The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: Deity project schedule problems

>>"Brian" == Brian White <> writes:

>> I had planned for us to roll out Deity in 2.0, this was dependent
>> on a beta test in November, not very long from now. There's a
>> chance we'll make that milestone if Jason works really hard.

Brian> YOU had planned?  YOU have nothing to do with it!  It's not
Brian> (nor has it ever been) an official Debian project.  It's a
Brian> personal project of a group of people to try and help Debian.
Brian> You were never promised any delivery date. We'll get it done
Brian> when it's done.

	If I may make a suggestion (clmly, now): if that is the case,
 then the Debian project should start designing an upgrade to the
 dselect mechanism. 

	dselect is our top eye-sore, and we should not rely on
 external sources for this. Debian has to get its act together and get
 working on this.

	Brian, I certainly was under a misapprehension regarding the
 status of the Deity team; had I realized that they are not officially
 part of the Debian project; I would have started work on this a long
 time ago.

>> I have already lit a fire under Brian and the team. I expect staff
>> additions to the currently-closed team, re-activation of inactive
>> staff members, or an opening up of the team for participation of
>> all developers.

Brian> That's bullshit.  You did nothing.  In fact, despite your clims
Brian> to the contrary, all you've ever managed to do was make things
Brian> more difficult for us.  The team will stay closed, though more
Brian> people may be brought in if the original memebers desire it.

	I think that dselct is too important to Debian to slough it
 off on an entity not resonsible to Debian, which does not answer to
 the project, and which has no schedule set.

	Also, I think that a more open development model, based closer
 to the Debian philosophy, may benefit the dselect rewrite.

	My best wishes to the Deity team, it is seldom one gets to
 welcome a new entity to the free software universe. However, I think
 it is time for Debian to rewrite dselect. 


 Obviously, a man's judgment cannot be better than the information on
 which he has based it.  Give him the truth and he may still go wrong
 when he has the chance to be right, but give him no news or present
 him only with distorted and incomplete data, with ignorant, sloppy or
 biased reporting, with propaganda and deliberate falsehoods, and you
 destroy his whole reasoning processes, and make him something less
 than a man. Arthur Hays Sulzberger
Manoj Srivastava               <>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:>

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