Cory Doctorow, a GNU/Linux user, is a very prominent
critic of the Apple hypePad
THANKS to all those who participated/contributed to the discussion about Apple. There is an analogous discussion at Groklaw and someone brought up the new study which claims you may have to be a GNU/Linux user to actually dislike the hypePad (or at least increase the probability of that). IDG now has an article about it and it's titled "Linux lovers more likely to loathe the iPad" (that ought to be taken as a compliment).
iPad owners tend to put business before pleasure, while critics of the device fit the classic geek stereotype, says a new study
“hypePad actually challenges existing business models and makes them increasingly hostile.”For what it's worth, I can understand some hostility towards my stance in Groklaw. Not many of the readers of Groklaw are GNU/Linux proponents. Many of them are just legal professionals and Pamela Jones too used to reply to me from a mail client on a Mac OS X, so I presume she is not opposed to buying from Apple. We are not here to criticise but only to explain one point of view, which the FSF happened to agree with. Personally I agree with almost everything that Groklaw and the FSF say, but there are exceptions. ⬆
"FSF did some anti-Apple campaigns too. Personally I worry more about Apple because they have user loyalty; Microsoft doesn't."
--Bradley M. Kuhn (SFLC)