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Re: quick install method (was Re: Deity project)

We can probably take this to debian-devel now,  since there doesn't seem
to be any sensitive info here.  

On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:
> >after base installation and reboot, drop the user into a menu offering
> >one of a number of pre-tested dselect selection sets (plus an "expert"
> Exactly!!!! Lets go ahead with it.

The diety standard includes this,  so why don't we just work on getting
Diety finished?

> 2. There needs to be a menu coming up by default when someone is logging
> in as root offering a tutorial, the writing of bug reports and automatic
	Maybe a debian-admin-howto.  Printing documentation can be handled the
normal way: lpr or enscript.  But that might need to be explained with a
simple line like "to print these docs,  do 'enscript docname'".
	Otherwise,  I find that the existing linux/unix manuals are more
useful than anything I could write.  The things we do need in this area:
	1) an explanation of the debian philosophy: the /etc/rc structure
and other things that are different between various types of unix: BSD/SV,
etc. Note that we don't need to say _how_ to run them,  just what they are
so you can read the appropriate section of your "how to run unix" book.
	2) A list of appropriate "how to run unix" books.  Maybe we can
convince someone who already wrote one to include a section on debian
(Anyone know Matt Welsh?)

> 3. We need a PR department to deal with magazine and testers. We get a

Yes,  but I see that part of the problem is that the ones with the answers
are the ones who wrote the code.  Maybe we should just find a way of
referring dpkg questions to the dpkg and diety developers,  and X config
problems to the people responsible for our X packages.  Don't know how
those teams/maintainers would feel about that,  though.



Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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