Microsoft - Tax

Microsoft was found guilty of tax evasion in India and Microsoft avoids paying tax in other countries too. Here are only some of our posts about this important subject.
United States
Distractions From Microsoft's Gigantic Tax Evasion and Contribution to Denial of Climate Science
IRS Reveals That Microsoft Effectively Stole Tens of Billions of Dollars of Public Money Using a Network of Tax Havens
Microsoft Illegally Evades Billions of Dollars in Tax, Says IRS
Microsoft Wastes Taxpayers' Money by Fighting IRS After Evading Tax for Decades
US Government Finally Probes Microsoft Over Financial Fraud, Microsoft Then Bullies the Government With a Lawsuit
Microsoft Inside the US Government Enables Tax Escapism
Waggener Edstrom and Microsoft’s Government Insider Defend the Company’s Reluctance to Pay Tax
Tax Dodger Microsoft Wants Linux to Pay Microsoft Tax for Storage Devices
Call for Federal Action Against Microsoft (and Gates) Tax Dodge
Microsoft Crawls Into Bed With Washington, Seattle Times Still in Denial
Microsoft’s Home State is Running Out of Money While Microsoft Avoids Paying Tax
Microsoft’s Mojave Experiment With Tax and Cronies
Microsoft Hires in Areas of Tax Dodging and Offshoring
Microsoft Moves to Reno to Avoid Regular Tax and to India to Avoid Regular Salaries
Summary of Microsoft Tax Evasion Stories
Former Microsoft General Manager ‘Infects’ the Debt-saddled Washington Administration, Helps Microsoft Dodge Tax
Patents Roundup: Patent Curses, Patent Fallacies, Tax Loopholes
Microsoft Debt and Tax Evasion
Gates/Microsoft Tax Dodge and Agriculture Monopoly Revisited
Microsoft the Tax Evader Wants Taxpayers to Spend Billions Building It a Bridge, Hires PR/Lobbyists
Microsoft Denounced Again by Former Employee for Not Paying Washington Tax; Bill Gates Increases Washington (DC) Influence
Number One Lobbyist Gets Tax Breaks, Government Deals, Innocent Children
New Cartoon: How Microsoft Robs the Nation
Microsoft, a Notorious Tax Evader, Takes Money from Taxpayers to Help Its Own Business (Updated)
References Roundup: Microsoft’s Financial Situation
Microsoft Obeys Communism, Not Capitalism
Bill Gates — Just Like Microsoft — Incompatible With Tax Law
Bill Gates Sr. Lobbies to Keep Tax Agenda Off Gates’ Tax Exemptions and Microsoft’s Tax Evasion
Microsoft Receives More Tax Exemptions (for Data Centres), Leeway on Environmental Issues
Tax-Free Financial Gain at Microsoft Assisted by Governor Gregoire
Microsoft Issues More Debt, Pays Almost No Tax
More Microsoft Debt, Legalised Tax Evasion, and Investment in the SCO Case
What Microsoft Wants Gregoire Gives
More Microsoft Antitrust and Tax Evasion, Legalised by Former Microsoft Management (Ross Hunter) in the Government
Steve Ballmer Lobbies to Pay Less Tax
Microsoft Bribes and Tax Avoidance
Tax-Exempt Gates Family Still Lobbies to Tax Its Peers Even More
Yet More Microsoft Staff (Now Suzan DelBene) Enters Government to Assist Microsoft’s Looting of the System
Bill Gates Forms Government Connections to Avoid Paying Tax and Further Exploit the System
Executive Director of The Economic Opportunity Institute Slams Microsoft for Not Paying Tax
Microsoft Refuses to Explain Avoidance of Tax After Putting Staff in Government
Microsoft and Gates: Avoiding Tax, Buying Consent
Microsoft’s Tax Cheats a Story of Government Corruption
Senator Carl Levin Goes After Microsoft for Avoiding Tax
Microsoft Financial and Accounting Tricks Investigated by US Senate
Microsoft Taxing Android While Avoiding Government Tax
Microsoft’s Massive Tax Evasion Becomes Better Known
Microsoft Betrays American Workers and Rewards Irish Workers for Tax Haven
Microsoft’s Dublin DC Could be Indicative of the Notorious Tax Evasion Conspiracy
Microsoft Influence on Ireland and the United Kingdom
The Seattle Times Finally Questions Microsoft’s Political Games for Tax Avoidance
Microsoft “Paying No Dividend at All”
Cablegate: Microsoft’s Tax Dodge
Tax-Evading Gates Accuses Tax Evaders of Causing Poverty, Microsoft Still Evades Tax Too
Microsoft Stole A Billion Dollars From Denmark
Bill Gates — Not Just Microsoft — Stole Millions From Irish Taxpayers, US Taxpayers Still Robbed by Corruption of Microsoft Moles
Amid Financial Misconduct Microsoft Fights Against Basic Tech Rights, Obviously in an Attempt to Squeeze Out More Money