The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: Ahhh relaxtion again....

On Fri, 2 Feb 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> You don't make it clear what the problem is. I guess it's working in a
> chroot() context or something?

Whats it does is look at mirrored copies of itself to make sure that 
everything is correct. It also has to have certain permissions and 
ownerships of the files so that each file can be read under the security 
model that has already been established.

> Is it able to serve _any_ pages that live in our FTP area?
NO. What I can do in's case is give it the ability to 
mirror the files INTO the public user space that it has. This would then 
be mirrored backed by my mirror script from into the 
public ftp space, however this will not be the copy the web server is using..

If I would have known that this sort of arrangement was to be needed I 
would not have hardcoded so much of this information into the server when 
it was installed. (And I am NOT doing it over.) This is the most stable 
this machine has been in the last few months and I prefer to leave it 
alone if at all possible. 

 If so, we could
> place all but the top-level page in the FTP area, and have a cron job copy
> the top-level page from the FTP area to whatever special place it needs to
> live in. I like the idea of the WWW pages being accessable via FTP so that
> secondary WWW sites are easier to run.

No the only way I can server out of the ftp area is but this would tie up the limits of FTP users.

I also plan on killing the buster account in the next 24 - 48 hours. and 
stopping anonymous ftp for 24 hours so that I can catch up with and make a quick rearrange of local drive space.

I will forwarn EVERYONE on this list now that time stamps WILL change.
I will monitor the mirror activity by the use of time stamps if I am upto 
date with then the time stamp will be normal if I am 
out of sync then time stamps will be a little off.

What I plan on doing here is moving to a different drive that what I 
currently am using by mirroring for the full dist. then 
doing a compare against those two sets and see what I come up with. I 
will update the old drive to match. Then from this point on I will run a 
local machine internal mirror of the software that will be updated 
weekly. So if anything happens I have a copy to fall back on...

I will also be making this secondary drive (not quite yet but will be) 
ext2fs on this freebsd machine this allows for a contingency plan where 
is's drive fails and there happens not to be a 
replacement I will be able to mirror and ship this drive to that location 
for immediate use. I would also like to keep the user accounts on matching those on so that I can keep 
consistant with the users and if something needs to be fixed then it can be.

what I would need is a cut from the passwd file so I can convert it into 
BSD master.passwd shadow format. 

Bdale: I need to talk to you more about this... but a little bit of 
redundancy is always benificial :) To bad no one knew about which was a hot swap machine with 
(that I had spent ungodly hours making work in the last month) Mostly due 
to the netscape episode. But I already formatted the hard drive on that 
machine to load NT on it....

Anyway :) I am babling again.....

Bdale I would really like the username and passwd for the machine :)

Also if CPU is the problem I have plenty of it on my machine in kansas, I 
would be more than willing to run the MX for through that 
machine so that people can have their mail update in one central spot 
instead of many, This would also help bruce keep the debian-private list 
upto date with the active developers... (maybe
let me know thoughts or otherwise on this idea......

Also a uick question.... does anyone know who maintains the linux.* 
newsgroups? If so I would like to set up a good exchange....

(If anyone needs a good site to read mail from let me know...)

Matthew S. Bailey
107 Emmons Hall
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer,
my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.  Any
resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic.
The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold
them is left as an exercise for the reader.  The question of the
existence of the reader is left as an exercise for the second god
coefficient.  (A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism
is beyond the scope of this article.)