The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: There are _TWO_ discussions here

> And a side note for the free software activists. What was the reason for
> XFree86-3.3 to have fonts gzipped instead of compressed? Accordind to

As Guy made clear -- this made it possible for XFree to stay in the
main release, and not go into contrib -- since it used to depend on
the non-DFSG "compress".  

> this promotion? Those users who already payed for commercial servers will
> have to pay more for an upgrade (or ungzip the fonts, but for someone that
> migh not be an option). 

Nonsense.  If you had room for the compressed fonts, and you're
already using non-free software (ie. the comercial server that uses
them, maybe even shipped with compressed fonts) then gunzip'ing and
then *re"compress"ing* the fonts, one at a time, will work (once you
run mkfontdir in each place.)  So in fact, it is an option for
*anyone* who needs it.  (Remember, the gzip'ed fonts are *smaller*
than the compress'ed ones by quite a bit...)  So it is, in fact, an
option for anyone who needs it.

As for upgrades: you paid for a commercial server for some reason in
the first place, right?  If you don't have an upgrade path, perhaps
(1) you chose your vendor poorly (2) you chose poorly in not sending
your money to someone who would contribute the code back to XFree...

> Mark Eichin - promotion of free software. Great. What are the results of
> this promotion? Those users who already payed for commercial servers will

Umm, those who paid for commercial servers are already "out of
bounds", they're not the ones we're supporting [as you've perhaps
noticed, debian doesn't ship any of the commercial servers...]  While
the policy guide does give some support to third party commercial
stuff, the process mentioned above is sufficient; in exchange, for the
users who *do* believe in the DFSG vision, we've made a *major
breakthrough* and at the same time saved them a couple of meg of disk
space (and increased speed some as well!)

> real hard, guys. Neglecting the current needs of the users in favor of
> "better future" is a dead end.

Neglecting the path to a "better future" is a *deader* end.  I and
many others in the Free Software world actually *believe* that Free
Software is a better thing, worth putting effort into.

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