Addendum I: Danish Fur Industry - Further Information Regarding Political Lobbying
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2016-10-12 11:59:22 UTC
- Modified: 2016-10-12 11:59:22 UTC
Kongstad's mansion of horror

See "Controversial Chinchilla Farming by the Kongstad Family" for more such photos
Summary: The (international) political aspect of the fur industry and Kopenhagen Fur in particular, as covered by the media
WHILE researching for our latest long post that implicates a very high EPO figure we came across more evidence that shows the degree to which politics play a role in the systematic killing of tens of millions of small animals for their skin.
We did, for example, come across this stuff about the political influence of the fur industry in Israel. It seems that the international fur industry got heavily involved in efforts to stop the Israeli parliament passing a bill to ban the trade of mink and fox skins in Israel.
According to reports, Kopenhagen Fur played a key role in this. There's an article about the affair
here. As a reminder, there's a link between Kopenhagen Fur and the Chairman of the Administrative Council of the EPO.
There are also some more detailed articles on
Ha'aretz but they are subscription only. See
"Report: Israeli Lawmakers Shelved Fur Ban After Taking Funded Trip to Denmark"
Summary: "Channel 1 report alleges that four MKs visited Copenhagen on International Fur Trade Federation’s dime."
"Denmark, Israel and the Deathly Stench of Fur"
"It has become impossible to speak about the EPO without speaking about politics. Eponia does not exist in a vacuum."Summary: "From 2009-2014, the world’s major fur associations - Denmark makes about $2 billion a year from the industry - waged an expensive battle to quash the Knesset bill to ban the trade of mink and fox skins in Israel."
How many other countries has that happened in? Apropos payments for policy, see our article "Some Details About How the EPO’s President is Rumoured to be ‘Buying’ Votes and Why It’s Grounds/Basis for “Immediate Dismissal”" (published in May).
It has become impossible to speak about the EPO without speaking about politics. Eponia does not exist in a vacuum. ⬆