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Cablegate: Examples of Indonesia Developing Free/Open Source Software


Summary: Two cables showing the use of Free software in Indonesia "in order to reduce dependence on proprietary systems."

IN PREVIOUS posts about Indonesia we showed some good news but also a fair deal of mischief from Microsoft. In reverse-chronological order:

According to the following couple of Cablegate cables, "The Head of the Information and Computer Systems Division of Indonesia's Agency for Technology Research and Application (BPPT) announced that BPPT is developing several computer applications using Free open source Software (FOSS) in order to reduce dependence on proprietary systems. Applications currently in development include e-office (Kantaya), e-learning (Kutahu), and Local Management Information System (Simda) software. BPPT is assisting several local governments (Jembrana, Pekalongan, Banyuwangi, Kuala Kapuas and Sawah Lunto) to implement FOSS-based applications. By 2014, BPPT plans to develop FOSS-based applications for computer driver and kernel technologies, mining data programs, Indonesian language processing, simulation and computerization." In another cable (the second one) it says that "the international community has developed GIS applications using free open source software for use by countries such as Indonesia. Around 30 participants with key disaster mitigation responsibilities in the Indonesian government took part in the training."




E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: SENV [Environmental Affairs], TPHY [Physical Sciences], TBIO [Biological and Medical Science], TRGY [Energy Technology], ENRG [Energy and Power], ID [Indonesia] SUBJECT: INDONESIA ESTH HIGHLIGHTS: MAY 2008

IN THIS ISSUE -------------

-- Government Phasing out Large-Scale AC Units -- Papua Signs USD30 Million Forest Carbon Deal -- Reclamation for an Integrated New City in Tangerang -- Oil Palm Threatens Sentarum Lake National Park -- Orangutans Close to Extinction -- Rare Javan Rhino Caught on Video -- Sumatran Tiger Population Critical -- Legal Reform Initiative Seeks to Protect Habitat for Orangutans -- Mangrove Planting in Surabaya -- Lax Enforcement and High Waste Treatment Costs Blamed for Continued Dumping -- Mushroom Farmers Switch from Kerosene to Firewood -- BPPT Developing Open Source Software -- Nuclear Technology in High School Curriculum -- Tackling HIV Infection Rates Among Surabaya's Children -- No Blood Transfusion Facilities in Half of Country


Government Phasing out Large-Scale AC Units ------------------------------------------- ۦ1. According to Tri Widayati, Director of Ozone Protection of the State Ministry of Environment (MOE), most operators of industrial-size chilling/air-conditioning units will have replaced those units with new ones that use environmentally friendly Freon, such as hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) 123 and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) 134, by the end of June 2008. The MOE says that only 400 large-scale AC units remain in operation. The Government of Indonesia (GOI) banned the further importation of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) 11 and CFC 12 after January 1, 2008 to meet its obligations under the Montreal Protocol. This will lead to a gradual phase-out of older AC units. The MOE is helping to provide soft loans to companies to finance the replacement of older units. The Ministry is also working with voluntary associations to disseminate information to the public about the transition process.

Papua Signs USD30 Million Forest Carbon Deal -------------------------------------------- ۦ2. Papua has signed a carbon deal worth up to USD 30 million for 100,000 hectares of forestland. On May 13, Governor of Papua Barnabas Suebu signed a Memorandum of Understanding with New Forests Asset Management (NFAM) Pty Ltd. During the following two months, NFAM and the Papua Provincial Government will do a preliminary survey to identify three locations for this carbon project. At the end of 2008, Papua will receive USD 10 million of guaranteed revenue for the first five years and receive dividends totaling up to USD 20 million over the same period. NFAM is collaborating with Generation Investment Management, owned by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.

Tangerang Plans New Integrated City on Reclaimed Land --------------------------------------------- -------- ۦ3. On May 15, Head of Tangerang Land Use Office Didin Samsudin confirmed that Tangerang Regency would reclaim 9,000 hectares of its northern coastal areas for a planned new "integrated" city. The Tangerang Regent has already issued Local Regulation (Perda) No. 8 of 2007 on Reclamation. This new development will contain hotels, a marina, a business center, residential areas, and an integrated container terminal and port. The new city will cover approximately 8,000 hectares and cost Rp. 20 trillion or USD 1.3 billion. Tangerang is about 21 km from Jakarta.

Oil Palm Threatens Sentarum Lake National Park --------------------------------------------- - ۦ4. Budi Suriansyah, the Head of Danau Sentarum National Park, says that the palm oil plantation in the Kapuas Hulu region of West Kalimantan threaten the 132,000-hectare park's ecosystem, which is dependent on Betung Kerihun National Park. The development of palm oil plantations as well as illegal logging is causing water pollution, and local fishers are finding it increasingly difficult to find local endemic fish such as jelawat and arwana. There are 11 palm oil plantation companies and 9 subsidiaries of PT Sinar Mas, operating on 160 thousand hectares in areas bordering Betung Kerihun National Park.

Orangutans Close to Extinction ------------------------------ ۦ5. On May 8, the Executive Director of the Center for Orangutan Protection (COP) stated that, based on a COP study in Central

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Kalimantan, orangutans will disappear from the region within 2-3 years. The investigation found 242 palm oil plantations with activities that having an impact on orangutans and their habitat. According to COP, these companies include members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), such as Wilmar, IOI and Agro Group. In 2004, a Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) reported that there were 58,575 orangutans left in Borneo, with an annual decrease in population of 9 percent leading to extinction by 2015. Darori, Director General for Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, is skeptical of the investigation's projections, and emphasizes that the government will not allow the conversion of natural forest to other purposes such as palm oil cultivation.

Rare Javan Rhino Caught on Video -------------------------------- ۦ6. At the end of May, a video recorder installed by Ujung Kulon National Park and the World Wide Fund for Nature-Indonesia (WWF-Indonesia) caught footage of the extremely rare Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus). Speaking about the incident on May 29, Agus Priambudi, Head of Ujung Kulon National Park, said the recording would help researchers and conservationists learn more about the Javan rhino's behavior, as well as assist efforts to reduce threats to the remaining population. The Java rhino is the rarest among five rhino species in the world. There are only an estimated 50-60 Java rhinos in Ujung Kulon National Park. The Java rhino is on the International Union for Nature Conservation's "Red List" of endangered species.

Sumatran Tiger Population Critical ---------------------------------- ۦ7. On May 25, the Coalition for Protected Animal Monitoring stated that there were approximately 250 Sumatran tigers (panthera tigris Sumatrae) left in the wild. The decrease in this species' population is due to hunting, conflict with humans, and illegal logging and land clearing leading to the fragmentation of its habitat. Poachers hunt the animal for its skin, bones, fang/tooth and claws. Tiger skins sell for approximately 3-5 million Rupiah (USD 322-537) apiece in local markets and up to USD 3,300 in international markets. Although Law No. 5 of 1990 on Natural Resources Conservation and Ecosystem protects this species, enforcement of the law is weak.

Legal Reform Initiative Seeks to Protect Habitat for Orangutans ---------------------------------------- ۦ8. The Orangutan Conservation Services Program (OCSP) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) launched a media campaign in late May, to commemorate World Environment Day, in order to draw attention to the urgency of legal protection for orangutan habitat and to support survival of orangutans in the wild. WCS is spearheading a policy reform effort that seeks to protect habitat of endangered species from conversion to non-forest land uses. In Indonesia today, it is illegal to kill an orangutan but it is still legal to convert the little remaining orangutan habitat to non-forest uses. Habitat conversion effectively eliminates whole populations of orangutans and other critically endangered species as their habitat becomes fragmented and deforested.

Mangrove Planting in Surabaya ----------------------------- ۦ9. On May 11, people from various organizations planted 8,000 mangroves along the seashore at Wonorejo in eastern Surabaya. Wonorejo is poised to become a center for mangrove research, cultivation, and tourism. The Surabaya city government is actively restoring mangrove forests in eastern Surabaya. Illegal logging has destroyed at least 40 percent of a total 6,000 hectares of mangrove forest near Wonorejo. According to the head of Wonorejo Mangrove Farming Association, various groups in eastern Surabaya have planted at least 25,000 more mangrove trees this year than last year. Unfortunately, last year's mangroves were poorly protected. For example, 4,000 mangroves planted in the Kenjeran beach area in January had died by the end of May, due to high ocean waves and poor treatment.

Lax Enforcement and High Waste Treatment Costs Blamed for Continued Dumping ------------------------------------ ۦ10. At least 16 companies in East Java have disposed of industrial waste in the Brantas River through underground pipelines or during the heavy rainy season through open ditches. The companies have waste treatment facilities but prefer to cut costs by dumping untreated waste, according to Purnawan, a lecturer at Brawijaya University and a member of East Java Walhi, an environmental NGO.

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The phenol content of industrial waste these companies are dumping in the Brantas is dangerously high, according to Purnawan. Just three hours south of Surabaya in Malang, waste from paper and cassava-processing plants has reportedly resulted in serious pollution and a major fish kill in the lake behind the Sutami Dam. Local media report that Malang's city government is reluctant to take action as paper factories are a major contributor to regional revenue.

Mushroom Farmers Switch from Kerosene to Firewood --------------------------------------------- ---- ۦ11. Mushroom farmers in Karawang, West Java, are switching from kerosene to firewood because of the high cost and scarcity of kerosene. Mushroom farmers use fuel to boil water and use the evaporated water to regulate the level of humidity required for mushroom growth. Kerosene's retail cost has increased from 2,310 Rupiah (USD 0.25) to between 2,500-3,000 Rupiah (USD 0.27-0.32), making the price of firewood relatively cheaper. During a planting period of one month, the farmers require on average 80-120 liters of kerosene or three cubic meters of firewood. With the current kerosene price, the farmers' production costs are between 200,000-300,000 Rupiah, but only 150,000 Rupiah if using firewood. Besides the shift by many farmers to firewood, others have closed down their mushroom production houses altogether.


BPPT Developing Open Source Software ------------------------------------ ۦ12. The Head of the Information and Computer Systems Division of Indonesia's Agency for Technology Research and Application (BPPT) announced that BPPT is developing several computer applications using Free Open Source Software (FOSS) in order to reduce dependence on proprietary systems. Applications currently in development include e-office (Kantaya), e-learning (Kutahu), and Local Management Information System (Simda) software. BPPT is assisting several local governments (Jembrana, Pekalongan, Banyuwangi, Kuala Kapuas and Sawah Lunto) to implement FOSS-based applications. By 2014, BPPT plans to develop FOSS-based applications for computer driver and kernel technologies, mining data programs, Indonesian language processing, simulation and computerization.

Nuclear Education in High School Curriculum ------------------------------------------- ۦ13. On May 2, Dr. Taswanda Taryo, Deputy Chairman for R&D Productivity and Public Acceptance of Nuclear Science and Technology, BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency), announced plans for a program to include education on nuclear technology in school curricula, especially high schools. Eko Madi, Head of the Subdivision for Nuclear Energy Science and Technology Dissemination, BATAN, explained that BATAN and the Ministry of Education would establish an expert team to begin drafting physics, chemistry, and biology curricula on nuclear technology. In addition, BATAN is conducting outreach to educate teachers, students, and NGOs about nuclear technology. BATAN will also establish three Centers for Nuclear Education and Information, including one in Jepara (Central Java), which is close to Muria Bay, the location for a proposed nuclear plant.


Tackling HIV Infection Rates Among Surabaya's Children --------------------------------------------- --------- ۦ14. The Surabaya City Health Department announced that 37 babies in Surabaya contracted HIV/AIDS between January and March 2008. At a workshop on HIV/AIDS, Surabaya's Vice Mayor, Arief Afandi, confirmed that HIV/AIDS cases are spreading in all 31 districts in Surabaya. The Surabaya City government will take a new approach to the problem by training students to be HIV/AIDS cadre who will provide information and training to their peers. The Surabaya City government will also involve more children and students in future HIV/AIDS workshops. So far, it has selected 10 junior high schools and 10 senior high/vocational schools in Surabaya as HIV/AIDS test sites for this campaign.

No Blood Transfusion Facilities in Half of Country --------------------------------------------- ---- ۦ15. During a public hearing before the Jakarta regional parliament on May 12, Dr. Ratna Rosita, Director of Basic Medical Services and Nutrition of the Ministry of Health, stated that Indonesia lacks Blood Transfusion Units (UTDs) in 226 regions. Ministry of Health statistics (2006) show that only 231 of 457 regencies/cities in

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Indonesia have UTDs, including those operated by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), provincial governments and hospitals. PMI's Chairman Mari'e Muhammad and Adang Dorodjatun, Chairman of Indonesia Blood Donors, also attended the public hearing. PMI currently has 212 UTDs, of which 24 percent are located within hospitals and 76 percent outside of hospitals.


Here is the second cable.





E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: SENV [Environmental Affairs], TPHY [Physical Sciences], TBIO [Biological and Medical Science], TRGY [Energy Technology], ENRG [Energy and Power], ID [Indonesia] SUBJECT: INDONESIA ESTH HIGHLIGHTS: AUGUST - OCTOBER 2007

ۦ1. Summary: The Indonesian Supreme Court hosted a judiciary workshop on wildlife crime and prosecution under the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (WEN) program in August. The Vice Governor of Jakarta announced on September 27 that Jakarta could potentially receive $2 million in funding from developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol if it can reduce its CO2 emissions. A 2007 survey found that despite overall decreases in other parts of the island, Sumatran rhino populations in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park and Way Kambas National Park in Lampung increased by up to 30 animals. On September 29, Vice President Yusuf Kalla announced that starting in 2008, Indonesia would increase its reforestation target from 1 million to 2 million hectares per year. On September 25, the Head of Forest Office of West Papua said that the Governors of Papua and West Papua provinces would release a joint decree to ban log exports from Papua. The State Ministry of Environment announced on September 15 that it aims to phase out imports of ozone-depleting substances by the end of 2007 as set in the Montreal Protocol. On October 7, Customs officials successfully foiled efforts to smuggle 70 rare animals through Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta. The State Ministry for Research and Technology and the United Nations Development Programme conducted a "Train the Trainer" session on open-source geographic information system software in Jakarta on October 22-27. On October 3, the Jakarta provincial government granted Rp 40 billion ($4.4 million) to improve health and education services in eight of its satellite cities. At a ceremony to commemorate World Sight Day, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that it would increase its focus on reducing the numbers of vision-impaired children. Several residents of Wolotau Village in the Kota Baru sub-district of the Ende Regency were stricken with anthrax after eating contaminated buffalo meat in mid-October. The Anak Krakatau, or "Child of Krakatau" Volcano, began spitting out flaming rocks and smoke in late October. On October 23, the WWF Program Coordinator for West Kalimantan Hermayani Putera announced that poachers had smuggled rare plant species including orchids and nepenthes (also known as tropical pitcher plants) from Kalimantan to Malaysia. End Summary

Indonesia Hosts ASEAN WEN Judiciary Training --------------------------------------------- ---

ۦ2. The Indonesian Supreme Court hosted a judiciary workshop on wildlife crime and prosecution under the ASEAN WEN program in August in Jakarta. The two-day workshop brought together representatives from Indonesia's judicial sector and focused on prosecution, investigation, Indonesian laws governing protection of wild animals and plants, local and trans-national cooperation with other agencies, and ASEAN-wide initiatives on Mutual Legal Assistance. Judicial officers from Thailand, Malaysia and the United States joined the event in order to share best practices and increase international cooperation to fight trans-national criminals involved in the wildlife trade. Indonesia plans a follow-up training for the national police in February 2008.

Jakarta May Be Eligible for Funding for CO2 Reduction --------------------------------------------- --------

ۦ3. On September 27, Vice Governor of Jakarta Fauzi Wibowo announced that Jakarta could potentially receive $2 million in funding from developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol if it can reduce its CO2 emissions. To be eligible for the funding, Jakarta would have to meet United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) certification requirements. Fauzi stated that the Jakarta administration is implementing a clean air project to try to meet the UNEP standards. Dollaris R. Suhadi, Project Manager of the Clean Air Project, explained that achieving UNEP certification will take up to a year of research and between $500,000 and $1 million in funding. Jakarta officials are optimistic that the city will be able to meet UNEP requirements, citing for example that since the city's bus ways became operational in 2004-2005, the total number of private vehicles on the road has decreased by 14%.

Survey Shows Sumatran Rhino Population on the Rise --------------------------------------------- -----

ۦ4. A 2007 survey conducted by the Rhino Protection Unit (RPU) and Yayasan Badak Indonesia found that despite overall decreases in other parts of the island, Sumatran rhino populations in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park and Way Kambas National Park in Lampung increased by between 24 and 30 animals (to a total of 60 and 85 in each park, respectively). Coordinator of the RPU Arief Rubiyanto stated the increase was unexpected, considering the many threats to the rare animals from poachers and territorial encroachment due to illegal logging and forest conversion activities. RPU patrolling activities in both parks and the curbing of poaching contributed to the improved numbers. In recognition of

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his efforts, Rubiyanto received the Disney Conservation Award from the Walt Disney Corporation.

Indonesia Reforestation Target Raised to 2 Million Hectares Per Year --------------------------------------------- ------

ۦ5. On September 29, Vice President Yusuf Kalla announced that starting in 2008, Indonesia would increase its reforestation target from 1 million to 2 million hectares per year. Kalla added that the international community could not blame Indonesia for cutting its forests in the past, since timber consuming countries such as the U.S., Japan and Korea invested in the concession business. Note: Although the central government's sets the target, responsibility for implementation falls to the regional governments, who may face difficulty meeting the increased level.

Papua Provincial Government Bans Log Exports --------------------------------------------- ----

ۦ6. On September 25, the Head of Forest Office of West Papua Province said that the Governor of Papua Barnabas Suebu and Governor of West Papua Abraham O. Atururi would release a joint decree to ban log exports from Papua. The Papuan administration wants to push investors to open wood processing facilities in Papua rather than shipping logs out from Papua. There are currently 25 concessions within a 4.6 million hectare area, while there is only one wood processing facility, which is located in Sorong. The Papuan government will implement the ban incrementally, beginning with a moratorium on 30 percent of log exports. TIME magazine highlighted Governor Suebu in October as an environmental hero for his conservation efforts.

Government to Halt Ozone-Depleting Imports -------------------------------------------

ۦ7. The State Ministry of Environment announced on September 15 that it aims to phase out imports of ozone-depleting substances by the end of 2007 as set in the Montreal Protocol. The Ministry said that as of August, imports of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for the year had reached 193 metric tons, down from 2,331 metric tons in 2006. Officials stated that the ministry had phased out the use of 1,209 metric tons of CFCs from several sectors in 2006 and would eliminate use of CFCs from the industrial sector by June 2008.

Indonesian Customs Officials Foil Animal Smugglers --------------------------------------------- ------

ۦ8. On October 7, Customs officials successfully foiled efforts to smuggle 70 rare animals through Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta. The Ministry of Finance's Investigation and Enforcement Section reported that Indonesian citizen Jonathan Leo Nardha had tried to smuggle the rare animals in speaker boxes. Nardha was transporting the animals from Malaysia for Indonesian customers in Jakarta.

Disaster Data Base Training Conducted in Jakarta --------------------------------------------- -----

ۦ9. The State Ministry for Research and Technology and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducted a "Train the Trainer" session on open-source geographic information system (GIS) software in Jakarta on October 22-27. Francis Sarmiento III, Project Officer for the UNDP's ASEAN Plus Three Sub-regional Node International Open Source Network, explained that Indonesia needed good, efficient, effective and fast local and national databases and information systems to anticipate and manage natural disasters. Sarmiento explained that database and GIS implementation using closed software sources is difficult for developing countries due budget limitations. To address this challenge, the international community has developed GIS applications using free open source software for use by countries such as Indonesia. Around 30 participants with key disaster mitigation responsibilities in the Indonesian government took part in the training.

Jakarta Grants Funding for Health Services -------------------------------------------

ۦ10. On October 3, the Jakarta provincial government granted Rp 40 billion ($4.4 million) to improve health and education services in eight of its satellite cities. The grant would support efforts to establish community health centers and reduce the number of outbreaks of communal diseases. The grant includes the surrounding cities of Bogor, Depok, Bekasi and Cianjur in West java Province, as well as Tangerang in Banten.

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GOI Seeks to Reduce Vision Impaired Numbers --------------------------------------------

ۦ11. At a ceremony to commemorate World Sight Day, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that it would increase its focus on reducing the numbers of visually impaired children. The MOH has conducted several programs under this initiative, including preventative measures through early detection of blindness in community health centers, provision of vitamin A supplements to combat deficiencies that raise the risk of blindness, and subsidies for regular exams and eyeglasses for poorer families. The MOH has established a national commission to tackle blindness and other sight disorders.

Anthrax attacks villagers in East Nusa Tenggara --------------------------------------------- ---

ۦ12. The Head of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Sub Office of Veterinary of Livestock Office, Maria Geong, reported on October 30 that several residents of Wolotau Village in the Kota Baru sub-district of the Ende Regency were stricken with anthrax after eating contaminated buffalo meat. Around 20 villagers were in critical condition and hospitalized. Geong instructed the Health and Livestock Offices to isolate the area, and the Ende Health Office sent medical teams to the village to support the effort. Ende Regency has been an endemic anthrax area since 1994, where anthrax spores can live up to 60 years.

Anak Krakatau Volcano Spits Flames -----------------------------------

ۦ13. The Anak Krakatau, or "Child of Krakatau" Volcano, began spitting out flaming rocks and smoke in late October. Saut Simatupang of Indonesia's Center for Vulcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation predicted that the volcano would continue to rumble for some time but posed little danger to the area. Anak Krakatau sits in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra.

"Nepenthes" Flies from Kalimantan ---------------------------------

ۦ14. On October 23, the WWF Program Coordinator for West Kalimantan Hermayani Putera announced that poachers had smuggled rare plant species including orchids and nepenthes (also known as tropical pitcher plants) from Kalimantan to Malaysia. They hunted the plants in the Meratus Mountain area and the Hampangin Forest, located in the Katingan Ilir Sub-district of Katinan Regency (approximately 40 miles from Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan). Demand for these species has increased in Malaysia, leading to an increase in poaching in Indonesia. The Indonesian Orchid Association expressed worry that these activities are threatening the sustainability of the species. Malaysian consumers allegedly pay local people to collect the rare and protected plants in Kalimantan's forests for sale. One pot of Nepenthes is worth Rp 20,000 (approximately $2.00), and the price for a Black Orchid ranges from Rp 45,000 to Rp 75,000 (approximately $4.80 to $8.10). To minimize the threat of poaching, the West Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Office has trained local residents to develop nurseries for the endangered plants.


The story of Indonesia is an interesting one especially because of Microsoft's response to ODF and FOSS adoption. It's not unique to Indonesia and we have some antitrust material to show how Microsoft systematically identifies and then attacks deployments of FOSS.

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