Amongst other videos that we have not included in Techrights yet there is this one from a demonstration against software patents in Vienna (with Richard Stallman) and Kappelman speaking in 2009 about software patents (MIT Enterprise Forum) [1, 2]. These are low-quality and short videos though. If anybody can suggest more videos on the subject of software patents, please contact us. We would gladly publish anything on this subject of high priority. ⬆
Since virtually everyone in Europe is a user of software (almost nobody is a forest dweller like in countries near the equator), this impacts everybody
Colleagues saw the suicide; the EPO's response wasn't to tackle the causes but to bolt down the windows (like factories in China installing controversial 'suicide nets')
"In the long term, the FSF needs to own its future office space, but then the deadly risk is that the property ownership becomes the end goal rather than software freedom."