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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 26th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitzRe: Comes exhibit, says a friend of mine: "[this reminds me of Ballmers' baiting of Google, eg their web suite isn't a real Office suite. In other words please needlessly expend energy on the desktop while we 'innovate' in the cloud.. purr of evil ]"Mar 26 17:32
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 17:33
_Hicham_I just got an Ubuntu CD from CanonicalMar 26 17:34
_Hicham_for how long would they maintain the shipit service?Mar 26 17:35
schestowitzMadoff data can be extradited back to US < >. They hunt the small fish. Those involved are many and some worked for the Federal Reserve and international banks. They let it all happen.Mar 26 17:35
schestowitz_Hicham_: good question, I dunno. But ShipIt gave them the momentumMar 26 17:36
schestowitzHad it not been for their CDs, I would probably never install itMar 26 17:36
_Hicham_it is a great initiativeMar 26 17:36
_Hicham_but u told me that the Ubuntu way is riskyMar 26 17:36
_Hicham_why?Mar 26 17:36
schestowitzThe police is using "child-molesting terrorists" (Excuse) to stop Wikileaks from publishing truths 26 17:37
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 26 17:39
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 17:40
schestowitzReason for many migration to GNU/Linux this week (before the storm): ;-)Mar 26 17:41
schestowitzBoycottNovell grew a lot since the site update on Friday. We're getting over 4GB/day (traffic) quite consistently.Mar 26 17:43
schestowitzOh, so my instinct was right. IBM layoffs really means "offshoring" 26 17:51
schestowitzNovell too will offshore many jobsMar 26 17:51
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 26 17:52
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 26 17:56
trmanco 26 17:56
trmancolook at windows liveMar 26 17:57
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 17:57
schestowitztrmanco: it's hardly live, it's dying. Google gains the quickest, IIRCMar 26 17:58
schestowitzAOL and Hotmail = legacy.Mar 26 17:58
schestowitzAll MS can do not is use IDG to twist, jump &shout whenever GMail falls over or coughs for a momentMar 26 17:59
PeterFschestowitz, gmail has done that?Mar 26 17:59
schestowitzLike... whenever BN goes offline there's some troll making up some plot about evil things happening and policeman storming over some houseMar 26 17:59
trmancololMar 26 18:00
trmancowhat can we do... just ignore themMar 26 18:00
schestowitzI don't see themMar 26 18:00
schestowitzBy I have Google AlertsMar 26 18:00
schestowitz*ButMar 26 18:00
schestowitz*sigh* Digg is the br0kenMar 26 18:01
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 18:01
schestowitzJust viewing pages there leads to timeouts sometimesMar 26 18:01
wtfyani'm tired of boycotting novell, wanna run openoffice writer for no particular reasonMar 26 18:02
wtfyani know how to fix dat, i will just run it and close right away XDMar 26 18:03
Omar871schestowitz: Your posts have made me hate Microsoft pathologically.Mar 26 18:04
wtfyandidn't you hate m$ before?Mar 26 18:04
Omar871wtfyan: Of course I did hate it before. But now is more than ever.Mar 26 18:05
wtfyani hate it as an ideaMar 26 18:06
PeterFI started to really hate M$ after got into Linux.Mar 26 18:06
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 26 18:06
wtfyanthat's why i never pay for m$ productsMar 26 18:06
wtfyanbut use them at home widelyMar 26 18:06
PeterFI nice OS makes one hate the weak ones.Mar 26 18:06
Omar871schestowitz: Right now, almost the only thing in my mind is that I'm dying to fly all the way to Redmond, grab Gates and Ballmer by their nicks, and smash their heads together like two eggs.. ><Mar 26 18:06
PeterFM$ have a lot of losers working for them.Mar 26 18:07
wtfyanthat's weak dude, you better spread the truth and don't pay for itMar 26 18:07
wtfyanit hits them moreMar 26 18:08
wtfyanthe more people know what m$ is the less power they have against our minds XDMar 26 18:08
Omar871But what makes things worse, is that M$ has got almost all the Marketing, all the Business advantages, all the money they need to buy reputation and competitive leadership.Mar 26 18:08
schestowitzOmar871: ballmer's skulls will hur billg's moreMar 26 18:09
schestowitz*skull will hurtMar 26 18:09
trmancoI would love to get myself one of these -> 26 18:09
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 26 18:09
schestowitzIt's like The StoogesMar 26 18:09
schestowitzWait... I want to find the da da da videoMar 26 18:09
Omar871In other words, all black magic they need to hypnotize the entire industry..Mar 26 18:10
Omar871all *the* black magic..Mar 26 18:10
schestowitzhere, it's comical: 26 18:10
wtfyanit's not even black magic, Omar871Mar 26 18:10
schestowitzOmar871: so organise to spread informationMar 26 18:11
wtfyanit's just lies, unfair ultimatums, bribes and other mean thingsMar 26 18:11
schestowitzMarketing is against information, by definitionMar 26 18:11
schestowitzit's about making people make misinformed choicesMar 26 18:11
schestowitzElse PR is not needed, naturally.Mar 26 18:11
schestowitzSo imposed illusion is what Microsoft buysMar 26 18:11
schestowitz"Gates" 'Foundation', Surface BS, letters from dead people who 'support' Microsoft Corp.Mar 26 18:12
Omar871wtfyan: This is why I call it black magic. It's all lies.Mar 26 18:12
wtfyanblack magic is much moreMar 26 18:12
schestowitzAn American in BN called it "United States of Advertising"Mar 26 18:12
schestowitzMade me LOLMar 26 18:13
Omar871lolMar 26 18:13
schestowitz"We're rich, we're huge..... we're......... 11 trillion dollars  in debt?!?!"Mar 26 18:13
Omar871lolMar 26 18:13
schestowitztrmanco: do you need 8TB?Mar 26 18:14
schestowitzI have just 1.4TB at homeMar 26 18:14
wtfyani will personally like 8tb hdd ova hereMar 26 18:14
schestowitzActually, no... more like1Mar 26 18:14
wtfyanit's 1.1tb hereMar 26 18:15
schestowitzBetter to have 2 of 4GB... for backup/redundancyMar 26 18:15
schestowitz*gb-tbMar 26 18:15
wtfyanbut i delete plenty of foolish torrents to make spaceMar 26 18:15
wtfyanin case i have 8tb i won't delete until only 1tb leftMar 26 18:15
trmancoschestowitz, not really, just to showoffMar 26 18:16
trmanco1 TB would be enoughMar 26 18:16
wtfyan8tb... dreamingMar 26 18:16
trmancowell, I only have about 380 GBMar 26 18:16
trmancototalMar 26 18:17
Omar871schestowitz: Everytime I listen to Steve Ballmer talking, I feel like smashing my laptop against the wall!Mar 26 18:17
trmancoincluding an external hard driveMar 26 18:17
wtfyani will spend 320x320x320x320 for raid0Mar 26 18:17
Omar871He just gets on my nerves!!Mar 26 18:17
wtfyanand all the other for torrents and backupMar 26 18:17
trmancoI would love to manage a free software mirrorMar 26 18:18
wtfyanme tooMar 26 18:18
trmancobut I don't have the resources for itMar 26 18:18
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 18:18
trmancomaybe some day I will provide a free software mirrorMar 26 18:18
Omar871But the man who egged him back in Hungary, he's a champion!Mar 26 18:18
trmancoat least*Mar 26 18:18
trmanco1 at least*Mar 26 18:18
schestowitzHow to resolve Conficker? "Linux-only HoneyPoint GUI. You can download the zip file from here." 26 18:19
wtfyantrmanco, for all platforms?Mar 26 18:19
schestowitzOmar871: smash it.Mar 26 18:19
schestowitzMaybe they'll send you a new oneMar 26 18:19
schestowitzBut only if you write a good review of Vista7Mar 26 18:20
trmancowtfyan, something like a GNU/Linux distro mirrorMar 26 18:20
schestowitzElse they'll throw you out like they did with KennedyMar 26 18:20
Omar871schestowitz: LOL! Yeah!. :)Mar 26 18:20
schestowitzhe didn't get his freebie MS laptopMar 26 18:20
Omar871Kennedy?Mar 26 18:20
schestowitzOmar871: the Hungarian dude was misportrayed by the pressMar 26 18:21
schestowitzThe 'business press' would say nothing about Microsoft's crimes thereMar 26 18:21
schestowitzit's only those who 'dare' to protestMar 26 18:21
schestowitzBusiness suit = goodMar 26 18:21
Omar871schestowitz: Of course.Mar 26 18:21
schestowitzPoor guy = badMar 26 18:21
schestowitzShip with cannons =goodMar 26 18:21
schestowitzSmall dingy and hand rifle = badMar 26 18:22
Omar871schestowitz: What freaked me out are those bastards around him who made look like an idiot.Mar 26 18:22
schestowitzWell, they attendedMar 26 18:22
schestowitzSo they think like, "wow, if only  I was like pearlyG"Mar 26 18:22
Omar871schestowitz: But you know what? They are the a morons.Mar 26 18:23
schestowitzRemember that classic western education says, the greater the bank balance, the better the personMar 26 18:23
wtfyanjust recall who founded usaMar 26 18:24
wtfyanplenty of thieves, murderers, other criminalsMar 26 18:24
schestowitzTypical ZDNet. Tom Steinert-Threlkeld didn't hear about China's $98 netbook that runs GNU/Linux. 26 18:27
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 18:28
schestowitzwb, twitter Mar 26 18:28
trmancooh that twitterMar 26 18:29
trmanco:-PMar 26 18:29
twitterhelloMar 26 18:29
trmancoI thought the website was downMar 26 18:29
trmancohelloMar 26 18:29
twitterthis twitter is a happy twitter :)Mar 26 18:30
trmanco:( and never goes down :-PMar 26 18:31
trmancooops :)*Mar 26 18:31
Omar871Well, just to wrap things up: "Money can buy fame, reputation, competition, market share... etc. But there's one thing that money can never buy, and that is.. Immortality."Mar 26 18:32
schestowitzYesMar 26 18:32
schestowitzAnd you can't take your money with you when you dieMar 26 18:33
Omar871Exactly.Mar 26 18:33
schestowitzWell, you can turn it to cash and put it in your coffin ;-)Mar 26 18:33
schestowitzIf that seems like good fun.Mar 26 18:33
twitterSo, the crooks enjoy spending your money as fast as they can.Mar 26 18:33
schestowitzSpend =export to HelveticaMar 26 18:33
wtfyanwhat's helvetica besides font?Mar 26 18:34
twitterOr the largest private yacht in the worldMar 26 18:34
Omar871And.. if M$ still think they can defeat FLOSS through business, then I don't believe there should be anything to worry about. ;)Mar 26 18:34
twitterSS M$ has a hole larger than the Titanic's.  The French National Police example is fantastic.Mar 26 18:35
twitter 26 18:38
schestowitzwtfyan: I meant HelvetiaMar 26 18:38
schestowitzThey stash in in bank accounts in safer havens where it's 'more' guaranteed to be extractableMar 26 18:39
schestowitzWhich means the banks in the US will die, screwing the small guysMar 26 18:39
schestowitzThe way banks work, they operate OK on the assumption that not everyone will come demanding the money _at the same time_Mar 26 18:39
schestowitzSo, when the wealthy people reach panic and send it over to Switzerland, then the banks have no real money that they can lendMar 26 18:40
schestowitzThe savings which were use to borrow money leave a holeMar 26 18:40
schestowitzWhat to do?Mar 26 18:40
schestowitzLoot the publicMar 26 18:40
schestowitzTake people's whole waves through extreme taxationMar 26 18:40
schestowitzextreme taxation=stimilusMar 26 18:40
twitterGet off, while you can!  The sooner the better. and 26 18:41
schestowitzstimulus=euphemismMar 26 18:41
schestowitzstimulus=we take lots of money from a vacuum now, the public will fill it later, over timeMar 26 18:41
schestowitzThis way the banks can make up for the money that goes offshoreMar 26 18:41
twitterThe loot! Kipling had a little verse or two about "the loot"Mar 26 18:41
schestowitzBut the banks are totally AWOLMar 26 18:41
schestowitzThey just can't say it to the publicMar 26 18:41
wtfyanwhat's awol?Mar 26 18:41
schestowitzPanic leads to escape, leading to more panic and so the cycle goesMar 26 18:42
twitterAway WithOut Leave, to be shot on sight.Mar 26 18:42
twitterBanks are already bankrupt.Mar 26 18:42
schestowitzI couldn't find that funny cartoon where Obama the milkman comes to the thin cow called US treasury and holds buckets that say "AIG, GM, etc.Mar 26 18:42
schestowitzVERY funnyMar 26 18:42
schestowitzAnd Obama is all smiley thereMar 26 18:42
schestowitzThe cow is scaredMar 26 18:42
schestowitzIt can't produce milk, it's totally boneyMar 26 18:43
twitterfor ten years, they have been investing in these derivatives and other fraud securities.  If there's a real run, they are sunk.Mar 26 18:43
schestowitzNot reallyMar 26 18:43
schestowitzThey have stashsMar 26 18:43
twitterThe stashes are worthless.Mar 26 18:43
schestowitzSo the destruction they caused is hardly paid by *them*Mar 26 18:44
schestowitzThat's the brilliance of itMar 26 18:44
schestowitzInflate the marketMar 26 18:44
schestowitzMilk up this aartificial inflationMar 26 18:44
schestowitzIf a bubble bursts , fuel the econmy some moreMar 26 18:44
schestowitzGo to war if necessary (or unnecessary rather) for money to flood the systemMar 26 18:44
twitterIt won't be artificial if China and Russia decide to dump the dollar.Mar 26 18:44
schestowitzAt the end, run away quicklyMar 26 18:44
schestowitzLet mom and pop think the Dow Jones is just having a bad moodMar 26 18:45
schestowitzIt'll be back above 10,000pts in 2009. Sure, sure..Mar 26 18:45
schestowitzCramer: I believe in Bear Stearns... buy buy...Mar 26 18:45
twitterMom and pop have watched their savings go to 40% their "peak" value.Mar 26 18:45
schestowitztwitter: China suffers tooMar 26 18:45
schestowitzIt made bad loans to Land of the DreamsMar 26 18:45
twitterYes, they got ripped off.Mar 26 18:46
twitterBut they have all the factories now.Mar 26 18:46
schestowitzYes,Mar 26 18:46
schestowitzSelf-sustaining economyMar 26 18:46
schestowitzAll they need is oilMar 26 18:46
twitterand they have plenty of power with what they are owed.Mar 26 18:46
twitterthey are getting oil from Africa.Mar 26 18:46
twitterRussiaMar 26 18:47
schestowitzThat's why the US needs the strategic zone, the spigots in the mid-eastMar 26 18:47
schestowitzYes, Africa tooMar 26 18:47
schestowitzOppressionMar 26 18:47
schestowitzWe give you electricity, you give us your mineralsMar 26 18:47
schestowitzLike the UK in BurmaMar 26 18:47
schestowitzSo the US will carry on daemonising CHinaMar 26 18:48
wtfyanchina itself is a daemonMar 26 18:48
twitterThe US will have to use force to keep that oil flowing if the dollar goes to hell.  Iran has already moved off the dollar.  If others follow, the US will collapse into hyper inflation.Mar 26 18:48
schestowitzFor doing exactly what the US does (e.g. censorship and brainwash). Hypocrisy again.Mar 26 18:48
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Mar 26 18:48
schestowitzwtfyan: just China?Mar 26 18:48
wtfyanmostlyMar 26 18:48
twitterChina is evil.Mar 26 18:48
schestowitzA world-wide survey of perceptions showed China to be about the same as the USAMar 26 18:49
wtfyani'm not even talking about judaism-related peopleMar 26 18:49
schestowitzI watches a video about it... a talk in DCMar 26 18:49
schestowitzCould be biasedMar 26 18:49
schestowitzwtfyan: many are "Evil"Mar 26 18:49
schestowitzBut those with more fortune tend to be less desparateMar 26 18:50
wtfyanthis world is evil by itselfMar 26 18:50
twitterDude, I might be blacklisted here for the things I say.  In China, I'd be an organ donor in prison.Mar 26 18:50
schestowitzThat's why Scandinavia has less crimeMar 26 18:50
schestowitzThey also keep population size lowMar 26 18:50
schestowitzThus no conflicts over water and such.Mar 26 18:50
twitterBullshit.Mar 26 18:50
twitterPeople stealing the world's oil and water live here with us.Mar 26 18:51
*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 18:51
twitterThey abuse their power, regardless of population.Mar 26 18:51
schestowitzThat tooMar 26 18:51
schestowitzwb, Balrog !Mar 26 18:51
schestowitzI thought you had ditched us cause of the Apple powwowMar 26 18:51
schestowitztwitter: money educationMar 26 18:52
zer0c00lapple marks audacity as "freeware" 26 18:52
wtfyanlol... apple marks smth as freeware...Mar 26 18:52
schestowitzWhen one's status is judged by numbers (=bank balance), then greed knows no boundsMar 26 18:52
schestowitz"greed knows no bounds" --MS lawyers, 2006Mar 26 18:52
schestowitzzer0c00l: Like BSD?Mar 26 18:53
zer0c00l:-)Mar 26 18:53
schestowitzBSD should mark Apple "freetard"Mar 26 18:53
*mib_zywtg2 (i=58e7ed41@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 18:53
twitterPeople with power are able to create ignorance and poverty, and their victims are more easily manipulated.Mar 26 18:53
*mib_zywtg2 has quit (Client Quit)Mar 26 18:53
schestowitzOr freee ridersMar 26 18:53
schestowitztwitter: like in South and Latin America?Mar 26 18:54
schestowitzColombia for example?Mar 26 18:54
twitterYes, but the same thing can be done in places like the US and UK.Mar 26 18:55
schestowitzThey pay their liars wellMar 26 18:55
schestowitzO'Reilly, Beck, and so on.Mar 26 18:55
schestowitzThe talking point of the PentaWhitehouseMar 26 18:55
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 26 18:58
twitterThe UK has privatized some of it's water supply, from what I read.  What could be more owned than that?Mar 26 19:00
schestowitzCan't contain/control oxygen yet...Mar 26 19:03
schestowitzIt's global too :-)Mar 26 19:03
schestowitzg2g bblMar 26 19:03
balzac xanax > schestowitzMar 26 19:04
balzacjkMar 26 19:04
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 19:04
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 26 19:04
balzacreally, just a dumb jokeMar 26 19:04
twitterDumb joke, 26 19:06
twitterbased on reality, and 26 19:06
PeterFTwitter, the online service, is like a middle-ware for all Web 2.0 things.Mar 26 19:34
PeterFNow: Facebook connects to LinkedIn, Slashdot, Myspace, MSN, KDE4, Freenode, etc.Mar 26 19:35
PeterFtwitter, your nick just made me realize that.Mar 26 19:35
*NeonF|oss ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 19:49
twitterinterestingMar 26 19:49
twittermy nick has nothing to do with the micro blog, but online services should connect to other online services through reasonable protocolsMar 26 19:50
MinceRfacebook connects to KDE4?Mar 26 19:51
*MinceR connects to twitter through reasonable protocolsMar 26 19:51
MinceRIRC!Mar 26 19:51
MinceR;)Mar 26 19:51
twitterKDE has a quality list and other feedbacks, it should not be hard to make a box on people's facebook or any other "web 2.0" blog serviceMar 26 19:53
twitterI'm still waiting for Web 3.0, the original "world of ends" concept.Mar 26 19:54
twitterWe should all be able to run these kinds of services on our own and preserve privacy and dignity.Mar 26 19:54
twitterThe centralized control and fake privacy offered by Facebook, mySpace and other owned by M$ services give me the creeps.Mar 26 19:55
trmanco"tha flat troll" is harassing schestowitz aroundMar 26 19:58
trmancoon COLA, did he write something on BN that could really piss of Microsoft?Mar 26 19:58
twitter"flatfish"?Mar 26 20:00
trmancoyesMar 26 20:01
*NeonFloss has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 26 20:06
trmanco -> this is non senseMar 26 20:10
trmancoI never paid ANYTHING to Microsoft, at least directlyMar 26 20:11
trmancobuy some hardware and build you're own machine from scratchMar 26 20:11
*PeterF is now known as PeterFAMar 26 20:21
twitterI just noticed that people are moderating the "Enter the IRC channel now" entry.Mar 26 20:29
twitterTwo of them have rating of 3.3, LOL.Mar 26 20:30
twitteraveraged over 4 votes.Mar 26 20:31
trmanco...Mar 26 20:31
twitterdoes anyone really read through a whole day's worth of IRC logs and take the time to rate it?  Nuts.Mar 26 20:33
Balrogit's the detractors giving low ratingsMar 26 20:35
twitterwell yeah, but how dumb do they think people are?Mar 26 20:36
twittertagging an IRC conversation is rather transparent.Mar 26 20:36
MinceR(old) 26 20:37
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 20:40
Balrog 26 20:40
Balrogthere are problems with those numbersMar 26 20:40
Balrogit's all with the way 'market share' is calculated, and how rescuecom used 'market share' for their statisticsMar 26 20:40
MinceRyes, the problem is that they don't show apple in a good light ;)Mar 26 20:41
MinceRhow dare theyMar 26 20:41
Balrogyes, macs do break, but certainly not as much as most other systems .... though there are a few other good manufacturersMar 26 20:41
BalrogMinceR: you complain when MS uses flawed market share numbers (and statistics in general) to support their business model but you like when groups use those same flawed statistics to make apple look bad ... see the problem?Mar 26 20:43
Balrogit's still FLAWED STATISTICSMar 26 20:43
MinceRi don't know how market share numbers affect apple, after all they do manage to sell their hw with their stuff preinstalledMar 26 20:43
MinceRit's an entirely different case from m$ keeping PC OEMs in their gripMar 26 20:44
Balrogmarket share numbers were used to calculate the statistics that rescuecom put out ... that's how it 'affects' apple hereMar 26 20:44
MinceRthat explains nothingMar 26 20:44
MinceRhm, i think i know howMar 26 20:45
MinceRby reporting lower numbers for apple market share, the number of complaints seems greaterMar 26 20:45
Balrognot only ... release schedules are a big partMar 26 20:46
Balrogapple released new hardware right at the beginning of Q1 09Mar 26 20:46
Balrogread the roughlydrafted article, it's not really biased ...Mar 26 20:47
Balrogalso those statistics include calls for help transferring dataMar 26 20:47
BalrogMilman also stated that “quite a few of the calls we get are for data recovery or to transfer data from an older computer to a newer one,”Mar 26 20:47
MinceRi definitely am not going to read the paragraph where the words run together because of crappy formattingMar 26 20:47
Balrog<< quoteMar 26 20:47
Balrogwords run together? which one?Mar 26 20:47
MinceRthe one in boldMar 26 20:48
MinceRi'm sure they don't in your browserMar 26 20:48
Balrogwhat browser?Mar 26 20:48
MinceRwell, roughlydrafted should learn how web standards workMar 26 20:48
Balrogthis is wordpress, btwMar 26 20:48
MinceRoperaMar 26 20:48
Balrogwhat version? it renders properly in opera here...Mar 26 20:49
Balrog??Mar 26 20:49
Balroghere it's 9.6.2Mar 26 20:50
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 26 20:52
NeonF|osswe all know MS is horribleMar 26 21:02
NeonF|osswhat about apple?Mar 26 21:02
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 26 21:03
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 21:04
MinceRapple is little microsoftMar 26 21:07
NeonF|ossI know, but anything specific?Mar 26 21:08
MinceRBalrog: 9.27Mar 26 21:08
MinceRNeonF|oss: they push sw patents and DRM, rip off FLOSS and profit from it while trying to kill FLOSS (with sw patents, for example), use unethical business tactics (including patent FUD) and harm the freedom of their usersMar 26 21:10
MinceRthey also never miss a chance to show their contempt for their users, but that might not necessarily bother you :>Mar 26 21:11
MinceRand that's only how apple is evil; their products also suckMar 26 21:11
NeonF|ossthanksMar 26 21:13
MinceRnpMar 26 21:16
MinceRsee also 26 21:17
MinceR(offtopic) 26 21:18
twitterLOL, that's easy security.Mar 26 21:27
twitterLooks like Windoze, so it's all for show anyway.Mar 26 21:27
twitterMight as well have said, "There are two users of this computer.  The other user, your wife, chose the same password.  Would you like to see her chat history?"Mar 26 21:28
twitter"We sure enjoyed it."Mar 26 21:29
twitterNon free software - what you can't verify should never be trusted.Mar 26 21:29
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 21:38
twitter 26 21:38
twitterartwork created by M$ tool, modified and used without permission.Mar 26 21:39
trmanconice imageMar 26 21:39
_Hicham_niceMar 26 21:39
_Hicham_I really liked itMar 26 21:39
_Hicham_thank u twitterMar 26 21:40
twitterthanks.  I thought the "license to run nothing" was way over the top.Mar 26 21:40
schestowitztrmanco: you link to the Gralla shillMar 26 21:41
schestowitzHe's an anti-Linux guy. Ignore him.Mar 26 21:41
trmanco...Mar 26 21:41
trmancodidn't knowMar 26 21:42
schestowitztrmanco: abuse from the trolls means they're nervousMar 26 21:43
schestowitzOtherwise they sit back and ignore the oppositionMar 26 21:43
trmancoyeah I get thatMar 26 21:44
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 21:46
*schestowitz looks at Gary's attack in G2Mar 26 21:47
_Hicham_wb oiaohmMar 26 21:47
schestowitzHe's a total fool. He's only promoting the site. Is the guy out of his mind? Oh wait, it's a rhetorical question.Mar 26 21:47
_Hicham_what is the website Roy?Mar 26 21:48
balzacRoy, did I raise ante on them or what?Mar 26 21:48
_Hicham_hi balzacMar 26 21:49
schestowitzI found three news thread that attack me. Started by the same Munchkin this afternoon.Mar 26 21:49
schestowitzbrbMar 26 21:49
balzachello _Hicham_Mar 26 21:49
twitterThey think they have defeated Slashdot.Mar 26 21:51
twitterAs more readers come to BN, they will target you more.Mar 26 21:51
oiaohmI have found a way to set off a exposion of MS people trying to change topic.  Point out NTFS Write Behind error.Mar 26 21:54
_Hicham_oiaohm : can u explain more this error?Mar 26 21:54
oiaohmNTFS writing to disk with update location for a directory struct is point on disk before writing the directory struct.Mar 26 21:55
oiaohmReason why removing a non synced NTFS USB key something ends up playing blank.Mar 26 21:55
oiaohmAgree that makes the recent EXT4 opps look minor.Mar 26 21:56
twitterNTFS is the FS equivalent of M$ Word.doc, complicated, anti-competitive and insaneMar 26 21:56
oiaohmEXT4 was only nuking files that you renamed.Mar 26 21:57
twitterNTFS has a reputation for breaking completely.Mar 26 21:57
twitterWhy do you want to use or talk about it?Mar 26 21:58
oiaohmIts the reponse I have seen so far when I point out on a blog.Mar 26 21:58
oiaohmVery quicky you get over 200 resoponses trying to change the topic.Mar 26 21:58
oiaohmTransaction mode in Vista NTFS is ment to prevent that problem.(Note ment) They fixed one problem and added another.Mar 26 22:00
twitterI'm glad someone out there knows about that kind of thing.Mar 26 22:01
oiaohmI do data recovery so I have to twitterMar 26 22:02
schestowitzThe symbolic prince: ( Obama answers handful of 104,000 Web questions) Just PR routinesMar 26 22:02
twittercool, but it is depressing to see so many failures isn't it?Mar 26 22:02
oiaohmI really hate doing large business data recovery because of NTFS.Mar 26 22:03
twitterthen, when you try to point out the causes, the answer is not, "thanks" but "STFU"Mar 26 22:03
oiaohmNormally its either make the data recovery or over 30 000 people lose there jobs.Mar 26 22:03
schestowitzGot this by E-mail from someone who lurks in OOLA: "stalking trolls... I just saw the following message in COLA: bcj9r5bvbxy$ It's by "Doctor Smith" [flatfish] and quotes "Dan O'Brian".  It kind of makes me wonder if "Dan O'Brian" is the same person as "Doctor Smith".  Another coincidence is that they both seem to come from Massachusetts."Mar 26 22:03
oiaohmI don't do it because I like MS twitter.  Someone has to do it.Mar 26 22:04
Balrogjust got a Realtek 8187 wireless deviceMar 26 22:04
schestowitz"Re the "boycott boycott novell" thread, I like the posts from Ian and JohnD except that they should also criticise posters like "Dan O'Brian".  After all, he pretty much admitted, when he mentioned that he is not interested in "boycottnovell" except to post claims that it is inaccurate, that he does not post for any constructive purpose."Mar 26 22:04
schestowitz"Sometimes he is right, but then again, a stopped clock is also sometimes right.  With his negative tone, he discredits himself better than anyone else could.  Largely ignoring him is probably the best way to go. Just my speculations or 2 pence worth ..."Mar 26 22:04
Balrogfull FOSS drivers available :)Mar 26 22:04
twitterI understand, oiaohm.  The world will be a better place, however, when 30,000 jobs don't hang on NTFS.Mar 26 22:04
trmanco 26 22:05
schestowitzBalrog: good that you chose a driver/device from a company that respects you.Mar 26 22:05
twitterThe world needs plumbers but no one needs Windows.Mar 26 22:05
schestowitzSome people switch over from Windows and blame Linux for bad manufacturersMar 26 22:05
schestowitzAll my h/w has always worked with LinuxMar 26 22:05
schestowitzI'm not familiar with problems, except my current Web cam needs the next kernel or else I need to put the driver in it (recompoling). It does capture, not streams.Mar 26 22:06
oiaohmSome of the big companies I deal with stayed with WIndows but moved all filestorage to a Linux file server.Mar 26 22:06
twitterI've got a nasty little wireless device on my desktop that I've never made work.Mar 26 22:06
_Hicham_oiaohm : so ext3 is more reliable than NTFS?Mar 26 22:06
oiaohmExt3 is way more reliable than NTFSMar 26 22:06
oiaohmExt4 when it gets production ready will also be better than NTFS.Mar 26 22:07
twitterExt2 and maybe FAT are more reliable than NTFS.Mar 26 22:07
trmancoActive Update completeMar 26 22:07
trmancoWhile you were reading this page IE automatically updated your computerMar 26 22:07
trmancoKBytes added: 45,134,313Mar 26 22:07
trmancoBugs removed: 1954Mar 26 22:07
trmancoBugs added: 9172Mar 26 22:07
twitterIs there anything worse than NTFS?Mar 26 22:07
oiaohmExt2 not that reliableMar 26 22:07
trmancotwitter, FATMar 26 22:07
oiaohmExt2 and Fat are equal in data reliablityMar 26 22:07
oiaohmBoth sux compared to NTFS or EXT3Mar 26 22:08
trmancoFAT16Mar 26 22:08
twitterNo way?  I thought EXT2 had more redundancy.Mar 26 22:08
twitterlike lots of extra nodesMar 26 22:08
oiaohmEXT2 Has no journal and the oldest of drivers does not have write order.Mar 26 22:08
oiaohmSo it could snap badly.Mar 26 22:08
twitterYeah, no journal but there was lots of redundant information anyway.Mar 26 22:09
twitterThat's got to be better than FAT.Mar 26 22:09
oiaohmFAT has a correct write order option.Mar 26 22:09
oiaohmAnd if drivers work to spec FAT has equal ammount of redundant information as EXT2Mar 26 22:09
oiaohmPS MS Windows Fat driver don't work to spec.Mar 26 22:10
twitterI've got EXT2 drives that are seven years old.  They never needed defrag and never failed.Mar 26 22:10
oiaohmEXT2 has fragmentation resistance.Mar 26 22:10
oiaohmThat is not data loss protection.Mar 26 22:10
trmancoFAt sucksMar 26 22:11
trmancosee the limitations and compare them with ext2Mar 26 22:11
oiaohmFAT never nuked its base directory off face of earth.Mar 26 22:11
oiaohmLike NTFS can.Mar 26 22:11
twitteryeah, but if M$ never wrote the redundant info and FAT had to be defragged all the time, FAT was going to blow out way faster than ext2 - a prediction that matches most people's experience.Mar 26 22:12
trmancoFAT is not posix complaint, no filesystem modes...Mar 26 22:12
oiaohmFor the disadvantages of FAT and Ext2.   NTFS has more protection features.  Yet NTFS kicks it self in nuts.Mar 26 22:12
twitterM$ stuff typically does thatMar 26 22:13
twitterusers feel it.Mar 26 22:13
oiaohmFat kicks it self in fragmentation and lack of permissions.Mar 26 22:13
schestowitzIt starts. "A specific attack on the LSE has been organised on activist site Indymedia UK. "Disrupt the traders whose financial egomania perpetuates global injustice: let's shutdown trading for the day. Meet outside the London Stock Exchange," the call to action says." 26 22:13
oiaohmNTFS kicks user where it hurns in the data.Mar 26 22:14
schestowitzGavin Clarke promotes Linux patent infection and Silver Lie. Surprise surprise. 26 22:14
oiaohmNvidia is threating to under mine the Silver Lie.Mar 26 22:14
oiaohmIe video card does the video decoding.Mar 26 22:15
schestowitzBalrog: Asus pulps Apple in hardware reliability survey < >. Maybe picking on Apple gives this more publicity? Like Greenpeace attacking Apple products for PR?Mar 26 22:15
oiaohmBy by Closed source MS codecs.Mar 26 22:15
oiaohmEither MS wants there codecs video card accelerated or they don't.Mar 26 22:15
oiaohmexfat ie the MS upgrade to fat is way more data stable than NTFS as well.Mar 26 22:16
schestowitzThe INQUIRER has slown down. I think it's dying as a publicationMar 26 22:16
trmancothis is our future -> 26 22:16
schestowitzThey lost many writers tooMar 26 22:16
oiaohmNTFS needs to be retired or fixed or replaced.Mar 26 22:16
schestowitzThe good ones...Mar 26 22:16
schestowitzA shame... they have many pro-FOSS articlesMar 26 22:17
schestowitzOr had...Mar 26 22:17
schestowitztrmanco: not just for servers?Mar 26 22:17
oiaohmPlease MS pick on of my 3 options for you so I can have more peace and do more less presure jobs.Mar 26 22:17
schestowitzLike oracle DBs?Mar 26 22:17
schestowitztessier is excited by btrfsMar 26 22:17
oiaohmbtrfs has everything a filesystem should from a data protection point of view.Mar 26 22:18
trmancoschestowitz, evertbody can have a home server with LinuxMar 26 22:18
trmancoeverybody*Mar 26 22:18
trmanco :-PMar 26 22:18
oiaohmIts going to make MS restore points look like the hack they are.Mar 26 22:18
trmancoit's still in heavy dev thoughMar 26 22:18
oiaohmOracle designers are behind btrfsMar 26 22:18
schestowitztrmanco: ayeMar 26 22:18
oiaohmIf anyone can pull of a data protecting filesystem its them.Mar 26 22:19
trmancodon't forget ZFS... it aim to beat it's assMar 26 22:19
schestowitzoiaohm: one from Novell tooMar 26 22:19
schestowitzOn btrfsMar 26 22:19
schestowitzChris Mason is the main one, IIRCMar 26 22:19
trmancobutler filesystem :-PMar 26 22:19
schestowitzMaybe I remembered his name wrongMar 26 22:19
schestowitzbutter -> betterFSMar 26 22:20
oiaohmSun ZFS is good but license suxs.Mar 26 22:20
trmancoyeah, I was just jokingMar 26 22:20
schestowitzHolds your bread and btrMar 26 22:20
trmancoZFS is good foi super computersMar 26 22:20
trmancofor*Mar 26 22:20
oiaohmWould be if there were any suppers running solarais.Mar 26 22:21
oiaohmSolarias has a cpu scaling problem compared to Linux these days.Mar 26 22:21
trmancowtf -> || Greedy GMar 26 22:21
oiaohmYes google has one too.Mar 26 22:21
schestowitzDentist Can Proceed With Lawsuit Against Yelp Reviewers < >Mar 26 22:22
oiaohmNo off the self filesystem was good enough to run the google network trmancoMar 26 22:22
schestowitzSo putting a name online and allowing people to rank it can get you suedMar 26 22:22
schestowitzoiaohm: your typing habits have you type Solarias many timesMar 26 22:23
trmancooiaohm, I guess not, but still, a lot of people would love to have a peakMar 26 22:23
schestowitzpeekMar 26 22:23
trmanco:|Mar 26 22:23
trmancooopsMar 26 22:23
trmancoah, we already have an alternative -> 26 22:24
oiaohmI have got it down to a extra a.  Problem is it passes spell checker.Mar 26 22:24
schestowitzoiaohm: did you see the company from Sleepycat founder?Mar 26 22:25
schestowitzThey make Free software cloudsMar 26 22:25
schestowitzMaybe they use Hadoop. I can't recallMar 26 22:25
schestowitzThey made their OWN Linux distroMar 26 22:25
schestowitzClouderaMar 26 22:25
oiaohmHave not see that one.Mar 26 22:25
schestowitzoiaohm: Solarias sounds goodMar 26 22:25
schestowitzGood name for a girl.Mar 26 22:25
schestowitzThere seems to be a lot of botspam in twitter.. 26 22:29
oiaohmSolaria is a name of a solar panel provider I need to type right for remote sites.Mar 26 22:30
oiaohmIe two names too close to each other for my own good.Mar 26 22:31
schestowitz <--- it's funny that IBM and Microsoft are listed /first/ by OSCBC's press release. Neither company is open source !!Mar 26 22:31
schestowitzoiaohm: typing patterns then.Mar 26 22:32
schestowitzI find it hard to type 'linus'Mar 26 22:32
oiaohmDyslexia creates some of my typing patterns.Mar 26 22:32
oiaohmOnce I have a word right for something important it pays to leave errors in other places alone.Mar 26 22:33
oiaohmIf I correct suns os name all the time I end up stuffing up typing else where.Mar 26 22:33
oiaohmYes it suxs to have a missed wired language processing center.Mar 26 22:34
schestowitzSome dude from Mixx links to 26 22:34
schestowitzThe title was interesting, but then I saw "alex jones" and looked wayMar 26 22:35
schestowitzoiaohm: language doesn't matter much at the grammatical levelMar 26 22:35
schestowitzIdeas matterMar 26 22:36
oiaohmMy grammar is also evil.Mar 26 22:36
schestowitzAntoher thing is structuring of argumentsMar 26 22:36
schestowitzNot sentencesMar 26 22:36
oiaohmI use rare language patterns of english from time to time.Mar 26 22:36
schestowitzSo one person can get across the idea clearly.Mar 26 22:36
schestowitzNothing to do with grammarMar 26 22:36
oiaohmStuff you present to PHD students to see them nuts.Mar 26 22:36
schestowitzOrganisation of points ratherMar 26 22:36
oiaohmLike implied nowns in a sentence.Mar 26 22:37
oiaohmYes I made the stupid mistake of thinking learn more about english would improve my english problems.Mar 26 22:37
schestowitzLanguages are a human skill, innate..Mar 26 22:38
schestowitzStrctures are almost the sameMar 26 22:39
schestowitz.. the way the human mind works... and gravitates towards.Mar 26 22:39
oiaohmschestowitz dyslexia.  I had none of the innate skills.Mar 26 22:39
schestowitzOr so goes the most accepted theory.. if you compare languages.Mar 26 22:39
oiaohmI have built what skill I have.Mar 26 22:39
schestowitzThe guy I did the phd with has minor dyslexia and he got an OBEMar 26 22:40
schestowitzSo it's probably exaggeratedMar 26 22:40
oiaohmI started with out the means to speek in normal form for many years. I had phonic scrambling.Mar 26 22:40
schestowitzSpeech is a very complex processsMar 26 22:40
schestowitzIf humans didn't have it, that would change a lot in studying and passing educationMar 26 22:41
oiaohmIe you would understand me but the sounds would be all in the wrong orders.Mar 26 22:41
oiaohmSo it would confuse the hell out of anyone I was talking to until they got use it it.Mar 26 22:41
schestowitzPeople can talk sensible and make a complex task without even thinking about what they say (maybe doing motoric functions)Mar 26 22:41
oiaohmReally one of the guys I know is studing some of my old speech patterns trying to work out how human brain process brain.Mar 26 22:42
schestowitzYou can deconstruct sentences like PLs in cpmputingMar 26 22:42
oiaohmOpps last brain/sound.Mar 26 22:42
schestowitzIt's intresting to see how the mind processes itMar 26 22:42
schestowitzCompared to a CPUMar 26 22:42
schestowitzComputer languages are the sameMar 26 22:42
schestowitzEsp. declarative onesMar 26 22:43
oiaohmThat a person can say every phonnic sound in every word in the wrong order and still the person on the other end can understand it perfectly as long as its in a sentence is interesting.Mar 26 22:43
_Hicham_we have a linguistic professor inside our brainMar 26 22:43
_Hicham_precessorMar 26 22:43
schestowitzYesMar 26 22:43
oiaohmIt 100 percent for sure is not 1 core.Mar 26 22:44
schestowitzWomen's vocabulary is said to be betterMar 26 22:44
_Hicham_that is the term used by linguistsMar 26 22:44
schestowitzDon't know what studies were done.Mar 26 22:44
oiaohmIts like as if we look up word by there sound fragments.Mar 26 22:44
oiaohmThen context can correct errors.Mar 26 22:44
schestowitzSound->pictureMar 26 22:45
schestowitzAssociationsMar 26 22:45
schestowitzThat's how you can also control people's thought by changing languageMar 26 22:45
oiaohmBasically brain had build in sound decryption.Mar 26 22:45
schestowitzTo a lot of people, when you say "terrorist" the mental image is a Muslim person. Strange, but true...Mar 26 22:45
schestowitzIn the past it translated to something elseMar 26 22:46
schestowitzLike some bandit with a bomb or somethingMar 26 22:46
oiaohmThat terrorist image cause police a lot of problems.Mar 26 22:46
schestowitzSCO->lawsuitMar 26 22:46
schestowitzLinux->cheapTMar 26 22:46
schestowitzTo most peopleMar 26 22:47
schestowitzMiicrosoft is practicing with people to make it soMar 26 22:47
oiaohmBecause a true terrorist normally avoids looking like a Muslim.Mar 26 22:47
schestowitzApple has a strong brandMar 26 22:47
schestowitzPeople think of good hrdware and rich hip boy"Mar 26 22:47
schestowitz"Hello, I'm a Mac"Mar 26 22:47
*Eruaran|alphates ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 22:48
schestowitzoiaohm: let me find a link from SchneierMar 26 22:48
schestowitz 26 22:48
oiaohmWounder how many people are going to turn up a Linux conforence to pound the MS guy.  IBM does produce a lot of good documentation about the internels of the Linux kernel.Mar 26 22:48
schestowitz"Maine Man Tries to Build a Dirty Bomb : No one cares, probably because he isn't Muslim. White supremacist terrorism just isn't sexy these days."Mar 26 22:48
schestowitzWhich conference, oiaohm Mar 26 22:49
schestowitzMicrosoft knows just the meaning of document (Office), not documentationMar 26 22:49
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 26 22:49
schestowitzThat's a secret sauceMar 26 22:49
oiaohm  Opps OSBCMar 26 22:50
oiaohmIBM is a reason why I have turned up a Linux confs in the pasted.  There doc writers are brillant.Mar 26 22:50
oiaohmOne thing rarer than programmers in the Open Source world.  Good doc writters.Mar 26 22:51
schestowitzAh, OSBCMar 26 22:52
schestowitzDid you see BN post?Mar 26 22:52
schestowitzAnother one coming soon.Mar 26 22:52
oiaohmYepMar 26 22:52
schestowitzI just accumulate the storyMar 26 22:52
schestowitzThen sort the arguments worth makingMar 26 22:52
schestowitzRather than write and then find refs that are supportive I always do it in reverseMar 26 22:52
oiaohmWhen MS is at a Opensource conference there are bets if they will walk out before the end of conference or not.Mar 26 22:52
schestowitzCollect evidence, then seam it together and explain.Mar 26 22:53
schestowitzoiaohm: each year they drive away the resistanceMar 26 22:53
schestowitzSee the "66 page of evilness" docMar 26 22:53
schestowitzThey drive away the Microsoft antagonist... each yearMar 26 22:53
oiaohmBasically IBM and MS were first on list because they would attract the most attentants.Mar 26 22:53
schestowitzUntil they 'own' OSBCMar 26 22:53
schestowitzoiaohm: doesn't matterMar 26 22:54
schestowitzOne of the trolls has just coined a word: "BNers"Mar 26 22:54
oiaohmIt gets more fun IBM and SUN people go out of there way to attend the MS one to pull MS to bits.Mar 26 22:54
schestowitzMeaning people who support BN, I guess.Mar 26 22:54
schestowitz"The problem is that Roy and the other BNers..."Mar 26 22:55
oiaohmMost of the time MS ends up giving up because they end up looking worse.Mar 26 22:55
schestowitzLike OSBC 2008Mar 26 22:55
oiaohmIts funny watching a MS personal trying to distance him self from the very company he is employed by.Mar 26 22:55
schestowitzPeople resent themMar 26 22:55
schestowitzEven those who pretend to be tolerantMar 26 22:55
schestowitzInside themselves they want to burstMar 26 22:55
schestowitzBut Microsot puts 'fronts'Mar 26 22:55
schestowitzIt uses straw people.Mar 26 22:56
schestowitzSo that you can't punch -- metaphorically speaking-- the real anti-Linux bullies.Mar 26 22:56
schestowitzMicrosoft sends its women to war :-)Mar 26 22:56
schestowitzWhile the man stay at homeMar 26 22:56
schestowitz*menMar 26 22:56
schestowitzWho would shoot a woman?Mar 26 22:56
oiaohmYep same thing is pointed out every time.Mar 26 22:56
oiaohmOtehr woman.Mar 26 22:57
oiaohmBecause both teams men stayed home.Mar 26 22:57
schestowitzThe men stay at home to take care of the... patents :-)Mar 26 22:57
oiaohmIBM don't send there top guys.Mar 26 22:57
oiaohmIt is there low ones they send in to beat up the MS guys.Mar 26 22:58
oiaohmNot like any more is needed.Mar 26 22:58
schestowitzYou know what I realised when I was away? I think Microsoft Jack or out or somethingMar 26 22:58
MinceRgnMar 26 22:58
schestowitzmaybe retired nowMar 26 22:58
schestowitzI used to see his 'articles' showing up every week or so... nothing for months nowMar 26 22:58
oiaohmSame time MS stoped paying as much.Mar 26 22:59
oiaohmMaybe he is unemployeedMar 26 22:59
schestowitzThe small, compact, energy-efficient chips give Linux a real lift: 26 23:00
schestowitzoiaohm: could beMar 26 23:00
schestowitzHe moved to bloggingMar 26 23:00
schestowitzBut it can be too handy for themMar 26 23:00
schestowitzlet me checkMar 26 23:00
schestowitz 26 23:01
schestowitzStill activeMar 26 23:01
schestowitz 26 23:01
oiaohmNotice his topics schestowitz since then.Mar 26 23:02
oiaohmI supect jack is not getting any MS money to write MS bits.Mar 26 23:02
oiaohmSo he is writing other stuff.Mar 26 23:02
oiaohmIe returned to a general new footing.Mar 26 23:03
oiaohmI am seeing this quite a bit.  Bias's are disappearing from a lot of reportters as MS money drys up.Mar 26 23:04
schestowitzSeems like all my COLA posts end up here: 26 23:04
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, agreedMar 26 23:04
schestowitzBut he also bashed Google, Apple, and LinuxMar 26 23:04
schestowitzGeerally, the MS party lineMar 26 23:04
schestowitzLike Rob Enderle and Preston GrallaMar 26 23:05
schestowitzMS puppets in 'journo' hatMar 26 23:05
oiaohmMS need money to run its PR machine.Mar 26 23:05
oiaohmNo money PR drops.Mar 26 23:06
schestowitz4bn/yearMar 26 23:07
schestowitzMarketing at MSFT, last time I heard anyway.....Mar 26 23:07
schestowitzMargins get smaller, profits too. PR is needed in more areas due to diversity...Mar 26 23:08
schestowitzThat domain  < > seems to contain my 30k posts or so that are tagged [news]Mar 26 23:08
schestowitzNo attribution, but it's not important. The Linux advocacy gets spreadMar 26 23:09
schestowitz"Since the financial crisis began, the corporate and philanthropic foundations and donors who gird most think tanks have become stingier about their grants," reports David Weigel. 26 23:10
trmancoit looks like a spam blog for meMar 26 23:10
schestowitzThink tanks are often corruption; likewise for many charities of wealthy man.Mar 26 23:10
schestowitztrmanco: it does look like itMar 26 23:10
schestowitzHe aggregates COLA [news]Mar 26 23:10
schestowitzit's EdMar 26 23:10
trmancoEd?Mar 26 23:11
schestowitzSince I've been happy about this since he began around 2006 or 2007, that's cool.Mar 26 23:11
schestowitzNeville. He used to post in COLA... a lot less now.Mar 26 23:11
schestowitzSometimes he comments in BN which he reads alsoMar 26 23:11
schestowitz (Australian Police Unspun)Mar 26 23:12
oiaohmHappens.Mar 26 23:14
oiaohmIts not the worse found here.Mar 26 23:14
oiaohmOne stage one of the biggest drug providers in 1 city was the drug enforcement arm for that city.Mar 26 23:14
oiaohmAds new meaning to police protection.Mar 26 23:15
schestowitzNot only does IBM cut jobs today: Google To Cut 200 Jobs In Sales And Marketing < >Mar 26 23:17
oiaohmNot really that product of a arm of google.  Most marketing work is already done for them.Mar 26 23:17
_Hicham_google doesn't need marketing at all nowMar 26 23:19
_Hicham_the word google is the most famous word in the industryMar 26 23:19
schestowitzWe've just made front pages of LinuxTodayMar 26 23:20
_Hicham_and is the most visited websiteMar 26 23:20
schestowitz_Hicham_: fair poiint, BUTMar 26 23:20
schestowitzMicrosoft is tarnishing their brandMar 26 23:20
schestowitzThey have lobbies not only in DCMar 26 23:20
schestowitzTo smear GoogleMar 26 23:20
schestowitzAnd to force Google to drop the algoMar 26 23:20
schestowitzLike reduce retention timeMar 26 23:20
schestowitzIf they can outdo Google, then they try to use the law to sabotage their performanceMar 26 23:21
schestowitzPortray Google as evil...Mar 26 23:21
oiaohmIe Google does not need marketing.Mar 26 23:24
oiaohmIt needs it legal departmentMar 26 23:24
schestowitzzoobab01: 26 23:28
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, they tried lobbyists too. Yuck.Mar 26 23:28
schestowitzIn Europe alsoMar 26 23:28
schestowitzThe systems are too polluted and clogged up for shills/spinersMar 26 23:29
balzacWhy does Redhat's CEO keep talking-down GNU/Linux on the desktop?Mar 26 23:29
schestowitz*spinnersMar 26 23:29
schestowitzbalzac: he uses FedoraMar 26 23:29
balzacI like Michael Tienman, but I'm annoyed by the CEO of RedhatMar 26 23:29
schestowitzBut he's not a Linux guy per seMar 26 23:29
schestowitzAnd Red hat wants to make moneyMar 26 23:29
schestowitzNot to spread Free sofwtare on the desktopoMar 26 23:29
schestowitzbalzac: yes, I'm in good relationship with MichaelMar 26 23:29
balzacHe ought to tell him to SYFPHMar 26 23:30
schestowitzShuttleworth says many bad things tooMar 26 23:30
schestowitzAbout LinuxMar 26 23:30
schestowitzAnd then they use him against LinuxMar 26 23:30
schestowitzShuttleworth is befuddled by Apple marketingMar 26 23:30
schestowitzI wonder if he even use one at all.Mar 26 23:31
balzacI read Tienman's profile page and he's got great free-software credibility and history. Plus he wasn't mincing words last time he spoke about Microsoft. He gives me some confidence in the Open Source Initiative.Mar 26 23:31
schestowitzYes, he isMar 26 23:31
schestowitzGNU personMar 26 23:31
schestowitzGCCMar 26 23:31
schestowitzC++Mar 26 23:31
schestowitzESR is troubleMar 26 23:32
balzacBut the CEO is a bit of an empty-suit, it seems.Mar 26 23:32
schestowitzJust uttered bad thingsMar 26 23:32
oiaohmRedhat has reasons for talking down the desktop.Mar 26 23:32
schestowitzIn some conferenceMar 26 23:32
schestowitzDefending BSDMar 26 23:32
schestowitzPooo-pooed the GPLMar 26 23:32
oiaohmIt keeps MS eyes of what Redhat is really upto.Mar 26 23:32
schestowitz /s/conference/LUS/Mar 26 23:32
schestowitz*LUGMar 26 23:32
schestowitzoiaohm: +1Mar 26 23:32
balzacI don't have a problem with ESR defending the "masturbating monkeys" of BSD, but rather with his misrepresentation of the history of the Free Software Movement with CATB.Mar 26 23:33
oiaohmRedhat core project is ovirt.orgMar 26 23:33
oiaohmpart of that does include control of desktops.Mar 26 23:34
oiaohmYet in a completely new way.Mar 26 23:34
oiaohmMeans to suspend you programs on one machine and restart on another like nothing has happened.Mar 26 23:34
oiaohmCompared to what Redhat is developing the current desktop model is old hat.Mar 26 23:35
oiaohmNothing is fast.Mar 26 23:35
schestowitz[hat tipMar 26 23:36
schestowitzThe Oreilly Radar Web site has been utter cr*p for a few months nowMar 26 23:37
schestowitzUseless links and a potpourri of different topics from arbitrary peopleMar 26 23:37
schestowitzNext week it'll go to the trash unless it makes something useful. I think Tim Oreilly hardly posts there anymore, so it's just a garbage dump for unpublished|able stuffMar 26 23:37
trmanco 26 23:39
schestowitzThose who thought that Linux-powered OLPCs are over should think again: 26 23:41
oiaohmNext generation OLPC most likely will have to be Linux no x86 processor.Mar 26 23:43
schestowitztrmanco: pirates use gunsMar 26 23:44
schestowitzoiaohm: ARMMar 26 23:44
schestowitzNick has said it's likely inevitableMar 26 23:44
trmancoI like the jokeMar 26 23:44
schestowitzHe said yesterday that costs would come downMar 26 23:44
schestowitzSome ARM netbooks are around $150Mar 26 23:44
schestowitzNick urged Microsoft to port XP to ARM, but that might not happenMar 26 23:45
schestowitzMicrosoft will just hope that OLPC diesMar 26 23:45
schestowitzEuthanasiaMar 26 23:45
schestowitzThe 'new' Microsoft...Mar 26 23:45
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 26 23:47
oiaohmReactos has a port to Arm.Mar 26 23:49
schestowitzCould run Sugar, I supposeMar 26 23:50
schestowitzDepending on whether Fedora has many hacksMar 26 23:50
schestowitzIs reactos 'heavy'? I didn't try itMar 26 23:50
schestowitzI remember it being light and simpleMar 26 23:50
oiaohmReactos is extreamly light.Mar 26 23:51
schestowitzOLPC enables Fedora to fast-boot. ReactOS just doesn't have Linux features.....Mar 26 23:51
oiaohmMostly because its missing the crap MS has added over the years.Mar 26 23:51
schestowitzWifi drivers.... and Marvell..Mar 26 23:51
schestowitzoiaohm: you call DRM 'crap'?? *gasp*Mar 26 23:51
oiaohmWorseMar 26 23:51
schestowitzIt's for security...Mar 26 23:52
schestowitzOf Hollywood's piggybankMar 26 23:52
oiaohmReactos what secuirty at moment.Mar 26 23:52
oiaohmEverything currently runs at equal to system.Mar 26 23:52
Balrog_I tried it ... it's worse-than alpha quality code, IMOMar 26 23:53
Balrog_(even nouveau is many times better)Mar 26 23:53
oiaohmNothing is worse than alpha code Balrog_Mar 26 23:53
oiaohmIts the worst rating you give to code that kind runs.Mar 26 23:53
Balrog_there are different levels of alphaMar 26 23:53
Balrog_Reactos is at the bottom :/Mar 26 23:54
oiaohmThere is lower than Reactos I can find.Mar 26 23:54
oiaohmEarly hurd alphasMar 26 23:54
oiaohmThe bugger would lock up every 5 seconds.Mar 26 23:54
schestowitzA true rarity: (Austalian ISP Stands Up For Users In Court -- Claims They're Not Violating Copyright)Mar 26 23:55
oiaohmReactos you do at least stand a chance of doing a few things.Mar 26 23:55
Balrog_I see.... hurd was really that bad?Mar 26 23:55
Balrog_yeah, at least reactos doesn't crash right away.Mar 26 23:55
oiaohmhurd is a really strong microkernel design.  Lets say a little too strong.Mar 26 23:55
oiaohmIt was going into crash loops off the start line.Mar 26 23:55
oiaohmOf the thread manager.Mar 26 23:56
Balrog_heh...Mar 26 23:56
Balrog_hows its progress so far?Mar 26 23:56
oiaohmThread manager comes up make a task work.  Crashed fault detection kicks in Thread manager restarted and back around the loop again.Mar 26 23:56
oiaohmYep crashloopsMar 26 23:57
oiaohmSystem still runs but limping really badly.Mar 26 23:57
Balrog_I see. No one's working on it anymore?Mar 26 23:57
schestowitzOh no. It's back... 26 23:57
oiaohmPeople still do work on it.Mar 26 23:57
oiaohmHurd is really complex to debug.Mar 26 23:57
oiaohmNothing just stops.Mar 26 23:58

Recent Techrights' Posts

Even Technical Articles and HowTos From UNIXMen Nowadays Seem to be LLM Slop
We've just permanently removed the RSS feed of UNIXMen
The FSF's 2024 End-of-Year Fundraiser Succeeds: Over $400k to Support Software Freedom
That's worth bringing up again because the SFC is trying to 'crash' this achievement of the FSF
[Meme] Fentanylware (TikTok) Banned in the United States, Next Up European Union (EU)
And the United Kingdom (UK)
President Biden is Right, "Free Press is Crumbling" and the United States Exports Its Media-Hostile Culture to Other Continents
perhaps Biden should pay closer attention to how Donald Trump-inspired Americans take their battles to other continents
Guardian Digital, Inc ( Uses Microsoft-Controlled Front Groups and LLM Slop in Order to Spread Microsoft-Directed Anti-Linux FUD
Microsoft garbage likely produced by Microsoft LLMs, spewing out Microsoft FUD
Thank You, London! There Was No Way to Still Reliably Host Gemini From Home (on a Raspberry Pi 4) Due to Scale
The only regret we've long had is that we hadn't made the move earlier
The Summit of Future (Kerala, 2025): Dr. Richard Stallman (RMS) to Give Keynote Talk
promotional video was uploaded
RMS 'Inauguration' in Montpellier (Government Administration) on January 20th
Happy hacking
Links 17/01/2025: TikTok Banned by the United Stated (SCOTUS Rejects Appeal)
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Software Freedom Conservancy Inc (SFC) Makes It Obvious It's Just a Copycat Trying to Exploit or Leech Off the FSF's (and GNU's) Work
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GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, January 16, 2025
IRC logs for Thursday, January 16, 2025
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[Meme] Lock-down With DRM Server/s (in a Nutshell)
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Richard Stallman's Talk This Coming Monday (European 'Tour')
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Total Lock-down Ambitions - Part II - Down to the Very Core, Including the Hardware (CPU, GPU, Peripherals, and More)
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FSF, Guardian of the GNU Project, to Reach $400,000 in Winter Fundraiser Ahead of 40th Anniversary
The GNU Project Turns 42 later this year
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Computer Users Aren't Zoo Animals
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"New Year, New Career"
published a few hours ago
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GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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[Meme] The Crybully
Crybullies shrug
IRC Logs Complete in Geminispace (Even in GemText Format!)
We still envision ourselves - a community of justice-seeking enthusiasts - as a multi-protocol platform, not just some ordinary Web site
It Was Only a Matter of Time
We're going to pursue justice
[Meme] "Well, He’s Dead So," Bill Gates Tells the Media (Which He Pays) About His Close Friend Jeffrey Epstein
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The Rumour Was Right, Today is the Second Large Wave of Microsoft Layoffs in 2025
It has only been two weeks since the year began
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Had a Good 2025 Already (Its "Year 40")
FSF will reach $400,000
[Meme] Not About How Many Locks One Adds
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Total Lock-down Ambitions - Part I - DRM and TPM Need Not be the Future of Computing, There's Another Way
Who is being restricted? Us, the users.
[Meme] His Existence is Proof It's Not Infeasible
We salute the FSF's original mission
New Upcoming Series About DRM and TPM
We'll do our best to name and explain some of the alternatives that are still available
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Gemini Links 15/01/2025: Abandoning Windows for GNU/Linux, SIS Progress Update
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As one might expect...
Microsoft Breaks Linux Again
Does it even care? It's selling Windows.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, January 14, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, January 14, 2025