The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: mirror update (fwd)

On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, Matthew Bailey wrote:

> Mirrored private ( -> /ftp/private)  @ Wed Apr 17 13:15:28 EDT 1996
> Got project/Incoming/watch-1.0-4.tar.gz 6752
> Got project/Incoming/watch-1.0-4.deb 3900
> Got project/Incoming/watch-1.0-4.changes 762
> Got project/Incoming/p10cfgd-1.0-2.tar.gz 6440
> Got project/Incoming/p10cfgd-1.0-2.deb 6031
> Got project/Incoming/p10cfgd-1.0-2.changes 776
> Failed to get project/Incoming/libc5-5.2.18-5.tar.gz: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for project/Incoming/libc5-5.2.18-5.tar.gz (2010704 bytes).
> Failed to get project/Incoming/libc5-5.2.18-5.deb: 426 Data connection: Illegal seek.
> Failed to get project/Incoming/libc5-5.2.18-5.changes: 200 PORT command successful.
> Failed to get project/Incoming/xarchie-2.0.10-5.tar.gz: 425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused.

This type of problem seems to occur when connecting an ftp archive that 
is running Debian Linux sorry to say.  I have been trying mirrors against 
some of the other debian mirror sites and storing files on my personal 
machine with the same errors.  I am currently trying this with Michael's 
machine at and getting the same failures.  Michael, there may 
end up being some hung processes from me because of this.  Sorry about 
that..:(  Is there anyone else that has a current mirror that is not 
running Debian as their OS for the ftp server?  If possible I would like 
to try a couple of attempts against your site to see if the problems 
persist.  The failures seems to be happening after a certain amount has 
been transfered.

I don't know if Matt came up with anything last night but I know I'm stumped.

BTW.. The machine that Matt is running from is running one OS and the 
machine that I am running from is running a different OS complete.  I'm 
on FreeBSD at the moment for personal reasons.


David Brinks - Assist Sys Admin.                   
422 Pearce Hall                    Mail maintainer of:  archive, ftpadmin 
Computer Science Department           www, and sometimes other accounts   
Central Michigan University           used for admin purposes.            
---All opinions, and possibly some of the facts, are strictly of my own.----