Bonum Certa Men Certa

Mansion of Pedophilia - Part I: Bill Gates Has Plenty to Hide. Money and Connections Have Helped.

Residence of Bill Gates
Photo of the residence of Bill Gates; Licence and source: CC BY 2.0

Summary: The first in our multi-part series about things that the Gates family works to suppress -- to prevent the public knowing much (or anything) about

IT IS A KNOWN fact, neither a rumour nor speculation, that an arrest was made at the above mansion for child pornography. There's lots of official paperwork about it and the story revolving around secrecy is about as fascinating as that incident itself.

This series might be short; it might also be long, very long. That depends on the amount of material we get our hands on. We publish facts here; where there's speculation it will be presented as such. Ultimately, readers can decide for themselves what's going on and potentially dig deeper and further. We'll provide pointers. But we'll warn in advance that there's a lot of stonewalling, possibly even NDAs (the secret contract whose secrecy itself is a secret, i.e. circular).

"...there's a lot of stonewalling, possibly even NDAs (the secret contract whose secrecy itself is a secret, i.e. circular)."Techrights is doing an investigation, hopefully based not only on police records but also based on publicly accessible material (an "open source investigation" as it's called), of the pedophilia/child porn surrounding Bill Gates and implicating people at his mansion. Yes, arrests were made, but little beyond that is known. Attempts to find out more information are actually quite revealing in their own right. One might expect transparency in the legal process, but when the accused resides or works in the home of the son of Gates Sr. (who controls one of the largest law firms in the United States) connections and strings come handy. Remember that Epstein managed to get away with what he did and even avoid prison for a very long time. So did Weinstein and 'Prince' Andrew, despite all that was widely known for a number of years. Then there's the BBC and Savile, among other British affairs and cover-up by intelligence agencies. When there's money and power, there's a way... to get away with virtually anything. Cover-up only becomes impossible when public opinion changes. To shape and control public opinion Gates has long used a sham 'charity', whose key functionality is bribing media all around the world -- the BBC included -- for puff pieces.

"Facts we know will hereon be distinguished from mere assumptions."There appears to be a rather elaborate effort to extinguish reports on Bill Gates' ties to pedophilia. People who merely bring up the subject get ridiculed and mocked, but as we put known facts together for a future part we invite yet more input, knowing that several associates of Gates are well aware of all sorts of things (which they prefer to take to the grave). My E-mail address is not hard to find. Also my PGP key. We have IRC channels, which can be accessed anonymously. One reason for breaking down things into parts (rendering it a series) is to give time for additional sources to come forth. As far back as more than a decade I've been in contact with people who know Gates personally and consider him a friend (it's them who contacted me, not the other way around). We've heard stories from former Microsoft employees. One such story was about a relative, whom Microsoft was entrapped using pedophilia (for leverage). This is not 'conspiracy theory' territories; that actually happened. A number of years back a former Microsoft employee who was arrested for solicitation of sex with a child sent me an E-mail through his wife (or someone pretending to be the wife). It was a censorship attempt.

As someone told me this morning, regarding Bill Gates, "it seems that some of his friends are pedophiles and he's aware of it, but then he shuts his mouth, he doesn't want to 'interfere'..."

Facts we know will hereon be distinguished from mere assumptions. We do know for a fact that Bill Gates associated with people whom he knew to be mass- or large-scale pedophiles and traffickers. But whether he's participating, "watching" or whatever we don't know. We find a lot of things suspicious, especially the suppression of reports until Xmas/NYE time (the week between Christmas and New Year) when nobody reads the news. It's almost like the reporters and those whom they report on agreed to publish, but only at a particular moment in time.

It's like "the timing is really planned," as someone explained to me, and that happened a whole year after the actual incidents. Why report it a year later while journalists are all on holiday? They were enjoying time at home, so the news didn't travel far and barely anybody noticed (at the time).

"A phony "scandal" emerged just weeks after it, causing Stallman to step down (forcibly), rendering him disgraced and homeless."Sounds familiar? Watch what corporate media did back in September of this year. In August there were reports surfacing about some juicy "MIT" story -- for it turned out Bill Gates relayed money to MIT (like a bribe) through Epstein, even when he knew what Epstein had done. He knew!

Why did he pass millions of dollars to MIT? Why not directly? Was it a bribe? To the employer/home of Richard Stallman?

A phony "scandal" emerged just weeks after it, causing Stallman to step down (forcibly), rendering him disgraced and homeless. Some readers of ours who researched this for weeks explained that MIT used Stallman as a scapegoat or distraction from the other (real) scandals, deflecting from these and making it seem like issues were being addressed and people punished for that old legacy.

Stay tune for part two, which is likely a lot more interesting than this introductory one.

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