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Re: quick install method (was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

Craig Sanders wrote:

> configuration of packages is an entirely separate issue, and one which
> would bog down the Q&D hack to the point that it never got finished.  I
> see it as a "throwaway" script - spend a day or three getting it working
> and throw it away with no regrets when something better comes along.

There are two quick things we can do to make first-time configuration
a bit easier:
    - avoid including packages that are known to be tricky to install
      in the basic sets.
      (Hm, that includes X.  Ok, allow some exceptions :-)
    - tell the user that if they get stuck while configuring a package
      that they don't want anyway, to just give whatever answers seem
      safest and then use dpkg --remove to remove the package right
      after the install.

Note that configuration is probably _hardest_ for packages that the
user doesn't want.  The questions won't make sense.

Richard Braakman

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