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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 13th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitzThat would not be 50%Apr 13 10:09
DaemonFC"He's a terrorist" "Kill him" "Off with his head"Apr 13 10:09
schestowitzThere are followers... ignorant ones sometimesApr 13 10:09
DaemonFCthen going to Obama rallies and slashing tiresApr 13 10:09
schestowitzIt's not their fault.Apr 13 10:09
DaemonFCthere you have the street thugsApr 13 10:09
schestowitzWell, it's easy to identify with one who tells war storiesApr 13 10:10
DaemonFCHomeland Security is essentially the S.A.Apr 13 10:10
DaemonFCan entire framework was being set upApr 13 10:10
DaemonFCwell what I saw was the brink of fascismApr 13 10:11
DaemonFCand an 11th hour near missApr 13 10:12
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 10:12
oiaohmProblem we have is dependance.Apr 13 10:12
oiaohmEveryone is raised to depend on popular programs and media.Apr 13 10:12
DaemonFCwell, I don't even know why I have cableApr 13 10:13
DaemonFCthere's so much damned fake news and religious crap masquerading as scienceApr 13 10:13
DaemonFCit's just sickeningApr 13 10:13
DaemonFCthe Christians have basically infiltrated and taken over the Discovery Channel, for exampleApr 13 10:14
oiaohmWar of the mind.Apr 13 10:14
oiaohmPeople are being taught not to question.Apr 13 10:14
DaemonFCI'm just waiting for "Walking on water with the dinosaurs: The true story of Jesus"Apr 13 10:15
DaemonFC:PApr 13 10:15
DaemonFCthat's all it is, instead of being educated, they want to fill your head with mush from an early age, fairy tales, and indoctrinate youApr 13 10:17
DaemonFCbefore you're old enough to reject it as patently falseApr 13 10:17
oiaohmWalking on water is funny.Apr 13 10:20
oiaohmIt never happened in the bible its a translation error.Apr 13 10:20
oiaohmWalking besided water some how got translated to walking on waterApr 13 10:20
schestowitzStop the ACTA: 13 10:20
schestowitzoiaohm: don't ruin their story :)Apr 13 10:22
schestowitzThere are already many paintings about it. Don't depress the artists.Apr 13 10:22
oiaohmBudhist with Christion combination makes up my faith base.  So the correct story is what interest me.Apr 13 10:25
*drz (i=5ce63386@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 10:26
oiaohmI always like the budhist they know over time the stories they tell have changed.   It is not the story that is import its the moral of the story is important.Apr 13 10:26
DaemonFCYoung Earth Creationism combined with anti-science, anti-catholic, anti-Muslim, extremely homophobic, extremely pro-IsraelApr 13 10:27
DaemonFCis the kind you find hereApr 13 10:27
oiaohmYep them me big problem.Apr 13 10:27
oiaohmBudhist base kinda makes me pro scienceApr 13 10:28
DaemonFCthere's 8 of those churches within 2 blocks of my houseApr 13 10:28
DaemonFC:PApr 13 10:28
DaemonFCwell, the thing is that there's so many factions and they're all so closed minded and so wrongApr 13 10:28
oiaohmWho else bar Budhists would spend be prepaird to research funny things like how to make a perfect cup of tea as a life times work.Apr 13 10:28
DaemonFCthat they even have cross-hatred of each otherApr 13 10:29
DaemonFCand so no matter which group you fall into, the other 90% of society hates youApr 13 10:29
DaemonFCto some degreeApr 13 10:29
DaemonFCfor one reason or anotherApr 13 10:29
oiaohmMy christian believe also makes me a night mareApr 13 10:29
oiaohmI pray in any church.Apr 13 10:29
oiaohmThat also kinda upsets them when you will not take sides.Apr 13 10:30
DaemonFCyeah, I don't want anything that any of them are sellingApr 13 10:31
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 10:31
oiaohmthey really hate the question Do you recycle? for some reasonApr 13 10:32
oiaohmWhen they normally say no answer ok not a true follow of god get lost.Apr 13 10:32
oiaohmHell correct translation is basically garbage dumb.  And god basically recycles out from there into heven by forgiving out sins.Apr 13 10:33
oiaohmYes I am warped.Apr 13 10:33
*drz has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 13 10:34
DaemonFCoiaohm: No, they don't feel that they should have to sacrifice anythingApr 13 10:40
DaemonFCbecause right before we're knee deep in the result of our own pollution and filtApr 13 10:40
DaemonFCJesus will ride down on PinK PonieS and save us allApr 13 10:40
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 10:40
DaemonFC*filthApr 13 10:41
DaemonFC 13 10:41
DaemonFChmmmApr 13 10:47
DaemonFCschestowitz: Apple is trying to hide Steve Jobs so that the focus is not on what happens to Apple when he suddenly diesApr 13 10:48
DaemonFC 13 10:48
DaemonFC 13 10:50
DaemonFCTwitter worm unleashed by 17 year old to promote his copycat siteApr 13 10:50
DaemonFCDude, you're going to jailApr 13 10:50
DaemonFClolApr 13 10:50
DaemonFC:PApr 13 10:50
schestowitzDaemonFC: looksApr 13 10:53
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 10:53
schestowitzI was just writing about AppleApr 13 10:53
schestowitzCriticallyApr 13 10:53
schestowitzAlso citing your blog, DaemonFC Apr 13 10:53
schestowitzThey play badly with patents nowApr 13 10:53
DaemonFCMeh, Apple wishes they were the gangsters that Microsoft isApr 13 10:54
DaemonFCbut at least their OS is much more stableApr 13 10:54
schestowitzDaemonFC: re "U.S. citizens locked up as illegal immigrants," my question is: why is he entering it in the first place?Apr 13 10:54
DaemonFCit said he was mentally illApr 13 10:55
DaemonFCthe Mexicans come here looking for any kind of workApr 13 10:55
DaemonFCor to commit crimesApr 13 10:55
DaemonFCbecause even our jails are better than what they live with in MexicoApr 13 10:55
DaemonFCmost of the timeApr 13 10:55
DaemonFCschestowitz: Technically it's against the law to hire themApr 13 10:56
DaemonFCunofficially, those laws are only enforced against businesses that don't pay their bribe to the authoritiesApr 13 10:57
DaemonFCand they get made an example of to the other businesses that don't pay upApr 13 10:57
DaemonFCand on the news it looks like ICE is doing somethingApr 13 10:57
DaemonFCthe only way to solve the problem would be to FINE the employers so much that it's not worth the riskApr 13 10:57
DaemonFCor start putting some of the people hiring them in prisonApr 13 10:58
DaemonFCturn off the magnetApr 13 10:58
DaemonFCwhen I say bribe I mean, sometimes it's cash under the tableApr 13 10:58
DaemonFCsometimes it's a campaign contribution ;)Apr 13 10:59
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 10:59
trmanco 13 10:59
trmanco:)Apr 13 10:59
DaemonFCthat's not all that greatApr 13 11:00
DaemonFCmy hard disk boots it in 19.8 secondsApr 13 11:00
DaemonFCI did boot chartApr 13 11:00
DaemonFCthis little creep is timing it with an iphoneApr 13 11:00
DaemonFCfailApr 13 11:00
trmancoyeah, bootchart would be betterApr 13 11:01
DaemonFCI left a commentApr 13 11:03
DaemonFChe's using ext3 on a SSD?Apr 13 11:03
DaemonFCoh my godApr 13 11:03
trmancowhat is the problem? journaling?Apr 13 11:06
DaemonFCmeh, seems tackyApr 13 11:06
DaemonFCif it's a decent SSD, the drive should do wear levelingApr 13 11:07
DaemonFCwith no need for a file system to take that into accountApr 13 11:07
DaemonFCI'd still use Ext4 or XFS thereApr 13 11:07
DaemonFCExt3 has to allocate by creating a file and filling it with 0's to reserve the space I believeApr 13 11:08
DaemonFCXFS and Ext4 can use delayed allocation and persistent preallocation to avoid needless write activityApr 13 11:09
DaemonFCso you would probably get better life expectancy out of the SSD I would imageApr 13 11:09
trmancoit would boot even faster with ext4Apr 13 11:09
oiaohmExt3 performance alterations remove that extra write.Apr 13 11:09
DaemonFCI've just never been a huge fan of Ext3Apr 13 11:10
oiaohmExt3 got somethings right and other things badly wrong.Apr 13 11:10
DaemonFCit's just all around mediocre for any particular usage patternApr 13 11:11
DaemonFCtehre's only one thing XFS annoys me with, removing thousands of tiny files, and I only come across that when I go to remove a kernel source directory once in a whileApr 13 11:11
DaemonFCTheodore Ts'o just kind of gives me bad vibes in some way :PApr 13 11:12
DaemonFCI really don't know whyApr 13 11:12
schestowitzHe's against the GNU idealsApr 13 11:13
oiaohmHe gave Linus bad vibes.Apr 13 11:13
schestowitzJust wants some kind of OS X, I thinkApr 13 11:13
schestowitzLike Linus...Apr 13 11:13
oiaohmWith the ext4 stuff up.Apr 13 11:13
schestowitzYes, about entering the treeApr 13 11:13
schestowitzBad for Liinux reputationApr 13 11:13
DaemonFCit wasn't even really that so much as how he was the one of them leading the torch and pitchfork mobApr 13 11:13
schestowitzAlthough it wasn't in finalApr 13 11:13
DaemonFCagainst Reiser4Apr 13 11:13
DaemonFCI know all about Hans Reiser being an asshole and a murderer, but they essentially snubbed a great piece of work because the guy that designed most of it is insaneApr 13 11:14
oiaohmbtrfs with lead from orcale is lined up to replace Reiser and Ext line.Apr 13 11:15
oiaohmReiser4 did have it problems.Apr 13 11:15
oiaohmReiser4 was not designed to recover data from after a crash.Apr 13 11:15
DaemonFCI'm sure that those were exaggerated and could have been ironed outApr 13 11:15
DaemonFCwith elss effort than it took to make Ext4Apr 13 11:15
DaemonFC*lessApr 13 11:15
oiaohmBtrfs has taken lot of the ideas from Reiser4Apr 13 11:16
DaemonFCthe way I heard it was the kernel people sabotaged Reiser4Apr 13 11:16
oiaohmNot exaclty.Apr 13 11:16
DaemonFCby patching it with deliberately bad codeApr 13 11:16
oiaohmNoApr 13 11:16
DaemonFCthat made it corrupt itselfApr 13 11:16
oiaohmI will explain what happen.Apr 13 11:16
oiaohmYou know the BKL problem.Apr 13 11:16
DaemonFCright, Reiser3 hits thatApr 13 11:17
oiaohmReiser4 code completely went south when BKL started to be removed.Apr 13 11:17
oiaohmReiser4 was depending on sections of the linux kernel not to run paralle to each other.Apr 13 11:17
oiaohmRemoving the BKL and it did.Apr 13 11:17
oiaohmNothing really targeted directly at Reiser4Apr 13 11:17
oiaohmBasically Reiser4 had been built without its only internal locking.Apr 13 11:18
DaemonFCthey're still patching it to build and work on current kernelsApr 13 11:18
oiaohmPutting in a missing locking system is hell.Apr 13 11:18
DaemonFCbut it's not like I want to move all my data to it then have it get abandonedApr 13 11:18
oiaohmIts really funny.Apr 13 11:19
oiaohmreisser 3 bothered calling BKL directly so it was not effected by the locking changes.Apr 13 11:19
DaemonFCI tried BtrFSApr 13 11:19
oiaohmIts not the fastest yet.Apr 13 11:19
*mib_ikkpcq (i=536d0c8b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 11:20
DaemonFCslowed every operation downApr 13 11:20
DaemonFCbadApr 13 11:20
*mib_ikkpcq has quit (Client Quit)Apr 13 11:20
DaemonFCmeh, I just don't like how distributions are handing thingsApr 13 11:21
oiaohmAIO support   << That missing really hurts DaemonFCApr 13 11:21
DaemonFCespecially with Ext3 to Ext4 conversionApr 13 11:21
oiaohmasync IO support not in BtrfsApr 13 11:21
oiaohmIts one of the key optimisation.Apr 13 11:22
oiaohmHaving it on makes debuging issues hard.Apr 13 11:22
oiaohmBasically btrfs is running single threaded and it performance shows it.Apr 13 11:22
oiaohmThinking Btrfs is running crippled it not running too bad.Apr 13 11:23
oiaohmDisabling checksumming and enableing data=ordered  also speeds Btrfs up a lot.Apr 13 11:24
oiaohmYes Btrfs does current have the default option of check suming every block writing and read from disk.Apr 13 11:25
DaemonFC 13 11:25
DaemonFCAt that point, the folks who'll be running the show are those Guns-Gold-and-God Y2K wackos who invested their life savings in kerosene-powered generators and beef jerky. Think Road Warrior, only instead of gasoline the currency will be alternating current.Apr 13 11:25
DaemonFChehApr 13 11:25
oiaohmBasically it running in high data secuirty mode.Apr 13 11:25
zer0c00lDaemonFC, saw that video of  yours :)Apr 13 11:25
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 11:26
zer0c00lDaemonFC, logitech driver problemApr 13 11:26
zer0c00lDaemonFC, you still getting bad comments from M$ employees ?Apr 13 11:26
trmancoA troll on cola already attacked himApr 13 11:26
trmancoon youtubeApr 13 11:26
DaemonFCwell, ever since I turned moderation on and posted that video whyApr 13 11:26
DaemonFCit went quietApr 13 11:27
oiaohmThey were not sure how far you had traced them.Apr 13 11:27
oiaohmYou had enough really to go after libable with a court request to the ISP.Apr 13 11:27
oiaohmTo find out who was on the other end.Apr 13 11:28
oiaohmIts supprising how fast the pull the disappearing act when tranced.Apr 13 11:28
oiaohmtraced.Apr 13 11:28
DaemonFChehApr 13 11:28
oiaohmcomcast holds for 30 days who was allocated what IP.Apr 13 11:29
oiaohmBasically once they were aware they were traced it is in there interest to back off.Apr 13 11:29
schestowitzMicrosoft and Apple patents are causing trouble: 13 11:31
oiaohmOk libable for deformation DaemonFCApr 13 11:32
DaemonFCmeh, I don't know why I'm worth the trouble :PApr 13 11:33
DaemonFCschestowitz: At least I can't see any reason why only THOSE directshow filter codecs are affectedApr 13 11:34
oiaohmYou were attacking Windows 7 if windows 7 fails so will many more sections of MS.Apr 13 11:34
DaemonFCthey work on every WMP from 7 to 11 on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/VistaApr 13 11:34
DaemonFCand the DivX network uses the same type of codec and it lets that workApr 13 11:35
oiaohmIts already looking like MS will ahve to live though another 12 months without major income.Apr 13 11:35
schestowitzDaemonFC: your vids started discussions in usenetApr 13 11:35
oiaohmSo that means more departments have to go from MS.Apr 13 11:35
schestowitzzune?Apr 13 11:36
schestowitzsurface?Apr 13 11:36
schestowitzsurface id dead.Apr 13 11:36
schestowitz*isApr 13 11:36
schestowitzno devsApr 13 11:36
schestowitzno 3rd partiesApr 13 11:36
*schestowitz eats btwApr 13 11:36
oiaohmAnd MPX from Linux coming soon.Apr 13 11:36
schestowitzsurface in dying enonomy? lolApr 13 11:37
oiaohmFeatures of surface will be in Linux.Apr 13 11:37
oiaohm+ blender with multi touch support.Apr 13 11:37
schestowitzokay, done eatingApr 13 11:37
oiaohmMost of those fancy things survace does will be doable on a full open source stack.Apr 13 11:37
schestowitzSo, Surface is, to use an analogy, like a big boat for a guy who loses his villaApr 13 11:38
schestowitzMicrosoft has serious issues with money but it still has this big boat that's useless and expensiveApr 13 11:38
schestowitzoiaohm: Surface=MS hardwareApr 13 11:38
schestowitzSame with Zune and XBoxApr 13 11:38
schestowitzThey don't license theseApr 13 11:39
oiaohm 13 11:39
schestowitzThey don't OEM itApr 13 11:39
oiaohmMS is not the only source of Multitouch screens.Apr 13 11:39
schestowitzBut they still use companies like ToshibaApr 13 11:39
schestowitzAs does IBMApr 13 11:39
schestowitzALmost no component of computers is made in the USApr 13 11:39
schestowitzThe company has no production, mostly consumptionApr 13 11:39
schestowitzExcept one thing: militaryApr 13 11:39
schestowitzAnd military is not a business although they can sell weapons and this won't make them terribly popularApr 13 11:40
schestowitzoiaohm: multitouch and Surface-like things predate MicrosoftApr 13 11:40
schestowitzBoth ran Linux IIRCApr 13 11:40
schestowitzSo Microsoft is a metooerApr 13 11:40
oiaohmThat is the problem.Apr 13 11:41
schestowitzWith a higher price tag ($13000+) and advertisingApr 13 11:41
schestowitzViral advertisingApr 13 11:41
oiaohmMS has not made the proft while they could.Apr 13 11:41
schestowitzResearch groups didn't have the media extravaganza.Apr 13 11:41
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, prior to 1998Apr 13 11:41
schestowitzThen it was a doughtApr 13 11:41
schestowitzBillG soon stepped downApr 13 11:41
schestowitzFound another scam..Apr 13 11:41
schestowitzBut MSFT generated many rich people.Apr 13 11:42
oiaohmOnce Linux gets multi touch I expect market to get flooded with multi touch items.Apr 13 11:42
schestowitzApple has patentsApr 13 11:42
schestowitzMSFT tooApr 13 11:42
schestowitzOn multitouchApr 13 11:42
oiaohmIts going to get intresting.Apr 13 11:42
DaemonFCMultiTouch is uselessApr 13 11:43
oiaohmNot really.Apr 13 11:43
DaemonFCunless you have a REALLY expensive touch screenApr 13 11:43
DaemonFCso it's useless for most of the Windows demographic ;)Apr 13 11:43
oiaohmTouch screens are buildable for about 1000 dollars.Apr 13 11:44
oiaohmUsing off the shelf parts.Apr 13 11:44
DaemonFCyeah, well, I'd wager to say that over half of Windows users are on a bargain basement rig from WalmartApr 13 11:44
DaemonFCand since MultiTouch is the only really big thing on 7, most of their users shouldn't careApr 13 11:45
oiaohmThat is to self build one.Apr 13 11:45
oiaohmMass produced should be way cheeper.Apr 13 11:45
DaemonFCI think it could be the next Voice Recognition :)Apr 13 11:45
schestowitzit's about patentsApr 13 11:46
schestowitzArtificial price elevationApr 13 11:46
schestowitzThey don't cost more to makeApr 13 11:46
DaemonFCyou know that thing that sounds cool and never works rightApr 13 11:46
schestowitzSame was the case when flat screens came.....Apr 13 11:46
DaemonFConly this time requires a $1,000 piece of hardware :)Apr 13 11:46
DaemonFCyeah, well President Bush bought me my flat screenApr 13 11:46
DaemonFCwith his free money that rained down on us all that stimulated the economy that....dayApr 13 11:47
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 11:47
DaemonFCapparently I owned some stock in a company I used to work for that I didn't know aboutApr 13 11:48
DaemonFCso they cashed it out when I quitApr 13 11:48
oiaohmVoice Recognition never worked right.Apr 13 11:49
DaemonFCwasn't a lot but it got me a flat screen TV :)Apr 13 11:49
oiaohmMulti touch on the other hand they have tested interfaces that work.Apr 13 11:49
DaemonFCdoesn't Linux support that alreadyApr 13 11:49
oiaohmSoftware to exploit the advantage of Multi touch is missing.Apr 13 11:49
DaemonFCI deselected a dozen or so touchscreen driversApr 13 11:49
DaemonFCwhen I built my kernelApr 13 11:50
oiaohmMPX is not built into X11 server yet.Apr 13 11:50
oiaohmSo applications can process multiable points on screen.Apr 13 11:50
DaemonFCso the kernel has drivers, but the X is unwilling?Apr 13 11:50
DaemonFChmmm, this seems to be a pattern :)Apr 13 11:50
oiaohmX11 complete input stack has had to be replaced to support it.Apr 13 11:50
oiaohmnot nice.Apr 13 11:50
DaemonFCX11 is not niceApr 13 11:51
oiaohmX11 basically has been guttted and rebuilt.Apr 13 11:51
DaemonFCbut it's what there isApr 13 11:51
DaemonFCsince Y never went anywhereApr 13 11:51
oiaohmVideo side cut out.Apr 13 11:51
oiaohmInput side cut out.Apr 13 11:51
oiaohmBoth replaced.Apr 13 11:51
oiaohmNot that much left of it really.Apr 13 11:51
DaemonFCmeh, I never really enjoyed dealing with XApr 13 11:52
oiaohmLot of Y tech is hiding in the rebuilt X11Apr 13 11:52
DaemonFCbut I'll admit that Red Hat has managed to spruce it up enough to tolerateApr 13 11:52
oiaohmLike applciations being able to directly write to screen.Apr 13 11:52
oiaohmWith no X11 or other crap in way.Apr 13 11:52
DaemonFCThe UNIX Haters Handbook is a great read ;)Apr 13 11:53
DaemonFCWhy X Is Not Our Ideal Windowing Manager was a good CHAPTERApr 13 11:53
oiaohmMost of the Unix hates book is going to become invalid.Apr 13 11:53
DaemonFClolApr 13 11:53
oiaohmX11 gutted opens up many paths.Apr 13 11:53
DaemonFCwell, X was designed to be modular and replaceableApr 13 11:54
DaemonFCso that's my favorite part about itApr 13 11:54
oiaohmRight memory manager for video card X11 don't need that.Apr 13 11:54
oiaohmSetting video mode X11 don't need that.Apr 13 11:54
oiaohmX11 don't need opengl support either.Apr 13 11:54
DaemonFCNvidia bypasses DRI and just uses their own interface and they have better performance than anyone elseApr 13 11:54
DaemonFCand more hardware-accelerated OpenGL extensions than anyone elseApr 13 11:55
oiaohmATI Intel VIA all get that after the Axe man.Apr 13 11:55
oiaohmNvidia advange there will go by by.Apr 13 11:55
DaemonFCI went and bought another Nvidia card just because of thatApr 13 11:55
DaemonFCeveryone else uses DRI/DRM and it really blowsApr 13 11:55
oiaohmDRI 1 will disappear replaced with DRI 2Apr 13 11:56
DaemonFCdo you know of ANYTHING still using XFree86?Apr 13 11:56
DaemonFCthey're still aroundApr 13 11:56
oiaohmspashtop.Apr 13 11:56
DaemonFCbut I don't see anyone using themApr 13 11:56
oiaohmSpashtop that in bios thing.Apr 13 11:57
DaemonFCoh, that EFI-embedded LinuxApr 13 11:57
DaemonFCschestowitz: I mocked the Parental Controls in Vista when it came outApr 13 11:57
DaemonFCcause of Splashtop LinuxApr 13 11:57
oiaohmAustralian kid here hacked something harder than Parental Controls in under 30 mins.Apr 13 11:58
oiaohmThe Australian goverment built site filter for windows.Apr 13 11:58
DaemonFCI was like Microsoft: "The Parental Controls in Windows Vista..." Kid: "What does this button do?" "Splashtop?"Apr 13 11:58
DaemonFCthe Australian government is ran by a bunch of fascistsApr 13 11:58
oiaohmThere are insaneApr 13 11:59
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 13 11:59
DaemonFCThey join all other great progressive nations like....oh waitApr 13 11:59
DaemonFCthat is, nations like Iran and North Korea and the Peoples Republic of ChinaApr 13 12:00
DaemonFCin censoring the InternetApr 13 12:00
DaemonFC:PApr 13 12:00
oiaohmThey are offseting by spending up on a fiber network to the home.Apr 13 12:01
DaemonFCYeah, I was shocked to see a so called free nation openly censoring freedom of speechApr 13 12:01
DaemonFCthat sounded like something more out of the People's Republic Playbook :PApr 13 12:02
oiaohmAustralia always seams strange.Apr 13 12:02
oiaohmIts like everything I type here under Australian law I have the copyright to.Apr 13 12:03
trmanco 13 12:03
DaemonFCoiaohm> Australia always seams strange.Apr 13 12:03
DaemonFC<oiaohm> Its like everything I type here under Australian law I have the copyright to.Apr 13 12:03
DaemonFCYou can sue me in an Australian courtApr 13 12:03
DaemonFCI don't mind ;;)Apr 13 12:03
oiaohmI legally couldApr 13 12:03
oiaohmWhissle blowers can also be done for it here.Apr 13 12:04
DaemonFCOK, my reply is officially "Fuck you, fuck the fucking court, have a nice day"Apr 13 12:04
oiaohmWhere are you DaemonFCApr 13 12:04
DaemonFCthey can find me in contemptApr 13 12:04
oiaohmUSA ?Apr 13 12:04
DaemonFCthen I find that they can sit on it and spinApr 13 12:04
DaemonFCyeahApr 13 12:04
oiaohmUSA we can techencially prosecute you there.Apr 13 12:05
oiaohmPart of the agreement on copyright laws between the USA and Australia.Apr 13 12:05
oiaohmLike its legal to make mod chips here and if we send them to USA we have to face USA law.Apr 13 12:05
DaemonFCI don't recognize your government's authorityApr 13 12:05
DaemonFCI've bought mod chipsApr 13 12:06
DaemonFCthey're not illegalApr 13 12:06
amarsh04back later, trying new kernelApr 13 12:06
oiaohmOnes that decode the disks.Apr 13 12:06
DaemonFCunless you're circumventing copy protectionApr 13 12:06
oiaohmYep allowed here.Apr 13 12:07
DaemonFCeh, in that case, guiltyApr 13 12:07
oiaohm100 percent legal here.Apr 13 12:07
oiaohmIf you own a copy you are allowed to do anything to use a back up.Apr 13 12:07
oiaohmSend something like that to the USA we are dead.Apr 13 12:07
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 13 12:07
DaemonFCLike I said, I do not recognize your government's authorityApr 13 12:08
oiaohmThe rules basically allows USA cits to be extracted to Australia for breaking our rules.Apr 13 12:08
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 12:08
DaemonFCand would refuse to pay any damages awarded to you in an Australian courtApr 13 12:08
oiaohmYou would seave time in a USA jail.Apr 13 12:09
oiaohmIts part of the agreement.Apr 13 12:09
oiaohmRemember at one point Australia was the biggest supplier of mod chips to the USA.Apr 13 12:09
DaemonFCI don't really care what our laws areApr 13 12:10
oiaohmUSA goverment basically wanted to stop that trade.Apr 13 12:10
DaemonFCwhy do I care what Australia does?Apr 13 12:10
oiaohmSo made a really bad agreement for USA cits.Apr 13 12:10
oiaohmBlame your own goverment DaemonFCApr 13 12:12
DaemonFClike I said, I ignore our lawsApr 13 12:12
DaemonFCI don't care what yours areApr 13 12:12
oiaohmThe law to extract you is yours.Apr 13 12:13
DaemonFCI don't really consider myself a party to any such agreementsApr 13 12:14
DaemonFCand I believe our government is overstepping it's constitutional mandate to create those lawsApr 13 12:14
schestowitzOf courseApr 13 12:15
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 12:16
DaemonFCtrmanco: I tried Lenny, there's a few reasons I gave up on itApr 13 12:18
trmancosoftware is too old?Apr 13 12:19
DaemonFCmostly because they tend to use old packages that my hardware doesn't get along withApr 13 12:19
DaemonFCyeahApr 13 12:19
DaemonFCI need Pulseaudio for certain things but their Pulseaudio also breaks other thingsApr 13 12:19
DaemonFCCheese crashes if I try to record anythingApr 13 12:20
DaemonFCthose were the two main thingsApr 13 12:20
DaemonFCit was a good system other than that, I always make my own kernel anywayApr 13 12:20
amarsh04my new pc is doing very little as the built-in graphics (ATI Radeon 3200 HD) do not yet support acceleration with Free driversApr 13 12:25
DaemonFChmmmApr 13 12:26
DaemonFCTry Fedora?Apr 13 12:26
DaemonFCMost all X development is there firstApr 13 12:26
amarsh04this is with the current release on of radeonhd 1.2.5Apr 13 12:27
oiaohmIt needs mesa3d before it can do anything.Apr 13 12:27
*zer0c00l has quit ("brb")Apr 13 12:28
MinceRj0Apr 13 12:29
DaemonFCFreeBSD 7.2 Beta is outApr 13 12:33
trmancoI have to try out FreeBSD somedayApr 13 12:33
trmancoDaemonFC, what filesystem is default?Apr 13 12:34
oiaohmOpenBSD and Solarias both have said they are taking the new X11 stack on board.Apr 13 12:34
DaemonFCthey didn't mentionApr 13 12:34
oiaohmufs2Apr 13 12:34
DaemonFCI've used ZFS on 7.1Apr 13 12:34
trmancobut you're a ZFS junkie :-PApr 13 12:34
DaemonFCmeh, UFS2 was decentApr 13 12:36
DaemonFCsoft updates are niceApr 13 12:36
DaemonFCit gives you a warning that you should have a 64-bit CPU and 2 gigs RAM or moreApr 13 12:38
DaemonFCbut I've used ZFS with far less than that (my laptop)Apr 13 12:39
DaemonFCI don't get why they try to warn you off of itApr 13 12:39
trmancomaximum performance?Apr 13 12:40
trmanco64-bit CPU and OS?Apr 13 12:40
DaemonFCI guessApr 13 12:40
DaemonFCI've not had any problemsApr 13 12:40
trmancoI don't have 2 GB of ram, so ZFS is not an option hereApr 13 12:41
DaemonFCoiaohm: "Who cares if it corrupts all your data? It's Fast!" (UNIX Haters Handbook on BSD's Fast File System) B-)Apr 13 12:41
trmancoLOLApr 13 12:41
trmancoUNIX haters?Apr 13 12:42
DaemonFCmmhmApr 13 12:42
trmancoah geezeApr 13 12:42
DaemonFCtrmanco: 13 12:43
DaemonFCknock yourself outApr 13 12:43
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 12:43
*trmanco has a lookApr 13 12:43
DaemonFC13 The File System Sure It Corrupts Your Files, But Look How Fast It Is!Apr 13 12:43
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 12:43
trmancopublished by IDGApr 13 12:44
trmancohmmApr 13 12:44
DaemonFCin 1994Apr 13 12:45
DaemonFC*shrugs*Apr 13 12:45
DaemonFCmost of what it says is no longer applicable but still funnyApr 13 12:45
DaemonFCsome of what it says is still applicable and you find yourself groaningApr 13 12:46
amarsh04back then I was already using vxfsApr 13 12:46
DaemonFCoiaohm: If the designers of X Windows built cars, there would be no fewer than five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which followed the same principles—but you’d be able to shift gears with your car stereo. Useful feature, that.  —Marcus J. Ranum Digital Equipment CorporationApr 13 12:47
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 12:47
DaemonFCThat's always been a pestApr 13 12:50
DaemonFCX has a clipboardApr 13 12:50
DaemonFCand KDE doesApr 13 12:50
DaemonFCand GNOME doesApr 13 12:51
DaemonFCand XFCE doesApr 13 12:51
DaemonFCand so on......and so you always have 2 clipboards and they never work the sameApr 13 12:51
DaemonFCand X assumes that when you middle click something you want to copy it into the X clipboardApr 13 12:52
DaemonFC(that's why autoscroll in Firefox is OFF)Apr 13 12:52
DaemonFCbut even if you use it for autoscroll, you still overwrite your X clipboard every time you scroll a web pageApr 13 12:52
DaemonFC:)Apr 13 12:53
DaemonFCtheir section on X still seems horribly accurateApr 13 12:54
*iwmw ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 12:59
DaemonFC 13 13:02
*DaemonFC is busting a gutApr 13 13:02
MinceRnope, there are no separate clipboards for each DEApr 13 13:03
MinceRthere's a SELECTION and a CLIPBOARDApr 13 13:03
trmanco"Did tar overwrite the tar file with garbage?Apr 13 13:03
trmancoOf course, this is Unix.Apr 13 13:03
trmanco"Apr 13 13:03
trmancohahaApr 13 13:04
DaemonFCwhere's you get that one at?Apr 13 13:05
trmancosome email where a guy took 30 minutes to download some file from a europe ftp server, page 72, the email starts at 71Apr 13 13:06
trmancooh no, just page 72Apr 13 13:06
trmanco% make loveApr 13 13:07
trmancoMake: Don't know how to make love. Stop.Apr 13 13:07
trmanco$ make loveApr 13 13:07
trmancomake: *** No rule to make target `love'.  Stop.Apr 13 13:07
trmancoit's different hereApr 13 13:08
DaemonFCof courseApr 13 13:09
DaemonFCdifferent shellApr 13 13:09
DaemonFCThat was probably csh that they were usingApr 13 13:09
DaemonFCmost Linux distros default to bashApr 13 13:09
trmancohaven't thought about thatApr 13 13:10
DaemonFCmmmmhmApr 13 13:13
oiaohmX11 was not designed.Apr 13 13:13
DaemonFCit MUTATEDApr 13 13:13
DaemonFClolApr 13 13:13
oiaohmIt was tacked teoghter with chewing gum.Apr 13 13:13
trmancoyeah, it was the C shellApr 13 13:13
oiaohmThat kinda started tried out and failed after 15 yearxs.Apr 13 13:13
oiaohmtried/driedApr 13 13:14
oiaohmThe intel developer who is now basically X11 lead has some very chooce words to say about the old design.Apr 13 13:14
oiaohmNuts was used a lot.Apr 13 13:15
trmanco"When I try to send mail to someone on a Unix system that is downApr 13 13:15
trmanco(not an uncommon occurrence), sometimes the mailer gives a totallyApr 13 13:15
trmancoincomprehensible error indication, viz.:Apr 13 13:15
trmanco        Mail Queue (1 request)Apr 13 13:15
trmanco--QID-- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- --------Sender/Recipient--------Apr 13 13:15
trmancoAA12729   166 Thu Mar 26 15:43 borningApr 13 13:15
trmanco         (Deferred: Not a typewriter)Apr 13 13:15
trmanco                    bnfb@csr.uvic.caApr 13 13:15
trmanco"Apr 13 13:15
trmanco"What on earth does this mean? Of course a Unix system isn’t a type-Apr 13 13:15
trmancowriter! If it were, it would be up more often (with a minor loss inApr 13 13:15
trmancofunctionality).Apr 13 13:15
trmanco"Apr 13 13:15
oiaohmWho in there right mind wound design a system with 5 different things trying to control the video card without any regulation between them.Apr 13 13:16
oiaohmOpengl and X11 did not even have to use the same memory manager to control the video card under dri 1.Apr 13 13:17
oiaohm  Ã‚—Marcus J. Ranum Digital Equipment Corporation  That quote is directly refering to X11 and the design of DRI1Apr 13 13:18
oiaohmMost of the problem with DRI1 it started off dead simple 2d screen renderingApr 13 13:18
oiaohmEveryone just kept on tacking on features until the thing was screwed to hell.Apr 13 13:19
trmancoargh, dri1, I still remember the discussion we had the other day ;)Apr 13 13:19
trmancoLuck is still with meApr 13 13:19
oiaohmIts evil.Apr 13 13:19
oiaohmOne of my largest hates.Apr 13 13:19
trmancoDRI1?Apr 13 13:20
DaemonFCI am crying from laughing so hardApr 13 13:20
oiaohmDirect Rendering Interface v2Apr 13 13:20
DaemonFCminor loss in functionalityApr 13 13:20
oiaohmis way nicer sainity.Apr 13 13:20
DaemonFCthat's funnyApr 13 13:20
oiaohmYou are aware in current kernels that text based terminals have there own video card manager.Apr 13 13:22
trmancoisnt' dri2 suppose to be great?Apr 13 13:23
oiaohmIt gets rid of the evils.Apr 13 13:23
oiaohm1 video card manager for everything.Apr 13 13:24
oiaohmX11 consoles FB ... No more video card fighting.Apr 13 13:24
trmanco"If the designers of X Windows built cars, there would be no fewerApr 13 13:25
trmancothan five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which fol-Apr 13 13:25
trmancolowed the same principles—but you’d be able to shift gears with yourApr 13 13:25
trmancocar stereo. Useful feature, that.Apr 13 13:25
trmanco"Apr 13 13:25
oiaohmLot of that will be gone.Apr 13 13:26
oiaohmTo be correct most of the configuration files are gone.Apr 13 13:26
trmancoyep, they areApr 13 13:27
trmancoI haven't touched the xorg.conf file long timeApr 13 13:27
trmancoI think I never really touched it, at least here at homeApr 13 13:27
oiaohmOn the fly configuration is going to be fun.Apr 13 13:27
oiaohmParticularlly if 1 bug don't get fixed.Apr 13 13:28
trmancoI did create one once at school, when somebody removed the ati graphics card from the computer I was working onApr 13 13:28
EruaranWhat about GEM ?Apr 13 13:28
trmancojust created a new one and replaced the old xorg.conf fileApr 13 13:28
oiaohmGEM is the kernel level memory manager.Apr 13 13:29
trmancoEruaran, I also have GEM at school, with the Intel video card i945 I thinkApr 13 13:29
oiaohmFor video cards.Apr 13 13:29
EruaranyesApr 13 13:29
trmancostill not 100%, but performance roseApr 13 13:29
oiaohmDRI2 gave up it memory manager.Apr 13 13:29
oiaohmAll the hand shaking removed made a big difference.Apr 13 13:30
oiaohmThe new opengl to take full advantage of DRI2 is not out yet.Apr 13 13:30
trmanco"Programming X Windows is like trying to find the square root of piApr 13 13:30
trmancousing roman numerals.Apr 13 13:30
trmanco"Apr 13 13:30
trmanconew openglApr 13 13:30
trmancocan't use opengl version higher then 2.0 :|Apr 13 13:31
oiaohmGaluim3dApr 13 13:31
oiaohmYou will be able to.Apr 13 13:31
oiaohmDepends what you are programing X Windows with.Apr 13 13:31
trmancoonly if it is somehow backward compatible with 2.0Apr 13 13:31
oiaohmxcb is not too bad.Apr 13 13:31
oiaohmGaluim3d includes a full software rendering engine.Apr 13 13:32
oiaohmSo basically can fill gaps.Apr 13 13:32
oiaohmOk might need a 8 core process to get decent performance.Apr 13 13:33
trmanco:|Apr 13 13:34
trmancoI only have 1 :-PApr 13 13:34
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 13:36
*Ap0G33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 13 13:37
oiaohmGaluim3d can do  lot of strange things.Apr 13 13:38
oiaohmIncluding translating opengl to direct xApr 13 13:38
oiaohmAnd vice verser.Apr 13 13:38
oiaohmIn call style.Apr 13 13:38
oiaohmSo opengl 3.0 to opengl 2.0 interfaces will only be time.Apr 13 13:38
trmancogreatApr 13 13:39
trmancofunny "                                                             So when you haveApr 13 13:47
trmancothat disk with 100MB free and the superuser tries to put out 50MB of newApr 13 13:47
trmancofiles on the disk, raising it to 950 MB, the disk will be at “105% capacity.Apr 13 13:47
trmanco"Apr 13 13:47
trmancoNFSApr 13 13:48
trmancoNightmare File SystemApr 13 13:48
oiaohmNFS is no more than a nightmare than SMBApr 13 13:49
schestowitzNetwork NightmareApr 13 13:49
trmancouh oh -> "Bet you didn’t know that Xerox holds the patent on Ethernet, did you?_"Apr 13 13:50
oiaohmLong since expired.Apr 13 13:51
oiaohmIBM has the patent on a network switch.Apr 13 13:52
PetoKraushey guysApr 13 13:55
PetoKraushope you're having good easterApr 13 13:55
DaemonFCtrmanco: Most modern UNIX file systems have dynamic inode allocationApr 13 13:56
DaemonFCXFS doesApr 13 13:56
DaemonFCso that is no longer a problemApr 13 13:56
trmancoI betetr start reading some docs about FS'sApr 13 13:57
DaemonFCbut Ext file systems reserve 5% of your diskApr 13 13:57
DaemonFCXFS doesn't reserve anyApr 13 13:57
DaemonFCbut it has a defragmentation toolApr 13 13:58
DaemonFCso fragmentation never really has to become a problemApr 13 13:58
DaemonFCas for something going crazy and filling the disk, I guess that could happenApr 13 13:58
DaemonFCnever had it happen thoughApr 13 13:58
DaemonFCcould happen on OS X or Windows or FreeBSD thoughApr 13 13:59
trmancoEXT reserves disk for the lost+found thingyApr 13 13:59
trmancoext3Apr 13 13:59
schestowitzPetoKraus: I'm just using it to write reportsApr 13 13:59
PetoKraus:)Apr 13 13:59
PetoKrausi cooked.Apr 13 13:59
DaemonFCDoes Ext4 still need lost+found?Apr 13 13:59
schestowitzI'd rather take any other dayApr 13 13:59
DaemonFCXFS doesn't have a lost+found directoryApr 13 14:00
DaemonFCmust be an artifact of lesser file systems ;)Apr 13 14:00
trmancoI have no idea, I haven't tried ext4 yetApr 13 14:00
schestowitzPetoKraus: what's next? Tidying up the house?Apr 13 14:00
PetoKraus:) that was beforeApr 13 14:00
schestowitzOh :-(Apr 13 14:00
trmancoargh, why does my new external hard drive come with Windows NTFS?geezApr 13 14:01
PetoKrausit's mess again. Had a visit...Apr 13 14:01
trmancoanybody know of a free filesystem that can be read by WindowsApr 13 14:01
schestowitztrmanco: to get you sued maybeApr 13 14:01
schestowitzCOmpanies like Seagate do thisApr 13 14:01
DaemonFCYeah, they used to format them FAT32Apr 13 14:01
trmancoschestowitz, simpletech external hard driveApr 13 14:01
schestowitzAlthough my latest external HDD came unformatted.Apr 13 14:01
schestowitzBoth are ext3 nowApr 13 14:01
DaemonFCwhy format them with anything?Apr 13 14:02
trmancobut if I put it in ext3, Windows won't read it nativelyApr 13 14:02
DaemonFCyou just open yourself up to legal problemsApr 13 14:02
trmancoshitty winodwsApr 13 14:02
schestowitzIt's intentionalApr 13 14:02
schestowitzMicrosoft seeds its garbageApr 13 14:02
schestowitzRefuses to support other FSsApr 13 14:02
schestowitzPretends there is no needApr 13 14:02
trmancofat32 sucks,non free and has the 4 GB filesize limitApr 13 14:02
schestowitzThen when the harvest it done and the patent ambush is over, it attacksApr 13 14:03
DaemonFCFAT32 is just FAT16 with more clusters supportedApr 13 14:03
DaemonFCwhich is why cluster sizes can be smallerApr 13 14:03
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 13 14:03
DaemonFCand FAT16 is an extension of FAT12 which was used on floppy disks and adapted for hard drives in the 80sApr 13 14:04
iwmwwe should expect fat64Apr 13 14:04
iwmwor at least fat48Apr 13 14:05
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 14:05
DaemonFC 13 14:06
DaemonFCreally the FAT16 and FAT32 disk space limits were designed to make them obsoleteApr 13 14:07
DaemonFCFAT32 was the only real compelling reason to buy Windows 98Apr 13 14:07
DaemonFCthey turn a piece of crap into a wonderful new "feature"Apr 13 14:07
DaemonFCMicrosoft had versions of Windows 95 that used FAT32Apr 13 14:08
DaemonFCbut they were OEM onlyApr 13 14:08
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 14:08
DaemonFCthey didn't dare release that as a free update although it would have been trivialApr 13 14:09
DaemonFCcause then it wouldn't be a feature of Windows 98 that you neededApr 13 14:09
DaemonFCtrmanco: Every printed copy of UNIX Haters Handbook came with a "UNIX Barf Bag"Apr 13 14:13
DaemonFCB-)Apr 13 14:13
trmanco:DApr 13 14:15
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 13 14:20
oiaohmIts taken all this time for most of the errors in Unix Haters to be bothered about being fixedApr 13 14:25
oiaohmI follow the Linux kernel a lot trends of patches there have changed.Apr 13 14:26
oiaohmMore and more patches are about reducing code.Apr 13 14:26
PetoKrauscould anyone highlight me?Apr 13 14:27
DaemonFCoiaohm: More need to be about fixing bugs than "Do we have this new feature that totally shakes up the kernel  that 0.1% of our users might find mildly interesting?"Apr 13 14:29
DaemonFCI've noticed a tendency for them to just merge things cause they canApr 13 14:30
DaemonFCand they need to go through and clean out things that have been deprecated for yearsApr 13 14:31
DaemonFCespecially if nothing uses them anymoreApr 13 14:31
oiaohm 13 14:31
DaemonFCoh well, it's not that big of a drag and you can always leave them out :PApr 13 14:31
oiaohmNo something different has started in the last 18 months.Apr 13 14:31
oiaohmTrue cleaning.Apr 13 14:32
DaemonFCbut 1,000 options in menuconfig make your brain feel like swiss cheeseApr 13 14:32
DaemonFCwhen you're doneApr 13 14:32
oiaohmInstead of just adding features merging them.Apr 13 14:32
iwmwlol 1k optionsApr 13 14:32
iwmwdo you set em all up?Apr 13 14:32
oiaohmproc dev ... They all need to deallocated inodes.  So now generic framework.Apr 13 14:33
DaemonFCiwmw: Ubuntu does, most distros doApr 13 14:33
oiaohmBefore that freese and thaw in filesystems.Apr 13 14:33
oiaohmLot of these merge duplicate code out.Apr 13 14:33
iwmwi mean do you set them all manually?Apr 13 14:33
DaemonFCa lot of stuff, yeahApr 13 14:33
oiaohmYou can choose to.Apr 13 14:33
DaemonFCI probably mess with 50-60 settings and then call it goodApr 13 14:34
DaemonFCiwmw: Do you want serial port support?Apr 13 14:37
DaemonFCParallel port?Apr 13 14:37
DaemonFCOSS sound card drivers?Apr 13 14:37
oiaohmRemove the driver options list would get a lot shorter.Apr 13 14:37
DaemonFCgame ports from 1994?Apr 13 14:37
iwmwfor sureApr 13 14:37
DaemonFChow about support for non-PC X86 machines from SGI?Apr 13 14:37
DaemonFCHow about IBM Calgary?Apr 13 14:37
iwmwdefinitely neededApr 13 14:37
DaemonFCyou want microcode loading support for AMD & Intel even though you're using one or the otherApr 13 14:38
iwmwthey should write a script that compiles kernel for current machineApr 13 14:38
DaemonFCI take it?Apr 13 14:38
oiaohmNot that simple iwmwApr 13 14:39
DaemonFCI suppose you want the dozen touchscreen and dozen tablet drivers?Apr 13 14:39
iwmwwow, yeahApr 13 14:39
DaemonFCthe serial port mouse driver?Apr 13 14:39
iwmwespecially if i don't have to buy themApr 13 14:39
DaemonFCSupport for partitions from every OS there's ever been?Apr 13 14:39
oiaohmFor a portable disk having as many as able is good.Apr 13 14:39
oiaohmI find that partition support really handy for data recoveyr.Apr 13 14:39
DaemonFCtwo dozen RAID controllers you don't have built into the kernel image?Apr 13 14:39
oiaohmNo matter what strange stuff turns up.Apr 13 14:39
DaemonFCI could go on for an hour :PApr 13 14:39
iwmwyeah, you couldApr 13 14:40
iwmwthere are 1k more options to goApr 13 14:40
oiaohmNever be stupid and set everything built into kernel.Apr 13 14:40
DaemonFCdistributions do itApr 13 14:40
oiaohmShe will not even boot.Apr 13 14:40
iwmwwho?Apr 13 14:40
oiaohmI mean no modulesApr 13 14:40
DaemonFC"LOOK! We turned _everything on_ SEE how COMPATIBLE we are?" *crings*Apr 13 14:40
oiaohmEverything linked into one huge bzImageApr 13 14:40
oiaohmIts a poor gcc stress test I do from time to time.Apr 13 14:41
iwmwyeah, you can also check how your processor heats up at 100% loadApr 13 14:41
oiaohmGcc is not that effective.Apr 13 14:42
oiaohmIt gets no where near 100 percent load.Apr 13 14:42
trmanco100% load is no problem hereApr 13 15:04
trmanco(heat)Apr 13 15:04
trmancoit's 13ۼC here and it won't pass 40ۼC at 100%, cpu temp has never been a problem of mine, it's always coolApr 13 15:05
trmancoI think it heats up more when there is about 60% usage, don't know whyApr 13 15:06
iwmwbecause it doesn't do throttling?Apr 13 15:06
trmanco 13 15:10
trmancoiwmw, never doesApr 13 15:10
iwmwDaemonFC: how to turn warning messages in kernel to be visibleApr 13 15:11
iwmwlike printk (KERN_WARN ...Apr 13 15:11
iwmwor where are they loggeApr 13 15:11
iwmwdApr 13 15:11
DaemonFCit's under Kernel HackingApr 13 15:11
iwmwgonna checkApr 13 15:11
iwmwthanksApr 13 15:12
iwmwmay be now i will find out why it's hanging on lcd driverApr 13 15:14
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 13 15:22
iwmwwow... it's still compilingApr 13 15:23
trmancoyou should go through your config file again and remove the unnecessary configs :-PApr 13 15:24
trmancoit takes a couple of compiles until it's perfect :-PApr 13 15:25
iwmwit's kernel for dm357 boardApr 13 15:25
iwmwand i sometimes will have to make a default compilingApr 13 15:25
trmancoI never tried a default compilationApr 13 15:26
iwmwthis one without def options can just hang upApr 13 15:26
iwmwit's kinda badly supported and all that stuffApr 13 15:27
iwmwi just tried to switch video driver to another oneApr 13 15:27
iwmwthat worked on dm355Apr 13 15:27
iwmwand it hang upApr 13 15:28
iwmwthere're no big differencies in video domain between them thoughApr 13 15:28
iwmwwhere does the KERN_WARN info go?Apr 13 15:29
iwmwif not on screenApr 13 15:29
iwmw(std output)Apr 13 15:29
DaemonFCschestowitz: Ubuntu is copying Microsoft SmudgeTypeApr 13 15:33
DaemonFCand every file dialog is now in GlaucomavisionApr 13 15:33
DaemonFC:PApr 13 15:33
iwmwwhat a strange nameApr 13 15:38
schestowitzMicrosoft fonts are poorApr 13 15:39
schestowitzThey have text intersecting sometimesApr 13 15:40
schestowitzTheir typography people might be bad labourApr 13 15:40
iwmwDaemonFC: how to view kern_warn messages after they are switched on in the kernel hacking?Apr 13 15:42
DaemonFClog viewerApr 13 15:53
DaemonFCor in /var/log/kernApr 13 15:54
iwmwheh... it doesn't even come to thatApr 13 15:57
amarsh04what I found strange was that the linux eata scsi driver (for DPT controllers) was broken from 2.6.23 until someone fixed it for me and it was merged just after 2.6.28 came out. Made me wonder how many other people still used DPT scsi controllersApr 13 16:09
amarsh04about 10 hours from reporting the bug on the linux-scsi list until I had a patch emailed back to meApr 13 16:10


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The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
"Guns for hire" in London can only issue "legal" threats
Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: OFFLFIRSOCH 2025 and Programming
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 01, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 01, 2025