute changes (as in "change") which are hugely damaging.Dec 03 23:23
*xISO-ZWT has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 03 23:29
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 03 23:34
schestowitz"The tech press goes berserk at every utterance from Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates, and every word emitted by the Redmond PR machine is dutifully repeated and canonized. Except in stories like these. The article is brief and doesn't give much information, and it links to two other lengthier news stories that are just as befuddled."Dec 03 23:39
schestowitz'"Our military is dependent upon commodity desktops whose software shares an enormous amount of DNA with systems that sit on every workplace in the planet." Now who do you suppose they are referring to? Apple? Ubuntu? AmigaOS? Solaris? FreeBSD?' 03 23:39
schestowitzGerman Federal Government to Support ODF < >Dec 03 23:42

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Microsoft in Africa: From 98% to Less Than 10% in Just 16 Years
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EPO's Local Occupational Health, Safety and Ergonomics Committee (LOHSEC) in The Hague: Workers Are Getting Sicker, Conditions in Which to Assess Patent Applications Deteriorate
"According to the Office statistics the total number of days of absence has gone up from 12.4 to 13.1 total number of sick days per Full Time Equivalent (FTE) from 2023 to 2024."
The Standard Needs to Improve Its Standards for Fact-Checking, Aaron Swartz Had Nothing to Do With Reddit and He Detested the Company That Created It
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Remember that "open-source" and Open Source aren't the same; the former is fake