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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 31st, 2009 - Part 2


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MinceRyohohoJan 31 12:41
schestowitzMOG: "SCO’s Appeal Hits the Fast Track"Jan 31 13:09
schestowitzMore pro-SCO BS from her: "It's beginning to look as though we may get to hear this year if the federal appeals court buys the idea that Novell owns Unix."Jan 31 13:09
schestowitzWow!!!Jan 31 13:10
schestowitzNOVELL sacks 1000!Jan 31 13:10
schestowitzOuchJan 31 13:10
schestowitzI'd have to be gentle when posting this..Jan 31 13:12
schestowitz Accomplishment of a boycott might be important, but I can't help thinking of individual developers who will suffer. We need to untangle the patent deal without reducing the might of the Linux development  muscle.Jan 31 13:22
schestowitzTell Novell to escape its Microsoft deal to regain community trust.Jan 31 13:25
trmanco 31 13:37
*tazbu (i=4f74aff0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 31 13:37
tazbuhi guysJan 31 13:38
tazbui just of novell's laid offJan 31 13:39
tazbu: i just read about novell's laid offJan 31 13:39
schestowitzHeyJan 31 13:39
schestowitzI'm not sure what to do about itJan 31 13:40
schestowitzI hope people like Hovsepian get the sack, not the engineersJan 31 13:40
schestowitztrmanco: I  wrote about this yesterday. Clown Jones is up to new lies.Jan 31 13:41
trmancook, I'm catching up with the newsJan 31 13:42
tazbuthis is is the worst in the tech industryJan 31 13:42
tazbuyearJan 31 13:42
tazbuthis is is the worst year in the tech industryJan 31 13:43
tazbu:(Jan 31 13:43
schestowitzYesJan 31 13:43
schestowitzNovell was hit hardJan 31 13:43
schestowitzIt delayed this foreverJan 31 13:43
schestowitzIt was supposed to lay off about 15% in 2008, IIRCJan 31 13:43
schestowitzThis explains the exodus of some Novell execs as of later. Same in MS.Jan 31 13:43
tazbuhow many lays off microsoft hasJan 31 13:43
schestowitzNobody knowsJan 31 13:44
tazbu5000Jan 31 13:44
tazbui thinkJan 31 13:44
schestowitzThey have dubsidiariesJan 31 13:44
schestowitzThey also have temps and contractorsJan 31 13:44
schestowitzAnalysts say they'll lay off many more soon.Jan 31 13:44
tazbuand google is on the same roadJan 31 13:44
schestowitzMaybe 20,000 if you include peripherals at MicrosoftJan 31 13:44
trmanco 31 13:44
schestowitzCitrix being a good example.. axed 10% 2 days ago..Jan 31 13:45
tazbupeople should start their own starupsJan 31 13:45
tazbui know its hardJan 31 13:46
schestowitzUnderstatementJan 31 13:46
tazbubut they have the right stuffJan 31 13:46
schestowitzPeople who do contracts have no demand to address.Jan 31 13:46
schestowitztazbu: where are you?Jan 31 13:46
schestowitzI ask because it makes a difference depending on geogJan 31 13:46
tazbucountryJan 31 13:46
tazbuRomaniaJan 31 13:46
schestowitzThe US is worst hitJan 31 13:46
schestowitzAh...Jan 31 13:46
schestowitzEurope might suffer less.Jan 31 13:47
tazbuyes you can read it all over the newsJan 31 13:47
schestowitzRomania has connections to the American s/w industry thoughJan 31 13:47
schestowitzI recall reading about it last yearJan 31 13:47
schestowitzContrast to say.. FinlandJan 31 13:47
tazbuwell here in Romania we have lay offJan 31 13:47
tazbufrom big companiesJan 31 13:48
schestowitzMultinationalsJan 31 13:48
tazbuyesJan 31 13:48
tazbuand also localJan 31 13:48
tazbufrom tech to entertainmentJan 31 13:48
schestowitzThat's the cascading effectJan 31 13:48
tazbuit all over the placeJan 31 13:48
schestowitzEven spots are affectedJan 31 13:49
schestowitzNo wages -> no tickets -> no sponsorships etc.Jan 31 13:49
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 31 13:49
tazbuyepJan 31 13:49
schestowitzA friend of mine says his parents see more business in the rail stationJan 31 13:49
schestowitzPeople drive less and consume less gas.. not to mention holding off the purchase of new automobiles.Jan 31 13:49
tazbuyes last month my parents bought a RenaultJan 31 13:50
tazbuand the price droppedJan 31 13:50
tazbufrom 11000$Jan 31 13:50
tazbuto 6000$Jan 31 13:51
schestowitzFirst hand?Jan 31 13:51
tazbuyesJan 31 13:51
schestowitzThe agencies must get rid of stockJan 31 13:51
schestowitzProduction is an issueJan 31 13:51
schestowitzThe automobile industry in the US employs no less than 3 million peopleJan 31 13:51
schestowitzTwo sources told me thatJan 31 13:51
tazbuyes we have a Romanian car brand called DaciaJan 31 13:52
schestowitzNow they want bailouts, which in essence means that the industry gets nationalised and maintained by every individual.Jan 31 13:52
schestowitzI hardly use my licence, which is a shame.Jan 31 13:52
tazbui hope that this people can come togetherJan 31 13:53
schestowitzProbably will.Jan 31 13:53
schestowitzSee precedence.Jan 31 13:53
schestowitz 31 13:53
schestowitzHopefully the catharsis of this one arrives after no war.Jan 31 13:54
tazbui heard off bar camp for lay offsJan 31 13:54
schestowitzThe devastation of Europe had the US emerge as the mightiest country in the world, which has engaged in armament sinceJan 31 13:54
tazbuthat could be intrestingJan 31 13:54
schestowitzI heard of that tooJan 31 13:54
tazbuso what do you thinkJan 31 13:55
schestowitz'Sympathy' campsJan 31 13:55
tazbucan it workJan 31 13:55
schestowitzWhat would work?Jan 31 13:55
tazbupeople to star their own start upsJan 31 13:55
tazbuand use foss as their baseJan 31 13:56
tazbufor new productsJan 31 13:56
schestowitzPossible.Jan 31 13:56
schestowitzOne issue is that non-Free software is dumpedJan 31 13:56
schestowitzThere are giveaways with strongsJan 31 13:56
tazbuwe would all have to win from rightJan 31 13:56
schestowitz*stringsJan 31 13:56
schestowitzWho would pay?Jan 31 13:56
schestowitzHere's the thingJan 31 13:57
schestowitzMany occupations involve production that stems from creativityJan 31 13:57
schestowitzSuch is the nature of FOSSJan 31 13:57
schestowitzPeople must express themselves as part of nature's forceJan 31 13:57
tazbuyesJan 31 13:57
schestowitzSo there is the likelihood that people will pool their time to create a more communal projectJan 31 13:57
schestowitzLike the GNU system..Jan 31 13:57
tazbuyesJan 31 13:58
schestowitzIt is also a form of rebellion against those whom they were betrayed by.Jan 31 13:58
tazbuone that's is hopefully sustainableJan 31 13:58
schestowitzBut anyway, that's rather theoretical. There aren't many situations to serve as a learning experience.Jan 31 13:58
tazbuif you think about fossJan 31 13:58
tazbuit takes the power from the fewJan 31 13:59
tazbuand gives it to the manyJan 31 13:59
tazburightJan 31 13:59
tazbuit think this is what we need hereJan 31 13:59
tazbu:DJan 31 13:59
schestowitzThat breaks some suppositionsJan 31 14:00
schestowitzAbout an economy of scalesJan 31 14:00
schestowitzPeople are supposed to be 'wage slaves' to few proprietors.Jan 31 14:00
tazbuyesJan 31 14:00
schestowitzThis was challenged many years ago and it's easy with digitalisationJan 31 14:01
schestowitzIt's inevitable. Unless it's banned :-)Jan 31 14:01
tazbuyes we need to work more like a hiveJan 31 14:01
schestowitzHere's the thingJan 31 14:02
schestowitzHave a look at some political historyJan 31 14:02
schestowitzYou'll find that by deliberate design people are kept dividedJan 31 14:02
tazbuyesJan 31 14:02
schestowitzWhether it was crumbling unions though daemonisationJan 31 14:02
schestowitzRMS called it "helpless and divided"Jan 31 14:02
schestowitzPeople in other fields use similar phrasesJan 31 14:03
tazbuthe dude is rightJan 31 14:03
tazbualsoJan 31 14:03
schestowitzBy emphasising consumerism and consumption on info from TV people are kept apart.Jan 31 14:03
tazbupatents and copyrightsJan 31 14:03
schestowitzThis means that rise by separate individuals for change is difficultJan 31 14:03
tazbualso a big issueJan 31 14:03
tazbupatents and copyrightsJan 31 14:03
schestowitzIn the past, the portrayal of unions was that they are those "evil people" trying to ruin the calm of societyJan 31 14:04
schestowitz[rather than those ehlping it]Jan 31 14:04
tazbugod thank we have now the internetJan 31 14:04
schestowitzSame type of tactics are sometimes use to  mock FOSS people ("communists", "zealots" etc). They actually try to help.Jan 31 14:04
tazbunot so reliableJan 31 14:04
tazbuyesJan 31 14:04
schestowitzI head this funny analogyJan 31 14:04
schestowitzThe union revolves around the workplaceJan 31 14:05
schestowitzI.e. private dictatorshipsJan 31 14:05
schestowitzSo the Corporation is glorifies by means that include HollywoodJan 31 14:05
schestowitzThe manager is supposedly caring so much about the employees welfare. Brainwash can reinforce this beliefJan 31 14:05
schestowitzBut the guy who manages the company and that who sweeps the flood rarely share the same views, being just a convenience illusionJan 31 14:06
schestowitzSo organising for change eludes the mind of the ordinary worker that's detached from peers and attacked to machines Jan 31 14:06
schestowitz*attachedJan 31 14:07
tazbu:)Jan 31 14:07
tazbuthank god i found the foss communityJan 31 14:07
schestowitzDo you know Beranger?Jan 31 14:07
tazbuinoJan 31 14:07
schestowitz(Radu)Jan 31 14:08
schestowitzNever mind then.Jan 31 14:08
tazbuokJan 31 14:08
tazbuso think foss can make something in this crysisJan 31 14:08
tazbu?Jan 31 14:08
tazbucan we help the larger audienceJan 31 14:09
tazbui mean look a web 2.0Jan 31 14:09
tazbuits mostly based on open source right and fsJan 31 14:09
tazbubut they still fire their peopleJan 31 14:10
schestowitzYou need to attract peopleJan 31 14:10
schestowitzRecruit mindsJan 31 14:10
schestowitzNo software patents, no selfish ones.Jan 31 14:10
schestowitzMany of them are derailed from a path of participationJan 31 14:10
tazbuyes its just stupidJan 31 14:10
tazbupatentsJan 31 14:10
schestowitzMuch like people are led to believe that "if it's free, it must be terrible"Jan 31 14:11
tazbupitagora is freeJan 31 14:11
tazbuthank godJan 31 14:11
tazbu:)Jan 31 14:11
schestowitzThese things have purposeJan 31 14:11
tazbuyepJan 31 14:11
schestowitzIt is education along the lines of "you must make gains that are material"Jan 31 14:11
tazbuit like pateting mathJan 31 14:11
schestowitzIf you lose people's attention (like, you know, if they don't watch the latest Disney fantasy), then you can lose control of themJan 31 14:12
schestowitzRemember: by industry's standards, if you have an idea, then you must own itJan 31 14:12
schestowitzDon't share, ever. own.Jan 31 14:12
schestowitzBuild barriersJan 31 14:12
schestowitzDivideJan 31 14:12
tazbuiwell i work inthe mediaJan 31 14:12
tazbuand use creative commonsJan 31 14:13
schestowitzThat serves the purpose of leaving people confused and therefore reliant on wage slavery and such.Jan 31 14:13
tazbufor most of my stuffJan 31 14:13
schestowitzThat's an evolutionary stepJan 31 14:13
schestowitzThey have no choiceJan 31 14:13
schestowitzThat's how they appeal to larger audienceJan 31 14:13
tazbuwell the next tep is clearJan 31 14:13
tazbuelibartionJan 31 14:13
schestowitzIn an age of YouTUbe, there are no longer just 5 TV channels with 'privileged' air time.Jan 31 14:14
tazbuyesJan 31 14:14
tazbuand there some good stuff on ytJan 31 14:14
tazbuif you know to find itJan 31 14:14
tazburightJan 31 14:14
tazbu:)Jan 31 14:14
schestowitzYesJan 31 14:15
schestowitzMashups work well.Jan 31 14:15
schestowitzUniversal et al fight YTJan 31 14:15
tazbu:)Jan 31 14:15
schestowitzDo you know Neuros?Jan 31 14:15
tazbuyesJan 31 14:16
schestowitzIt's a Linux-based PVR and it   streams YouTube now. Jan 31 14:16
tazbuthe open source deviceJan 31 14:16
schestowitzThat's like an infinite library of media, no dependence on cable subsJan 31 14:16
tazbuyesJan 31 14:16
schestowitzGive them exposure and money (by buying one if need is served)Jan 31 14:16
schestowitzThey are the Asterisk of PVRsJan 31 14:17
schestowitzOr the Apache of Web serversJan 31 14:17
schestowitz*oops. I mean of PVRsJan 31 14:17
tazbusee its wierdJan 31 14:17
tazbuthe web work on apacheJan 31 14:17
tazbubut people have not yet tried and open societyJan 31 14:18
tazbuthe most important stuff are hidden from useJan 31 14:18
schestowitzApache is companiesJan 31 14:19
schestowitzBut they share resourcedJan 31 14:19
schestowitz*cesJan 31 14:19
schestowitzSame with Linux (kernel)Jan 31 14:19
schestowitzWikipedia..Jan 31 14:19
tazbuyesJan 31 14:19
tazbuwe have an goldmine hereJan 31 14:20
tazbustill unexploredJan 31 14:20
schestowitzBut Wikipedia should not be built by companiesJan 31 14:20
schestowitzProfessors and such people with expertise and interest build itJan 31 14:20
tazbuwell yes and noJan 31 14:20
tazbucompanies are made by peopleJan 31 14:20
tazbuand are group of peopleJan 31 14:21
tazbupeople with expertise and interestJan 31 14:21
tazbubut the problem is just oneJan 31 14:21
tazbuthey work separatedJan 31 14:22
tazbuinstead of a anarchyJan 31 14:22
tazbuwe foss is not betterJan 31 14:22
schestowitzHow so?Jan 31 14:23
schestowitzyes, companies are peopleJan 31 14:23
schestowitzBut they operate upon ordersJan 31 14:23
schestowitzIt's all a pyramid of delegations.Jan 31 14:23
*tazbu has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 31 14:25
*tazbu (i=4f74adc2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 31 14:27
tazbubackJan 31 14:27
tazbuso where were weJan 31 14:27
tazbui have problems with electricity companyJan 31 14:28
tazbu:PJan 31 14:28
schestowitzThat might become an issue here too some dayJan 31 14:28
schestowitzWater also..Jan 31 14:28
schestowitzAlthough some countries don't have an issue of water capacity.Jan 31 14:29
schestowitzNuclear energy will become popularJan 31 14:29
tazbuyesJan 31 14:29
tazbufor blowing up thingsJan 31 14:29
schestowitzMaybe it can also be a partial solution to pollution, at the expense of, wel... wasteJan 31 14:29
schestowitzChernobyl...Jan 31 14:29
tazbuwe need wind powerJan 31 14:30
tazbusolar powerJan 31 14:30
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 31 14:30
tazbui have hopes for obamaJan 31 14:30
schestowitzWe use thatJan 31 14:30
schestowitzPlants use the solar 'power'Jan 31 14:30
tazbuyesJan 31 14:30
schestowitzThen they dissolve, make organic material (oil)Jan 31 14:30
schestowitzBut humans are too lazy to use the sunJan 31 14:30
tazbunoJan 31 14:31
tazbuits intrestJan 31 14:31
schestowitzObama -- hope?Jan 31 14:31
tazbubig companies are lazyJan 31 14:31
tazbuyesJan 31 14:31
schestowitzCan he toss out all the cronies?Jan 31 14:31
tazbui think he is a smart guyJan 31 14:31
schestowitzIt doesn't take smartsJan 31 14:31
schestowitzNor powerJan 31 14:31
schestowitzMany smart guys can't defeat a corrupt systemJan 31 14:31
tazbuyesJan 31 14:32
schestowitzThe mafia doesn't fear someone's wisdom. It just blows threat upJan 31 14:32
tazbuagain we need towork togtherJan 31 14:32
schestowitzPolitical bloggers can helpJan 31 14:32
schestowitzThey are not controlled by FDR (??)Jan 31 14:32
tazbuthe systems like it or not is not workingJan 31 14:32
tazbuand people are staring to see thisJan 31 14:33
tazbuso it becomes first priorityJan 31 14:33
schestowitzNot FDR, never mindJan 31 14:33
schestowitzYes, they reach out for answers nowJan 31 14:33
schestowitzBut this can lead to radicalism or warJan 31 14:33
schestowitzMilitias and extreme rightJan 31 14:34
tazbuwhat we need is not abetter wayJan 31 14:34
tazbubut a different wayJan 31 14:34
tazbuand we can take foss as a modelJan 31 14:34
tazbulets not forget that people are interested in fossJan 31 14:35
tazbueven big companiesJan 31 14:35
tazbulike novellJan 31 14:35
schestowitzFOSS as in participation?Jan 31 14:36
schestowitzHere's another theoryJan 31 14:36
schestowitzOne that's to do with aspirations of croporations leaning to self destructions because goals have no limits imposed.Jan 31 14:36
schestowitzNo account is taken for when it comes to factors like environment or human stress (political too)Jan 31 14:36
schestowitzThis leads to illusions as way of ligeJan 31 14:37
schestowitz*lifeJan 31 14:37
schestowitzI.e. install values that better align with a workforce-oriented societyJan 31 14:37
tazbuwell we have corporations are a subgroup of usJan 31 14:37
schestowitzNot exactlyJan 31 14:37
schestowitzI would phrase it like that anywayJan 31 14:37
tazbuwell we have corporations theya subgroup of usJan 31 14:37
schestowitzThe country lends power to centres of power and money to employ and manage the populationJan 31 14:38
tazbuwell corporations fail to see just one thingsJan 31 14:38
schestowitzIn more extreme cases (like the US) the government becomes merely a shadow of those who carry out most things.. GM, Wal-Mart and so on..Jan 31 14:38
tazbuyes i agreeJan 31 14:38
tazbulaws are not lawsJan 31 14:38
tazbubecause they are breakdownJan 31 14:39
schestowitzThe laws are for 'the people'Jan 31 14:39
schestowitzNot for entities that are collectives, e.g. corporations/governmentJan 31 14:39
tazbuyes and even they break theemJan 31 14:40
schestowitzIt's rare to see corporations reprimanded (by whom??) or jailedJan 31 14:40
tazbubut they go faster to jailJan 31 14:40
schestowitzSo they are private tyranniesJan 31 14:40
tazbunoJan 31 14:40
schestowitzTough love... love for the elites, tough for everyone else...Jan 31 14:40
tazbuthey just fail to see that what hurts you it hurts meJan 31 14:40
schestowitzI don't followJan 31 14:41
tazbuthey act on beliefJan 31 14:41
tazbuand the belief is simpleJan 31 14:41
tazbuthe more i take the more ihaveJan 31 14:41
tazbueven people act on that beliefJan 31 14:42
tazbubut what if you would have a new beliefJan 31 14:42
tazbuthat the more i give the more ihaveJan 31 14:42
tazbuisnt foss about thisJan 31 14:42
tazbuthat is why we act this wayJan 31 14:43
tazbuthat why we giveJan 31 14:43
tazbubut we dont have a good foundationJan 31 14:43
tazbuwe believe that money dont grow on treesJan 31 14:43
tazbuwe they actually do grow on treesJan 31 14:44
tazbuthey actually do grow on treesJan 31 14:44
tazbu:)Jan 31 14:44
tazburightJan 31 14:44
schestowitzYesJan 31 14:44
schestowitzI heard this beforeJan 31 14:44
*DarkUranium ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 31 14:44
schestowitzPeople act based ion faithJan 31 14:44
schestowitzMost doJan 31 14:44
tazbuall of them doJan 31 14:45
schestowitzFaith often comes before anythingJan 31 14:45
tazbueven you and iJan 31 14:45
tazbuyesJan 31 14:45
schestowitzWindows/Microsoft are one example in the case of software. Notions like "Americanism" are othersJan 31 14:45
tazbuand lookat rmsJan 31 14:45
schestowitzWith symbols, hymns and blind faith for decisions made by secret services.Jan 31 14:45
tazbuwe they microsoft is dividedJan 31 14:45
schestowitzThe assumption that FOSS needs money to grow is partly flawedJan 31 14:46
tazbums is about us and themJan 31 14:46
tazbuyesJan 31 14:46
schestowitzIt assumed that production comes only from gain in terms of material things.Jan 31 14:46
schestowitzThis isn't woodworkJan 31 14:46
tazbuyes they act like most companies doJan 31 14:47
tazbubut today there are 2 msJan 31 14:48
schestowitzI've just received mail from a mateJan 31 14:48
schestowitz"No one still working at Novell can be worth much anyway.  I'm already doing what I can to prevent use of Novell, not that I've found more than a single instance around here in the last years."Jan 31 14:48
schestowitz"I see a real danger from losing Yahoo, but in some ways it's already gone and it is time to find a way to get those developers back into production."Jan 31 14:48
schestowitz"That's all peripheral anyway.  The heart of the problem is found in Redmond and that needs to be addressed.  From the outside, Redmond looks like it works like organized crime.  So the solutions for dealing with other forms of organized crime are long established.  RICO comes to mind."Jan 31 14:48
schestowitzneedless to say, other companies do similar thingsJan 31 14:49
tazbuyesJan 31 14:49
tazbuwe should do something about thisJan 31 14:49
schestowitzThe government is in the pockets of companies bigger than MSJan 31 14:49
tazbuwell MS is not all about moneyJan 31 14:50
tazbulets not forget that there products are made by geeksJan 31 14:50
schestowitzBought?Jan 31 14:50
tazbuthe reason they stay with mirosoft is becauseJan 31 14:51
tazbuthey think like most people doJan 31 14:51
tazbuthat money dosent grow on treesJan 31 14:51
MinceRyou call those hacks geeks?Jan 31 14:52
MinceRsure, in microsoft's world money doesn't grow on trees, it's acquired via fraudJan 31 14:52
schestowitzThey take kids from collegeJan 31 14:52
MinceRbribing governments to make them purchase vast quantities of licensesJan 31 14:52
tazbuwell money are not the problemJan 31 14:53
MinceRmaking sure kids are only taught to use their productsJan 31 14:53
schestowitzLicences that are valid only as long as _all_ machines are with MSwareJan 31 14:53
MinceRselling products that don't exist yetJan 31 14:53
MinceRstealing the work of others and selling it to unsuspecting foolsJan 31 14:53
schestowitzMicrosoft invested the word processor :-)Jan 31 14:53
tazbuwell its not like stealingJan 31 14:53
schestowitzOOo must therefore be a ripoff of Microosft :-pJan 31 14:53
tazbustealing is one of our illusionsJan 31 14:54
schestowitzYesJan 31 14:54
MinceRyes, stealing is an illusion and so is propertyJan 31 14:54
MinceRand so is money, thenJan 31 14:54
schestowitzBut they take other people's ideas and claim credit for themJan 31 14:54
tazbuwe belive that we own somethingJan 31 14:54
schestowitzThat's moral corruption, a lieJan 31 14:54
tazbunoJan 31 14:54
MinceRand i'm sure you won't mind me taking your car, thenJan 31 14:54
tazbuif you think about itJan 31 14:54
schestowitzTo claim "innovation" for stuff they deserve no attribJan 31 14:54
MinceRyou've surely overcome your illusions alreadyJan 31 14:54
tazbuthink about itJan 31 14:55
MinceRfollow your own advicJan 31 14:55
MinceReJan 31 14:55
tazbudid god put patent on color redJan 31 14:55
MinceRthink about what follows from what you've saidJan 31 14:55
schestowitzCololur red is natureJan 31 14:56
schestowitzSpecrum..Jan 31 14:56
schestowitz*trumJan 31 14:56
tazbuand so is the computer screenJan 31 14:56
tazbuits all part of natureJan 31 14:56
schestowitzDifferent creatures interpret those 'colours' differently.Jan 31 14:56
tazbuyesi knowJan 31 14:56
tazbubut its all part of natureJan 31 14:56
tazbuso we dont own nothingJan 31 14:56
tazbunothing at allJan 31 14:57
schestowitzSad, eh?Jan 31 14:57
schestowitz"own nothing" = can suppress nobodyJan 31 14:57
tazbuits just a illusionJan 31 14:57
schestowitzSome people 'own' peopleJan 31 14:57
schestowitzThat's ownership tooJan 31 14:57
tazbuso no one is stealing nothingJan 31 14:57
schestowitzIt assumes also that people 'belong' to a countryJan 31 14:57
tazbua country is a ideaJan 31 14:57
schestowitzYesJan 31 14:57
schestowitzBut a useful one sometimesJan 31 14:57
schestowitzIf you want to police societiesJan 31 14:58
tazbuthere are no countriesJan 31 14:58
schestowitzBushmen don't have punishment thoughJan 31 14:58
schestowitzThey get along without hurting their kidsJan 31 14:58
tazbuthe sad part is that we hurt our kidsJan 31 14:58
schestowitzIn the most primitive form, man thrive in company (as in friends) and huntingJan 31 14:58
tazbuwe give them our false historyJan 31 14:58
MinceRtazbu: if nobody owns anything, what about money?Jan 31 14:59
schestowitzIn modern society, people are attached to societal machineryJan 31 14:59
MinceRdo you need money?Jan 31 14:59
tazbuthey are constructJan 31 14:59
MinceRdoes money even exist?Jan 31 14:59
tazbunoJan 31 14:59
tazbuwhat is moneyJan 31 14:59
tazbui ask youJan 31 14:59
MinceRso how do you feed yourself?Jan 31 14:59
tazbufoodJan 31 14:59
MinceRhow do you get food?Jan 31 14:59
tazbunot paperJan 31 14:59
MinceRdo you grow your food?Jan 31 14:59
tazbuform plantsJan 31 14:59
MinceRdo you take it from others?Jan 31 14:59
MinceRdo they get anything in exchange?Jan 31 14:59
tazbuyes my airJan 31 15:00
schestowitzFrom 'Mother'... natureJan 31 15:00
tazburightJan 31 15:00
schestowitzBut some people own nature tooJan 31 15:00
schestowitz'Own'Jan 31 15:00
tazbunoJan 31 15:00
schestowitzThat too is an ethical dilemmaJan 31 15:00
tazbuits a illusionJan 31 15:00
schestowitzYesJan 31 15:00
schestowitzI'm lacking tone in textJan 31 15:00
tazbuthe only thing we ownJan 31 15:00
tazbuis our freedomJan 31 15:00
schestowitzSomwething along those lines.Jan 31 15:00
schestowitzThere's the old discussion about ownership of kids tooJan 31 15:01
tazbuand we can restrict our freedomJan 31 15:01
schestowitzSome insist they are theirsJan 31 15:01
schestowitzSome say they become 'ownership' of the society that surrounds themJan 31 15:01
MinceRtazbu: and do those plants grow wild or does someone take care of them?Jan 31 15:01
schestowitztazbu: we don't restrict it really, but other people try toJan 31 15:01
tazbuwell how did dinosaurs livedJan 31 15:02
schestowitzIt's a characteristic of man to want to make another man do something s/he does not want.Jan 31 15:02
MinceRare you a dinosaur?Jan 31 15:02
tazbuthink aboutJan 31 15:02
schestowitzA friend of mine who's a biology professors agrees on this assumption and that's why it's a lost causeJan 31 15:02
MinceRschestowitz: so humans are evil by nature?Jan 31 15:03
tazbunoJan 31 15:03
schestowitzBut density of human beings becomes more of an issue because the closer we get, the more binding these relationships becomeJan 31 15:03
schestowitzLike sharing a forest vs sharing a treeJan 31 15:03
tazbuthe contraryJan 31 15:03
schestowitzOr sharing a land (American Indians) versus a sleazy apartmentJan 31 15:03
MinceRtazbu: so if you don't value material goods, do you value work? do you value your own work and your own time?Jan 31 15:03
tazbuwell what is workJan 31 15:03
schestowitzMinceR: no, Ubuntu :-)Jan 31 15:03
tazbulet difine itJan 31 15:03
schestowitzPeople want to help their kindJan 31 15:03
tazbuwork+Jan 31 15:04
schestowitzThey have to be mentally morbid to steal from a child for exampleJan 31 15:04
tazbuno not reallyJan 31 15:04
schestowitzOr to kill animals unless they are hungryJan 31 15:04
MinceRschestowitz: tazbu argues there is no such thing as stealingJan 31 15:04
tazbua whellJan 31 15:04
schestowitzDepends on whatJan 31 15:04
schestowitzNot ideasJan 31 15:04
tazbuis that something originalJan 31 15:05
schestowitzSo you must define propertyJan 31 15:05
tazbuownership property patentsJan 31 15:05
tazbuare all made up by usJan 31 15:05
schestowitzImagine a neathderal going around with a wooden bat demanding that other caveman pay him in fgood for using "method of killing a deer"Jan 31 15:05
schestowitz*cavemenJan 31 15:06
tazbuwellJan 31 15:06
tazbucavemans dint made moneyJan 31 15:06
tazbuthey cut trees just for a homeJan 31 15:07
tazbuwell there a more methods to go from point a to bJan 31 15:08
tazburightJan 31 15:08
schestowitzSo their 'employer' was natureJan 31 15:08
schestowitzSubsidising source anywayJan 31 15:08
Tallken 31 15:09
Tallken:pJan 31 15:09
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 31 15:09
tazbuwe really need to jumpstart new ideasJan 31 15:09
schestowitz 31 15:09
schestowitz"Google Kills Bush’s Miserable Failure Search & Other Google Bombs      After just over two years, Google has finally defused the Google Bomb that has returned US President George W. Bush at the top of its results in a search."Jan 31 15:10
schestowitzWhy?????/Jan 31 15:10
Tallkenyou saw google tagging every site as hamrful site on my link? :pJan 31 15:10
tazbuyepJan 31 15:10
schestowitzTallken: I didn't see itJan 31 15:10
Tallkensearch for anythingJan 31 15:11
Tallkenand you'll see :DJan 31 15:11
schestowitzIt does't do it for meJan 31 15:11
schestowitzMaybe it's your DC.Jan 31 15:11
schestowitzDatacentre issueJan 31 15:12
Tallkenit's fixed apparentlyJan 31 15:12
Tallken 31 15:12
Tallkenbut isn't happening anymoreJan 31 15:12
MinceR:)Jan 31 15:13
tazbu:)Jan 31 15:14
tazbugoogle is playing with usJan 31 15:14
tazbu:)Jan 31 15:14
schestowitzGoogle studies us: 31 15:15
tazbu 31 15:15
tazbu:)Jan 31 15:15
tazbupagerank is a good techJan 31 15:16
schestowitzGoogle is malwareJan 31 15:16
tazbui would say thatJan 31 15:16
schestowitzIt actually helps me a lot... more than WikipediaJan 31 15:16
schestowitzIt's good at matching entities, obviously, using a massive datasetJan 31 15:17
tazbuthe guys that work there are awesomeJan 31 15:17
tazbuplus google as that 20%Jan 31 15:17
tazbuwork your own projectJan 31 15:17
schestowitzIt seems like we might make Digg's front page todayJan 31 15:18
schestowitzI'll set up Coral casheJan 31 15:18
schestowitzcacheJan 31 15:18
tazbuyepJan 31 15:19
tazbudigg has done also lay offsJan 31 15:19
tazburightJan 31 15:20
tazbu20% of their employersJan 31 15:20
tazbui thinkJan 31 15:20
tazbuso no tech companie is doing wellJan 31 15:23
tazbucanonical i think is staring to get sustainableJan 31 15:23
tazbuand this an awesome companyJan 31 15:24
schestowitzYesJan 31 15:24
schestowitzThey did damage control tooJan 31 15:24
schestowitzSomething like "we're hiring some marketing people (they nabbed a Yahoo! guy)"Jan 31 15:24
tazbuthey are open sourcing also launchpadJan 31 15:25
schestowitzOK, I got cache now, just in caseJan 31 15:25
tazbulaunchpad i think its the only close project they hadJan 31 15:25
schestowitzI'll quick do another one on IntelJan 31 15:26
schestowitzLaunchpad is going GPLv3Jan 31 15:26
schestowitzAGPLv3Jan 31 15:26
tazbuyepJan 31 15:26
tazbuand its not badJan 31 15:26
tazbufor a group of 200+ peopleJan 31 15:26
tazbui wish to see more foss companiesJan 31 15:27
tazbu i am interested in funding oneJan 31 15:27
schestowitzThey integrate more than they develop, I thinkJan 31 15:27
tazbubyes but they do a good jobJan 31 15:28
schestowitzNeanderthalSoft :-)Jan 31 15:28
schestowitzMaking software for humble homo sapientsJan 31 15:28
tazbunice nameJan 31 15:28
schestowitzHehe.Jan 31 15:28
tazbu:)Jan 31 15:28
tazbubut i what about a open source media corporationJan 31 15:29
tazbunow that's hugeJan 31 15:29
tazbudont you thinkJan 31 15:30
tazbu?Jan 31 15:30
schestowitzJust one?Jan 31 15:30
schestowitzThere need to be manyJan 31 15:30
schestowitzWith overlapJan 31 15:30
tazbuwhy not 2000Jan 31 15:30
tazbunow thats hugeJan 31 15:30
tazbuimagine a world like thatJan 31 15:31
tazbuno copyrightsJan 31 15:31
tazbuno patentsJan 31 15:31
tazbuno ownershipJan 31 15:31
tazbuplus how did we get the idea of ownershipJan 31 15:32
tazbuits stupidJan 31 15:32
tazbuit like saying i own the air i breathJan 31 15:32
tazbubut the air belong to everyoneJan 31 15:32
tazburight guysJan 31 15:33
MinceRit's like saying i own the fruits of my own laborJan 31 15:34
schestowitzAir can't be owned yetJan 31 15:34
schestowitzBut some people sell water for premium priceJan 31 15:34
MinceRand it's like saying i can afford to have a place where my privacy is respectedJan 31 15:34
schestowitzThey also use imagery on adverts to make water seem like any less of a commodity.Jan 31 15:35
schestowitzY'know, like a girl bathing under a waterfall or something, trying to sell you mineral water for the price of a meal for an entire family in some countries.Jan 31 15:35
tazbuprivacy in my opnion is another word for shameJan 31 15:35
schestowitzNoJan 31 15:36
tazbuyes to sell waterJan 31 15:36
tazbuit stupidJan 31 15:36
schestowitzIt's the ability of one to keep the brain in the skull.Jan 31 15:36
MinceRit isn't stupid as long as that water is of controlled qualityJan 31 15:36
schestowitzTransparency at a PROFESSINAL level is a separate thingJan 31 15:36
MinceRfor example, no chlorine for me :>Jan 31 15:36
schestowitzI'm all for people doing their work openlyJan 31 15:36
schestowitzBut privacy invasion goes much furtherJan 31 15:36
schestowitzI don't care what Obama tells his kidsJan 31 15:37
tazbuwell what is invasionJan 31 15:37
schestowitzI do care if he's plotting something evil that affects a country that's most dangerous in the worldJan 31 15:37
tazbui think obama is a good guyJan 31 15:37
tazbui sees the truthJan 31 15:37
schestowitzMinceR: a lot of water is polluted because of man,Jan 31 15:38
schestowitzIOW...Jan 31 15:38
tazbuyesJan 31 15:38
schestowitzLet's mudy the water so that we can sell medicineJan 31 15:38
MinceRand a lot of water tastes different because of the minerals it's stored inJan 31 15:38
schestowitzI think that in Colombia they have such water battlesJan 31 15:38
tazbusee we destroy ourself with our beliefsJan 31 15:38
MinceRi've tried the drinking water in various places and they tend to taste differentJan 31 15:38
schestowitzI don't follow this closely, but RMS sure doesJan 31 15:38
MinceRchlorine is added to water to disinfect it (it's probably the cheapest way they could find)Jan 31 15:39
MinceRbut i don't like the smell of chlorine in my drinking waterJan 31 15:39
schestowitzMinceR: premium though is another matterJan 31 15:39
schestowitzDrinking water vs other 'kinds' of waterJan 31 15:39
twitterprivate water - what Coke wants to do to your public water supply.Jan 31 15:41
schestowitzJust published: 31 15:45
schestowitz"I can't help but wonder how other companies have reacted to these internal emails being made public.  The Comes v. MS exhibits have been circulating for a couple of years now.  Surely executives of Intel and HP and Dell, etc., have read them. "Jan 31 15:46
schestowitz"How how many concessions has MS had to make, and how much money has it cost MS behind the scenes to placate its angry partners?  These emails HAD to have hurt MS's bargaining position when it came to making deals.  Don't you think? Jan 31 15:46
schestowitz"I also wonder how many partners considered suing MS over these internal revelations and were paid off instead...hush money can be more profitable than a law suit. "Jan 31 15:46
schestowitz"Having these exhibits made public has to have caused a serious shift in Microsoft's universe.  Blanketing the forums with 'turfer-trolls can't be cheap either.  They seem to be everywhere these days.  Creepy.  Maybe they are just MS employees that are trying to keep their jobs??"Jan 31 15:46
schestowitzLet's keep fingers crossed for a Digg FP.. 31 15:47
schestowitztwitter: yes, Coke was involved in this, IIRC. I read about this in Stallman's writings, IIRC.Jan 31 15:47
schestowitzFront page!Jan 31 15:51
schestowitzSite dead already?Jan 31 15:52
schestowitzIt's still aliveJan 31 15:53
schestowitzServer Load  2.79 (4 cpus)Jan 31 15:53
schestowitzThey set up a mirror already: 31 15:55
twittercoolJan 31 15:55
schestowitzOKJan 31 15:56
schestowitzAche stabling nowJan 31 15:56
schestowitzJust don't know on BN main page :-)Jan 31 15:56
schestowitzI don't mind mirrorsJan 31 15:56
schestowitzI just want people to read the darn messageJan 31 15:56
schestowitzAnd for Microsoft to face what it did.Jan 31 15:57
schestowitzI've left a comment there: "Thank you, DeathRay2K. Feel free to mirror, duplicate in full, no attribution needed.Jan 31 16:03
schestowitzIt's important to just get the message across and pressure those who were injured to respond.Jan 31 16:03
schestowitzThese exhibits were made public no earlier than 2006/7 and Microsoft paid a lot of money (estimated at hundreds of millions) to have this stuff buried. They settled in Iowa within *weeks*... terms undisclosed of course."Jan 31 16:03
schestowitzhttpd (1.3.41 (Unix))  failedJan 31 16:13
schestowitzTake The Moblin Alpha For A Spin < >Jan 31 16:26
schestowitz"Server Load  3.24 (4 cpus)"Jan 31 16:27
schestowitzThe cache is proving very effective then.Jan 31 16:28
schestowitzMemory Used  47.9 %Jan 31 16:28
schestowitzSwap Used  0.19 %Jan 31 16:28
schestowitzMicrosoft's layoffs included the guy with the Blue Monster tattoo < >Jan 31 16:30
schestowitzOops. 31 16:31
schestowitzFront page at Linux Today an hour ago... just when the site became unresponsive.Jan 31 16:34
schestowitz"Almost all of the CAD tools that Intel uses run exclusively on Linux. OMG!"Jan 31 16:43
schestowitzThe caching isn't working too well if there are cross-refs. We made linuxtoday's FP at the same time and we never endure these things well. I'll improve my caching routine... like caching also the pages cited in the 'Dugg' postJan 31 16:52
trmancowhat does the red article headers mean in /.?Jan 31 16:55
trmanco 31 16:56
schestowitzExample....?Jan 31 16:56
schestowitzOhJan 31 16:56
schestowitzBeat me to itJan 31 16:56
schestowitzSpeaking of red, I'll highlight links posts inr ed Jan 31 16:57
schestowitzA reader suggested it this morning.Jan 31 16:57
MinceRit isn't red for meJan 31 16:57
trmancoMinceR, it wasJan 31 16:57
MinceRi've never seen red article headers on /.Jan 31 16:57
trmancoon the frontpageJan 31 16:57
trmancodangJan 31 16:57
schestowitz"Hi, Roy,Jan 31 16:57
schestowitzI'd like to suggest at least slightly different styles for the differentJan 31 16:57
schestowitztypes of posts/articles. i.e. both the quote of the day pages andJan 31 16:57
schestowitzsummaries linking to quote of the day should look a little differentJan 31 16:57
schestowitzthan the main part of the article.Jan 31 16:57
schestowitz 31 16:57
schestowitzThe pages get quite long and having a variation in the visual theme willJan 31 16:57
schestowitzhelp rapid scanning to get to the relevant parts of the pages."Jan 31 16:57
trmancoI should have taken a screenshotJan 31 16:57
MinceRthough i'm using the old-style main pageJan 31 16:58
schestowitzI said: "Should I change bg colour for posts with daily links?"Jan 31 16:58
schestowitzAnd on it goes...Jan 31 16:58
schestowitz"Something like that.  There are several sections to the site, severalJan 31 16:58
schestowitzcategories of information (your write-up, link summaries, quotes),Jan 31 16:58
schestowitzseveral sections within each page (the link summary or your write-up,Jan 31 16:58
schestowitzcomments, other links)."Jan 31 16:58
schestowitzSo I mage the changes..Jan 31 16:58
schestowitz*madeJan 31 16:58
schestowitzHow's that?Jan 31 16:58
schestowitz 31 16:58
*tazbu has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 31 17:00
schestowitzI can finally get the server to respond to /some/ visitors with a redirect to cache... but most are totally lost at the spike :-(Jan 31 17:01
schestowitzI see that MSDN, IDG and Slashdot.NET are advocating Microsoft vapourware again.Jan 31 17:04
schestowitzHere we have Leopard Snow...Jan 31 17:04
schestowitzWe have Mandriva 2009...Jan 31 17:04
schestowitzWe have... APACHEJan 31 17:04
schestowitzBut Slashdot is distracted by marketers of inexistent products that re in the pipeline.Jan 31 17:05
schestowitzBlech. Microsoft's advice to the Obama administration < >Jan 31 17:15
schestowitzMicrosoft and Gates will suck up to his cabinetJan 31 17:16
schestowitz 31 17:33
schestowitz"glynmoody: Interesting: if you search Google for "KDE" it flags up the site with a "malware warning". Safe Browsing diagnostic page is down." < >Jan 31 17:33
schestowitzOK, the BN server is stable and can cope now. Should have a circulation of about 100,000. :-) Now I can leave the house.Jan 31 17:36
schestowitzbblJan 31 17:37

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