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Re: WebStandard 3.0 Proposal

On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
> jplejacq >Do we assume a default page under /usr/doc?  Or must the URL refer to a
> jplejacq >specific package?  Or a specific page?  Christoph implied this in his
> jplejacq >suggestion of:
> jplejacq >
> jplejacq >    /usr/doc/<pkg>/<name.html>   http://localhost/<pkg>/<name.html>
> There is a slight mistake here. The URL needs to be
> http://localhost/doc/<pkg>/<name.html>

Yes, you're correct.

> jplejacq >Does my plan of replicating the /usr/doc and /usr/lib/cgi-bin under
> jplejacq >/var/www make sense to maintain their read-only status?  They would be
> jplejacq >syched by a cron process.
> I would directory write the index.cache files into /usr/doc/<pkg>. You
> need to have read-write access anyways when installing packages. At that
> time your script can run.
> I think a simple  WN installation would be fine with two simple symlinks
> ln -s ../../usr/doc /var/www/doc
> ln -s ../../usr/lib/cgi-bin /var/www/cgi-bin

Except for the case when we have a real read-only media like

wn can be made to work either way.  We just need to decide on
whether to go with read-only /usr.  My two cents would go with

I've also confirmed that we can transparently handle compressed
html pages.  We only need to agree to standardized on the
compressed file name.  For example, if we start with wn.html, the
compressed version is named wn.html.gz.  Same model as for man

--- Jean Pierre

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