The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: Deity project schedule problems

> Manoj> Brian, I certainly was under a misapprehension regarding the
> Manoj> status of the Deity team; had I realized that they are not officially
> Manoj> part of the Debian project; I would have started work on this a long
> Manoj> time ago.
> I must confess to being under the same misapprehension as Manoj. Imagine,
> going along all this time without ever realizing that the Deity project was
> not part of Debian! I even got mail from Brian this morning in which he
> threatened to remove _me_ from the Deity team! Life can surprise one!

Jeez, Bruce.  I only told you a half-dozen times when the project first
started.  Sorry if that wasn't clear enough for you.

> Brian, clean up your mess. You dropped the ball on Deity, and I expect
> you to fix it now.

I always deal with problems under my jurisdiction.  I went right to work
fixing the problem as soon as it was made apparent.

However, the project is not a "mess" (despite your wishes to the contrary)
and the ball hasn't been dropped.

                                 ( )

             Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.

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