Image by David Shankbone
Many people oppose Microsoft not because of jealousy but because of reason. Some people are just better informed than others. One person who fought against Microsoft for its crimes is Mr. Boies and Groklaw says that in the Wordperfect case he will help show how Microsoft broke the law. He sure knows the history. To quote Jones: "In the appeal of the Novell v. Microsoft case, the one about WordPerfect, Novell has hired David Boies and Stuart Singer of Boies Schiller, adding that firm to the team. After watching and writing about Boies Schiller's fancy dancing in the SCO saga, where it did a belly flop from the high dive, I assume you can imagine my reaction when I got the news. But, as Dylan sings, people are crazy and times are strange ... I used to care, but things have changed. When Novell did that toxic patent deal with Microsoft, it was a sea change. I hope my inner thoughts prove unfounded. But to tell you the truth, they usually are on the money. It will not amaze me if Novell loses now, but it's fine if I am proven wrong."
2012-10-08 16:01:33