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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 15th, 2009 - Part 1


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schestowitzSun pages don't load.. 15 00:01
tessier_I just hope it isn't too big for the community to maintain without SunJan 15 00:01
schestowitzOh, it hanged... working now.Jan 15 00:01
tessier_It may have to go to some sort of firefox model or something although firefox is funded by google search results which OOo can't really do so who knows...Jan 15 00:02
schestowitz"But we need a lot of more people in all projects on OOo to increase the success of OOo in future. Some people talk about code contribution only."Jan 15 00:02
schestowitzMicrosoft is dumping against SunJan 15 00:03
schestowitzStarOffice and allJan 15 00:03
schestowitzIt seems like they sued Microsoft for itJan 15 00:03
schestowitzBut that's not enoughJan 15 00:03
schestowitzThat's part of the Comes exhibitsJan 15 00:03
schestowitzMeeks: 15 00:03
schestowitzAnd you-know-who..Jan 15 00:04
schestowitzLuis Suarez-Potts doesn't seem terribly happy and he shouldn't be. Michael MeeksJan 15 00:04
schestowitzis ruining things with FUD and disruptionJan 15 00:04
PetoKrausmy OOo bug has been opened 14th of novemberJan 15 00:06
PetoKrausNOTHING happenedJan 15 00:06
schestowitzBN did in 14 days better than it did in the past months (full months) :-)Jan 15 00:06
schestowitzXavier School dumps Windows for Linux < >Jan 15 00:09
schestowitzWill Microsoft now chase this schools with EDGI?Jan 15 00:10
PetoKrausthere's so many bugs opened on Sun's pageJan 15 00:10
PetoKrausit doesn't even feel like they are doing anythingJan 15 00:10
schestowitzYes, it's a big programJan 15 00:10
PetoKrausoh wellJan 15 00:10
schestowitzSame with KDEJan 15 00:10
PetoKrausit needs a rewrite.Jan 15 00:10
PetoKrauseverything in this OS needs a rewriteJan 15 00:11
schestowitzOOo does what it needs for meJan 15 00:11
PetoKraussame for meJan 15 00:11
schestowitzLike opening loads of stupid PPSs that my mom sends meJan 15 00:11
PetoKrausbut i don't like some "features"Jan 15 00:11
schestowitzI don't use it to writeJan 15 00:11
PetoKrauslike OOo's window management and stuffJan 15 00:11
PetoKrausI doJan 15 00:11
schestowitzJust open cr*pJan 15 00:11
schestowitzI use TeX for writingJan 15 00:11
schestowitzLyX makes it a dreamJan 15 00:12
PetoKrausoh wellJan 15 00:12
PetoKrauslyx?Jan 15 00:12
schestowitzElegant, simple, portable.Jan 15 00:12
schestowitzYes, lyx.orgJan 15 00:12
PetoKrausyeahJan 15 00:12
schestowitzit's a front end to TeXJan 15 00:12
PetoKrausthough it's the oneJan 15 00:12
PetoKrausyeahJan 15 00:12
PetoKrausi've got itJan 15 00:12
schestowitzNo ODFJan 15 00:12
schestowitzTeX and ODF become an interesting storyJan 15 00:12
PetoKrausi figured out it would be too much work for me toJan 15 00:12
PetoKrausswitchJan 15 00:12
schestowitzTex-> PS, PDF... any ODF exporter?Jan 15 00:12
PetoKrausummJan 15 00:13
PetoKraustex -> PDF -> OOo DrawJan 15 00:13
PetoKraushere you go!Jan 15 00:13
schestowitzOh.Jan 15 00:14
schestowitzPainting lettersJan 15 00:14
schestowitzBlimey.. what for? 15 00:15
schestowitzHe already has the IRC channelJan 15 00:15
schestowitzWhich I'm in, but it's not terribly usefulJan 15 00:15
schestowitzEU launches new Microsoft antitrust probe 15 00:18
schestowitzDann. 2008!!Jan 15 00:21
schestowitzWhy is Andy posting Jan. 2008 news?Jan 15 00:21
schestowitzWas going to post this via Andy Updegrove... "Quick Mention: Microsoft Hit by Antitrust Action in Europe -- Again" Old news *sigh*Jan 15 00:22
schestowitzSeigo does prose rather than code... 15 00:34
schestowitzWe've made CNET again: 15 01:00
schestowitzI feel as though trolling in COLA slowed down a bit. Microsoft, internally at least, feels defeated.Jan 15 01:06
tessier_schestowitz: How are you doing for hardware/bandwidth etc? Is your current setup holding up?Jan 15 01:18
schestowitzYes, why wouldn't it?Jan 15 01:19
schestowitzBN or desktop?Jan 15 01:19
tessier_BNJan 15 01:20
tessier_It seems you are getting a lot more traffic and attention lately.Jan 15 01:20
tessier_We don't want you to go down when you get slashdotted etc.Jan 15 01:21
schestowitzShane could speak to the hostJan 15 01:21
schestowitzBut it's better to optimise somehowJan 15 01:21
schestowitzDB thrashing is very highJan 15 01:22
schestowitzLike over 200 db queries per pageloads, leading to other internal pages (i.e. visitors request a series of pages.. with PNGs and all)Jan 15 01:22
tessier_Ouch. No way to statically pre-generate those pages?Jan 15 01:22
tessier_Or front it with squid to cache them?Jan 15 01:22
tessier_db queries are always what kill you first. Followed by imaging hurting disk/bandwidth.Jan 15 01:23
schestowitzGroklaw too could not cope when SCO filed Ch11.Jan 15 01:23
tessier_imagesJan 15 01:23
schestowitzIt went bonkersJan 15 01:23
schestowitzThe DB and all...Jan 15 01:23
schestowitzBut they have few (or almost none of) imagesJan 15 01:23
schestowitzAMD donated a server to them after the old one went titsup or somethingJan 15 01:23
tessier_At the various high traffic sites I've worked on we always serve up static pages, sometimes out of squid. And have a queue that generates the pages every minute or 5 or whatever if they change a lotJan 15 01:23
tessier_But using standard blogging software I'm not sure how possible that is.Jan 15 01:24
schestowitzI have issues with the swJan 15 01:24
schestowitzAdding plugins is flakyJan 15 01:24
schestowitzI could, however, do this manuallyJan 15 01:24
schestowitz.htaccess redir to staticsJan 15 01:24
schestowitzBut I used CoralJan 15 01:25
schestowitzWhich puts static on a second farm of serversJan 15 01:25
schestowitzThat static links to about 30 pages in BN though (non-static), so you get a flow of people who land on Coral and move 'on' to BN.Jan 15 01:26
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 01:41
anivarschestowitz: EDGI in news 15 01:50
schestowitzExcellent.Jan 15 01:51
schestowitzI have the post almost readyJan 15 01:51
anivarokJan 15 01:53
schestowitzIt was on SlashdotJan 15 01:54
anivarI have seen thatJan 15 01:55
schestowitzPeople start talking publicly about being 'Peter Quinned'Jan 15 01:55
schestowitzThey need to testofyJan 15 01:55
anivargreatJan 15 01:55
schestowitz*tifyJan 15 01:55
schestowitzIn Mass. you could find the perpetratorsJan 15 01:55
schestowitzIt was Microsoft+lackeysJan 15 01:55
anivarschestowitz:  it is the 2nd slashdotting for BNM r8Jan 15 01:56
anivarBNJan 15 01:56
schestowitzNo.Jan 15 01:57
schestowitzI don't remember how many times we made itJan 15 01:57
schestowitzMaybe 6Jan 15 01:57
anivarGreatJan 15 01:57
schestowitzWe need good storiesJan 15 01:59
schestowitzI've been relying on ComesJan 15 01:59
schestowitzI have some new bits in that next India-EDGI itemsJan 15 02:00
schestowitzThen several more on EDGI, then IDC-Gartner scamsJan 15 02:00
schestowitzI haver loads more from previous case, but maybe I'll aggregate themJan 15 02:00
anivargreatJan 15 02:02
anivarI suggest you to Organise Website Little more structured  and select a new themeJan 15 02:02
anivarThe Current theme is little bulkyJan 15 02:03
anivarIt is better to  go for a theme change after 2 yearsJan 15 02:03
schestowitzI know..Jan 15 02:03
schestowitzBut there are other issuesJan 15 02:03
schestowitzSame with changing domainsJan 15 02:04
schestowitzI wanted to do this long agoJan 15 02:04
schestowitzIt's complicated for many peripheral reasons.Jan 15 02:04
anivarAfter all this is wordpress right ? so what is the issueJan 15 02:04
schestowitzSeveralJan 15 02:11
schestowitzUpgrade-wise, layout affects post presentation and sometimes I fitted posts to the themeJan 15 02:12
schestowitzBut that's mminor stuffJan 15 02:12
schestowitzBigger issues are things like plugins that I need to testJan 15 02:12
schestowitzMosty cross-referencing onesJan 15 02:12
anivarokJan 15 02:17
schestowitz*mostlyJan 15 02:18
schestowitzMaybe I'll upgrade at some stage. I run the latest version in other blogsJan 15 02:19
schestowitzNo real advantage thereJan 15 02:19
anivarhmmJan 15 02:20
schestowitzThemes are a matter of taste tooJan 15 02:25
schestowitzRe: strature, that would be a lot of workJan 15 02:25
schestowitz*Structure;  someone volunteered to help for a whileJan 15 02:25
schestowitzSo we got some index pagesJan 15 02:26
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 02:26
schestowitzHey, curvesJan 15 02:33
*kapipi has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 15 02:41
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 02:50
neighborleeschestowitz, either we have a new member or your calling out my pesky side kick LOLJan 15 02:58
neighborleeschestowitz, atm im reading through the firefox and moonlight (mono) 'free software' status list discussionJan 15 02:59
schestowitzMono light?Jan 15 02:59
neighborleelolJan 15 02:59
neighborleeschestowitz, did PJ ever come to her own conclusion on mono, this email by slated says she was...Jan 15 03:02
neighborleewas going to do some investigation similar to the moonlight story on groklawJan 15 03:03
neighborlee < from hereJan 15 03:03
schestowitzyeah...Jan 15 03:05
schestowitzIt's too controversialJan 15 03:05
schestowitzShe dones't want to alienate readersJan 15 03:05
neighborleeahJan 15 03:06
neighborleeshameJan 15 03:06
dsmith_your no neighbor of mine lee.. :PJan 15 03:06
neighborleebut then I guess the outcome would likely be obvious , just nailed down a bit by her. ;)Jan 15 03:06
dsmith_but your welcome to my wirelss if you use LinuxJan 15 03:06
neighborleedsmith_, im hurt ;)Jan 15 03:06
dsmith_hey, at least I'm nut hurling chairs..Jan 15 03:07
neighborleedsmith_,lolJan 15 03:07
neighborleedsmith_, thx for the offer though, spoken as a true community member ;)Jan 15 03:07
dsmith_welcomeJan 15 03:08
neighborleeWith Java itself now Free Software why bother with Mono?Jan 15 03:11
neighborlee< ron yorstonJan 15 03:11
neighborleeinteresting huhJan 15 03:11
neighborlee <  'Tomboy is part of the GNOME desktop environment.' interesting  as well if true, and from < it would seem true " Tomboy NotesJan 15 03:55
neighborleeComplete cross-platform support  "Jan 15 03:55
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 15 04:47
tessierFeb/13/2009 at 23:31:30 UTC - the Unix time number reaches 1234567890 seconds.Jan 15 05:56
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jan 15 09:06:59 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellJan 15 09:06
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Jan 15 09:06
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Jan 15 09:06
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelJan 15 09:07
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzJan 15 09:07
*neighborlee has quit ("Leaving")Jan 15 09:09
*Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connectJan 15 09:10
schestowitzWeird...Jan 15 09:11
schestowitzI woke up, the computer didn't respond. I had to reboot for the first time inn over 3 months.Jan 15 09:12
schestowitz09:12:05 up 21 min,  1 user,  load average: 1.93, 1.69, 1.11 :-( :-(Jan 15 09:12
PetoKrausyour e-penis was magically removedJan 15 09:14
schestowitz " Thanks Alan and all of the folks that stand up the CONVICTED monopolist that's looking a way to destroy GNU/Linux and FOSS."Jan 15 09:21
schestowitzPetoKraus: I haven't done diagnostics to find out what happened.Jan 15 09:21
schestowitzJan 15 05:35:48 <tessier>Feb/13/2009 at 23:31:30 UTC - the Unix time number reaches 1234567890 seconds.Jan 15 09:23
schestowitzCould this be related??Jan 15 09:23
schestowitzNaaa....Jan 15 09:23
schestowitzJan 15 08:05:46 -christel-[Global Notice] Good Morning all, we'll be restarting two of our servers in about half an hour. niven (v4) and simak (v6) -- affected users are in the region of 2,000. We apologise for the inconvenience. Thank you for using freenode and have a good day!Jan 15 09:24
schestowitzWait.. is there something happening that wider in terms of impact?Jan 15 09:24
MinceRgeekingsJan 15 09:43
schestowitz (Motorola to slash 3000 jobs from cellphone division)Jan 15 09:44
schestowitzIBM still does its monopolistic things.. IBM's patent blitz < >Jan 15 09:44
schestowitzI've just been reading on the subject of self-censorship, powered by editors and fear. How true is that. Lots of people can't publish less conventional or vindicative things because of fear. That's why blogs are different.Jan 15 09:46
schestowitz!!! Apple Urges Wired To Remove Hackintosh Video, Article 15 09:50
schestowitzThey are doing it again... Net-censoring elitesJan 15 09:50
ushimitsudokiApple is pretty quick with the lawyersJan 15 09:53
schestowitzYes, I have a big set of examples (refs)Jan 15 09:54
schestowitzThey also conducted smear campaigns against researchersJan 15 09:55
ushimitsudokioh? i didn't know about that ... just how they try to absolutely control the press/blogs/etc around their productsJan 15 09:57
schestowitzGoogle killing Jaiku, Dodgeball, Notebook, other projects < >Jan 15 09:58
schestowitzMinceR knows the deal. If != "search engine", then  fail();Jan 15 09:58
MinceR:)Jan 15 09:58
schestowitzushimitsudoki: you can't even present Apple products in certain wayJan 15 09:58
schestowitzIf you don't show some shiny gadgets, then you harm perception.Jan 15 09:59
ushimitsudokii never even heard of most of those google projectsJan 15 09:59
schestowitzAnd Linux has incompetents who think that these pictures will appeal to the general audience: 15 10:00
MinceR"I bet Apple was excited about unveiling the thinnest and lightest CEO in the industry." -- 15 10:01
ushimitsudokiow, that's harsh that ubuntu stuff isn't that bad - it's not awesome marketing, but it's not poopJan 15 10:01
*ushimitsudoki waves ubuntu flag aroundJan 15 10:01
schestowitzushimitsudoki: I have Ubuntu on the second machine at home and at workJan 15 10:02
*schestowitz is NOT anti-Ubuntu, just doesn't like the default theme (and prefers KDE)Jan 15 10:03
ushimitsudokiyeah ubuntu is far from perfect, but I'd like to think it's decent enough and *could* provide a good introduction to FLOSS for newcomersJan 15 10:03
ushimitsudokilots of areas could be improved no doubtJan 15 10:03
schestowitzThey need to be taught that earlyJan 15 10:04
schestowitzI am far more concerned about things like that new BECTA scamJan 15 10:04
schestowitzMicrosoft has many moles/former employees spread around to cause damage to kidsJan 15 10:04
ushimitsudokiit's interesting what some ex-MSers go on to do when leaving MS ... one guy has that patent troll company. another one has a "consulting" company - all it's clients are MS websitesJan 15 10:05
schestowitzBTW (OT), while is still AWOL (they say they'll be back), Byfield landed in LWNJan 15 10:05
schestowitzSome are doing open source 'consulting'Jan 15 10:05
schestowitzThe problem is that they mislead.Jan 15 10:05
ushimitsudokiha i'd like to see thatJan 15 10:05
schestowitzThe OpenLogic CEO, Black Duck... Ohloh...Jan 15 10:06
schestowitzStephen Walli: 15 10:06
ushimitsudokii might check into that actually - could be something interesting thereJan 15 10:06
schestowitz"Don't use GPLv3... Microsoft is a nice company... don't listen to those 'zealots'... Windows is a good server.."Jan 15 10:07
schestowitzMozill'a security chief was an ex-MSFTer. Thankfully she left after praising her former employer (MS) while wearing a Mozilla hat.Jan 15 10:07
schestowitzWindows Snyder..Jan 15 10:08
schestowitz*WindowJan 15 10:08
schestowitzSusan Linton writes for LXF whilst is AWOL: 15 10:09
*MinceR waves the Kubuntu flagJan 15 10:10
schestowitz 15 10:12
schestowitzWhy is /. published Linux bug reports now? 15 10:17
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 15 10:18
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 10:18
schestowitz"Tainted by Mono" makes Marcel laugh.. 15 10:35
schestowitz "VENUE: BBC Headquarters, Oxford Road, Manchester"Jan 15 10:38
schestowitzHacker redefined: 15 10:48
schestowitz*LOL* Classic: 15 10:50
schestowitzDixons site was down last week. Now this: ; (Seagate cuts go deep - 3,000 axed - not 800)Jan 15 10:50
MinceRsounds like she'll need to find a college that doesn't fucking suckJan 15 10:51
schestowitzYesJan 15 10:53
schestowitzAnd a clue about computers (which are *NOT* just synonymous with Win)Jan 15 10:53
schestowitzRackable admits Q4 sales plummet < >Jan 15 10:53
schestowitzBubble economy is ending... how long has it taken for the filth to come from under the rug? 3 decades? "The future is bright," they said.Jan 15 10:54
schestowitzIDC~artner~rrester:the industry will continue to grow, buy , spend, yadda yadda.Jan 15 10:54
schestowitzApple patents map mobile future < >Jan 15 10:58
schestowitzBush says torture still necessary < >Jan 15 11:00
schestowitz "The title on my presentation, delivered on 8 December 2008, was "A Quick Sketch of the Fundamental Determinants of the Economy Today". As you can see from the title of this online project, I've come to prefer an alternate title that originated as a phrase from one of the frames of the presentation: The Great Due Date of 2008"Jan 15 11:02
schestowitz"It is unclear how much a drop in PC sales will impact Microsoft's results for the quarter, which it will report next Thursday." 15 11:14
schestowitzme to IBM re patents: "Is this a goodwill utility now? A case of taking away thoughts and then selling them/giving them back?"Jan 15 11:23
schestowitzPatent Attorneys Say RIM Court Case's 5m Pounds Legal Bill Highlights Risk of Uncontrolled Costs in Patent Litigation 15 11:28
zoobabthey were arguing against swpats in this court caseJan 15 11:31
zoobabRIM vs VistoJan 15 11:31
schestowitzYes, thanks for catching itJan 15 11:31
schestowitzA month later..Jan 15 11:31
schestowitzI'll do a big post laterJan 15 11:32
schestowitzStill catching up.....Jan 15 11:32
schestowitzSAP Project Costs Cited in Jeweler's Bankruptcy Filing < >Jan 15 11:38
schestowitzITWire says 3000: (Motorola to slash 3000 jobs from cellphone division) but IDG says 3000+1000 (Motorola Announces 4,000 More Layoffs)Jan 15 11:41
schestowitzMarc's wife blogs a bit.. 15 11:45
schestowitz"Selling the company was very hard. I don't think people can appreciate that unless they've done it. The attitude can be--just take your big ass divorce settlement and move on. However, when you're a creative person, it's difficult to give up control. You feel like you've sold your child upriver. JBoss had a very distinctive personality."Jan 15 11:46
schestowitz"Jan 15 11:47
schestowitzBack when we were struggling, I would occasionally run into or read about the Dot Com success stories. I remember thinking how these people were so full of themselves, so convinced that they had worked harder and were smarter than everybody else. The truth is that anybody with an ounce of perspective knows people who are smarter and have worked harder than themselves, people that didn't make it because the timing wasn't right or beJan 15 11:47
schestowitzcause of circumstances beyond their control."Jan 15 11:47
schestowitzRicardo Montalban dies at 88; 'Fantasy Island' actor < >Jan 15 12:20
schestowitz 15 12:24
schestowitzThis theme looks a bit like EnlightenmentJan 15 12:25
schestowitz "The incredible number of configurable options in KDE is one of the things I love about it, and hate in Gnome, because that level of reconfigurability is absent.  Yet, oddly, a lot of people love that.  So, if they don't mind loosing some power tools in favor of greater ease of use, then so be it."Jan 15 12:27
schestowitzSounds like another Beranger: 15 12:30
schestowitz Woman blames Dell for missing online classes < >Jan 15 12:46
schestowitz"As a result, with no internet and no Microsoft Word, Schubert dropped out of MATC's fall and spring semesters." This is news-worthy??? Smells like someone with a an axe to grindJan 15 12:47
schestowitzMags are comparing vapourware to a finished products. This is insane. 15 13:02
*_Doug (i=4e567dca@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 13:03
_Doughi there .. y'llJan 15 13:03
schestowitzHeyJan 15 13:04
_Dougwhat's happening ?Jan 15 13:04
schestowitzJournos are promoting the misconception that a non-existent O/S (maybe to be released in 2010 with DRM enabled) is already here to compete. That's playing right into Microsoft's hands.Jan 15 13:06
_Dougvaporware, designed to freeze the market ..Jan 15 13:07
_DougRight now they can have a multimedia hi-spec computer, that'll sell like hot.cakes ..Jan 15 13:08
_DougThe embedded market is also going to be huge ..Jan 15 13:08
schestowitznatham talks about vapourwareJan 15 13:08
schestowitzMasters of bubblesJan 15 13:08
schestowitz*nathanmJan 15 13:08
schestowitzES: Axarquía county administration moves all desktops to open source 15 13:09
schestowitzWhy Linux will crush Windows 7 15 13:09
schestowitzPeople dumping their Mac now.. for LinuxJan 15 13:09
schestowitzCorrelated to Jobs news?Jan 15 13:09
_Dougnot unless the consumers can get it in the high-street or mail-order ..Jan 15 13:09
schestowitzSwitching "Apple doesn't produce a less-powerful 15in machine, but plenty of other vendors do. It's understandable from a supply-line and product simplicity perspective for Apple to keep its product lines as tight as possible. But at the end of the day it also means that it doesn't make a machine which matches my needs."Jan 15 13:09
schestowitzThe end of my love affair with Apple? 15 13:10
schestowitz_Doug: not many people buy/will buy new PCsJan 15 13:10
schestowitzSo the preinstallation barrier is less of an issue, hopefully.Jan 15 13:10
_Doug 15 13:10
_Dougwhy not ?Jan 15 13:10
schestowitzThis video scaled poorly... grainyJan 15 13:11
_DougIf I bought 'naked' hardware and put this on the machines, they would fly off the shelves ..Jan 15 13:12
_DougDownload the LinuxMCE video in high-def .. here: 15 13:12
schestowitz"The same is true in the US. Perhaps Israel should stop trying to "help" us fight the "war on terror" and help us with the more important "war on cars"." 15 13:13
schestowitzEnvironment..Jan 15 13:13
schestowitz"War on cars"...Jan 15 13:13
schestowitz_Doug: some companies already sell LinuxMCE appliancesJan 15 13:13
schestowitzAdvertising might be a barriers though.Jan 15 13:13
_Dougrestrictive OEM contracts more likelyJan 15 13:14
schestowitzThat too...Jan 15 13:15
schestowitzBTW..Jan 15 13:15
schestowitzI've made copies of all "Comes" postsJan 15 13:15
schestowitzI'll decide how to publicise them more widely later...Jan 15 13:15
_Dougwhy are you telling me :)Jan 15 13:16
schestowitzProbably will need assembling by topic... like...Jan 15 13:16
_DougWhat happened with Shane ?Jan 15 13:16
schestowitzOS/2... regroup, then maybe extract full textJan 15 13:16
schestowitzShane's humour misunderstood and he wrongly thought stuff while awayJan 15 13:16
schestowitzHe thought people were arrested in IndiaJan 15 13:16
_Dougyou neee someone to cross--reference the whole thing ..Jan 15 13:16
schestowitzNot trueJan 15 13:16
schestowitzHe also thought it was related to BNJan 15 13:16
schestowitzNot true.Jan 15 13:16
schestowitz_Doug: yes, other cross-refed it tooJan 15 13:17
_Douga Wiki .. yes ?Jan 15 13:17
_Dougany volunteers ?Jan 15 13:17
_DougbenJIman ?Jan 15 13:17
schestowitzSome people have tagged and labeled these. No hurry there... been out there in DoJ cardbox boxes for 20 years... can wait another 20 days.. or weeks.Jan 15 13:17
schestowitz_Doug: I thought about itJan 15 13:18
schestowitzWiki as a workspace would be handy.. like...Jan 15 13:18
_DougTime flies, I'm due to retire to the pacific with my filipino mailorder brides .. :)Jan 15 13:18
schestowitzI edit some doc... then someone links it to another that's currently worked on.. at the end comes a summary.. as post.Jan 15 13:18
_DougCan someone set up a comes Wiki ?Jan 15 13:18
schestowitzYou can't escape the de[ep] re[ce]ssionJan 15 13:19
schestowitzNot country is immuneJan 15 13:19
schestowitzI could set one upJan 15 13:19
MinceRs/p\]/\]p/Jan 15 13:19
schestowitzSpam is an issue.Jan 15 13:19
schestowitzShould I made it subs only?Jan 15 13:19
schestowitzfor edits?Jan 15 13:19
_Dougyea, of course ...Jan 15 13:20
schestowitzI have Wikis in two other sites and they got spamJan 15 13:20
_DougExtend your desktop and laptop environments with factory-installed Ubuntu on select DellJan 15 13:20
_Doug 15 13:20
_Dougany volunteer editors on here ?Jan 15 13:21
schestowitzDoug, I can set up initial contentJan 15 13:23
schestowitzSubsite for BN?Jan 15 13:23 15 13:23
MinceRhow's the dell linux patent deal going?Jan 15 13:23 15 13:23
trmancowiki :)Jan 15 13:23
_DougI do believe boycotting Novell is a side issue ..Jan 15 13:24
schestowitzAs Bush Goes, Labour Ditch Policies 15 13:24
schestowitz_Doug: I knowJan 15 13:24
schestowitzIt wasn't just about NovellJan 15 13:24
schestowitzEven in 2006Jan 15 13:24
schestowitzIt was the raison detreJan 15 13:24
_Dougyou need to expand the issues to the general tech sector ..Jan 15 13:24
schestowitzMinceR: sheesh. Can't talk about the Dell Deal.Jan 15 13:24
MinceRwhy?Jan 15 13:24
schestowitzMinceR: if only people found out..Jan 15 13:24
_Douglike theRegister or what slashdot used to be ...Jan 15 13:24
schestowitzOK, let me set up a WikiJan 15 13:25
_Dougbefore it started advertising Visto ..Jan 15 13:25
schestowitz ?Jan 15 13:25
schestowitzAnything better?Jan 15 13:25
schestowitzI used PHPWiki in two sites... it's too simpleJan 15 13:26
schestowitzBut simple can be good tooJan 15 13:26
_Dougit's amazing how a bunch of amatures could build the Linux MCE in their bedrooms .. :)Jan 15 13:26
trmancoResearcher: Worm infects 1.1M Windows PCs in 24 hours: 15 13:27
schestowitzJust 1?Jan 15 13:27
schestowitzThere are like 350Jan 15 13:27
_Dougso, who is going to host the Comes Wiiki ?Jan 15 13:27
schestowitzI canJan 15 13:28
schestowitzWill you help?Jan 15 13:28
schestowitzYou can toss there what you put elsewhere, then we edit together and publishJan 15 13:28
_Dougsure ..Jan 15 13:28
schestowitzIndexed by the Gooooogle tooJan 15 13:28
schestowitzOK, I'll installJan 15 13:28
_Dougyep ..Jan 15 13:28
_Douggtg .. later ...Jan 15 13:28
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 15 13:28
schestowitzSubsite name?Jan 15 13:32 15 13:32 15 13:32 15 13:32
trmancowikiJan 15 13:33
schestowitzOKJan 15 13:33
schestowitz 15 13:35
schestowitzNot on DNS yet??Jan 15 13:35
schestowitz"Firefox can't find the server at" < >Jan 15 13:35
schestowitzIt's a subsiteJan 15 13:35
trmanconope ot yetJan 15 13:40
schestowitzIt worked for me before.Jan 15 13:44
schestowitzI doubt it needs DNS updateJan 15 13:44
schestowitz"The International Energy Agency (IEA), which "advises most major governments across the world on energy policy," has systematically underestimated the potential of renewable energy sources like wind and solar, "because of its ties to the oil, gas and nuclear sectors," charges Energy Watch, a group of scientists and politicians." 15 13:46
schestowitzStill uploading the s/wJan 15 13:52
schestowitz1300+ files :-oJan 15 13:52
schestowitz"Ballmer will undoubtedly announce 10% layoffs -- the bottom 10% performers no doubt." comment from 15 13:54
schestowitz 15 14:10
schestowitzI can't get the bloody subsite to be validJan 15 14:10
schestowitzNot even a redirection works for . Does this require DNS update?Jan 15 14:14
schestowitz┌─(roy@localhost Thu, 15 Jan 09)─——————————————— —————————————─(/home/roy)────┐Jan 15 14:15
schestowitz└─(14:14 $)─> ping xml.schestowitz.comJan 15 14:15
schestowitzPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.Jan 15 14:15
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=6.93 msJan 15 14:15
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=6.94 msJan 15 14:15
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=7.18 msJan 15 14:15
schestowitz--- ping statistics ---Jan 15 14:15
schestowitz3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000msJan 15 14:15
schestowitzrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 6.937/7.020/7.180/0.113 msJan 15 14:15
schestowitz┌─(roy@localhost Thu, 15 Jan 09)─————————— ———————————————— ———─(/home/roy)────┐Jan 15 14:15
schestowitz└─(14:14 $)─> ping xml.botcottnovell.comJan 15 14:15
schestowitzping: unknown host xml.botcottnovell.comJan 15 14:15
schestowitz┌─(roy@localhost Thu, 15 Jan 09)─———————————— ————————————————─(/home/roy)────┐Jan 15 14:15
schestowitz└─(14:14 $)─> ping wiki.botcottnovell.comJan 15 14:15
schestowitzping: unknown host wiki.botcottnovell.comJan 15 14:15
MinceRafaik there should be at least a CNAME entryJan 15 14:15
MinceRyou misspelled "boycottnovell"Jan 15 14:16
schestowitz└─(14:16 $)─> ping wiki.boycottnovell.comJan 15 14:16
schestowitzping: unknown host wiki.boycottnovell.comJan 15 14:16
schestowitzPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.Jan 15 14:17
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=104 msJan 15 14:17
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=105 msJan 15 14:17
schestowitz64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=47 time=104 msJan 15 14:17
schestowitzI dunno........Jan 15 14:17
trmancowon't work here eitherJan 15 14:20
schestowitzThanks.Jan 15 14:25
schestowitzLogo added: 15 14:35
schestowitzDefault _Mono_book (yes, that's what they call it)Jan 15 14:35
PetoKrausright, now i am genuinely pissed offJan 15 14:42
PetoKrausmy new camcorder has a white pixel.Jan 15 14:42
trmancocoolJan 15 14:44
trmancothe wikiJan 15 14:45
schestowitzI'm accommodating it with my notes nowJan 15 14:45
schestowitzDoug did lots of work picking up bitsJan 15 14:45
schestowitzPetoKraus: have it replacedJan 15 14:45
schestowitzSome exhibits are lots of work...... ....... 90 pages!!!!!Jan 15 14:47
*karabas (n=karabas@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 15 14:48
PetoKrausthis is freaking annoyingJan 15 14:52
schestowitzYes, *hit happens.Jan 15 14:56

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EPO Staff Representatives Confront the President Who Says 'F--king' in Front of Female Workers Over Measurable Discrimination Against Female Colleagues
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This "hey hi" (AI) nonsense is just a go-to excuse that IBM and GAFAM (and many others) use
Still Waiting for the EU to Abolish the Illegal and Unconstitutional Court Linked to EPO Corruption and Lobbyism by the Patent Litigation Industry
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something about that specific unit
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Italian Media Covers Richard Stallman's English Talk Ahead of Tonight's Public Appearance
article in La Stampa
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Daniel X. Thomas opposed the very existence of the UPC, which any honest person could recognise was both illegal and unconstitutional
Like GAFAM, the EPO is Passing the Financial Pains to Staff
the EPO is operating illegally at this point
Morale at Microsoft Ruined by the Company Labelling Thousands of Workers 'Low Performers', Sacking Them on the Spot and Denying Them Basic Benefits
people laid off as "low performers" go to social control media to bemoan the label
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Conservative Estimate: Over 10,000 IBM Workers to Be Laid Off in the Next Two Waves
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Parasitic LLM Slop Sites Destroy the Ability to Find "Linux" News in Google News
Remember that Google News laid off lots of its workers
Richard Stallman's English Talk in Italy Less Than 24 Hours Away (Torino) and Then Another Talk in Italy Scheduled (University of Bozen-Bolzano)
He's active and he travels a lot in spite of his medical condition
IBM Layoff Rumours, Large-Scale Implementations Weeks Ahead (in March 2025)
There are some people corroborating
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Perl Programming Leftovers
recently in
Microsoft in Africa: From 98% to Less Than 10% in Just 16 Years
Microsoft being on less than 1 in 10 Web-connected devices in Africa is a very big deal
Almost as If MElon Reads Techrights
The joke we started appears to be spreading
Microsoft Blasted for Adding Insult to Injury: Workers Laid Off Without Prior Notice, Without Severance Payment and Basic Coverage (Like Health), Then Stigmatised as Bad Performers So They Cannot Find a Job Elsewhere
Such stereotypes end entire careers
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Assuming it is indeed LLM slop, it seems clear BetaNews has no intention of improving or is simply unable/unwilling to improve
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