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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: July 27th, 2013

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s-442@techdirt        FBI Has Used Drones On Americans To Save A Child... And TheJul 27 00:21
s-442                 Rest Is Secret 27 00:21
s-442........................................ 27 00:21
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: FBI Has Used Drones On Americans To Save A Child... And The Rest Is Secret 27 00:21
phIRCe-35289-> Title: FBI Has Used Drones On Americans To Save A Child... And The Rest Is Secret | Techdirt .::. Size~: 48.88 KBJul 27 00:21
s-442@slashdot        Windows NT Turns 20 27 00:30
s-442........................................ 27 00:30
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Windows NT Turns 20 27 00:30
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Windows NT Turns 20 - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.12 KBJul 27 00:30
s-442@wikileaks       This Day in #WikiLeaks: Bradley #Manning trial ends, judgeJul 27 00:38
s-442                 to deliberate on verdict; Russia won't extradite #SnowdenJul 27 00:38
s-442        27 00:38
s-442........................................ 27 00:38
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: This Day in #WikiLeaks: Bradley #Manning trial ends, judge to deliberate on verdict; Russia won't extradite #Snowden 27 00:38
phIRCe-35289-> Title: This Day in WikiLeaks: 26 July 2013 .::. Size~: 75.77 KBJul 27 00:38
s-442@wikileaks       Tomorrow: International Day of Action for Bradley #ManningJul 27 00:38
s-442        #freebradJul 27 00:38
s-442........................................ 27 00:38
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Tomorrow: International Day of Action for Bradley #Manning #freebradJul 27 00:38
phIRCe-35289-> Title: » Take action for Bradley on July 27, 2013 Bradley Manning Support Network .::. Size~: 65.69 KBJul 27 00:38
s-442@techdirt        Worst Woman In The World Burns Dog Alive, Is Caught AfterJul 27 00:41
s-442                 Bragging About It On Facebook 27 00:41
s-442........................................ 27 00:41
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: Worst Woman In The World Burns Dog Alive, Is Caught After Bragging About It On Facebook 27 00:41
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Worst Woman In The World Burns Dog Alive, Is Caught After Bragging About It On Facebook | Techdirt .::. Size~: 47 KBJul 27 00:41
s-442@schestowitz     Glenn #Greenwald To Testify Before Congress About NSAJul 27 00:57
s-442                 Surveillance Programs #surveillanceJul 27 00:57
s-442........................................ 27 00:57
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Glenn #Greenwald To Testify Before Congress About NSA Surveillance Programs #surveillanceJul 27 00:57
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Glenn Greenwald To Testify Before Congress About NSA Surveillance Programs .::. Size~: 182.53 KBJul 27 00:57
s-442@schestowitz     Seven lies about privacy (and how you can debunk them) Jul 27 00:58
s-442        #privacyJul 27 00:58
s-442........................................ 27 00:58
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Seven lies about privacy (and how you can debunk them) #privacyJul 27 00:58
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Seven lies about privacy (and how you can debunk them) » The Privacy Surgeon .::. Size~: 41.87 KBJul 27 00:58
s-442@schestowitz     Angela Keaton Explains the LawsuitJul 27 00:59
s-442                 Against the FBI #antiwar #fbiJul 27 00:59
s-442........................................ 27 00:59
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Angela Keaton Explains the Lawsuit Against the FBI #antiwar #fbiJul 27 00:59
phIRCe-35289-> Title: .::. Size~: 113.68 KBJul 27 00:59
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Angela Keaton Explains the Lawsuit Against the FBI « Blog .::. Size~: 45.21 KBJul 27 00:59
s-442@techdirt        DailyDirt: Frankenfoods Are Going To Kill Us All! Or EndJul 27 01:12
s-442                 World Hunger. Whichevers. 27 01:12
s-442........................................ 27 01:12
s-442@slashdot        GPS Spoofing With $3000 Worth of Equipment and a LaptopJul 27 01:12
s-442        27 01:12
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: DailyDirt: Frankenfoods Are Going To Kill Us All! Or End World Hunger. Whichevers. 27 01:12
s-442........................................ 27 01:12
phIRCe-35289-> Title: DailyDirt: Frankenfoods Are Going To Kill Us All! Or End World Hunger. Whichevers. | Techdirt .::. Size~: 42.57 KBJul 27 01:12
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: GPS Spoofing With $3000 Worth of Equipment and a Laptop 27 01:12
phIRCe-35289-> Title: GPS Spoofing With $3000 Worth of Equipment and a Laptop - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.46 KBJul 27 01:12
schestowitz 27 01:30 A lot of young people (or their parents) upload nude photos to sites like Facebook or other 'clouds', even after the webcam laptops scandal.Jul 27 01:30
schestowitz"The thing with choosing to be naked is that you have to be fully aware of the potential dangers. You just don't have the coverage you get when wearing clothes and people often forget that and attempt normal movements that can end in tragedy."Jul 27 01:30
schestowitz 27 01:31 Ethical hackers just keep dying 27 01:31
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Hacker Barnaby Jack dies in San Francisco aged 35 | Technology | .::. Size~: 149.28 KBJul 27 01:31
schestowitzBe interesting to know from the NSA - who were the last people he talked to and what was it about .........Jul 27 01:31
schestowitzIf they really are that good at eaves dropping ....... its cases like this where we want to know how people die when they are so young.Jul 27 01:31
schestowitz""Jul 27 01:31
schestowitz"Good point, @Free2bme."Jul 27 01:31
schestowitz 27 01:32 A #question for #english people: What have been people's reaction to #porn content #blocking in #England?Jul 27 01:32
schestowitz"Ok, but there's no citizen "resistance"? and engish who don't think... don't give a shit? a mean... 100% of men watch porn, it is porn, man!!! fuck censorship, we're talking of PORN!!!! xDD"Jul 27 01:32
schestowitz 27 01:32
schestowitz""This strain of libertarianism that's going through parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought." Very very dangerous."Jul 27 01:33 America Is Split by the NSA, But Not Along the Usual Partisan Lines 27 01:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: America Is Split by the NSA, But Not Along the Usual Partisan Lines - .::. Size~: 52.63 KBJul 27 01:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Tight NSA spy vote gives hope to program critics - .::. Size~: 104.46 KBJul 27 01:33
schestowitz 27 01:33 Why People Should Never Rely on #Microsoft for GNU/Linux and Java #gnu #linux #azul #azureJul 27 01:33
schestowitz"Microsoft is indeed a cancer. Someday we'll find a cure."Jul 27 01:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Why People Should Never Rely on Microsoft for GNU/Linux and Java | Techrights .::. Size~: 100.49 KBJul 27 01:33
s-442@slashdot        Oracle Sues Companies It Says Provide Solaris OS Support InJul 27 01:36
s-442                 Illegal Manner 27 01:36
s-442........................................ 27 01:36
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Oracle Sues Companies It Says Provide Solaris OS Support In Illegal Manner 27 01:36
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Oracle Sues Companies It Says Provide Solaris OS Support In Illegal Manner - Slashdot .::. Size~: 63.29 KBJul 27 01:36
s-442@techdirt        UK Police's 'Ring Of Steel' Spying On Every Car Entering AndJul 27 01:43
s-442                 Leaving Town Ruled… 27 01:43
s-442........................................ 27 01:43
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: UK Police's 'Ring Of Steel' Spying On Every Car Entering And Leaving Town Ruled… 27 01:43
phIRCe-35289-> Title: UK Police's 'Ring Of Steel' Spying On Every Car Entering And Leaving Town Ruled Disproportionate | Techdirt .::. Size~: 45.08 KBJul 27 01:43
s-442@jonobacon       Be sure to see @MKBHD provide a fantastic overview of theJul 27 01:54
s-442                 #Ubuntu Edge - watch at, pledge atJul 27 01:54
s-442        27 01:54
s-442........................................ 27 01:54
phIRCe-35289@jonobacon: Be sure to see @MKBHD provide a fantastic overview of the #Ubuntu Edge - watch at, pledge at 27 01:54
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Ubuntu Edge: Explained! - YouTube .::. Size~: 104.39 KBJul 27 01:54
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Ubuntu Edge | Indiegogo .::. Size~: 65.79 KBJul 27 01:54
s-442@jonobacon       The Road to Making Crowd-Sourcing History With Ubuntu Edge -Jul 27 02:31
s-442        #ubuntuJul 27 02:31
s-442........................................ 27 02:31
phIRCe-35289@jonobacon: The Road to Making Crowd-Sourcing History With Ubuntu Edge - #ubuntuJul 27 02:31
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Ubuntu Edge: The Road To Making Crowd-Sourcing History  |  jonobacon@home .::. Size~: 29.56 KBJul 27 02:31
s-442@wikileaks       Edward #Snowden's father says he should stay in Russia, as aJul 27 02:50
s-442                 fair trial in the US is out of the question:Jul 27 02:50
s-442        27 02:50
s-442........................................ 27 02:50
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Edward #Snowden's father says he should stay in Russia, as a fair trial in the US is out of the question: 27 02:50
phIRCe-35289-> Title: NSA leak fallout: LIVE UPDATES — RT USA .::. Size~: 80.41 KBJul 27 02:50
s-442@wikileaks       .@JeremyScahill: #Manning "aiding the enemy" charge not justJul 27 02:51
s-442                 dangerous for press, but for the public at largeJul 27 02:51
s-442        27 02:51
s-442........................................ 27 02:51
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: .@JeremyScahill: #Manning "aiding the enemy" charge not just dangerous for press, but for the public at large 27 02:51
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Jeremy Scahill: From the U.S. to Yemen, Obama Admin Has Criminalized Independent Reporting - YouTube .::. Size~: 105.24 KBJul 27 02:51
s-442@wikileaks       #Assange: Journalism Doomed if #Manning Convicted of AidingJul 27 02:51
s-442                 Enemy | US News  #wikileaks #freebradJul 27 02:51
s-442........................................ 27 02:51
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: #Assange: Journalism Doomed if #Manning Convicted of Aiding Enemy | US News  #wikileaks #freebradJul 27 02:51
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Assange: Journalism Doomed if Manning Convicted of Aiding Enemy - Washington Whispers ( .::. Size~: 70.32 KBJul 27 02:51
s-442@techdirt        Details Revealed On Old NSA Intelligence Database: ANCHORYJul 27 02:51
s-442        27 02:51
s-442........................................ 27 02:51
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: Details Revealed On Old NSA Intelligence Database: ANCHORY 27 02:51
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Details Revealed On Old NSA Intelligence Database: ANCHORY | Techdirt .::. Size~: 43.16 KBJul 27 02:51
s-442@wikileaks       Recommended: Summary of Bradley Manning trial closingJul 27 02:59
s-442                 arguments by @CourthouseNews 27 02:59
s-442........................................ 27 02:59
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Recommended: Summary of Bradley Manning trial closing arguments by @CourthouseNews 27 02:59
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Courthouse News Service .::. Size~: 23.47 KBJul 27 02:59
s-442@abcnews         Bradley Manning's defence lawyer says he is a 'wellJul 27 02:59
s-442 retweeted by    intentioned whistleblower not a traitor'Jul 27 02:59
s-442 @wikileaks 27 02:59
s-442........................................ 27 02:59
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: RT @abcnews: Bradley Manning's defence lawyer says he is a 'well intentioned whistleblower not a traitor' 27 02:59
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Bradley Manning's defence lawyer says he is a 'well-intentioned whistleblower, not a traitor' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) .::. Size~: 40.45 KBJul 27 02:59
schestowitz!searchin/comp.os.linux.advocacy/$20techrights/comp.os.linux.advocacy/RxPYYctBmnk/dFoZVJUVRzwJJul 27 03:02
phIRCe-35289Title: Google Groups .::. Size~: 83.05 KBJul 27 03:02
schestowitz"Jul 27 03:02
schestowitzVery informative response!  Maybe contact Roy in #techrights andJul 27 03:02
schestowitzask him to publish it.Jul 27 03:02
schestowitzMy only experience with Ubuntu was when I was helping people inJul 27 03:02
schestowitz#suse, and someone wanted to know how to make their pressure-Jul 27 03:02
schestowitzsensitive artist's tablet work.  While I was trying to figure itJul 27 03:02
schestowitzout, he came back and said he'd found a user-designed packageJul 27 03:02
schestowitz(they have some name for it) in Ubuntu that totally did the job.  Jul 27 03:02
schestowitzSo their large user-base is an advantage too. Jul 27 03:02
schestowitz"Jul 27 03:02
s-442@wikileaks       Morales: Bolivia accepts apologies from Italy, France, Span,Jul 27 03:03
s-442                 Portugal over 'Snowden jet' downing 27 03:03
s-442........................................ 27 03:03
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Morales: Bolivia accepts apologies from Italy, France, Span, Portugal over 'Snowden jet' downing 27 03:03
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Bolivia Accepts Apologies Over Snowden Plane Debacle - .::. Size~: 97.5 KBJul 27 03:03
s-442@wikileaks       Launching the WikiLeaks Party | CounterpuchJul 27 03:40
s-442        @WikiLeaksPartyJul 27 03:40
s-442........................................ 27 03:40
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Launching the WikiLeaks Party | Counterpuch @WikiLeaksPartyJul 27 03:40
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Launching the WikiLeaks Party » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names .::. Size~: 43.4 KBJul 27 03:40
s-442@techdirt        American Historical Association Says Scholars Should Lock UpJul 27 03:51
s-442                 Their Dissertations For Up To… 27 03:51
s-442........................................ 27 03:51
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: American Historical Association Says Scholars Should Lock Up Their Dissertations For Up To… 27 03:52
phIRCe-35289-> Title: American Historical Association Says Scholars Should Lock Up Their Dissertations For Up To Six Years | Techdirt .::. Size~: 51.47 KBJul 27 03:52
s-442@wikileaks       Prism, Tempora & Co – Die Prophezeiungen des Julian #AssangeJul 27 04:11
s-442        27 04:11
s-442........................................ 27 04:11
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Prism, Tempora & Co – Die Prophezeiungen des Julian #Assange 27 04:11
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Prism, Tempora & Co - Die Prophezeiungen des Julian Assange | G! gutjahrs blog .::. Size~: 49.69 KBJul 27 04:11
s-442@slashdot        Japan's Military 'Needs Marines and Drones'Jul 27 04:18
s-442        27 04:18
s-442........................................ 27 04:18
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Japan's Military 'Needs Marines and Drones' 27 04:18
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Japan's Military 'Needs Marines and Drones' - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.8 KBJul 27 04:18
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jul 27 05:06
*XFaCE (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 27 05:07
s-442@wikileaks       Obama Promise To 'Protect Whistleblowers' Just DisappearedJul 27 05:10
s-442                 From 27 05:10
s-442                 #WikiLeaks #Manning #AssangeJul 27 05:10
s-442........................................ 27 05:10
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Obama Promise To 'Protect Whistleblowers' Just Disappeared From #WikiLeaks #Manning #AssangeJul 27 05:10
phIRCe-35289-> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.3 KBJul 27 05:10
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Obama Promise To 'Protect Whistleblowers' Just Disappeared From | Techdirt .::. Size~: 164.55 KBJul 27 05:10
s-442@Ausflatfish     Manus Island: Men who were raped kept in same facilities asJul 27 05:13
s-442 retweeted by    assailants: former guard via @smhJul 27 05:14
s-442 @wikileaks      #refugees #auspolJul 27 05:14
s-442........................................ 27 05:14
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: RT @Ausflatfish: Manus Island: Men who were raped kept in same facilities as assailants: former guard via @smh #refu…Jul 27 05:14
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Burke to visit Manus Island in wake of abuse claims .::. Size~: 167.45 KBJul 27 05:14
s-442@futureidentity  @doctorow An ill-advised Tory MP / Wants to list what we allJul 27 05:33
s-442 retweeted by    shouldn't see / But the point she has missed / ...Jul 27 05:33
s-442 @doctorow 27 05:33
s-442........................................ 27 05:33
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @futureidentity: @doctorow An ill-advised Tory MP / Wants to list what we all shouldn't see / But the point she has missed / ... http://…Jul 27 05:33
phIRCe-35289 ( status 400 @ http:// )Jul 27 05:33
s-442@doctorow        Photo: kadrey: Here’s a long excerpt from KILL CITYJul 27 05:39
s-442                 BLUES.... 27 05:39
s-442........................................ 27 05:39
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: Photo: kadrey: Here’s a long excerpt from KILL CITY BLUES.... 27 05:39
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cory Doctorow: kadrey:  Here’s a long excerpt from KILL CITY... .::. Size~: 60.19 KBJul 27 05:39
s-442@doctorow        Dear Disney World Jedi Master Shane - Thank you SO much forJul 27 06:43
s-442                 being so kind to my nephew Jaxon — 27 06:43
s-442........................................ 27 06:43
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: Dear Disney World Jedi Master Shane - Thank you SO much for being so kind to my nephew Jaxon — 27 06:43
phIRCe-35289-> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 11.44 KBJul 27 06:43
qu1j0t3schestowitz: wow, both bots live!Jul 27 06:44
qu1j0t3schestowitz: when u get some time we need to talk about upgrading techrightsbotJul 27 06:44
s-442@doctorow        I just backed Borg Like Me, the Writings of Gareth BranwynJul 27 06:51
s-442                 on @Kickstarter 27 06:51
s-442........................................ 27 06:51
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: I just backed Borg Like Me, the Writings of Gareth Branwyn on @Kickstarter 27 06:51
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Borg Like Me, the Writings of Gareth Branwyn by Gareth Branwyn — Kickstarter .::. Size~: 81.35 KBJul 27 06:51
s-442@linuxtoday      LibreOffice 4.1.0 is Here with New Goodies: OSTATIC: ThisJul 27 07:12
s-442                 release brings several nice new features and probabl...Jul 27 07:12
s-442        27 07:12
s-442........................................ 27 07:12
phIRCe-35289@linuxtoday: LibreOffice 4.1.0 is Here with New Goodies: OSTATIC: This release brings several nice new features and probabl... 27 07:12
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Linux Today - LibreOffice 4.1.0 is Here with New Goodies .::. Size~: 37.47 KBJul 27 07:12
s-442@slashdot        Would You Let a Robot Stick You With a Needle?Jul 27 07:24
s-442        27 07:24
s-442........................................ 27 07:24
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Would You Let a Robot Stick You With a Needle? 27 07:24
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Would You Let a Robot Stick You With a Needle? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.71 KBJul 27 07:24
s-442@wikileaks       Transcript: Defense's closing arguments in Bradley #ManningJul 27 07:35
s-442                 trial #wikileaks #freebradJul 27 07:35
s-442........................................ 27 07:35
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Transcript: Defense's closing arguments in Bradley #Manning trial #wikileaks #freebradJul 27 07:35
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting application/pdf typeJul 27 07:35
s-442@KellieTranter   US military prosecutors have #WikiLeaks publisher & SenateJul 27 07:44
s-442 retweeted by    candidate Julian #Assange firmly in their sights.Jul 27 07:44
s-442 @wikileaks #auspolJul 27 07:44
s-442........................................ 27 07:44
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: RT @KellieTranter: US military prosecutors have #WikiLeaks publisher & Senate candidate Julian #Assange firmly in their sights.…Jul 27 07:44
phIRCe-35289-> Title: / Twitter .::. Size~: 3 KBJul 27 07:44
schestowitz 27 08:04
schestowitz"Who says OOXML dominates the landscape? I've had to deal with that garbage only once or twice in the last five years. In both cases, a pdf or plain text was provided on request. For ease of use, Google Docs is a better cooperative editing platform by far than any 1990's rooted "office suite". Free software like Wikis and Kolab also put Microsoft to shame."Jul 27 08:04
schestowitz""We Can Put an End to Word Attachments""Jul 27 08:04
*TechrightsSocial ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJul 27 08:04
TechrightsSocialHello World! I'm TechrightsSocial running phIRCe v0.58Jul 27 08:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: Main Page - Techrights .::. Size~: 33.15 KBJul 27 08:04
schestowitz 27 08:04
schestowitz"Team Zizek!Team Zizek!"Jul 27 08:05
phIRCe-35289Not a Diaspora post?Jul 27 08:05
phIRCe-35289Title: We Can Put an End to Word Attachments - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) .::. Size~: 19.5 KBJul 27 08:05
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?Jul 27 08:05
phIRCe-35289Not a Diaspora post?Jul 27 08:06
s-442@futuresedge     Scientist banned from revealing codes used to start luxuryJul 27 08:35
s-442 retweeted by    cars @doctorowJul 27 08:35
s-442 @doctorow       Jul 27 08:35
s-442........................................ 27 08:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: Scientist banned from revealing codes used to start luxury cars | Technology | .::. Size~: 120.69 KBJul 27 08:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 08:35
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @futuresedge: Scientist banned from revealing codes used to start luxury cars @doctorowJul 27 08:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: Scientist banned from revealing codes used to start luxury cars | Technology | .::. Size~: 120.69 KBJul 27 08:36
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Scientist banned from revealing codes used to start luxury cars | Technology | .::. Size~: 154.18 KBJul 27 08:36
s-442@slashdot        UK ISP Filter Will Censor More Than PornJul 27 10:21
s-442        27 10:21
s-442........................................ 27 10:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: UK ISP Filter Will Censor More Than Porn - Slashdot .::. Size~: 57.43 KBJul 27 10:21
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: UK ISP Filter Will Censor More Than Porn 27 10:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 10:21
phIRCe-35289-> Title: UK ISP Filter Will Censor More Than Porn - Slashdot .::. Size~: 57.43 KBJul 27 10:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: UK ISP Filter Will Censor More Than Porn - Slashdot .::. Size~: 57.43 KBJul 27 10:21
s-442@futuresedge     Hacked homes @doctorowJul 27 10:56
s-442 retweeted by    Jul 27 10:56
s-442 @doctorow       Jul 27 10:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: When 'Smart Homes' Get Hacked: I Haunted A Complete Stranger's House Via The Internet - Forbes .::. Size~: 95.14 KBJul 27 10:56
s-442........................................ 27 10:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 10:56
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @futuresedge: Hacked homes @doctorowJul 27 10:56
phIRCe-35289-> Title: When 'Smart Homes' Get Hacked: I Haunted A Complete Stranger's House Via The Internet - Forbes .::. Size~: 95.14 KBJul 27 10:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: When 'Smart Homes' Get Hacked: I Haunted A Complete Stranger's House Via The Internet - Forbes .::. Size~: 95.14 KBJul 27 10:56
s-442@booksnineworlds  10th Aug @ 13.00: Launch Party - 'Homeland' by Cory DoctorowJul 27 13:12
s-442 retweeted by    @doctorow @TitanBooks Duo Bar for coffee and fortune cookiesJul 27 13:12
s-442 @doctorow       Jul 27 13:12
s-442........................................ 27 13:12
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:12
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @booksnineworlds: 10th Aug @ 13.00: Launch Party - 'Homeland' by Cory Doctorow @doctorow @TitanBooks Duo Bar for coffee and fortune cook…Jul 27 13:12
s-442@slashdot        US Promises Not To Kill Or Torture SnowdenJul 27 13:27
s-442        27 13:27
s-442........................................ 27 13:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: US Promises Not To Kill Or Torture Snowden - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.48 KBJul 27 13:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:27
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: US Promises Not To Kill Or Torture Snowden 27 13:27
phIRCe-35289-> Title: US Promises Not To Kill Or Torture Snowden - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.48 KBJul 27 13:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: US Promises Not To Kill Or Torture Snowden - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.48 KBJul 27 13:27
s-442@schestowitz     Where have all the bees gone? byJul 27 13:30
s-442                 #branson #nature #beesJul 27 13:30
s-442........................................ 27 13:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: Where have all the bees gone? - Richard's Blog - .::. Size~: 58.26 KBJul 27 13:30
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Where have all the bees gone? by #branson #nature #beesJul 27 13:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:30
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Where have all the bees gone? - Richard's Blog - .::. Size~: 58.26 KBJul 27 13:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: Where have all the bees gone? - Richard's Blog - .::. Size~: 58.26 KBJul 27 13:30
s-442@schestowitz     Hacker's Tiny Spy Computers Aim To Track Targets AroundJul 27 13:31
s-442                 Entire Neighborhoods And Cities 27 13:31
s-442........................................ 27 13:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: Hacker's Tiny Spy Computers Aim To Track Targets Around Entire Neighborhoods And Cities - Forbes .::. Size~: 86.33 KBJul 27 13:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:31
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Hacker's Tiny Spy Computers Aim To Track Targets Around Entire Neighborhoods And Cities 27 13:31
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Hacker's Tiny Spy Computers Aim To Track Targets Around Entire Neighborhoods And Cities - Forbes .::. Size~: 86.4 KBJul 27 13:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: Hacker's Tiny Spy Computers Aim To Track Targets Around Entire Neighborhoods And Cities - Forbes .::. Size~: 86.4 KBJul 27 13:31
s-442@schestowitz     Debian and Kernel FreedomJul 27 13:32
s-442        #debian #gnu #linuxJul 27 13:32
s-442........................................ 27 13:32
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Debian and Kernel Freedom #debian #gnu #linuxJul 27 13:32
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Bytes Media - Debian and Kernel Freedom .::. Size~: 39.61 KBJul 27 13:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: Bytes Media - Debian and Kernel Freedom .::. Size~: 39.61 KBJul 27 13:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: Bytes Media - Debian and Kernel Freedom .::. Size~: 39.61 KBJul 27 13:32
s-442@schestowitz     Lawmakers Who Upheld #NSA Phone #Spying Received CashJul 27 13:34
s-442        bribes much? They vote for what theyJul 27 13:34
s-442                 believe in: money.Jul 27 13:34
s-442........................................ 27 13:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense Industry Cash | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 125.2 KBJul 27 13:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:34
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Lawmakers Who Upheld #NSA Phone #Spying Received Cash bribes much? They vote for what they believe in: money.Jul 27 13:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense Industry Cash | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 125.06 KBJul 27 13:34
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense Industry Cash | Threat Level | .::. Size~: 125.08 KBJul 27 13:34
s-442@schestowitz     Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concernsJul 27 13:39
s-442        it's the #nsa that should be fearedJul 27 13:39
s-442                 mostJul 27 13:39
s-442........................................ 27 13:39
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concerns it's the #nsa that should be feared mostJul 27 13:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concerns .::. Size~: 51.9 KBJul 27 13:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concerns .::. Size~: 51.9 KBJul 27 13:39
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concerns .::. Size~: 51.9 KBJul 27 13:39
s-442@schestowitz     Tracking device 27 13:40
s-442........................................ 27 13:40
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Tracking device 27 13:40
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 13:40
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:40
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 13:40
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 13:40
schestowitz"He missed pointing out that people also pay per month for the privilege of being tracked."Jul 27 13:41
s-442@schestowitz     Coming home to roost #dronesJul 27 13:42
s-442........................................ 27 13:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: Drones to fly U.S. skies, FAA approves 1st civilian UAVs - Technology & Science - CBC News .::. Size~: 58.19 KBJul 27 13:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:43
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Coming home to roost #dronesJul 27 13:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: Drones to fly U.S. skies, FAA approves 1st civilian UAVs - Technology & Science - CBC News .::. Size~: 58.19 KBJul 27 13:43
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Drones to fly U.S. skies, FAA approves 1st civilian UAVs - Technology & Science - CBC News .::. Size~: 58.19 KBJul 27 13:43
s-442@schestowitz     Royal baby 27 13:43
s-442........................................ 27 13:43
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 13:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:43
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Royal baby 27 13:43
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 13:43
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 13:43
s-442@schestowitz     Region in Italy Reaches 30% Coop EconomyJul 27 13:46
s-442        #italy #sharingJul 27 13:46
s-442........................................ 27 13:46
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Region in Italy Reaches 30% Coop Economy #italy #sharingJul 27 13:46
TechrightsSocialTitle: Shareable: Region in Italy Reaches 30% Coop Economy .::. Size~: 47.43 KBJul 27 13:46
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:46
TechrightsSocialTitle: Shareable: Region in Italy Reaches 30% Coop Economy .::. Size~: 47.43 KBJul 27 13:46
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Shareable: Region in Italy Reaches 30% Coop Economy .::. Size~: 47.43 KBJul 27 13:46
s-442@schestowitz     UK 'Porn' Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, ButJul 27 13:47
s-442                 One ISP Is Fighting BackJul 27 13:47
s-442         already, no pretenceJul 27 13:47
s-442........................................ 27 13:47
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: UK 'Porn' Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back already, no pretenceJul 27 13:47
phIRCe-35289-> Title: UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back .::. Size~: 157.26 KBJul 27 13:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back .::. Size~: 165.68 KBJul 27 13:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back .::. Size~: 165.68 KBJul 27 13:47
s-442@schestowitz     Underwater 27 13:49
s-442........................................ 27 13:49
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Underwater 27 13:49
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/gif typeJul 27 13:49
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:49
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/gif typeJul 27 13:49
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/gif typeJul 27 13:49
s-442@schestowitz     Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on MiddleJul 27 13:51
s-442                 Class Prosperity lying to deludeJul 27 13:51
s-442........................................ 27 13:51
TechrightsSocialTitle: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity « naked capitalism .::. Size~: 314.7 KBJul 27 13:51
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity lying to deludeJul 27 13:51
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:51
TechrightsSocialTitle: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity « naked capitalism .::. Size~: 314.7 KBJul 27 13:51
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity « naked capitalism .::. Size~: 314.7 KBJul 27 13:51
s-442@schestowitz     "Trickle down" - give public money to the rich, see them useJul 27 13:53
s-442                 it for loans to rob the public. "Trickle up" - give to theJul 27 13:53
s-442                 poor, up purchases.Jul 27 13:53
s-442........................................ 27 13:53
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:53
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: "Trickle down" - give public money to the rich, see them use it for loans to rob the public. "Trickle up" - give to the poor, up purchases.Jul 27 13:53
s-442@schestowitz     In the US in 2008 the robbery of all propriety by the 1% (orJul 27 13:55
s-442                 less) resulted in crisis, which resulted in more passage ofJul 27 13:55
s-442                 money to this 1%Jul 27 13:55
s-442........................................ 27 13:55
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 13:55
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: In the US in 2008 the robbery of all propriety by the 1% (or less) resulted in crisis, which resulted in more passage of money to this 1%Jul 27 13:55
s-442@schestowitz     Militarization of Law Enforcement in #Guatemala Jul 27 14:11
s-442        state aggression+mediaJul 27 14:11
s-442                 control=dangerous combinationJul 27 14:11
s-442........................................ 27 14:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Militarization of Law Enforcement in Guatemala .::. Size~: 34.15 KBJul 27 14:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:11
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Militarization of Law Enforcement in #Guatemala state aggression+media control=dangerous combinationJul 27 14:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Militarization of Law Enforcement in Guatemala .::. Size~: 34.15 KBJul 27 14:11
phIRCe-35289No message foundJul 27 14:11
s-442@schestowitz     Uruguayan Workers Carry Out Marches and StrikesJul 27 14:11
s-442        #Uruguay #protestJul 27 14:11
s-442........................................ 27 14:11
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Uruguayan Workers Carry Out Marches and Strikes #Uruguay #protestJul 27 14:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Prensa Latina News Agency - Uruguayan Workers Carry Out Marches and Strikes .::. Size~: 36.22 KBJul 27 14:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:11
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Prensa Latina News Agency - Uruguayan Workers Carry Out Marches and Strikes .::. Size~: 36.22 KBJul 27 14:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Prensa Latina News Agency - Uruguayan Workers Carry Out Marches and Strikes .::. Size~: 36.22 KBJul 27 14:11
s-442@schestowitz     U.S. approves NON-GMO labeling for meats from animals fedJul 27 14:13
s-442                 NON-GMO diets informed choicesJul 27 14:13
s-442........................................ 27 14:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: U.S. approves NON-GMO labeling for meats from animals fed NON-GMO diets - Underground Health .::. Size~: 78.36 KBJul 27 14:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:13
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: U.S. approves NON-GMO labeling for meats from animals fed NON-GMO diets informed choicesJul 27 14:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: U.S. approves NON-GMO labeling for meats from animals fed NON-GMO diets - Underground Health .::. Size~: 78.36 KBJul 27 14:13
phIRCe-35289-> Title: U.S. approves NON-GMO labeling for meats from animals fed NON-GMO diets - Underground Health .::. Size~: 84.2 KBJul 27 14:13
s-442@schestowitz     Cat and red laser 27 14:16
s-442........................................ 27 14:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: 400 - Bad Request .::. Size~: 0.34 KBJul 27 14:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:16
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Cat and red laser 27 14:16
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 14:16
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 14:16
s-442@schestowitz     Ocean drain 27 14:18
s-442........................................ 27 14:18
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 14:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:18
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Ocean drain 27 14:18
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 14:18
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 14:18
s-442@schestowitz     Massive anti-NSA protests planned for 39 German citiesJul 27 14:19
s-442        #germany #nsa #stasi #obamaismJul 27 14:19
s-442........................................ 27 14:19
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Daily Dot - Massive anti-NSA protests planned for 39 German cities .::. Size~: 72.08 KBJul 27 14:19
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:19
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Massive anti-NSA protests planned for 39 German cities #germany #nsa #stasi #obamaismJul 27 14:19
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Daily Dot - Massive anti-NSA protests planned for 39 German cities .::. Size~: 72.08 KBJul 27 14:19
phIRCe-35289-> Title: The Daily Dot - Massive anti-NSA protests planned for 39 German cities .::. Size~: 72.08 KBJul 27 14:19
s-442@schestowitz     Shortest Internet censorship debate everJul 27 14:22
s-442        #censorship #ukJul 27 14:22
s-442........................................ 27 14:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: Shortest Internet censorship debate ever :: RysioBrag .::. Size~: 24.27 KBJul 27 14:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:22
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Shortest Internet censorship debate ever #censorship #ukJul 27 14:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: Shortest Internet censorship debate ever :: RysioBrag .::. Size~: 24.27 KBJul 27 14:22
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Shortest Internet censorship debate ever :: RysioBrag .::. Size~: 24.27 KBJul 27 14:22
s-442@slashdot        The Shortest Internet Censorship Debate EverJul 27 14:27
s-442        27 14:27
s-442........................................ 27 14:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Shortest Internet Censorship Debate Ever - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.41 KBJul 27 14:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:27
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: The Shortest Internet Censorship Debate Ever 27 14:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Shortest Internet Censorship Debate Ever - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.41 KBJul 27 14:27
phIRCe-35289-> Title: The Shortest Internet Censorship Debate Ever - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.41 KBJul 27 14:27
s-442@schestowitz     Reflection 27 14:27
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 14:27
s-442........................................ 27 14:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:27
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Reflection 27 14:28
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 14:28
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 14:28
s-442@schestowitz     FSF generates publicity for libre AndroidJul 27 14:36
s-442        #android #fsfJul 27 14:36
s-442........................................ 27 14:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: FSF passes collection plate for free Android clone Replicant • The Register .::. Size~: 49.66 KBJul 27 14:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: Replicant fully-free Android distro project solicits funds · .::. Size~: 29.17 KBJul 27 14:36
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: FSF generates publicity for libre Android #android #fsfJul 27 14:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:36
phIRCe-35289-> Title: FSF passes collection plate for free Android clone Replicant • The Register .::. Size~: 48.88 KBJul 27 14:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: FSF passes collection plate for free Android clone Replicant • The Register .::. Size~: 49.66 KBJul 27 14:36
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Replicant fully-free Android distro project solicits funds · .::. Size~: 29.17 KBJul 27 14:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: Replicant fully-free Android distro project solicits funds · .::. Size~: 29.16 KBJul 27 14:36
s-442@schestowitz     Rikomagic UK to offer Minix Linux ARM PCs (MK802 III LE,Jul 27 14:39
s-442                 MK802 IV LE)Jul 27 14:39
s-442         #arm #minix #linuxJul 27 14:39
s-442........................................ 27 14:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Rikomagic UK to offer Minix Linux ARM PCs (MK802 III LE, MK802 IV LE) - Liliputing .::. Size~: 38.43 KBJul 27 14:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:39
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Rikomagic UK to offer Minix Linux ARM PCs (MK802 III LE, MK802 IV LE) #arm #minix #linuxJul 27 14:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Rikomagic UK to offer Minix Linux ARM PCs (MK802 III LE, MK802 IV LE) - Liliputing .::. Size~: 38.43 KBJul 27 14:39
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Rikomagic UK to offer Minix Linux ARM PCs (MK802 III LE, MK802 IV LE) - Liliputing .::. Size~: 38.43 KBJul 27 14:39
s-442@schestowitz     Local Sheep Farmers Unveil Open-Source, DIY Tracking SystemJul 27 14:47
s-442        tracking what you slaughterJul 27 14:47
s-442........................................ 27 14:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: Local Sheep Farmers Unveil Open-Source, DIY Tracking System | KVNF Public Radio .::. Size~: 65.44 KBJul 27 14:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:47
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Local Sheep Farmers Unveil Open-Source, DIY Tracking System tracking what you slaughterJul 27 14:47
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Local Sheep Farmers Unveil Open-Source, DIY Tracking System | KVNF Public Radio .::. Size~: 65.44 KBJul 27 14:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: Local Sheep Farmers Unveil Open-Source, DIY Tracking System | KVNF Public Radio .::. Size~: 65.44 KBJul 27 14:47
s-442@schestowitz     Feds Move To Open Source Databases Pressures OracleJul 27 14:48
s-442        #freedom #databaseJul 27 14:48
s-442........................................ 27 14:48
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Feds Move To Open Source Databases Pressures Oracle #freedom #databaseJul 27 14:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Feds Move To Open Source Databases Pressures Oracle - Government - .::. Size~: 115.22 KBJul 27 14:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:48
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Feds Move To Open Source Databases Pressures Oracle - Government - .::. Size~: 115.4 KBJul 27 14:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Feds Move To Open Source Databases Pressures Oracle - Government - .::. Size~: 115.22 KBJul 27 14:48
s-442@schestowitz     An open source analog camera you can 3D print at homeJul 27 14:52
s-442        #openhardware #fabJul 27 14:52
s-442........................................ 27 14:52
TechrightsSocialTitle: An open source analog camera you can 3D print at home – DIY Tech - TG Daily .::. Size~: 30.68 KBJul 27 14:52
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: An open source analog camera you can 3D print at home #openhardware #fabJul 27 14:52
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 14:52
phIRCe-35289-> Title: An open source analog camera you can 3D print at home – DIY Tech - TG Daily .::. Size~: 30.64 KBJul 27 14:52
TechrightsSocialTitle: An open source analog camera you can 3D print at home – DIY Tech - TG Daily .::. Size~: 30.67 KBJul 27 14:52
s-442@schestowitz     Happy SysAdmin Day! Forty Percent Off LinuxCon/CloudOpen forJul 27 15:02
s-442                 24 Hours   #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:02
s-442........................................ 27 15:02
TechrightsSocialTitle: Happy SysAdmin Day! Forty Percent Off LinuxCon/CloudOpen for 24 Hours | .::. Size~: 43.24 KBJul 27 15:02
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Happy SysAdmin Day! Forty Percent Off LinuxCon/CloudOpen for 24 Hours   #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:02
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:02
TechrightsSocialTitle: Happy SysAdmin Day! Forty Percent Off LinuxCon/CloudOpen for 24 Hours | .::. Size~: 43.24 KBJul 27 15:02
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Happy SysAdmin Day! Forty Percent Off LinuxCon/CloudOpen for 24 Hours | .::. Size~: 43.24 KBJul 27 15:02
schestowitz 27 15:13 reshared: waiting patiently... ![waiting patiently...]( #waiting #patience #sitting #mcdonalds #fastfoodnation #obesityJul 27 15:13
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 15:13
schestowitz"Like a drug, some have to get that fast food fix."Jul 27 15:13
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?Jul 27 15:14
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting application/xml typeJul 27 15:14
s-442@schestowitz     HPC for the masses "It runsJul 27 15:16
s-442                 GNU/Linux" 27 15:16
s-442........................................ 27 15:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: Adapteva ships Kickstarted baby supercomputer boards • The Register .::. Size~: 53.13 KBJul 27 15:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: OMG! Now We Have Small Cheap Supercomputer Boards  |   Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 43.93 KBJul 27 15:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:16
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: HPC for the masses "It runs GNU/Linux" 27 15:16
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Adapteva ships Kickstarted baby supercomputer boards • The Register .::. Size~: 52.48 KBJul 27 15:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: Adapteva ships Kickstarted baby supercomputer boards • The Register .::. Size~: 53.13 KBJul 27 15:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: OMG! Now We Have Small Cheap Supercomputer Boards  |   Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 43.93 KBJul 27 15:16
phIRCe-35289-> Title: OMG! Now We Have Small Cheap Supercomputer Boards  |   Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 43.93 KBJul 27 15:16
s-442@schestowitz     Once upon a time there were GNU and Linux SDKs...Jul 27 15:20
s-442        27 15:20
s-442........................................ 27 15:20
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Once upon a time there were GNU and Linux SDKs... 27 15:20
TechrightsSocialTitle: Hands on With the Ubuntu SDK Beta .::. Size~: 40.23 KBJul 27 15:20
TechrightsSocialTitle: Ubuntu Touch SDK Beta - A New Way To Program Linux .::. Size~: 37.79 KBJul 27 15:20
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:20
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Hands on With the Ubuntu SDK Beta .::. Size~: 40.17 KBJul 27 15:20
TechrightsSocialTitle: Hands on With the Ubuntu SDK Beta .::. Size~: 40.2 KBJul 27 15:20
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Ubuntu Touch SDK Beta - A New Way To Program Linux .::. Size~: 37.62 KBJul 27 15:20
TechrightsSocialTitle: Ubuntu Touch SDK Beta - A New Way To Program Linux .::. Size~: 37.71 KBJul 27 15:20
s-442@slashdot        New for 2013: An In-Depth Analysis of Kubrick's 2001: aJul 27 15:21
s-442                 Space Odyssey 27 15:21
s-442........................................ 27 15:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: New for 2013: An In-Depth Analysis of Kubrick's 2001: a Space Odyssey - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.9 KBJul 27 15:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:21
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: New for 2013: An In-Depth Analysis of Kubrick's 2001: a Space Odyssey 27 15:21
phIRCe-35289-> Title: New for 2013: An In-Depth Analysis of Kubrick's 2001: a Space Odyssey - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.9 KBJul 27 15:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: New for 2013: An In-Depth Analysis of Kubrick's 2001: a Space Odyssey - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.9 KBJul 27 15:21
s-442@schestowitz     ‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSAJul 27 15:21
s-442                 spying involvement #surveillanceJul 27 15:21
s-442                 #germanyJul 27 15:21
s-442........................................ 27 15:21
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: ‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSA spying involvement #surveillance #germanyJul 27 15:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: ‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSA spying involvement — RT News .::. Size~: 46.49 KBJul 27 15:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:21
phIRCe-35289-> Title: ‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSA spying involvement — RT News .::. Size~: 46.49 KBJul 27 15:21
TechrightsSocialTitle: ‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSA spying involvement — RT News .::. Size~: 46.49 KBJul 27 15:21
s-442@schestowitz     Useful fact: NSA Utah facility that will be more than sevenJul 27 15:23
s-442                 times the size of the Pentagon. #nsa #stasi #empireJul 27 15:23
s-442                 #surveillance #dronesJul 27 15:23
s-442........................................ 27 15:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:23
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Useful fact: NSA Utah facility that will be more than seven times the size of the Pentagon. #nsa #stasi #empire #surveillance #dronesJul 27 15:23
s-442@schestowitz     Some #Gnome3 updates of interest 27 15:29
s-442        #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:29
s-442........................................ 27 15:29
TechrightsSocialTitle: Multimedia tools updates  |  woGue .::. Size~: 21.46 KBJul 27 15:29
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Some #Gnome3 updates of interest #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:29
TechrightsSocialTitle: GNOME Control Center 3.8.4 Fixes Floating Screens .::. Size~: 54.27 KBJul 27 15:29
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Multimedia tools updates  |  woGue .::. Size~: 21.46 KBJul 27 15:29
TechrightsSocialTitle: Pacho Ramos - Gnome 3.8 requiring Systemd on Gentoo .::. Size~: 45.51 KBJul 27 15:29
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:29
phIRCe-35289-> Title: GNOME Control Center 3.8.4 Fixes Floating Screens .::. Size~: 54.16 KBJul 27 15:29
TechrightsSocialTitle: Multimedia tools updates  |  woGue .::. Size~: 21.46 KBJul 27 15:29
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Pacho Ramos - Gnome 3.8 requiring Systemd on Gentoo .::. Size~: 45.51 KBJul 27 15:29
TechrightsSocialTitle: GNOME Control Center 3.8.4 Fixes Floating Screens .::. Size~: 54.27 KBJul 27 15:29
TechrightsSocialTitle: Pacho Ramos - Gnome 3.8 requiring Systemd on Gentoo .::. Size~: 45.51 KBJul 27 15:29
s-442@schestowitz     Ubuntu 13.10 32-bit vs. 64-bit PerformanceJul 27 15:31
s-442        #64bit #32bit #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:31
s-442........................................ 27 15:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: [Phoronix] Ubuntu 13.10 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance .::. Size~: 20.78 KBJul 27 15:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:31
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Ubuntu 13.10 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance #64bit #32bit #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: [Phoronix] Ubuntu 13.10 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance .::. Size~: 19.51 KBJul 27 15:31
phIRCe-35289-> Title: [Phoronix] Ubuntu 13.10 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance .::. Size~: 20.73 KBJul 27 15:31
s-442@schestowitz     Is Most of Modern Society Run by Linux?Jul 27 15:33
s-442         #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:33
s-442........................................ 27 15:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 0.02 KBJul 27 15:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:33
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Is Most of Modern Society Run by Linux? #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Is Most of Modern Society Run by Linux?: Video - Bloomberg .::. Size~: 62.83 KBJul 27 15:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Is Most of Modern Society Run by Linux?: Video - Bloomberg .::. Size~: 62.83 KBJul 27 15:33
s-442@schestowitz     In Pictures: Linux for mobile. A visual historyJul 27 15:34
s-442        #gnu #linux #javaJul 27 15:34
s-442........................................ 27 15:34
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: In Pictures: Linux for mobile. A visual history #gnu #linux #javaJul 27 15:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: In Pictures: Linux for mobile. A visual history - Slideshow - Good Gear Guide by PC World Australia .::. Size~: 119.95 KBJul 27 15:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:34
phIRCe-35289-> Title: In Pictures: Linux for mobile. A visual history - Slideshow - Good Gear Guide by PC World Australia .::. Size~: 119.93 KBJul 27 15:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: In Pictures: Linux for mobile. A visual history - Slideshow - Good Gear Guide by PC World Australia .::. Size~: 120.16 KBJul 27 15:34
s-442@schestowitz     World’s cheapest computer gets millions tinkeringJul 27 15:37
s-442        "selling almost 1.5 million units"Jul 27 15:37
s-442                 #gnu #linux #raspberrypiJul 27 15:37
s-442........................................ 27 15:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: World’s cheapest computer gets millions tinkering - Livemint .::. Size~: 84.86 KBJul 27 15:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:37
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: World’s cheapest computer gets millions tinkering "selling almost 1.5 million units" #gnu #linux #raspberrypiJul 27 15:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: World’s cheapest computer gets millions tinkering - Livemint .::. Size~: 84.86 KBJul 27 15:37
phIRCe-35289-> Title: World’s cheapest computer gets millions tinkering - Livemint .::. Size~: 84.86 KBJul 27 15:37
s-442@schestowitz     Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop DistributionJul 27 15:38
s-442                 For CompaniesJul 27 15:38
s-442         #gnu #linux #rhel #redhatJul 27 15:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop Distribution For Companies .::. Size~: 64.27 KBJul 27 15:38
s-442........................................ 27 15:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:38
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop Distribution For Companies #gnu #linux #rhel #redhatJul 27 15:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop Distribution For Companies .::. Size~: 64.27 KBJul 27 15:38
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop Distribution For Companies .::. Size~: 64.27 KBJul 27 15:38
s-442@schestowitz     Mini Steve Jobs Jul 27 15:41
s-442        27 15:41
s-442        27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 15:41
s-442........................................ 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Mini Steve Jobs 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 15:41
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 15:41
s-442@schestowitz     Linux Mint 15 - An alternative reviewJul 27 15:43
s-442         "Linux Mint 15 has been out for aJul 27 15:43
s-442                 while" #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: Linux Mint 15 - An alternative review ~ Everyday Linux User .::. Size~: 125.35 KBJul 27 15:43
s-442........................................ 27 15:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:43
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Linux Mint 15 - An alternative review "Linux Mint 15 has been out for a while" #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: Linux Mint 15 - An alternative review ~ Everyday Linux User .::. Size~: 125.35 KBJul 27 15:43
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Linux Mint 15 - An alternative review ~ Everyday Linux User .::. Size~: 125.35 KBJul 27 15:43
s-442@schestowitz     Fedora 19 Schrödinger’s Cat Review – Back in the box Jul 27 15:43
s-442        #fedora #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:43
s-442........................................ 27 15:43
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Fedora 19 Schrödinger’s Cat Review – Back in the box #fedora #gnu #linuxJul 27 15:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: Fedora 19 Schrödinger’s Cat Review – Back in the box | Linux User .::. Size~: 57.64 KBJul 27 15:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:43
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Fedora 19 Schrödinger’s Cat Review – Back in the box | Linux User .::. Size~: 57.64 KBJul 27 15:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: Fedora 19 Schrödinger’s Cat Review – Back in the box | Linux User .::. Size~: 57.64 KBJul 27 15:43
schestowitz 27 15:47 "Trickle down" - give public money to the rich, see them use it for loans to rob the public. "Trickle up" - give to the poor, up purchases.Jul 27 15:47
schestowitz"The creation of a welfare state causes the masses to be reliant upon the government. This in and of itself allows the government to maintain a semblance of control over said masses. Subsequently, there is no incentive for the government to do otherwise. Since the government is not interested in change, it is up to the masses to initiate it."Jul 27 15:47
schestowitz"Why make 2, the first one was horrific"Jul 27 15:47
schestowitz 27 15:47 reshared: sharks... tornado... ![sharks... tornado...]( #sharks #tornado #sharknadoJul 27 15:47
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/gif typeJul 27 15:47
schestowitz"While I do not share the same opinion, there are many viewers who thought Sharknado was so bad that it was good. Apparently SyFy had a large enough viewing audience that they deemed investment in Sharknado 2 to be profitable."Jul 27 15:48
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?Jul 27 15:48
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?Jul 27 15:49
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting application/xml typeJul 27 15:49
s-442@schestowitz     Bailout: monetary award to those who cause a financialJul 27 15:50
s-442                 crisis. Just rebrand it "stimulus" to give illusion of theJul 27 15:50
s-442                 poor benefiting.Jul 27 15:50
s-442........................................ 27 15:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 15:50
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Bailout: monetary award to those who cause a financial crisis. Just rebrand it "stimulus" to give illusion of the poor benefiting.Jul 27 15:50
s-442@doctorow        "Do you know what wget is?" Evidence of evil hackery atJul 27 16:07
s-442                 Bradley Manning trial 27 16:07
s-442........................................ 27 16:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: The prosecutors are in their early 30s — nominally... .::. Size~: 36.33 KBJul 27 16:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 16:07
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: "Do you know what wget is?" Evidence of evil hackery at Bradley Manning trial 27 16:07
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cory Doctorow: The prosecutors are in their early 30s — nominally... .::. Size~: 36.33 KBJul 27 16:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: The prosecutors are in their early 30s — nominally... .::. Size~: 36.33 KBJul 27 16:07
s-442@slashdot        Ask Slashdot: Hardware Accelerated Multi-Monitor Support InJul 27 16:24
s-442                 Linux? 27 16:24
s-442........................................ 27 16:24
TechrightsSocialTitle: Ask Slashdot: Hardware Accelerated Multi-Monitor Support In Linux? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.77 KBJul 27 16:24
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 16:24
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Ask Slashdot: Hardware Accelerated Multi-Monitor Support In Linux? 27 16:24
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Ask Slashdot: Hardware Accelerated Multi-Monitor Support In Linux? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.77 KBJul 27 16:24
TechrightsSocialTitle: Ask Slashdot: Hardware Accelerated Multi-Monitor Support In Linux? - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.77 KBJul 27 16:24
schestowitz 27 16:35
TechrightsSocialNot a tweet?Jul 27 16:35
phIRCe-35289@paulhindes: Excellent -> MT @schestowitz: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity 27 16:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity « naked capitalism .::. Size~: 316.21 KBJul 27 16:35
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity « naked capitalism .::. Size~: 316.21 KBJul 27 16:35
schestowitz"Excellent -> MT @schestowitz: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity …"Jul 27 16:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity « naked capitalism .::. Size~: 316.21 KBJul 27 16:35
phIRCe-35289Title: Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity « naked capitalism .::. Size~: 316.21 KBJul 27 16:35
s-442@schestowitz     Redistributing TV Material Without the Ads Is LegalJul 27 16:37
s-442        #copyright was used to forceJul 27 16:37
s-442                 brainwashJul 27 16:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: Against Monopoly .::. Size~: 29.83 KBJul 27 16:37
s-442........................................ 27 16:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 16:37
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Redistributing TV Material Without the Ads Is Legal #copyright was used to force brainwashJul 27 16:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: Against Monopoly .::. Size~: 29.82 KBJul 27 16:37
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Against Monopoly .::. Size~: 29.82 KBJul 27 16:37
s-442@schestowitz     bison-3.0 released [stable] #bisonJul 27 16:48
s-442                 #gnuJul 27 16:48
s-442........................................ 27 16:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: bison - News: bison-3.0 released [stable] [Savannah] .::. Size~: 38.38 KBJul 27 16:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 16:48
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: bison-3.0 released [stable] #bison #gnuJul 27 16:48
phIRCe-35289-> Title: bison - News: bison-3.0 released [stable] [Savannah] .::. Size~: 38.38 KBJul 27 16:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: bison - News: bison-3.0 released [stable] [Savannah] .::. Size~: 38.38 KBJul 27 16:48
s-442@schestowitz     A Review of Open TTD for Linux Jul 27 16:53
s-442                 #linux #games #gnuJul 27 16:53
TechrightsSocialTitle: » Linuxaria – Everything about GNU/Linux and Open source A Review of Open TTD for Linux .::. Size~: 61.77 KBJul 27 16:53
s-442........................................ 27 16:53
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 16:53
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: A Review of Open TTD for Linux  #linux #games #gnuJul 27 16:53
phIRCe-35289-> Title: » Linuxaria – Everything about GNU/Linux and Open source A Review of Open TTD for Linux .::. Size~: 61.77 KBJul 27 16:53
TechrightsSocialTitle: » Linuxaria – Everything about GNU/Linux and Open source A Review of Open TTD for Linux .::. Size~: 61.77 KBJul 27 16:53
s-442@schestowitz     "put together a processor, some memory, Linux OS, vibrationJul 27 16:56
s-442                 mode, motion sensor and Wi-Fi capabilities"Jul 27 16:56
s-442        27 16:56
s-442........................................ 27 16:56
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: "put together a processor, some memory, Linux OS, vibration mode, motion sensor and Wi-Fi capabilities" 27 16:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: You err, it stirs… - The Hindu .::. Size~: 66.81 KBJul 27 16:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 16:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: You err, it stirs… - The Hindu .::. Size~: 66.81 KBJul 27 16:56
phIRCe-35289-> Title: You err, it stirs… - The Hindu .::. Size~: 66.81 KBJul 27 16:56
s-442@schestowitz     The Indian connection to Red Hat's growth storyJul 27 16:58
s-442        #redhatJul 27 16:58
s-442........................................ 27 16:58
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: The Indian connection to Red Hat's growth story #redhatJul 27 16:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Indian connection to Red Hat's growth story | Business Standard .::. Size~: 71.11 KBJul 27 16:58
phIRCe-35289-> Title: The Indian connection to Red Hat's growth story | Business Standard .::. Size~: 71.11 KBJul 27 16:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: No bees in the support bonnet for Red Hat  - CIOL .::. Size~: 65.17 KBJul 27 16:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 16:58
phIRCe-35289-> Title: No bees in the support bonnet for Red Hat  - CIOL .::. Size~: 65.17 KBJul 27 16:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Indian connection to Red Hat's growth story | Business Standard .::. Size~: 71.11 KBJul 27 16:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: No bees in the support bonnet for Red Hat  - CIOL .::. Size~: 65.17 KBJul 27 16:58
s-442@schestowitz     Find and Block Who is Tracking You OnlineJul 27 17:01
s-442        #gnu #linux #freedom #privacyJul 27 17:01
s-442........................................ 27 17:01
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Find and Block Who is Tracking You Online #gnu #linux #freedom #privacyJul 27 17:01
TechrightsSocialTitle: Find and Block Who is Tracking You Online | Unixmen .::. Size~: 82.53 KBJul 27 17:01
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:01
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Find and Block Who is Tracking You Online | Unixmen .::. Size~: 82.52 KBJul 27 17:01
TechrightsSocialTitle: Find and Block Who is Tracking You Online | Unixmen .::. Size~: 82.52 KBJul 27 17:01
s-442@schestowitz     Report BoF #KDE FranceJul 27 17:04
s-442         "During last aKademy we had a BoFJul 27 17:04
s-442                 about KDE promotion in France."Jul 27 17:04
s-442........................................ 27 17:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: Report BoF KDE France .::. Size~: 14.28 KBJul 27 17:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:04
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Report BoF #KDE France "During last aKademy we had a BoF about KDE promotion in France."Jul 27 17:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: Report BoF KDE France .::. Size~: 14.28 KBJul 27 17:04
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Report BoF KDE France .::. Size~: 14.28 KBJul 27 17:04
s-442@schestowitz     What I found problematic and exhausting (recent chat/rant),Jul 27 17:08
s-442                 a lot of racists don't know they're racists and deny it toJul 27 17:08
s-442                 themselves.Jul 27 17:08
s-442........................................ 27 17:08
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:08
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: What I found problematic and exhausting (recent chat/rant), a lot of racists don't know they're racists and deny it to themselves.Jul 27 17:08
s-442@techdirt        Awesome Stuff: Battery Power 27 17:11
s-442........................................ 27 17:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Awesome Stuff: Battery Power | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49.67 KBJul 27 17:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:11
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: Awesome Stuff: Battery Power 27 17:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Awesome Stuff: Battery Power | Techdirt .::. Size~: 50 KBJul 27 17:11
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Awesome Stuff: Battery Power | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49.87 KBJul 27 17:11
schestowitzOpinions and choice are not DNAJul 27 17:12
schestowitzPeople don't choose DNAJul 27 17:12
schestowitzBut they're free to change opinion, choices, behaviourJul 27 17:13
s-442@schestowitz     Update your Nexus device to Android 4.3 manuallyJul 27 17:14
s-442         why? Because you probably can...Jul 27 17:14
s-442                 #freedomJul 27 17:14
s-442........................................ 27 17:14
TechrightsSocialTitle: Update your Nexus device to Android 4.3 manually | Muktware .::. Size~: 82.22 KBJul 27 17:14
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:14
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Update your Nexus device to Android 4.3 manually why? Because you probably can... #freedomJul 27 17:14
TechrightsSocialTitle: Update your Nexus device to Android 4.3 manually | Muktware .::. Size~: 82.22 KBJul 27 17:14
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Update your Nexus device to Android 4.3 manually | Muktware .::. Size~: 82.22 KBJul 27 17:14
s-442@schestowitz     LXDE waves goodbye to GTK in merge with Razor-qtJul 27 17:22
s-442        #gtk #qt #kde #lxdeJul 27 17:22
s-442........................................ 27 17:22
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: LXDE waves goodbye to GTK in merge with Razor-qt #gtk #qt #kde #lxdeJul 27 17:22
phIRCe-35289-> Title: LXDE waves goodbye to GTK in merge with Razor-qt | ZDNet .::. Size~: 49 KBJul 27 17:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: LXDE waves goodbye to GTK in merge with Razor-qt | ZDNet .::. Size~: 48.78 KBJul 27 17:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: LXDE waves goodbye to GTK in merge with Razor-qt | ZDNet .::. Size~: 48.78 KBJul 27 17:22
s-442@slashdot        News Worth Buying On Paper 27 17:27
s-442........................................ 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: News Worth Buying On Paper - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.02 KBJul 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:27
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: News Worth Buying On Paper 27 17:27
phIRCe-35289-> Title: News Worth Buying On Paper - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.02 KBJul 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: News Worth Buying On Paper - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.02 KBJul 27 17:27
s-442@schestowitz     Parsix 5.0 Test 3 (Lombardo) Distro Is Optimized for LaptopsJul 27 17:27
s-442        #iran #gnu #linux #parsixJul 27 17:27
s-442........................................ 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: Parsix 5.0 Test 3 (Lombardo) Distro Is Optimized for Laptops .::. Size~: 54.64 KBJul 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:27
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Parsix 5.0 Test 3 (Lombardo) Distro Is Optimized for Laptops #iran #gnu #linux #parsixJul 27 17:27
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Parsix 5.0 Test 3 (Lombardo) Distro Is Optimized for Laptops .::. Size~: 54.53 KBJul 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: Parsix 5.0 Test 3 (Lombardo) Distro Is Optimized for Laptops .::. Size~: 54.64 KBJul 27 17:27
s-442@schestowitz     GUADEC Keynote Speaker: Cathy MalmroseJul 27 17:27
s-442        she's awesome. #gnu #linux #gnomeJul 27 17:27
s-442........................................ 27 17:27
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: GUADEC Keynote Speaker: Cathy Malmrose she's awesome. #gnu #linux #gnomeJul 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: GUADEC Keynote Speaker: Cathy Malmrose | GNOME .::. Size~: 20.55 KBJul 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:27
phIRCe-35289-> Title: GUADEC Keynote Speaker: Cathy Malmrose | GNOME .::. Size~: 20.28 KBJul 27 17:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: GUADEC Keynote Speaker: Cathy Malmrose | GNOME .::. Size~: 20.78 KBJul 27 17:27
s-442@schestowitz     The Value of Open Standards 27 17:32
s-442                 "overnments need to keep this in mind when they setJul 27 17:32
s-442                 procurement"Jul 27 17:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Value of Open Standards - .::. Size~: 49.03 KBJul 27 17:32
s-442........................................ 27 17:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:32
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: The Value of Open Standards "overnments need to keep this in mind when they set procurement"Jul 27 17:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Value of Open Standards - .::. Size~: 49.03 KBJul 27 17:32
phIRCe-35289-> Title: The Value of Open Standards - .::. Size~: 49.04 KBJul 27 17:32
s-442@Bannog          @doctorow And what about ping? Have you ever heard of theJul 27 17:36
s-442 retweeted by    PING ORFF DEATHH?Jul 27 17:36
s-442 @doctorow       Jul 27 17:36
s-442........................................ 27 17:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:36
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @Bannog: @doctorow And what about ping? Have you ever heard of the PING ORFF DEATHH?Jul 27 17:36
s-442@_timothee       @doctorow @harper I heard that Bradley Manning has a programJul 27 17:36
s-442 retweeted by    called “kill”. You pass it an ID, like someone’s SSN, andJul 27 17:36
s-442 @doctorow       boom they’re gone.Jul 27 17:36
s-442........................................ 27 17:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:36
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @_timothee: @doctorow @harper I heard that Bradley Manning has a program called “kill”. You pass it an ID, like someone’s SSN, and boom …Jul 27 17:36
s-442@schestowitz     "The barbarism that is female genital mutilation"Jul 27 17:39
s-442        Just female?Jul 27 17:39
s-442........................................ 27 17:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Daily chart: Wounds and scars | The Economist .::. Size~: 171.07 KBJul 27 17:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:39
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: "The barbarism that is female genital mutilation" Just female?Jul 27 17:39
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Daily chart: Wounds and scars | The Economist .::. Size~: 171.07 KBJul 27 17:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Daily chart: Wounds and scars | The Economist .::. Size~: 171.07 KBJul 27 17:39
schestowitz 27 17:41 ### Global march against chemtrails and geoengineering August 5, 2013 #global #march #anti #chemtrails #geoengineering #education #protest #not-natural #stop #august052013Jul 27 17:41
phIRCe-35289  Photo by 27 17:41
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Global March Against Chemtrails And .::. Size~: 43.65 KBJul 27 17:41
schestowitz"Chemtrails"? Really???Jul 27 17:41
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?Jul 27 17:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: Global March Against Chemtrails And .::. Size~: 43.65 KBJul 27 17:42
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 17:42
s-442@schestowitz     Tropicana Faces Class Action Over ‘Natural’ ClaimsJul 27 17:43
s-442        just doing what everyone does. LyingJul 27 17:43
s-442                 in labels.Jul 27 17:43
s-442........................................ 27 17:43
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Tropicana Faces Class Action Over ‘Natural’ Claims just doing what everyone does. Lying in labels.Jul 27 17:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: » Tropicana Faces Class Action Over ‘Natural’ Claims .::. Size~: 44.99 KBJul 27 17:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:43
TechrightsSocialTitle: » Tropicana Faces Class Action Over ‘Natural’ Claims .::. Size~: 44.81 KBJul 27 17:43
phIRCe-35289-> Title: » Tropicana Faces Class Action Over ‘Natural’ Claims .::. Size~: 45 KBJul 27 17:43
s-442@schestowitz     "Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Tutu says he will neverJul 27 17:48
s-442                 worship a "homophobic God" and will rather go to hell. "Jul 27 17:48
s-442        27 17:48
s-442........................................ 27 17:48
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: "Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Tutu says he will never worship a "homophobic God" and will rather go to hell. " 27 17:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: BBC News - Archbishop Tutu 'would not worship a homophobic God' .::. Size~: 81.93 KBJul 27 17:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:48
phIRCe-35289-> Title: BBC News - Archbishop Tutu 'would not worship a homophobic God' .::. Size~: 81.01 KBJul 27 17:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: BBC News - Archbishop Tutu 'would not worship a homophobic God' .::. Size~: 81.93 KBJul 27 17:48
s-442@schestowitz     Turkey Jails 64 Journalists For Coverage of People's ProtestJul 27 17:49
s-442         #turkey #oppression #journalismJul 27 17:49
s-442........................................ 27 17:49
TechrightsSocialTitle: Turkey Jails 64 Journalists For Coverage of People's Protest | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 31.09 KBJul 27 17:49
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:49
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Turkey Jails 64 Journalists For Coverage of People's Protest #turkey #oppression #journalismJul 27 17:49
TechrightsSocialTitle: Turkey Jails 64 Journalists For Coverage of People's Protest | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 31.09 KBJul 27 17:49
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Turkey Jails 64 Journalists For Coverage of People's Protest | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 31.09 KBJul 27 17:49
s-442@schestowitz     Google Engineer Wins NSA Award, Then Says NSA Should BeJul 27 17:50
s-442                 “Abolished” #nsa #stasiJul 27 17:50
s-442........................................ 27 17:50
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Google Engineer Wins NSA Award, Then Says NSA Should Be “Abolished” #nsa #stasiJul 27 17:51
TechrightsSocialTitle: Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive   » Google Engineer Wins NSA Award, Then Says NSA Should Be “Abolished” .::. Size~: 44.5 KBJul 27 17:51
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:51
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive   » Google Engineer Wins NSA Award, Then Says NSA Should Be “Abolished” .::. Size~: 44.5 KBJul 27 17:51
TechrightsSocialTitle: Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive   » Google Engineer Wins NSA Award, Then Says NSA Should Be “Abolished” .::. Size~: 44.5 KBJul 27 17:51
s-442@schestowitz     In the US, penalties to corporations are more insult thanJul 27 17:55
s-442                 justice same with banksJul 27 17:55
s-442........................................ 27 17:55
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: In the US, penalties to corporations are more insult than justice same with banksJul 27 17:55
TechrightsSocialTitle: Halliburton to pay $200k fine for destroying evidence in 2010 Gulf oil spill — RT USA .::. Size~: 44.72 KBJul 27 17:55
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:55
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Halliburton to pay $200k fine for destroying evidence in 2010 Gulf oil spill — RT USA .::. Size~: 44.72 KBJul 27 17:55
TechrightsSocialTitle: Halliburton to pay $200k fine for destroying evidence in 2010 Gulf oil spill — RT USA .::. Size~: 44.72 KBJul 27 17:55
s-442@wikileaks       Supporters in more than 40 cities take action for BradleyJul 27 17:56
s-442                 #Manning #freebradJul 27 17:56
s-442........................................ 27 17:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: » Supporters in more than 40 cities take action for Bradley Manning Bradley Manning Support Network .::. Size~: 25.95 KBJul 27 17:56
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Supporters in more than 40 cities take action for Bradley #Manning #freebradJul 27 17:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 17:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: » Supporters in more than 40 cities take action for Bradley Manning Bradley Manning Support Network .::. Size~: 25.95 KBJul 27 17:56
phIRCe-35289-> Title: » Supporters in more than 40 cities take action for Bradley Manning Bradley Manning Support Network .::. Size~: 8.1 KBJul 27 17:58
schestowitzCuba is very dangerous -- a showcase for Another WayJul 27 17:58
schestowitz 27 17:58
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting application/octet-stream typeJul 27 17:58
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting application/octet-stream typeJul 27 17:58
schestowitz 27 17:59
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 17:59
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/png typeJul 27 17:59
s-442@schestowitz     Kiwis on the march: Thousands turn out against new spyJul 27 18:09
s-442                 powers in New Zealand #nzJul 27 18:09
s-442                 #surveillance #spyJul 27 18:09
s-442........................................ 27 18:09
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Kiwis on the march: Thousands turn out against new spy powers in New Zealand #nz #surveillance #spyJul 27 18:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: Kiwis on the march: Thousands turn out against new spy powers in New Zealand — RT News .::. Size~: 44.07 KBJul 27 18:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:09
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Kiwis on the march: Thousands turn out against new spy powers in New Zealand — RT News .::. Size~: 44.07 KBJul 27 18:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: Kiwis on the march: Thousands turn out against new spy powers in New Zealand — RT News .::. Size~: 44.07 KBJul 27 18:09
s-442@schestowitz     Which OS can beat Android and iOS? 27 18:13
s-442                 #sailfish and #tizen seem promisingJul 27 18:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: Which OS can beat Android and iOS? - Hindustan Times .::. Size~: 62.09 KBJul 27 18:13
s-442........................................ 27 18:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:13
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Which OS can beat Android and iOS? #sailfish and #tizen seem promisingJul 27 18:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: Which OS can beat Android and iOS? - Hindustan Times .::. Size~: 62.09 KBJul 27 18:13
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Which OS can beat Android and iOS? - Hindustan Times .::. Size~: 62.09 KBJul 27 18:13
s-442@schestowitz     Motorola X8 SoC fuels Droid Maxx, Ultra, Mini phonesJul 27 18:15
s-442        #motorola #linux #androidJul 27 18:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: Motorola X8 SoC fuels Droid Maxx, Ultra, Mini phones · .::. Size~: 29.25 KBJul 27 18:15
s-442........................................ 27 18:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:15
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Motorola X8 SoC fuels Droid Maxx, Ultra, Mini phones #motorola #linux #androidJul 27 18:15
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Motorola X8 SoC fuels Droid Maxx, Ultra, Mini phones · .::. Size~: 29.25 KBJul 27 18:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: Motorola X8 SoC fuels Droid Maxx, Ultra, Mini phones · .::. Size~: 29.25 KBJul 27 18:15
s-442@wikileaks       Bradley #Manning trial: Julian #Assange and Daniel EllsbergJul 27 18:16
s-442                 weigh in | CSM #wikileaks #freebradJul 27 18:16
s-442........................................ 27 18:16
TechrightsSocialTitle: Bradley Manning trial: Leakers Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg weigh in (+video) - .::. Size~: 92.78 KBJul 27 18:17
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:17
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Bradley #Manning trial: Julian #Assange and Daniel Ellsberg weigh in | CSM #wikileaks #freebradJul 27 18:17
TechrightsSocialTitle: Bradley Manning trial: Leakers Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg weigh in (+video) - .::. Size~: 92.78 KBJul 27 18:17
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Bradley Manning trial: Leakers Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg weigh in (+video) - .::. Size~: 92.81 KBJul 27 18:17
s-442@schestowitz     Nexus 7 on sale early, more Android 4.3 features emergeJul 27 18:17
s-442        #nexus7 #google #android #linuxJul 27 18:17
s-442........................................ 27 18:17
TechrightsSocialTitle: Nexus 7 on sale early, more Android 4.3 features emerge · .::. Size~: 29.64 KBJul 27 18:17
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:17
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Nexus 7 on sale early, more Android 4.3 features emerge #nexus7 #google #android #linuxJul 27 18:17
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Nexus 7 on sale early, more Android 4.3 features emerge · .::. Size~: 29.64 KBJul 27 18:17
TechrightsSocialTitle: Nexus 7 on sale early, more Android 4.3 features emerge · .::. Size~: 29.44 KBJul 27 18:17
s-442@slashdot        Post Office Proposes Special Rate For Mailing DVDsJul 27 18:18
s-442        27 18:18
s-442........................................ 27 18:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Post Office Proposes Special Rate For Mailing DVDs - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.34 KBJul 27 18:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:18
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Post Office Proposes Special Rate For Mailing DVDs 27 18:18
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Post Office Proposes Special Rate For Mailing DVDs - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.34 KBJul 27 18:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Post Office Proposes Special Rate For Mailing DVDs - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.34 KBJul 27 18:18
s-442@wikileaks       Chris Hedges: USG is "terrified of those with theJul 27 18:26
s-442                 technological capacity to shine a light on inner workings ofJul 27 18:26
s-442                 power" 27 18:26
s-442........................................ 27 18:26
phIRCe-35289@wikileaks: Chris Hedges: USG is "terrified of those with the technological capacity to shine a light on inner workings of power" 27 18:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: Chris Hedges Answers Questions from Viewers .::. Size~: 57.35 KBJul 27 18:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:26
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Chris Hedges Answers Questions from Viewers .::. Size~: 57.26 KBJul 27 18:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: Chris Hedges Answers Questions from Viewers .::. Size~: 57.32 KBJul 27 18:26
s-442@schestowitz     The corporate media & those whom it indoctrinates/conditionsJul 27 18:31
s-442                 think of competition as Apple vs Microsoft vs Linux ratherJul 27 18:31
s-442                 than #GNU (freedom)Jul 27 18:31
s-442........................................ 27 18:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:31
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: The corporate media & those whom it indoctrinates/conditions think of competition as Apple vs Microsoft vs Linux rather than #GNU (freedom)Jul 27 18:31
s-442@schestowitz     “There is a growing sense throughout the world thatJul 27 18:33
s-442                 capitalism isn’t working.” -John HollowayJul 27 18:33
s-442........................................ 27 18:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:33
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: “There is a growing sense throughout the world that capitalism isn’t working.” -John HollowayJul 27 18:33
s-442@schestowitz     There is a decreasing belief throughout the United StatesJul 27 18:33
s-442                 that the "Republicans" versus the "Democrats" are anythingJul 27 18:33
s-442                 less than fake choiceJul 27 18:33
s-442........................................ 27 18:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:33
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: There is a decreasing belief throughout the United States that the "Republicans" versus the "Democrats" are anything less than fake choiceJul 27 18:33
s-442@schestowitz     There is a decreasing belief here in the UK that theJul 27 18:34
s-442                 #government is trying to "protect the children" (all of us,Jul 27 18:34
s-442                 the adults). #censorshipJul 27 18:34
s-442........................................ 27 18:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:34
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: There is a decreasing belief here in the UK that the #government is trying to "protect the children" (all of us, the adults). #censorshipJul 27 18:34
s-442@schestowitz     Chromecast torn apart, what's inside? 27 18:39
s-442        #android #linux #chromecast #androidJul 27 18:39
s-442........................................ 27 18:39
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Chromecast torn apart, what's inside? #android #linux #chromecast #androidJul 27 18:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Chromecast torn apart, what's inside? | Muktware .::. Size~: 61.87 KBJul 27 18:39
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Chromecast torn apart, what's inside? | Muktware .::. Size~: 61.87 KBJul 27 18:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Chromecast can now cast entire desktop to the TV | Muktware .::. Size~: 61.67 KBJul 27 18:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Chromecast torn apart, what's inside? | Muktware .::. Size~: 61.87 KBJul 27 18:39
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Chromecast can now cast entire desktop to the TV | Muktware .::. Size~: 61.67 KBJul 27 18:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Chromecast can now cast entire desktop to the TV | Muktware .::. Size~: 61.67 KBJul 27 18:39
s-442@schestowitz     KMix is now stable!Jul 27 18:41
s-442         #kde #gnu #linux #kmixJul 27 18:41
s-442........................................ 27 18:41
TechrightsSocialTitle: KMix is now stable! | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.28 KBJul 27 18:41
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:41
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: KMix is now stable! #kde #gnu #linux #kmixJul 27 18:41
TechrightsSocialTitle: KMix is now stable! | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.28 KBJul 27 18:41
phIRCe-35289-> Title: KMix is now stable! | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.28 KBJul 27 18:41
s-442@stavvers        If there is a twitter abuse button, I vote we report CaitlinJul 27 18:48
s-442 retweeted by    Moran for all the oppressive bullshit she's ever said.Jul 27 18:48
s-442 @davidgerard    Jul 27 18:48
s-442........................................ 27 18:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:48
phIRCe-35289@davidgerard: RT @stavvers: If there is a twitter abuse button, I vote we report Caitlin Moran for all the oppressive bullshit she's ever said.Jul 27 18:48
s-442@schestowitz     "He had said one technique could kill a man from 30 feetJul 27 18:48
s-442                 (nine metres) away" as SandlerJul 27 18:48
s-442                 warned. #proprietarySWJul 27 18:48
s-442........................................ 27 18:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: BBC News - Elite hacker Barnaby Jack dies ahead of Black Hat event .::. Size~: 76.87 KBJul 27 18:48
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: "He had said one technique could kill a man from 30 feet (nine metres) away" as Sandler warned. #proprietarySWJul 27 18:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: BBC News - Elite hacker Barnaby Jack dies ahead of Black Hat event .::. Size~: 76.87 KBJul 27 18:48
phIRCe-35289-> Title: BBC News - Elite hacker Barnaby Jack dies ahead of Black Hat event .::. Size~: 76.03 KBJul 27 18:48
s-442@schestowitz     Salix KDE 14.0.1 #kde #salix #gnuJul 27 18:50
s-442                 #linuxJul 27 18:50
s-442........................................ 27 18:50
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Salix KDE 14.0.1 #kde #salix #gnu #linuxJul 27 18:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: Salix OS • View topic - Salix KDE 14.0.1 .::. Size~: 28.53 KBJul 27 18:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:50
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Salix OS • View topic - Salix KDE 14.0.1 .::. Size~: 28.53 KBJul 27 18:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: Salix OS • View topic - Salix KDE 14.0.1 .::. Size~: 28.53 KBJul 27 18:50
s-442@schestowitz     Kwheezy #GNU / #Linux Kwheezy #debianJul 27 18:53
s-442........................................ 27 18:53
TechrightsSocialTitle: home .::. Size~: 8.69 KBJul 27 18:53
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:53
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Kwheezy #GNU / #Linux Kwheezy #debianJul 27 18:53
TechrightsSocialTitle: home .::. Size~: 8.69 KBJul 27 18:53
phIRCe-35289-> Title: home .::. Size~: 8.69 KBJul 27 18:53
s-442@schestowitz     SparkyLinux 3.0 is out "Sparky 3.x isJul 27 18:54
s-442                 built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”"Jul 27 18:54
s-442........................................ 27 18:54
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: SparkyLinux 3.0 is out "Sparky 3.x is built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”"Jul 27 18:54
TechrightsSocialTitle: SparkyLinux 3.0 is out | SparkyLinux .::. Size~: 22.14 KBJul 27 18:54
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:54
TechrightsSocialTitle: SparkyLinux 3.0 is out | SparkyLinux .::. Size~: 22.14 KBJul 27 18:54
phIRCe-35289-> Title: SparkyLinux 3.0 is out | SparkyLinux .::. Size~: 22.14 KBJul 27 18:54
s-442@qu1j0t3         "Friedman…idealizes the unregulated, winner-take-allJul 27 18:56
s-442                 economy…while overlooking human, real-world concerns"Jul 27 18:56
s-442        27 18:56
s-442........................................ 27 18:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: The greatest Thomas Friedman takedown ever? - .::. Size~: 152.22 KBJul 27 18:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:56
phIRCe-35289@qu1j0t3: "Friedman…idealizes the unregulated, winner-take-all economy…while overlooking human, real-world concerns" 27 18:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: The greatest Thomas Friedman takedown ever? - .::. Size~: 152.22 KBJul 27 18:56
phIRCe-35289-> Title: The greatest Thomas Friedman takedown ever? - .::. Size~: 152.22 KBJul 27 18:56
s-442@aurosan         How to tell if a toy is for boys or for girls:Jul 27 18:58
s-442 retweeted by 27 18:58
s-442 @davidgerard    Jul 27 18:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: Twitter / aurosan: How to tell if a toy is for ... .::. Size~: 40.32 KBJul 27 18:58
s-442........................................ 27 18:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 18:58
phIRCe-35289@davidgerard: RT @aurosan: How to tell if a toy is for boys or for girls: 27 18:58
TechrightsSocialTitle: Twitter / aurosan: How to tell if a toy is for ... .::. Size~: 40.32 KBJul 27 18:59
phIRCe-35289@aurosan: How to tell if a toy is for boys or for girls: 27 18:59
TechrightsSocialTitle: Twitter / aurosan: How to tell if a toy is for ... .::. Size~: 40.32 KBJul 27 18:59
s-442@giagia          Feel all goofy and happy and *blush* that I've inspired aJul 27 19:04
s-442 retweeted by    few women to do push-ups today cos of this:Jul 27 19:04
s-442 @davidgerard 27 19:04
s-442........................................ 27 19:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: Strong, not skinny. : :: gia’s blog :: .::. Size~: 30.49 KBJul 27 19:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 19:04
phIRCe-35289@davidgerard: RT @giagia: Feel all goofy and happy and *blush* that I've inspired a few women to do push-ups today cos of this: 27 19:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: Strong, not skinny. : :: gia’s blog :: .::. Size~: 30.49 KBJul 27 19:04
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Strong, not skinny. : :: gia’s blog :: .::. Size~: 30.49 KBJul 27 19:04
s-442@schestowitz     Mozilla's Firefox Personalization Scheme Sounds TooJul 27 19:06
s-442                 Ad-Friendly #mozilla #firefoxJul 27 19:06
s-442........................................ 27 19:06
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Mozilla's Firefox Personalization Scheme Sounds Too Ad-Friendly #mozilla #firefoxJul 27 19:06
TechrightsSocialTitle: Mozilla's Firefox Personalization Scheme Sounds Too Ad-Friendly .::. Size~: 39.2 KBJul 27 19:06
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Mozilla's Firefox Personalization Scheme Sounds Too Ad-Friendly .::. Size~: 39.14 KBJul 27 19:06
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 19:06
TechrightsSocialTitle: Mozilla's Firefox Personalization Scheme Sounds Too Ad-Friendly .::. Size~: 39.13 KBJul 27 19:06
s-442@whorephobia     Anti sex work radfems stalk our tweets, and if we call themJul 27 19:08
s-442 retweeted by    out call us abusive. What do u think would happen if twitterJul 27 19:08
s-442 @davidgerard    has a report buttonJul 27 19:08
s-442........................................ 27 19:08
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 19:08
phIRCe-35289@davidgerard: RT @whorephobia: Anti sex work radfems stalk our tweets, and if we call them out call us abusive. What do u think would happen if twitter h…Jul 27 19:08
s-442@whorephobia     As an activist account we do not support the calls for anJul 27 19:08
s-442 retweeted by    abuse button on twitter,and would urge u not to sign theJul 27 19:08
s-442 @davidgerard    petition (pls RT)Jul 27 19:08
s-442........................................ 27 19:08
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 19:08
phIRCe-35289@davidgerard: RT @whorephobia: As an activist account we do not support the calls for an abuse button on twitter,and would urge u not to sign the petitio…Jul 27 19:08
s-442@hangbitch       Instead of a boycott, how about we spend a whole week onJul 27 19:10
s-442 retweeted by    twitter NOT being nice. Women are expected to be nice tooJul 27 19:10
s-442 @davidgerard    often. I'm over nice.Jul 27 19:10
s-442........................................ 27 19:10
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 19:10
phIRCe-35289@davidgerard: RT @hangbitch: Instead of a boycott, how about we spend a whole week on twitter NOT being nice. Women are expected to be nice too often. I'…Jul 27 19:10
s-442@slashdot        Crowdfunded Effort Could Build World's 10th Deepest DivingJul 27 19:18
s-442                 Submersible 27 19:18
s-442........................................ 27 19:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Crowdfunded Effort Could Build World's 10th Deepest Diving Submersible - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.09 KBJul 27 19:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 19:18
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Crowdfunded Effort Could Build World's 10th Deepest Diving Submersible 27 19:18
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Crowdfunded Effort Could Build World's 10th Deepest Diving Submersible - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.09 KBJul 27 19:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Crowdfunded Effort Could Build World's 10th Deepest Diving Submersible - Slashdot .::. Size~: 60.1 KBJul 27 19:18
s-442@slashdot        Every Public School Student In LA Will Get an iPad In 2014Jul 27 20:18
s-442        27 20:18
s-442........................................ 27 20:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Every Public School Student In LA Will Get an iPad In 2014 - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.37 KBJul 27 20:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 20:18
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Every Public School Student In LA Will Get an iPad In 2014 27 20:18
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Every Public School Student In LA Will Get an iPad In 2014 - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.37 KBJul 27 20:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Every Public School Student In LA Will Get an iPad In 2014 - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.37 KBJul 27 20:18
s-442@techdirt        Cathy Gellis' Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The WeekJul 27 20:26
s-442        27 20:26
s-442........................................ 27 20:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cathy Gellis' Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week | Techdirt .::. Size~: 48.93 KBJul 27 20:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 20:26
phIRCe-35289@techdirt: Cathy Gellis' Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week 27 20:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cathy Gellis' Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49.02 KBJul 27 20:26
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cathy Gellis' Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week | Techdirt .::. Size~: 49 KBJul 27 20:26
s-442@Kris_Neidecker  @doctorow Oh no! And I heard he used them 'puter commandsJul 27 20:42
s-442 retweeted by    like finger, mount, gasp, touch and fsck!Jul 27 20:42
s-442 @doctorow       Jul 27 20:42
s-442                 Proof of guilt, if you ask me.Jul 27 20:42
s-442........................................ 27 20:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 20:42
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @Kris_Neidecker: @doctorow Oh no! And I heard he used them 'puter commands like finger, mount, gasp, touch and fsck! Proof of guilt, if…Jul 27 20:42
s-442@slashdot        In Canada, a 3D-Printed Rifle Breaks On First FiringJul 27 21:15
s-442        27 21:15
s-442........................................ 27 21:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: In Canada, a 3D-Printed Rifle Breaks On First Firing - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.71 KBJul 27 21:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 21:15
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: In Canada, a 3D-Printed Rifle Breaks On First Firing 27 21:15
phIRCe-35289-> Title: In Canada, a 3D-Printed Rifle Breaks On First Firing - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.66 KBJul 27 21:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: In Canada, a 3D-Printed Rifle Breaks On First Firing - Slashdot .::. Size~: 58.66 KBJul 27 21:15
s-442@slashdot        US Academy President Caught Embellishing Resume, Will ResignJul 27 21:18
s-442        27 21:18
s-442........................................ 27 21:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: US Academy President Caught Embellishing Resume, Will Resign - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.94 KBJul 27 21:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 21:18
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: US Academy President Caught Embellishing Resume, Will Resign 27 21:18
phIRCe-35289-> Title: US Academy President Caught Embellishing Resume, Will Resign - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.94 KBJul 27 21:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: US Academy President Caught Embellishing Resume, Will Resign - Slashdot .::. Size~: 62.94 KBJul 27 21:18
s-442@nathanc         @doctorow and the #humbleEbookBundle just might have putJul 27 21:56
s-442 retweeted by    reading back in this father's life #littlebrother #awesomeJul 27 21:56
s-442 @doctorow       #eBookJul 27 21:56
s-442........................................ 27 21:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 21:56
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @nathanc: @doctorow and the #humbleEbookBundle just might have put reading back in this father's life #littlebrother #awesome #eBookJul 27 21:56
s-442@linuxtoday      Android 4.3 Includes Hidden App Permissions Manager ThatJul 27 22:03
s-442                 Could Bolster Privacy & Security: TechCrunch: Android...Jul 27 22:03
s-442        27 22:03
s-442........................................ 27 22:03
TechrightsSocialTitle: Linux Today - Android 4.3 Includes Hidden App Permissions Manager That Could Bolster Privacy & Security .::. Size~: 38.62 KBJul 27 22:03
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:03
phIRCe-35289@linuxtoday: Android 4.3 Includes Hidden App Permissions Manager That Could Bolster Privacy & Security: TechCrunch: Android... 27 22:03
TechrightsSocialTitle: Linux Today - Android 4.3 Includes Hidden App Permissions Manager That Could Bolster Privacy & Security .::. Size~: 38.62 KBJul 27 22:03
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Linux Today - Android 4.3 Includes Hidden App Permissions Manager That Could Bolster Privacy & Security .::. Size~: 38.62 KBJul 27 22:03
s-442@hbeschizza      At #SDCC @doctorow and @Beschizza of @BoingBoing discuss theJul 27 22:27
s-442 retweeted by    important issues of the day @elfquest 27 22:27
s-442 @doctorow       Jul 27 22:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: Twitter / hbeschizza: At #SDCC @doctorow and @Beschizza ... .::. Size~: 41.57 KBJul 27 22:27
s-442........................................ 27 22:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:27
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @hbeschizza: At #SDCC @doctorow and @Beschizza of @BoingBoing discuss the important issues of the day @elfquest 27 22:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: Twitter / hbeschizza: At #SDCC @doctorow and @Beschizza ... .::. Size~: 41.57 KBJul 27 22:27
phIRCe-35289@hbeschizza: At #SDCC @doctorow and @Beschizza of @BoingBoing discuss the important issues of the day @elfquest 27 22:27
TechrightsSocialTitle: Twitter / hbeschizza: At #SDCC @doctorow and @Beschizza ... .::. Size~: 41.57 KBJul 27 22:27
s-442@schestowitz     Apache Openmeetings 2.1.1 released 27 22:33
s-442                 #apache #freeswJul 27 22:33
s-442........................................ 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Apache Openmeetings 2.1.1 released : Apache OpenMeetings .::. Size~: 24.55 KBJul 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:33
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Apache Openmeetings 2.1.1 released #apache #freeswJul 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Apache Openmeetings 2.1.1 released : Apache OpenMeetings .::. Size~: 24.55 KBJul 27 22:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Apache Openmeetings 2.1.1 released : Apache OpenMeetings .::. Size~: 24.55 KBJul 27 22:33
s-442@doctorow        Photoset: hauntedmansionbackstage: Here are four ghosts inJul 27 22:33
s-442                 the Mansion where all you see of them is their...Jul 27 22:33
s-442        27 22:33
s-442........................................ 27 22:33
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: Photoset: hauntedmansionbackstage: Here are four ghosts in the Mansion where all you see of them is their... 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: hauntedmansionbackstage:  Here are four ghosts in... .::. Size~: 52.7 KBJul 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cory Doctorow: hauntedmansionbackstage:  Here are four ghosts in... .::. Size~: 52.7 KBJul 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: hauntedmansionbackstage:  Here are four ghosts in... .::. Size~: 52.7 KBJul 27 22:33
s-442@doctorow        Photo: 27 22:33
s-442........................................ 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 12.96 KBJul 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:33
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: Photo: 27 22:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 12.96 KBJul 27 22:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: NO TITLE .::. Size~: 12.96 KBJul 27 22:33
s-442@doctorow        Free GRAVEYARD BOOK - neil-gaiman: I just heard that TheJul 27 22:34
s-442                 Graveyard Book has gone back onto the New York...Jul 27 22:34
s-442        27 22:34
s-442........................................ 27 22:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: Free GRAVEYARD BOOK .::. Size~: 85.84 KBJul 27 22:34
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: Free GRAVEYARD BOOK - neil-gaiman: I just heard that The Graveyard Book has gone back onto the New York... 27 22:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:34
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cory Doctorow: Free GRAVEYARD BOOK .::. Size~: 85.84 KBJul 27 22:34
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: Free GRAVEYARD BOOK .::. Size~: 85.84 KBJul 27 22:34
s-442@schestowitz     Linux Career IT Skills Watch update July 2013Jul 27 22:36
s-442        #MySQL on topJul 27 22:36
s-442........................................ 27 22:36
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Linux Career IT Skills Watch update July 2013 #MySQL on topJul 27 22:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: IT skills watch .::. Size~: 44.97 KBJul 27 22:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:36
phIRCe-35289-> Title: IT skills watch .::. Size~: 44.97 KBJul 27 22:36
TechrightsSocialTitle: IT skills watch .::. Size~: 44.97 KBJul 27 22:36
s-442@doctorow        GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love - seanbonner:Jul 27 22:37
s-442                 GPGMail 2 is finally here! We’ve been working...Jul 27 22:37
s-442        27 22:37
s-442........................................ 27 22:37
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love - seanbonner: GPGMail 2 is finally here! We’ve been working... 27 22:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love .::. Size~: 36.72 KBJul 27 22:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:37
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cory Doctorow: GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love .::. Size~: 36.72 KBJul 27 22:37
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love .::. Size~: 36.72 KBJul 27 22:37
s-442@doctorow        Photoset: kirstinthereckless: Cosplaying is in my blood.Jul 27 22:38
s-442                 This is my mom ( looking like me) placing 10th in a...Jul 27 22:38
s-442        27 22:38
s-442........................................ 27 22:38
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: Photoset: kirstinthereckless: Cosplaying is in my blood. This is my mom ( looking like me) placing 10th in a... 27 22:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: kirstinthereckless:  Cosplaying is in my blood.... .::. Size~: 86.99 KBJul 27 22:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:38
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cory Doctorow: kirstinthereckless:  Cosplaying is in my blood.... .::. Size~: 86.99 KBJul 27 22:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: kirstinthereckless:  Cosplaying is in my blood.... .::. Size~: 86.99 KBJul 27 22:38
schestowitz 27 22:42 reshared: ### Global march against chemtrails and geoengineering August 5, 2013 #global #march #anti #chemtrails #geoengineering #education #protest #not-natural #stop #august052013Jul 27 22:42
phIRCe-35289  Photo by 27 22:42 reshared: ### Global march against chemtrails and geoengineering August 5, 2013 #global #march #anti #chemtrails #geoengineering #education #protest #not-natural #stop #august052013Jul 27 22:42
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 27 22:42
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Global March Against Chemtrails And .::. Size~: 43.77 KBJul 27 22:42
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Global March Against Chemtrails And .::. Size~: 43.77 KBJul 27 22:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: Global March Against Chemtrails And .::. Size~: 43.77 KBJul 27 22:42
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 22:42
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 22:42
schestowitz"Well that is what some say but you know some are totally nuts..."Jul 27 22:42
schestowitz"Fact is they play around with the weather..."Jul 27 22:42
schestowitzNot with intent twith intent to make things worse, and calling it "chemtrails" is painting oneself as part of a nutty claim that uses the term too.Jul 27 22:43
schestowitzNot with intent to make things worse, and calling it "chemtrails" is painting oneself as part of a nutty claim that uses this term too.Jul 27 22:43
schestowitz 27 22:44 There is a decreasing belief throughout the United States that the "Republicans" versus the "Democrats" are anything less than fake choiceJul 27 22:44 There is a decreasing belief throughout the United States that the "Republicans" versus the "Democrats" are anything less than fake choiceJul 27 22:44
schestowitz"Jul 27 22:44
schestowitzDid you mean increasing understanding that D v R is a false dichotomy?Jul 27 22:44
schestowitzOr that people are again perceiving there to be a difference and distinction?Jul 27 22:44
schestowitz"Jul 27 22:44
schestowitzYes, that's what I meant. Some vote just to keep "the other person" out of Office.Jul 27 22:44
schestowitz 27 22:45 #embargo #cartoonJul 27 22:45
phIRCe-35289  Photo by 27 22:45 #embargo #cartoonJul 27 22:45
TechrightsSocial  Photo by 27 22:45
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting application/octet-stream typeJul 27 22:45
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting application/octet-stream typeJul 27 22:45
schestowitz"Cuba is doing very well despite the embargo they do not like that lol"Jul 27 22:45
schestowitzUS should join the rest of thr world and drop the embargo alreadyJul 27 22:46
schestowitz 27 22:46 KMix is now stable! #kde #gnu #linux #kmixJul 27 22:46 KMix is now stable! #kde #gnu #linux #kmixJul 27 22:46
TechrightsSocial-> Title: KMix is now stable! | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.28 KBJul 27 22:46
TechrightsSocialTitle: KMix is now stable! | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.28 KBJul 27 22:46
phIRCe-35289-> Title: KMix is now stable! | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.28 KBJul 27 22:46
schestowitz"https://joindSo 罗伊 is Roy? In Japanese we call phonetic spellings in Chinese characters "当字."" 27 22:47
phIRCe-35289Couldn't resolve host 'joindSo' ( status 0 @ https://joindSo )Jul 27 22:47
schestowitz 27 22:47 KMix is now stable! #kde #gnu #linux #kmixJul 27 22:47
TechrightsSocial-> Title: KMix is now stable! | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.28 KBJul 27 22:47
schestowitz"So 罗伊 is Roy? In Japanese we call phonetic spellings in Chinese characters "当字.""Jul 27 22:47
s-442@doctorow        Photoset: Guns don’t kill people 27 22:48
s-442........................................ 27 22:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: Guns don’t kill people .::. Size~: 94.21 KBJul 27 22:48
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: Photoset: Guns don’t kill people 27 22:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:48
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Cory Doctorow: Guns don’t kill people .::. Size~: 94.21 KBJul 27 22:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Cory Doctorow: Guns don’t kill people .::. Size~: 94.21 KBJul 27 22:48
s-442@LarryEverest    @doctorow Pro-Choice Activists Launch Cross-Country AbortionJul 27 22:48
s-442 retweeted by    Rights Freedom Ride  @democracynowJul 27 22:48
s-442 @doctorow       Jul 27 22:48
s-442........................................ 27 22:48
phIRCe-35289@doctorow: RT @LarryEverest: @doctorow Pro-Choice Activists Launch Cross-Country Abortion Rights Freedom Ride  @democracynowJul 27 22:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Pro-Choice Activists Launch Cross-Country Abortion Rights Freedom Ride | Democracy Now! .::. Size~: 142.24 KBJul 27 22:48
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Pro-Choice Activists Launch Cross-Country Abortion Rights Freedom Ride | Democracy Now! .::. Size~: 142.24 KBJul 27 22:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Pro-Choice Activists Launch Cross-Country Abortion Rights Freedom Ride | Democracy Now! .::. Size~: 142.24 KBJul 27 22:48
s-442@schestowitz     The leader 27 22:52
s-442........................................ 27 22:52
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 22:52
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:52
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: The leader 27 22:52
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 22:52
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 22:52
s-442@schestowitz     Moto X to feature Moto Magic GlassJul 27 22:56
s-442         #android #linuxJul 27 22:56
s-442........................................ 27 22:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: Moto X to feature Moto Magic Glass | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.33 KBJul 27 22:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:56
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Moto X to feature Moto Magic Glass #android #linuxJul 27 22:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: Moto X to feature Moto Magic Glass | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.33 KBJul 27 22:56
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Moto X to feature Moto Magic Glass | Muktware .::. Size~: 62.33 KBJul 27 22:56
s-442@schestowitz     FBI admits to flying drones over US without warrantsJul 27 22:59
s-442         little by little, more and moreJul 27 22:59
s-442                 #policestateJul 27 22:59
s-442........................................ 27 22:59
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: FBI admits to flying drones over US without warrants  little by little, more and more #policestateJul 27 22:59
TechrightsSocialTitle: FBI admits to flying drones over US without warrants — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.5 KBJul 27 22:59
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 22:59
TechrightsSocialTitle: FBI admits to flying drones over US without warrants — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.5 KBJul 27 22:59
phIRCe-35289-> Title: FBI admits to flying drones over US without warrants — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.5 KBJul 27 22:59
s-442@schestowitz     A lot of US citizens don't know that their governmentJul 27 23:02
s-442                 silently granted itself authority to indefinitely detainJul 27 23:02
s-442                 w/out trial groups of USiansJul 27 23:02
s-442........................................ 27 23:02
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:02
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: A lot of US citizens don't know that their government silently granted itself authority to indefinitely detain w/out trial groups of USiansJul 27 23:02
s-442@schestowitz     There are discussions in Europe right now, inspired in partJul 27 23:03
s-442                 by our PM Cameron, about extensive Internet #censorship (notJul 27 23:03
s-442                 just pr0n).Jul 27 23:03
s-442........................................ 27 23:03
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:03
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: There are discussions in Europe right now, inspired in part by our PM Cameron, about extensive Internet #censorship (not just pr0n).Jul 27 23:03
s-442@schestowitz     I became heavily involved in campaigns vs patents because asJul 27 23:04
s-442                 a software developer they threatened me; now many of usJul 27 23:04
s-442                 threatened as humansJul 27 23:04
s-442........................................ 27 23:04
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:04
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: I became heavily involved in campaigns vs patents because as a software developer they threatened me; now many of us threatened as humansJul 27 23:04
s-442@schestowitz     Egypt has been warned of the violence to come – by GeneralJul 27 23:05
s-442                 Sisi himself remember which alliesJul 27 23:05
s-442                 groomed this armyJul 27 23:05
s-442........................................ 27 23:05
TechrightsSocialTitle: Egypt has been warned of the violence to come – by General Sisi himself | Gehad el-Haddad | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 132.23 KBJul 27 23:05
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:05
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Egypt has been warned of the violence to come – by General Sisi himself remember which allies groomed this armyJul 27 23:05
TechrightsSocialTitle: Egypt has been warned of the violence to come – by General Sisi himself | Gehad el-Haddad | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 132.23 KBJul 27 23:05
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Egypt has been warned of the violence to come – by General Sisi himself | Gehad el-Haddad | Comment is free | .::. Size~: 156.37 KBJul 27 23:05
s-442@schestowitz     Rumors of #NSA #surveillance outpost in #Wiesbaden persistJul 27 23:07
s-442        just look how many US military basesJul 27 23:07
s-442                 in #italy  & #germanyJul 27 23:07
s-442........................................ 27 23:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: Rumors of NSA surveillance outpost in Wiesbaden persist | Germany | DW.DE | 26.07.2013 .::. Size~: 52.61 KBJul 27 23:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:07
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Rumors of #NSA #surveillance outpost in #Wiesbaden persist just look how many US military bases in #italy  & #germanyJul 27 23:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: Rumors of NSA surveillance outpost in Wiesbaden persist | Germany | DW.DE | 26.07.2013 .::. Size~: 52.61 KBJul 27 23:07
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Rumors of NSA surveillance outpost in Wiesbaden persist | Germany | DW.DE | 26.07.2013 .::. Size~: 52.61 KBJul 27 23:07
s-442@schestowitz     Vote on #NDAA Nullification Bill 27 23:09
s-442                 "authorize their indefinite detention in violation of habeasJul 27 23:09
s-442                 corpus."Jul 27 23:09
s-442........................................ 27 23:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: Calif. State Committee Set to Vote on NDAA Nullification Bill .::. Size~: 49.42 KBJul 27 23:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:09
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Vote on #NDAA Nullification Bill "authorize their indefinite detention in violation of habeas corpus."Jul 27 23:09
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Calif. State Committee Set to Vote on NDAA Nullification Bill .::. Size~: 49.43 KBJul 27 23:09
TechrightsSocialTitle: Calif. State Committee Set to Vote on NDAA Nullification Bill .::. Size~: 49.43 KBJul 27 23:09
s-442@schestowitz     Who does the US call an enemy? Pentagon won't sayJul 27 23:11
s-442        that's reassuring, but we have aJul 27 23:11
s-442                 rough idea based on droned USiansJul 27 23:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Who does the US call an enemy? Pentagon won't say — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.47 KBJul 27 23:11
s-442........................................ 27 23:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:11
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Who does the US call an enemy? Pentagon won't say that's reassuring, but we have a rough idea based on droned USiansJul 27 23:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Who does the US call an enemy? Pentagon won't say — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.47 KBJul 27 23:11
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Who does the US call an enemy? Pentagon won't say — RT USA .::. Size~: 43.47 KBJul 27 23:11
s-442@schestowitz     This Week's Really Bizarre Battle Over Your Privacy RightsJul 27 23:12
s-442                 Ended In the Worst Way Possible #nsaJul 27 23:12
s-442........................................ 27 23:12
TechrightsSocialTitle: This Week's Really Bizarre Battle Over Your Privacy Rights Ended In the Worst Way Possible .::. Size~: 58.49 KBJul 27 23:12
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:12
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: This Week's Really Bizarre Battle Over Your Privacy Rights Ended In the Worst Way Possible #nsaJul 27 23:12
phIRCe-35289-> Title: This Week's Really Bizarre Battle Over Your Privacy Rights Ended In the Worst Way Possible .::. Size~: 58.49 KBJul 27 23:12
TechrightsSocialTitle: This Week's Really Bizarre Battle Over Your Privacy Rights Ended In the Worst Way Possible .::. Size~: 58.49 KBJul 27 23:12
s-442@schestowitz     US Government-Funded Domestic #Propaganda Has Officially HitJul 27 23:13
s-442                 The Airwaves like "rogue" nations, noJul 27 23:13
s-442                 free press?Jul 27 23:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: US Government-Funded Domestic Propaganda Has Officially Hit The Airwaves - .::. Size~: 61.81 KBJul 27 23:13
s-442........................................ 27 23:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:13
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: US Government-Funded Domestic #Propaganda Has Officially Hit The Airwaves like "rogue" nations, no free press?Jul 27 23:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: US Government-Funded Domestic Propaganda Has Officially Hit The Airwaves - .::. Size~: 61.81 KBJul 27 23:13
phIRCe-35289-> Title: US Government-Funded Domestic Propaganda Has Officially Hit The Airwaves - .::. Size~: 61.81 KBJul 27 23:13
s-442@schestowitz     U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News toJul 27 23:15
s-442                 AmericansJul 27 23:15
s-442         1984 is hereJul 27 23:15
s-442........................................ 27 23:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans | The Cable .::. Size~: 56.33 KBJul 27 23:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:15
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans 1984 is hereJul 27 23:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans | The Cable .::. Size~: 56.33 KBJul 27 23:15
phIRCe-35289-> Title: U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans | The Cable .::. Size~: 56.39 KBJul 27 23:15
s-442@slashdot        Fidus Writer: Open Source Collaborative Editor For Non-GeekJul 27 23:15
s-442                 Academics 27 23:15
s-442........................................ 27 23:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: Fidus Writer: Open Source Collaborative Editor For Non-Geek Academics - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.77 KBJul 27 23:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:15
phIRCe-35289@slashdot: Fidus Writer: Open Source Collaborative Editor For Non-Geek Academics 27 23:15
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Fidus Writer: Open Source Collaborative Editor For Non-Geek Academics - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.77 KBJul 27 23:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: Fidus Writer: Open Source Collaborative Editor For Non-Geek Academics - Slashdot .::. Size~: 61.77 KBJul 27 23:15
s-442@schestowitz     Former #CIA Officer & Whistleblower Sabrina De Sousa & theJul 27 23:18
s-442                 ‘Proper Channels’ Myth 27 23:18
s-442        27 23:18
s-442........................................ 27 23:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Former CIA Officer & Whistleblower Sabrina De Sousa & the ‘Proper Channels’ Myth |  The Dissenter .::. Size~: 63.37 KBJul 27 23:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: 400 - Bad Request .::. Size~: 0.34 KBJul 27 23:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:18
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Former #CIA Officer & Whistleblower Sabrina De Sousa & the ‘Proper Channels’ Myth 27 23:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: Former CIA Officer & Whistleblower Sabrina De Sousa & the ‘Proper Channels’ Myth |  The Dissenter .::. Size~: 63.37 KBJul 27 23:18
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Former CIA Officer & Whistleblower Sabrina De Sousa & the ‘Proper Channels’ Myth |  The Dissenter .::. Size~: 63.37 KBJul 27 23:18
TechrightsSocialTitle: VIDEO: Interview with Sabrina De Sousa, CIA officer, on Osama Mustapha Hassan Nasr's rendition | McClatchy .::. Size~: 67.93 KBJul 27 23:18
phIRCe-35289-> Title: VIDEO: Interview with Sabrina De Sousa, CIA officer, on Osama Mustapha Hassan Nasr's rendition | McClatchy .::. Size~: 67.93 KBJul 27 23:18
s-442@schestowitz     Any innocent European citizen could be abducted by CIA,Jul 27 23:23
s-442                 flown away tortured, sodomized, even 'disappear' (happensJul 27 23:23
s-442        )Jul 27 23:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: CIA ‘tortured and sodomised’ terror suspect: court - The Hindu .::. Size~: 76.11 KBJul 27 23:23
s-442........................................ 27 23:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:23
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Any innocent European citizen could be abducted by CIA, flown away tortured, sodomized, even 'disappear' (happens )Jul 27 23:23
TechrightsSocialTitle: CIA ‘tortured and sodomised’ terror suspect: court - The Hindu .::. Size~: 76.11 KBJul 27 23:23
phIRCe-35289-> Title: CIA ‘tortured and sodomised’ terror suspect: court - The Hindu .::. Size~: 76.11 KBJul 27 23:23
s-442@schestowitz     Ramadan 27 23:28
s-442........................................ 27 23:28
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:28
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:28
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Ramadan 27 23:28
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:28
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:28
s-442@schestowitz     Michael Hastings Crash After #fbiJul 27 23:30
s-442                 involvement.,, his relatives said he "drove like a grandma"Jul 27 23:30
s-442........................................ 27 23:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: Michael Hastings Crash — Krikorian Writes .::. Size~: 84.26 KBJul 27 23:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:30
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Michael Hastings Crash After #fbi involvement.,, his relatives said he "drove like a grandma"Jul 27 23:30
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Michael Hastings Crash — Krikorian Writes .::. Size~: 84.26 KBJul 27 23:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: Michael Hastings Crash — Krikorian Writes .::. Size~: 84.26 KBJul 27 23:30
s-442@schestowitz     Non-violent opposition 27 23:32
s-442........................................ 27 23:32
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:32
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Non-violent opposition 27 23:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:32
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:32
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:32
s-442@schestowitz     Civil Disobedience, Non-Violence and Overcoming HateJul 27 23:33
s-442        #protestJul 27 23:33
s-442........................................ 27 23:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Civil Disobedience, Non-Violence and Overcoming Hate | .::. Size~: 27.33 KBJul 27 23:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:33
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Civil Disobedience, Non-Violence and Overcoming Hate #protestJul 27 23:33
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Civil Disobedience, Non-Violence and Overcoming Hate | .::. Size~: 27.33 KBJul 27 23:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Civil Disobedience, Non-Violence and Overcoming Hate | .::. Size~: 27.33 KBJul 27 23:33
s-442@schestowitz     Secret laws, secret courts, secret CIA drone strikes, secretJul 27 23:35
s-442                 surveillance, secret interpretations, secret agents...Jul 27 23:35
s-442        27 23:35
s-442........................................ 27 23:35
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:35
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Secret laws, secret courts, secret CIA drone strikes, secret surveillance, secret interpretations, secret agents... 27 23:35
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:35
phIRCe-35289Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeJul 27 23:35
s-442@schestowitz     Technology and the Ruling Party 27 23:38
s-442                 #power #secrecyJul 27 23:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: Technology and the Ruling Party  |  TechCrunch .::. Size~: 85.39 KBJul 27 23:38
s-442........................................ 27 23:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:38
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Technology and the Ruling Party #power #secrecyJul 27 23:38
TechrightsSocialTitle: Technology and the Ruling Party  |  TechCrunch .::. Size~: 85.39 KBJul 27 23:38
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Technology and the Ruling Party  |  TechCrunch .::. Size~: 85.45 KBJul 27 23:38
s-442@schestowitz     Senate Moves for Sanctions on Nations 'Helping' #SnowdenJul 27 23:39
s-442         #blackmail #extortion #un #violationJul 27 23:39
s-442                 #oppressionJul 27 23:39
s-442........................................ 27 23:39
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Senate Moves for Sanctions on Nations 'Helping' #Snowden #blackmail #extortion #un #violation #oppressionJul 27 23:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Senate Moves for Sanctions on Nations 'Helping' Snowden | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 29.55 KBJul 27 23:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:39
TechrightsSocialTitle: Senate Moves for Sanctions on Nations 'Helping' Snowden | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 29.55 KBJul 27 23:39
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Senate Moves for Sanctions on Nations 'Helping' Snowden | Common Dreams .::. Size~: 29.55 KBJul 27 23:39
s-442@schestowitz     You know one loses power when he/she resorts toJul 27 23:47
s-442                 taxpayers-funded state propaganda, unlimited warrantlessJul 27 23:47
s-442                 surveillance, torture, and #dronesJul 27 23:47
s-442........................................ 27 23:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:47
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: You know one loses power when he/she resorts to taxpayers-funded state propaganda, unlimited warrantless surveillance, torture, and #dronesJul 27 23:47
s-442@schestowitz     Who exactly is responsible for 'nudge censorship'?Jul 27 23:50
s-442        tyrants and opportunists. #ukJul 27 23:50
s-442                 #censorship #chinaJul 27 23:50
s-442........................................ 27 23:50
phIRCe-35289@schestowitz: Who exactly is responsible for 'nudge censorship'? tyrants and opportunists. #uk #censorship #chinaJul 27 23:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: Open Rights Group - Who exactly is responsible for 'nudge censorship'? .::. Size~: 35.37 KBJul 27 23:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: ur1 Generator .::. Size~: 2.61 KBJul 27 23:50
phIRCe-35289-> Title: Open Rights Group - Who exactly is responsible for 'nudge censorship'? .::. Size~: 35.37 KBJul 27 23:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: Open Rights Group - Who exactly is responsible for 'nudge censorship'? .::. Size~: 35.37 KBJul 27 23:50

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