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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 16th, 2009 - Part 3


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schestowitzFamiliar VIsta7, but this one works: 16 18:17
schestowitzRecession? What recession? System76: Ubuntu PC Maker’s Revenue Up 61 Percent < >Apr 16 18:19
balzacI've been recommending people buy the Dell mini with Ubuntu preinstalledApr 16 18:20
schestowitzrichard dale (the mono hooks guy): 16 18:20
balzacPeople who are technically proficient, to them I recommend the asus eeeApr 16 18:21
schestowitz"Running KDE4 with KWin/Plasma compositing effects on the HP 2133 mini-note"Apr 16 18:21
balzacSome teenage girl on the subway asked me all about my computerApr 16 18:21
balzacI recommended the dell mini with ubuntu for herApr 16 18:21
schestowitzDid you tip her a fiver?Apr 16 18:21
balzac*teenage*Apr 16 18:21
schestowitz19?Apr 16 18:21
balzac*subway*Apr 16 18:21
schestowitzI kidApr 16 18:22
balzacI got some dirty looks though, from some jealous dudesApr 16 18:22
DaemonFC 16 18:22
DaemonFClolApr 16 18:22
balzacBut I wasn't going to deny her my expertise just because she was some hot jail-baitApr 16 18:22
balzacmeanwhile, I'm banned by the IRC Mall Cops in #ubuntu-opsApr 16 18:22
schestowitzDaemonFC: posted here earlierApr 16 18:23
schestowitz"I'm poor, but I'm not retarded"Apr 16 18:23
schestowitzHe should have gotten LinuxApr 16 18:23
DaemonFCyeahApr 16 18:23
amarsh04is Richard Dale from .au schestowitz?Apr 16 18:25
balzacyep, the hot girls can't get enough of my ubuntuApr 16 18:28
balzachot bartender - I hooked her up, ubuntu on her eeeApr 16 18:28
balzacrandom teen on subway - her tooApr 16 18:29
DaemonFCmeh, if it comes to OS X or Windows, they're both about the same to meApr 16 18:29
DaemonFCjust that I don't have to buy a preassembled PC for 500% markup to get Windows :PApr 16 18:29
schestowitzatang is ccrazzzy.. 16 18:30
schestowitzamarsh04: might beApr 16 18:30
amarsh04if he is, he'd used to be active in Fidonet and running turbo pascalApr 16 18:31
schestowitzI think he utahian[sic]Apr 16 18:35
schestowitzUtahn?Apr 16 18:35
schestowitzNot that it mattersApr 16 18:35
amarsh04from Utah (-:Apr 16 18:35
BalrogDaemonFC: 500% markup is what MS wants you to believe :PApr 16 18:35
schestowitzI'm just watching closely to see if Novell employee (paid by Microsoft) sneak Mono into KDE.Apr 16 18:36
schestowitzDaemonFC: Ext3 ‘data=guarded’ mode coming for Linux kernel 2.6.30? < >Apr 16 18:38
schestowitz"In the light of recent “Ext3 fsync” problem related discussions happened in the Linux Kernel mailing list involving many experts in the field, there has been quite a few improvements."Apr 16 18:38
Balrog Utah (-:Apr 16 18:40
Balrog13:51 < Balrog> DaemonFC: 500% markup is what MS wants you to believe :PApr 16 18:40
Balrog13:51 <@schestowitz> I'm just watching closely to see if Novell employee (paid by Microsoft) sneak Mono into KDE.Apr 16 18:40
Balrog13:53 <@schestowitz> DaemonFC: Ext3 'data=guarded' mode coming for Linux kernel 2.6.30? < >Apr 16 18:40
Balroghrm sorry about thatApr 16 18:41
schestowitzWhy do Linux games cost what they cost? < >Apr 16 18:42
schestowitzbalzac once flooded by accidentApr 16 18:42
BalrogI see.Apr 16 18:44
schestowitzbergy on ballnux: 16 18:51
schestowitzCMus Review - A Great ncurses Music Player < > GUI, who needs it? It's got almost everything.Apr 16 18:53
schestowitz"The New York Times recently reported that Canonical’s annual revenue was about $30 million." That's new to me.Apr 16 18:56
Balrog...?Apr 16 18:56
balzacgood newsApr 16 18:57
Balrogthe value, or NYT reporting itApr 16 18:59
Balrog?Apr 16 18:59
schestowitzHmmm... :-( 16 19:01
schestowitzBalrog: as I understand it, they still operate at a lossApr 16 19:02
schestowitzTry to estimate expensesApr 16 19:02
schestowitzAbout 200 employees, free CDs, office space..Apr 16 19:02
balzacI thought they finally made a profitApr 16 19:02
schestowitzthis guy like to BN, but it's in Spanish: 16 19:03
schestowitzSeems like some popular Spanish-speaking siteApr 16 19:04
BalrogI see. Though that hopefully will change :)Apr 16 19:04
balzacwhy do "linux" games cost what they cost?Apr 16 19:04
balzacbecause they're non-free?Apr 16 19:05
schestowitzWith 100,000+ French policemen on Ubuntu now, Canonical will have some more business in their handsApr 16 19:05
DaemonFCBalrog: I'm sure I can build a PC to the same or better specs than the same Mac for several times lessApr 16 19:05
schestowitzbalzac: Yes, but read the postApr 16 19:05
DaemonFCeven if I don't look for the rock bottom deal on everythingApr 16 19:05
schestowitzIt's a comparison thereApr 16 19:05
schestowitzit's also in 16 19:06
schestowitzIf only the article was in English we could reference their analysisApr 16 19:07
BalrogDaemonFC: then you're on your own when it comes to supportApr 16 19:08
Balrogalso it may not be very much related, but I've seen many broken HP systems latelyApr 16 19:09
Balrogand not only HP, but other cheap windows-based systemsApr 16 19:09
Balrogand can you build a laptop?Apr 16 19:09
DaemonFCSo the difference in Support is?Apr 16 19:10
DaemonFCName one PC maker that stands behind what they sellApr 16 19:10
Balrogbuild yourself and you're on your ownApr 16 19:10
Balrognot only support but quality as well, I meantApr 16 19:11
Balrognon-geeks don't want to fix their machinesApr 16 19:11
schestowitzYou could build a laptopApr 16 19:12
schestowitzNot a very well integrated one :-)Apr 16 19:12
Balrogtrue.Apr 16 19:12
schestowitzFactory components can't be ordered off the shelf, eitherApr 16 19:12
schestowitzI once fixed my Compaq  laptopApr 16 19:13
schestowitzWent to RC electronicsApr 16 19:13
schestowitzCompaq wanted to change the whole monitorApr 16 19:13
schestowitz$500Apr 16 19:13
schestowitzI just bought some component and fixed the source of the issueApr 16 19:13
Balrogof course.Apr 16 19:14
schestowitzit reminded me of WindowsApr 16 19:14
schestowitzWhat to do when it breaks?Apr 16 19:14
schestowitzRestart.Apr 16 19:14
schestowitzIf Windows misbehaves or gets infected, what to do..?Apr 16 19:14
Balrogerase it + start overApr 16 19:15
Balrogthat's what to doApr 16 19:15
schestowitzInstall Windiws. Same with the car industry and garagesApr 16 19:15
schestowitzYou always need 'replacement'Apr 16 19:15
Balrogvery time consuming and inconvenientApr 16 19:15
schestowitzEsp. in WindowsApr 16 19:16
schestowitzUnless you ghost itApr 16 19:16
schestowitz*Ghust{TM} itApr 16 19:16
schestowitzThey don't like misuse of their nameApr 16 19:16
Balrogimaging doesn't preserve new dataApr 16 19:16
schestowitzYou can set that asideApr 16 19:16
Balrogheh ... their software has fallen behind latelyApr 16 19:16
schestowitzLike put it on externalApr 16 19:16
Balrogtrue...Apr 16 19:16
Balrogschestowitz: you're ever stuck using windows?Apr 16 19:17
schestowitzNope.Apr 16 19:17
*SteveBallmer` ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 16 19:17
Balrogthat's good ... many people are :(Apr 16 19:17
schestowitzRyan Fester all the way from Indiana :-)Apr 16 19:17
schestowitzBalrog: I needed to use proprietary s/w thoughApr 16 19:18
Balrogyou mean matlab or other stuff?Apr 16 19:18
Balrogyou said matlab is not that badApr 16 19:18
SteveBallmer`Fester?Apr 16 19:18
*DaemonFC has quit (Nick collision from services.)Apr 16 19:19
*SteveBallmer` is now known as DeamonFCApr 16 19:19
schestowitzI was joking, stApr 16 19:19
schestowitzUncle FesterApr 16 19:19
schestowitz 16 19:20
schestowitz"On the contrary, Mark, we'd have said describing Steve as looking like Uncle Fester was true, and quite possibly in the public interest. But you decide - take a look at Steve Ballmer's homepage and see what you think. "Apr 16 19:20
schestowitz 16 19:21
schestowitzBalrog: I have skype installed cause of friends, tooApr 16 19:21
BalrogI see. I dislike Skype, but friends use it :(Apr 16 19:24
Balrogit uses an annoying form of executable encryptionApr 16 19:24
trmancoEkiga is coolApr 16 19:24
Balrog(and on the iphone, seems to be doing that specifically to get around Apple's API restrictions)Apr 16 19:25
BalrogSkype for iphone is using private APIApr 16 19:25
Balrogekiga is a SIP client?Apr 16 19:26
trmancoyeah, it uses that protocolApr 16 19:32
Balrogok.Apr 16 19:34
schestowitzWhere does Skype stand on SIP?Apr 16 19:36
schestowitzI ask because I'm not too familiarApr 16 19:36
schestowitzThat is to say, for voice alone, is there another access route to Skype users?Apr 16 19:36
schestowitzI abstained Skype for like 3 years (at least) despite requests from peersApr 16 19:37
Balrogthere may be Skype gatewaysApr 16 19:37
Balrogcan't you run Skype in a VM?Apr 16 19:37
schestowitzWhat would be the point?Apr 16 19:38
Balrogif you don't trust their code, that would helpApr 16 19:39
Balrogof course, you'd still want to treat skype convos as insecureApr 16 19:39
Balrogjust like emailApr 16 19:39
schestowitzThe news speaks about rise in SPAM due to MSConfickerApr 16 19:48
schestowitzAnd my box is getting filled with lots of pesky spam I never get much of anymoreApr 16 19:48
schestowitzcould be related. It's a matter of statistics really.Apr 16 19:48
schestowitzBalrog: in China only (confessed Skype) they let the government read Skype IMApr 16 19:49
schestowitzIt's more simple to scan/parse tooApr 16 19:49
Balrogyes I know.Apr 16 19:49
schestowitz"Is there a list anywhere of ex-MS employees, and/or partners, that now have government positions (in governments around the world, not just USA? "Apr 16 19:49
Balrogemail is totally insecure. I wouldn't treat skype any betterApr 16 19:49
Balrog(well, email without encryption)Apr 16 19:50
schestowitzI think we must create such a list, but I lack the time at the moment. Later this year it's very doable. Wiki is suitable for such things because they change over time.Apr 16 19:50
Balrogschestowitz: videos are up, can I pm URL's?Apr 16 19:51
schestowitzBalrog: I encrypt my important mailApr 16 19:51
schestowitzVideos?Apr 16 19:51
schestowitzOhApr 16 19:51
BalrogStallmanApr 16 19:51
schestowitzRMS?Apr 16 19:51
schestowitzYesApr 16 19:51
schestowitzYes, I can embed in BN for streamingApr 16 19:51
schestowitzAnd spread in microbloggingApr 16 19:52
Balrogok.Apr 16 19:53
schestowitzSent to FSFApr 16 19:54
schestowitzand othersApr 16 19:54
schestowitzis it cmu or temple?Apr 16 19:56
schestowitzvenueApr 16 19:56
schestowitzschmidt will speak at cmu graduation ceremony soon btwApr 16 19:56
schestowitzhe's a former noveller, not just google ceoApr 16 19:56
schestowitz 16 20:02
schestowitzI just typed PittsburghApr 16 20:02
schestowitz@Mark_Antony: I hear there are penguins in Antarctica :-)Apr 16 20:03
schestowitzReply to someone pulling my leg about it.... never mind.Apr 16 20:03
Algyzhopefully in antarctica they are not using windows :)Apr 16 20:03
schestowitzTheir parents mightApr 16 20:03
schestowitzLike Minus'Apr 16 20:03
schestowitz*Linus'Apr 16 20:04
Balrogschestowitz: PhiladelphiaApr 16 20:04
Balrogfix it nowApr 16 20:04
schestowitzOhApr 16 20:04
schestowitzFixedApr 16 20:05
MinceRlol @ "Minus"Apr 16 20:05
schestowitzYeah, I knowApr 16 20:05
Balrognot fixed in the titleApr 16 20:05
schestowitzNot even a typo related to tap disatcneApr 16 20:05
schestowitzTwo keys away in QWERTYApr 16 20:05
Balrog??Apr 16 20:05
schestowitzMaybe cacheApr 16 20:06
Balrogschestowitz: doesn't appear fixed to meApr 16 20:06
Balrogyes. Can you clear that if you have wordpress cache running?Apr 16 20:06
Balrogok, fixedApr 16 20:07
BalrogthanksApr 16 20:07
schestowitzNo problemApr 16 20:08
schestowitzNot intentional eitherApr 16 20:09
schestowitzthe PAs confuse meApr 16 20:09
schestowitzToo many of themApr 16 20:09
Balroghopefully my server won't get killed :PApr 16 20:10
Balrogyes, lolApr 16 20:10
schestowitzNot many people download Oggs.Apr 16 20:11
BalrogI know :/Apr 16 20:12
Balrogthough FF 3.1 / FF 3.5 will change thatApr 16 20:12
schestowitzYes, I will then drop the Flash versionsApr 16 20:12
schestowitzAlmost 70% of BN readers use FFApr 16 20:12
schestowitzMostly 3.0.xApr 16 20:12
BalrogI see.Apr 16 20:12
schestowitzRemember this? 16 20:16
BalrogI just hope FF does ogg right.Apr 16 20:18
Balroglet me test it.Apr 16 20:18
schestowitzMicrosoft's results are out at the end of the month. They'll cook the books but admit that $4 Windows XP kills em.Apr 16 20:18
Balrogheh yeah they willApr 16 20:18
schestowitzThey must admit the issueApr 16 20:19
schestowitzInvestors would sue otherwiseApr 16 20:19
*amd-linux (i=584302de@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 16 20:19
schestowitzThey already may sue anyway. Some of them mailed me.Apr 16 20:19
Balrogyou mean Linux people may sue? or MS?Apr 16 20:19
schestowitzThey found BN eye opening because of the articles it citesApr 16 20:19
schestowitzSue MS.Apr 16 20:19
BalrogI see.Apr 16 20:19
Balrogwho sue MS?Apr 16 20:19
schestowitzIf it lies to investorsApr 16 20:19
schestowitzSame with DellApr 16 20:19
Balrogahh that.Apr 16 20:19
schestowitzWhen it accepted $1bn/annum bribes from IntelApr 16 20:20
BalrogI see....Apr 16 20:20
schestowitzI don't think they suedApr 16 20:20
schestowitzThey live in a land where justice is optionalApr 16 20:20
*amd-linux has quit (Client Quit)Apr 16 20:21
Balrogschestowitz: this video is encoded with the experimental theora encoderApr 16 20:21
schestowitzThat's fineApr 16 20:21
Balrogtheir thoughts will betray themApr 16 20:21
Balrogit may not play in old versions of VLCApr 16 20:21
schestowitzRMS got the German authorities worried yesterday. He called for abolishment of EPO.Apr 16 20:22
schestowitzSigns of tender corruption? Government won't say which companies competed: 16 20:23
Balrogyeah ... explainApr 16 20:23
schestowitzBalrog: see the videoApr 16 20:23
BalrogI am looking at itApr 16 20:24
Balrogseems like it was encoded with the 'stable' theora codec ... quality could be betterApr 16 20:24
amarsh04schmidt was at sun before novellApr 16 20:24
Balrogcompare the 400kbps stream that I postedApr 16 20:24
schestowitzamarsh04: yes, I know... JavaApr 16 20:28
schestowitzAnd now Novell is screwing with JavaApr 16 20:28
Balrogschestowitz: URL?Apr 16 20:28
Balrogfor novell / javaApr 16 20:29
amarsh04first page of the itwire article is at - I prefer to get the first page of a storyApr 16 20:29
schestowitzamarsh04: accidentApr 16 20:29
amarsh04no problem, just a personal preference schetowitzApr 16 20:33
amarsh04schestowitz ratherApr 16 20:34
schestowitzAye :-)Apr 16 20:34
schestowitzI've noticed that BoycottNovell's monthly traffic now exceeds 200GBApr 16 20:36
Balrogwow. how do you pay for hosting? Do you have one of those 'unlimited bandwidth' accounts?Apr 16 20:36
Balroglooks like my server is getting some hitsApr 16 20:36
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 16 20:36
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 16 20:37
schestowitzBalrog: Shane pays using the adsApr 16 20:42
schestowitzIn 2 days we'll publish post #6000Apr 16 20:43
BalrogI know. But I block nearly all ads, and definitely flash adsApr 16 20:43
schestowitzOur limit is 500GB/monthApr 16 20:44
schestowitzIt used to be a lot lower in 2007Apr 16 20:44
Balrogthere are these hosting companies that promise "unlimited space" and "unlimited transfer". Is this true?Apr 16 20:45
schestowitzWe have good endurance shelf life in the sense that old articles still get viewed a lotApr 16 20:45
schestowitzWhich is why I proofread super-carefully, which I wasn't doing back in the days (2006)Apr 16 20:46
schestowitzBalrog: it's bullApr 16 20:46
schestowitzWe got told off for too much CPUApr 16 20:46
schestowitzThere are hidden limitsApr 16 20:46
Balrogahh.Apr 16 20:46
schestowitzLike CPU limitsApr 16 20:46
schestowitzOthers have the same issueApr 16 20:46
Balrogyes there are cpu limits :/Apr 16 20:47
schestowitzBob Sutor (IBM VP) and Rick Lerbaum/DeviceGuru for exampleApr 16 20:47
schestowitzFrom them I actually heard it first handApr 16 20:47
schestowitzIt's like illness when you publish something important and people can't listenApr 16 20:47
schestowitzLike coming to deliver a speech  an hour too late or somethingApr 16 20:47
schestowitzAnd if the host's suspension is to blame, then it's avoidable and obnoxiousApr 16 20:48
schestowitzIn I've not written anything new in yearsApr 16 20:48
schestowitzit still does about 10k pages/dayApr 16 20:49
schestowitzBN is around 30k (awstats count)Apr 16 20:49
schestowitzIt changes one's perception of publishing in journals, presenting at conferences, or submitting news to editors (slow, cumbersome)Apr 16 20:50
schestowitzAnother reason it's addictive: shelf lifeApr 16 20:51
schestowitzWith news/journals, they cease to be read quickly (1-2 days for newspaper, one week for magazines, at most months//years for scientific journals). With Web sites it's nothing like that; people use search facilities and judge by relevance, not age.Apr 16 20:52
schestowitzThe Internet is a wonderful thing. What's more 'wonderful' is people who adamantly refuse to move to it (WSJ, scientists) and therefore get left behind, leaving all the readership to others.  It's funny to see the RIAA/MPAA having the same crisis and not knowing how to handle it; they abuse artistsApr 16 20:54
Balrogwi3Apr 16 20:58
BalrogsorryApr 16 20:58
schestowitzthe FSF was happy about the RMS videos. I told them it was located in Philadelphia, weeks ago.Apr 16 20:58
Balrogusing irssi ;)Apr 16 20:58
Balrog...weeks ago?Apr 16 20:59
schestowitzMaybe they'll graft it to their serverApr 16 20:59
schestowitzA month?Apr 16 20:59
schestowitzAnyway, their webmaster knows about it nowApr 16 20:59
DeamonFCheh, I still have yet to take Windows 2003 downApr 16 20:59
Balrogyou mean when I sent you the preliminary copy?Apr 16 20:59
DeamonFCif you cough, Windows Vista or 7 will blue screenApr 16 20:59
schestowitzBalrog: yesApr 16 21:01
BalrogokApr 16 21:01
schestowitzDeamonFC: will post that IE8 link aroudnApr 16 21:02
schestowitzBTW, you misspell daemon on purpose?Apr 16 21:02
DeamonFCschestowitz: That's just asinine, I even read them touting it as a feature of Windows VistaApr 16 21:02
DeamonFClike it would take them any effort at all to give XP usersApr 16 21:02
schestowitzDamon Football ClubApr 16 21:03
DeamonFCschestowitz: They had a Q&A about why they didn't backport more security features to XP and their reason was it would take massive architectural changesApr 16 21:04
DeamonFCbut here we have something so simple that every other browser has itApr 16 21:04
schestowitzIE still loses shareApr 16 21:06
schestowitzThey can't reverse the trend for Windows, either.Apr 16 21:06
schestowitzThey just dump it.,Apr 16 21:06
schestowitzMicrosoft is on a price war it can't sustain. It tries to starve Linux vendors before it goes bankrupt.Apr 16 21:06
DeamonFCI think Opera 10 is my favorite Windows browserApr 16 21:08
DeamonFCstarting to grow on me for Linux now that they've made that version attempt to integrate better with the systemApr 16 21:08
schestowitzI tried it and it was good. But it's not FOSS, so I wait until they change the licence.Apr 16 21:12
schestowitzThey hurt themselvesApr 16 21:12
DeamonFCschestowitz: If they went open source they'd go underApr 16 21:12
schestowitzIf they were FOSS before (no download free anyway), Linux would have bundled Opera AGES agoApr 16 21:13
DeamonFCbecause nobody would have any reason to pay them to have Opera MobileApr 16 21:13
schestowitzOpera was good in 2003Apr 16 21:13
schestowitzBut can't be bundled due to licenceApr 16 21:13
schestowitzThen came Firefox 0.9Apr 16 21:13
DeamonFCwell, Firefox is mainly subsidized by cash infusions from GoogleApr 16 21:13
DeamonFCand they themselves have a licenseApr 16 21:14
DeamonFCunless you compile an unbranded version, you are bound by thatApr 16 21:14
schestowitzIs MPL formally OSI approved?Apr 16 21:19
DeamonFCprobably, but then again, so is the MSPL ;)Apr 16 21:33
woofysomeone from this channelApr 16 21:33
woofyshould type /join ##jswolfbotApr 16 21:34
woofyand !joinApr 16 21:34
woofyin thereApr 16 21:34
DeamonFCschestowitz: Firefox itself is not just MPLApr 16 21:34
DeamonFCyou have to agree to the Firefox EULAApr 16 21:34
DeamonFCschestowitz: 16 21:36
woofywhat does it restrict you to, DeamonFC?Apr 16 21:36
DeamonFCthe one with XP is only $20 more, but it has twice the space on the SSDApr 16 21:36
DeamonFCso you could just buy the XP one and put Linux on it and you still got a better deadApr 16 21:36
DeamonFC*dealApr 16 21:36
DeamonFCI suppose MS is paying them to do thaApr 16 21:36
DeamonFCso it encourages more XP sales and they can point to the numbersApr 16 21:37
DeamonFCeven if people ultimately use LinuxApr 16 21:37
woofyDeamonFC, m$ doesn't encourageApr 16 21:37
woofyit makes ultimatesApr 16 21:38
woofyultimatumsApr 16 21:38
schestowitzHeyApr 16 21:39
schestowitzDeamonFC: same story with OLPCApr 16 21:40
schestowitzIt's supposed to make stories for themApr 16 21:40
schestowitzBUT ALSOApr 16 21:40
schestowitzThey try to block ISV SupportApr 16 21:40
schestowitzKeeping Linux "at bay"Apr 16 21:40
DeamonFCI notice the ones with Windows tend to be the same price or not a lot moreApr 16 21:40
DeamonFCand usually double the RAM or storage or somethingApr 16 21:40
schestowitz 16 21:40
schestowitzAccording to many respectable sources, Microsoft dried up almost all its savingsApr 16 21:44
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 16 21:48
woofynice to hearApr 16 21:50
*woofy will be glad to see win7 failureApr 16 21:50
woofybecause people will start to understand that drm is a failureApr 16 21:51
woofyeven for hardwareApr 16 21:51
woofytoo bad it's drm readyApr 16 21:51
silentivmI guess Win7 will be the first version of Windows which I will not use at all.Apr 16 21:53
silentivm(I briefly tried Vista)Apr 16 21:53
DeamonFCI always at least wait for the first service packApr 16 21:57
DeamonFCthat way it isn't a total disasterApr 16 21:57
DeamonFCin vista's case though, I don't think even the second SP will save itApr 16 21:58
silentivmyep, but I don't really careApr 16 21:58
DeamonFCwell, they rush the stuff out, it has thousands of bugs, then by the time they have the kinks worked out they retire it and start againApr 16 21:59
DeamonFCbut if you at least wait for SP1, all the really heinous stuff is usually fixeApr 16 21:59
DeamonFC*fixedApr 16 21:59
silentivmI hope soApr 16 21:59
DeamonFCit's not like people will stop making software that runs on XP soonApr 16 22:00
DeamonFCand it will keep getting bug fixes for another 5 years or soApr 16 22:00
silentivmexactlyApr 16 22:01
silentivmat the university where I study, all PCs still run XPApr 16 22:01
silentivmbrand-new machines with XPApr 16 22:01
silentivm:)Apr 16 22:01
DeamonFCso I'd imagine that by the time they bury Vista and Windows 7 is on it's first service pack, half of Windows users will still be on XPApr 16 22:01
silentivmexactlyApr 16 22:01
DeamonFCI used Windows 2000 until XP SP1Apr 16 22:02
silentivmWindows 2000? I've only ran it on a VMApr 16 22:03
silentivmbut I know some people which still use itApr 16 22:03
DeamonFCYeah, Windows 2000 wasn't badApr 16 22:03
silentivmexactlyApr 16 22:03
DeamonFCno product activator, no fluff, fairly stable :)Apr 16 22:03
DeamonFCeverything Vista isn'tApr 16 22:03
silentivm:)Apr 16 22:03
silentivmI used Vista briefly, when it was still newApr 16 22:04
DeamonFCI don't know how Microsoft managed to fall so hard so fastApr 16 22:04
silentivmenough for me deciding not to touch it anymoreApr 16 22:04
DeamonFCI got a load of Vista and had a major WTF momentApr 16 22:04
DeamonFCit's not that I even mind paying, but I don't like things that intrude on meApr 16 22:04
silentivmI don't mind paying for goods tuffApr 16 22:05
silentivm*good stuffApr 16 22:05
silentivmbut for a bloated OS? no, thank you very muchApr 16 22:05
DeamonFCyou have to figure that theoretically you could buy a copy of XP in 2001 and still be using it several computers and 13 years later before it's unsupportedApr 16 22:05
silentivmexactlyApr 16 22:06
DeamonFCnLite can even slipstream service packs for youApr 16 22:06
silentivmyep, never tried it thoughApr 16 22:06
schestowitzI know a lobbyist who says he likes VistaApr 16 22:06
DeamonFCso it comes down to like a whopping $15 a year to use WindowsApr 16 22:06
DeamonFCin that caseApr 16 22:06
schestowitzIt gives him more credibility as pro-FOSS advocateApr 16 22:06
schestowitzIf he says he likes Vista, he can't be anti-MS, can he?Apr 16 22:06
silentivmI guess he can'tApr 16 22:07
DeamonFCMicrosoft doesn't like that so they're trying to get to where they can make you pay the same money or more, and then release a new Windows every 3 years or soApr 16 22:07
DeamonFCthat way they can raise the price over 450% and have it appear to be the sameApr 16 22:07
silentivmyepApr 16 22:08
DeamonFCI love the people that where you tell them Windows Ultimate is $400 they tell you to get OEM for $275Apr 16 22:11
DeamonFCbut OEM can't be reactivated on a new PC laterApr 16 22:11
DeamonFCso you end up paying $550 or $825 to get out of paying $400Apr 16 22:12
DeamonFCif you go through 1 or 2 new computers in 10 yearsApr 16 22:12
DeamonFC(likely)Apr 16 22:12
silentivmyes, this is why I avoid computers with preloaded WindowsApr 16 22:12
silentivmif I can't reuse the license on another machine, then no, thanksApr 16 22:13
DeamonFCthat's just a con gameApr 16 22:13
DeamonFCso the software is worthless and your money is wasted if that motherboard bites itApr 16 22:13
DeamonFCor you need a newer systemApr 16 22:13
DeamonFC:)Apr 16 22:13
silentivm:)Apr 16 22:13
woofyi seriously don't get itApr 16 22:14
woofywhy people buy windowsApr 16 22:14
DeamonFCI have a corporate license, so I've never seen the product activatorApr 16 22:14
woofymore than 50% of them buy it just as oemApr 16 22:14
DeamonFCI just slipstreamed the serial number into the installerApr 16 22:14
woofymay beApr 16 22:14
silentivmmaybe because they think they HAVE toApr 16 22:15
DeamonFCthere are advantages and disadvantages of WindowsApr 16 22:15
DeamonFCbut the advantages have been fewer and fewer latelyApr 16 22:15
silentivmexactlyApr 16 22:16
DeamonFCI think one analogy I heard about Linux was that it's like living in a house that's permanently under constructionApr 16 22:16
silentivmI've seen this oneApr 16 22:16
DeamonFCYou'll have issues that are there in one release and gone with the nextApr 16 22:16
DeamonFCand then you're dealing with entirely new bugsApr 16 22:17
silentivmyesApr 16 22:17
DeamonFCthat's really the only thing good I can say about Windows, is that they don't tend to add or trade bugs once it's releasedApr 16 22:18
DeamonFCso with Linux there tend to be two kinds of distributions, ones that release constantly and have lots of bugs, and ones that are "stable" and don't have something you needApr 16 22:19
silentivmexactlyApr 16 22:20
DeamonFCIf Nvidia would release a x86-64 driver for FreeBSD, I'd like to go to that reallyApr 16 22:20
DeamonFCI use it on my laptop and love itApr 16 22:20
silentivmI never really got into BSDsApr 16 22:21
silentivmmaybe because Linux works extremely well on both my machinesApr 16 22:21
DeamonFCPC-BSD has a worthwhile BSD system for desktop usersApr 16 22:21
silentivmI knowApr 16 22:21
DeamonFCand it has ZFS too :)Apr 16 22:21
silentivm:)Apr 16 22:22
woofysilentivm, you're rareApr 16 22:22
silentivmI knowApr 16 22:22
silentivm:)Apr 16 22:22
DeamonFCbut FreeBSD 8 will support Linux 2.6 system callsApr 16 22:22
DeamonFCso suddenly a lot more Linux only stuff will workApr 16 22:22
silentivmI guess I just got lucky with my hardwareApr 16 22:22
silentivmgreatApr 16 22:23
DeamonFCthat's currently what you have to do to get Flash 10 workingApr 16 22:23
DeamonFCrun it in the Linux Firefox :PApr 16 22:23
silentivmhmmApr 16 22:23
silentivm:)Apr 16 22:24
DeamonFCthe reliance on just a few critical pieces of proprietary software can make an otherwise perfect system unusable if the vendor won't support itApr 16 22:24
silentivmyesApr 16 22:24
DeamonFClook at how much stuff uses Flash and how many people have Nvidia cardsApr 16 22:24
DeamonFCbetween those two companies, they've crippled FreeBSD for many peopleApr 16 22:25
silentivmexactly... I still hope that swfdec/gnash get to the same level as the official Flash plug-inApr 16 22:25
DeamonFCyeah, Swfdec was catching up to Flash 9Apr 16 22:26
silentivmI hope it catches up to Flash 10 somedayApr 16 22:26
DeamonFCbut now Flash 10 does so many new things that Swfdec is that much further behind itApr 16 22:26
DeamonFCthen Adobe releases Flash 11 :)Apr 16 22:26
silentivm:)Apr 16 22:26
DeamonFCbut I mean the benchmark of a good flash plugin used to be "it plays youtube"Apr 16 22:27
DeamonFCnow it's "Can I use my mic and camera" and "Is it GPU accelerated so it won't eat my CPU?"Apr 16 22:27
silentivmyepApr 16 22:27
DeamonFCthat brings me to the instant messengers, Pidgin doesn't support voice and video and likely won't, and everytime aMSN and Gyachi catch up with MSN and Yahoo, MSN and Yahoo change the protocolApr 16 22:29
DeamonFCso trying to voice conference on Linux becomes a pain because the sheer number of Windows usersApr 16 22:30
DeamonFCYeah Ekiga works but nobody knows what it is or will download it just cause of youApr 16 22:30
silentivmmost of my Windows-using friends complain about lack of voice/video support on PidginApr 16 22:31
DeamonFCso software is always standardized by the least common denominatorApr 16 22:31
silentivmyesApr 16 22:31
DeamonFCnot governments, industries, or self-appointed bureaucratsApr 16 22:31
balzacThat's why you have to attack a brandApr 16 22:32
balzacsuch as microsoftApr 16 22:32
DeamonFCthe ISO, the ECMA, the IEEE, the W3C, and the Open Group have all failedApr 16 22:32
DeamonFCeven when they define a standard, it leaves it open to interpretation or "extension"Apr 16 22:32
DeamonFCso there's a million ways to contrive compliance without really having that mean anythingApr 16 22:33
DeamonFCMac OS X is UNIX, so is Solaris, so that means I can run UNIX binaries on either? No it doesn't. So that means I can port applications? Only with partial  rewrites or really trivial applicationsApr 16 22:34
DeamonFCso the meaning of a standard just kind of breaks downApr 16 22:34
*schestowitz watches 16 22:34
DeamonFCMicrosoft isn't standardized by anything other than their own specs, but they're the only ones that can tell you what Windows NT isApr 16 22:35
MinceRif osx is unix, so is android :>Apr 16 22:35
DeamonFCso people see them as a safer betApr 16 22:35
DeamonFCnow if there was a dozen operating systems by a dozen vendors with only a vague core NT specification, you could easily fall into the UNIX trapApr 16 22:36
balzac^_^Apr 16 22:36
DeamonFCcause they'd all add or remove or botch things in their own waysApr 16 22:36
DeamonFCjust like UNIXApr 16 22:37
MinceRi don't see NT avoiding botches ;)Apr 16 22:37
DeamonFCMinceR: My point is there is one NT, and there are dozens of "UNIX"Apr 16 22:38
DeamonFCbut the UNIX systems are so far off from each other that they are all their own systemApr 16 22:39
DeamonFCit's confusing, it's hard to support, and if a hardware or software maker gets something that works on one of the dozen, they only have 11 more versions to deal with or write forApr 16 22:40
trmanco 16 22:40
DeamonFCbut there would have to be a mass reunification or die off in the UNIX world and some real solid specs with penalties for violating themApr 16 22:42
DeamonFCfor any sort of real standard to emergeApr 16 22:42
balzacDeamonFC: nothing I know has been discovered to replace money as an organizing principleApr 16 22:43
DeamonFCmoney is what's causing UNIX incompatibilityApr 16 22:44
balzacyeah, well money is the solution to that problemApr 16 22:44
DeamonFCif Solaris, Mac OS, AIX, HP-UX, etc died offApr 16 22:44
schestowitz 16 22:44
schestowitzTakes the piss of out BushApr 16 22:44
DeamonFCLinux and FreeBSD are similar enough that they could develop some binary compatibility both waysApr 16 22:45
schestowitzbalzac: watch and skip to 3:00Apr 16 22:48
MinceRDeamonFC: this sounds like the usual stupid "too many distros" argumentApr 16 22:48
MinceRit would constrain innovationApr 16 22:49
MinceRand stop linux/unix from being what makes it greatApr 16 22:49
MinceRperhaps there should be a programmatically testable specificationApr 16 22:49
MinceRyou could run it and it would tell you whether whatever you're running it on conforms to some standardApr 16 22:50
DeamonFCmeh, there are an asinine number of distributionApr 16 22:50
MinceR(it would probably need a vm)Apr 16 22:50
DeamonFCforked over the dumbest reasonsApr 16 22:50
MinceRcertifications are only good for showing off you have moneyApr 16 22:50
MinceRso, does the number of distros cause you physical pain or something?Apr 16 22:51
MinceRshould distros like gobolinux and nixos be forbidden by law?Apr 16 22:51
*mib_2glfpu (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 16 22:51
MinceRshould people be forbidden to change the default theme in ubuntu and make a livecd of it for personal use?Apr 16 22:51
MinceRanyway, who would decide which distros get to stay?Apr 16 22:52
DeamonFCchanging the theme doesn't make it incompatibleApr 16 22:52
*mib_2glfpu has quit (Client Quit)Apr 16 22:52
DeamonFCforking Debian made them incompatible in some casesApr 16 22:52
DeamonFCif they were a permanent fork you'd get RPM-distro syndromeApr 16 22:52
*mib_244mwb (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 16 22:52
*trmanco has quit ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting")Apr 16 22:53
MinceRthe symptom of rpm-distro syndrome is that the distro uses rpm, right? :>Apr 16 22:58
schestowitzLMAO 16 22:58
*mib_244mwb has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 16 23:00
MinceRgnApr 16 23:16
silentivmgnApr 16 23:16
*DeamonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 16 23:21
*Algyz has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 16 23:26
*PeterKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 16 23:26
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 16 23:28
schestowitzCould this be related to Mono backlash following Microsoft's lawsuit? 16 23:57
schestowitzI asked some people about Wikipedia's licence and thanked them for clarifying re: Wikipedia licence leaving the GNU, potentially. If RMS approves, then all is good. Turns out he's cool with that,.Apr 16 23:59

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GNU/Linux news for the past day
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[Meme] Firefox Users Who Think They Know Better Than Mozilla
Enjoy Firebook
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[Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen)
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Bahamas Joined the "5% Windows" Club
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Antenna Abuse and Gemini Abuse (Self-hosting Perils)
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Djibouti Enters the Windows "10% Club" (Windows Was 99% in 2010)
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GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
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[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
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Microsoft Falls Further and Closer Towards 10% (Windows "Market Share") in Kuwait
more countries entering the "single-digit Windows" (under 10%) club
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[Video] Julian Assange, Over One Decade Ago, Cautioning About What the Internet Had Truly Become
video is not new
Homage to Malta
Malta is probably easy for Microsoft to bribe
IRC at 16
Logging has been used for us and against us
In Malta, Android/Linux Has Overtaken Microsoft Windows (According to statCounter)
statCounter milestone?
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500 Days' Uptime Very Soon
Good luck doing that with Windows...
Windows Falls Below 20% in Tunisia
A month ago we wrote about GNU/Linux in Tunisia
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
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