The Very Thought of UPC in the UK “is a Perfect Example of What Lobbying Can Achieve!”
Summary: Battistelli (sometimes referred to as "Blatterstelli") and Team UPC are corrupting the media in an effort to pollute the Web with false information and do the unthinkable; the German Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court), however, may take years to decide the fate of the UPC
THE EPO's management is truly desperate for the UPC. So desperate in fact that it has begun corrupting media and corrupting academia. It's misusing EPO funds to just buy an alternate reality. The next President comes from a rogue bank (he's a former banker), so don't expect things to improve much. He also comes from an EU agency, EU-IPO. As Dimitris Xenosââ¬Â put it some minutes ago: "The Council (not the European Council @schestowitz) has more than 150 working groups + ad hoc experts who run the show. We have to find out what they do with the #UPC. I have also written to @EUombudsman regarding their inquiry on the Council's groups..."
more of that alternate reality was promoted by Bristows. Gregory Bacon is obssessing over Belgium again. He already admits that "Belgium has ratified the UPC Agreement," so why the repetition? They don't report actual news, they just mention an amendment to make it seem like UPC is imminent. It's not. At around the same time Edward Nodder from Bristows, unable to report any concrete progress in the UK, resorts to
amplifying UPC lobbyists like those who
recently met Battistelli (CIPA). What we see here is a bunch of law firms lobbying for their wallets. The headline is "UK IP organisations request government action on IP (including the UPC) in light of Brexit". The EPO then retweeted the European IPR Helpdesk as saying: "News from @EPOorg and @TheCIPA: No impact of #Brexit on UK membership of EPO nor on the effect of European #patents in the UK."
Same old propaganda. It's all about the UPC, which they even mentioned by name in the puff piece that quotes Battistelli. And if that's not enough, yesterday we saw Liam Thompson from Marks & Clerk joining CIPA and Battistelli in a puff piece titled
"Brexit will have no impact on the UK’s membership of the European Patent Office" (this is pure lobbying). They paid for this piece. They try to dominate the media. They try to influence the FCC in Germany and persuade
British officials like Sam Gyimah to ratify the UPC. Here's the happy family (
IP Kat's Jones next to Battistelli):
Thomas Adam from Team UPC
still tries to influence the court's outcome (Germany), having just published
this bit of text, concluding it as follows:
Once the Constitutional Court has published its list of cases to be decided 2018, we may know whether the UPC complaint has been admitted and will be tried by the full Senate.
He makes it sound so simple, but actually, the decision may take several years to arrive. Yes,
years. They want us to wrongly assume that the complaint will be rejected as inadmissible and writings like the above (as well as the never-ending fake news from Bristows) are merely an attempt to alter the outcome at FCC. This is pure lobbying.