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Re: [Fwd: is kde enough free?]

> About this party on debian-private,
> I am taking the part of kde against qt, but I have a question.
> How free is kde?
> Why is in non-free instead of contrib?

the beta1 had nearly no copyright/licence notes, so i moved it to
non-free. this and two mails were enough soft pressure : 
the next release should have valid copyright and licence notes.
(there is maybe one stupid non-free part somewhere - i will check the
beta 2 release (tomorrow released) with my notes, and can say more than.
but this will only affect kdenetwork, not the other kde* packages.

kde* will be in contrib : it uses qt and giflib. qt is not free, and
all gif* algorithems have the known patent problems...

> Maybe there are also other reasons that make kde out-of-debian-sight?

kde is as free as gnome. 
this is what DFSG says. this may be inconvinient for some people,
but our DFSG contains no rule about using non-free licences, so there is
no "free software, lower class". 

btw : i don't know, but i hope gnome is free. i didn't check :-)
giflib is non-free (gif patent ...), so kde is contrib. i hope that
gnome doesn't have gif routines, or does not depend on a package with
gif* routines.


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