Microsoft influence in Europe

Apart from Microsoft pressure groups like
Business Software Alliance,
Association for Competitive Technology, and
Computing Technology Industry Association, Microsoft enjoys supportive figures in the political arena (e.g.
Nicolas Sarkozy) and
supportive presence in the EU Commission.
Charlie McCreevy usually stand out, but there is a lot more including mobbyists like
Florian Müller and presidencies, e.g.:
Czech Republic
What is Going on in the Czech Republic?
Microsoft-Sponsored Czech Presidency Fights Google?
Norway Changes OOXML Vote, Receives New Microsoft Search Base (Updatedx2)
Microsoft in Turkey
How Microsoft ‘Bought’ Nicolas Sarkozy, France, and Parts of Europe
French President Knows Better Than TCs What’s Good for His People (Updated)
Another Cautionary Note: Nicolas Sarkozy
Microsoft’s Influence Over the French Government Amid Linux/Apple Copyright Violation Tax
France is Ambivalent on Microsoft’s Monopoly Abuse
Microsoft and FOSS in Italy] (as a single page)
Nichi Vendola Helps Microsoft Take Over Italy (Updated) (ES)
Amidst Its Moves to Software Freedom Italy Falls Under Microsoft Siege
Activists Battle Microsoft Fascism in Italy
Voters on OOXML Up for ‘Hire’ in Italy (Updated)
Survey in Italy: Usage in 50% of Companies, GNU/Linux at 63%
Microsoft Unleashes the Gartner Group to Sabotage Migration to GNU/Linux in Europe
South Tyrol (Italy) Might Make Free Software Mandatory (ES)
See dedicated page on
Time to End Microsoft’s Digital Occupation of Spain (summary of posts, more on Spain)
See dedicated page on
See dedicated page on
UK and Ireland
Microsoft is Having an Affair with the UK and Ireland
Microsoft Influence on Ireland and the United Kingdom
Microsoft Betrays American Workers and Rewards Irish Workers for Tax Haven
Microsoft’s Dublin DC Could be Indicative of the Notorious Tax Evasion Conspiracy
Charlie McCreevy (complete list)
Intellectual Monopolist to Keep Eye On: Commissioner Mccreevy
Charles McCreevy is Still Advancing Software Patents in Europe
Charlie Mccreevy to Hollywood: I Hereby Give You Europe
Lawsuit Over Alleged Microsoft Corruption in Switzerland Escalates to Federal Court