SEVERAL years ago, apologists of Novell loved pointing at RadeonHD's direction and say that Novell was a champion of Free software. Setting aside the fact that Novell laid off one of the key developers of RadeonHD (Luc Verhaegen, last mentioned here) while struggling with DRM and with AMD, it is important to separate (Open)SUSE from Novell. It's the source of many straw man arguments. In any event, "OpenSUSE Says Farewell To RadeonHD Driver," according to Phoronix.
Now though the RadeonHD driver has perhaps suffered its final blow as the RadeonHD driver is no longer being used as the default within Novell's own openSUSE distribution. As is said in the OpenSUSE 11.3 Milestone 6 notes, "radeon video driver has superseded radeonhd, providing KMS/DRI support."
SCO has now filed with the bankruptcy court in Delaware its report on the small stuff it sold off, what it calls its First Quarterly Report of De Minimis Asset Sales Consummated By the Chapter 11 Trustee Pursuant to Order Approving Certain Procedures for the Sale, Transfer or Abandonment of De Minimis Assets.
Update: And news on the US Supreme Court front. SCO has been given more time to respond to Novell's petition. The new date is August 5.
So, what have Ocean Park folks been doing for their $91,829.50? Some of it is rather vague. This covers the time period of the sale of mobility assets and the finalization of the Yarro loan, so the vagueness is a little frustrating. There are several items about conference calls regarding various "commercial, financial issues." Whatever that means.
Set expectations and beat them. That’s the situation facing Novell as the company prepares for BrainShare EMEA, scheduled for May 18 to 21 in Amsterdam. This is the first time in five years Novell is hosting a BrainShare conference for EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) partners and customers. Novell Chief Marketing Officer and Channel Chief John Dragoon says the event is sold out.