Video download link | md5sum 739b9644d7ad6e6fd6bbc8e44b7f7918Tux Machines Cake
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Summary: Eighteen years of Tux Machines (and soon 16 of Techrights) are a sign of stability and endurance; we hope to carry on for at least another decade
THE 19th year of Tux Machines has begun and Techrights will start its 17th later this year.
Here are some photos taken a few hours ago, with emphasis on the cake. ⬆
Since virtually everyone in Europe is a user of software (almost nobody is a forest dweller like in countries near the equator), this impacts everybody
Colleagues saw the suicide; the EPO's response wasn't to tackle the causes but to bolt down the windows (like factories in China installing controversial 'suicide nets')
"In the long term, the FSF needs to own its future office space, but then the deadly risk is that the property ownership becomes the end goal rather than software freedom."