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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 5th, 2009 - Part 2


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DaemonFCEverything Microsoft has done with Windows has been counterfeit MacApr 05 09:57
DaemonFCwhy not counterfeit PS3 and iPod?Apr 05 09:57
schestowitzDone.Apr 05 09:57
schestowitzPoorlyApr 05 09:57
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 09:57
schestowitzReporter's notebook: Sundown for Sun? < >Apr 05 09:57
DaemonFCI won't be sorry to see Sun goApr 05 09:58
DaemonFCmaybe IBM will even license ZFS underl GPL license or somethingApr 05 09:58
DaemonFCwould be niceApr 05 09:58
schestowitzMicrosoft is going titsup tooApr 05 09:58
DaemonFCdoubt itApr 05 09:58
schestowitzEven Allen's company. 05 09:58
schestowitz 05 09:59
DaemonFCthey could burn through cash for 20 years and still be aroundApr 05 09:59
schestowitzEven Dvorak slams Microsoft's prospects now. 05 09:59
DaemonFCthat's if they wren't making any moneyApr 05 09:59
schestowitzDaemonFC: Microsoft can't buirn cashApr 05 10:00
schestowitzIt's pretty much in debt (or almost there)Apr 05 10:00
schestowitzMicrosoft allows HP to wipe Windows 7 with XP through 2010 < >Apr 05 10:00
DaemonFCAndroid can't be a bad thingApr 05 10:00
DaemonFCit's pretty much all GPL'dApr 05 10:00
schestowitzThey just try to get cheap labour now: 05 10:00
DaemonFCI fail to see how it's any worse than any other Linux distroApr 05 10:00
oiaohmIt will be sad to see sun go.Apr 05 10:00
schestowitzMicrosoft sells a 'kidney' for cash: 05 10:01
DaemonFCoiaohm: Why?Apr 05 10:01
schestowitzSPARCApr 05 10:01
DaemonFCTo see a GPL-hostile company bought by one of the top 5 Linux contributers?Apr 05 10:01
DaemonFChow can that possibly be worse?Apr 05 10:01
oiaohmSun has always been a company who always had fatures ahead of the time.Apr 05 10:01
schestowitzNintendo, Microsoft at bottom of Greenpeace guide < >Apr 05 10:01
DaemonFCmost of Sun's software is slow, bloated, and functionally obsoleteApr 05 10:02
DaemonFCZFS is really the only thing on Solaris that's worth anythingApr 05 10:02
oiaohmThese days yes DaemonFCApr 05 10:02
oiaohmContainer tech is solarias.Apr 05 10:02
DaemonFCLinux is getting containersApr 05 10:03
oiaohmHow long has sun had them.Apr 05 10:03
DaemonFCand blows Solaris out of the waterApr 05 10:03
DaemonFCeven on JAVA benchmarksApr 05 10:03
oiaohmIts like ZFSApr 05 10:03
oiaohmZFS most likely will not be around long term but is has sporned better designs in filesystems.Apr 05 10:03
DaemonFCThere's 10 reasons to go Linux for every reason to go SolarisApr 05 10:03
oiaohmSun has alway brought new features into the IT world.Apr 05 10:04
oiaohmOk at first not perfect.Apr 05 10:04
DaemonFCI really see BtrFS as too bloated and top heavy for a desktop systemApr 05 10:04
DaemonFCbut maybe if you need geewhizbang featuresApr 05 10:04
oiaohmHeck even MS networking protocal for filesharing started life at microsoft.Apr 05 10:04
oiaohmBtrFS snapshotting feature is useful for the careless.Apr 05 10:04
oiaohmNOt SMB protocal that MS network is based on is from SUN.Apr 05 10:05
oiaohmLot of key events in computer history would not have happened when they did without SUN.Apr 05 10:06
oiaohmI am going to miss that hopefully another company takes there place.Apr 05 10:06
DaemonFCThe UNIX Haters Handbook had a whole chapter on NFSApr 05 10:07
DaemonFCthey called it Nightmare File SystemApr 05 10:07
DaemonFCa lot of what the UNIX Haters Handbook complained about in 1994 is still valid with regards to modern UNIX and UNIX clonesApr 05 10:08
oiaohmMost large Linux setups don't use it.Apr 05 10:10
DaemonFCthey mentioned how different UNIX systems were so incompatible that companies would often just choose DOS or Windows, horrible as they were, because they were consistentApr 05 10:10
oiaohmYes writen pre 2001 posix agreement of course.Apr 05 10:11
DaemonFCthey gave one example about how the company the guy worked for had a test program that he was trying to compile and run on different UNIX systems, and he got to XENIX and it wouldn't even compileApr 05 10:11
DaemonFCcause there was a bug in the compilerApr 05 10:11
oiaohmYou do know that Linux System Calls are the offical standard for cross platform Unix binaries.Apr 05 10:11
DaemonFCthere are no standards in softwareApr 05 10:12
oiaohmSo it is possiable to release a single binary that runs on everything Linux BSD and Unix.Apr 05 10:12
DaemonFCthere are specifications that are often implemented incorrectlyApr 05 10:12
DaemonFCor have room for interpretationApr 05 10:12
oiaohmNot this case.Apr 05 10:12
DaemonFCthat doesn't mean there is a standardApr 05 10:12
oiaohmSo registering with ISO does not count.Apr 05 10:13
DaemonFCBSD has to have an emulator for Linux system callsApr 05 10:13
oiaohmBSD has to other wise its not Unix class.Apr 05 10:13
DaemonFCif you don't have that, a lot of Linux stuff won't run, unmodifiedApr 05 10:13
DaemonFCLinux does a lot of non-standard thingsApr 05 10:13
DaemonFCand other systems have to mimic the incorrect behaviors of LinuxApr 05 10:14
oiaohmDo you know why Linux got the standard.Apr 05 10:14
oiaohmNot some other Unix.Apr 05 10:14
DaemonFCLinux is not a standardApr 05 10:14
oiaohmSimple fact even that Linux system calls might do strange things they are constant.Apr 05 10:14
oiaohmAbout it.Apr 05 10:14
DaemonFCAnyone who says standard and software in the same sentence is smoking crackApr 05 10:14
oiaohmEver since the system call was added to the Linux kernel.Apr 05 10:15
oiaohmOther Unix system calls have altered over time what they do.Apr 05 10:15
DaemonFCLinux makes a poor system to try and standardizeApr 05 10:15
oiaohmNo it does not.Apr 05 10:15
DaemonFCbecause every thing abotu Linux defies standardizationApr 05 10:15
oiaohmsyscalls don't.Apr 05 10:16
DaemonFCLinux is nothing more than a kernel with a pile of add onsApr 05 10:16
DaemonFCFreeBSD makes a much better systemApr 05 10:16
oiaohmFreeBSD over time has changed there syscalls.Apr 05 10:16
DaemonFCin FreeBSD, everything is developed thereApr 05 10:16
oiaohmSo breaking binary compadible.Apr 05 10:16
DaemonFCit's all coherentApr 05 10:16
DaemonFCLinux is jsut a patchworkApr 05 10:16
DaemonFCyou can have wildly incompatible implementationsApr 05 10:17
oiaohmNot in syscalls.Apr 05 10:17
oiaohmIts a section of Linux that has always been costant.Apr 05 10:17
oiaohmOk internals of Linux chaos central.Apr 05 10:17
oiaohmBut the interfaces to userspace have stayed costant.Apr 05 10:18
DaemonFClike I said, Linux makes a poor system to expect standard behavior out ofApr 05 10:18
oiaohmDepends.Apr 05 10:18
DaemonFCbecause there is really no standard behaviorApr 05 10:18
oiaohmDo you want userspace binaries to run.Apr 05 10:18
DaemonFCunless you want to statically link to your own copy of everythingApr 05 10:19
oiaohmIf so Linux is perfectly fine.Apr 05 10:19
DaemonFCotherwise the only software you know wil lrun is from your distribution's repoApr 05 10:19
oiaohmLinux also support each application having its own dynamic loader.Apr 05 10:19
oiaohmSo no you don't have to static link everything.Apr 05 10:19
DaemonFCIt's what id software doesApr 05 10:19
DaemonFCit's what Opera doesApr 05 10:19
DaemonFCit's what every program that has to work between distros doesApr 05 10:20
DaemonFCcause it's the only way to make it workApr 05 10:20
oiaohmLOLApr 05 10:20
oiaohmNot every program.Apr 05 10:20
DaemonFCLinux is insane, it is not even compatible with LinuxApr 05 10:20
oiaohmThere are many appache servers with PHP.Apr 05 10:20
oiaohmfor custom webapplications that use own dynamic loader.Apr 05 10:20
DaemonFCIt's why most proprietary software avoids Linux, because they can't recompile it 100 times for every distroApr 05 10:21
oiaohmCan you document a case of Linux kernel not compadible with Linux Kernel.Apr 05 10:21
DaemonFCthen maintain the versions every time the distro upgradesApr 05 10:21
oiaohmIts the path they choose.Apr 05 10:21
oiaohmThey choose to get themselfs mixed up in the distribution mess.Apr 05 10:22
oiaohmThere is no such requirement that they have to.Apr 05 10:22
DaemonFCwell, lots of times there's no free software that is really good enough for what you want to do with itApr 05 10:22
oiaohmMostly because people like you DaemonFC spread the myth that there is no option to dynamic link.Apr 05 10:22
DaemonFCthere's no professional grade video/audio editing software for Linux, Gimp is alright but it's no photoshopApr 05 10:22
DaemonFCPeople agree with what I said or else there wouldn't be Wine and CrossoverApr 05 10:23
DaemonFCsaying "We run Photoshop!!!"Apr 05 10:23
oiaohmOk tell me why you would run professional grade video/audio or picture editing on unstable grapical system like X11.Apr 05 10:24
DaemonFCif you want it to run, you will statically link, and even that isn't a guaranteeApr 05 10:24
DaemonFCyou can still hit bugs that are in say Ubuntu, but not FedoraApr 05 10:24
EruaranCinelerraApr 05 10:25
EruaranArdourApr 05 10:25
DaemonFCEnemy Territory: Quake Wars runs fine on Ubuntu, but hits Pulseaudio bugs in FedoraApr 05 10:25
DaemonFCyou have to remove Pulseaudio in Fedora to get it to where the sound works rightApr 05 10:25
DaemonFCbut then Adobe Flash on Linux can't access your microphoneApr 05 10:25
DaemonFCso you can't use UstreamApr 05 10:25
EruaranPulseaudio should be renamed to "WhatTheHellWereWeThinking"Apr 05 10:25
DaemonFCor perhaps I should get an analog microphone even though my $70 webcam has oneApr 05 10:26
DaemonFCbecause of Linux bugs interfering with FlashApr 05 10:26
DaemonFCAdobe says they're working on it, so we'll seeApr 05 10:27
EruaranPulseaudio is not running on my systemApr 05 10:27
DaemonFCI've got the newest PulseaudioApr 05 10:28
DaemonFCit's not giving me troublesApr 05 10:28
DaemonFCthe one that comes with Ubuntu Jaunty is hell on wheels thoughApr 05 10:28
DaemonFCB-)Apr 05 10:28
EruaranKubuntu doesn't come with Pulseaudio installedApr 05 10:29
DaemonFCI may as well just fork Ubuntu and distribute something that makes senseApr 05 10:29
DaemonFCbut I can't afford to pay the LSB mafia peopleApr 05 10:29
DaemonFCso I'm screwedApr 05 10:30
DaemonFCright oiaohm?Apr 05 10:30
Eruaranpay ?Apr 05 10:30
DaemonFCyeah, LSB is a payola systemApr 05 10:30
DaemonFCEruaran: Kubuntu has PulseaudioApr 05 10:31
DaemonFCXubuntu doesn'tApr 05 10:31
EruaranI'm using Kubuntu 9.04 beta1Apr 05 10:31
DaemonFCno, you're on the daily buildApr 05 10:32
DaemonFCapt will upgrade you to the snapshot day by dayApr 05 10:32
EruaranIt has libpulse0 and nothing elseApr 05 10:32
DaemonFCyeah, but without Pulseaudio, you're left with shitty audio support that belongs in 1995Apr 05 10:33
EruaranI'm happy with the way my system is workingApr 05 10:34
DaemonFCyeah, try using a microphoneApr 05 10:34
DaemonFCor multiple sound streamsApr 05 10:34
DaemonFCALSA just can't handle anything you'd expect in a modern systemApr 05 10:35
DaemonFCwithout PulseApr 05 10:35
DaemonFCbefore Pulse, Linux audio was a clusterfuck where programs would conflict with each other if they tried to access the sound card at the same timeApr 05 10:36
DaemonFCit was fairly awfulApr 05 10:36
EruaranArdour works fineApr 05 10:36
DaemonFCKDE has Phonon which alleviates some of thatApr 05 10:36
EruaranI really don't need someone else to tell me what my requirements are or that I cant do what I'm already doing...Apr 05 10:38
EruaranArdour uses jackApr 05 10:38
MinceRDaemonFC: try alsa and dmix. :>Apr 05 10:38
DaemonFCthen build your own systemApr 05 10:38
DaemonFCLinux From Scratch maybe?Apr 05 10:39
oiaohmDaemonFC If bugs in Ubuntu and Fedora caused stuff not to work I would not be able to use intergrated systems using openvzApr 05 10:39
oiaohmIe massive numbers of distributions stacked onto 1 kernel.Apr 05 10:39
DaemonFCno matter what distro you use, they all have bugs and quirks, and odditiesApr 05 10:39
DaemonFCthat don't happen anywhere elseApr 05 10:39
oiaohmpulseaudio itself is  troubles.Apr 05 10:39
EruaranThat applies to all operating systems.Apr 05 10:39
oiaohmDaemonFC: you have to be aware its nothing strange for me to have 12 different distributions running on 1 Linux kernel.Apr 05 10:40
oiaohmWithout having to alter any of them.Apr 05 10:40
oiaohmOther than removing pulseaudio.Apr 05 10:40
oiaohmThat is quite minor incompadiblely really.Apr 05 10:40
DaemonFC 05 10:41
oiaohmYou ar trying to argue there is large incompadiblity there when there is not.Apr 05 10:41
DaemonFCyou're talking about lobotomizing Linux audio back to the point where it's about as capable as Windows 3.1Apr 05 10:42
DaemonFCeven Windows 95 handled multiple streams better than Linux can without a sound server like PulseApr 05 10:42
oiaohmBecause it need to be cut off because pulseaudio design is crap.Apr 05 10:42
oiaohmdmix supports multiable streams.Apr 05 10:43
oiaohmOnly major difference between dmix and pulseaudio is per application volume control.Apr 05 10:43
DaemonFCI'm not saying that Pulseaudio is not a buggy pile of shitApr 05 10:43
EruaranIf you're really interested in pro-audio then you want good hardware for it and for it to simply be supported under LinuxApr 05 10:43
DaemonFCI'm saying Linux is even worse without itApr 05 10:43
oiaohmJack is the sound server for pro audio work.Apr 05 10:43
EruaranFrom the Ardour site:Apr 05 10:44
Eruaran"For high-end use, the RME Hammerfall series and the M-Audio Delta series are both recommended choices. These devices are well-supported under Linux"Apr 05 10:44
oiaohmPulseaudio is a poorly designed to be userfriendly.Apr 05 10:44
oiaohmMajor feature addes of Pulseaudio is network sound and per application volume control.Apr 05 10:44
oiaohmBut that is really not worth the extream instablity pulseaudio gives.Apr 05 10:45
oiaohmPulseaudio should sit on the edges for a few more years until they get the major bugs out.Apr 05 10:45
oiaohmUbuntu mostly added Pulseaudio so they could have the feature of vista of per application volume control.Apr 05 10:47
oiaohmIs per application volume control worth the instablity DaemonFC.Apr 05 10:47
DaemonFCit's not just thatApr 05 10:47
*Eruaran ( has left #boycottnovell (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")Apr 05 10:47
oiaohmThat is all Pulseaudio really offer.Apr 05 10:47
DaemonFCPulseaudio is the only thing that can properly route sound streams to the proper deviceApr 05 10:48
oiaohmCompared to its competor interface gstreamer.Apr 05 10:48
DaemonFCif I wanted a stupid audio system from 1995, I'd use DebianApr 05 10:48
oiaohmThat does not run a sound server at all.Apr 05 10:48
oiaohmIf your applications need the support of the features Pulseaudio offers you are better to use gstreamer to get them.Apr 05 10:49
DaemonFCthe best thing to do is use the latest PulseaudioApr 05 10:49
oiaohmOther than per application volume control.Apr 05 10:49
DaemonFCPulseaudio fixes so many problemsApr 05 10:49
oiaohmSo does gstreamer.Apr 05 10:49
DaemonFCremoving it lobotomizes the audio stackApr 05 10:49
oiaohmHave you ever bother comparing them.Apr 05 10:49
DaemonFCWithout it, I'd rather install and use Windows 95Apr 05 10:50
DaemonFCas far as audio capabilityApr 05 10:50
oiaohmgstreamer low lagacy audio that will truely happen.Apr 05 10:50
oiaohmNo need for audio to go through two process streams to get out.Apr 05 10:50
oiaohmSo you can give application real time performance settings and it works.Apr 05 10:51
oiaohmCompared to pulseaudio where server and application are fighting for cpu time.Apr 05 10:51
oiaohmBasically it don't work.Apr 05 10:51
oiaohmEven jack has its limitations.Apr 05 10:51
oiaohmMain reason for jack existance is to work as a patch table between applications.Apr 05 10:52
oiaohmSound server doing that job can work.Apr 05 10:52
oiaohmHigh grade audio you want the least ammount of crap between you and the sound card.Apr 05 10:52
oiaohmYou don't want prep work for network sending done if you are not network sending.  You don't want extra mixing.  Lot of features pulse is adding stuffed any chance of well performing audio out.Apr 05 10:53
oiaohmPulseaudio is nothing more than middle ground tech that is not really needed.Apr 05 10:54
oiaohmIt has the same error that has fucked X11 for years.Apr 05 10:55
oiaohmAre you that foolish that you cannot see it DaemonFCApr 05 10:55
DaemonFCEvery distribution is including PulseaudioApr 05 10:56
oiaohmHow to bring old style X11 to its kness.   Give X11 low cpu access piority and applications high.Apr 05 10:56
DaemonFCbecause it's better than having apps fighting each other for the sound systemApr 05 10:56
DaemonFCand simply crashingApr 05 10:56
oiaohmNot every distribution activates it stuplidy by default.Apr 05 10:56
oiaohmDmix sorts out applications fighting for sound.Apr 05 10:56
DaemonFCYou're right, there are distros like Debian that don't know how to access my headsetApr 05 10:57
oiaohmOnly distributions that remove dmix like ubuntu have problems with pulseaudio removed.Apr 05 10:57
DaemonFCthen when I get it working, route half the audio to my sound card anywayApr 05 10:57
oiaohmIts a caused problem.Apr 05 10:57
oiaohmPulseaudio it a sitting duck.Apr 05 10:58
oiaohmIts design makes it such.Apr 05 10:58
oiaohmRemoving it and forcing people to go back to the drawing board and come up with a design that could work will have to happen at some point.Apr 05 10:59
schestowitzDaemonFC: funny that you say nothing about Vista and Vista7's bad audio stackApr 05 11:01
schestowitzDRM rendered it junk.Apr 05 11:01
DaemonFCVista's audio stack is preferable to Linux with no PulseaudioApr 05 11:03
DaemonFCLinux with no Pulseaudio no workyApr 05 11:03
DaemonFCeither that or you have to stand on your head to get it to do simple tasksApr 05 11:03
DaemonFClike using the headsetApr 05 11:04
schestowitzWorks for meApr 05 11:04
schestowitzYou must be using something archaicApr 05 11:04
DaemonFCeven Vista can use the headset without me screwing around with asoundconf set-default-card, editing three configuration files, and logging out and back inApr 05 11:04
DaemonFCthen reversing that to get my sound card to work againApr 05 11:05
DaemonFCPulseaudio is smart enough to see that I have the headset plugged in and switch to thatApr 05 11:05
DaemonFCgee, wow, a sound system that belongs in the 21st centuryApr 05 11:05
DaemonFChow nice!Apr 05 11:05
DaemonFCbut if you prefer a sound system from 1995, by all means, it's your systemApr 05 11:06
oiaohmSimple point here do you want another X11 fuck up DaemonFCApr 05 11:07
DaemonFChow is my X server fucked up?Apr 05 11:07
DaemonFCdo tellApr 05 11:07
oiaohmX11 design of DRI 1Apr 05 11:07
oiaohmIs completely screwed up.Apr 05 11:08
oiaohmPulseaudio is basically audio replication of it.Apr 05 11:08
DaemonFCI'd rather deal with Pulseaudio bugs than ALSA without PulseaudioApr 05 11:08
DaemonFCwhich is pure dogshitApr 05 11:08
MinceRubuntu removes dmix? strange, mine didn't.Apr 05 11:08
oiaohmNot all audio cards need dmix MinceRApr 05 11:08
MinceRi'm pretty sure intel hda doesApr 05 11:08
MinceRsince it doesn't work with some games using OSS like Unreal Tournament.Apr 05 11:09
DaemonFCryan@ryan-desktop:~$ lsmod |grep hda_intelApr 05 11:09
DaemonFCsnd_hda_intel          29384  2Apr 05 11:09
oiaohmDRI 1 major design flaw.Apr 05 11:09
DaemonFCoh geeApr 05 11:09
oiaohmIs that everything has to go through X11 server.Apr 05 11:09
oiaohmEven if X11 server alterations are not required.Apr 05 11:10
MinceRand so does the AudioTrak Prodigy 7.1 HiFiApr 05 11:10
DaemonFCyeah, though if you have $100 to give me, I'll go out and buy a card with proper hardware mixingApr 05 11:10
oiaohmDRI 1Apr 05 11:10
DaemonFC:)Apr 05 11:10
oiaohmsuxs because of it.Apr 05 11:10
MinceRDaemonFC: or you could just use dmix.Apr 05 11:10
oiaohmDRI 2 differnce is lower subsystems and upper level works as one.Apr 05 11:10
MinceRespecially with a distro that enables it by default. :>Apr 05 11:10
DaemonFCthat's the thingApr 05 11:11
DaemonFCGentoo is insaneApr 05 11:11
DaemonFCI hate RPMApr 05 11:11
oiaohmSo when something does not need X11 alterations it can go straight past X11.Apr 05 11:11
oiaohmStraight to the hardware.Apr 05 11:11
DaemonFCand Debian is fucking old and bizarreApr 05 11:11
MinceRkubuntu works for meApr 05 11:11
DaemonFCthat leaves UbuntuApr 05 11:11
MinceRafaik debian isn't so old nowadaysApr 05 11:11
oiaohmSo way lower lagApr 05 11:11
DaemonFCDebian is using an old kernel, if you build 2.6.29, it comes up with no sound somehowApr 05 11:12
DaemonFCfuck if I knowApr 05 11:12
oiaohmThat is strange sound here works perfectly with 2.6.29 and debian.Apr 05 11:12
MinceReven if it isn't enabled, you could configure it.Apr 05 11:12
DaemonFCand the version of GNOME it is using has old programs that don't like my hardware, webcam for instanceApr 05 11:12
DaemonFCCheese crashes and won't access itApr 05 11:12
DaemonFCCamorama crashes and won't access itApr 05 11:13
oiaohmSome how you must have missed ticked something like disablign audio completely in kernel DaemonFCApr 05 11:13
oiaohmIts only 1 check box.Apr 05 11:13
DaemonFCeven though it is fully UVC compliantApr 05 11:13
DaemonFCand no other distro chokes on itApr 05 11:13
DaemonFChow the fuck do you miss that?Apr 05 11:13
DaemonFCit's importing the config file of the running kernel?Apr 05 11:13
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 11:13
DaemonFCit should support anything the running kernel doesApr 05 11:14
oiaohmIf ubuntu had not altered the name of the audio setting for a few sound cards.Apr 05 11:14
oiaohmIt would work.Apr 05 11:14
DaemonFCI have no idea what Debian is thinking, but it's full of bugs and completely inappropriate for a desktopApr 05 11:14
oiaohmDebian is slightly different.Apr 05 11:14
oiaohmWatch that you did not import server kernel settings.Apr 05 11:15
DaemonFCDebian defaults to server settingsApr 05 11:15
oiaohmAudio there required modprobing a few more modules.Apr 05 11:15
DaemonFCI know how to compile a kernelApr 05 11:15
DaemonFCI also know that Debian's kernel is fuckedApr 05 11:15
oiaohmIts not the worse kernel out there.Apr 05 11:16
DaemonFCwell, I'm sure it isn'tApr 05 11:16
DaemonFCbut it's one of the more ridiculous ones I've seenApr 05 11:16
oiaohmAt least debian building is not a wall of error messages.Apr 05 11:16
oiaohmLike fedoras.Apr 05 11:17
oiaohmLast count when I built Fedoras was 30000 error messages.Apr 05 11:17
oiaohmcorrection warning messages.Apr 05 11:17
oiaohmYou are wondering how in crap it runs.Apr 05 11:17
DaemonFCoh, there's tones of compiler warnings on Debian and UbuntuApr 05 11:17
DaemonFCare you kidding me?Apr 05 11:17
oiaohmNop.Apr 05 11:17
DaemonFC*tonsApr 05 11:17
oiaohmDebian and Ubuntu have less than Fedora.Apr 05 11:18
DaemonFChahApr 05 11:18
DaemonFCdoubt thatApr 05 11:18
oiaohmThere are lessApr 05 11:18
oiaohmFedora currently holds the record for them.Apr 05 11:18
DaemonFCI really really doubt thatApr 05 11:18
DaemonFCthere's enough compiler warnings building a vanilla kernel to scare anyoneApr 05 11:18
DaemonFChow could Fedora be worse?Apr 05 11:19
oiaohmRemember Fedora has more patches not approved for main branch.Apr 05 11:19
oiaohmThan any other kernel.Apr 05 11:19
DaemonFCyeah, well, Red Hat is probably the largest corporate contributor to LinuxApr 05 11:19
oiaohmIts like this is a prototype feature lets add it anyhow.Apr 05 11:19
DaemonFCover 70% of Linux development is done by paid programmersApr 05 11:19
oiaohmNot like anyone using fedora for anything important.Apr 05 11:19
DaemonFCworking at companiesApr 05 11:19
DaemonFCIt's how things get doneApr 05 11:20
DaemonFCjust be happy that it's getting doneApr 05 11:20
DaemonFCand watch the blinkenlightsApr 05 11:20
oiaohmvanilla kernel warning numbers are fairly low.Apr 05 11:20
DaemonFCbullApr 05 11:20
oiaohmI mean in type DaemonFCApr 05 11:21
oiaohmFedora has wrong struct to wrong struct messages and all.Apr 05 11:21
oiaohmStuff that if it still works its more good luck than good coding.Apr 05 11:22
DaemonFCFedora is not unreliableApr 05 11:22
DaemonFCmost bugs are trivial and fixed soonApr 05 11:22
oiaohmDid you skip building the stuff in the crap tree with the vanillla.Apr 05 11:23
DaemonFCa distro like Ubuntu just commits to the same set of bugsApr 05 11:23
DaemonFCfor the next 6 monthsApr 05 11:23
oiaohm95 percent of the messages in vanilla come from the staging tree.Apr 05 11:23
DaemonFCI don't build staging driversApr 05 11:23
oiaohmDrivers put forward to be looked at and cleaned up.Apr 05 11:23
DaemonFCI don't have any hardware that needs themApr 05 11:23
DaemonFCand they taint the kernelApr 05 11:23
DaemonFCI've built my kernel to have the lowest latency I can getApr 05 11:25
DaemonFCso that timer-based Pulseaudio becomes desirableApr 05 11:25
oiaohmSo its built with real-time tree merged.Apr 05 11:25
oiaohmOr not that far on lowest latency.Apr 05 11:25
DaemonFCthe latency on a default Ubuntu kernel is awfulApr 05 11:26
DaemonFCthey compile it to get good battery life even though you're probably not on a laptopApr 05 11:26
DaemonFCso they have less kernels to maintainApr 05 11:26
oiaohmSo you mean the tickless kernel that pulseaudio hates.Apr 05 11:27
oiaohmReally like to know why jackaudio works fine with it and pulseaudio has issues.Apr 05 11:27
DaemonFCI disabled ticklessApr 05 11:27
DaemonFCiccckthApr 05 11:27
DaemonFCwho cares?Apr 05 11:27
DaemonFCTickless is fucking stupidApr 05 11:27
oiaohmThinking both provides real time audio siupport.Apr 05 11:27
DaemonFCif you're not using a laptopApr 05 11:27
oiaohmPulseaudio not working with it is a coding defect in pulseaudio,Apr 05 11:28
DaemonFCAgain with the I don't want Tickless anywayApr 05 11:28
oiaohmBecause tickless should be having no effect.Apr 05 11:28
DaemonFCso I don't care why Pulse hates itApr 05 11:28
DaemonFC0.9.15 works about as well either wayApr 05 11:28
DaemonFCbut I don't want TicklessApr 05 11:28
oiaohmBecause tickless will become important when other real time support features get added.Apr 05 11:29
DaemonFCtickless jsut causes latency and other undesirable behaviorApr 05 11:29
oiaohmYes features that completely shatter pulseaudio.Apr 05 11:29
oiaohmThat tickless does not happen says you have informed kernel of needApr 05 11:29
oiaohmPulseaudio is failing to do that for some reason.Apr 05 11:29
DaemonFCI disabled Tickless and set HZ=1000Apr 05 11:29
oiaohmIf you don't inform kernel of need something with high access rights to you with real time can push your process of the ticker any how.Apr 05 11:30
oiaohmSo you don't run a real time patched kernel so never have seen that.Apr 05 11:30
DaemonFCmeh, I'm used to working around various stupidityApr 05 11:30
DaemonFCdisabling Speedstep for exampleApr 05 11:30
DaemonFChave to do that or it won't allow my overclockingApr 05 11:31
oiaohmGuess what linked to why Tickless stops.Apr 05 11:31
oiaohmSame defect.Apr 05 11:31
oiaohmYou are patching stacks and stacks of places.Apr 05 11:31
oiaohmFix 1 place make about 4 disappear.Apr 05 11:31
oiaohmFrom ever being a problem.Apr 05 11:31
DaemonFCCPU Frequency scaling doesn't save powerApr 05 11:31
DaemonFCit just lowers the CPU tempApr 05 11:31
oiaohmand guess what.Apr 05 11:32
oiaohmLinux kernel only uses it for CPU over temp.Apr 05 11:32
oiaohmInstead it uses tickless to save power.Apr 05 11:32
DaemonFCGNOME scales it On DemandApr 05 11:32
DaemonFCno matter what the kernel defaults toApr 05 11:32
DaemonFCthose stupid fucks at GNOMEApr 05 11:32
DaemonFCgrrrApr 05 11:32
oiaohmThe interface for userspace is being removed.Apr 05 11:33
DaemonFCthank godApr 05 11:33
DaemonFCit should NEVER be handed to user spaceApr 05 11:33
oiaohmYou can also block it by changing permissions in proc.Apr 05 11:33
DaemonFCI disabled Speedstep in the BIOSApr 05 11:33
DaemonFClets see GNOME overrule me nowApr 05 11:33
DaemonFCB-)Apr 05 11:33
oiaohmI added a selinux rule.Apr 05 11:34
DaemonFCI could have also removed it from the kernelApr 05 11:34
oiaohmNothing may access that file.Apr 05 11:34
DaemonFCCPU Frequency scaling is stupidApr 05 11:34
oiaohmYet it still allows kernel to use it in case of overheat.Apr 05 11:34
DaemonFCwell, all it sees in my case is 1.6 and 1.87 GhzApr 05 11:36
DaemonFCeven though I set the BIOS to overclock the CPUApr 05 11:36
DaemonFCto 2.33 GhzApr 05 11:36
DaemonFCso if I have it enabled at all it scales the CPU to one of those twoApr 05 11:36
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 05 11:41
oiaohmOk that is stupid.Apr 05 11:45
oiaohmPerson wondering why Linux kernel is steeping in of course it will.Apr 05 11:45
schestowitzRandy passed away.. 05 12:36
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 05 13:02
oiaohmHe is going to be missed.Apr 05 13:04
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 13:04
schestowitzit's an example of a person who saw fame just before dying (or after)Apr 05 13:13
schestowitzEric Blair is another exampleApr 05 13:13
schestowitzmaybe Alan Turing tooApr 05 13:14
schestowitzbblApr 05 13:29
oiaohmEven before he was dieing some of his write up on things were great.Apr 05 13:30
oiaohmKnown to be dead man walking does have some advantages.Apr 05 13:35
oiaohmLike finding out how famous you are.Apr 05 13:36
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 05 13:45
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 13:47
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 05 14:09
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 14:28
_Hicham_Hi Roy!Apr 05 14:28
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 14:30
*Narcissus (n=Narcissu@ has left #boycottnovellApr 05 14:40
_Hicham_is there anyone in the room?Apr 05 14:54
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 05 15:16
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 15:29
schestowitzI'll do some Microsoft postsApr 05 16:00
schestowitzThey are deeply screwed this week,.Apr 05 16:00
EruaranReally ?Apr 05 16:12
schestowitzyes, I'll do postsApr 05 16:18
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 16:22
_Hicham_hi thereApr 05 16:24
schestowitzHeyApr 05 16:29
_Hicham_how r u doing Roy?Apr 05 16:30
_Hicham_did u go to the gym?Apr 05 16:30
schestowitzYesApr 05 16:37
_Hicham_did u ever try 05 16:41
schestowitzOK, done. Microsoft is sliding pretty steadily.. 05 16:48
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes, I know BytehostApr 05 16:48
_Hicham_how do u rate it?Apr 05 16:48
EruaranI myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is. I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat. - Rebecca West, 1913Apr 05 16:56
Omar87By the way! I was surprised today that finally, a university in Jordan has officially opened a Python course.. ! :)Apr 05 16:58
Omar87I was so amazed! :DApr 05 16:58
schestowitz_Hicham_: it's considered good.Apr 05 16:59
schestowitzOmar87: about time.Apr 05 17:00
schestowitzI'm only getting started on Microsoft. There's more: 05 17:00
schestowitzThat last one uses rubbish figures, but nonetheless..Apr 05 17:00
_Hicham_schestowitz : it has a 50 MB database, and 5GB of disk storageApr 05 17:05
_Hicham_all for freeApr 05 17:05
Omar87schestowitz: Excuse me?Apr 05 17:08
EruaranI find Microsoft's "Stirling" a fascinating idea...Apr 05 17:21
EruaranFascinating that this corporation won't make a reasonably secure operating system but will enter that false economy of which the likes of Norton 360 are a part, with its own product for their own platform...Apr 05 17:22
EruaranIf they ever do release it I think history will judge it as one of the most bizarre and topsy turvy moments in IT historyApr 05 17:23
_Hicham_Microsoft already have OneCare suiteApr 05 17:25
_Hicham_which works on their Windows Live Toolbar when browsing with Internet ExplorerApr 05 17:25
schestowitzOmar87: I'm just doing many posts about MSFT ATMApr 05 17:27
schestowitzEruaran: Linux has had "Stirling" since 1991Apr 05 17:27
schestowitzIt was free, tooApr 05 17:27
EruaranOneCare was discontinuedApr 05 17:31
EruaranI think I'm a bit unclear on what "Stirling" is... Is it a standalone thing like any of the security suites for Windows ?Apr 05 17:43
_Hicham_nothing will beat big suitesApr 05 17:47
_Hicham_like KISApr 05 17:47
schestowitzI wrote a quick update on ways in which Microsoft harms the US: 05 17:52
schestowitzThe joys of Apple: 05 17:59
EruaranSo much for freewheeling capitalism...Apr 05 18:17
EruaranOr a fee marketApr 05 18:17
_Hicham_Linux needs gamesApr 05 18:18
_Hicham_more games bundlingApr 05 18:18
_Hicham_I mean commercial onesApr 05 18:18
schestowitzEruaran: if not good for the telecom cartelApr 05 18:18
schestowitzSo it should be bannedApr 05 18:18
schestowitzsame with the InternetApr 05 18:19
schestowitzIt's bad.Apr 05 18:19
schestowitzFor newspapers, the copyright cartel...Apr 05 18:19
schestowitzNow, Luddites couldn't destroy those machines, could they?Apr 05 18:19
schestowitzMonopolising people's speech for profit... now we have the Internet for chatApr 05 18:19
EruaranThey think they have some God given right to rule, suppressing disruptive technologies if they think they can.Apr 05 18:20
schestowitzYesApr 05 18:20
schestowitzMicrosoft tooApr 05 18:21
schestowitzThey use patents to enforce itApr 05 18:21
schestowitzMicrosoft invented the GUI, the word processor, the Internet and the file systemApr 05 18:21
schestowitzSo Linux should just vanishApr 05 18:21
EruaranI'd like to see Android on lots of new phonesApr 05 18:24
EruaranAnd the Android Marketplace kill Apples App StoreApr 05 18:25
EruaranBreak that controlling nonsenseApr 05 18:25
schestowitzHow libre is it really?Apr 05 18:31
schestowitzI get the impression that Google locks down Linux, and it also excludes GNU and polices what goes on phones.Apr 05 18:32
EruaranI read the license agreementApr 05 18:32
EruaranFor contributing to Android itselfApr 05 18:32
EruaranIt seemed okApr 05 18:33
EruaranIt included a clause that basically said that if any contributor tries to sue or act against another on the grounds of patents... basically infiltrate and try and attack from within, they lose commit rightsApr 05 18:34
EruaranGoogle acts as a gatekeeperApr 05 18:34
EruaranIf someone has a claim against another contributor they can't joinApr 05 18:35
EruaranSo basically you can't attack it and be part of it at the same timeApr 05 18:36
Eruarankind of GPLv3ishApr 05 18:36
EruaranI should probably have another look at itApr 05 18:37
EruaranBut it seemed ok at the time when I read itApr 05 18:38
schestowitzI think there was a controversy, but maybe it was Chrome. Some EULA was changed.Apr 05 18:38
Eruaranthat was ChromeApr 05 18:38
schestowitzWindows/Office users are naked [SFW]: 05 18:39
schestowitzEruaran: I know about Chrome, but I think there was something about Android too. iPhone had several (NDA issue for starters)Apr 05 18:39
Eruaran 05 18:42
Eruaran 05 18:42
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 18:44
*DaemonFC has quit (Client Quit)Apr 05 18:47
EruaranGoogle seems to favor the Apache 2.0 licenseApr 05 18:49
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 18:49
schestowitzGoogle loves ApacheApr 05 18:52
schestowitzIBM loves Eclipse licenceApr 05 18:52
schestowitzSun loves CDDLApr 05 18:52
schestowitzMicrosoft loves proprietary (and ms-[trojan])Apr 05 18:52
EruaranMicrosoft loves Poisoned SourceApr 05 18:52
EruaranCall it the "MSPSL"Apr 05 18:53
Eruaran"MSPSL: You code, we own, you pay us to own your code or we sue".Apr 05 18:54
schestowitz"Gun control has not worked in D.C. The only people who have guns are criminals. We have the strictest gun laws in the nation and one of the highest murder rates. It's quicker to pull your Smith & Wesson than to dial 911 if you're being robbed."Apr 05 19:08
DaemonFCTrigger happy lunaticsApr 05 19:08
DaemonFCthe NRA and their damned lobbyistsApr 05 19:08
DaemonFCthey jsut want to sell guns to both the criminals and the peopel that now "need protection"Apr 05 19:09
DaemonFCeither way, they winApr 05 19:09
DaemonFCwho cares who gets murdered?Apr 05 19:09
schestowitz"More and more I come to value charity and love of one's fellow being above everything else... All our lauded technological progress--our very civilization--is like the axe in the hand of the pathological criminal." --Albert EinsteinApr 05 19:09
DaemonFCthey'll supply both sides cause they make the moneyApr 05 19:09
DaemonFCand they're not the ones being murderedApr 05 19:09
DaemonFCthe NRA is the most despicable group of fascist fringe lunatics this side of organized ChristianityApr 05 19:10
Eruaran?Apr 05 19:10
schestowitzMinceR: Memories of Microsoft corruption in Hungary: 05 19:13
DaemonFCschestowitz: Novell claims to have usability focus groupsApr 05 19:16
DaemonFCso where did they get SLAB, Yast2, and the GNOEM Control Panel they use?Apr 05 19:16
DaemonFCit's more like Choose Your Own AdventureApr 05 19:16
DaemonFCI was working on an OpenSuse 11.1 system the other day and I couldn't find *anything* because it was so poorly laid outApr 05 19:17
EruaranThat's becuase they take the work of others and screw it upApr 05 19:18
DaemonFCyou open their GNOME menu, and it unfolds into four pages of crap, you open this panel that has all the applications grouped, and look through 50 iconsApr 05 19:19
DaemonFCoh right, Yast, you click that and ther's 100 more iconsApr 05 19:19
Eruaranthey do the same thing to KDEApr 05 19:20
EruaranThey neutered KDE's System Settings and put everything in YastApr 05 19:20
EruaranThey renamed System Settings to 'Personal Settings;Apr 05 19:21
Eruarantotally bastardized and screwed upApr 05 19:21
EruaranThe user is left confused between two control centre type toolsApr 05 19:21
EruaranThe KDE team did a lot of work on usability and Novell just gutted itApr 05 19:22
*mib_zogfkm (i=63f687d8@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 19:24
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schestowitzDaemonFC: I don't use any of theseApr 05 19:24
schestowitz(SLAB, Yast2, and the GNOME Control Panel)Apr 05 19:24
schestowitzSomeone told me that "Dell recommends migration to Windows Server 2008". Where does it say recommend?Apr 05 19:27
schestowitzCan I find out if it's another "recommends" scam?Apr 05 19:28
schestowitz 05 19:28
EruaranOf course it isApr 05 19:28
schestowitz"For many enterprises, the biggest hurdle in upgrading to the Windows Server 2008 OS is the complexity of the migration process. Dell helps simplify IT and reduce risk with comprehensive service offerings and a validated, repeatable approach that includes seamless support for integrated Microsoft applications on Dell servers. "Apr 05 19:28
EruaranIf you don't do the ads just right according to Microsoft's wishes you don't get your moneyApr 05 19:28
schestowitzApparently they are once again using the IDG/IDC shills (see icon on page)Apr 05 19:28
schestowitzThe three musketeers do the kickbacks.Apr 05 19:29
EruaranMicrosoft controls things right down to the size of the Windows logo on your advertising materialApr 05 19:30
EruaranWhen you make them happy, they give you money.Apr 05 19:30
EruaranIts a payola system.Apr 05 19:31
EruaranYou submit your ad to Microsoft and they tell you if it meets their requirements.Apr 05 19:31
EruaranI'm not joking.Apr 05 19:31
DaemonFCOK, good for DellApr 05 19:32
DaemonFCthey're also like  the only major OEM selling machines with Linux at a reasonable priceApr 05 19:33
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 19:37
Balrog_hey everyoneApr 05 19:38
Balrog_<< 05 19:38
schestowitzYupApr 05 19:46
schestowitzI posted this in BN Apr 05 19:46
Balrog_ok.Apr 05 19:48
Balrog_" T-Mobile Germany Banning Skype for iPhone" is more about the telecom providers than appleApr 05 19:51
schestowitzKickbacks in Australia? Enquiring minds want to know - why no Linux for NSW high school laptops? < >Apr 05 19:53
schestowitzBalrog: it's like saying that Apple does not support DRM; the media companies doApr 05 19:54
schestowitzIt takes two to tangoApr 05 19:54
Balrog_well, apple didn't comment about T-Mobile in Germany (yet)Apr 05 19:55
schestowitzskype em to ask :-)Apr 05 20:13
_Hicham_schestowitz : do u use skype?Apr 05 20:18
MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Apr 05 20:23
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 05 20:29
_Hicham_wb MinceRApr 05 20:30
schestowitzhehe.. ""Are software patents a real threat? I don't think so. I think they are a pain in the ass for all software. [...] it could well be that the other day you tell people that bikinis are more dangerous than patents for software developers. Who knows?!""Apr 05 20:49
schestowitz"And remember, a bunch of crazy software nerds and Mr. Pilch, scholars, patent experts and some external freedom to knowledge groupies. Lobbyists like Lueders, Mingorance and Zuck really pissed us off back then. Today we would just laugh and find them bad performers, back then we thought they were the lords of the scene."Apr 05 20:50
schestowitz"You had a former communist as Lueders speaking in the name of the industry and depict us as leftists who don't want to pay for software... and that really offended us. The main task was to get the media paradigm right which took quite long and persistent work."Apr 05 20:50
schestowitz"To break the misconceptions of the EPO terminology. To expose the patent lies. To get a free market friendly solution. We were nightmare lobbyists but we were "real" and wanted an honest solution. Even back then the patent system was the worst enemy, not the lobbyists as decoration."Apr 05 20:50
schestowitz"Microsoft should have asked for comments on their OSP. "...there is a problem" is a fallacy."Apr 05 20:51
Balrog_:(Apr 05 20:52 down for over a day < >Apr 05 21:00
schestowitz"Our repositories fell last night. That’s really bad news folks" 05 21:05
DaemonFChehApr 05 21:09
Balrog_:XApr 05 21:09
DaemonFCand all five E17 users noticed?Apr 05 21:09
DaemonFC*rimshot*Apr 05 21:09
schestowitz 05 21:13
Balrog_"Normal/Not Infected by Conficker"Apr 05 21:14
Balrog_non-windows, so obviouslyApr 05 21:14
schestowitzMicrosoft blog on another migratioto msmono: 05 21:15
schestowitzSome pretty depressing news for Microsoft at the moment: 05 21:17
*mib_1bvthj (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 21:21
*mib_1bvthj has quit (Client Quit)Apr 05 21:23
Balrog_ is your creation?Apr 05 21:36
schestowitzyes, the modification only thoughApr 05 21:37
schestowitzPR Wars: Apple vs Microsoft...Does Linux need to even bother? < >Apr 05 21:37
schestowitzIBM employee on "On the Fate of Solaris" (of none): 05 22:00
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 22:07
Balrog_schestowitz: combining solaris technologies with linux (under the GPL) would be great.Apr 05 22:07
schestowitzJust inatlled ManiaDrive on my main machine. It's a nice little game. Runs nicely but not on dualApr 05 22:08
Balrog_coolApr 05 22:08
schestowitzI get too poor a framerate on dual.Apr 05 22:11
schestowitzI used to want to play Max Payne (2003) on multi-head, but it just duplicated the image. Same with Enemy Territory...Apr 05 22:12
schestowitzUBUNTU article ‘El Pais’ Newspaper 05 22:17
schestowitz"Switch to linux [...] I've got to tell you, I'm never going back to Windows" 05 22:18
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 22:22
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 05 22:22
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 05 22:23
schestowitz"I am quite astounded at how poorly Windows is coming out against ubuntu." 05 22:23
MinceRwhy is he astounded? windows compares poorly to any real OS :>Apr 05 22:24
Balrog_schestowitz: what's a good linux distro for a 500 MHz P4Apr 05 22:24
Balrog_?Apr 05 22:24
Balrog_err, P3Apr 05 22:25
schestowitzMinceR: Maybe that Windows is an OSApr 05 22:25
Balrog_or MinceR **Apr 05 22:25
schestowitzit's like calling a cheeseburger supperApr 05 22:25
Balrog_anyone?Apr 05 22:25
schestowitzDSL?Apr 05 22:26
schestowitzWhat's it for?Apr 05 22:26
MinceRBalrog_: i'd try ubuntu with some lightweight DE or WMApr 05 22:26
schestowitzELive too is goodApr 05 22:26
MinceR(if KDE isn't fast enough ;) )Apr 05 22:26
schestowitzRuns on 200MHz... screams on itApr 05 22:26
Balrog_Xubuntu, Fluxubuntu?Apr 05 22:26
schestowitzHow much RAM?Apr 05 22:26
MinceRi tend to run icewm on my second x server for full-screen gamesApr 05 22:26
schestowitzNo compiz? :-DApr 05 22:27
oiaohmDSL works good in a 233 pent.Apr 05 22:27
schestowitzGame in translucent wobbly window to drive X mad.Apr 05 22:27
oiaohmHopefully that will disappear soon.Apr 05 22:28
MinceRno compiz yetApr 05 22:28
oiaohmMost people don't understand how important fixing the graphical stack is.Apr 05 22:28
MinceRonce i manage to upgrade to intrepid or jaunty, i'll try kde4.2Apr 05 22:28
MinceRand if it isn't good enough, i'll try compizApr 05 22:28
oiaohmWhen the graphical stack is fixed people are going to go what the heck with windows.Apr 05 22:28
MinceR:)Apr 05 22:28
oiaohmGeneral Processing GPU.Apr 05 22:29
MinceRthis needs to be fixed if it can beApr 05 22:29
oiaohmSo video decoding in GPU Virus scanning in GPU.Apr 05 22:29
oiaohmAnd the list goes on.Apr 05 22:29
oiaohmFastest processor chip in most computers is the GPU on the video card.Apr 05 22:29
_Hicham_oiaohm : and it is the one to drive the chip hotApr 05 22:34
_Hicham_the whole pc get hotApr 05 22:35
DaemonFC 05 22:35
DaemonFC:)Apr 05 22:35
oiaohmYep reason why video cards come with decated vents.Apr 05 22:35
_Hicham_the "developers" remix of Ballmer is greatApr 05 22:36
_Hicham_ 05 22:37
_Hicham_Ballmer is a lost talent in showbizzApr 05 22:38
_Hicham_Ballmer can be an actor easilyApr 05 22:38
MinceRa one-role actorApr 05 22:38
MinceRbut then again, there are good one-role actors :)Apr 05 22:39
_Hicham_like Bill Gates himselfApr 05 22:39
_Hicham_he is a great actor tooApr 05 22:39
MinceRi don't know his roleApr 05 22:41
schestowitz 05 22:42
schestowitzWhen will it be dead?Apr 05 22:42
DaemonFCyou know Microsoft used to have a UNIX?Apr 05 22:44
schestowitzXenisApr 05 22:44
_Hicham_DaemonFC : on its hotmail serversApr 05 22:44
DaemonFCit had bugs in the C compiler so you had to rewrite chunks of code to get things to compileApr 05 22:44
DaemonFCnoApr 05 22:44
schestowitz*Hehe. Typo.Apr 05 22:44
DaemonFCI'm talking about XenixApr 05 22:44
_Hicham_ahApr 05 22:44
DaemonFCwhich became SCO UNIXWAREApr 05 22:45
schestowitzXenis the impotent XenixApr 05 22:45
_Hicham_MS has a long story with buyingApr 05 22:47
_Hicham_MS is a commercial entityApr 05 22:47
_Hicham_they basically buy and sellApr 05 22:48
MinceRtheir old tactic was selling something they didn't have though :>Apr 05 22:48
MinceRwell, it still isApr 05 22:48
MinceRselling licenses to patents that aren't infringed on :>Apr 05 22:48
oiaohm  Xenix is not record in the Unix history map at all.Apr 05 22:49
oiaohm  Xenix was not Microsofts.Apr 05 22:50
oiaohmIt was a licence copy of UnixwareApr 05 22:50
DaemonFC 05 22:50
DaemonFCyeahApr 05 22:51
DaemonFCthatApr 05 22:51
DaemonFCAT&T licensed UNIX code to a lot of different placesApr 05 22:51
DaemonFCbut they acted like the name UNIX was specialApr 05 22:51
DaemonFCso they didn't license thatApr 05 22:51
_Hicham_normalApr 05 22:51
DaemonFCso XENIX was UNIX System V with Microsoft additionsApr 05 22:52
DaemonFCbut it kind of dead ended after they sold it to SCOApr 05 22:52
DaemonFCXenix was really the only way to run UNIX on a PC in the 1980sApr 05 22:53
Balrog_MacTheRipper < violates GPLApr 05 22:53
Balrog_links to libdvdcss and they want $50 and it's not FOSSApr 05 22:53
Balrog_it's totally proprietaryApr 05 22:53
oiaohmSCO gutted it.Apr 05 22:54
MinceRasking money for it isn't the violationApr 05 22:54
schestowitzBalrog: (Microsoft’s latest ad attacks Mac aesthetics, computing power)Apr 05 22:54
MinceRif they don't give you the source code according to the license terms, that isApr 05 22:54
Balrog_they don't give ANY source codeApr 05 22:56
Balrog_[6:03pm] Balrog_: it's totally proprietaryApr 05 22:57
MinceRthat's a violation.Apr 05 22:57
_Hicham_they must be suedApr 05 22:57
MinceRbetter notify the authors of libdvdcssApr 05 22:57
Balrog_someone did, they ignored itApr 05 22:57
Balrog_Jon Lech Johansen even commentedApr 05 22:57
MinceRwell, then they're ok with itApr 05 22:57
Balrog_I'm annoyed, because I want the codeApr 05 22:57
_Hicham_FSF must find a way to sue such violationsApr 05 22:57
MinceRcan anyone but the copyright holder sue?Apr 05 22:57
Balrog_ 05 22:58
MinceRFSF's way is asking the author to sign copyright off to the FSFApr 05 22:58
_Hicham_the copyright holder can sueApr 05 22:58
_Hicham_so FSF is the copyright holderApr 05 22:58
Balrog_it's a very low volume mailing list thoughApr 05 22:58
_Hicham_in most casesApr 05 22:58
Balrog_not videolan?Apr 05 22:58
Balrog_http:// 05 22:58
MinceRthe only message that month :DApr 05 22:59
schestowitzBad publicityApr 05 22:59
_Hicham_I hate those fuckersApr 05 23:01
_Hicham_but it is easyApr 05 23:01
_Hicham_just counterfeit their software and release itApr 05 23:01
schestowitz"Microsoft Corp. has announced that it will drop mainstream support for Office 2003 on April 14, the same day it starts to retire Windows XP..." 05 23:02
schestowitzSee, with OOo the upgrade is freeApr 05 23:02
Balrog_people do that. Except that you have to buy it from them first. And I want /source/Apr 05 23:02
schestowitzSame with Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.Apr 05 23:02
schestowitzHere you have people forced to buy new hardware to run a porky version with MOOXApr 05 23:02
_Hicham_Balrog_ : it is not the only ripperApr 05 23:02
schestowitzSo guess what makes non-Free software 'better'?Apr 05 23:03
Balrog_what are other good ones that properly preserve VIDEO_TS?Apr 05 23:03
schestowitzit's made into a black box with a fancy box and a price tagApr 05 23:03
schestowitzSame code underneathApr 05 23:03
Balrog__Hicham_: that doesn't mean it's bad for this to be toleratedApr 05 23:03
schestowitz_Hicham_: if they broke ripper copyrights, how do you know it's only that?Apr 05 23:04
schestowitzIt's very possible that they embed other Free software in less obvious places.Apr 05 23:04
_Hicham_reverse engineeringApr 05 23:04
schestowitzLike busyboxApr 05 23:04
_Hicham_the only solution is crackingApr 05 23:04
_Hicham_crack their shit, and put it for freeApr 05 23:04
_Hicham_that is how it goes, the old wayApr 05 23:05
_Hicham_at some point, I think that porting Linux projects to Windows must stopApr 05 23:05
Balrog_it's been cracked, and is on the torrent sitesApr 05 23:05
Balrog_this isn't windows, BTW ... mac ratherApr 05 23:05
Balrog_but I want the codeApr 05 23:05
_Hicham_I don't know about Mac a lotApr 05 23:07
Balrog_Mac can use Linux libraries with only a recompileApr 05 23:07
Balrog_it has source-level Unix compatibilityApr 05 23:08
Balrog_(for the most part)Apr 05 23:08
_Hicham_Balrog_ : do u insist on preserving the VIDEO_TS structure?Apr 05 23:11
Balrog_YES.Apr 05 23:11
Balrog_like for direct copiesApr 05 23:12
Balrog_just stripping the CSSApr 05 23:12
Balrog_and other corruptionApr 05 23:12
_Hicham_did u try HandBrake?Apr 05 23:13
_Hicham_ 05 23:13
Balrog_it re-encodes. I use it when I need to do that.Apr 05 23:13
_Hicham_ 05 23:14
Balrog_perl :/Apr 05 23:14
_Hicham_u don't like perl?Apr 05 23:14
Balrog_not for full blown appsApr 05 23:14
Balrog_it's ok but the module system can be messyApr 05 23:15
_Hicham_and finally the oldest one : 05 23:15
_Hicham_I think that those are the open source onesApr 05 23:15
oiaohmAnd MS has extended the time allowed to install XP into 2010.Apr 05 23:15
_Hicham_but it is perl againApr 05 23:16
oiaohmAt the rate MS is going XP is going to be allowed to be installed new right up to it end of life.Apr 05 23:16
_Hicham_Balrog_ : u want sthg in C?Apr 05 23:16
_Hicham_oiaohm : XP won't be replaced by VistaApr 05 23:16
Balrog_something like that. As long as it's reliable, strips drm and corruption, and provides unaltered VIDEO_TSApr 05 23:16
oiaohmIt windows 7 licence that HP has been allowed to use to install XP on new machines _Hicham_Apr 05 23:18
oiaohmXP is basically not end of lifing.Apr 05 23:18
_Hicham_oiaohm : so MS is fucking customers both waysApr 05 23:19
_Hicham_Balrog_ : did u try K3b?Apr 05 23:19
_Hicham_K3b is old and stableApr 05 23:20
_Hicham_I don't know if brasero can copy protected DVDsApr 05 23:20
_Hicham_u have a lot of optionsApr 05 23:21
oiaohmbrasero and k3b can do a direct image copy of anything.Apr 05 23:21
_Hicham_u want to make ur own application Balrog_?Apr 05 23:21
oiaohmIf you have the right size media.Apr 05 23:21
Balrog__Hicham_: no, I wanted to study MacTheRipper and use some of that infoApr 05 23:21
_Hicham_why MacTheRipper?Apr 05 23:21
Balrog_because it has some interesting featuresApr 05 23:22
oiaohmk9copyApr 05 23:22
_Hicham_like?Apr 05 23:22
Balrog_meaning the way it circumvents corruptionApr 05 23:22
schestowitzis xp eol 2012?Apr 05 23:23
oiaohmYou can always use vlc to rip a dvd as well.Apr 05 23:23
_Hicham_Balrog_ : I don't see where is the problemApr 05 23:23
oiaohmThat is kinda safe to all the corruption faults.Apr 05 23:23
Balrog_oiaohm: does it preserve VIDEO_TSApr 05 23:23
oiaohmNopApr 05 23:24
Balrog_no goodApr 05 23:24
oiaohmBut it will get the stream out where everything else fails.Apr 05 23:25
oiaohmUsed in combination with k9copy is very effective.Apr 05 23:26
_Hicham_Balrog_ : u want to write ur own application?Apr 05 23:26
Balrog_maybe down the road, butApr 05 23:27
Balrog_I don't want to reinvent the wheel :/Apr 05 23:27
_Hicham_since it is just a backup, why bother?Apr 05 23:27
schestowitzgnApr 05 23:27
Balrog_(I'm talking about removing corruption)Apr 05 23:27
oiaohmIs the disk damaged?Apr 05 23:28
_Hicham_schestowitz : gnApr 05 23:28
_Hicham_yes that is the questionApr 05 23:28
_Hicham_if it is damaged, it is another thingApr 05 23:28
Balrog_no, but they use corruption to make it harder to dumpApr 05 23:29
oiaohmThat is not corruption.Apr 05 23:29
oiaohmThat is problems with poor understanding of mpegApr 05 23:29
oiaohmVLC dump will dump effected streams.Apr 05 23:29
oiaohmRemoving it.Apr 05 23:30
oiaohmIt so simple really all you do to stuff them up is add a background frame that is not used for a while.Apr 05 23:30
oiaohmLot of ripping programs dump the frame before it need so leading to video break up.Apr 05 23:31
oiaohmIts a performance correction thing done in modernday dvds.Apr 05 23:31
oiaohmSo that when there is least ammout ot read of disk stuff is precached.Apr 05 23:31
Balrog_I see.Apr 05 23:32
oiaohmBasically someone needs to make a ripper based on vlc engine.Apr 05 23:34
oiaohmThat does what you want.Apr 05 23:34
oiaohm  Really that should do it.Apr 05 23:35
oiaohmI really do think it funny that a lot of people ripping say new dvds have copy protection that is breaking there ripping tools.Apr 05 23:37
oiaohmWhen its is a simple performance correction allowed by mpeg.Apr 05 23:37
Balrog_handbrake doesn't preserve video_tsApr 05 23:38
oiaohm  k9copy rebuilts.Apr 05 23:38
oiaohmLot of times you don't need to preserve as long as final form works.Apr 05 23:39
_Hicham_Balrog_ : why preserve VIDEO_TS?Apr 05 23:40
Balrog_because I want to lose no qualityApr 05 23:40
Balrog_I want a full dump without any changesApr 05 23:40
Balrog_handbrake also re-encodesApr 05 23:41
oiaohmOk so that is the same size disk and k3b image copy.Apr 05 23:41
_Hicham_mencoder should do itApr 05 23:41
_Hicham_mencoder basically copies frame by frameApr 05 23:41
_Hicham_did u try mencoder?Apr 05 23:41
oiaohmBecause any compressinion alterations will alter quality.Apr 05 23:41
oiaohmEven decrypting can damage.Apr 05 23:42
oiaohmOffset alterations.Apr 05 23:43
oiaohmThere is a reason why most dvd copy tools rebuilt the menu.Apr 05 23:44
oiaohmAfter they decode its basically required.Apr 05 23:44
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellApr 05 23:49
MinceRgnApr 05 23:53

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