After intervention from
Elliott Associates Novell's patents were passed to Microsoft, Apple,
et al. in a consortium known as CPTN. Here are posts about CPTN.
Apple, Microsoft, Oracle (CPTN) and the Latest Patent Hoard Against Android/Linux
CPTN (Microsoft, Apple, Oracle) Attack on Android Faces New Setbacks
Microsoft Mole Failed to Sell Phones, Managed to Pass Patents to Microsoft’s Patent Trolls
CPTN Members Oracle, Apple, and Microsoft Still Attack Linux With Software Patents
Microsoft Patent Cartel (CPTN) Dodges German Federal Cartel Office
OIN is Very Different From CPTN and UNIX Risk is Revisited
Apple’s Anti-Linux Patent Lawsuits Give Another Reason for Concern Over CPTN
Free Software Foundation’s Statement on Microsoft/Novell/CPTN Patent Attack Against Software Freedom
OSI President: Microsoft Florian is Spouting Nonsense (About CPTN/Microsoft-Novell Patents)
Microsoft-run Patent Cartel Retreats Following Formal Complaint, But Why? (Updated)
OSI and FSF Unite in Face of Common Enemy CPTN/Microsoft
In Defence of OIN and Android
Microsoft Uses Novell Patents to Not Only Threaten But Also Daemonise Google
CPTN Shows Microsoft Becoming a Patent Agitator Like Kodak, Whose Time is Long Gone
New Details Surface About Novell/Microsoft/AttachMSFT Deal