The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: quick install method (was Re: Deity project)

On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Will Lowe wrote:
> 	2) A list of appropriate "how to run unix" books.  Maybe we can
> convince someone who already wrote one to include a section on debian
> (Anyone know Matt Welsh?)

	That is really a bad point, the lack of printed material covering
Debian, AFAIK Matt Welsh stopped writing the "Getting Started" book, and
People at the SSC ( The Editors of Linux Journal) have adopted
it and promised to add new chapters covering Red Hat and Debian, I think
I've read that somewhere in their Home Page, but It's been a long time
since I read this, and my memory is not that good... :-)
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