BACK in April the Central Staff Committee of the EPO wrote to staff about "[l]ifting the ban on mass emails (a long standing request repeated by letter to Mr Campinos)" and opened up with the following statement:
In this letter, we invite Mr Campinos once more to lift the ban of mass emails imposed by the Battistelli administration since 2013. This would send a positive signal to staff that they are working for an organisation that is returning to respect for freedom of expression. This would be all the more appreciated in these difficult times of corona pandemic.
Reference: sc20058cl-0.3.1/0.1.2/4.6 Date: 03.04.2020
European Patent Office | 80298 MUNICH | GERMANY Mr António Campinos President of the EPO
ISAR - R.1081
Lifting the ban on mass emails
Dear Mr Campinos, dear António,
Today, possibly even more than before the current corona pandemic and the massive homeworking it has led to, communicating efficiently with staff is essential. We therefore request – again – that you put an end to the censorship imposed by the Battistelli administration on the Staff Representation since 2013, and immediately lift the ban of mass emails for the Staff Committee. This would bring back the EPO to the normal world of international and EU organisations, which all allow mass emailing for their staff representation (as was – and still is – e.g. the case in the EUIPO that you headed until recently).
This would send a positive signal to staff that they are working for an organisation that is returning to respect for freedom of expression. This would be all the more appreciated in these difficult times.
Yours sincerely,
Joachim Michels Chairman of the Central Staff Committee
cc.: Mr J. Kratochvil, Chairman of the AC Ms Nellie Simon, VP4, Ms Karin Seegert; Chief of Staff