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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 2nd, 2009 - Part 2


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LoveNo idea.Apr 02 01:58
LoveJust a bunch of meanies.Apr 02 01:58
Balrog_I know someone like thatApr 02 01:58
_Hicham_u r blog is not spam protected?Apr 02 01:58
Balrog_hates Linux, hates even AppleApr 02 01:58
LoveNo, it's just a livejournal.Apr 02 01:58
Balrog_frequents rixstep.comApr 02 01:58
schestowitz_Hicham_: there are other women hereApr 02 01:58
schestowitzIt just doesn't show up in nicknamesApr 02 01:58
Balrog_yeah.Apr 02 01:59
LoveWell, it'd probably be prude for us all to show ourselves and shout "Hey, we're women!"Apr 02 01:59
schestowitzLove: [H]omer is the developer of BLAGApr 02 01:59
schestowitzHe's also co-opApr 02 01:59
LoveReally?Apr 02 01:59
schestowitzYes..Apr 02 01:59
LoveHm.Apr 02 02:00
_Hicham_well, it is just new to meApr 02 02:00
_Hicham_I didn't know that there is women in this roomApr 02 02:00
_Hicham_that is allApr 02 02:00
LoveWell, now you know.Apr 02 02:00
schestowitzMy sister is a programmerApr 02 02:01
LoveI'm learning Haskell for a hobby.Apr 02 02:01
LoveI like the structure of it.Apr 02 02:01
schestowitzThey have a very active channelApr 02 02:01
schestowitzThat's how I know themApr 02 02:01
LoveWell, I have to get off for a bit, I've got some business to attend to, and my boyfriend is setting up his HURD box.Apr 02 02:02
mattparryso has de Icaza said anything on the tomtom case?Apr 02 02:02
LoveBye everyone, nice meeting you allApr 02 02:02
*Love (i=ad1d7b24@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 02 02:03
schestowitzmattparry: none that I've seenApr 02 02:03
schestowitz"Love" sounded like a faker, but I could be wrongApr 02 02:03
mattparrydo you think that tomtom has worried him or made him view ms any different??Apr 02 02:04
mattparrylove - boyfriend setting up a HURD box - thats just strange?Apr 02 02:04
_Hicham_schestowitz is wonderingApr 02 02:05
schestowitzmattparry: yes, benefit of the doubt thoughApr 02 02:05
schestowitzmattparry: mail miguel about tomtom :-)Apr 02 02:05
schestowitzThat would be cruel.Apr 02 02:05
_Hicham_schestowitz need clues about LoveApr 02 02:05
_Hicham_schestowitz needs to meet MiguelApr 02 02:05
schestowitzI was on a podcast with himApr 02 02:05
schestowitzAfter he attended MS' conference Apr 02 02:06
Balrog_de Icaza?Apr 02 02:06
schestowitzPromoting their junkApr 02 02:06
Balrog_what did he say?Apr 02 02:06
schestowitzYesApr 02 02:06
_Hicham_where is this podcast?Apr 02 02:06
schestowitzNothing of useApr 02 02:06
_Hicham_just praising MS technology?Apr 02 02:06
mattparrydid you used to work for novell?Apr 02 02:06
_Hicham_.NET is our savior RoyApr 02 02:06
_Hicham_don't worry pal, everything will be alrightApr 02 02:07
_Hicham_we will fuck with MSApr 02 02:07
_Hicham_our end is nearApr 02 02:07
_Hicham_that is what he saidApr 02 02:07
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 02:07
schestowitzBeat Microsogt with .NET, eh?Apr 02 02:07
schestowitzLike some idiots who think they can win the world cup in Brazil.Apr 02 02:08
yuhongBTW, on IBM, what do you think about the conflict of interest that pervade IBM?Apr 02 02:08
_Hicham_schestowitz : why can't we use the world cup in Brazil?Apr 02 02:08
_Hicham_use/winApr 02 02:08
_Hicham_schestowitz is not a soccer fanApr 02 02:09
_Hicham_schestowitz doesn't support english soccer teamApr 02 02:09
_Hicham_schestowitz is wanted by the queenApr 02 02:10
yuhongBTW, on IBM, what do you think about the conflict of interest that pervade IBM?Apr 02 02:10
_Hicham_Scotland Yard still looking for schestowitzApr 02 02:10
_Hicham_schestowitz is very silent and prepare a new "coup d'état"Apr 02 02:10
mattparryI think IBM is a big company with internal conflicts between departmentsApr 02 02:10
yuhongYep, I know.Apr 02 02:11
_Hicham_schestowitz : are u going well in organizing the posts in a wiki?Apr 02 02:11
mattparryfree software is viral, so what has been done cannot be undoneApr 02 02:11
_Hicham_schestowitz : when will the wiki be ready?Apr 02 02:11
yuhongFor example, IBM supports ODF but also support the MS-Novell deal.Apr 02 02:12
mattparrywhat are your thoughts yuhong about IBM?Apr 02 02:12
_Hicham_schestowitz is too busyApr 02 02:12
yuhongIt has a lot of conflict of interest.Apr 02 02:12
yuhongI wonder how well it deals with them.Apr 02 02:12
_Hicham_schestowitz is having an affair with an old womanApr 02 02:13
mattparryI think it deals with it like any big business - in its own interests firstApr 02 02:13
mattparrythat is the problem with working for shareholdersApr 02 02:13
_Hicham_schestowitz is suing MS in court to get some moneyApr 02 02:14
yuhongI know.Apr 02 02:14
mattparryit is the worst master to be working forApr 02 02:14
yuhongFor example, IBM supports ODF but also support the MS-Novell deal.Apr 02 02:14
Balrog_gnApr 02 02:14
schestowitz_Hicham_: in Brazil, Brazil will reignApr 02 02:14
schestowitz.NET is MS turfApr 02 02:14
schestowitzYou can't beat Microsoft at Microsoft's gameApr 02 02:15
schestowitzWe have better tollsApr 02 02:15
_Hicham_Brazil is not better than BritainApr 02 02:15
schestowitzJava, Python, Akamai, Apache...Apr 02 02:15
_Hicham_u have a great soccer teamApr 02 02:15
mattparrydo you think?  look at the pro windows trolls on computerworldApr 02 02:15
mattparryalmost all journists are pro windowsApr 02 02:15
schestowitz_Hicham_: I multitask, so I come and goApr 02 02:15
schestowitzHaven't edited the Wiki in over a week, BTWApr 02 02:16
_Hicham_schestowitz needs a new CPU in his headApr 02 02:16
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.8/2009032609]")Apr 02 02:16
_Hicham_schestowitz is changing the kernel in his brain to support 10000 CPUsApr 02 02:16
schestowitzmattparry: bias by selectionApr 02 02:17
schestowitzThey are not interested in people who don't reinforce the doctrine of WintelApr 02 02:17
_Hicham_schestowitz swaps information from his head to the computer and vice versaApr 02 02:17
schestowitzThey have that new dude who's trolling LinuxApr 02 02:17
schestowitzRamel is his name IIRCApr 02 02:17
schestowitzStill trollingApr 02 02:17
_Hicham_I don't like trollsApr 02 02:17
schestowitzThey take people off the street it would seem Apr 02 02:17
schestowitzProvided they can type and use WindowsApr 02 02:18
_Hicham_trolls are just moronsApr 02 02:18
schestowitzInability to install not a must but an advantageApr 02 02:18
_Hicham_we don't need morons in this roomApr 02 02:18
_Hicham_we need clean peopleApr 02 02:18
_Hicham_people who can stand for their principlesApr 02 02:18
_Hicham_schestowitz is to be the next PM of the UKApr 02 02:19
_Hicham_schestowitz is preparing for a new political assignment in the govApr 02 02:19
_Hicham_schestowitz is having a huge fortune in switzerlandApr 02 02:20
_Hicham_schestowitz is planning to make a trip to the moonApr 02 02:20
_Hicham_schestowitz is still molesting childs in the UKApr 02 02:20
_Hicham_schestowitz is monitored by the CIA, NSA, FBI and Scotland Yard, all at onceApr 02 02:21
_Hicham_be carefull of schestowitz room, it is monitored as wellApr 02 02:21
_Hicham_everything that is said in this room may be counted against uApr 02 02:21
_Hicham_u have the right to stay silent, hire a lawyer, and pray that they don't give u 10 years in GuantanamoApr 02 02:22
_Hicham_schestowitz : r u protecting well the website?Apr 02 02:23
schestowitz_Hicham_: what are you doing?Apr 02 02:23
schestowitzProtect how? It's patched.Apr 02 02:23
_Hicham_I am just playing aroundApr 02 02:23
_Hicham_do u run it on ur own webserver?Apr 02 02:23
schestowitzNo, it runs in NYCApr 02 02:23
_Hicham_I should do a security scan when I have time toApr 02 02:24
_Hicham_to help u find any exploitsApr 02 02:24
_Hicham_are u sure there is no injection exploits?Apr 02 02:24
_Hicham_injections are becoming frequent these daysApr 02 02:25
_Hicham_schestowitz : here is an ideaApr 02 02:26
_Hicham_first type of categories, u gonna put the crimes by corporationApr 02 02:26
_Hicham_Ie Intel Crimes, MS Crimes, Novell Crimes, and so onApr 02 02:27
_Hicham_this is the first categorizationApr 02 02:27
_Hicham_then, there is the option of chronological eventsApr 02 02:27
_Hicham_this the second categorizationApr 02 02:28
_Hicham_the third, would be by technologyApr 02 02:28
schestowitzYes, but it's a lot of workApr 02 02:28
schestowitzAnd always in need of updatesApr 02 02:29
_Hicham_I seeApr 02 02:29
_Hicham_there should be a module for thatApr 02 02:29
_Hicham_I don't know too much about wordpressApr 02 02:29
_Hicham_but when posting a new article, u should be able to poste in many categoriesApr 02 02:30
_Hicham_like put in all at once at : "MS Crimes", "OOXML", "Office"Apr 02 02:30
_Hicham_because the website at its current state is a messApr 02 02:31
_Hicham_excuse me for saying thatApr 02 02:31
_Hicham_but it is the truthApr 02 02:31
_Hicham_I am talking to u sincerelyApr 02 02:31
_Hicham_the content is excellentApr 02 02:31
_Hicham_but there is no organization at allApr 02 02:31
_Hicham_a new comer will get lost easilyApr 02 02:32
_Hicham_sadly, there is no one to talk to tonightApr 02 02:33
_Hicham_I am the only one to talk in hereApr 02 02:33
_Hicham_I am like a fool in an empty roomApr 02 02:34
schestowitzYes, I know,.Apr 02 02:37
schestowitzAbout organisationApr 02 02:37
schestowitzThe site can be used with searchApr 02 02:37
schestowitzBut I need to organise it betterApr 02 02:37
_Hicham_organization is the keyApr 02 02:38
schestowitzThere's earchApr 02 02:44
schestowitzsearchApr 02 02:44
schestowitzIt's the best route to finding stuffApr 02 02:44
schestowitzIn fact, it rendeers indexed next to obsoleteApr 02 02:44
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 02:53
_Hicham_search is the users know what he is searching forApr 02 02:53
_Hicham_search if the user knows what he is searching forApr 02 02:54
*schestowitz watches 02 02:54
_Hicham_schestowitz : u never answered my old questionApr 02 02:55
schestowitzWhich one?Apr 02 02:56
_Hicham_about what is ur current jobApr 02 02:56
_Hicham_I know u won't answer this questionApr 02 02:59
schestowitzI told you last week that I quit bothApr 02 02:59
_Hicham_mysterious thoughApr 02 02:59
_Hicham_so u r living off ur savings?Apr 02 02:59
*mib_85p9ia (i=cac90002@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 03:02
mib_85p9ia:PApr 02 03:03
_Hicham_ok, sorry for the questionApr 02 03:04
mib_85p9iawhere are u?Apr 02 03:04
mattparryjust reading the artical on your site by Bruce Byfield - I think that he writes really wellApr 02 03:05
*mib_85p9ia has quit (Client Quit)Apr 02 03:06
_Hicham_schestowitz gives no answerApr 02 03:07
_Hicham_schestowitz should invite more chicks to his room to make things workApr 02 03:07
_Hicham_schestowitz is playing a game on his Xbox consoleApr 02 03:09
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes.Apr 02 03:09
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 03:09
_Hicham_yes about what?Apr 02 03:10
_Hicham_schestowitz is becoming british againApr 02 03:10
_Hicham_schestowitz is loosing its sense of humorApr 02 03:10
_Hicham_schestowitz is way too seriousApr 02 03:10
_Hicham_schestowitz is sleepy and tiredApr 02 03:14
_Hicham_schestowitz will go to bed soonApr 02 03:15
schestowitzMccain -\> idiot 02 03:15
schestowitzn8TB5JIaGRFYeTcgq-sy6IWPagvgnApr 02 03:15
_Hicham_schestowitz is for war on Iraq and Iran and AfghanistanApr 02 03:16
_Hicham_schestowitz spreads terror and frightApr 02 03:16
dsmith_roy, do you know anyone that does LVM recoveries?Apr 02 03:17
dsmith_can I still obtain Rh6 anywehre? I have a person that upgarded from RH 6 to fedora 10, and he lost his LVMApr 02 03:18
_Hicham_from RH6 to fedora10?Apr 02 03:22
_Hicham_he must be crazyApr 02 03:22
schestowitzdsmith_: oiaohm might knowApr 02 03:24
schestowitzHe does data recovery. He's here in morningsApr 02 03:24
schestowitz_Hicham_: don't tell lies about me. :-)Apr 02 03:25
_Hicham_where is oiaohm?Apr 02 03:25
schestowitzI'm preparing links for BNApr 02 03:25
_Hicham_I miss this manApr 02 03:25
_Hicham_schestowitz : I like to teaseApr 02 03:25
_Hicham_uApr 02 03:25
_Hicham_I can't stopApr 02 03:25
_Hicham_ur the first cool british man I knowApr 02 03:25
schestowitz 02 03:26
schestowitzskip to 5:00Apr 02 03:26
schestowitzInvade Iraq = OK (because of pil)Apr 02 03:26
schestowitzStopping genocide = No (no oil)Apr 02 03:26
_Hicham_Obama is just another puppetApr 02 03:27
_Hicham_u should take over the worldApr 02 03:28
_Hicham_u would be a good tyranApr 02 03:28
_Hicham_well, good nightApr 02 03:29
_Hicham_and never get upset at meApr 02 03:29
_Hicham_I don't mean what I write about uApr 02 03:30
_Hicham_it is just jokesApr 02 03:30
_Hicham_I can't stop my sense of humor sometimesApr 02 03:30
_Hicham_have a good nightApr 02 03:30
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 02 03:30
schestowitzgnApr 02 03:39
mattparryis hicham a nutter?Apr 02 03:43
*Carl_Rover2k12 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 03:47
zer0c00llaterApr 02 03:56
zer0c00lbblApr 02 03:57
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Apr 02 03:57
*amarsh04 will be back soon, rebooting into new kernel - I'd rather find a bug in a new kernel and get it fixed quickly than being bitten by it in a "stable" kernelApr 02 04:14
*mattparry has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 02 04:14
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 04:19
yuhongIt looks like MS is asking Obama for a bail-out.Apr 02 04:19
yuhongClaiming that it is too big to fail because of it's 80% market share.Apr 02 04:20
yuhongWhile I don't believe any org is too big to fail or succeed for a moment,Apr 02 04:20
yuhongThe 80% market share may have an implication if MS do go bankrupt.Apr 02 04:21
yuhongAnd while it is easy to suggest that all of them should switch to Mac or Linux, doing that to a OS with 80% market share is not easy.Apr 02 04:22
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.8/2009032609]")Apr 02 04:23
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 04:23
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 04:25
yuhongOk, this is actually April Fools, ignore.Apr 02 04:26
yuhongBTW, I believe that Windows and Unix-like will coexist for at least a while, though not peasefully.Apr 02 04:27
*yuhong has quit (Client Quit)Apr 02 04:27
tessierhehApr 02 04:28
tessierI hate April 1stApr 02 04:28
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 02 04:40
*balzac has quit ( 02 04:46
*Balrog has quit ( 02 04:47
*zoobab01 has quit ( 02 04:47
*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 04:48
*zoobab01 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 04:48
*balzac ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 04:48
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 04:48
*Carl_Rover2k12 ( has left #boycottnovellApr 02 04:53
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 02 05:10
*mattparry ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 05:30
*zer0c00l has quit ("boring classes ahead")Apr 02 06:09
*mattparry has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 02 06:30
imamilkydrunkschestowitz, thanks for the link about mccain, now i know what he was really up to. yeah, he shouldn't have been elected at allApr 02 06:58
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 07:04
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Apr 02 08:35
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 08:37
MinceRgeekingsApr 02 08:57
schestowitzHeyApr 02 09:38
*ToreadorVampire ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 09:48
*zer0c00l (i=d2d4ff83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 09:49
*oiaohm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 09:52
oiaohmHad a good day everyone.Apr 02 09:53
*zer0c00l has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 02 09:55
schestowitzAyeApr 02 09:56
*zer0c00l (i=d2d4ff83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 09:56
schestowitz Remix: Lawrence Lessig on IP in the Digital EconomyApr 02 09:56
*zer0c00l has quit (Client Quit)Apr 02 10:00
oiaohmI have not read one of his books.Apr 02 10:02
schestowitzProbably not missed muchApr 02 10:03
*zer0c00l (i=d2d4ff83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 10:03
schestowitzAll his talk embody the same repertoireApr 02 10:03
schestowitzIt's hard to watch people like him more than a few times. They just repeat the same point over and over again, mixing and alll...Apr 02 10:03
schestowitzRMS for example. His talks are all similar. Likewise with Lessig...Apr 02 10:04
*zer0c00l has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 02 10:14
oiaohmReminds me about being acused of plagurising my own poem.  I had it published in a book under annoymous with I was in 7 seven in school.   And used it in a year 12 assignment were we have to review one of our own poems..Apr 02 10:15
oiaohmSad part is the muse to create a great poem has not hit since.Apr 02 10:17
*imamilkydrunk has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 02 10:49
oiaohmLawrence is a nice not extreamness.  Yes his type is closer to what I believe.Apr 02 11:09
schestowitzYes, he's OK. But it's also to do with how he presents the case.Apr 02 11:22
oiaohmI have a different style I find his heavy in woffle.Apr 02 11:24
oiaohmOk to be expected lawyers get good at that.Apr 02 11:24
schestowitzYes, exactly.Apr 02 11:31
schestowitzRMS is a little too eccentric at timeApr 02 11:31
schestowitzThat harms his messageApr 02 11:31
MinceRwanting freedom is eccentric nowadaysApr 02 11:35
MinceRpeople happily give it away for glass beads without even realizing what it wasApr 02 11:35
oiaohmDefine freedom MinceRApr 02 11:40
oiaohmThat is the problem is a way to coverying word.Apr 02 11:40
MinceRcontrol over one's own life, as far as it doesn't interfere with others' freedomApr 02 11:40
oiaohmSo don't interfere with another person right to lock up there code so no one can see it.Apr 02 11:41
schestowitzMinceR: I was not referring to messageApr 02 11:41
schestowitzRMS' message is fineApr 02 11:41
schestowitzBut when he starts doing silly things on stage...Apr 02 11:41
MinceRoiaohm: stop twisting words like a politicianApr 02 11:41
oiaohmIts not twisting words.Apr 02 11:42
MinceRoiaohm: if i can't see their code, i can't use it and i don't care if it even existsApr 02 11:42
MinceRyes it isApr 02 11:42
oiaohmSo you don't care when that code costs you access to a file you spend months on.Apr 02 11:42
MinceRi don't spend months on files i can't accessApr 02 11:42
oiaohmIe the closed source code allowing to to access data in a closed spec format MinceRApr 02 11:43
oiaohmSo yes you can still access it until it breaks.Apr 02 11:43
MinceRso i don't have control over my own fileApr 02 11:43
oiaohmSetting the line where freedoms should be is not always simple.Apr 02 11:43
MinceRwhich means it interferes with my freedomApr 02 11:44
oiaohmSomething that does not appear to interfer with you freedom can end up one day doing exactly that.Apr 02 11:44
MinceRyou're talking about appearancesApr 02 11:44
MinceRi didn't mention themApr 02 11:45
oiaohmProblem you have your define could end up saying all closed source is bad.  Because at some day it could interfere with me.  But then that interfers with a person right to buy closed source solution if they wish.Apr 02 11:47
oiaohmBasically complete freedom can never be granted.Apr 02 11:47
oiaohmBest that can be got to is a fair balance.Apr 02 11:47
oiaohmWhat blance risks the least harm to all is the way I see it.Apr 02 11:48
MinceRif there are no closed source solutions, the right to buy them is meaninglessApr 02 11:49
MinceRtherefore it doesn't interfere with freedomApr 02 11:49
oiaohmIf there were no closed source there would be no companies like ID.Apr 02 11:49
oiaohmWe would be a lot poorer world.Apr 02 11:49
MinceRwhy would there be no such companies?Apr 02 11:50
oiaohmID income depends on sales of software and licences to there engines.Apr 02 11:50
oiaohmWhy would someone bother paying them.Apr 02 11:50
oiaohmRemember everything ID codes is open source in the end.Apr 02 11:51
oiaohmClosed source for a time provides ID with an effective way of recoverying development costs.Apr 02 11:51
MinceRtheir clients usually needed custom features in their enginesApr 02 11:52
MinceRalso game content could still be closedApr 02 11:52
MinceR(levels, graphics, sounds, music, models)Apr 02 11:52
oiaohmID clients for the engine normally add there own custom features themselves.Apr 02 11:53
oiaohmHard part with engine being free for ID is anyone could build a complete levels graphics and so on then release a game competing with theres they need to recovery the development costs.Apr 02 11:55
MinceRalso, you seem to be missing that by freedom i didn't mean only softwareApr 02 11:55
oiaohmI can expand this outside software.Apr 02 11:55
MinceRnot anyone can compete with the quality of the contentApr 02 11:55
oiaohmMost companies that used ID engines have bettr quality content.Apr 02 11:55
MinceRespecially considering that the original developers get a head start by knowing how it all works from the startApr 02 11:55
MinceRthat's subjectiveApr 02 11:55
oiaohmNormally because ID games are raced to market to sell the engine to other makers.Apr 02 11:56
MinceRand what keeps id from buying Raven?Apr 02 11:56
oiaohmThink of ID as a game engine maker.Apr 02 11:56
MinceRid existed long before they started selling enginesApr 02 11:56
oiaohmName the first engine they sold.Apr 02 11:57
oiaohmFirst engine sold was the doom engine itself the first engine they produced as ID.Apr 02 11:57
oiaohmThey started live producing engines for other companies before they become ID.Apr 02 11:58
MinceRthe doom engine wasn't their first productApr 02 11:58
*mib_wbqt1n (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 11:58
MinceRyou should know this if you refer to them as "ID" and not "id" :>Apr 02 11:58
oiaohmwolfenistinen was produced when they were working for another company.Apr 02 11:59
oiaohmSame with a lot of games before that.Apr 02 11:59
oiaohmID developers have a very long history of producing engines shared between games.   The wolfenistinen was one of the rare ones of theres that was not used in multiable games.Apr 02 12:00
*mib_wbqt1n has quit (Client Quit)Apr 02 12:01
*AP0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 12:01
MinceRthey didn't sell the engines of the first games developed for Softdisk, for exampleApr 02 12:01
*AP0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 02 12:01
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 12:02
*[Ap0G33] (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 12:02
zer0c00l"Ubuntu is Linux for human beings, and, believe it or not, Microsoft employees are human beings too. We think we need to work closer with Microsoft to ensure heterogenous data silo paradigm middleware enhancements can continue to grow. Oh, and they gave me this nice T-shirt."Apr 02 12:02
zer0c00l 02 12:02
zer0c00l:PApr 02 12:02
zer0c00lApril fool day prankApr 02 12:03
[Ap0G33]I think that just Gnome in Mono will be coolApr 02 12:05
oiaohmSoftdisk they produced did recycle game engines.  Contract rules before they were not allowed to sell the engines recycling was fine.   Please note id Software offical trademark is lowercase on the id.Apr 02 12:08
oiaohmI knew I was typing it lower case for a reason.Apr 02 12:08
MinceRthey changed capitalization at least onceApr 02 12:09
MinceRi remember iD and idApr 02 12:09
oiaohm 02 12:09
*harrytuttle (i=528c0ab2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 12:10
oiaohmI know a few cracked versions of doom 2 that had there logo wrong.Apr 02 12:10
oiaohmIts been lower case as long as I have known id from there first version of doom I have around here somewhere.Apr 02 12:11
zer0c00lgoin homeApr 02 12:15
*zer0c00l has quit ("hoildays")Apr 02 12:15
schestowitzReader says: "I've found a bit more data and the result is fascinating.  I tried accessing Usenet from 3 different shell accounts.  In my latest attempt, I did not see slowness.  For another data point, I signed up with another German Usenet provider [...] and tested that from my home DSL account.  I also did not have slowness with, so I eliminate as a suspect.  There is only one provider that is present iApr 02 12:36
schestowitzn "traceroute" when I have slowness and absent from it when I don't have slowness: Telia."Apr 02 12:36
schestowitz"That is who I suspect of discriminating against NNTP use.  I wonder perchance if Telia is also related to the case of Pirate Bay vs. the usual collection of copyright maximalists."Apr 02 12:36
schestowitzThat's fascinating and worth publicizing. Ghost in the Machine from C.O.L.A. had similar attempts to sort of maginalise people and take them off USENET.Apr 02 12:37
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 13:08
Omar87Ya know guys? Even if FLOSS and Linux died and vanished from existence and M$ dominated the world completely, the only way they would ever make use Windows and M$ products would be over my dead body. Which won't work anyway because I will be dead and gone already.Apr 02 13:10
schestowitzPoliticians appear to be fighting free speech on USENET: 02 13:11
schestowitzOmar87: Microsoft is going away (in its current form), but other evils will rise to take its placeApr 02 13:12
Omar87schestowitz: There's no evil like M$, imho.Apr 02 13:15
MinceRyes there isApr 02 13:15
MinceRthere's apple and googleApr 02 13:15
schestowitzConficker D-Day Arrives; Worm Phones Home (Quietly) < >Apr 02 13:16
Omar87What about Google?Apr 02 13:16
schestowitzOmar87: there is worse. MAFIAA.Apr 02 13:16
MinceRlotsApr 02 13:16
Omar87lol :)Apr 02 13:16
schestowitzMAFIAA is a lot worse. And I think more money is also involved.Apr 02 13:16
schestowitzBut I'm no law expert, so I stay mostly out of itApr 02 13:16
Omar87What is wrong with Google?Apr 02 13:16
schestowitzWhere to begin? :-)Apr 02 13:16
Omar87Anywhere you like.Apr 02 13:17
Omar87I don't think Google's any worse than MS.Apr 02 13:19
oiaohmMS is worse than GoogleApr 02 13:19
Omar87oiaohm: Yeah, much worse.Apr 02 13:20
MinceRm$ is worse but they don't seem to be too dissimilar as google shows their true colors.Apr 02 13:20
oiaohmGoogle does not have a track record that would make most crimials criminal record look minor like MS.Apr 02 13:20
MinceRalso, google being a lot better at the things they want to do for themselves makes them more dangerousApr 02 13:21
Omar87oiaohm: At least Google uses FLOSS, M$ is simply trying to bury it.Apr 02 13:21
oiaohmGoogle is not prepaird to go to any length to get what they want.Apr 02 13:21
MinceR(their services other than the search engine suck for the users, but they certainly can gather a lot of private data)Apr 02 13:21
oiaohmThey draw the line at breaking laws.Apr 02 13:22
MinceRthey're already going much further than they've promised.Apr 02 13:22
MinceRand buying laws is an old practice in the world.Apr 02 13:22
MinceRespecially in the usaApr 02 13:22
Omar87MinceR: Plus, you can never stop all corporations from adopting a proprietary or semi-proprietary approach.Apr 02 13:22
oiaohmNo company is perfect.Apr 02 13:23
MinceRthat has little to do with this topic :>Apr 02 13:23
oiaohmPart of the problem of having to make a profit.Apr 02 13:23
Omar87Plus, I personally believe that too much freedom means communism, and that's not good.Apr 02 13:23
Omar87Freedom is very important, but it also has to be maintained, and managed in a productive and safe way.Apr 02 13:24
oiaohmGoogle problem is lot of the fields they are in don't have good regulation.Apr 02 13:24
MinceRlolApr 02 13:24
oiaohmSo they have to make it up on the fly.Apr 02 13:24
*Narcissus (n=Narcissu@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 02 13:24
MinceROmar87: which sense of "communism" is that?Apr 02 13:24
oiaohmSometimes they will get it right some times they get it wrong.Apr 02 13:24
MinceROmar87: anarcho-syndicalism?Apr 02 13:24
oiaohmMS never ever bothered really trying to make up fair rules on stuff.Apr 02 13:25
NarcissusDo any of you recognise this IP address: 02 13:25
MinceRoiaohm: the problem is that google says they'll do no evil and then they go and do itApr 02 13:25
MinceRpointing at laws is no excuse for thatApr 02 13:25
MinceRanother problem is that most of their products are complete crap.Apr 02 13:25
NarcissusBecause I need to have a work with someone about it.Apr 02 13:25
oiaohmdo no evil is what they attempt to do.Apr 02 13:25
MinceR(or services)Apr 02 13:25
oiaohmIts also the define of what is evil.Apr 02 13:26
MinceRi doubt anyone can fail that hard at attempting something they want to do.Apr 02 13:26
oiaohmAnother word with really broad meanings.Apr 02 13:26
oiaohmMinceR: MS at making a Vista so that everyone like it.Apr 02 13:26
oiaohmMS kinda out did google at failing at doing something they want too.Apr 02 13:27
MinceRi doubt that m$ ever wanted to make good productsApr 02 13:27
MinceRthough you're right in that they wanted to _sell_ it as something good and they failedApr 02 13:27
oiaohmIf google did not try not to be evil they could be a really nasty company.Apr 02 13:28
oiaohmThink about all the information google has on people searching habits that could be abused.Apr 02 13:29
MinceRthey are a really nasty companyApr 02 13:29
MinceRthey do hoard all that information, and even if they don't use it yet themselves, they can be forced by law to reveal them to the authoritiesApr 02 13:29
MinceRincluding the authorities in chinaApr 02 13:29
oiaohmGoogle has fort releasing information on people.Apr 02 13:30
oiaohmThat included getting them blocked from china for a fair while.Apr 02 13:30
MinceRwell, they aren't blocked now, are they?Apr 02 13:31
oiaohmIn the in end china build in there own great firewall with monitering.Apr 02 13:31
MinceRperhaps google's idea is "do no evil, unless it's profitable to do evil"Apr 02 13:31
MinceRwhich is uselessApr 02 13:31
oiaohmSo even that google did not give over the information.Apr 02 13:31
oiaohmChina just got it another way with the help of cisco systems.Apr 02 13:32
schestowitzNarcissus: what's the DNS host corresponding to?Apr 02 13:32
NarcissusServer: 02 13:33
NarcissusAddress: 02 13:33
NarcissusNon-authoritative answer:Apr 02 13:33 = 02 13:33
NarcissusAuthoritative answers can be found from:Apr 02 13:33 = 02 13:33 = 02 13:33
NarcissusPTR1.DIMENOC.cominternet address = 02 13:33
NarcissusPTR2.DIMENOC.cominternet address = 02 13:33
Narcissus'scuse the spam, I just did exec -o by mistake >_<Apr 02 13:33
schestowitzWhat's this IP done?Apr 02 13:34
NarcissusIt persistantly spams my blog with links to here.Apr 02 13:34
schestowitzWhich blog?Apr 02 13:34
NarcissusPM?Apr 02 13:34
schestowitzIf we discuss your blog, then it pings.Apr 02 13:34
schestowitzYou don't need to accept it, it's not automated either.Apr 02 13:35
oiaohmGoogle idea is to do no evil.  The problem is the define of evil.   Not everyone defines what is evil the same MinceRApr 02 13:35
schestowitzIt merely informs, based on the way WordPress functionsApr 02 13:35
schestowitzNarcissus: if you tell me which blog you are, we sure won't mention you again. :-)Apr 02 13:36
Narcissusbut schestowitz I am also getting many other comments via spam, and that 207.218 address is responsible for quite a few of them. The majority of which are unsolicited crap which falls within the juristiction of CAN-SPAM Act 2003Apr 02 13:37
MinceRoiaohm: so they redefine it and effectively lie to us?Apr 02 13:37
schestowitzNarcissus: I can't recall seeing it... maybe some recent post?Apr 02 13:37
NarcissusIf I were you, I would turn off whatever is doing that to Wordpress blogs. As others may not be as... understanding... as I can be.Apr 02 13:38
schestowitzNarcissus: pingback or E-mail?Apr 02 13:38
NarcissusIt is pointless softwareApr 02 13:38
schestowitzI'm not following.Apr 02 13:38

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