THE European Patent Office's (EPO) outsourcer in chief António Campinos is flying places when he's permitted to board the plane. "Excellent discussions on the future of the European Patent system with @EPOorg President Antonio Campinos and his team last week in @prh_fi," said an EPO's retweet yesterday. Just like Battistelli, he only even meets with patent maximalists, not scientists. Both also promote software patents in Europe in defiance of what software professionals actually want.
"The EPO's relationship with patent trolls is undeniable; the EPO even invites them to EPO panels."I personally think SUEPO should call for an EPO strike again. I don't get to say what they do, obviously, but what are they waiting for? Nothing is improving. They're next on the chopping block. Do something. Before it's too late... not just for you but for Europe as a whole.
The EPO's relationship with patent trolls is undeniable; the EPO even invites them to EPO panels. As has become a daily occurrence lately, yesterday the EPO once again advertised an event of a patent trolls' front group. This is who today's EPO works with/for! From/about Dublin, Ireland they say: "How can you make win-win IP deals with large companies and research organisations? We’ll tell you at this conference..."
They already liaised for a similar event elsewhere in Europe (with LES/I). They then retweeted (also yesterday) a couple of tweets about it [1, 2]. Why does Enterprise Ireland go into bed with a patent trolls' front group? As we recently explained, "Patent Trolls Are Destroying Free/Open Source Software and They’re Coming to Europe, Thanks to the European Patent Office" (that was last week). Something must be done. ⬆