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Re: A quality relationship


On Sat, 22 Feb 1997, Igor Grubman wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Feb 1997, Christian Schwarz wrote:
> >
> > I'm the new Policy Manager and am thinking about how we can improve the
> > distribution of the current manuals. (First of all, I'll make a seperate
> > package since I don't think they belong into dpkg-dev.)
> >
> > IMHO it would be nice to have more debian specific documentation than we
> > have now. So if you want to write a "User's Guide on Developing .deb's" it
> > would be a great thing for the project. (Don't forget to cover Christoph's
> > asc2deb which is really a great thing!)
> Hmm... I've never heard of that utility until you mentioned it.  I looked
> at the manpage, and tried to use it, but I still don't see what's so
> wonderful about it.  I think I am definitely missing something.  Someone
> else will have to write that section :-).

IMHO it's very useful for creating meta-packages or simple
wrapper-packages that only "provide" a few packages but install no files
(useful if a sysadmin has local versions of some files and wants to
satisfy dpkg's dependencies).

> > If I'm right we only have these documents at the moment:
> >
> > * Debian Policy Manual
> > * dpkg Programmer's Manual
> > * Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
> > * a few (very short) text file on our bug reporting system
> > (one never knows which document is the right one)
> >
> > It would be nice to add the following:
> >
> > * Debian User's Manual
> > 	(Installation, Handling dselect/dpkg, Installation foreign
> > packages with alien, setting up /etc/init.d/* stuff, etc.)
> >
> > * User's Guide on Developing .deb's
> > 	(with introduction/guide style than the programmer's manual, which
> > is more like a reference manual)
> I'll try to write this.  Keep in mind this will be my first try to write
> documentation for anything, so it might have "bugs".  I will write a first
> draft, and then will need some of the more experienced developers review
> it.  I hope that won't be a problem.

I don't think this is a problem. When you have something finished, just
send it to me or post it on debian-devel and I (and probably others too)
will have a look.



- --                 Christian Schwarz
Do you know,,
Debian GNU/Linux?,
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