ABOUT a decade ago (just a little more than a decade) we started a podcast and then made videos of various kinds. That's a very time-consuming process and we stopped some years ago. The above banner, for instance, goes back to 2015.
"Yesterday I was told by an EPO insider that among “staff of the EPO, nearly all read your blog” (I estimated that to be about half, not “nearly all”)."Last week we debated internally whether to get back to producing stuff as audio/video. I'm not camera-shy, though I generally prefer privacy where possible. We used to have a guest line-up (Tim and I are pictured here; his face is blurred).
Yesterday I was told by an EPO insider that among "staff of the EPO, nearly all read your blog" (I estimated that to be about half, not "nearly all").
Earlier today I prepared Downfall humour about the Office and also installed a video/audiocast production chain on Debian GNU/Linux (10/"Buster"), which I shall experiment with in days to come. There are all sorts of things we can do beyond HTML and the text-only versions we introduced back in October. There are certain things which can only be done 'properly' in multimedia form. Not merely reading what's on a screen...
Our hardware ('equipment') for recording has always been subpar (like built-in laptop microphone), but quality of sound never implied quality of the underlying substance. There's no plan to buy "professional" 'equipment' for these purposes. ⬆