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Re: Let's go!!! Debian 2.0 will be _top_ quality

>>>>> "Eloy" == Eloy A Paris <> writes:

    Eloy> Hello everyone, just wanted to share all little experience I
    Eloy> have just had.


    Eloy> _released_ their ncpfs package with _this_ problem. This
    Eloy> leads me to thiink that they did not even test their stuff
    Eloy> before releasing it.

 It isn't fair that they're makeing so much money and not kicking any
 down to the people who do the real work...  We can be sure they
 aren't `stealing' patches from us though.

 I went and got their `tmpwatch-1.2' sources after reading the comment
 in our boot scripts about the `find /tmp | xargs rm' security
 problem, following up on it at geekgirl, and looking over
 `filereaper'.  After I'd `alien' converted it and built it, I ran
 `tmpwatch' with the `--test' switch on my "/tmp" directory, and found
 that the switch doesn't work, and redhat's `tmpwatch' deletes files

 So, I opened a gnuclient on it and went in to fix the bug...  I found
 it right away; he'd passed 0 into a function rather than the `flags'
 variable that gets set up inside the getopts loop.

 I wound up doing a bunch of other changes to the program, and
 contacted Erik Troan, the author of the program, telling him about
 it.  I asked him to look over what I'd done, and see if they'd like
 to have it.  He was pissed because I'd reformatted a lot, and made
 quite extensive changes.  Apparently, he never really looked over
 what I'd done at all.

 Well, to make a long story short, I thought he'd accepted what I'd
 done, since RH 5.0 is shipping a `tmpwatch-1.4', which is the same
 version number as my Debian `tmpwatch' release.  I did a QA check,
 just to be sure, and found that he'd incorporated NONE of my changes.
 Here's what I've put in the `copyright' file in the renamed
 `tmpreaper' package that I've uploaded to experimental[1]:

karlheg: Sun, Dec 7, 1997:
 I am renaming this program from `tmpwatch' to `tmpreaper' to split
 away from RedHat, who released a `tmpwatch-1.4' with RedHat v5.0 that
 had zero of the patches I sent for `1.2-1.4'.  They made one small

--- tmpwatch-1.2.c	Mon Nov 17 21:16:37 1997
+++ tmpwatch-1.4/tmpwatch.c	Thu Nov  6 13:58:34 1997
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 		message(LOG_VERBOSE, "removing directory %s\n", ent->d_name);

 		if (!(flags & FLAGS_TEST)) {
-		    if (!(flags & FLAGS_ALLFILES)) {
+		    if (flags & FLAGS_ALLFILES) {
 			if (rmdir(ent->d_name)) {
 			    message(LOG_ERROR, "failed to rmdir %s: %s\n",
 					dirname, ent->d_name);

 This does not reflect any of the changes I made and submitted to
 them, including the bug that prompted me to begin working on
 `tmpwatch' to begin with.  The `--test' option was broken.  The
 getopt loop fills a variable with some flags to be passed to
 cleanDirectory, but when that function is called for the first time,
 he passes a 0 as the flags argument.

 In main(), it goes:
-	    cleanupDirectory(argv[optind], killTime, 0);
+	    cleanupDirectory (argv[optind], killTime, flags);

[1]  Will someone around here please spend a little time validating
     the program for me?  I'd like to see it in the main distro, if
     yous think it will be of value.

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