Pierre of G-WAN fame has been in touch with Techrights for a long time and he helped show not just how far behind Microsoft really is but also how Microsoft can suppress publication of benchmarks that show this. It's a well-known fact that Microsoft uses legal/litigious means to prevent the publication of benchmarks it cannot control.
“It's a well-known fact that Microsoft uses legal/litigious means to prevent the publication of benchmarks it cannot control.”For those who are not familiar with G-WAN, there are new pages that organise information about it. "with As an update on our discussion," wrote Pierre, "I worked to collect the information you were asking for, and I created dedicated pages for it."
Here are the pages that explain the project [1, 2], a reminder that the Windows EULA forbids benchmarking, an explanation of how publication of results was suppressed and by whom [1, 2], and pages that show the failure of IIS + C#, based on results for Windows, GNU/Linux, and IIS. ⬆