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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: January 26th, 2014-Feburary 1st, 2014

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*schestowitz ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:05
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 00:05
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:05
*schestowitz_log ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:05
*schestowitz_log has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 00:05
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:05
schestowitzyay, I'm on enlightement nowJan 26 00:05
schestowitz 26 00:22 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 00:22
schestowitz 26 00:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On Enlightenment (E17, first time in 12 years); works like a champ, despitefatal segmentation fault at first. Will try this for coming week.Jan 26 00:22
schestowitz 26 00:52 | Bartłomiej Maślankiewicz -- Relacja z Kijowa 2014-01-22 - YouTube  [ ]Jan 26 00:52
schestowitzrysiek|pl: ^^Jan 26 00:52
rysiek|plthey say that supposedly snipers shoot live ammo at journalistsJan 26 00:55
rysiek|pl*supposedly*Jan 26 00:55
rysiek|plthat's 4 days agoJan 26 00:56
rysiek|plold newsJan 26 00:56
schestowitz 26 00:59 Fame by wealth 26 00:59
schestowitz 26 00:59 #nsa Intel(ligence) Inside 26 00:59
*Guest22834 ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 01:09
*Guest22834 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 26 01:19
schestowitz__ 26 01:48 When Bush does it they support it, when Obush does it they denounce it Republicans -- I don't understand!!Jan 26 01:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Republicans call for halt to “unconstitutional surveillance programs” | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 01:48
schestowitz__"Well, the Democrats were all bent out of shape back in '05-'06 when Bush was doing it, but the Progressives are pretty quiet about it now. The devotion to party here in the US is astounding. It's like knifing someone for liking the wrong cola even though they both give you diabetes."Jan 26 01:48
schestowitz__ 26 01:51
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Murdoch's Fox 'news' makes you very, VERY stupid 26 01:51
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Obama's awkward moment 26 01:51
schestowitz__ 26 01:52 Murdoch's Fox 'news' makes you very, VERY stupid 26 01:52
schestowitz__"Not clicking that. Fuck that."Jan 26 01:52
schestowitz__Filed under the "science" section :-)Jan 26 01:53
schestowitz__"Of course it is Fox. facepalm"Jan 26 01:53
schestowitz__ 26 01:54 According to a new poll, less than half of people think that Red Hat does NOT give the #nsa back doors in #linux 26 01:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Is Red Hat Working for the NSA? - FOSS Force  [ ]Jan 26 01:54
schestowitz__"Link?"Jan 26 01:54
schestowitz__On the pageJan 26 01:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many ExcitingJan 26 02:00
TweetTuxMachines                 Features 26 02:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 02:00 | The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many Exciting Features | Tux MachinesJan 26 02:00
schestowitz__ 26 02:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many Exciting Features #linux #kernelJan 26 02:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many Exciting FeaturesJan 26 02:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     More libraries switch to KOHA catalogue systemJan 26 02:46
TweetTuxMachines        26 02:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 02:46 | More libraries switch to KOHA catalogue system | Tux MachinesJan 26 02:46
DaemonFCThis is the nastiest winter that I can remember.Jan 26 03:59
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 04:04
*roy_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:31
*roy_ has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 04:31
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:31
*schestowitz_bed2 ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:33
*schestowitz__ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)Jan 26 04:34
*schestowitz has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)Jan 26 04:34
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 04:53
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 26 05:00
*eebrah (~eebrah@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 08:47
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 09:32
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 09:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:37 Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive #mageia #pclinuxos #mandriva #gnu #linuxJan 26 09:37
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 09:37
Sosumi 26 10:02 | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 10:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOSJan 26 10:02
TweetTuxMachines                 Still Very Much Alive 26 10:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 10:02 | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Tux MachinesJan 26 10:02
Sosumianother reason why I favor either vanilla android or open source androidJan 26 10:08
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:10
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 10:18
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:19
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:19 Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution 26 10:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 10:20
schestowitz_bed2Sosumi: yeahJan 26 10:20
schestowitz_bed2Samsung is evikJan 26 10:20
schestowitz_bed2Like Sony, just not as badJan 26 10:20
schestowitz_bed2Sony is deep in the MAFIAA and DRM businessJan 26 10:20
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update  #samsung #ballnuxJan 26 10:25
Sosumisony actually went to the point of not even allowing audio cds on the ps4Jan 26 10:25
Sosumiin order to shove their music anywhere serviceJan 26 10:25
Sosumialso, no flac supportJan 26 10:25
iophkps3 was good until they pulled the ability to run Linux.Jan 26 10:26
iophkps4 ... mehJan 26 10:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:26 Geneva 26 10:26
Sosumips3 was okJan 26 10:27
iophkIt was heading a very good direction until they decided to reverse policy and block dual use.Jan 26 10:28
iophkIt would be interesting to find out the motivation for that move.Jan 26 10:28
Sosumibut I think that the lack of gpu acceleration out of the box was kind dumbJan 26 10:28
Sosumialthough folks were finding workaroundsJan 26 10:28
Sosumito a lesser extent, no ecc memory kind killed it for clusteringJan 26 10:29
Sosumialthough you could always use some error correcting algoJan 26 10:29
Sosumibut it was a cheap way to get access to the cellJan 26 10:30
Sosumiwithout overpaying for a cell computing board or rackJan 26 10:30
Sosumiand I'm all in for choice and optionsJan 26 10:31
Sosumiso shame on themJan 26 10:31
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 26 10:31
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:32 reshared: keyboard pants...Jan 26 10:32
schestowitz_bed2"Spacebar! Ooooh yeah! Spacebar me now!"Jan 26 10:32
Sosumiplus, were there any games on the ps3 that awarded a purchase of the system?Jan 26 10:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:32 Obama's awkward moment 26 10:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | That Awkward Moment When... - CheezburgerJan 26 10:33
schestowitz_bed2"It's amazing how politicians can tell lies no matter how outrageous are."Jan 26 10:33
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:33 Murdoch's Fox 'news' makes you very, VERY stupid 26 10:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ancient tablet reveals new details about Noah's Ark prototype | Fox News  [ ]Jan 26 10:33
schestowitz_bed2"The world is awash in a rising tide of stupid shit nowadays."Jan 26 10:33
schestowitz_bed2"The "like" is for the comment."Jan 26 10:33
Sosumibecause, outside of wipeout, there were any actually good games on the thingJan 26 10:33
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:35 Bass 26 10:35
schestowitz_bed2"It seems that assholes are everywhere, not only in banana republics like mine."Jan 26 10:35
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:36 Utah is Ending Homelessness by Giving People Homes #utah #povertyJan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2"Interesting."Jan 26 10:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Utah is Ending Homelessness by Giving People Homes | NationofChange  [ ]Jan 26 10:36
Sosumisame could be said about the xbox 2, outside of some republished games like rez hd (dreamcast), geometry wars and the ninja gaiden series (the ones done by itagaki))Jan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:36 On children's website, #NSA puts a furry, smiley face on its mission (anti) "CryptoKids"Jan 26 10:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On children's website, NSA puts a furry, smiley face on its mission |  [ ]Jan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2""In the world of diplomacy, knowing what your enemy is planning helps you to prepare". So are they finally admitting that see the rest of the world as an enemy?"Jan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:37 Mac Asay deletes #chromebooks from history 26 10:37
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 10:37
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why The Linux Desktop Doesn't Matter Anymore – ReadWrite  [ ]Jan 26 10:37
schestowitz_bed2I think he has something of a point, in that most users will just pick the option Dell/HP tell them to and doesn't involve any work to get it running. They look at linux and see something complicated they can't trust, windows is the soma of computing.Jan 26 10:37
schestowitz_bed2That said, he's being a dick. He tied the whole thing to a sensationalist headline and completely ignored the fact thatJan 26 10:38
schestowitz_bed2    The linux desktop isn't irrelevant to the millions of people who use itJan 26 10:38
schestowitz_bed2    It's growingJan 26 10:38
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 10:38
schestowitz_bed2"Oh, and I feel so sorry for his friend Valerie if he advised her to switch to apple. I hope she didn't get scared away from trying new stuff just because of that."Jan 26 10:38
Sosumioutside of those "exclusives" I fail to actually name games that are exclusive to those systems and that manage to be better of what we find on the pcJan 26 10:38
Sosumiand it isn't looking better on this genJan 26 10:38
Sosumiwith the introduction of touch games and motion junk with camerasJan 26 10:39
Sosumiand voice recognitionJan 26 10:39
Sosumiwhich transmit all your data to the game publisherJan 26 10:39
Sosumialthough the portable consoles kind of look niceJan 26 10:40
Sosumiyou could just get an original pspJan 26 10:40
Sosumiand play games for cheapJan 26 10:41
Sosumiif you're into turn based strategy games and some nice platformersJan 26 10:41
Sosumithe disgaea series and the priny series are nice and can be bought dirt cheap on the second hand marketJan 26 10:42
Sosumialso, don't we have Davos conference around nowJan 26 10:43
Sosumiin which the failing oligarchs will be plotting to keep themselves afloatJan 26 10:44
Sosumiaka the survival of the unfitJan 26 10:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficialJan 26 10:45
TweetTuxMachines                 accessories via software updateJan 26 10:45
TweetTuxMachines        26 10:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 10:45 | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Tux MachinesJan 26 10:45
iophk 26 10:49 | FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report  [ ]Jan 26 10:49
*TweetTuxMachines @voidquest44 retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via...'Jan 26 10:54
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:56 reshared: #Programmierer #Feindschaft bis in den Tod !?!Jan 26 10:56
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 26 10:56
schestowitz_bed2iophk: anything specific?Jan 26 10:56
schestowitz_bed2"iophk: anything specific?bööse :)|Jan 26 10:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:58 reshared: #gifs #policeJan 26 10:58
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 26 10:58
schestowitz_bed2"this explains so much in a nutshell, the first reaction of the jackboot is to destroy, to maim and to use violence, without logical reflection or reason"Jan 26 10:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:58 reshared: # Biggest Hole Dug by Hand # Jan 26 10:58
schestowitz_bed2"Fascinating. Simply fascinating."Jan 26 10:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:58 Worse than Jobs: the man who added #apple to #nsa #prism 26 10:58
schestowitz_bed2“there is no back door. The government doesn’t have access to our servers. They would have to cart us out in box for that, and that will not happen.”Jan 26 10:58
schestowitz_bed2... And you don't believe Tim Cook?Jan 26 10:58
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 10:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tim Cook Talks NSA, Secrecy, and More with ABC News  [ ]Jan 26 10:58
SosumiTim CrookJan 26 10:59
iophkNothing specific that I know of but it would be interesting to know what caused Sony to do an about face on allowing Linux.Jan 26 10:59
Sosumisony had also allowed linux on the ps2Jan 26 11:01
Sosumito the point of even selling you a kitJan 26 11:01
iophkIt was a selling point.Jan 26 11:01
SosumiI think that was directed to the japanese marketJan 26 11:02
Sosumiin order to minimize the amount of occupied space at homeJan 26 11:02
Sosumisince flats in japan tend to be quite smallJan 26 11:03
iophkOnly the large ones are small.  The rest are much smaller.Jan 26 11:03
Sosumimore like a house fit for gnome or hobbitJan 26 11:03
Sosumiand since most ppl in the end always end up having a laptopJan 26 11:04
SosumiI think that was the idea behind thatJan 26 11:04
iophk 26 11:04 | Swedish Public Television Claims Copyright Publication Rights To Everybody's Sports Photos If Posted On Twitter - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 26 11:04
Sosumigiving folks a small footprint computerJan 26 11:04
Sosumithat doubles as a console and bluray playerJan 26 11:04
Sosumiwell, triplesJan 26 11:05
iophkbasically 3 device in oneJan 26 11:05
Sosumiand a docking station for the pspJan 26 11:05
Sosumiso 4 devices in oneJan 26 11:05
SosumiI actually bought a ps3 back in early 2009Jan 26 11:06
Sosumiin order to test cellJan 26 11:06
Sosumiofc that I returned the console after thatJan 26 11:07
schestowitz_bed2iophk: wowJan 26 11:07
schestowitz_bed2new lowJan 26 11:07
Sosumiand from what I could tell, at least the powerpc core was as fast as the 1.8 g5 Jan 26 11:08
Sosumithat crapple included on the base powermac g5 when they introduced the architectureJan 26 11:08
Sosumiand I couldn't get decent results from the SPEsJan 26 11:09
Sosumibut from my opinion, at that timeJan 26 11:09
Sosumiyou'd be better with one or more gtx 9800Jan 26 11:09
Sosuminew low? where? me buying the console?Jan 26 11:10
SosumiI had 15 days to test it out and then go back to the store and ask to be refundedJan 26 11:11
Sosumiso I got my 399€ back anywaysJan 26 11:11
Sosumiand sony got a console to recondition in order to sell it back again as newJan 26 11:12
iophkschestowitz_bed2: there were some web hosting services that tried to take ownership of everything that was uploaded and published on their machines.  I can't recall the name(s) right now, but I think they're not in business any more.Jan 26 11:14
iophkIt was more than a few years ago.Jan 26 11:14
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Your photos are not yours 26 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Mississippi is now the tenth state to consider legislation to ban cooperation with #NSA up from sixJan 26 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mississippi is now the tenth state to consider legislation to ban cooperation with NSA | Nullify NSA!Nullify NSA!Jan 26 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "THE NEWS" ❂ JUICE RAP NEWS ❂ SEASON 2 EP 1 real news, with humourJan 26 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | "THE NEWS"  ❂  JUICE RAP NEWS  ❂  SEASON 2  EP 1 - YouTubeJan 26 11:19
iophkI guess that kind of grab happens often still: 26 11:21 | Facebook to Instagram users: 'all your photos are belong to us' - The Tell - MarketWatch  [ ]Jan 26 11:21
schestowitz_bed2yeahJan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2I thought about this, BUT...Jan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2This is about WHERE you upload toJan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2Not WHERE you take the photoJan 26 11:22
iophkgood pointJan 26 11:22
iophktwitter is just an indeJan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2Also, 5 or 6 years ago I read about some place with a tree where if you took a photo, they claimed to own the copyrightsJan 26 11:23
iophkindexJan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2either way, there's a landgrab of copyrightsJan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2like all ownershiJan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2see what I write this morning about GatesJan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2he now invests directly in oppression of protestJan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2and made 15 billion last yearJan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2my personal hero /sarcasmJan 26 11:24
iophkUntil he starts handing out cash, it's just bluff and marketing no real philanthropy.Jan 26 11:24
schestowitz_bed2an afford to hire people with inside information Jan 26 11:24
schestowitz_bed2i.e. people who rig the marketsJan 26 11:24
iophkBut then maybe that's the point.Jan 26 11:24
schestowitz_bed2taking away from hopefuls who think that investment is a win to allJan 26 11:25
schestowitz_bed2wait for ZDNet et al. to use that to smear AndroidJan 26 11:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014Jan 26 11:30
TweetTuxMachines        26 11:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 11:30 | Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 26 11:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu LinuxJan 26 11:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Pre-installed PC Released By System76.Jan 26 11:30
TweetTuxMachines        26 11:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 11:30 | Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76.  | Tux MachinesJan 26 11:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 #tizen is back then... #linuxJan 26 11:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 | MuktwareJan 26 11:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Windows is infecting #Android don't use Windows.Jan 26 11:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New malware uses Windows to infect Android devices | MuktwareJan 26 11:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76. #gnu #linux #ubuntuJan 26 11:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76. | CrazyEngineersJan 26 11:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:42
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Limitations in #e17 (Enlightenment) make me yearn for KDE4: can't resize windows with SHIFT+mouse, Kipper needed. Good side: RAM miracle!Jan 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Latest Unity7 Update in #Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. #gnu #linuxJan 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. | CrazyEngineersJan 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #drones with legs, wheels, etc. 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army expects to replace a quarter of soldiers with robots by 2040 - SlashGearJan 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040 | MuktwareJan 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army Envisions More Robotic FutureJan 26 11:43
iophk 26 11:43 | Forever Peace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 26 11:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Now that assassination by flying robots (based on #nsa kill lists) has been made "normal" by the corporate, war-loving media we move furtherJan 26 11:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Remember that to the #nsa "undesirables" include journalists, whistleblowers, regulators, politicians, human rights groups, protestersJan 26 11:46
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:50
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: In #yemen the #obama administration helped the jailing of a journalist for daring to compete with US reporting (monopoly) on #drone strikesJan 26 11:50
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Jailing journalists and such not a novel concept (1990) Tocuhe! 26 11:50
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ex-official: Cia Helped Jail Mandela - Chicago TribuneJan 26 11:50
TechrightsBot-tr-> | President Obama Poses for Selfie at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service - ABC NewsJan 26 11:50
iophk 26 11:51 | Strong majority in IMCO voted to defend net neutrality | Christian Engström, Pirate MEP  [ ]Jan 26 11:51
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 11:52 | open...: "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do...  [ ]Jan 26 11:52
schestowitz_bed2I contacted him and others yesterdayJan 26 11:53
schestowitz_bed2but I only found out it had gone online because you told meJan 26 11:53
iophkIt has a lot of valuable pages, it is of value to Heise and of negligible maintenance costs (I would expect) and it could probably be converted to static pages if the current software is too much trouble.Jan 26 11:54
schestowitz_bed2yeah, that tooJan 26 11:55
schestowitz_bed2instead thet try to bloster the ranking of their pro-MS and pro-Apple siteJan 26 11:55
schestowitz_bed2Heise.deJan 26 11:55
iophkThat may be the real motivation behind the closure: pound the M$ drumJan 26 11:58
iophkyay Bill!Jan 26 11:58
schestowitz_bed2maybe they can ask Bill to support the publicatiomn, toe HJan 26 11:58
schestowitz_bed2Bill says he likes sharingJan 26 11:58
schestowitz_bed2The H is about sharingJan 26 11:58
iophkAnd about promoting IT.  Bill says he likes promoting IT.Jan 26 11:59
schestowitz_bed2maybe bill can cobble together some lamp serverJan 26 11:59
schestowitz_bed2he's an uber-technical guyJan 26 11:59
schestowitz_bed2!google idiot wrote this code eller bill gatesJan 26 11:59
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - The Story of Steve Jobs: An Inspiration or a Cautionary Tale? | Wired ... | 26 11:59
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bill Gates: 'I wrote Steve Jobs a letter as he was dying. He kept it by ... | 26 11:59
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - The Secret Origin of Windows - Technologizer | 26 11:59
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Gates Says Biden, Clinton Would Make Good Presidents | 26 11:59
iophkyeah he invented the Inernet and PCs and sliced bread ...Jan 26 11:59
schestowitz_bed2wow, Bill really googlebombed it out of existenceJan 26 12:00
schestowitz_bed2mjust hgave cost a fortune to dump all those puff pieces on high pagerank sitesJan 26 12:00
iophkGoogle ranking is quite ephemeral especially where M$ can dump on it.Jan 26 12:00
iophkDuring the last week or so, one or more of the links posted mentioned Sweden's Carl Bildt leading some kind of commission to investigate NSA surveillance and overreach.  That's almost a conflict of interest given where he sits politically.  Jan 26 12:01
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:02
TechrightsBot-tr@GatoPreto19: @schestowitz Reporting Truth means Jail or Kill-Lists, nowadays.. Or was it that way since ever..Jan 26 12:02
schestowitz_bed2but not in the US. It used to be China, Russia....Jan 26 12:02
schestowitz_bed2yes, I wrote about this Bildt nonsenseJan 26 12:03
schestowitz_bed2he';s a friend of RoveJan 26 12:03
schestowitz_bed2And a hawkJan 26 12:03
schestowitz_bed2!google bildt nigger is a niggerJan 26 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - “A nigger is a nigger and a Swede is a Swede”. Top leaders of ... | 26 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bildt's Party & Mandela's Darkies | Rixstep Industry Watch |,00.shtmlJan 26 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Twitter / wikileaks: “A nigger is a nigger and ... | 26 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - “A Swede is a Swede & a Jew is a Jew”, says Carl Bildt. Analysing ... | 26 12:03
iophkYes, he will go through the motions and conclude that there is not enough surveillance.Jan 26 12:03
schestowitz_bed2ah, wouldn't that be awesome for his mates?Jan 26 12:04
schestowitz_bed2I didn't even think about it like thatJan 26 12:04
schestowitz_bed2I just said it was comical and a PR attemptJan 26 12:04
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:05
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Finally it seems like people such as @glynmoody plan the use of #copyrights wisely everyone should do thisJan 26 12:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> | open...: "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do...Jan 26 12:05
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUs #nvidia no good, def. not when it comes to freedomJan 26 12:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUsJan 26 12:05
iophkSome of the Swedish blog headlines translate to the goat being appointed head gardner or the the fox being appointed to watch the hen house and similarJan 26 12:05
iophk 26 12:06
iophk"Carl  Bildt is potentially one of the least suitable people to lead efforts  to chart the way for a freer and safer Internet for users"Jan 26 12:06 | Google Translate  [ ]Jan 26 12:06
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's WhatJan 26 12:13
TweetTuxMachines                 I Aim to Do... 26 12:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 12:13 | "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do... | Tux MachinesJan 26 12:13
schestowitz_bed2   Jan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of Drama #fedora #gnu #linux #redhatJan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of DramaJan 26 12:24
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Europe's Highest Court Says DRM Circumvention May Be Lawful In Certain Circumstances #drm #copyrightJan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Europe's Highest Court Says DRM Circumvention May Be Lawful In Certain Circumstances | TechdirtJan 26 12:24
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 12:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The claim that #bildt will "investigate" the #nsa seems like a PR ploy, possibly designed to help "find" that NSA actions are "lawful"Jan 26 12:25
schestowitz_bed2I will look at some NSA news nowJan 26 12:26
iophkWhich politicians or investigating politicians own, own stock in or have friends in companies that make money off of NSA surveillance?Jan 26 12:27
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 26 12:29
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Rich people: people are poor because they're lazy; Poor people, indoctrinated by rich people-owned media: I just need to work harder.Jan 26 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Back when I was in #davos it was known for skiing and calm. Now it's associated with white-collar crime 26 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | State of Power 2014: Exposing the Davos Class | ROAR MagazineJan 26 12:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:33
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #WEF held in #Davos so that the thieves can go check their bank accounts while they're traveling to "talk about poverty" in private jets.Jan 26 12:33
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Global warning is a problem, said man with a private jet, speaking about "giving" while hoarding additional $15.8bn 26 12:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution | TechrightsJan 26 12:35
*eebrah has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 26 12:37
schestowitz_bed2LOLJan 26 12:40
schestowitz_bed2"Rep. Peter King on Saturday blasted a new resolution from the Republican National Committee concerning the National Security Agency,"Jan 26 12:40
schestowitz_bed2'KingJan 26 12:40
schestowitz_bed2!google peter kind wikileaksJan 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Peter King On Why Wikileaks Should Be Declared A Terrorist ... | 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Rep. Peter King: Prosecute WikiLeaks, Julian Assange - Jennifer ... | 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Peter King: Declare Wikileaks A Terrorist Organization | 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - WikiLeaks Is A Terror Outfit: Rep. Peter King : It's All Politics : NPR | 26 12:40
schestowitz_bed2!google peter king wikileaksJan 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Peter King On Why Wikileaks Should Be Declared A Terrorist ... | 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Rep. Peter King: Prosecute WikiLeaks, Julian Assange - Jennifer ... | 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - WikiLeaks Is A Terror Outfit: Rep. Peter King : It's All Politics : NPR | 26 12:40
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Congressman wants WikiLeaks listed as terrorist group - CNET News | 26 12:40
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 26 12:44
-NickServ-schestowitz_bed2! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Jan 26 12:45
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 12:45
iophk"Besides Bildt chaired we find in the group Michael Chertoff.  He worked for George W. Bush in the U.S. Homeland Security and was one of the brains behind the Patriot Act.  A brilliant name to protect the right to freedom and privacy online - from the NSA's perspective.  Another is Sir David Omand.  He was previously head of GCHQ. "Jan 26 12:45
iophk 26 12:45 | Google Translate  [ ]Jan 26 12:45
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa executives and facilitators should be trialled for #espionage 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Snowden NSA economic espionage claim broadcast as teaser to first TV interview | News | DW.DE | 26.01.2014Jan 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA also serves economic interests: Snowden interview  | South China Morning PostJan 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Tim Cook, who let the #nsa get access through #prism , says #NSA doesn't have "back door access" to Apple servers. #liar #timcook #appleJan 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: In a way, Tim Cook is correct; there are no back doors, none are needed. #apple is just granting the #nsa physical, free access to data.Jan 26 12:48
iophkfront-door access thenJan 26 12:48
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Get 'em while they're young," they say... 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA's website for kids isn't creepy. Nope. Not creepy at all.Jan 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "send an e-mail without worrying what it will look like on their permanent record." #nsaJan 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden Elaborates on NSA, Spying | Maximum PCJan 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hawk for #nsa shows no signs of abolishing. #CIA Post: "White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden declined to comment" 26 12:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Obama signs off on nomination of Rogers as NSA director - The Washington PostJan 26 12:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of DramaJan 26 12:57
TweetTuxMachines        26 12:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 12:57 | Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of Drama | Tux MachinesJan 26 12:57
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: You know we're seriously *ed when tech executives say to us there's no back door simply because NSA is secretly using front door (collusion)Jan 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Crushing people's morale 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Aldous Huxley saw it coming 26 12:59
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa is all about business, serving the oligarchs who own and control the nation 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA also serves economic interests: Snowden interview  < German news | Expatica GermanyJan 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA serves economic interests: Snowden | SBS NewsJan 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Death squads have assassinated eight trade union leaders in Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia." 26 12:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Stop Killer Coke! Death squads have assassinated eight trade union leaders in Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia. The Stop Killer Coke campaign holds the beverage giant responsible.Jan 26 12:59
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Politico continues to give a platform to radicals whatever gives them hitsJan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Peter King slams RNC on NSA resolution - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.comJan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "As it tries to protect us from the “bad guys,” the government has become more intrusive in our lives." 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Letter: NSA tramples freedoms - LettersJan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why is it always ABC (clue: conflict of interest) that's whitewashing #apple abuses? Not even a pretense of independence in media anymore.Jan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #cellphones : people "line up at stores to pay for the latest model of these monitoring devices." 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Diary: My NSA Nightmare Last Night | OpEdNewsJan 26 13:15
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How Many People Have Died in 5 Years of [Obama|NSA|CIA] #Drone Wars? ~2400 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How Many People Have Died in 5 Years of Drone Wars? - PolicyMicJan 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | FarsnewsJan 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Two former US officials criticize #drone war "military general and another top counter-terrorism advisor"Jan 26 13:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | :::  - Two former US officials criticize drone warJan 26 13:16
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "prosecutors are preparing to investigate allegations that  #CIA ran secret detention camps in the county's forests" 26 13:20
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Poland to probe secret CIA prisons | Europe | World BulletinJan 26 13:20
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies #germany #ebergyJan 26 13:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies | Beyond RevolutionJan 26 13:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: There are people who would work 60 hours per week for oligarchs and not spend one minute reading criticism, let alone attend a protest.Jan 26 13:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Neo-Feudalism a taboo 26 13:29
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:30 There are people who would work 60 hours per week for oligarchs and not spend one minute reading criticism, let alone attend a protest.Jan 26 13:30
schestowitz_bed2"They can't even walk their dogs: "Jan 26 13:30 | ### #WTF??Jan 26 13:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:43
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Definitely NOT to be used: hardware-level crypto (i.e. cryptic algo) in #amd #linux avoid, it's a US company. #nsaJan 26 13:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Linux 3.14 Supports AMD's Cryptographic CoprocessorJan 26 13:43
iophkforgetting the illegal per-processor fees they had to compete against:Jan 26 13:46
iophk 26 13:46 | Mac pioneers lauded as Apple celebrates 30 years of Macintosh computers |  [ ]Jan 26 13:46
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:56
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "It's alarming that few girls or students of color are taking computer science classes." 26 13:56
TechrightsBot-tr-> | America's Coming Geek Gap | Mother JonesJan 26 13:56
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #linuxfoundation is trying hard to paint #linux development as multi-cultural and sex-agnostic. Commendable marketing, but unrealistic.Jan 26 13:56
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Foes of FOSS have for a long time tried to portray FOSS as causing the gender gap (in CS). This has become a good way to identify FOSS foes.Jan 26 13:56
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: It is widely known that the #cia traditionally used "human rights", "racism", and "women's rights" to justify (to public) economic coupsJan 26 13:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:57
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz there's a lot more women in proprietary dev than open source. those are the numbers.Jan 26 13:57
schestowitz_bed2If the difference is 5% versus, say, 15%, then it's not so statistically significant. I heard this argument before.Jan 26 13:57
schestowitz_bed2Negative discrimination plays a role in it. That is, contrary to the usual claims, companies often hire women for "balance"Jan 26 13:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:05
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz show me substantiation for this claimJan 26 14:05
schestowitz_bed2personal stories; for statistical substantiation, someone will need to fund super controversial studyJan 26 14:06
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:07
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz it's 1% versus 15%. there is actually a problem. burying your head in the sand is avoidant behaviour.Jan 26 14:07
schestowitz_bed21% for KDE maybe. Very different in FOSS companies, which also include various roles.Jan 26 14:07
schestowitz_bed2I work for a FOSS company where about half the staff is female, inc. technical rolesJan 26 14:08
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:08
TechrightsBot-tr@unclepete_100: @schestowitz Quelle surprise.Jan 26 14:08
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:09
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Digital footprints (spurious and unwanted), such as "utm_source=feedburner", show the infinite greed for offline #surveillance tooJan 26 14:09
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:11 Definitely NOT to be used: hardware-level crypto (i.e. cryptic algo) in #amd #linux avoid, it's a US company. #nsaJan 26 14:11
schestowitz_bed2"what do you use?"Jan 26 14:11
schestowitz_bed2One should use FOSS and not offload computation such as this to the co-processorJan 26 14:11
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:21
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fast and loose with the term "Insider Trading" which is a crime that's how some plutocrats get richerJan 26 14:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent Insider Trading: Facebook Inc (FB), Intel , Questcor, Red Hat, Texas Instruments, Verizon Communications | FX News CallJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New malware uses Windows to infect AndroidJan 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines                 devices 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pwnium hackathon: Google offers over $2 millionJan 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines                 in rewards 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:22 | New malware uses Windows to infect Android devices | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 FeaturesJan 26 14:22 | Pwnium hackathon: Google offers over $2 million in rewards | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ ThemingJan 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines                 Support. 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:22 | Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better SupportJan 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines                 for RAW Images 26 14:22
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:22 | gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW Images | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:22
MinceRgeekingsJan 26 14:27
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:36 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 26 14:36
schestowitz_bed2TV is the appeal for others to find for you what you might find entertaining, usually because one cannot entertain oneselfJan 26 14:37
MinceRdunno, i watch more tv programs on the web than on the tv :>Jan 26 14:38
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Reading as an 'app' 26 14:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: CNN, after firing journalists in droves, warns #twitter and #facebook 26 14:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Opinion: Why Twitter should watch its back - CNN.comJan 26 14:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Google is watching you, with the help of fools who pay top bucks for #CCTV equipment 26 14:39
Sosumipict of the dayJan 26 14:58
Sosumi 26 14:59
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 26 14:59
SosumiTPPzilaJan 26 14:59
schestowitz_bed2I see they've inserted some conpiracy theories into itJan 26 15:05
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:06 via @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} Jan 26 15:06
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 26 15:08
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:09
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Discussion and education, one person at a time 26 15:09
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Even the US government won't use US phones US phones have back doors.Jan 26 15:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | chycho: The Irony and the Hypocrisy, the U.S. Department of Defense Is Using Blackberry for Its Privacy (Update on The Surveillance State)Jan 26 15:15
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 15:25
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 15:25
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 15:26
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Shortly after #billgates started to bribe 'guardian' it became very Google-hostile, even when #microsoft does worse 26 15:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why Google Android software is not as free or open-source as you may think | Technology | theguardian.comJan 26 15:26
schestowitz_bed2Charles Arhur againJan 26 15:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW Images #gnome #gnu #linux #softwareJan 26 15:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW ImagesJan 26 15:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison uber benchmark. #linux #phoronixJan 26 15:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card ComparisonJan 26 15:27
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hacking Open the Data Center #sharingJan 26 15:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hacking Open the Data Center | Re/codeJan 26 15:31
schestowitz_bed2it's good to see phoronic returning to hardware science and journalism as opposed to gossip and personalities cultJan 26 15:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa #dropbox is worth a lot of money, but to who?  #datahoarding #marketing #prism #masssurveillance #surveillanceJan 26 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Morning Download: Dropbox’s $10 Billion Valuation Shows Pull of Consumerization - The CIO Report - WSJJan 26 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA: Monetising/extorting millions of fools who upload their data to some remote (in US) server and take cameras (phones) to their bathroomJan 26 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The best alternative for #dropbox is called "hard drive" (it's this thing you put in your machine), not #nsa traps: 26 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | 5 Dropbox alternatives for the small business - Computer Business ReviewJan 26 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "According to a new report by Splashdata, the most common password in 2013 was “123456”" 26 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ‘Password’ no longer the Internet’s worst password | GulfNews.comJan 26 15:46
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:51 | Twitter, Box, and Dropbox attracting hordes of employees away from tech giants | VentureBeat | Business | by Rebecca Grant  [ ]Jan 26 15:51
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:54
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #outage at #nsa #dropbox "was caused by internal maintenance," according to DropBox. Setting up more doors for NSA? 26 15:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hackers claim responsibility for Dropbox outage (Wired UK)Jan 26 15:54
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "US Investigative Journalist Michael Hastings told an incredible story when he returned from his 2010 trip" 26 15:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How economic warfare killed the People's Bank — RT Op-EdgeJan 26 15:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics CardJan 26 15:57
TweetTuxMachines                 Comparison 26 15:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:57 | 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison | Tux MachinesJan 26 15:57
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hacking Open the Data CenterJan 26 15:57
TweetTuxMachines        26 15:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:57 | Hacking Open the Data Center | Tux MachinesJan 26 15:57
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:00
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hidden ownership (also of the corporate media, as a World Bank whistleblower explained last year) 26 16:00
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Science "another religion" response 26 16:00
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #FBI priorities 26 16:00
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:01
schestowitz_bed2Why is Jobs overlaid on top of the British flag? That disgraceful sociopath was not British.Jan 26 16:01
XFaCEschestowitz_bed2: what search engine would you recommend?Jan 26 16:09
schestowitz_bed2none at the momentJan 26 16:15
schestowitz_bed2ixquick sold outJan 26 16:15
schestowitz_bed2and I don't know what to use anymoreJan 26 16:15
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: New Screenshots Galleries :Instructionals : Games 26 16:16
XFaCEthere's always that p2p oneJan 26 16:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New Screenshots Galleries | TechrightsJan 26 16:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 26/1/2014: Instructionals | TechrightsJan 26 16:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 26/1/2014: Games | TechrightsJan 26 16:16
XFaCEschestowitz_bed2: how did they sell out exactly?Jan 26 16:16
XFaCEI missed the tweet/articleJan 26 16:16
XFaCEor rather I can't remember what it saidJan 26 16:16
schestowitz_bed2they signed up with Google last yearJan 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2AdSense and stuffJan 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2they also opened an office and server side in the USJan 26 16:27
schestowitz_bed2So it is no longer a Dutch thing, and the government can force them to hand over users' daraJan 26 16:27
schestowitz_bed2*dataJan 26 16:27
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:28 Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive #mageia #pclinuxos #mandriva #gnu #linuxJan 26 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 16:28
schestowitz_bed2"Tanx Roy, I have just installed mageia 3 in my nephew's laptop, an old Dell precision notebook, so I'm not happy to view this fast upgrade trend. In my opinion the cycles release could be more time long. One or one and half year are too much short. Ok the Mageia is a cutting-edge distribution but I like a more LTS version. Bye the way Mageia rulezzz :)"Jan 26 16:28
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hear, see, speak 26 16:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:32 | Ximion's Blog  » Blog Archive   » Next stop: FOSDEM’14  [ ]Jan 26 16:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Making #apple even angrier at #android 26 16:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How to Give your Android Smartphone the iOS 7 Look | TechSourceJan 26 16:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 26 16:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 26 16:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 26 16:43 | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux MachinesJan 26 16:43
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:43 | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 26 16:44 | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJan 26 16:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Interview: Linus #Torvalds - "I don't read code any more" reposted, still interestingJan 26 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | open...: Interview: Linus Torvalds - "I don't read code any more"Jan 26 16:47
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:49 | Why the Military Industrial Complex Needs Al-Qaeda, the Best Enemy Money Can Buy |  [ ]Jan 26 16:49
schestowitz_bed2'When Ted Cruz infamously warned against the U.S. acting as “Al-Qaeda’s air force,” he was referring to White House support for rebel jihadists in Syria, the most effective of whom represent groups like ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra."Jan 26 16:49
schestowitz_bed2Lost up north 26 17:02
MinceR 26 17:03 | Obama Wants to Give Your Toys to Other Kids - CheezburgerJan 26 17:03
MinceR 26 17:06 | What the Government Thinks of Citizens Who Want Their Privacy - CheezburgerJan 26 17:06
iophk 26 17:09
iophk 26 17:09 | German TV: Edward Snowden says NSA is involved in industrial sabotage | World news |  [ ]Jan 26 17:09 | German TV: Snowden Says NSA Also Spies On Industry  [ ]Jan 26 17:09
*synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 17:17
*synchris has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 17:17
*synchris (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/synchris) has joined #techrightsJan 26 17:17
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "leaders want to officially state their displeasure with federal military policy during the “war on..."" (dissent) 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | States Say “Stop” to NDAA | American Free PressJan 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ndaa Nullification "Trend Is Spreading" "nullify unconstitutional acts of the federal government."Jan 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Wall Street Journal Takes Notice: Nullification "Trend Is Spreading"Jan 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ndaa = "presidential authority, to arrest, kidnap, detain without trial and hold indefinitely American citizens" 26 17:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: British MPs demand scrutiny of US military bases amid spying reports based that help maim and killJan 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | British MPs demand scrutiny of US military bases amid spying reports — RT NewsJan 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #cia did not give #Karzai ENOUGH black bags full of cash #drones #assassinationJan 26 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Karzai to US: Start talks with Taliban or leave  – The Express TribuneJan 26 17:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2"One and half year is not enough for me. If I Installed mageia3 3 month late and I don't want the risk to have a not supported O.S., I have only one year of true use of mageia. I must to upgrade some months in advance because: * buy new hardware (HD, SSD) * have time to upgrade * buy flash memory for safety backup * have time to set-up the new DE (Desktop environment) if is a new installation (/home preserved) * ecc ecc usually I Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2have both the old mageia and the new because the troubles with the hardware and software often occurs."Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2"Mageia is the best distribution for me, I'm a Mageia supporter so I criticize It ;)"Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2'Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2Google's been doing an awfully good job of generating its own home-grown hostility.Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2From 1998 to about 2005, I was overwhelmingly supportive of the company.Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2With the release of Gmail, I started to have my concerns. It's a good product, but handing my search and email data to the same company calls for a huge investment of trust.Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2Over the 2.5 years I've watched Google+ play out and develop, my attitude has turned sharply negative. The company's behavior cannot simply be seen as benign, as I've noted, even with the best of intentions, [Google cannot protect its users against a nation-sized advanced persistent threat.Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2And I'm no longer convinced in the least Google has the best of intentions.Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2Search + mail + phone + Nest ....Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2Really, the uncanny valley of creepiness has been well and truly entered.Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 17:28
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:28 | Schmidt: My biggest mistake is still not realizing my biggest mistake : dredmorbius  [ ]Jan 26 17:29
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 26 18:11
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:12
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 18:12
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 26 18:37
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:37
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCEJan 26 18:37
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 26 19:13
sebsebseb Jan 26 19:13
roy_heyJan 26 19:42
roy_ 26 19:44
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz @glynmoody how extremely annoyingJan 26 19:44
roy_ 26 19:44 Patents Roundup: SCOTUS, Qualcomm, and ‘Beneficial’ ‘Innovations’ (Patent Troll) #scotus #swpats #foss #linuxJan 26 19:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Patents Roundup: SCOTUS, Qualcomm, and ‘Beneficial’ ‘Innovations’ (Patent Troll) | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 19:44 Bringing #TheH Open/H-Online Articles Back Online Without Help From #Heise hopefully, others can follow @glynmoodyJan 26 19:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bringing The H Open/H-Online Articles Back Online Without Help From Heise | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 19:44 Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United StatesJan 26 19:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 19:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 26 20:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 20:03 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 26 20:03
roy_ 26 20:04
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Today in Techrights #techrightsJan 26 20:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 26 20:04
roy_ 26 20:13 Conclusion of the day re #e17 : plasma-desktop (KDE4) can be run under Enlightenment but it's windowed and klipper still not supportedJan 26 20:13
roy_ 26 20:15
TechrightsBot-tr@EllieAsksWhy: @davidgerard Articles were to remain accessible! I didn't know you read H-Online. I liked the fora, only read though, shy @schestowitzJan 26 20:15
iophkIs there a good link to a promise to keep The H articles online?  Or was that on the H site itself?Jan 26 20:16
roy_ 26 20:19 | Doves released in the Vatican are immediately attacked by seagull and crow | Mail Online  [ ]Jan 26 20:19
roy_On The HJan 26 20:20
roy_dj said soJan 26 20:20
iophkWas it more advertising money from M$ which motivated them to pull the plug?Jan 26 20:20
iophk 26 20:34
iophkPS4 ? Jan 26 20:34 | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 26 20:34
MinceRthe article claims that's linux-basedJan 26 20:36
iophkYeah, it looked that way. Jan 26 20:36
Sosumi 26 20:36 | Streaming comes to Steam: run on your gaming rig, play on your laptop | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 20:37
iophkMaybe using the M$ definition where all non-M$ stuff is "linux"Jan 26 20:37
Sosumiawesome and works on linux tooJan 26 20:37
Sosumiand it is local streamingJan 26 20:39
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 26 20:41
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 21:41
MinceRgnJan 26 21:44
roy_ 26 22:13 How To See All The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook — And Block ThemJan 26 22:13
TechrightsBot-tr-> | See All The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook — And Block Them - Business Insider  [ ]Jan 26 22:13 ARD - Interview mit Edward Snowden 26 01 2014 #abc acts as though it's surprisedJan 26 22:13
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ARD - Interview mit Edward Snowden 26 01 2014 - YouTube  [ ]Jan 26 22:13 It's time to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry IMG: 26 22:13
TechrightsBot-tr-> | It's time to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry | Bill McKibben  | Comment is free |  [ ]Jan 26 22:13
roy_ 26 22:29 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 22:29 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 22:29 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 22:29
roy_ 26 22:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell #ibm #nsaJan 26 22:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell | TechrightsJan 26 22:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA director 26 22:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Saving world 26 22:29
roy_ 26 22:32
*synchris has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 26 23:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA AreJan 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines                 a Company’s Death Knell 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategyJan 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines                 in the living room' 26 23:18 | IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell | Tux MachinesJan 26 23:18
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 23:18 | Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' | Tux MachinesJan 26 23:18
roy_ 26 23:20 | Bodhi Guide to Enlightenment - Shelves and Gadgets  [ ]Jan 26 23:20
roy_ 26 23:21 | Everything for your Enlightenment Desktop -  E17-Stuff.orgJan 26 23:21
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:28
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:29
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 26 23:44
roy_wowJan 26 23:45
roy_I think elive being non-free led to this: 26 23:45 | Group E17-Stuff.orgJan 26 23:45
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 27 00:00
roy_ 27 00:01 Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' #steam #gnu #linuxJan 27 00:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' | Tux MachinesJan 27 00:01 While experimenting with gadgets, themes, extensions for Enlightenment I found this group, maybe ELive-associated 27 00:01
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Cirrus_Minor)Jan 27 01:18
DaemonFCI'm so mad right now.Jan 27 02:28
DaemonFCSomehow, Facebook posted a timeline update with a picture that my bf posted of his ex last year before he met me.Jan 27 02:28
DaemonFCand it flagged it as a new postJan 27 02:29
DaemonFCSo I called him and screamed at him, and then he had no idea what I was angry about.Jan 27 02:29
DaemonFCNothing good ever comes from Facebook.Jan 27 02:29
DaemonFCI'm considering switching back to Kubuntu. I've used Fedora for a little over a year.Jan 27 03:08
DaemonFCThe 14.04 LTS will have components that are new enough to do everything I want to do.Jan 27 03:08
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 27 03:23
DaemonFC 27 03:27
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 27 03:36
DaemonFC 27 04:27 | Coca-Cola Wants to Share a Coke, But Not With Gay People  [ ]Jan 27 04:27
DaemonFCI don't like Coke much anyway.Jan 27 04:28
DaemonFCWhen I go out to eat these days, I get water.Jan 27 04:28
DaemonFCThe price of Coke products at restaurants has gotten so bad that it can add $3 to your bill for each person.Jan 27 04:28
DaemonFCTim and I just get water when we go out for dinner.Jan 27 04:29
DaemonFCI had a waiter at Applebees try to bring me a "Dasani" bottled water and charge me $2 for it.Jan 27 04:29
DaemonFCI told him "No, that's not what I wanted. I wanted tap water.Jan 27 04:29
DaemonFCSo now I specify "tap water".Jan 27 04:30
DaemonFCWho pays $2 for a 20 ounce bottle of water?Jan 27 04:30
DaemonFCTim needs new tires. His rear tires are worn down so bad that they're bald. He had one go flat so I put some tire slime in it and reinflated it.Jan 27 04:36
DaemonFCYou don't want to do that to a tire that has lots of tread left on it, because then nobody will patch it.Jan 27 04:36
DaemonFCBut the tire is basically finished and he just needs to get around for a few more days on it.Jan 27 04:36
DaemonFCI run mine down until they're bald too, unless it's winter.Jan 27 04:38
DaemonFCTires have really gotten expensive, because the federal government is imposing import tariffs on them now.Jan 27 04:38
DaemonFCA $55 tire in 2007 is now an $85 tire. :PJan 27 04:38
DaemonFCSo if you can run them for a few more months, it makes sense to do that.Jan 27 04:39
DaemonFC 27 04:47 | Fiber one bars...good or bad 4 u? |  [ ]Jan 27 04:47
DaemonFCFiber bars remind me of that "bad gas explosion" question on that IQ test.Jan 27 04:47
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 27 07:21
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 27 07:24
DaemonFC 27 07:49 | Evil Triumphs: Satanic Birds Attack Pope's Peace Doves  [ ]Jan 27 07:49
DaemonFCLOLJan 27 07:49
DaemonFCMinceR will like that.Jan 27 07:49
DaemonFC"The children were young, impressionable, and are now likely ruined."Jan 27 07:50
DaemonFCAnd that was just from being raped by the priests before seeing the birds attacked.Jan 27 07:50
DaemonFC:PJan 27 07:50
DaemonFC 27 07:59
DaemonFC 27 08:17 | Why The Linux Desktop Doesn't Matter Anymore – ReadWrite  [ ]Jan 27 08:17
DaemonFCMatt Asay writes an anti-Linux hit piece.Jan 27 08:18
*ohama has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 27 08:44
*ohama ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 08:44
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 27 09:01
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 27 09:01
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 27 09:10
MinceRgeekingsJan 27 09:14
MinceRDaemonFC: awesomeJan 27 09:16
MinceRif they knew a bit about how doves behave, they wouldn't have associated peace with themJan 27 09:23
MinceRanywayJan 27 09:24
gde33I just had the thought that net neutrality might be a bad ideaJan 27 09:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung, Google sign patent dealJan 27 09:30
TweetTuxMachines        27 09:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 09:30 | Samsung, Google sign patent deal | Tux MachinesJan 27 09:30
gde33I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 09:30
gde33if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 09:30
iophkI know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. Jan 27 09:31
gde33it might just be great if you had to pay for thingsJan 27 09:31
iophkMaybe it will be really great if the carriers can charge for both ends of the connection instead of just the one.Jan 27 09:32
gde33it seems nesasaryJan 27 09:32
iophkAnd thus kill the goose that has been laying the golden eggs.Jan 27 09:32
gde33the alternative is to create google and bling monstersJan 27 09:33
*TweetTuxMachines @RanjibDey retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Samsung, Google sign patent deal'Jan 27 09:33
gde33I'm not so sure about thatJan 27 09:33
iophkFalse dichotomy.  The net, with net neutrality, has made a lot of money for a lot of people and their businesses.  Jan 27 09:33
gde33I think people who make it their goal not to earn money are never going to have the influence they seekJan 27 09:33
iophkThere's probably precious few small businesses without a web presence.Jan 27 09:34
iophkAnything bigger has a serious web site.Jan 27 09:34
gde33it isn't a system that favors the little guy at allJan 27 09:34
gde33it favors the big and fat Jan 27 09:34
iophkEliminating net neutrality will eliminate the little guy all together.Jan 27 09:34
gde33nonsenseJan 27 09:34
iophkToo many fees.Jan 27 09:35
iophkDouble billing .Jan 27 09:35
gde33I would just get an internet contract with those things as wellJan 27 09:35
*ohama has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 27 09:35
gde33not doubleJan 27 09:35
gde33just have those pay who should payJan 27 09:35
gde33google is earning 50 bucks for a clickJan 27 09:35
iophkThey already are.  Jan 27 09:35
gde33I have to pay for the pipe?Jan 27 09:35
gde33make me laugh?Jan 27 09:35
iophkThey're paying already.Jan 27 09:35
iophkYou're paying for your end already.Jan 27 09:35
*ohama ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 09:35
gde33people also dont aperciate content if it is freeJan 27 09:36
iophk"content"Jan 27 09:36
iophkIt's already paid for.Jan 27 09:36
gde33dont apperciate anythign that is freeJan 27 09:36
gde33take it for grantedJan 27 09:36
iophkName one web site that is not paid for by somebody or some company / org?Jan 27 09:36
iophkIt's all paid for, plenty of money sloshing around out there now.Jan 27 09:37
gde33no offense to poor people but that type of traffic just isn't worth the bandwithJan 27 09:37
iophk"Name one web site that is not paid for by somebody or some company / org?"Jan 27 09:38
gde33that is just to pay for the centraly controlled server design flawJan 27 09:39
MinceR102940 < gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 09:39
MinceRfame or fun is often enough rewardJan 27 09:39
gde33no it isn'tJan 27 09:39
iophkor actual moneyJan 27 09:39
iophkVolkswagen makes money off of their web presence.Jan 27 09:40
iophkSo does Netflix.Jan 27 09:40
gde33I want to be an artist and make a living doing that, if my art sucks it wont work I understand that, if it doesn't suck I would need a day job with it?Jan 27 09:40
gde33the audience is just cheapJan 27 09:40
gde33thats what is wrongJan 27 09:40
gde33want the fruits of my labor for freeJan 27 09:40
MinceRalso, eliminating net neutrality will merely increase the barriers to entry for little guysJan 27 09:40
gde33I'm trying but it is very limitedJan 27 09:40
gde33I'm not seeing thatJan 27 09:41
MinceRalso, not all artists make a living from artJan 27 09:41
iophkMost art only has value after the demise of the artist.  Jan 27 09:42
gde33I think you should spend your money how you likeJan 27 09:42
iophkMany famous works are that way.Jan 27 09:42
gde33if that shuold be made impossible we should get rid of moneyJan 27 09:42
gde33dont blame the internet for how things work?Jan 27 09:42
iophkSo why are you blaming the net then?Jan 27 09:43
gde33my curiosity was triggered by it not being such a bad idea as it seemed at firstJan 27 09:43
iophkNothing stops you for putting up a paywall on your site.Jan 27 09:43
gde33lots of things stop me from doing thatJan 27 09:43
gde33how would you like to pay?Jan 27 09:44
iophkOffer several options.Jan 27 09:44
gde33howabout a contract with your service providerJan 27 09:45
iophkNo ISPs that I know of offer gated communities in that way.Jan 27 09:45
iophkYou need to set up your own paywall..Jan 27 09:45
gde33every man for himselfJan 27 09:45
gde33or else it wouldn't be neutralJan 27 09:45
gde33lmaoJan 27 09:45
gde33it isn't going to workJan 27 09:45
iophkIt works for some.Jan 27 09:46
gde33it should be a subscription systemJan 27 09:46
iophkIt seems to work for NetflixJan 27 09:46
gde33so that I can get packages with stuff in themJan 27 09:46
MinceRso, every isp/media conglomerate for itself?Jan 27 09:46
gde33we need a system to get the money from the end user into the developer pocketsJan 27 09:46
gde33the ISP is THE way to do thisJan 27 09:47
schestowitz_bed2 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr@andrew_roffey: @schestowitz it looks like @glynmoody has his blog licensed as CC0 which means it should be easier for his work to be republishedJan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @andrew_roffey @schestowitz yupJan 27 09:47
iophkYou're talking net tax instead now.Jan 27 09:47
gde33there we have evidence of payments, known customer base etc etcJan 27 09:47
MinceRthere are many micropayment providers, there could be even moreJan 27 09:47
iophkflattr, bitcoin, moneybookers, etc.Jan 27 09:47
MinceRbitcoin and the like might also be usedJan 27 09:47
gde33my paywall would burn off 99.999% of my trafficJan 27 09:48
gde33not that traffic would happen of courseJan 27 09:48
schestowitz_bed2 27 09:48
iophkI feel bad for the fellow who bought a pizza with a large number of bitcoins a few years back.Jan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: [RT]  Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States … #amd #linux #nsaJan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States | TechrightsJan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Samsung, Google sign patent deal #patent #samsung #google #androidJan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung, Google sign patent deal - MuktwareJan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Privacy News: Ten States Against the NSA, Snowden Speaks About Espionage #nsa #privacyJan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Privacy News: Ten States Against the NSA, Snowden Speaks About Espionage | TechrightsJan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life remember when the #fbi sent letters with death threats?Jan 27 09:48
MinceRso you'd instead force the users to pay through the one ISP that's available in their area?Jan 27 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My LifeJan 27 09:48
gde33iophk: I use to lurk the channel read the daily bitcoin skepticJan 27 09:48
iophk 27 09:48 | The Bitcoin Pizza Purchase That's Worth $7 Million Today - Forbes  [ ]Jan 27 09:48
gde33iophk: those would all be milionares now :PJan 27 09:48
MinceRand have the isp block your site if they don't want to let you sell access?Jan 27 09:48
MinceRfor example, if they run a competing siteJan 27 09:49
gde33that should be the only excuse not to grant accessJan 27 09:49
gde33running the wrong payment processor is not a good excuse not to make moneyJan 27 09:49
gde33I wish the internet worked with real id'sJan 27 09:49
gde33seriouslyJan 27 09:49
MinceRbut competing with an isp/media conglomerate is?Jan 27 09:49
gde33some sort of system that makes it worth to create contentJan 27 09:50
iophkDefine content.Jan 27 09:50
gde33say you sit yourself down and write a bookJan 27 09:51
gde33now you are going to publish it on the internetJan 27 09:51
iophkSo far the net is empty with no info at all out there.  Not even one service or product yet.  We've got all this connectivity and waiting with no results yet...Jan 27 09:51
gde33now you need multinationals because that is net neutralityJan 27 09:51
gde33writing for the enemyJan 27 09:52
gde33lolJan 27 09:52
iophkPublish via a publisher.  There are many to choose from.  It can be a small publisher.Jan 27 09:52
gde33it wont workJan 27 09:52
gde33it just doesnt workJan 27 09:52
iophkNope. No e-books have happened yet.  We're still waiting for them.Jan 27 09:52
MinceRyeah, it's not like people are making money by selling booksJan 27 09:52
MinceRright nowJan 27 09:52
gde33it doesnt work because the deal doesn't depend on the quality of the workJan 27 09:52
MinceRin the model you propose, it would depend a lot less on the quality of the workJan 27 09:53
MinceRit would depend only on which isp manages to get a monopoly where you liveJan 27 09:53
gde33not that I dont apperciate the crusade against the monopoly but we seem to have lost that war alreadyJan 27 09:54
MinceRso let's give up and hand everything else to the winners, too?Jan 27 09:54
gde33if you want a stable system you have to accept a bit of bad works that go unpunishedJan 27 09:55
MinceRthat's not a "bit"Jan 27 09:55
gde33MinceR: not at allJan 27 09:55
iophkgde33: name one site that is not paid for alreadyJan 27 09:55
gde33just look at all perspectives, apperciate the view, then try find something betterJan 27 09:56
gde33I could most likely still make a popular website, but when I did I hated the attention.Jan 27 09:56
gde33you need thousands of people, then you still earn nothing.Jan 27 09:56
gde33you have to plaster the pages with advertisement to get tiny revenue :PJan 27 09:57
iophkThen you need a better business plan...Jan 27 09:57
gde33the web needs oneJan 27 09:57
gde33the content creator should be judged by his content, now how he plays the search engine lottoJan 27 09:58
MinceRyour scheme would merely force users to pay whoever wins the search engine lotteryJan 27 09:58
gde33not the userJan 27 09:58
MinceRor whoever diverts the user's browser using whatever exploit worksJan 27 09:59
gde33the packages should be tailored just like television stationsJan 27 09:59
gde33just like you get a bunch of magazinesJan 27 09:59
gde33because the web is so big you can do huge numbers of themJan 27 10:00
iophkI see.  The net is too open and the cable tv model is more appropriate, you say.Jan 27 10:00
gde33it has it's advantagesJan 27 10:00
DaemonFCI think that DRM might be losing more sales for them than it's worth.Jan 27 10:01
iophkI haven't seen any.  Most I've seen myself and heard from others is that the cable tv model, with bundling, is a liability.Jan 27 10:01
iophkDRM does cost sales.Jan 27 10:01
MinceR105810 < gde33> the packages should be tailored just like television stationsJan 27 10:01
gde33we would get ourselves the FOSS package and read delicious FOSS blogs the whole monthJan 27 10:01
MinceRso, you get a bunch of sites your isp happens to likeJan 27 10:01
MinceRnot the ones you wantJan 27 10:01
MinceRthat's a great business model, yeahJan 27 10:01
DaemonFCMinceR: Right. I remember asking Comcast repeatedly to carry LOGO.Jan 27 10:01
gde33whoever wants to make the selectionJan 27 10:01
MinceRif you live in a fantasy where every isp likes your site that muchJan 27 10:01
DaemonFCThey finally did, over two years later.Jan 27 10:01
iophkResearch databases also have that model.  High-impact journals are spread across several bundles so that the fees to get all of them are outrageous to impossible.Jan 27 10:02
gde33you still get the normal internetJan 27 10:02
MinceRyeah, if crippled is "normal"Jan 27 10:02
gde33we just get extra stuff behind a paywallJan 27 10:02
MinceRif you get that at allJan 27 10:02
MinceRwhich is not likelyJan 27 10:02
iophkAOL and others have tried that walled-garden approach.Jan 27 10:03
gde33the moment you have the means to pay me I will create that content for youJan 27 10:03
gde33I should be doing this for free?Jan 27 10:03
MinceRthe means exists nowJan 27 10:03
MinceRwhat you've proposed will not help you.Jan 27 10:03
gde33interesting deal, how sell this to me?Jan 27 10:03
gde33I'm not motivated :PJan 27 10:03
DaemonFCWell, porn and piracy are driving most of the demand for fast internet.Jan 27 10:03
MinceRthen don't do anythingJan 27 10:03
DaemonFCGood luck getting people to pay for what they will gladly take for free right now.Jan 27 10:04
gde33the FOSS subscription will give you access to a web entirely without people who didn't buy that subscriptionJan 27 10:04
DaemonFCThey need to monetize the "piracy" somehow.Jan 27 10:04
gde33that is the added valueJan 27 10:04
gde33finally a whole web with nothing but apple usersJan 27 10:04
iophkDaemonFC: bill has monetized piracy already.  It's his means of maintaining monopoly rents, which is where nearly all of his money comes from.Jan 27 10:04
gde33you want to put any idiot on the page then give him a form to submit into my databaseJan 27 10:05
gde33thats just.... hahahhaJan 27 10:05
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has left #techrightsJan 27 10:05
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 27 10:06
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 27 10:06
gde33it is just a thought of courseJan 27 10:06
gde33you will be shocked by how well everything works if you get rid of everyone who doesn't want to pay 50 cents to be part of it.Jan 27 10:08
iophkWhere is the example to show off for that model?Jan 27 10:10
iophkThe existing model makes trillions of dollars per yearJan 27 10:10
gde33a guy I know use to organise business meet ups where people could invest in stuffJan 27 10:11
gde33it cost 10 guilders at firstJan 27 10:11
gde33it produced an audience of moanersJan 27 10:11
gde33he increased the price over time, he is now at 2000 euro per ticketJan 27 10:11
gde33at the beginning of the meeting he explains that this is way to much for 1 cup of coffeeJan 27 10:12
gde33and that he has no idea what to do with all the moneyJan 27 10:12
gde33but it was just to get rid of everyone who didn't want to pay that just for the ticketJan 27 10:12
gde33then everyone laughs Jan 27 10:12
gde33he tells the same story every yearJan 27 10:12
iophk"there's one born every minute"Jan 27 10:12
gde33they actually get work done in this settingJan 27 10:13
gde33with the cheaper tickets the non investors took all the time, they are just skeptical, it isnt strange or anything.Jan 27 10:14
gde33you would be sitting there with your 10 guilder ticket cheering at the stage " there is one born every minute"Jan 27 10:14
gde33heheheJan 27 10:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Call for votes on default Linux init system forJan 27 10:14
TweetTuxMachines                 jessie 27 10:14
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 10:14 | Call for votes on default Linux init system for jessie | Tux MachinesJan 27 10:14
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce theJan 27 10:14
TweetTuxMachines                 release of Core v5.2 27 10:14
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 10:14 | Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Core v5.2 | Tux MachinesJan 27 10:14
gde33a whole web for religious peopleJan 27 10:16
DaemonFC 27 10:17 | Customer Discussions: Everybody already knew that there "are no gays in Iran", unless the religious fundamentalists forgot to hang or shoot one. Now, we know that the same is true in Sochi (Russia).  [ ]Jan 27 10:17
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 27 10:17
DaemonFCSeveral gay bars, but no gay people. Hmmm....Jan 27 10:17
DaemonFCFundamentalist Christians in America admire this position of the Ayatollah Khamenei and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and seek to use their examples as a model for America.Jan 27 10:17
DaemonFC 27 10:17
DaemonFCFrom the article:Jan 27 10:17 | BBC News - Sochi mayor tells BBC: No gay people in our town  [ ]Jan 27 10:17
DaemonFC"The mayor of Sochi, host of the Winter Olympics, has said there are no gay people in the city."Jan 27 10:17
DaemonFC"Opposition leader Boris Nemtsov said there were several gay bars in Sochi." Jan 27 10:17
iophk 27 10:20 | Why The Copyright Industry Is Doomed, In One Single Sentence | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 27 10:20
schestowitz_bed2DaemonFC: 27 10:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BBC headline makes it sound like #sochi mayor said opposite of what he actually said sounds like #propaganda is #bbcJan 27 10:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Western nations: when we can't discredit a rival nation using women's rights, then we look hard for other angles and then twist words.Jan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2DaemonFC: dont fall into the trap of russophobiaJan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2the US and UK want you toJan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2the NSA does tooJan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2Those terroristsJan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2 27 10:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: February 11, 2014: The Day We Fight Back Against the NSA activism before love?Jan 27 10:22
DaemonFCSeveral gay bars.Jan 27 10:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | February 11, 2014: The Day We Fight Back Against the NSA - FOSS ForceJan 27 10:22
iophkespcially the NSAJan 27 10:22
DaemonFCNo gay people.Jan 27 10:22
DaemonFCHow does that work?Jan 27 10:23
DaemonFCWho is making this endeavor profitable?Jan 27 10:23
schestowitz_bed2the BBC made it sound like he denies them accessJan 27 10:23
schestowitz_bed2but the body of the article says the oppositeJan 27 10:23
DaemonFC"leave the children alone" is pretty damned offensiveJan 27 10:23
schestowitz_bed2Orwell/Blair uses to work for the BBC, writing propaganda for themJan 27 10:23
schestowitz_bed2They need to make it look objective while it's notJan 27 10:24
DaemonFCHow would you feel if all straight people were labeled child molesters and told that they could be thrown in prison for even talking to someone under 18?Jan 27 10:24
DaemonFCOf course this is ridiculous.Jan 27 10:24
DaemonFCIf it was just Putin, it wouldn't be Russian law.Jan 27 10:24
DaemonFCI understand that they have a legislature there. :)Jan 27 10:25
DaemonFC 27 10:30
iophk"On February 11th, participating U.S. websites will display banners  urging their visitors to call or email their Congressperson or Senator"Jan 27 10:30
iophkHow does that work for sites outside the US?  They are affected as well and could participate in the 11 feb protest.Jan 27 10:31
DaemonFC 27 10:32
iophk 27 10:39 | The Day We Fight Back - February 11th 2014Jan 27 10:39
iophkkind of devoid of contentJan 27 10:40
MinceRgde33: oh, i didn't realize that your business plan began with buying an ISP :>Jan 27 10:41
gde33I dont have any plan, the game seemed riggedJan 27 10:44
gde33I have my own way of looking at the humanity, the more it diverts from the norm the more illogical my plans sound. Jan 27 10:45
gde33in my view orwell was an optimistJan 27 10:47
gde33in his system at least one gets to be abused by other peopleJan 27 10:48
DaemonFC 27 10:50 | Activist Post: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need Cash  [ ]Jan 27 10:50
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Richard Stallman on How He Started GNUJan 27 10:56
TweetTuxMachines        27 10:56 | Richard Stallman on How He Started GNU | Tux MachinesJan 27 10:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 10:56
DaemonFC 27 11:03 | Pope's peace doves attacked by crow and seagull | World news |  [ ]Jan 27 11:03
MinceR 27 11:21
Sosumi 27 11:26
Sosumi"Mozilla Thunderbird - WireTap Remote 0Day Vulnerability"Jan 27 11:26
Sosumialso, there are no gays in saudi arabia, quatar, oman and UAEJan 27 11:31
Sosumiunless the medieval wahabi there forgot to shoot or behead themJan 27 11:32
Sosumidid I forget Bahrain?Jan 27 11:33
Sosumisilly meJan 27 11:33
Sosumiand aren't those countries, specially saudi arabia, alongside with the US, UK, France and Israel the ones bankrolling jihadis into syria?Jan 27 11:41
Sosumiyeah those guys that impose sharia law, that eat man's hearts aka canibalism, fornicate with corpses and so on?Jan 27 11:42
Sosumicompared to those guysJan 27 11:42
Sosumiputin and khameni are actually kewl guys to hang withJan 27 11:43
Sosumi 27 11:47 | iPhone Market Share Holds Strong as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac Rumors  [ ]Jan 27 11:47
Sosumiyes, holding strong while losing marketshare on all fronts to android and to lesses extent, pocket pcJan 27 11:48
Sosumi*windows phoneJan 27 11:48
*werebutt (~buttbutt@ has joined #techrightsJan 27 12:00
*werebutt (~buttbutt@ has left #techrightsJan 27 12:00
iophk 27 12:10
iophk"Police began tracking Aguilar's phone and soon discovered it was at the mall."Jan 27 12:10 | Md. mall gunman was avid skater, no criminal past |  [ ]Jan 27 12:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power LinuxJan 27 12:17
TweetTuxMachines                 PCs 27 12:17
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 12:17 | Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCs | Tux MachinesJan 27 12:17
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 27 12:36
*jono_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 15:08
iophk 27 15:14 | Interview with Catherine Dumas of SUNY Albany |  [ ]Jan 27 15:14
iophk 27 15:50 | Apple's iPhone marketshare dips in Q4, Samsung falters under pressure from low-cost OEMs  [ ]Jan 27 15:50
schestowitz_bed2 27 15:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCs #gnu #linuxJan 27 15:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCsJan 27 15:58
schestowitz_bed2[20:20] <iophk> Was it more advertising money from M$ which motivated them to pull the plug?Jan 27 15:58
schestowitz_bed2Unlikely, I doubt it, but it's not impossibleJan 27 15:58
schestowitz_bed220:34] <iophk> 27 15:58 | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2[20:34] <iophk> PS4 ? Jan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2[20:34] <TechrightsBot-tr> | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2[20:36] <MinceR> the article claims that's linux-basedJan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2"Moving forward a generation to the brand new PS4, and Linux still binds the heart of the now X86 based powerhouse. Sony confirmed back in November that the angular beast uses a modified version of FreeBSD 9 Kernel to power its own Orbis OS."Jan 27 15:59
MinceRthe author doesn't seem to realize the difference between Linux and the FreeBSD kernelJan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2It's TechRadar, Britain's embarrassment and tech tabloidJan 27 16:00
schestowitz_bed2it does lots of headline baitsJan 27 16:00
MinceR:>Jan 27 16:00
schestowitz_bed2Along the lines of "linux is dead"Jan 27 16:00
schestowitz_bed2I think it's somewhat connected to Linux Format, but I was never sure how exactlyJan 27 16:00
schestowitz_bed2I remember this site negativelyJan 27 16:01
schestowitz_bed2[08:18] <DaemonFC> Matt Asay writes an anti-Linux hit piece.Jan 27 16:02
schestowitz_bed2So what's the newsJan 27 16:02
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Satan made them do it!" 27 16:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Evil Triumphs: Satanic Birds Attack Pope's Peace DovesJan 27 16:03
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:04
schestowitz_bed2MehJan 27 16:04
schestowitz_bed2[09:31] <iophk> I know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. :-)Jan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2Content creatorsJan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2[09:30] <gde33> I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2[09:30] <gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2Poor content creator... who would farm for food?Jan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2If anything, the copyright cartel/monoopoly NEEDS neutralityJan 27 16:06
schestowitz_bed2to make it affordable to streamJan 27 16:06
schestowitz_bed2people pay the bill for traddicJan 27 16:06
schestowitz_bed2the problem is, the cartel sometimes owns the cable companies too, or vice versaJan 27 16:06
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 27 16:07
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 27 16:07
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 27 16:07
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:09
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: I eagerly wait for #bitcoin to become widely accepted, but judging by experience, monopoly/big banks will co-opt it 27 16:09
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Bitcoin Pizza Purchase That's Worth $7 Million Today - ForbesJan 27 16:09
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:13
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need Cash sounds like #natwestJan 27 16:13
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Activist Post: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need CashJan 27 16:13
schestowitz_bed2This headline is funnyJan 27 16:17
schestowitz_bed2Then again, it's an Apple boosting siteJan 27 16:17
schestowitz_bed2Classified under "religion"Jan 27 16:17
schestowitz_bed2[11:47] <TechrightsBot-tr> | iPhone Market Share Holds Strong as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac Rumors  [ ]Jan 27 16:18 | iPhone Market Share Dips Slightly as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac RumorsJan 27 16:18
schestowitz_bed2Losing but strong LOLJan 27 16:18
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Police began tracking Aguilar's phone and soon discovered it was at the mall." #trackingdeviceJan 27 16:20
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Md. mall gunman was avid skater, no criminal past | www.ajc.comJan 27 16:20
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 27 16:20
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:26
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #apple is having a #microsoft moment 27 16:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Apple's iPhone marketshare dips in Q4, Samsung falters under pressure from low-cost OEMsJan 27 16:26
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Open source events grow at the #university 27 16:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Interview with Catherine Dumas of SUNY Albany | opensource.comJan 27 16:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open source events grow at the universityJan 27 16:28
TweetTuxMachines        27 16:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 16:28 | Open source events grow at the university | Tux MachinesJan 27 16:28
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:00
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Write like a champ with #latex aided by these tools 27 17:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Essential LaTeX Tools - Linux Links - The Linux Portal SiteJan 27 17:00
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:06
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: LinuxScreenshots dot org has just been put on sale. People who like to try and take screenshots of distro might want to secure the traditionJan 27 17:06
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:07
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #KMail Complexity - and a little Patience #kde #gnu #linuxJan 27 17:07
TechrightsBot-tr-> | LXer: KMail Complexity - and a little PatienceJan 27 17:07
sebsebsebschestowitz_bed2: I got one of those call about an hour and a half agoJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebyour Windows computer is gting messagesJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebwe are rining you up about htatJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebplease do this so we can help you with your omputerJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebI had some fun with the guy on the phone :dJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebfor a few minutesJan 27 17:08
iophkhow long were you able to keep them on the line?Jan 27 17:08
sebsebsebiophk: oh a long timeJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebiophk: probably longer if I WantedJan 27 17:09
sebsebsebI did the call for like sixx minutesJan 27 17:09
iophkDid they figure out you run Gnu/LInux?Jan 27 17:09
sebsebsebiophk: I  even did the like yeah right stuff and started calling him a con man and everythingJan 27 17:09
sebsebseband saying how they trick people into acccess ot the coputer like that to steal passwords etc is illegalJan 27 17:09
sebsebseband so on Jan 27 17:09
sebsebsebiophk: he's like your Wndows Pc.  I was ike what country you form, he's like LodonJan 27 17:10
sebsebsebLondon Microsoft supportJan 27 17:10
sebsebsebI was like uh yeah right and Ia m APple support,  and he's  just carrying on, trying to get me to run some code thing or whatever,  wanting to check the computer id code and yeahJan 27 17:10
sebsebsebthen eventaully I am like actsally I run something called Linux, do you n know what that is?Jan 27 17:10
sebsebsebiophk: eventually he hanged up on me or hwateverJan 27 17:11
sebsebsebI was even like your a con man if I put in....  I Probably won't beable to ring you back since your number will be hiddenJan 27 17:11
sebsebsebiophk: thing is there is a number I can call backJan 27 17:11
sebsebsebshould I?  to see what happensJan 27 17:11
iophkIs it very, very expensive to call that number?Jan 27 17:11
iophkIt could be.Jan 27 17:12
sebsebsebiophk: well yeah might get charged to call that numberJan 27 17:12
sebsebsebit did sayon the phone thingJan 27 17:12
iophk20₤ / minute?Jan 27 17:12
sebsebsebI don't knowJan 27 17:12
sebsebsebnot sure if we have such numbersJan 27 17:12
iophkBest not to try then.Jan 27 17:12
sebsebsebthat are realy really expensive to calllJan 27 17:12
sebsebseb,but yeah your rightJan 27 17:12
sebsebsebit could be some charged number if calling itJan 27 17:13
sebsebsebwhere they get cashJan 27 17:13
iophkIf it were a toll-free number it might be ok.Jan 27 17:13
sebsebsebit's some sort numberJan 27 17:13
sebsebsebiophk: once there's another call it's goneJan 27 17:13
sebsebsebunless I save the numberJan 27 17:13
iophkshort stackJan 27 17:13
sebsebsebas in write it  down some whereJan 27 17:13
sebsebsebiophk: short stack ??Jan 27 17:13
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:13
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits rebuttal from Bradley Kuhn. #gnu #sflc #fsf #conservancyJan 27 17:13
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Jan 27 17:13
iophkhtt:// 27 17:14
schestowitz_bed2sebsebseb: I know one guy who has a friend who fell for this scamJan 27 17:14
schestowitz_bed2I think I got such a call a month agoJan 27 17:14
schestowitz_bed2I can't recsall mcuhJan 27 17:14
sebsebsebyeah I had one last year or whateverJan 27 17:14
schestowitz_bed2I really hung up quicklyJan 27 17:15
sebsebseb,but the one today oh that was a good laughJan 27 17:15
schestowitz_bed2glad you likes itJan 27 17:15
sebsebsebschestowitz_bed2: i had good fun for a few minutesJan 27 17:15
schestowitz_bed2and they foot the bill for the callJan 27 17:15
sebsebsebI think he thought I Would do the thingJan 27 17:15
sebsebsebfor agsJan 27 17:15
sebsebsebagesJan 27 17:15
schestowitz_bed2well done, but there are better ways to avengeJan 27 17:15
schestowitz_bed2brbJan 27 17:15
sebsebsebto avenge?Jan 27 17:15
sebsebsebwel about having funJan 27 17:15
sebsebseband I know what they are doingJan 27 17:15
sebsebsebiophk: you play a long and then  make it clear later that your not all stupidJan 27 17:16
sebsebsebthat's what I did :dJan 27 17:16
iophkSome try to keep them on the line longer.Jan 27 17:17
sebsebsebyeah he Jan 27 17:17
iophkIt keeps them from bothering others and have some fun.Jan 27 17:17
sebsebseboh he would have styaed on the line with me I don't know long reallyJan 27 17:17
sebsebsebif I hadn't said ceratin stuffJan 27 17:17
sebsebsebiophk: and he didn't pick up some of my  like oh yeah stuff etc, and what  that really emantJan 27 17:17
sebsebseb,but I guess since he was from India or whateverJan 27 17:18
sebsebsebok well number gone then, unless same thingJan 27 17:18
sebsebsebgot another call just now, but no responseJan 27 17:18
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: An #OpenLetter from US Researchers in #Cryptography and Information Security #nsa harms everyone except oligarchsJan 27 17:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | An Open Letter from US Researchers in Cryptography and Information SecurityJan 27 17:19
iophkactually queue (FIFO) 27 17:21 | Queue (abstract data type) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 27 17:21
iophkI thought most digital phones hold way more than one number.Jan 27 17:21
sebsebsebiophk: I don't know it's the network number I ringJan 27 17:31
sebsebsebmaybe this phone can hold more than one thoughJan 27 17:31
schestowitz_bed2  Jan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Android ends 2013 on a high note #android #linuxJan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Android ends 2013 on a high note | Mobile - CNET NewsJan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project #lux #camera is backJan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project | Open ElectronicsJan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For Linux #intel #linuxJan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For LinuxJan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hands-on with Knoppix Linux 7.2.0: A well-established and very stable Linux distribution #knoppix #debian #gnu #linuxJan 27 17:40
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hands-on with Knoppix Linux 7.2.0: A well-established and very stable Linux distribution | ZDNetJan 27 17:40
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: U.S. DOJ Files Charges Against Alleged Android App Counterfeiters #android #linuxJan 27 17:41
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 27 17:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: What's the best thing about being an open source community manager? #opensource #communityJan 27 17:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Advice and wisdom from 14 community managers on CM Appreciation Day | opensource.comJan 27 17:41
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GOJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines                 For Linux 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera ProjectJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:04 | Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For Linux | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android ends 2013 on a high noteJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:04 | Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:04 | Android ends 2013 on a high note | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-ProfitsJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:04 | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What's the best thing about being an openJan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines                 source community manager?Jan 27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:04 | What's the best thing about being an open source community manager? | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:04
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 27 18:12
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 27 18:42
sebsebseb Jan 27 18:42
iophk  sebsebseb: fossdem!Jan 27 18:42
sebsebsebiophk: yepJan 27 18:42
sebsebsebiophk: shuld be meeting two guys from Estonia on Thursday evening toJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebfor dnnerJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebwith the guy from USAJan 27 18:43
iophkcoolJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebiophk: SystemD have some kind of hackfestJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebon Thursday andFriday toJan 27 18:43
sebsebseb,but that's probably not really for meJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebiophk: now I Just need to sort out getting picked up form the air portJan 27 18:44
sebsebseband yeahJan 27 18:44
iophktrain or bus?Jan 27 18:44
sebsebsebiophk: guy from project can't do it, so hpefuly the hotel can pick up like beforeJan 27 18:44
sebsebsebthere may be a train that goes nearish to the hotelJan 27 18:44
sebsebseb,butJan 27 18:44
sebsebsebI'd rather just be picked up like beforeJan 27 18:44
sebsebsebiophk: hotel has the air port pick up optoin on the form that didn't work, and I Had to contact them again about pick upJan 27 18:45
sebsebsebphone was enaged just nowJan 27 18:45
sebsebsebiophk: they are a bit bad at relying to email toJan 27 18:45
sebsebsebso  just doing things over phone instead this time compelty it seemsJan 27 18:45
iophkAre the presentations going to be streamed ?Jan 27 18:45
sebsebsebsome of them will be sureJan 27 18:45
sebsebseband then videos up after the event like beforeJan 27 18:45
sebsebsebiophk: so anything in the ain room will probably get stramed and videodJan 27 18:46
sebsebsebwhen I looked nothing I wanted to go to there as such so that's okJan 27 18:46
iophkHow long do you think it will take for them to post the videos this time?Jan 27 18:46
sebsebsebiophk: there's so much going on at onceJan 27 18:46
iophkYes, many things at the same time.Jan 27 18:46
sebsebseba week or so after and the first lot of vidoesp robably go up, past ones already on there of courseJan 27 18:46
sebsebsebiophk: yep always going to miss omethingJan 27 18:46
iophkIt makes it hard to choose and then harder to discuss since others saw something different.Jan 27 18:46
sebsebsebcould get sucked into stands and then miss whatever, or ould go to osme talk and miss hwateverJan 27 18:46
iophkIIRC Bradley Kuhn had an interesting talk planned.Jan 27 18:47
sebsebseb,but talk wise it seems I am only  really interested in the legal issues devv room and  maybe MozillaJan 27 18:47
sebsebseband cross distor when Deb talks there maybeJan 27 18:47
sebsebsebiophk: yep Bradly KUHN AND Karan Sandler and such will be speaking in legal issuesJan 27 18:47
sebsebsebyeah really most of the tlaks I am going to be interested in are from Americans :DJan 27 18:47
sebsebsebiophk: already met Bradly sort ofJan 27 18:48
sebsebsebiophk: as in I saw him on thep anel and yeahJan 27 18:48
sebsebseblast yearJan 27 18:48
roy_ 27 18:49
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Emacs and #GNU - the lesser-known relationship (one used to create the other, both ways) 27 18:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bytes Media - Emacs and GNUJan 27 18:49
*schestowitz_log has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 27 18:50
*roy_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 27 18:50
-NickServ-schestowitz_log! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Jan 27 19:07
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 27 19:07
gde33[17:02:48] <schestowitz_bed2> MehJan 27 19:16
gde33[17:03:33] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:31] <iophk> I know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. :-)Jan 27 19:16
gde33[17:03:38] <schestowitz_bed2> Content creatorsJan 27 19:16
gde33[17:03:45] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:30] <gde33> I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 19:16
gde33[17:03:46] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:30] <gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 19:16
gde33[17:03:53] <schestowitz_bed2> Poor content creator... who would farm for food?Jan 27 19:16
gde33[17:04:45] <schestowitz_bed2> If anything, the copyright cartel/monoopoly NEEDS neutralityJan 27 19:16
gde33[17:04:52] <schestowitz_bed2> to make it affordable to streamJan 27 19:16
gde33[17:04:58] <schestowitz_bed2> people pay the bill for traddicJan 27 19:16
gde33[17:05:10] <schestowitz_bed2> the problem is, the cartel sometimes owns the cable companies too, or vice versaJan 27 19:16
gde33you think you can force out the artJan 27 19:16
iophkHow much did VanGogh get paid?Jan 27 19:17
gde33NOTHINGJan 27 19:17
gde33that was good right?Jan 27 19:17
iophkNot much of a business model then...Jan 27 19:17
gde33that is your ideal model?Jan 27 19:17
gde33I only hear selling content is a terrible idea, one should get into the bitcoin ponzi in steadJan 27 19:18
gde33very homogenious standardsJan 27 19:18
gde33I wish this channel cost 100 euro per monthJan 27 19:19
iophkpay Roy then.Jan 27 19:20
gde33it would add some urgency to the debate, I would be helped by thatJan 27 19:20
gde33I've tried constructive discussion with people on the web for many years, if I look at the results I have to say far I've been wasting my time and effort.Jan 27 19:21
iophkThis afternoon you were hinting at a tax on net traffic to subsidize something or other.Jan 27 19:22
gde33yeah, then you asked for evidence, then I explained how it keeps out uninterested people, l gave an example, then you argued a sucker is born every minute as to prove the topic was unintersting? something like that?Jan 27 19:23
iophkpaying for the sake of paying? Jan 27 19:23
gde33exactlyJan 27 19:23
iophkNo return for that payment is for suckers.Jan 27 19:24
gde33no no, the payment is to keep out that opinionJan 27 19:24
gde33to make sure you are not there to elaborate on your skepticismJan 27 19:24
gde33not that it isn't validJan 27 19:24
iophkStart an alternate internet for people with more dollars than senseJan 27 19:25
gde33that is what i'm wondering about basically, how that would lookJan 27 19:25
iophkThere's a lot of dark fiber out there.Jan 27 19:25
gde33we can only guess I think?Jan 27 19:25
iophkNot if you have a business plan and enough money to back it up.Jan 27 19:25
gde33you also need to be motivated to go do something like thatJan 27 19:26
gde33in what way do I benefit from paying for googles bandwith?Jan 27 19:27
gde33Makes it sound as if the price they charge has something to do with the cost of what they are sellingJan 27 19:27
gde33it doesntJan 27 19:27
gde33they are just looking to max out proffitJan 27 19:27
iophkGoogle is paying for Google's bandwidth currently.Jan 27 19:28
iophkThey pay big money for that.Jan 27 19:28
gde33trueJan 27 19:28
gde33it is that atractive to own the infrastucture your business runs onJan 27 19:28
gde33I do completely agree with the ideology of customer own infrasturctureJan 27 19:28
gde33with most people it is just pearls for pigsJan 27 19:29
iophkYou have to continue with common carriage or it just will choke.Jan 27 19:29
gde33sorry not sure what you are trying to explain hereJan 27 19:29
iophkThe Internet is a network of networks.  If they don't allow the traffic of others, then nothing functions except for a crappy little zone.  That's what has already been tried and already failed.Jan 27 19:30
gde33that a non neutral internet would drown out the free things?Jan 27 19:30
iophkAnd the paid thingsJan 27 19:30
iophkespeially the paid thingsJan 27 19:30
gde33depends how you structure the paymentsJan 27 19:31
iophkbesides there aren't any free things on the netJan 27 19:31
iophkthey are all paid forJan 27 19:31
iophkalreaadyJan 27 19:31
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Jan 27 19:31
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 27 19:31
gde33let me put it like this: In what way do I benefit from net neturality as a content creator?Jan 27 19:32
MinceRyou get to compete at allJan 27 19:33
MinceRusers can access your content without having their connection to it crippledJan 27 19:33
MinceRyou get a chanceJan 27 19:33
gde33oh but they do, I can only afford very minimalistic hostingJan 27 19:33
MinceRwithout net neutrality, you don't even get a chanceJan 27 19:33
gde33how would that work?Jan 27 19:33
MinceRhow would what work?Jan 27 19:34
gde33not getting a chanceJan 27 19:34
MinceRlet's say you host some videos on your siteJan 27 19:34
MinceRthe user's isp has a deal with google, so they offer youtube; and they offer their own siteJan 27 19:34
gde33cant afford the bandwith but ok, lets assume I couldJan 27 19:34
MinceRyou don't have a deal with them because you're a competitor and you're small fryJan 27 19:34
gde33yesJan 27 19:35
MinceRif they're feeling gracious the user isn't entirely banned from your siteJan 27 19:35
MinceRthey just don't get to stream the video at allJan 27 19:35
MinceRit's like they're using a 9600 bps modem to access the siteJan 27 19:35
gde33the user paid for internet, he can have access to anything he wantsJan 27 19:35
MinceRyes, if they have net neutralityJan 27 19:35
MinceRif they don't, then the user can have access to anything the ISP wants him toJan 27 19:35
MinceRhowever the ISP wants him toJan 27 19:35
iophkat whatever lowered speeds the ISP wants him to...Jan 27 19:36
gde33start your own isp?Jan 27 19:36
iophknot enough because the other ISPs you connect to can stil choke youJan 27 19:36
MinceRwhere will you get the finds for that?Jan 27 19:36
gde33I think we will have exactly the same thing only in a different formatJan 27 19:36
MinceRand where will you provide service?Jan 27 19:36
MinceRs/find/fund/Jan 27 19:37
MinceRno, we don't even have nearly the same thingJan 27 19:37
MinceRof course, things get even worse if you used some p2p protocol to help with hostingJan 27 19:37
gde33you are saying that net neutrality will give the ISP the right to block websites?Jan 27 19:37
MinceRnormally, that does work (GNU/Linux iso distribution via BitTorrent, for example)Jan 27 19:37
gde33is that really the same topic?Jan 27 19:37
MinceRyes, among other thingsJan 27 19:37
MinceRpart of what a common carrier is about is that they aren't allowed to decide what to block and what to allow throughJan 27 19:38
MinceRbut if you don't have net neutrality, the ISPs will just block p2p protocols entirelyJan 27 19:38
gde33so the blocked content is just not availableJan 27 19:38
gde33you dont get access to all the books for exampleJan 27 19:38
MinceRit can be blocked entirelyJan 27 19:38
gde33you didn't pay for that > no accessJan 27 19:39
MinceRor it can be allowed but slowed down arbitrarilyJan 27 19:39
gde33Are we not creating a giant straw man for the ISP? Is there really no way to do this fairly?Jan 27 19:39
MinceRnoJan 27 19:39
MinceRthe way to do this fairly is called net neutralityJan 27 19:40
gde33as in no blocking of content, just additional packages?Jan 27 19:40
MinceRanything else is by definition unfairJan 27 19:40
MinceRthey won't phrase it as "blocking of content"Jan 27 19:40
MinceRfor a normal internet user, all of the internet is the defaultJan 27 19:40
MinceRfor a non-neutral greedy ISP, nothing is the default, everything is "additional"Jan 27 19:41
gde33I will explain it again, this time I will just convince you: The thing is, proof of work equals value.Jan 27 19:41
gde33you can create cryptographic hashees and sell those in stead of selling contentJan 27 19:42
iophkbitcoinJan 27 19:42
gde33but it will always be a pretend gameJan 27 19:42
gde33pretend valueJan 27 19:42
gde33so you are just pretending everything is free / worthlessJan 27 19:42
iophkyou're missing the point that it's all paid for alreadyJan 27 19:43
iophkno need to pay twiceJan 27 19:43
gde33not enoughJan 27 19:43
iophkpay Roy thenJan 27 19:43
gde33my point was payments for the sake of payments remember?Jan 27 19:43
iophkand a solution was offered.  Fund your alternative to the Internet.Jan 27 19:44
gde33if existing plots are all that terrible at granting things their value, what else can we think of?Jan 27 19:44
gde33but wasnt that what netneutrality aimed to prevent?Jan 27 19:45
gde33everyone will be against me just for trying to attribute value lolJan 27 19:45
iophkValue to what?Jan 27 19:45
gde33to everythingJan 27 19:46
iophkUse Flattr thenJan 27 19:46
gde33that will only work for 0% of my trafficJan 27 19:47
iophk Maybe it is already being compensated in proportion to its perceived value... Jan 27 19:47
gde33not an acceptable hypothesisJan 27 19:48
gde33you can go project that on your own creationsJan 27 19:48
iophkthe data seems to support itJan 27 19:48
gde33not at all actuallyJan 27 19:48
gde33I just hatted the attentionJan 27 19:49
gde33I dont like having attention from more people than I can answer toJan 27 19:49
iophkHow did your test of Flattr go?  What was wrong?Jan 27 19:49
gde33I'm looking at it right now for the first timeJan 27 19:49
gde33 27 19:49 | Financez votre logiciel - Open FundingJan 27 19:49
gde33is also funJan 27 19:50
gde33but I'm not seeing the revolutionJan 27 19:50
gde33the hard worked content items are not worth anywhere as much as the cryptographic hashJan 27 19:50
gde33this while you can just easly create a hashJan 27 19:50
gde33much easier than producing a valuable workJan 27 19:51
gde33I can also do a ponzi scheme with site creditsJan 27 19:51
iophkThere is also crowdsourcing.Jan 27 19:51
gde33that seems to workJan 27 19:51
iophkBut then deliverables are required.Jan 27 19:51
gde33facinating developmentJan 27 19:51
gde33I dont even know howmany kickstarter victims there areJan 27 19:52
gde33there is at least one who lost his shipmentJan 27 19:52
gde33in most of the cases it seems to work nicelyJan 27 19:52
gde33still it seems more a measure of peoples kindness than of the collective vision for the future?Jan 27 19:53
gde33bit of personal greed lolJan 27 19:53
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MinceR204019 < gde33> I will explain it again, this time I will just convince you: The thing is, proof of work equals value.Jan 27 20:06
MinceRit doesn't.Jan 27 20:06
MinceRvalue is what the market values. work may well be wasted.Jan 27 20:06
MinceRas for network access, it's currently paid for by the users alreadyJan 27 20:07
MinceRthere's no need to pretend that it's provided gratis.Jan 27 20:07
gde33proof of workJan 27 20:08
MinceRsame thing.Jan 27 20:08
iophkeffort != valueJan 27 20:08
MinceR(but it's a very communist thing to insist that any busywork is valuable and that everyone must be robbed to compensate the communist for worthless work)Jan 27 20:08
gde33you need to feel useful toJan 27 20:09
gde33in that way there is value, one can even play footballJan 27 20:09
MinceRfootball had better be useful by itself, thenJan 27 20:11
gde33who made you the decider?Jan 27 20:11
MinceRof what?Jan 27 20:11
gde33that came out wrong lolJan 27 20:12
gde33who decided what has value and what not?Jan 27 20:12
MinceRthe market didJan 27 20:12
MinceRthe people who had money they could and were willing to spend on goods.Jan 27 20:12
gde33but on the perceved value not what things cost to makeJan 27 20:12
MinceRwith the loss of net neutrality, the market would lose controlJan 27 20:12
MinceRand it would be placed in the hand of the corporate oligarchs.Jan 27 20:13
MinceRwhoever owns your internet connection would decide whose news you read.Jan 27 20:13
gde33why wouldnt that happen anyway?Jan 27 20:13
MinceRit certainly looks like it's happeningJan 27 20:14
gde33I can make a blog right now, write blog posts, but no one is going to read themJan 27 20:14
MinceReven the w3c has turned against its old idea of an open webJan 27 20:14
gde33people cant even find them without the oligarchsJan 27 20:14
MinceRyes they canJan 27 20:14
MinceRfor example, i could ask you the address right now, if i wanted to knowJan 27 20:14
MinceRand i could read it all without my ISP's express permission.Jan 27 20:15
gde33then if todays posting is not precicely what you are looking for you never look at it againJan 27 20:15
gde33easy come easy goJan 27 20:15
MinceRand you would deprive me of that choice?Jan 27 20:15
MinceRdo you think your blog is so important that people should be forced to read it?Jan 27 20:16
gde33I would deprive you from such harsh judgementJan 27 20:16
gde33The blog could be so important everyone should read it.Jan 27 20:16
gde33the chance is thereJan 27 20:17
gde33to become a good writer you have to write the whole timeJan 27 20:17
gde33it might be crap some daysJan 27 20:17
gde33you shouldnt be put on trial over each blog postJan 27 20:17
gde33overal performanceJan 27 20:18
MinceRand you won't beJan 27 20:18
MinceRif what you do is valued, the word will spreadJan 27 20:18
MinceRand there are search engines too, including at least one p2p oneJan 27 20:18
gde33nah the word wont spread, you have to work your ass offJan 27 20:19
gde33asking random strangers for a few bucks would go much fasterJan 27 20:20
MinceRyes, you have to work your ass offJan 27 20:20
MinceRand if you do it right, the word will spreadJan 27 20:20
gde33then what? big bandwith bills?Jan 27 20:20
iophkOr issue an IPOJan 27 20:20
gde33have LIES advertised all over the website?Jan 27 20:20
MinceRyou can choose your advertisersJan 27 20:20
MinceRthey don't have to be liesJan 27 20:21
MinceR(i know, the truth isn't very popular nowadays)Jan 27 20:21
gde33something other than google?Jan 27 20:21
gde33hah yesJan 27 20:21
MinceRpossiblyJan 27 20:21
gde33that wont work as wellJan 27 20:22
gde33you need 10 times as much trafficJan 27 20:22
gde33if not 100Jan 27 20:22
gde33you have to go full retard, "become a militard, join the fight in iraq today"Jan 27 20:23
gde33then you make moneyJan 27 20:23
MinceRyou'll need a business modelJan 27 20:23
MinceRhopefully a better one than "herp derp let's gang up on the users and rob them blind"Jan 27 20:23
gde33not my kind of planJan 27 20:23
MinceRyour earlier comments suggest otherwise.Jan 27 20:24
gde33usually my plans are to complex to even consider, I do have some admiration for the simplistic thereJan 27 20:24
gde33if it has you explain why people need something you dont have to bother with the ideaJan 27 20:25
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gde33If people can be robbed they must have had something.Jan 27 20:27
gde33most people in this world dont have anything.Jan 27 20:27
MinceRmost people in this world don't have access to the internetJan 27 20:28
MinceRmost people in this would would not be able to read your blog even if they wanted to.Jan 27 20:28
MinceRs/would/world/Jan 27 20:28
gde33I tried to do it in print one time with a few people, it was surpricingly expensive to do small editionsJan 27 20:29
gde33why would someone with 1 hour of internet per week not be able to write a valuable text?Jan 27 20:30
gde33why do we have all this audience building he has to get into?Jan 27 20:30
MinceRbecause quite a lot of people want to be heardJan 27 20:31
gde33that doesnt make people less valuableJan 27 20:31
MinceRand listeners have limited timeJan 27 20:31
MinceRare you sure of that? :>Jan 27 20:31
gde33oh yes, I believe most of the problelms we can produce are based on not valuing people.Jan 27 20:32
gde33then moan when others dont value you eitherJan 27 20:32
MinceRif you do not value people, is that just another way of saying that people have zero value? :>Jan 27 20:32
gde33when you abuse people you get to be abused basicallyJan 27 20:32
MinceRi'd be fine with just not bothering each otherJan 27 20:33
MinceRbut for most people that's a concept too advancedJan 27 20:33
gde33MinceR: just that you value them less I supposeJan 27 20:33
gde33I believe in bothering people a little bitJan 27 20:33
gde33a friend of mine plays computer games all day, I call him an enabler. lolJan 27 20:34
gde33just to bother himJan 27 20:34
gde33I think people automatically live up to the expectation when you assert their valueJan 27 20:35
MinceRthey usually don'tJan 27 20:35
gde33have to do it the whole lifeJan 27 20:35
MinceRi learned that the hard wayJan 27 20:35
gde33sure, but we should die trying to convince them :)Jan 27 20:36
MinceRno thanksJan 27 20:36
gde33that is one of your valuable qualitiesJan 27 20:37
MinceRdon't worry, chances are i'll die eventuallyJan 27 20:37
gde33your legacy will live on :DJan 27 20:37
gde33people wont remember it was you when they repeat your wordsJan 27 20:37
MinceRor it won'tJan 27 20:37
gde33everything we know was made up by some oneJan 27 20:38
gde33each letter, each word, some of the sentencesJan 27 20:38
MinceRmaybe humanity will wipe out itself along with all its recordsJan 27 20:38
MinceRand there's nobody out there who could catch and decode our EM emissionsJan 27 20:38
gde33of course it willJan 27 20:38
gde33the big question is if we will escape the solar system before that happensJan 27 20:38
gde33if we will live as short as 1 sunJan 27 20:39
gde33hehJan 27 20:39
MinceRor shorterJan 27 20:39
gde33!!!Jan 27 20:39
gde33but we could very well potentially infest the whole gallaxyJan 27 20:39
gde33and beyondJan 27 20:39
MinceRwe have technology that could wipe out higher-order life on this planet in the hands of religious extremists who believe that if everyone does, that's acceptableJan 27 20:39
gde33grow green fur on all those ballsJan 27 20:39
MinceRand maybe that's the best outcomeJan 27 20:39
MinceRs/one does/one dies/Jan 27 20:40
gde33we get to play our partJan 27 20:40
gde33maybe we are the ones without sins?Jan 27 20:40
gde33lolJan 27 20:40
MinceRthat depends on how you define 'sin'Jan 27 20:40
gde33I define it as who should throw the first stoneJan 27 20:41
MinceRcertain religious zealots who believe themselves to be experts on ethics believe that you're responsible for the sins of your ancestorsJan 27 20:41
MinceRwhich shows how much they really know about ethicsJan 27 20:41
gde33at least we get to suffer their sins Jan 27 20:41
MinceRyayJan 27 20:41
gde33but also enjoy their accomplishmentsJan 27 20:41
MinceRi was kinda hoping for more than just sufferingJan 27 20:41
gde33I had a dream a few days ago where I finally calculated why religion is nothing but an ego tripJan 27 20:42
gde33the idea one would be punished in the after life for what one doesJan 27 20:42
MinceRit's worse than an ego tripJan 27 20:42
gde33when I do something I dont care about thatJan 27 20:42
gde33I do things because they need doing, burning forever might just be worth itJan 27 20:42
MinceRit's a mental infection that poisons everythingJan 27 20:42
gde33we should have put George's head on a pike way back in 2001, then suffer the eternal punishment.Jan 27 20:43
gde33it would be totally worth itJan 27 20:43
MinceRdubya?Jan 27 20:43
gde33yeahJan 27 20:43
gde33burn him at the stakeJan 27 20:43
gde33god can complant all he likes?Jan 27 20:43
gde33he is going to punish me?Jan 27 20:43
MinceR"God" does not exist.Jan 27 20:44
gde33that is suppose to stop me from doing the right thing?Jan 27 20:44
MinceRits definition is inconsistent with itself, therefore falseJan 27 20:44
gde33exactlyJan 27 20:44
gde33but my argument is that it is all rooted on egoistic behaviorJan 27 20:44
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gde33I use to have some sympathy for the mood they create while doing thingsJan 27 20:45
gde33the collective feeling of trying to do the right thingJan 27 20:45
MinceRand then you realized that they undermine the ability to reason? :>Jan 27 20:45
MinceRalso any possibility of toleranceJan 27 20:46
gde33that isn't an argument you can use to convince that personJan 27 20:46
gde33if you can show him he is all doing this for himself Jan 27 20:46
MinceRthere is no argument you can use to convince a religious zealot.Jan 27 20:46
gde33then that changes the whole storyJan 27 20:46
gde33I think there is a good compromise available.Jan 27 20:46
MinceRone of the main traits the memetic evolution of religion selects for is the immunization against removal and against competitorsJan 27 20:46
gde33we take all the good stuff offered by a relgion, then we put that in a new wrapper and ask non religious people to help with these good thingsJan 27 20:47
gde33then we would be willing to help themJan 27 20:47
MinceRif it isn't based on reason, then it doesn't have a good foundationJan 27 20:47
MinceRand if it is, then it isn't religion.Jan 27 20:47
gde33some of it can be based on reasonJan 27 20:48
gde33if we the people start a non proffit to make a better world you better not get the idea to build a church from the donationsJan 27 20:48
gde33we might need to hire a few people to do the administration and we might need a buildingJan 27 20:49
gde33if the church has a ready made building available for this it seems usableJan 27 20:49
gde33hell, they would be doing the lords work?Jan 27 20:50
MinceRwhat would that be?Jan 27 20:50
MinceRexterminating lots of people for not being the chosen ones? :>Jan 27 20:51
gde33I think an atheist can be convinced to help the church if they would be doing something actually useful.Jan 27 20:51
MinceRestablishing the rules under which humans are to be trafficked in? :>Jan 27 20:51
gde33those things could all be repackaged Jan 27 20:52
gde33call it a new level of milder more moderated religionJan 27 20:52
gde33they have to understand that doing good involves actual workJan 27 20:52
MinceRthere are such religionsJan 27 20:52
MinceRnot abrahamic ones, though :>Jan 27 20:52
gde33if you interupt that work to read bibles you are not helping anyoneJan 27 20:53
gde33More general: we create organisations that may turn into giant monsters, we have to find a training method for the monster to learn new tricks.Jan 27 20:55
gde33it all seems far to staticJan 27 20:56
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gde33big tech companies buying small businesses is a way of learning something for such creature.Jan 27 20:56
gde33but how are we going to teach BP cold fusion?Jan 27 20:57
gde33lolJan 27 20:57
MinceRor maybe we should just slay the monstersJan 27 20:57
gde33if anything it is an argument pro dictatorshipJan 27 20:57
gde33nothing is like being judged by a single personJan 27 20:57
gde33hahaJan 27 20:57
MinceRnothing is as bad, yesJan 27 20:58
MinceRi don't see how that's pro dictatorshipJan 27 20:58
gde33no no, if you add more people it gets worseJan 27 20:58
gde33eventually we dont agree about anythingJan 27 20:58
MinceRwhich slows down the destructionJan 27 20:58
MinceRso, a good thingJan 27 20:58
gde33the thing becomes a life form in it selfJan 27 20:58
MinceRand of course if people didn't suck quite so much, it could be much betterJan 27 20:58
gde33the components are not in charge of itJan 27 20:58
gde33you will get a ticket type 44 as described in rule 1034Jan 27 20:59
gde33I'm just the officer writing the ticketJan 27 20:59
gde33I'm sorry ok? lolJan 27 20:59
MinceR"i was only obeying orders"Jan 27 21:00
MinceRthat's not a good excuseJan 27 21:00
gde33but it works like thtaJan 27 21:00
MinceRwell yes, humanity works in a horrible wayJan 27 21:00
gde33you only need 2% to think like that to be able controll everyone elseJan 27 21:00
gde33it isn't something likely to get fixedJan 27 21:01
MinceRit will probably get fixed in the most painful method availableJan 27 21:01
gde33we could start with brainscans for politiciansJan 27 21:01
MinceRoverpopulation, wars, famine, plagues, extinctionJan 27 21:01
schestowitz 27 21:01
TechrightsBot-trNo message foundJan 27 21:01
MinceRmaybe a bit of nuclear winterJan 27 21:01
gde33nothing we cant handleJan 27 21:02
MinceRschestowitz: Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!Jan 27 21:02
MinceRnot sure what there is to handle about painful self-exterminationJan 27 21:02
gde33brainscans for politicians and a diploma before you get to voteJan 27 21:02
MinceRthat won't helpJan 27 21:03
gde33I had some fun discussions with people about those 2Jan 27 21:03
gde33why wont it help?Jan 27 21:03
MinceRit merely installs a centralized authority that decides who gets to run for office and who gets to voteJan 27 21:03
MinceRsure, they'll claim it's for objective reasonsJan 27 21:03
MinceRbut it won't beJan 27 21:03
gde33not if it cant contain the evilJan 27 21:03
gde33if the evil cant manifest it cant run the placeJan 27 21:03
MinceRit willJan 27 21:03
MinceRit's everywhereJan 27 21:03
gde33we know that empathic people feel the pain of othersJan 27 21:04
MinceRand people are trying hard to make it worseJan 27 21:04
gde33I wouldnt mind making that a requirement for politiciansJan 27 21:04
MinceRhow would you enforce it?Jan 27 21:04
gde33just eliminate the psychopathsJan 27 21:04
MinceRhow would you do that?Jan 27 21:04
gde33with brainscans and other testsJan 27 21:04
MinceRpsychopathy is probably the most difficult kind of mental disorder to diagnose objectivelyJan 27 21:05
gde33we dont need objectivityJan 27 21:05
MinceRpart of it is that the psychopath tries to hide their own disorderJan 27 21:05
gde33we need certaintyJan 27 21:05
MinceRwe do need objectivityJan 27 21:05
gde33empathic people get seizurs when you show them choped up bodies on a monitorJan 27 21:05
MinceRwithout objectivity, you get people deciding who gets whatJan 27 21:05
MinceRand corruptionJan 27 21:05
gde33if you can just sit there without any emotion you are not the man for the jobJan 27 21:05
MinceRsame system as before, maybe with a few more levelsJan 27 21:05
MinceRi doubt that everyone who's desensitized to images of mutilated bodies is a psychopathJan 27 21:06
gde33if you have an amount of people some will test obviously empathic, some will test obviously psychopatic and some will test average.Jan 27 21:06
MinceRi'm pretty sure it wasn't on any of the checklists i've seenJan 27 21:07
gde33I dont think it is a sexy idea to put the clear psychopath in powerJan 27 21:07
MinceRi'm pretty sure Cleckley didn't mention it in Mask of Sanity :>Jan 27 21:07
gde33he doesn't have what it takesJan 27 21:07
MinceRhe'll speak to the people and make them believe that he does have what it takesJan 27 21:07
gde33We could argue about average people but the cases where it is all to obvious should be eliminated.Jan 27 21:07
MinceRalso, tests can be corruptedJan 27 21:07
gde33these are people who dont have activity in that part of their brainJan 27 21:07
gde33you are setting up shop for warsJan 27 21:08
MinceRif the people doing the test aren't willing to lie about the results, the people in power will replace themJan 27 21:08
gde33you can certainly have a few cases where it isn't easy to get a good ratingJan 27 21:08
gde33just publish the data?Jan 27 21:08
MinceRalso, i'm pretty sure a psychopath could fake discomfortJan 27 21:08
gde33if you want to be a public figure, wouldnt you want to know this about yourself?Jan 27 21:09
gde33to what extend you are faking empathy?Jan 27 21:09
MinceRthey could tamper the data before publishing itJan 27 21:09
gde33it wont make you less of a personJan 27 21:09
gde33do you think a truly empathic person could just start a war for proffit?Jan 27 21:10
gde33personally, if you come to my desk to suggest such a thing I might just have to end youJan 27 21:10
gde33lolJan 27 21:10
MinceRno, i think a psychopath could easily fake being empathicJan 27 21:10
MinceRfor your testJan 27 21:10
gde33he cantJan 27 21:10
MinceRthen they get into power and do whatever they wanted to do all alongJan 27 21:10
gde33the biological effect is to strongJan 27 21:10
MinceRwhile faking whatever emotions they needJan 27 21:10
gde33people feel as if it is their finger being cut when looking at itJan 27 21:10
MinceRread Mask of Sanity :>Jan 27 21:11
gde33there is no evidence such tests can be faked but still it would add a layer of securityJan 27 21:11
MinceRno, it wouldn'tJan 27 21:11
MinceRit would merely add more hooks for corruptionJan 27 21:11
MinceRand more chances to attack people the oligarchy doesn't want in powerJan 27 21:11
gde33dont you understand that some people have no feeling for others?Jan 27 21:12
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MinceRi doJan 27 21:12
MinceRbut it won't be easy to tell if they do or notJan 27 21:12
gde33there are cases where we can establish this with great certaintyJan 27 21:12
MinceRfrom the outsideJan 27 21:12
gde33or do you doubt there are such cases?Jan 27 21:12
MinceRalso, by the very nature of such testing there would be a small number of people making a decisionJan 27 21:13
MinceRwhich would be easily subvertedJan 27 21:13
gde33the information could just be presented to the voterJan 27 21:13
MinceRthe voter is not a trained psychiatristJan 27 21:13
gde33you are showing empathy to people who dont know what it meansJan 27 21:13
gde33why would you bother with that?Jan 27 21:13
MinceRand any discrepancy could be explained as a different interpretation of the dataJan 27 21:13
gde33do you think they will aperciate it?Jan 27 21:13
MinceRpoliticians already do thatJan 27 21:14
gde33they will think of it as your weaknessJan 27 21:14
MinceRthey'll present the data and their decisionJan 27 21:14
MinceRand claim that the decision is based on the dataJan 27 21:14
gde33sureJan 27 21:14
MinceRand another expert will easily determined that the decision is bogusJan 27 21:14
gde33you can have the tests done independentlyJan 27 21:14
MinceRwhile the ones on the politician's side will agree with it, no matter whatJan 27 21:15
gde33the other expert deserves a fair hearingJan 27 21:15
MinceRso, how many tests will decide if someone gets to run for office or not?Jan 27 21:15
MinceRand how?Jan 27 21:15
gde33I'm still talking about the extreme cases where people have pretty much reverted to using nothing but their lizard brainJan 27 21:15
MinceRalso, m$'s example should show that "independent" is easily thrown aroundJan 27 21:15
gde33the john mcain kind of politicianJan 27 21:15
gde33where non of the brain worksJan 27 21:15
MinceRthat's the sort of people a large percentage of the voters wantJan 27 21:16
MinceRmost of the people are idiotsJan 27 21:16
gde33he just started singing bomb iraq bomb bomb iraq?Jan 27 21:16
MinceRand i see no way of fixing thatJan 27 21:16
gde33he thought he was being funnyJan 27 21:16
gde33seriouslyJan 27 21:16
MinceR 27 21:16
gde33that brings me to argument 2Jan 27 21:17
gde33the voter diplomaJan 27 21:17
gde33:DJan 27 21:17
MinceRsame problemJan 27 21:17
gde33what do you mean?Jan 27 21:17
gde33you want to not know anything then decide stuff for me?Jan 27 21:17
MinceRwhoever hands out the diploma decides who gets to voteJan 27 21:17
gde33gtfo?Jan 27 21:17
MinceRand so they'll be corrupted to decide the corruptor's voters are eligible, others aren'tJan 27 21:17
gde33you just say that because you failed for the testJan 27 21:18
MinceRyeah, that's what the corruptor will sayJan 27 21:18
MinceRexactlyJan 27 21:18
MinceRour commies before 1990 prohibited opposition parties from participating in the election by claiming that they were all "fascists"Jan 27 21:19
gde33hahahaJan 27 21:19
MinceRif you wanted democracy, you were a "fascist"Jan 27 21:19
gde33a very efficent system right thereJan 27 21:20
gde33we are going to do something like that to youJan 27 21:20
gde33not just make you unelectable based on science data that says ur a naziJan 27 21:20
gde33but also not give you the diploma for not knowing anything at all about our great nationJan 27 21:21
MinceRyeah, "science" "data"Jan 27 21:21
MinceRwhoever writes the test decides what the right answers areJan 27 21:21
gde33but hey, at least I've addressed earlier arguments of my content not being original enough.Jan 27 21:22
MinceR:>Jan 27 21:22
gde33I will just have to make this case in future argumentsJan 27 21:22
gde33hahaJan 27 21:22
MinceR 27 21:22
gde33 27 21:25
MinceR:DJan 27 21:25
MinceRthe execution is somewhat lackingJan 27 21:25
gde33I was just distracted by the thoughts that gifs are really nice, not a lot of work to make for how funny they can be.Jan 27 21:26
gde33 27 21:26
gde33 27 21:28
gde33$-but-fly.pngJan 27 21:29
gde33MinceR: but to get back to the combi, between wanting psychopaths and wanting uneducated people in government you've pretty much ruined everything.Jan 27 21:32
gde33there is no hope nowJan 27 21:32
MinceRapparently you've failed at reading comprehensionJan 27 21:32
gde33it is either nazi's or nazi'sJan 27 21:32
MinceRindeed there is no hopeJan 27 21:32
gde33hahahaJan 27 21:32
MinceRwhatever system you'll invent to restrict who can run for office or can vote, can and will be corrupted.Jan 27 21:33
MinceRjust like whatever system people coming up with organizing government can and will be corruptedJan 27 21:33
gde33 27 21:33
MinceR:>Jan 27 21:33
MinceRwhat if my dreams are nightmares?Jan 27 21:33
gde33we dont care what they areJan 27 21:34
gde33you dont have dreams as far as the rest of us is concernedJan 27 21:34
gde33we have nothing to worry aboutJan 27 21:34
MinceRindeed, worrying won't help eitherJan 27 21:36
gde33I say first we get rid of government psycho's, then remove the people would cant be bothered to know anything from voting.Jan 27 21:36
gde33then at least our downfall will be well organisedJan 27 21:37
gde33then we increase the complexity of the voting processJan 27 21:38
MinceRand how would you do that?Jan 27 21:38
gde33excluding even more peopleJan 27 21:38
MinceRand how will increased complexity work?Jan 27 21:38
gde33voting more often on actual topicsJan 27 21:38
gde33involvement in decision makingJan 27 21:39
MinceRmost people can't be botheredJan 27 21:39
MinceRthey already vote randomlyJan 27 21:39
gde33we can compensate them for not participatingJan 27 21:39
gde33they can always learn the nesasary stuff and join usJan 27 21:39
gde33until they do they will just have to trust usJan 27 21:40
gde33one way or annotherJan 27 21:40
MinceRthey can't and they don't care toJan 27 21:40
gde33I dont see the problem with people who dont careJan 27 21:40
MinceRand if you devise a system to confirm that they've learned, that system will be compromisedJan 27 21:40
gde33cant we respect that?Jan 27 21:40
MinceRpeople who don't care do a lot of damageJan 27 21:40
gde33I'm looking for basic knowledgeJan 27 21:40
MinceRpeople who don't care to think a bit voted hungary into a dictatorshipJan 27 21:41
MinceRpeople who don't care to thing a bit keep the usa in its two-party systemJan 27 21:41
gde33we can eliminate most voters with the requirement of knowing which parties they can chose from.Jan 27 21:41
MinceRprobably same in the ukJan 27 21:41
MinceRnot sure how that would work, considering that parties get nominated before the electionJan 27 21:41
MinceRand there are a lot of parties who try to get nominatedJan 27 21:42
gde33we can require basic knowledge of each optionJan 27 21:42
MinceRagain, someone will decide what the right answers areJan 27 21:42
gde33without knowledge of what the choices are your choice cant be considered as valauble as the next guyJan 27 21:42
MinceRand someone will tell the voters on their side what the right answers areJan 27 21:42
gde33at first the test should be kintergarden levelJan 27 21:43
gde33seriouslyJan 27 21:43
gde33most voters only know the names of the top 3 optionsJan 27 21:43
MinceRalso, people will try to smear your test with all sorts of false stuff too, to fight itJan 27 21:43
gde33thats fairJan 27 21:44
gde33it deserves to be attackedJan 27 21:44
MinceRand it won't be introduced anywhereJan 27 21:44
gde33for reasons you described earlierJan 27 21:44
MinceRunless the oligarchs want it toJan 27 21:44
MinceRbut then they'll shape it to their needsJan 27 21:44
gde33the idea is not at a stage where it can be implmenetedJan 27 21:44
gde33but it is intersting to talk with people who argue they want to vote but they dont want to bother knowing anythingJan 27 21:45
gde33if you ask them how we are going to get it right they say ehheheheJan 27 21:45
gde33technically the correct responseJan 27 21:46
gde33If such a system would be taken over it would still allow for greater citizen participation?Jan 27 21:49
MinceRit would seem to me that it would allow for less citizen participationJan 27 21:49
MinceRseeing how it's all about restricting who gets to participateJan 27 21:49
gde33smaller numbers but more influence?Jan 27 21:49
MinceRwell, those are connectedJan 27 21:50
gde33the test could be designed to eliminate a fixed percentage of votersJan 27 21:50
MinceRin the extreme, you have one citizen participating, the PatricianJan 27 21:50
MinceRhe is the Man, he has the Vote.Jan 27 21:50
gde33we merge his brain with the super computerJan 27 21:51
gde333)???? 4) proffit!Jan 27 21:51
MinceRlolJan 27 21:52
gde33it will be our only solution to avoid rule by AIJan 27 21:53
MinceRexcept he will be the AI and he will ruleJan 27 21:55
MinceRso we won't avoid it at allJan 27 21:56
gde33I liked Chavez TV showJan 27 22:02
gde33who knows, maybe we could do a telepresence political modelJan 27 22:02
gde33cybernetic politicians with advanced teleroboticsJan 27 22:04
MinceRhow would you tell if they're psychopaths then?Jan 27 22:06
gde33by pluging into the live feeling telemetry feedJan 27 22:06
gde33make it so that one can experience the representativeJan 27 22:06
MinceRand then someone broke into the feed and made everyone die from a seizure :>Jan 27 22:07
gde33they are going to die anywayJan 27 22:08
gde33at least it will be efficentJan 27 22:08
MinceRthere are more efficient ways to kill everybodyJan 27 22:08
gde33less emotionally involved?Jan 27 22:08
MinceRno, everybodyJan 27 22:09
gde33build in a safty systemJan 27 22:09
gde33mcaffee emo 2.0Jan 27 22:10
MinceRoohJan 27 22:10
MinceRmcaffee for my neural systemJan 27 22:10
MinceRi can't waitJan 27 22:10
gde33you just configure the feelings you wantJan 27 22:10
MinceRnew and exciting ways to suffer and dieJan 27 22:10
MinceRand you can't even uninstall it!Jan 27 22:11
gde33we always end up with thatJan 27 22:11
MinceRof course the assumption that my neural system runs winblows is even scarierJan 27 22:11
gde33it almost defeats the purpose of technologyJan 27 22:11
gde33bad patches :PJan 27 22:11
MinceRs/mcaffee/mcafee/Jan 27 22:12
MinceR(or, for german speakers, s/mcaffee/mcaffe/ :> )Jan 27 22:13
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 27 22:41
MinceR 27 22:52 | Google "Duverger's Law" - CheezburgerJan 27 22:52
gde33have people say their own opinion doesnt matterJan 27 22:59
gde33if there was a 3rd party that represents what I believe I wouldnt vote for it because I dont want to be the first in anything. kind of logicJan 27 23:01
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄┉ħţţρş╱╱:αяcħℓίηυχ.σŕ❡ฺ ฺ┉▄ ▃ ▂ ▁)Jan 27 23:04
gde33MinceR: the oposite is also a fun picture, select the psycho as our leader then do an iq test to eliminate votes from overly brainy people.Jan 27 23:14
MinceRwhat would that do?Jan 27 23:14
gde33it would make a collective out of people who really need oneJan 27 23:15
gde33and deploy a leader who knows he is a psycho, he should take some advice when it gets in the wayJan 27 23:15
gde33a bit like a surgeon would have to stay a bit emotionally detachedJan 27 23:17
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 27 23:40
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MinceR 27 23:53
gde33MinceR:!msg/sci.physics/5-d_fI6_Gz8/kyAQzodJQWoJJan 28 00:10
MinceRo_OJan 28 00:11
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 00:19
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 00:25
DaemonFC"We didn't make it for Indians, WE MADE IT FOR WESTERNERS *WHO CAN AFFORD IT*".Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFC(Emphasis is mine)Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCIn other words, not even all westerners, only the very rich ones. And I'm sure that even post-Obamacare, insurance companies will figure out some way to "discourage" customers that cost them $5,750 a month in drugs alone. People that are that sick are the reason Medicare and Medicaid exist. They're made a burden of the public because private insurers don't want those customers, only relatively healthy ones. That's why those programs are allowed Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCto exist. It's privatized profits and socialized losses. Lemon Socialism.Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCI think it's wonderful that India has used the force majeure of its national government against foreign predatory drug companies, to help cancer and HIV patients.Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCMore countries should do this, and they should tell Obama and his corporate crapitalist cronies to go to hell, and exactly where to shove the TPP. Jan 28 00:26
MinceRgnJan 28 00:40
schestowitz 28 01:10
schestowitz 28 01:13
DaemonFCBetter anything than Apple.Jan 28 01:14
DaemonFCIt's hard to imagine any devices that come along that could be more hostile to freedom than iThings.Jan 28 01:14
DaemonFCEven Microsoft doesn't have a blanket ban of copyleft software on their Windows store.Jan 28 01:14
DaemonFCOf course they could at any point, and that sort of abuse is something that app store monopolies enable.Jan 28 01:15
DaemonFCgeezJan 28 01:29
DaemonFCI've almost filled up my 2 TB hard drive.Jan 28 01:29
DaemonFC:PJan 28 01:29
DaemonFCI need to go through looking for files that I don't need anymore.Jan 28 01:29
gde33DaemonFC: you just need to buy a new one ;)Jan 28 01:32
gde33when you have 6 TB or more you will see that cleaning up is pointless lolJan 28 01:33
schestowitz__tessier: only 3 or so days left for the site's current host; can a VM be set up tomorrow?Jan 28 01:43
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ has joined #techrightsJan 28 01:46
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.71Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz__gde33: I have 8 TVJan 28 01:46
schestowitz__YBJan 28 01:46
schestowitz__TBJan 28 01:46
schestowitz__ 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Suppressing contenders 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google "Duverger's Law" - CheezburgerJan 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Without money" 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: FBI: catching the "criminals" (privacy proponents) 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Optical illusion in 3-D 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: War on #anonymity 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The FBI Seized All of TorMail's Data and Is Using It to Catch HackersJan 28 01:59
schestowitz__ 28 02:02
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dreams 28 02:02
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Choices #europe not much better 28 02:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:05 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade toJan 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 13.10 Now 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:05 | Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 Now | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:05
DaemonFCMy dad on Facebook regarding gay marriage. " So, besides offending a whole lot of people, confusing others, inspiring a lot of people to not care, and introducing that group to the joys of divorce, where is the prize?"Jan 28 02:17
DaemonFCMe: "Who cares if right-wing crazies in the American Taliban are offended? Seriously. Fuck them. I mean that. Fuck them very much. Sure, divorce will happen. I don't think it will exceed the embarrassingly high divorce rate of straight people, which is well over 50%."Jan 28 02:18
schestowitz__ 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 Now #ubuntu #linux #gnuJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 NowJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: New version of Google spyware is out #firefox improved a lot, people should revisit itJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes Mouse Pointer and Quicktime IssuesJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Snowden-branded #nsa leaks are starting to slow down (infrequent new disclosures); are new anonymous leakers (using Snowden's name) afraid?Jan 28 02:19
schestowitz__ 28 02:28 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 02:28
schestowitz__"inBloom, I think, is a Gates thing."Jan 28 02:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 02:28
schestowitz__Yes, I have already criticised that article at the timeJan 28 02:29
gde33does this link work? 28 02:30
schestowitz__ 28 02:30 | Is Red Hat Working for the NSA? - FOSS Force  [ ]Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__"Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__@Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Some of those are facts, and I should read the rest of them again, but e.g. my take on Linus’ father was that he was speculating.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__Mixing facts and speculation doesn’t make them all facts.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__BSD devs don’t trust HW RNG’s, neither Linux devs. And Linux devs treat every bug the same way, security implications or not.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__I might not like it but that’s the way they work.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__My final question to you is: given your distrust on RedHat, how can you recommend people to use CentOS, given that they use the same sources?Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__I wouldn’t trust them either, especially since they’re part of RedHat now.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__"Jan 28 02:31
gde33I had annother great idea to limit peoples freedom, bra locks with build-in iq test.Jan 28 02:41
schestowitz__ 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured List #gnome #gnu #linuxJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured ListJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux? #zdnet again 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux?  | ITworldJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ZDNet - TechrightsJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + Xfce #kfce #kde #linuxmint #gnu #linuxJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + XfceJan 28 02:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes MouseJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Pointer and Quicktime IssuesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the FeaturedJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 List 28 02:56 | New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes Mouse Pointer and Quicktime Issues | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux?Jan 28 02:56 | GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured List | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56 | Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux? | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + XfceJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56 | Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + Xfce | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
schestowitz__ 28 02:56
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #seagate are incompetent; if all they can replace a faulty drive with is another faulty drive, then it's better if they don't bother at all.Jan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@Kaitlyneene     @tuxmachines 20 minutos... *o*Jan 28 02:57
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:57
TechrightsBot-tr@Kaitlyneene: @tuxmachines 20 minutos... *o* 28 02:57
gde33MinceR: I'm still on our choice between nazi's or nazi'sJan 28 03:15
gde33 28 03:15 | WE ARE THE NAZIS - 911 THE MUSICAL - YouTube  [ ]Jan 28 03:15
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 28 03:46
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 03:50
gde33common guys, we will win this war?Jan 28 03:58
tessierschestowitz__: I'm working on a VM now...Jan 28 05:02
tessierschestowitz__: /home is 99% full btw. Do you get emails when this happens? The monitoring system is configured to send them...Jan 28 05:05
tessierI just extended the logical volume for  /home...Jan 28 05:06
DaemonFCThe Indiana General Assembly just voted to strike the second sentence from the marriage discrimination amendment.Jan 28 05:32
DaemonFCThat means that they have to pass it again every year through 2016 before it can be placed on the ballot.Jan 28 05:33
DaemonFCI think the Republicans did this because they hope that the courts will save them from having to vote in favor of the amendment.Jan 28 05:33
tessierIndiana....I have lots of family there.Jan 28 06:55
tessierMostly conservative and mostly bigots of one sort or another.Jan 28 06:55
DaemonFCthe rural partsJan 28 07:05
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 07:16
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 07:18
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 08:11
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 08:19
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 08:39
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 28 08:43
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJan 28 08:53
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 28 08:56
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:08
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 28 09:08
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRJan 28 09:12
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceRJan 28 09:16
iophk 28 09:29 | Tor Anonymity Software vs. the National Security Agency - Businessweek  [ ]Jan 28 09:29
schestowitz__[05:05] <tessier> schestowitz__: /home is 99% full btw. Do you get emails when this happens? The monitoring system is configured to send them...Jan 28 09:30
*msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 28 09:31
schestowitz__oops, I know why this happened. Must always have around 3 GB free for the backups to take place (DBs are over 2 GB)Jan 28 09:31
schestowitz__iophk: I posted a link to it some days ago when it was first publishedJan 28 09:32
iophkYes, I just now noticed that it actually made the cover.Jan 28 09:32
schestowitz__I said they had spun itJan 28 09:36
schestowitz__Tor has some support from gov Jan 28 09:36
schestowitz__Origin and fundingJan 28 09:36
schestowitz__For their astroturf ro whateverJan 28 09:36
schestowitz__and propping up coups in other countries perhapsJan 28 09:37
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 28 09:37
schestowitz__The BW/bloomberg article goes further by characterising it as a property of the gov, I thinkJan 28 09:37
schestowitz__ 28 09:37 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 09:38
schestowitz__Entertainment is another word for a palliative against one's disatisfaction with oneself. Unless one is first able to be happy while just being, without distraction (including thinking), then one craves entertainment. Conversely, if one is able to be content alone and not distracted from one's own being, entertainment serves no purpose, but can be taken, or left aside, with equal ease."77"Jan 28 09:38
schestowitz__ 28 09:38 #outage at #nsa #dropbox "was caused by internal maintenance," according to DropBox. Setting up more doors for NSA? 28 09:38
schestowitz__You would not expect these geniuses to contract out to companies for this kind of thing. Remember when the CIA director got caught in some woman's Yahoo?"77"Jan 28 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hackers claim responsibility for Dropbox outage (Wired UK)  [ ]Jan 28 09:38
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:40
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 28 09:40
*msb__ ( has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:42
*TRT (~twitfolk@ has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:43
schestowitz__ 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #GNU in the Days of #UNIX 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> |  » Blog Archive   » GNU in the Days of UNIXJan 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #TuxMachines Site Migration Imminent (Updatex2) The target VM is now ready.Jan 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Site Migration Imminent (Updatex2) | Tux MachinesJan 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #seagate claims to have warranty, but what it actually means is, you can send faulty drive at own expense to get a different faulty oneJan 28 09:48
schestowitz__ 28 09:49 Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies #germany #ebergyJan 28 09:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies | Beyond Revolution  [ ]Jan 28 09:49
schestowitz__"Good. Now if this can just happen everywhere..."Jan 28 09:50
schestowitz__ 28 09:50 #fsf #unix #c #linux #gnuJan 28 09:50
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 28 09:50
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 28 09:50
schestowitz__'He was probably at a seminar or whatever in Britain or speaking about the british market, would be my guess. AS IF BRITAIN IS DEVOID OF SOCIOPATHS! For shame."Jan 28 09:50
schestowitz__ 28 09:51 Rich people: people are poor because they're lazy; Poor people, indoctrinated by rich people-owned media: I just need to work harder.Jan 28 09:51
schestowitz__"When in reality, it is because the rich people have forced those poorer than them into debt. We have to take out loans (debt) of debt-based money in order to do almost anything because it is nearly impossible to save up for large purchases (cars, houses, college) because the money loses its value before it can be spent. And by rich people, I exclude the majority of business owners who are also forced to use debt."Jan 28 09:51
schestowitz__ 28 09:51 Hollywood and celebs: all the distraction our world needs to be blind to state crimes, tyranny, & other illegalities 28 09:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Op-Ed: MSNBC cuts off NSA interview for 'breaking news' of Bieber arrest  [ ]Jan 28 09:51
schestowitz__"Considering the "press" is owned by tConsidering the "press" is owned by the same people that own the government through bribes, sorry "campaign contributions", it would not surprise me were giddy when they found out about this."he same people that own the government through bribes, sorry "campaign contributions", it would not surprise me were giddy when they found out about this.Jan 28 09:51
MinceR 28 09:52
schestowitz__MinceR: yeahJan 28 09:53
schestowitz__ 28 09:53 "Get 'em while they're young," they say... 28 09:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA's website for kids isn't creepy. Nope. Not creepy at all.  [ ]Jan 28 09:53
schestowitz__"Indoctrination of the young and impressionable is always creep-tastic."Jan 28 09:53
schestowitz__ 28 09:53 Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update  #samsung #ballnuxJan 28 09:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 28 09:53
schestowitz__"...taking a page from Apple's playbook..."Jan 28 09:53
MinceRindeedJan 28 09:54
MinceRalso, region lockJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__yeahJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__Apple is suffering from ANdroud nowJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__it too is a religionJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__preying on young and unpopularJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__Thinking they'd substitute  bad life with a tiny worship-worthy machineJan 28 09:55
schestowitz__ 28 09:55 #drones with legs, wheels, etc. 28 09:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army expects to replace a quarter of soldiers with robots by 2040 - SlashGear  [ ]Jan 28 09:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040 - Muktware  [ ]Jan 28 09:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army Envisions More Robotic Future  [ ]Jan 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014Jan 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung rumoured to release ‘Galaxy Glass’ IFAJan 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Berlin 2014 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 09:55 | 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 09:55 | Samsung rumoured to release ‘Galaxy Glass’ IFA Berlin 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 09:55
schestowitz__"An unquestioning army who will never question their orders, regardless of how inhumane they are..."Jan 28 09:56
schestowitz__ 28 10:03 | Richard Sherman's Winning Rant  [ ]Jan 28 10:03
schestowitz__ 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Case of the Missing OS, or Did Apple Eat Pear? #apple #pearos 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Case of the Missing OS, or Did Apple Eat Pear? | Community | LinuxInsiderJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why a Deletion of Pear OS From the Web (Including SourceForge) is Mysterious | TechrightsJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment #omeJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop EnvironmentJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Paradox' Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux - MuktwareJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #samsung to produce #linux based #cctv glasses too 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung rumoured to release 'Galaxy Glass' IFA Berlin 2014 - MuktwareJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 #ubuntu #gnu #linuxJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 | TechSourceJan 28 10:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IVJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines                 heading for Linux 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Knoppix Review, Shotwell's Future, and 5Jan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Insults 28 10:35 | Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35 | Knoppix Review, Shotwell's Future, and 5 Insults | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop EnvironmentJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines        28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35 | Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Make Peace with pax 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35 | Make Peace with pax | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
iophkok, authorized access then?Jan 28 10:39
iophk 28 10:39 | Microsoft rules out ‘back door’ access to MPs’ electronic communications | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 10:39
iophkIt's probably right there in the EULAJan 28 10:39
iophk,0,0.htmlstory?track=bluesky-ct-headJan 28 10:41 | How open-source software drives innovation - Blue Sky Innovation  [ ]Jan 28 10:41
schestowitz__iophk: good linkJan 28 10:45
schestowitz__I will write about it laterJan 28 10:45
schestowitz__The Guardian covers up for Microsoft againJan 28 10:45
iophk*EULA -> EULA(s)Jan 28 10:47
MinceR 28 10:51
schestowitz__ 28 10:53 | Tech Comics: Geek Spoilsports - Datamation  [ ]Jan 28 10:53
schestowitz__iophk: any related articles?Jan 28 10:53
schestowitz__I xdidn't see one with accusationsJan 28 10:53
schestowitz__Just a defence of MicrosoftJan 28 10:53
iophknot off handJan 28 10:53
iophkpossibly a pre-emptive strike to distract from something.Jan 28 10:54
iophkIt might be in reference to something months old.Jan 28 10:54
iophk 28 10:55 | NSA Built Back Door In All Microsoft Windows Software Since 1999 :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website  [ ]Jan 28 10:56
iophk 28 10:56 | Snowden leak: Microsoft added backdoor for Feds • The Register  [ ]Jan 28 10:56
iophk 28 10:56 | News - Zentyal 3.3, featuring Microsoft Exchange Server replacement, is now available  | Linux Small Business Server  [ ]Jan 28 10:56
schestowitz__ 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie Preview #ubuntu #debian #linuxJan 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie PreviewJan 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Delivery #drones 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How open-source software drives innovation because the "i" word (innovation) is hip these daysJan 28 10:57
schestowitz__iophk: yes, but these are from last yearJan 28 10:57
iophkyes, oldJan 28 10:57
schestowitz__was there a new complaint in Aussie Greens?Jan 28 10:57
schestowitz__Cause I saw no coverage of themJan 28 10:57
schestowitz__certainly not from Gates-funded 'guardian'Jan 28 10:58
iophkmaybe this?Jan 28 10:58
iophk 28 10:58 | Australian MPs could be exposed to US surveillance, IT official concedes | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 10:58
schestowitz__yeah, but oldishJan 28 10:58
iophkOf course the Guardian is not going to help by linking to any other articles, old or new.Jan 28 10:59
iophkIt could be in response to the old article or a distraction from something else happening now.Jan 28 11:00
schestowitz__like what?Jan 28 11:01
schestowitz__I didn't see MS in the headlines, except for liesJan 28 11:01
schestowitz__Brad Smith and others claiming to move "cloud" out of US for non-US 'customersJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__Huff Puff/AOL printed this nonsenseJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__It's a PR plotJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__It's a PR ployJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__because of seagate I didn't have time to look into NSA news yesterdayJan 28 11:02
iophkI wouldn't know, the good headlines are often buried.Jan 28 11:04
iophkalso old : Jan 28 11:10
iophk 28 11:10
iophk"We know that Microsoft software contains a back door which is utilised  by the US NSA and Microsoft has been very active in assisting the NSA to  circumvent the company’s own encryption standards."Jan 28 11:10 | Worst CIO job in Australia? - Delimiter  [ ]Jan 28 11:10
schestowitz__ 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "The gist of the story is that "123456" is now the most commonly used weak password" I use people who use it!Jan 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Password Security Requires Multiple Layers of ProtectionJan 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card Comparison #amd #nvidia #linuxJan 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card ComparisonJan 28 11:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian JessieJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Preview 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce LinuxJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics Card Comparison 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:15 | Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie Preview | Tux MachinesJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Four must try Indie games on LinuxJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines        28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:15 | 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card Comparison | Tux MachinesJan 28 11:15 | Four must try Indie games on Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 11:15
schestowitz__ 28 11:17 Optical illusion in 3-D 28 11:17
schestowitz__ 28 11:17 | floating box illusion - YouTube  [ ]Jan 28 11:17
schestowitz__ 28 11:19 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 11:19
schestowitz__"yep oh look, it's you '"Jan 28 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 11:19 | glyn moody - Google+ - All Your Child's Data Are Belong To InBloom -…  [ ]Jan 28 11:19 | To Lisa Macfarlane and Suzanne Estey: And you thought it was a conspiracy theory? | Seattle Education  [ ]Jan 28 11:19 | Will Hill - Google+ - We covered inBloom before. It’s like Gates’ own mini-PRISM.…  [ ]Jan 28 11:19
schestowitz__Thankful for the mention...Jan 28 11:20
schestowitz__ 28 11:20 War on #anonymity 28 11:20
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The FBI Seized All of TorMail's Data and Is Using It to Catch Hackers  [ ]Jan 28 11:20
schestowitz__"Gizmodo is stupid. FBI uses Windows malware, search warrants and duress to steal a database, so Gizmodo concludes TOR is worthless. No, what's worthless for your privacy is Windows, non free software and US hosting."Jan 28 11:20
schestowitz__ 28 11:21 Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life remember when the #fbi sent letters with death threats?Jan 28 11:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life  [ ]Jan 28 11:21
schestowitz__"I would like more people appreciate what Snowden did and realize what costed him. There would be no need of a handful of heros if millons of people acted like responsible citizens."Jan 28 11:21
schestowitz__several other NSA employees are now following his example and leaking more documents, published with attribution to Snowden for their safety, based on G.A.P.Jan 28 11:22
schestowitz__ 28 12:11 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__"Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__I don't disagree and think we're just highlighting different aspects of the issue.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__However, rather than demeaning or downgrading TV watchers, I'm encouraging people to consider what they do and why, and providing a simple and easy way to test out my statement, for anyone with a mind to wake up.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__Try changing a habit, and if you can't, well, are you curious to know why is that? Is that OK for you? And if not, well the solution is in there too.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__The last part is not easy though, and something I have been working on for years, with some success, but always many more habits to challenge, and aspects of myself that I struggle to be with.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__"Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__My wife and I don't watch TV. I gave away my last set about a decade ago, and I've hardly missed a thing. In fact, the world (outdoor) and society (communication) is too good to be wasted, esp. if the alternative is a one-way broadcast (data-pushing) apparatus which treats us like fetuses.Jan 28 12:13
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 28 12:27
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 28 12:31
schestowitz__ 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Four must try Indie games on Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Four must try Indie games on Linux - MuktwareJan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Developers, generally speaking, want to share their code with other developers." 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Jan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "It's lawyers and business people with dollar signs in their eyes who want to make proprietary software." 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "EU agreed its current Data Protection Directive in 1995... Mark Zuckerberg was just 11." #privacyJan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Data Protection Day - European CommissionJan 28 12:31
schestowitz__ 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: First ever #CryEngine Game to head for Linux  #gnu #linux #gamesJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google Patent aims to offer ad based driverless taxi service - MuktwareJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Speaking personally, I have never, ever, switched off comments on my blog posts or deleted posts" 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On Accountability  |  jonobacon@homeJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 5 Must Have Steam Titles on Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For EveryoneJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The state of digital freedom in 2014 OSI president speaks about freedom, not openness. #fsf #gnuJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The state of digital freedom in 2014 | Open Source Software - InfoWorldJan 28 12:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First ever CryEngine Game to head for LinuxJan 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     5 Must Have Steam Titles on LinuxJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:56 | First ever CryEngine Game to head for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The state of digital freedom in 2014Jan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:56 | 5 Must Have Steam Titles on Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that areJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Actually Stable 28 12:56 | The state of digital freedom in 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:56 | 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:56
iophk 28 13:11 | Finnish schools using open source reap savings | Joinup  [ ]Jan 28 13:11
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 28 13:16
schestowitz__ Jan 28 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Finnish schools using open source reap savings #finland #freedom #freeswJan 28 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable #gnu #linuxJan 28 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For EveryoneJan 28 13:36
schestowitz__ 28 13:37
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Upgrading home connection to fibre-optics; 80Mbit download, 20Mbit upload. This will hopefully make the connections more stable, too.Jan 28 13:37
MinceRif i want cutting edge, i'll buy a sword. if i want bleeding edge, i'll use it.Jan 28 13:37
schestowitz__ 28 13:41 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 13:41
schestowitz__"That's great. :-) TV is the headline here, because almost everyone has one, and many watch a lot of it, but it it's not the point of my post, which is about the many ways people are averse to being, and how disempowering this can be."Jan 28 13:41
schestowitz__ 28 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox #gnome #kde #gnu #linuxJan 28 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr-> | KDE Desktop Vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox - DatamationJan 28 13:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Finnish schools using open source reap savingsJan 28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines        28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great ParadoxJan 28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines        28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 13:44 | Finnish schools using open source reap savings | Tux MachinesJan 28 13:44 | KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox | Tux MachinesJan 28 13:44
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 28 13:56
schestowitz__ 28 13:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ForgeRock rocks with #Sun projects 28 13:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actionsJan 28 13:59
schestowitz__iophk: I habe some posts scheduled for tonightJan 28 13:59
iophkcoolJan 28 13:59
schestowitz__I have lots planned for yesterday, but Seagate drive arrive and it was as broken as the one it replacedJan 28 14:00
schestowitz__Burned 4 hours of my time, killed my appetiate, and even ruined my morningJan 28 14:00
schestowitz__I wonder if a company can be held legally liable for replacing faulty with faulty under "warrany"Jan 28 14:00
schestowitz__Just a total waste of time, would be better to use the time to just buy a new driveJan 28 14:01
iophkI've heard that some send refurbished drives as warranty replacements.Jan 28 14:01
iophkHow long was the warranty? 1,2,5 years?Jan 28 14:01
schestowitz__Tonight I need to set up NRPE on dozens of Debian servers, then I can post lots of good articles again, can pick up pace again this year, and am getting fibre next month...Jan 28 14:01
schestowitz__2 years Jan 28 14:01
schestowitz__the new drive sort of hangs up randomlyJan 28 14:02
schestowitz__Sometimes while formattingJan 28 14:02
iophkThere was a recent report rating Seagate as very low on reliabi.lityJan 28 14:02
iophkHitachi was best in the report.Jan 28 14:02
schestowitz__I need to focus on TuxMachiens migration, so I'll put off any futher work on the drive. I will do a thorough fsck thius weekend and use it to prove they sent me garbageJan 28 14:02
schestowitz__Segates's official account in twitter already stepped in for damage controlJan 28 14:03
schestowitz__I got Hitachi as a replacement for a bad laptop drive in my CompaqJan 28 14:03
schestowitz__IIRC it lasted for many yearsJan 28 14:03
schestowitz__When I tried it in 2001, around 10 years later, I think it did get some inode issues (under DSL), but that was the last time I played with that old laptop (32 MB of RAM)Jan 28 14:04
schestowitz__Hitachi=IBMJan 28 14:04
schestowitz__Is that something that's in China's hands now too?Jan 28 14:04
schestowitz__IBM makes me think, maybe the future realy is IT staff losing jobs to China (the Symphony team is largely Chinese) and China is going to just buy or overrise US brandsJan 28 14:05
schestowitz__And then there's IndiaJan 28 14:05
schestowitz__China, reportedly, is now getting more involved in software, just like IndiaJan 28 14:06
schestowitz__huiman resources (time) are cheap thereJan 28 14:06
iophkTheir R&D may not be so good but then the US has been cutting and cutting R&D for years now.Jan 28 14:06
schestowitz__They can do extreme programming, like having 3 people working on a program at once, spotting issues like they do in factoriesJan 28 14:06
schestowitz__My siuster works with Chinese programmers who are in GE, and she's says they're not so good.... yet GE has been dropping US workers and hiring in China for a whileJan 28 14:07
schestowitz__My brother's old company did the same with India, and some said that the cost of fixing their programming mistakes (I actually think they have fantastic programmers) is higher than the savings of outsourcing the jobJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Mass production paradigm is being ytested in s/w nowJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__See MicrosoftJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Around Vista they send the programming to IndiaJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Same with AdobeJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__And look what happenedJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Saved money on wages, but the software is not necessarily better, to say the leastJan 28 14:09
schestowitz__It's good for managers, perhaps, but even that's doubtab;eJan 28 14:09
iophkM$ has never had good quality though.  And I can't recall when Adobe last was good.Jan 28 14:09
schestowitz__Class war is now also a war t devalue IT pros, driving their wages down, increasing working hours, stress, etc.Jan 28 14:10
schestowitz__Automation experts too are no longer valuedJan 28 14:10
schestowitz__Like outsourcing the outsiurcersJan 28 14:10
schestowitz__Eventually the outsourcers too will see themselves replaced by thiose whom they promoteJan 28 14:10
schestowitz__FOSS is one way to reduce costsJan 28 14:10
iophkSaves effort, too.Jan 28 14:11
schestowitz__and then sort of justify the expense of hiring expensive staffJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__Like people who manage 1000 servers at onceJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__with no costs associated with the automation (puppet, nagios, etc.) involvesJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__*vedJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__[13:59] <TechrightsBot-tr> @schestowitz: #ForgeRock rocks with #Sun projects 28 14:12 | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actionsJan 28 14:12
schestowitz__The FOSS SMBs are good to work forJan 28 14:12
schestowitz__They have large companies as clientsJan 28 14:12
schestowitz__staff can work from home, bossing minimalJan 28 14:13
schestowitz__People motivated by eagerness to deploy FOSSJan 28 14:13
schestowitz__An ideaological boss of sortsJan 28 14:13
schestowitz__Like political drives, or advocacyJan 28 14:13
iophk,Jan 28 14:15
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__We estimate your download speed will be between 79.9Mb and 80Mb.Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__We estimate your upload speed will be between 20Mb and 20Mb. Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__Remember to turn on your free BT Parental ControlsJan 28 14:19
schestowitz__Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children. That's why we include free BT Parental Controls with all our broadband packages.Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__If you haven't already, turn on BT Parental Controls now.Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__(you'll need to log in and click the BT Parental Controls tile) Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__LOLJan 28 14:19
schestowitz__At least it's still OFF by DEDAULTJan 28 14:19
schestowitz__Won't be for longJan 28 14:19
iophkNope, not for long.Jan 28 14:20
iophkWhen it's deployed widely enough, they'll throw th.e switchJan 28 14:21
schestowitz__yeahJan 28 14:21
schestowitz__It's not important what _I_ doJan 28 14:21
schestowitz__Sites like TorrentFreak get blockedJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__So people around me will continues to be brainwashed only by one side of the feudJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__And it hurts everyoneJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__lullung the populationJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__TPP - sounds good, freedom... trade...Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz__Frzcking- cool, mate, saves me in energy billsJan 28 14:22
iophkReminds me a little of how Groklaw and other sites were blocked during the OOXML scandal due to a 'contract dispute'  Funny how nothing like that has happened before or since.  I guess with the BTPC, some sites will get blocked "accidentally" at key times.Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz__Censorship - well, think about the childrenJan 28 14:23
schestowitz__DPI - against terrorism, helps me get targetted marketingJan 28 14:23
schestowitz__Groklaw was blocked?Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz__PJ never explained to me thatJan 28 14:23
iophkIn parts of Europe.Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz__she abstained form commentingJan 28 14:23
schestowitz__I think Websense blacklisted herJan 28 14:23
iophkUpdegrove and some others were als o blocked.Jan 28 14:24
schestowitz__on what grounds was it?Jan 28 14:24
schestowitz__WowJan 28 14:24
iophkSome were blocked directly others because the DNS they used were blocked.Jan 28 14:24
schestowitz__I wonder if i should be careful with the photos of drone victimsJan 28 14:24
schestowitz__They could use that as an excuse for blocking. I never had someone reporting to me that s/he had been blocked, not even in censorship-happy nationsJan 28 14:24
iophkIt was interesting that the pro-standards people were clustered around certain companies and blocking that one company could block directly / indirectly the sites.  It let up hours after the vote.Jan 28 14:25
iophk*a fewJan 28 14:25
schestowitz__Not even when I wrote a lot morew and get around 3 million hits per week (now it's less than that)Jan 28 14:25
schestowitz__One day we can get bloc0kedJan 28 14:25
iophk(16.23.57) schestowitz__: on what grounds was it?Jan 28 14:25
iophkThe claim was a contract dispute between networks...Jan 28 14:25
iophk"happens all the time" was the excuse.Jan 28 14:26
schestowitz__esp. now that I dtop links on NSA, GCHQ, some leaks (not as many original ones as before), criticism of armies... Jan 28 14:26
schestowitz__This reminds me, I have a load of links to dtop about it... hang on...Jan 28 14:26
schestowitz__ 28 14:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "BT Cloud - online storage with 50GB of space" - cool, now you can share your personal data with #gchq and #nsa for FREE!Jan 28 14:27
iophkGroklaw was blocked in late march 2008 according to old mails.Jan 28 14:28
schestowitz__ 28 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BT E-mail: "Remember to turn on your free BT Parental Controls. Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children."Jan 28 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Think about the children! They might read _*gasp_* news sites like TorrentFreak (blocked by Sky) and be exposed to other views.Jan 28 14:38
iophkThe block was not everywhere just in some regions IIRCJan 28 14:38
schestowitz__yeah, Norway IIRCJan 28 14:38
schestowitz__her readers in Norway reported this at the timeJan 28 14:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open source venture that's profited fromJan 28 14:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Oracle's actions 28 14:38
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 14:38 | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actions  | Tux MachinesJan 28 14:38
schestowitz__She may have mentioned in in news PicksJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__TBH, I have not been to GL for monthsJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__I wonder how much the archive is good for when it comes to traffic, which is what matters because it gauges impact factorJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__Groklw is badly build in the SEO senseJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__Comments are hidden by default for one thingJan 28 14:40
iophkYeah, most CMS are bad for that.Jan 28 14:40
iophkThe Comes v M$ stuff could also use metadata to aid in the searching.Jan 28 14:43
iophkI wonder if it would be practical or appropriate to convert it to static HTML or just leave it?Jan 28 14:44
schestowitz__I don;t think many would pursue Comes docs anymoreJan 28 14:44
schestowitz__Microsoft is dying Jan 28 14:44
schestowitz__no matter what they say and how they cook the booksJan 28 14:44
schestowitz__many businesses still feed MS, but for how long?Jan 28 14:44
schestowitz__We help some migrate to Linux at the server room AND desktop (Ubuntu mostly)Jan 28 14:45
schestowitz__main fileserver transition due tonight at midlandJan 28 14:45
iophkNice.Jan 28 14:45
schestowitz__And once these succeed, the word spreadsJan 28 14:45
schestowitz__and more in the same sector follow, as they do...Jan 28 14:45
schestowitz__ 28 14:45
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Links 28/01/2014: Recent News About Militarism, Violence news from the past week or soJan 28 14:45
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 28/01/2014: Recent News About Militarism, Violence | TechrightsJan 28 14:45
iophk 28 14:46 | Congressmen Call For DNI Clapper's Ouster | Threatpost - English - Global -  [ ]Jan 28 14:46
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 28 15:05
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 28 15:05:00 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 28 15:05:26 2014
*Now talking on #techrightsJan 28 15:05
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJan 28 15:05
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012Jan 28 15:05
-NickServ-You are now identified for schestowitz.Jan 28 15:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 15:09
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Issa, Five Other Congressmen Call For DNI Clapper’s Removal removal only? How about prosecution? #nsaJan 28 15:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014Jan 28 15:47
TweetTuxMachines        28 15:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 15:47 | More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 15:47
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:02 "BT Cloud - online storage with 50GB of space" - cool, now you can share your personal data with #gchq and #nsa for FREE!Jan 28 16:02
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 28 16:02
*jono has quit (Changing host)Jan 28 16:02
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 28 16:02
schestowitz_bed2"you paid for it"Jan 28 16:02
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:02 BT E-mail: "Remember to turn on your free BT Parental Controls. Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children."Jan 28 16:02
schestowitz_bed2"Reaky , anyone recently watched v for vendetta ? You britons r headed that way , in the speed line ..."Jan 28 16:03
schestowitz_bed2"Parental important for everyone" Adults too, I guess...Jan 28 16:03
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:05 #KMail Complexity - and a little Patience #kde #gnu #linuxJan 28 16:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> | LXer: KMail Complexity - and a little Patience  [ ]Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2That's one of the reasons your E17 desktop seems so smooth. If you turn on Kmail, that effect will go away.Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2KDE, to their credit, is working to make that search less obnoxious but I don't see how it can work. The only time I used Nepomuk was when Kmail demanded it for search. Even though I limited it to my email, it consumed 50 to 100% of my cpu for a week or two. It finally calmed down.Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2The first and only time I tried to actually search my email using the fancy database, it deleted all of my email. The damn thing froze as soon as I pressed the search button. I waited for it to do what it wanted and was horrified to see that everything had been erased.Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2Those two things, depending on database for core functions and risk of complete email loss, are why I'm going to use Trinity for my email. Wheezy has the last version of Kmail that I'd recommend to anyone, so I recommend other email clients to new users now.Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2thunderbird is very good and themes make it integrate well with everythingJan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:05 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2"?You said it well."Jan 28 16:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2I tried, without success, for about 20 minutes to find the long writerup about why not to use DDG. I was unable to find it via G+, D*, personal site sections, Google search. Is that still online?Jan 28 16:06
iophk 28 16:08 | GCHQ is monitoring Facebook Likes and Youtube with Operation Squeaky Dolphin- The Inquirer  [ ]Jan 28 16:08
iophk 28 16:14 | A Little (Angry) Bird Told the NSA What You’re Up To - ABC News  [ ]Jan 28 16:14
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GCHQ taught NSA how to #monitor Facebook , #Twitter in real time – #Snowden leak #gchq #nsaJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014 margins make #linux #arm etc. take overJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014  |   Robert PogsonJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know - thanks to ANGRY BIRDS • The RegisterJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds: NSA And GCHQ Harvest Apps DataJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds and 'leaky' phone apps targeted by NSA and GCHQ for user data | World news | theguardian.comJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." (using sex in attempt to cause suicide) MLK died laterJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. | Black People Meet | African Americans | DesteeJan 28 16:15
schestowitz_bed2iophk: toy beat me to itJan 28 16:15
schestowitz_bed2*youJan 28 16:15
iophkSo it got a little help with the popularity...Jan 28 16:16
schestowitz_bed2yeah, well...Jan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2I just showed it to RianneJan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2she and I played a finished many of the Angry Birds seriesJan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2And there's no escaping the spying, even in  gamesJan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2!google cghq xbox liveJan 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - NSA, GCHQ can listen to Xbox Live chat communications - Eurogamer | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - World of Spycraft: NSA, GCHQ hacked WoW and Xbox Live, other ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - NSA and GCHQ spied on Xbox Live and World of Warcraft gamers ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - NSA And GCHQ Allegedly Spying On Xbox Live Gamers | 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2!google cghq world of warcraftJan 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - NSA and GCHQ spies 'operated in games including World of ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - NSA, GCHQ 'planted agents' into World of Warcraft, Second Life to ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - NSA and GCHQ agents spied on online gamers using World of ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - World of Spycraft: NSA, GCHQ hacked WoW and Xbox Live, other ... | 28 16:17
iophkI guess Tetris was almost as popular but not as bloated.Jan 28 16:18
iophkNo space for spy stuff.Jan 28 16:18
schestowitz_bed2it's duiguised as "business model"Jan 28 16:18
schestowitz_bed2Allowing the app to connect to the WebJan 28 16:18
schestowitz_bed2sending out data, not just fetching adsJan 28 16:18
iophkApparently a lot of other apps do similar leaks of info.Jan 28 16:20
iophkM$ was getting into ad servers a while back.Jan 28 16:20
iophkI thought that was about financial control but surveillance could have been part of it now that this comes to light.Jan 28 16:21
iophk 28 16:25
iophk 28 16:25 | Explanation Of Facebook And Microsoft's Atlas Ad Server - Business Insider  [ ]Jan 28 16:25 | Facebook Finally Pulls Trigger, Buys Atlas Ad Server From Microsoft (*Updated With Comment) - Forbes  [ ]Jan 28 16:25
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BBC: "Google's Drummond calls for new #NSA reforms" - yeah, they all do, those corporates, for their own profits, convenience, not #privacyJan 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Bruce Schneier: 'NSA and GCHQ have betrayed the trust of the internet' #nsa #gchq #internetJan 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | BBC News - Bruce Schneier: 'NSA and GCHQ have betrayed the trust of the internet'Jan 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Surprising it's reported as noteworthy that Google Maps is spying on users. It has been known since ~7 years ago. 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Not even Google Maps, Angry Birds are safe from NSA and GCHQ spying | News | TechRadarJan 28 16:28
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Obama negotiates with his bosses (corporations) -- not people -- regarding #privacy so epic. Funders decide.Jan 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tech giants reach White House deal on NSA surveillance of customer data | World news | theguardian.comJan 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Corporate press represents a "diversity" of views: the views of corporations as well as the views of corporations-funded politicians.Jan 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #CCTV Glasses are normalising the idea of invading people's homes, bathrooms etc. with connected, always-on cameras. Spooky stuff.Jan 28 16:29
schestowitz_bed2iophk: what's the significant in today's context (FB/MSFT)Jan 28 16:30
iophkthe possibility for trackingJan 28 16:40
schestowitz_bed2loJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2iophk: Preston GrallaJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:41 | One benefit of Windows Phone: The NSA may not be snooping on you | Computerworld Blogs  [ ]Jan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2don't clickJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2the headline says it allJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2 Preston GrallaJan 28 16:41
iophkgralla againJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2Use Windows... for PRIVACY :-)Jan 28 16:41
iophkProbably uses weasel words to describe the situation.Jan 28 16:42
iophkWith FB taking in Atlas, they are getting more ties with M$ and with M$ "technology"Jan 28 16:43
iophk 28 16:43 | NO TITLE  [ ]Jan 28 16:43
iophkallows M$ to track site usage Jan 28 16:44
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Time (very pro-NSA) says the #us #government wants #nsa not to change, only to change perception 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Eyes Ways to Keep NSA Snooping Hidden | TIME.comJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA #Surveillance Divides the Republican Party I hope it burns it, tooJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Surveillance Divides the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - The AtlanticJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #SAP comedy: it too pretends to be pro #privacy nice #PR ployJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | SAP and Atos team up for EU cloud standards to counter NSA threat | News | TechRadarJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA, GCHQ mapping “political alignment” of cellphone users McCarthyism much?Jan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA, GCHQ mapping “political alignment” of cellphone users - World Socialist Web SiteJan 28 16:47
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The NSA, CIA, and the Promise of Industrial #Espionage #cia #nsa government-sanctioned crimeJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA, CIA, and the Promise of Industrial Espionage » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "AT&T’s ambitions to expand in Europe have been put on ice, for now." good!Jan 28 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA may have done AT&T a favor by hurting its reputation in Europe  –  QuartzJan 28 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Cut Off the NSA's Juice if they break the law, which they do, why not cut them off?Jan 28 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Article: Cut Off the NSA's Juice | OpEdNewsJan 28 16:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: War and surveillance are a video games to GCHQ: Xbox Live, WoW, Angry Birds, etc. They use FPSs to recruit killers, too. Games as brainwash.Jan 28 16:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes anJan 28 17:00
TweetTuxMachines                 appearance 28 17:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 17:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linode's Command Line Interface Tool HelpsJan 28 17:00
TweetTuxMachines                 Automate Cloud Servers 28 17:00
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 17:00 | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance | Tux MachinesJan 28 17:00 | Linode's Command Line Interface Tool Helps Automate Cloud Servers | Tux MachinesJan 28 17:00
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Exceptionalism with assassination by flying robots 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US missile strike kills senior al-Shabaab leader in Somalia - Sabahionline.comJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Can other countries bomb USA like it bombs Somalia and many others? - English pravda.ruJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Should a robot decide when to kill? the Drone Defence: "I was only following algorithms. It came from a subroutine."Jan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Should a robot decide when to kill? | The VergeJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Drone strikes have crashed weddings, schools, funerals and rescuers. When will it end? It will end by awarenessJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The terrible human price of Obama’s drone war - Salon.comJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Peace activist raises awareness of drones thank you, ma'am!Jan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 17:03
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: US exit from Afghanistan concerns #CIA so it means it's good to exit. 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Times Of Cental Asia - US exit from Afghanistan concerns CIAJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Our quagmire in Afghanistan - The Intelligencer: Bucks County | Op-EdJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Feinstein thinks assassination by #drones is OK because it mostly kills Arabs (for now) 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Senator Feinstein discusses John Brennan, the CIA and drone strikes - YouTubeJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Corporate press lets us select a team like a football team, but the very glorification of football cannot be challenged. Politics =~ sport.Jan 28 17:03
schestowitz_bed2Morell is a moron 28 17:05 | Sochi Olympics the ‘most dangerous’ games ever: ex-CIA boss - Washington Times  [ ]Jan 28 17:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Daily Russophobia from Michael Moron (former# CIA boss) 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #CIA whistleblower Kiriakou’s letters from prison on #Firedoglake blog "dangerous," says Bureau of Prisons 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: US Department of "Justice" is covering up #torture no surprise here, but it's worth notingJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | DOJ challenges journalist's claim to CIA interrogation report | Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).Jan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Kiriakou exposed illegal torture; torturers promoted, #Kiriakou jailed. #Snowden exposed illegal spying; spies defended, Sno. fears for lifeJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On #CIA Prisons, Poland Sold Out for 'Pathetically Little' (Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland) exporting #torture to #euJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On CIA Prisons, Poland Sold Out for 'Pathetically Little' (Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland)Jan 28 17:14
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance #tizen #linux #samsungJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance - MuktwareJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Linode's Command Line Interface Tool Helps Automate Cloud Servers #linode #linux #softwareJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks? #chromebook #google #gnu #linuxJan 28 17:22
iophk 28 17:30 | Bureau of Prisons Considers CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s ‘Letters from Loretto’ on Firedoglake to Be Dangerous |  The Dissenter  [ ]Jan 28 17:30
schestowitz_bed2posted alreadyJan 28 17:32
schestowitz_bed2see aboveJan 28 17:32
schestowitz_bed2oh, nmJan 28 17:32
schestowitz_bed2I posted a link to a linkJan 28 17:33
schestowitz_bed2I added both to my draftsJan 28 17:33
iophkthe FDL goes into detail the BB link has little detailJan 28 17:33
iophk 28 17:36 | ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 28 17:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks?Jan 28 17:47
TweetTuxMachines        28 17:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 17:47 | Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks? | Tux MachinesJan 28 17:47
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 28 17:50
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:51 #NSA #Surveillance Divides the Republican Party I hope it burns it, tooJan 28 17:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Surveillance Divides the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic  [ ]Jan 28 17:51
schestowitz_bed2"This will probably offer a new political paradigm in which social repression is not legislated but politicians will still think they can run the economy. Not a solution but culturally notable for sure."Jan 28 17:52
Guest47366 Jan 28 18:11 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 28 18:11
Guest47366 28 18:11 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 28 18:11
Guest47366 Jan 28 18:11
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @glynmoody @schestowitz Wikipedian ideas of fun. I think I got them all, at least in main article space ...Jan 28 18:11
Guest47366 28 18:12
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @glynmoody @schestowitz of course, half of them were what Heise laughingly called "permalinks". I THINK YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANSJan 28 18:12
Guest47366Publishers and writers are not the sameJan 28 18:12
Guest47366 28 18:12
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @davidgerard @schestowitz ha!Jan 28 18:12
MinceR 28 18:21
Guest47366iophk: just been looking around GroklawJan 28 18:21
Guest47366for 10 minutesJan 28 18:21
Guest47366It really is no longer maintainedJan 28 18:21
Guest47366not even behind the scenesJan 28 18:22
Guest47366 28 18:22 | Groklaw - Digging for TruthJan 28 18:22
Guest47366It's like a fossilised siteJan 28 18:22
iophkRight.  It closed last year.Jan 28 18:22
Guest47366This time for realJan 28 18:22
iophkIt probably would be safer to  be put in some kind of archive mode.Jan 28 18:22
iophkYes.  It's permanent.Jan 28 18:22
Guest47366In the past she spoke abouit preservation and orignisationJan 28 18:22
*Guest47366 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has left #techrights ("Konversation term")Jan 28 18:23
*Guest47366 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 28 18:25
*Guest47366 is now known as schestowitzJan 28 18:25
iophkThe last addition to Groklaw was in Sep with a newspickJan 28 18:26
schestowitzFOSS news sites are growing smaller and fewerJan 28 18:28
schestowitzIMHOJan 28 18:29
schestowitzLike a post-hype thingJan 28 18:29
schestowitzEven Muktware is diverting its courseJan 28 18:29
schestowitzGoogle, Internet, etc.Jan 28 18:29
schestowitzNot so focused on FOSS anymoreJan 28 18:29
schestowitzProprietary games, tech news..Jan 28 18:29
schestowitzI guess operating ina  vacuum for a movement is hardJan 28 18:30
schestowitzbecause on the Web, like anywhere, we need sourcesJan 28 18:30
schestowitzin the past journalists would reach out to people, execs, etc.Jan 28 18:30
iophktwitter and facebook are not conducive to news, just chatterJan 28 18:31
schestowitzNow we can use sites that do this, but when they become scarce/few, then it;'s getting harder to follow leadsJan 28 18:31
iophkand in general, investigative journalism is being killedJan 28 18:31
schestowitzif it happens only in twitter, it's not "News"Jan 28 18:31
MinceRin general, journalism is dyingJan 28 18:31
schestowitzLike announcments from W3CJan 28 18:31
schestowitzIt becomes news when news sites write about itJan 28 18:32
MinceRannouncements from w3c are like announcements from the north korean governmentJan 28 18:32
schestowitzDepends on how one defines journalismJan 28 18:32
schestowitzIn the mind of the government, the purpose of journalism is to create calm among the populationJan 28 18:32
MinceRin my mind, that's not journalismJan 28 18:32
iophkyes, but look at who / what is in the W3C now, that's the cause.Jan 28 18:33
schestowitzI have 3 short articles in the pipeline..Jan 28 18:33
schestowitzThe lady who exposed Samsung GPL violation mailed me about Tuxera doing the sameJan 28 18:34
schestowitzTuxera are assholes... and an embarrassment to FinlandJan 28 18:34
iophkYes, they are.Jan 28 18:34
MinceRwhat's tuxera?Jan 28 18:34
iophkM$ Patent resellersJan 28 18:34
MinceRand is it nearly as much of an embarrassment to finland as mokia?Jan 28 18:35
iophkSelling M$ patents via FinlandJan 28 18:35
iophkMokia is dead.  Most people have realized that.Jan 28 18:35
iophkJolla has sold out several times.Jan 28 18:35
MinceRalarmingly many people haven't realized itJan 28 18:35
iophkM$ won't keep the name alive I think. They'll rebrand as M$Jan 28 18:36
DaemonFC 28 19:05 | Customer Discussions: The House Committing Un-American Activities. Remembering McCarthyism.  [ ]Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCI saw a Facebook memorial for Pete Seeger, quoting his testimony to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (the paranoid anti-communist committee).Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC"I love my country very dearly, and I greatly resent this implication that some of the places that I have sung and some of the people that I have known, and some of my opinions, whether they are religious or philosophical, or I might be a vegetarian, make me any less of an American."Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCI wrote the following:Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCAhh, McCarthyism. They were so paranoid about Communism that they forced most of Hollywood, including Lucille Ball to testify, accusing them of being "Communist sympathizers".Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCThe committee committed so many civil rights abuses that it got the nickname "The House Committing Un-American Activities".Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC 28 19:05
DaemonFC Jan 28 19:05 | McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 28 19:05 | House Un-American Activities Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC 28 19:12 | The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World's Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away | ThinkProgress  [ ]Jan 28 19:12
DaemonFCMuch of it is draining out into the Atlantic because of human activity.Jan 28 19:13
DaemonFCI was at Lake Michigan a couple of years ago. The shoreline has moved back by about 30-40 feet from the last time I was there, in the 90s.Jan 28 19:14
iophkMany dunes are gone, too.Jan 28 19:18
*DaemonFC is planning to migrate this system to CentOS 7 with KDE when it is out...Jan 28 19:20
DaemonFCKDE 5 is approaching and I'm not sure about it.Jan 28 19:20
MinceRXFCE is calling ;)Jan 28 19:21
iophk,2817,2430024,00.aspJan 28 19:24
iophk 28 19:24 | Rovio Denies Providing User Data to Spy Agencies | News & Opinion  |  [ ]Jan 28 19:24 | Angry Birds firm calls for industry to respond to NSA spying revelations | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 19:24
DaemonFCThey don't have to provide it.Jan 28 19:36
DaemonFCAll they have to do is fail to protect it during transport.Jan 28 19:36
iophk 28 20:14 | Pete Seeger, famed folksong crooner and writer, dead at 94 - NY Daily News  [ ]Jan 28 20:14
DaemonFCApparently, the iBeacon spyware was introduced in iOS 7, but the hardware to enable it has been in all iPhones and dormant since iPhone 4.Jan 28 20:20
DaemonFCIf you walk into a store and start getting alerts from that store on your iPhone, that's why. But it's just as likely to be used silently to track where you are in their store, accurate to within a couple of inches, so that they can profile how the customer shops in their stores and design layouts that get people to buy more stuff they don't need.Jan 28 20:20
DaemonFCiBeacon meets the entire definition of spyware. It's something that the user wouldn't approve of, that leaks out personal information to untrusted third parties, and it can't be shut off or removed, even when you know about it. Jan 28 20:20
DaemonFC 28 20:20 | iBeacon, Shopkick: Privacy policies for location-tracking apps aren’t clear enough.  [ ]Jan 28 20:20
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 28 20:47
MinceRany suggestions for a search engine that doesn't randomly discard letters from search terms when they feel like it?Jan 28 21:37
Sosumijust read Dave Girard's mac pro reviewJan 28 22:10
Sosumiand I can't believe the guy is actually praising the thingJan 28 22:10
Sosumicrapple apologists everywhereJan 28 22:11
Sosumionly anandtech did it right, while sweeting it up a bit in order to not shut future review units sent in by crappleJan 28 22:12
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ukraine 28 22:22
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules #censorship #europeJan 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules | TorrentFreakJan 28 22:22
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Every censor says he/she/it does so for noble reasons, including security (children, adults, etc.) but it ends up suppressing oppositionJan 28 22:22
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Tuxera #GPL Violations Alleged #microsoft #swpats #patent #fsf #linuxJan 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tuxera GPL Violations Alleged | TechrightsJan 28 22:23
schestowitz 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Anti-GNU/Linux Agenda at ZDNet (Part of CBS) Noted Again #zdnet #cbs #cnet #gnu #linux #microsoftJan 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Anti-GNU/Linux Agenda at ZDNet (Part of CBS) Noted Again | TechrightsJan 28 22:23
schestowitz 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "ZDNet is a technology tabloid-like news sites whose writers have many conflicts of interest" #ZDNetJan 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ZDNet - TechrightsJan 28 22:23
schestowitz 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Microsoft’s Role in Political and Industrial #Espionage Concealed for those who weren't sure 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft’s Role in Political and Industrial Espionage Concealed | TechrightsJan 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsJan 28 22:23
schestowitz 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA Watch: GCHQ/NSA Gang Up Against Servers, Hide Violations, Face Blowback nsa #fbi #gchq #surveillance #policeJan 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Watch: GCHQ/NSA Gang Up Against Servers, Hide Violations, Face Blowback | TechrightsJan 28 22:24
schestowitz 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: News Snapshot: The Decline of Civility #police #humanrights #civilrights #techrights #uk #ukraine #us #turkeyJan 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | News Snapshot: The Decline of Civility | TechrightsJan 28 22:24
schestowitz 28 22:25
schestowitz 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NetNeutrality is Dead in the West. Now What? #uk #us #internet #web #censorshipJan 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Net Neutrality is Dead in the West. Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 22:25
schestowitz 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: DRM is Coming to the Web (as ‘Standard’). Now What? #drm #w3c #internet #web #eu #europe #dmca #copyrightJan 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | DRM is Coming to the Web (as ‘Standard’). Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 22:26
schestowitz 28 22:26
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Censorship Has Taken Over the Web. Now What? #censorship #internet #wwwJan 28 22:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Censorship Has Taken Over the Web. Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 22:26
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 28 22:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 28 23:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 23:04 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 28 23:04
MinceRgnJan 28 23:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition)Jan 28 23:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 23:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 23:55 | Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition) | Tux MachinesJan 28 23:55
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 29 00:21
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 00:25
DaemonFCWhy doesn't signing up for Medicaid count as being insured when a person was not insured before they qualified for Medicaid?Jan 29 00:25
DaemonFCI don't understand. It's not good insurance, but it's better than nothing in the sense that diving into a pool of electric eels is better than nothing when you really need to go for a swim.Jan 29 00:25
DaemonFCTruth is that the reimbursement rates are so low that most of the doctors that take it are really third rate or outright committing fraud to get more money out of the program. It would have been better to expand Medicare. Jan 29 00:25
DaemonFC 29 01:29 | Why Is Russia So Homophobic? - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic  [ ]Jan 29 01:29
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 29 02:04
DaemonFC 29 03:12 | Customer Discussions: Bernie Sanders debating Michelle Bachman on CNN.  [ ]Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFCStupid anti-vax/anti-science Fundie witch that screams over everyone else vs. The guy that should be our next president.Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFC*grabs the popcorn* Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCIt would be a mistake for India to sign off on the TPP in its current form.Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCIt would be the medical and computing equivalent of bringing rabbits to Australia.Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCThe only thing it will do for them is bleed them dry since almost all of the patents are owned by foreigners. Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCIn fact, it wouldn't be entirely unfair to call the TPP "patent colonization".Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCRich countries have ganged up to bleed other countries dry. It's definitely a big enough mistake to allow software-related patents in, but drug patents actually kill people. Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:23
DaemonFCRick Scott's corruption, by itself, has cost Florida tax payers more than the combined fraud in all needs-based welfare, put together, several times over.Jan 29 03:23
DaemonFCIt's almost funny. Jan 29 03:23
DaemonFCRick Scott is so corrupt, that he even has Republicans saying "Holy shit, this guy is corrupt!".Jan 29 03:25
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:32
DaemonFCI was kind of pissed when it was MLK day and I couldn't even get a haircut because that was closed too. Jan 29 03:32
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 29 04:53
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*cubezzz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 29 05:49
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*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 29 05:56
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 06:22
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 06:22
*Gandi (~JohnSmith@gateway/tor-sasl/yourwish) has joined #techrightsJan 29 06:31
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schestowitz_bed2 29 07:07 First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance 29 07:07
TechrightsBot-tr-> | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance - Muktware  [ ]Jan 29 07:07
schestowitz_bed2You missed a space before http:// …"77777"Jan 29 07:07
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:// )Jan 29 07:07
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:09 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable 29 07:09
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For Everyone  [ ]Jan 29 07:09
schestowitz_bed2\o/ Sabayon \o/"77"Jan 29 07:09
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:12
TechrightsBot-tr@CryptoPartyMCR: @schestowitz  Thanks 4 tweet! The CryptoParty is part of a week long Free Software festival #BitCoin #freeyourandroidJan 29 07:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Free Software Festival – Manchester | FSFE - MCRJan 29 07:12
*nj3ma is now known as nj3ma_ZzzJan 29 07:13
*nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3maJan 29 07:26
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:30 reshared: ### Sawant takes $40,000 of salary, rest goes to “Solidarity Fund”Jan 29 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 29 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sawant takes $40,000 of salary, rest goes to “Solidarity Fund” - Strange Bedfellows — Politics News  [ ]Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2"Sounds good."Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:30 Daily Russophobia from Michael Moron (former# CIA boss) 29 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sochi Olympics the ‘most dangerous’ games ever: ex-CIA boss - Washington Times  [ ]Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2"Mike Morrell! :D"Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:31 #Obama negotiates with his bosses (corporations) -- not people -- regarding #privacy so epic. Funders decide.Jan 29 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tech giants reach White House deal on NSA surveillance of customer data | World news |  [ ]Jan 29 07:31
schestowitz_bed2"Walking dead tech giants."Jan 29 07:31
schestowitz_bed2No more subsidies from CIA?Jan 29 07:31
schestowitz_bed2"^^ agree, the NSA has killed US tech industry as we know it. Only free software companies might survive and they too will have NSA's stink on them."Jan 29 07:31
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World’s Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away wars over water to comeJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World's Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away | ThinkProgressJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ad networks are selling us out to the #nsa 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Rovio Denies Providing User Data to Spy Agencies | News & Opinion  | PCMag.comJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds firm calls for industry to respond to NSA spying revelations | World news | theguardian.comJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "This app follows you while you shop—and it needs a clearer privacy policy." #privacyJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | iBeacon, Shopkick: Privacy policies for location-tracking apps aren’t clear enough.Jan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "media like to focus on the party lifestyles of the rich and glamorous" -Neelie on WEF she also attends BilderbergJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ensuring Jobs for the Future -  my blog from Davos - European CommissionJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Linux is the only supported OS Intel has mentioned for either the original single-core Quark or the dual-core model" 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Intel headgear to offer fast offline voice processing ·  LinuxGizmos.comJan 29 07:39
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Upstart #SolidXK Distro Seeks First Business Customers "unofficial Linux Mint Debian Edition with KDE"Jan 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Upstart SolidXK Distro Seeks First Business Customers | Linux.comJan 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Android PCs and other Windows-alternative desktops are for real #android #linuxJan 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | OwnCloud Documents to bring Open Document Format editing to private cloud | ZDNetJan 29 07:48
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? #mintlinux #gnu #linuxJan 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? - FOSS ForceJan 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Is Fry a closeted fan of Gates, or just a useful revisionist? that's how history is being warped....Jan 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious • The RegisterJan 29 08:01
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 29 08:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor?Jan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again:Jan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines                 This time it's serious 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:16 | Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for NetworkingJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:16 | Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open SourceJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:16 | Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking  | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How to run Linux on a ChromebookJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:16 | Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open Source | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:16 | How to run Linux on a Chromebook | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking #dell #linuxJan 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for NetworkingJan 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Even North #Korea Loves #Linux and Open Source safe from NSA?Jan 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open Source | Open Source Application Software Companies content from The VAR GuyJan 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | North Korea embraces Linux and Open Source | ITworldJan 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How to run Linux on a Chromebook #gnu #linux #chromebookJan 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How to run Linux on a Chromebook | ITworldJan 29 08:17
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:18 "J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." (using sex in attempt to cause suicide) MLK died laterJan 29 08:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. | Black People Meet | African Americans | Destee  [ ]Jan 29 08:18
schestowitz_bed2"One of the assassins of Malcolm X, Talmadge Hayer, met with John Ali the night before Malcolm's assassination. John Ali was a high ranking member of the Nation of Islam and is now known to have been an FBI informant. He routinely fomented tension between Malcolm and other members of the NOI as well as between Malcolm and the leader of NOI, Elijah Muhammad."Jan 29 08:18
*TweetTuxMachines @kanelsmak retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking'Jan 29 08:18
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:18 Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know 29 08:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know - thanks to ANGRY BIRDS • The Register  [ ]Jan 29 08:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds: NSA And GCHQ Harvest Apps Data  [ ]Jan 29 08:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds and 'leaky' phone apps targeted by NSA and GCHQ for user data | World news |  [ ]Jan 29 08:18
schestowitz_bed2"NSA cat is watching you, CodeHero."Jan 29 08:18
schestowitz_bed2"It sure is Will, it sure is."Jan 29 08:19
schestowitz_bed2"LOL, a little birdie told them."Jan 29 08:19
schestowitz_bed2"They probably have the best porn too. I wonder what they spend their day doing :P"Jan 29 08:19
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:20 #CCTV Glasses are normalising the idea of invading people's homes, bathrooms etc. with connected, always-on cameras. Spooky stuff.Jan 29 08:20
schestowitz_bed2"Non free cameras are spooky."Jan 29 08:20
schestowitz_bed2Esp. with wi-fiJan 29 08:20
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:21 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2Oh yes, thanks, I still have it online. I also have a few incomplete opinions up, such as why people should not use Bing, and how Bruce Byfield is an ass. I've been having more fun with model airplanes lately than I have tangling with jerks. Sooner or later, I have to finish writing that Bing essay.Jan 29 08:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2My IP address recently changed due to Mediacom failure. I try to keep that up to date on my diaspora, g+ and other pages. From there, you can navigate to where I'm trying to collect my opinion pagesJan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 08:21
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | My RC Models  [ ]Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:21 | Will Hill - Información - Google+  [ ]Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2"Ugh! opinion pages and I still have it online were supposed to lead you to the relevant pages. I wonder how I typoed that."Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 08:22
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | Index of /photo_album/chron/desktop/opinion/  [ ]Jan 29 08:22
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 08:22
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | Duck Duck No No  [ ]Jan 29 08:22
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why You Should Not Use Duck Duck Go worth repeating because many fools on the Web promote itJan 29 08:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 29 08:35
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers #linux #virtualizationJan 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers | Linux.comJan 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report hopefully #intel will abandon this world. #crimeJan 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report - MuktwareJan 29 08:39
*ldk ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 08:43
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 29 08:49
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 29 08:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Intel could abandon smartphone market: ReportJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: HugoJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Trippaers 29 08:56 | Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:56 | OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0Jan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:56 | My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0 | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:56
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:57 | Samsung Retains Position as the Top Global Semiconductor Customer in 2013, According to Gartner  [ ]Jan 29 08:57
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0 #pcbsd #unixJan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0Jan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #debian still debating init systems 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Debian Init System Discussion Is Still UnsettledJan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses #holland #freedomJan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses | JoinupJan 29 09:28
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA industrial espionage #machon on #espionage by #nsaJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA industrial espionage - Using Our IntelligenceJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: SUSE and Amazon, two companies that pay #microsoft for #linux have provide #nsa back doors, get together 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server now available on AWS GovCloud  - CIOLJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? #linux #arduinoJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? | Dr Dobb'sJan 29 09:29
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution Award #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxJan 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution AwardJan 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Links 29/1/2014: Games Applications Instructionals 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Games | TechrightsJan 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Applications | TechrightsJan 29 09:45
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Instructionals | TechrightsJan 29 09:45
MinceR 29 09:46 | Daily Kos: GOP Congressman Threatens to Kill Reporter After SOTU (Video)  [ ]Jan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud AutomationJan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines                 Solution Award 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around?Jan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines        29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46 | Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution Award | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 29 09:46 | Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 29 09:47 | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:47 | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:47 | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:47
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Security experts explain how the NSA and GCHQ may be harvesting data from smartphone apps like Angry Birds" 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How 'leaky' smartphone apps are sending your data to the NSA - TelegraphJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "U.S. president also called for patent reform" based on what #NSA 'reform' means, it's PR/public consent seekingJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Obama touches on NSA reform in State of the Union address - Techworld.comJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA privacy fears driving business back to UK hosting providers oh, back to #gchq arms. #uk #FogComputingJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA privacy fears driving business back to UK hosting providers - 28 Jan 2014  - Computing NewsJan 29 09:58
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The article from Computing mostly quotes Jones (whom I habitually speak to at the gym); but his firm uses Hyper-V (Trojan horse), WindowsJan 29 09:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Tossing figures at the public without informing those whom the #nsa spies on is not "transparency", it's nonsense 29 09:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Companies Allowed To Publish NSA Data Request NumbersJan 29 09:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA scandal: Germans hold out for ‘change they can believe in’ #germany should grant #snowden permanent asylumJan 29 09:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA scandal: Germans hold out for ‘change they can believe in’ — RT Op-EdgeJan 29 09:59
*nj3ma2 (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 10:24
schestowitz_bed2 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NYT improperly redacted latest NSA leak doc, revealing name of agent and a target #nsa #nytimesJan 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Article: NYT improperly redacted latest NSA leak doc, revealing name of agent and a target | OpEdNewsJan 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: AT&T CEO: met European officials, NSA affair affecting business #europe #nsaJan 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | AT&T CEO: met European officials, NSA affair affecting business | ReutersJan 29 10:38
*nj3ma2 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 29 10:39
iophk 29 10:52 | Court: Google infringed patents, must pay 1.36 percent of AdWords revenue | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 29 10:52
iophk"Vringo also sued Microsoft over ads in its Bing search engine. Microsoft settled that case in May, agreeing to pay $1 million plus 5 percent of whatever Google ultimately pays."Jan 29 10:53
iophkFueling the attack on Google.Jan 29 10:53
gde33what is facinating about it is that google didn't update the advertisement, it was always the same old garbage. Now if they want to everything is patented.Jan 29 10:59
gde33it was very weird how they refused to update the cash cowJan 29 10:59
iophk 29 11:02 | UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office  to open source | Technology |  [ ]Jan 29 11:02
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 29 12:03
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 29 12:07
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 12:51
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 12:57
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 13:40
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*nj3ma2 (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 14:14
nj3ma2great news thatJan 29 14:17 ditching m$Jan 29 14:17
Sosumiwhile they are at it, why not ditch the entire thing?Jan 29 15:38
iophkIt would be good if it happened, but they are still in the talking phase.Jan 29 15:41
iophkThey need to move quickly to avoid interference from M$Jan 29 15:41
schestowitz_bed2 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Exercising freedom use and defend your rights or lose themJan 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On our necks #consumerism #debtJan 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dodging espionage - new infographic the only way to go, safelyJan 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Big win for Free software in the UK now they talk about it publiclyJan 29 15:46
schestowitz_bed2 29 15:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: When papers did not report on readers 29 15:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Facebook sends phone data to NSA and ads companies including Microsoft 29 15:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Free surveillance 29 15:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: A traitor to war 29 15:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel peace prize | World news | theguardian.comJan 29 15:48
schestowitz_bed2nj3ma2: thanks for the news!Jan 29 15:50
schestowitz_bed2We'll probably put in a bid :-)Jan 29 15:50
nj3ma2:-)Jan 29 15:52
schestowitz_bed2I will do an article about it laterJan 29 15:52
schestowitz_bed2like Munich, this could set off other govs on the same routeJan 29 15:52
iophkOnce there are a few, there will be a rush.Jan 29 15:53
schestowitz_bed2Good for people who deploy and support foss, MS will surely try to bribe politicians to change course, but I doubt the bribe budget is enough after the NSA scandaslsJan 29 15:53
iophkDidn't Spain go FOSS also?  Extremadura comes to mind, but they've dropped out of the media.Jan 29 15:53
schestowitz_bed2Some bribves budget was spent tryint o make OOXML/MS OFFICE looK like "standard"Jan 29 15:54
schestowitz_bed2brbJan 29 15:54
schestowitz_bed2Also snowden got nominatedJan 29 15:54
iophkBribes may need to be bigger now but there are still those that push M$ for ideological reasons.Jan 29 15:54
schestowitz_bed2Today we got 7 good pieces of news here (personal stuff)Jan 29 15:54
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 29 15:59
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 15:59
*jono has quit (Changing host)Jan 29 15:59
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 29 15:59
SosumiI actually think every government should have an IT department capable of rolling out their infrastructure without outside interferenceJan 29 16:03
Sosumi*ownJan 29 16:03
schestowitz_bed2 29 16:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #uk government's promise to move to Free/libre software and  #odf does not seem like a PR ploy this time around. Will cover it later.Jan 29 16:03
Sosumiwell, at least, only relying on hardware vendorsJan 29 16:03
Sosumibut doing the software in house based on fossJan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2 29 16:04 Why You Should Not Use Duck Duck Go worth repeating because many fools on the Web promote itJan 29 16:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Duck Duck No No  [ ]Jan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2"Sorry, but a lot of this still doesn't make sense to me. This concludes with "If you are going to use a US based search engine, it might as well be Google." which is absolutely insane if you actually read the article. All of the reasons stated for not using DDG are equally applicable to Google so why use them as an argument against DDG and to use Google? It may be unfair to gain users through exploiting NSA stories, but Google isJan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2still USA-based and just as susceptible to FISC orders. It seems like a wash either way."Jan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2Using Google is not wise, I don't agree with this conclusionJan 29 16:04
Sosumiand properly tailoring their systems for the specific task they are performingJan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 16:05
schestowitz_bed2If you are going to let yourself be spied on, you might as well get something out of it. DDG and many other search engines pollute their results with Bing, Microsoft's "Decision Engine" which is misleading on top of being spied on. Google's search results are still excellent.Jan 29 16:05
schestowitz_bed2I wish that I knew of an honest alternative that gave excellent results. That is changing through copyright/DMCA takedown censorship and other pressures, but at the time of writing, it was true. I wish that I knew if TOR or proxies would protect your privacy but I don't. These things were beyond the scope of my essay which was why you should not trust DDG.Jan 29 16:05
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 16:05
nj3ma2some attempts at building a federated, distributed search engine have been madeJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2like you crawl your little corner of the webJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2I crawl mineJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2we join effortsJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2not much success so farJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2but worth the tryJan 29 16:10
Sosumi 29 16:11 | AMD reveals its first ARM processor: 8-core Opteron A1100 | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 29 16:11
iophknj3ma2: you mean like YaCy?Jan 29 16:12
Sosumigood, but we need an actual alternative to intelJan 29 16:13
iophkOracle could have run with Sparc instead of suffocating it.Jan 29 16:13
SosumiyesJan 29 16:13
nj3ma2iophk: exactlyJan 29 16:13
Sosumiand IBM could relaunch the intellistationJan 29 16:14
iophkIBM has put $1 billion into Power and has ditched x86Jan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2no, IBM claims thatJan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2the 1 billion figureJan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2it's just marketingJan 29 16:14
iophkIt was the number they cited.Jan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2Big Blye tries hard to paint itself as a sysadmin's friendJan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2And this was in LinuxConJan 29 16:15
iophk 29 16:15 | IBM News room - 2013-09-17 IBM Commits $1 Billion to Fuel Linux and Open Source Innovation on Power Systems - United States  [ ]Jan 29 16:15
iophkThe press release suggests the money will be spent on more than marketing.Jan 29 16:16
Sosumican't some pressure be put on them?Jan 29 16:18
Sosumior make them see that there is some demand for ppc based workstations?Jan 29 16:19
MinceRbribes? PR?Jan 29 16:19
iophkprobably the former might workJan 29 16:19
iophkif big enoughJan 29 16:19
MinceRi mean, what they spent the money onJan 29 16:20
Sosumiwell, if you bribe me with a new intellistationJan 29 16:20
SosumiI'll test it for freeJan 29 16:20
Sosumiit work on both ways :)Jan 29 16:20
Sosumi*worksJan 29 16:20
iophk:)Jan 29 16:20
MinceRthe usual deal is 'you give me a new product and i write a 100% positive review about it'Jan 29 16:21
MinceRso what you're offering is inferior :>Jan 29 16:21
Sosumionly apple does thatJan 29 16:22
Sosumiand they don't even need to employ trolls like M$ or EA doesJan 29 16:23
Sosumithe cultists do it for themJan 29 16:23
*nj3ma2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 29 16:32
schestowitz_bed2[16:16] <iophk> The press release suggests the money will be spent on more than marketing.Jan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2That;s not what I was sayingJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2The numbers are marketing, not the spendings Jan 29 16:38
iophkokJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2I wrote two articles about it at the timeJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2I wrote many pieces criticising IBM tooJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2last one was 2 days ago, re NSA collabJan 29 16:39
iophkI recall that one.Jan 29 16:39
schestowitz_bed2They also spoke to me on the phone when I confronted themJan 29 16:41
iophkDid they say much of interest?Jan 29 16:42
schestowitz_bed2Yuppie Nuremberg defenceJan 29 16:45
iophkNot much of a surprise.Jan 29 16:45
schestowitz_bed2They are quite pretentiousJan 29 16:47
schestowitz_bed2A lot of the management is in NY and NJ area, so enough said...Jan 29 16:47
iophkThey were used to selling based on just the name for a very long time.  Jan 29 16:50
schestowitz_bed2yeah, rightly perhapsJan 29 16:51
schestowitz_bed2I think they're very expensive nowJan 29 16:51
iophkThey were expensive then too.Jan 29 16:51
schestowitz_bed2and with outsourcing and all I'm not sure how good they and other multinationals are ATMJan 29 16:52
iophkTech people used to be really upset with the, but at the same time management fawned over them.Jan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2The bank I left replaced senior staff with kidsJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2and the service was shutJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2*shitJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2Today i spoke to an old lady, my mom's age, at a building societyJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2we are moving our savings thereJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2She was so much kinder than all those who are selected probably because they're paid lessJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2IBM has done this for yearsJan 29 16:53
schestowitz_bed2Cringley posted many good articles about it in 2012Jan 29 16:53
schestowitz_bed2I think it is based on people feeding him infoJan 29 16:53
schestowitz_bed2he really nailed it into IBMJan 29 16:53
schestowitz_bed2 29 16:53
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Now it can be tracked by the #NSA easier. :DJan 29 16:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Space Hulk released for LinuxJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD tries to kickstart ARM-for-serversJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines                 ecosystem 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Space Hulk released for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Free software and ethical consumptionJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55 | AMD tries to kickstart ARM-for-servers ecosystem | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Free software and ethical consumption | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Java-based malware driving DDoS botnet infectsJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Windows, Mac, Linux devicesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Java-based malware driving DDoS botnet infects Windows, Mac, Linux devices | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Setting Up Our Voice-Over-IP Phone SystemJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Setting Up Our Voice-Over-IP Phone System | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:12 Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses #holland #freedomJan 29 17:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses | Joinup  [ ]Jan 29 17:12
schestowitz_bed2So much for all that FUD from Microsoft ..."77"Jan 29 17:12
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:13 "Security experts explain how the NSA and GCHQ may be harvesting data from smartphone apps like Angry Birds" 29 17:13
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How 'leaky' smartphone apps are sending your data to the NSA - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 29 17:13
schestowitz_bed2Never liked that game anyway :P"77"Jan 29 17:13
schestowitz_bed2After finishing 3 of this series my wife and I got bored (Star Wars)Jan 29 17:13
schestowitz_bed2We finished Original, Seasons, and Rio.Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2"autant que les lapins crétins. Parcontre j'aime Rayman"Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2"Je déteste Angry Brids! Je haie ses gros oiseaux dés le départ !!!"Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2autant que les lapins crétins. Parcontre j'aime Rayman"7"Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:15 Facebook sends phone data to NSA and ads companies including Microsoft 29 17:15
schestowitz_bed2Holy moly, look at all the stuff demanded. Send email without you knowing it. Turn on your microphone, change your volume, read your address book again, turn on and off other applications, cover other applications up, read and write to your call log. That's about as complete control of your cell phone as can be imagined. Microsoft really hates email and loves to spam people with it."77"Jan 29 17:15
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:16 Big win for Free software in the UK now they talk about it publiclyJan 29 17:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office  to open source | Technology |  [ ]Jan 29 17:16
schestowitz_bed2I'm not impressed. Timid talk about using "open source" has been going on for about a decade. Didn't BECTA say this kind of thing but then buy Microsoft over and over? In the mean time, whole branches of government in France, Germany and Italy moved to free software and dumped Windoze completely."77"Jan 29 17:16
schestowitz_bed2Some parts of UK gov are already moving to FOSS, they just don't talk about it publiclyJan 29 17:16
schestowitz_bed2They learned from Bristol, Birmingham, Munich, etc. (retaliation, bribes, etc.)Jan 29 17:17
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 29 17:21
-NickServ-schestowitz__! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Jan 29 17:21
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 29 17:21
iophkYeah, I forgot about BECTA. They talked about FOSS for a bit all the while appeasing M$Jan 29 17:50
iophk 29 17:51 | Becta fails the open source test | ZDNet  [ ]Jan 29 17:51
schestowitz 29 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @Morality124 @schestowitz apparently, but even so...Jan 29 17:52
schestowitz 29 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @glynmoody @schestowitz It's easy to live in a bubble it seems.Jan 29 17:52
schestowitzre 29 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped - wow, naive much? #privacyJan 29 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped | Technically Incorrect - CNET NewsJan 29 17:52
schestowitzCNETJan 29 17:53
schestowitzCBSJan 29 17:53
schestowitzNSA boostersJan 29 17:53
schestowitzanyway, no point feeding itJan 29 17:53
iophknahJan 29 17:53
schestowitzbesides the point of really criticising this appealling oligacch. CNET *CBS) still grooming him and NSA...Jan 29 17:54
iophk 29 17:54 | The Open Sourcerer  » Becta  [ ]Jan 29 17:54
schestowitzLike talking about Obama's swatting of a fly while on TV rather than swatting of thousands (humans) by dronesJan 29 17:57
schestowitzLet's all dilute the news (CBS) by talking about the Brand ("Gates") and say something pointless about NSA...Jan 29 17:58
schestowitz 29 17:58
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @glynmoody @schestowitz You think the NSA betrays him for the cooperation he has provided over the years? (Windows exploits et al.)Jan 29 17:58
schestowitz 29 17:59
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: Rich bubble RT @glynmoody Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped -  wow, naive much? #privacy @schestowitzJan 29 17:59
schestowitz 29 17:59
schestowitzMicrosoft has rhe back doors, that's old news. Everything to distact from Davod now....Jan 29 17:59
schestowitzMicrosoft has the back doors, that's old news. Everything to distract from Davos now....Jan 29 18:00
schestowitz 29 18:00
*synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 18:16
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*synchris (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/synchris) has joined #techrightsJan 29 18:16
iophkThe petitions are getting treated as seriously by the public as by the administration:Jan 29 18:35
iophk 29 18:35 | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 18:35
iophkcontrastJan 29 18:36
iophk 29 18:36 | Protect Net Neutrality, the Open Internet and Our Economy | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 18:36
iophk 29 18:37 | Restore Net Neutrality By Directing the FCC to Classify Internet Providers as "Common Carriers". | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 18:37
iophk 29 19:17 | 28 January - Data Protection Day - Council of Europe  [ ]Jan 29 19:17
MinceR172245 < Sosumi> only apple does thatJan 29 19:25
MinceRi've heard msft did it tooJan 29 19:25
MinceR(especially when they tried to pit lipstick on vista)Jan 29 19:25
MinceRs/pit/put/Jan 29 19:25
Sosumitalking of vistaJan 29 19:29
SosumiI wander on how easy it is to bypass the UACJan 29 19:29
MinceRvery easy, especially in vista7Jan 29 19:30
MinceRat least without any sp-sJan 29 19:30
Sosumiand how many users, stupidly, run windows with it disabledJan 29 19:30
MinceRyou just name your executable so it's on m$'s list and ask for privilegesJan 29 19:30
MinceRthe list included things that would never need it, of courseJan 29 19:30
SosumilolJan 29 19:33
Sosumi 29 19:52 | Scientist back from Japan: I’ve seen data showing highest radioactivity levels in ocean that have been observed recently — NHK: Nuclear waste may be leaking “directly from buildings” not only going into groundwater via tunnels (VIDEOS)  [ ]Jan 29 19:52
Sosumi 29 19:52 | SURPRISE: You're Eating Fukushima Radiation and Bloody, Cancerous Tumors in Fish Contaminated By Radiation  [ ]Jan 29 19:52
Sosumican't check the validaty of the images, but I wouldn't be eating anything from the pacific anywaysJan 29 19:53
Sosumi*validityJan 29 19:53
iophk 29 20:29 | Communities Dominate Brands: Apple Results Q4 - Wow this was far worse than I thought...  [ ]Jan 29 20:29
iophk"Yes it is now a fact, we've seen 'peak iPhone' in its market share - and  now the iPhone will adjust gradually towards the historically  consistent market share that the Macintosh has held in the PC market  which will be single digits by the end of this decade definitely."Jan 29 20:29
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 29 20:46
MinceR 29 20:58 | The MAD Strip Club — Orwell: Search Habits | Mad Magazine  [ ]Jan 29 20:58
Sosumi 29 21:04 | Forget global warming, worry about the Earth's MAGNETOSPHERE | Mail Online  [ ]Jan 29 21:04
Sosumibeen hearing that since 05Jan 29 21:04
Sosumino one caredJan 29 21:04
Sosumiand no one still caresJan 29 21:04
Sosumilets just buy solar panels and windfarmsJan 29 21:05
Sosumiand earth is still a closed system, yeah, solar activity, cosmic streams have no impact on weatherJan 29 21:06
Sosumiand I'm not jokingJan 29 21:06
Sosumithey actually said the "system", earth, behaved like thatJan 29 21:07
Sosumiback when I was in the 10th grade and had biologyJan 29 21:08
Sosumiwhich was also in 2005Jan 29 21:08
Sosumiof course some of us said that was wrongJan 29 21:08
Sosumibut nvm, if it was like that on the bookJan 29 21:09
Sosumithen it must be trueJan 29 21:09
MinceR 29 21:11 | Oh When The Poles Come Marching InJan 29 21:11
Sosumijust don't go outsideJan 29 21:14
Sosumiand stay in places that you already know that can't penetrated by EMF radiationJan 29 21:15
Sosumiaka if you can't get a cell phone signalJan 29 21:15
Sosumithen it is safeJan 29 21:15
MinceR"just two things of which you must beware: / don't drink the water and don't breathe the air."Jan 29 21:15
SosumilolJan 29 21:16
Sosumialso, the sun might expand and engulf everything up to marsJan 29 21:18
Sosumiand we concerned about the polesJan 29 21:18
MinceRthat will happen a tiny bit laterJan 29 21:18
MinceR:>Jan 29 21:18
Sosumiand why shouldn't we also be concerned about the other polesJan 29 21:18
MinceRmight as well say "who cares, entropy will be maxed out eventually. also, all particles will decay."Jan 29 21:19
MinceRthe West Pole and the East Pole?Jan 29 21:19
Sosumithose are just a reference based to the south and north pole :PJan 29 21:20
SosumiI meant the polishJan 29 21:20
Sosumipolish, poles, you know, basically the same thingJan 29 21:20
Sosumi 29 21:21
MinceRwell, not sureJan 29 21:21
MinceRi'm kinda worried about themJan 29 21:22
Sosumiif a totem pole falls and there's no one there to witness the fallJan 29 21:22
MinceRthey seem to be fundifying themselvesJan 29 21:22
Sosumidoes it make a sound?Jan 29 21:22
MinceRthey've already banned abortion for religious reasonsJan 29 21:22
MinceRsome of their nazis seem to want to turn poland into hungaryJan 29 21:22
SosumiI'd be more concerned about their pension fundsJan 29 21:22
MinceRwell, if they follow the hungarian path then they won't have any pension fundsJan 29 21:23
Sosumiand hungary is kind of sounding more like "u hungy"?Jan 29 21:23
SosumioopsJan 29 21:23
Sosumi"u hungry"Jan 29 21:23
MinceRno, it's sounding more like a future depopulated zoneJan 29 21:24
Sosumikind of just like poortugalJan 29 21:24
Sosumiwith the desertification of the interiorJan 29 21:24
Sosumiand an abysmal natality rateJan 29 21:25
Sosumithat was already abysmal in 2004Jan 29 21:25
MinceRthat's the one thing i don't mindJan 29 21:25
MinceRthere are too many people around here anywayJan 29 21:25
Sosumihas become much worse after the 2008 "financial blowjob"Jan 29 21:26
Sosumiwell, but if we were to rebuild this nationJan 29 21:27
Sosumiwe'd actually need some laborJan 29 21:27
MinceRpeople should realize that nations are irrelevantJan 29 21:27
Sosumiand the current population numbers, besides being mostly unqualifiedJan 29 21:27
MinceRor they could just kill each other over belonging to different "nations", that's fine tooJan 29 21:27
Sosumithey're not enoughJan 29 21:27
Sosumiyes, but even then we still need to manage this rectangleJan 29 21:28
Sosumiand you know, back in the daysJan 29 21:29
Sosumiwe left the rectangle because it wasn't enoughJan 29 21:29
Sosumiat the present timeJan 29 21:29
Sosumithe only way to make the rectangle profitable is to invest in high tech stuff and have it done hereJan 29 21:29
Sosumibut meanwhile they are cutting scholarships and investment in educationJan 29 21:30
Sosumiin order to appease speculators in the city of london and in wall stJan 29 21:30
Sosumiinstead of doing what I've suggestedJan 29 21:30
Sosumiand probably countless of othersJan 29 21:31
MinceRstill better than turning education into religious brainwashing in order to appease nazisJan 29 21:31
Sosumiincluding that guy Tsipras in greeceJan 29 21:31
Sosumiban derivatives and freeze the debtJan 29 21:31
Sosumifor as long as the crisis continuesJan 29 21:32
Sosumiand have the ecb churn tranches of money for infrastructure buildingJan 29 21:32
Sosumilike high speed rails interconnecting all europeJan 29 21:32
Sosumiwe kind of need a couple more dams in order to coupe with the dry seasonsJan 29 21:33
Sosumispecially up the northJan 29 21:33
Sosumiand we actually need a new plan for the damsJan 29 21:34
Sosumisince the current one was conceived prior to 1975Jan 29 21:34
Sosumiand kind of hasn't received any updateJan 29 21:35
Sosumi1968 to be preciseJan 29 21:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 29 21:51
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 21:51 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 29 21:51
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 29 22:46
DaemonFC 29 22:49 | Customer Discussions: Chicago is being robbed by the company that it gave the privatization contract to run its parking meters.  [ ]Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFC 29 22:49
DaemonFCThe company that Chicago gave its parking meters to is suing them, claiming that the state needs to pay them money to compensate it for road repairs, which "cost the company money in lost parking meter fees".Jan 29 22:49 | Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight  [ ]Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCIndiana is also being robbed by the company that Mitch Daniels sold the toll roads to. He gave them a 75 year contract in 2006, all of the money is gone, and the company is claiming that Indiana owes it money because it is getting less toll road fees than it thought it would when it signed the contract.Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCEven without that, they would make more money in the 75 years than they paid for the contract.Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCPrivatization is often proposed by right-wing politicians who claim that it will save money. The companies that get the contracts almost never run things cheaper than the state was. The first thing that the toll road company did in Indiana was jack up the toll and stop maintaining the roads. They're full of potholes now, and the fee for driving on them has doubled.Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCIndiana's Republicans passed a law that gives them a pass to drive on the toll road for free. Many Indiana House and Senate Democrats refused to use the pass, and kept paying the toll. Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCerr ,cityJan 29 22:50
DaemonFC 29 22:54 | Customer Discussions: Obama's high school pot dealer who he thanked for the 'good times'  [ ]Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFCThe majority of adults in the United States admit to having smoked pot at least once, and I'm sure the number rises even higher when you account for the ones that have and are lying about it.Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFCRecreational marijuana usage is not a scandal. Medicinal use is even less controversial. Please go back to the 1950s where the other right wing social beliefs are waiting for you. Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFCThe laws just need to catch up. The majority of American adults could have theoretically been imprisoned at some point under just this one law. Jan 29 22:55
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 29 22:58
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCChik Fil Meh doles out free diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and colorectal cancer to stranded motorists. Stranded by *snort* three inches of *BWAHAHAHAAAAA* three inches of snow... *BAHAHAHAAAA!!!!* Sorry.Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCA snowstorm in the South is about as rare as a living brain cell in a room full of conservative Christians....Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFC:) Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCHow the hell do you get stuck in three inches of snow?Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCAre you driving a Geo Metro?Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCA little bit of snow, and these southern fried morons are having pile ups and declaring emergencies and shutting down the roads. They need to drive in Indiana a couple of times. The roads don't get closed here until they actually become impassable. A couple of weeks ago, I was driving down a state highway in a white out blizzard where I could occasionally figure out what lane I was in, and I managed to make it about 40 miles each way without any Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCreal trouble. Jan 29 23:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Microsoft Office out of office across the UKJan 29 23:36
TweetTuxMachines                 government? 29 23:36
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 23:36 | Microsoft Office out of office across the UK government? | Tux MachinesJan 29 23:37
*ghgh (56381f73@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 29 23:41
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DaemonFC Jan 29 23:46 | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 23:46
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 30 00:03
sebsebsebhiJan 30 00:03
MinceRgnJan 30 00:15
*sebsebseb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 30 00:18
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DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 30 00:56
DaemonFCI'd be fine with Obama if he still did smoke pot.Jan 30 00:56
DaemonFCThere are thousands of things that the FDA says are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS, HEHEHE), that are not as safe as pot. Jan 30 00:56
*jono_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 30 01:00
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DaemonFCI got my 28 cent refund check from the BMV this morning.Jan 30 01:23
DaemonFCI just deposited it with my phone. :PJan 30 01:23
DaemonFC 30 01:28 | Naturopathic Physicians and the Affordable Care Act | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 01:28
*DaemonFC head desksJan 30 01:28
DaemonFCNothing in the ACA requires private insurers to cover "alternative medicine", and most of them don't cover it because they know it is worthless.Jan 30 01:28
DaemonFCIn fact, I've never seen a health insurance policy that did cover it, except maybe some limited chiropractic coverage for lower back pain.Jan 30 01:29
DaemonFCWhich is about the only thing that chiropractors are good for.Jan 30 01:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     As free software users, we need to speak outJan 30 01:31
TweetTuxMachines                 against the TPP 30 01:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 01:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Google to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo forJan 30 01:31 | As free software users, we need to speak out against the TPP  | Tux MachinesJan 30 01:31
TweetTuxMachines                 $3 billion: Confirmed 30 01:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 01:31
DaemonFCI have a chiropractor that I see for lower back pain from time to time.Jan 30 01:31 | Google to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo for $3 billion: Confirmed | Tux MachinesJan 30 01:31
DaemonFCHe was included in an insurance plan that I had when I worked at a warehouse.Jan 30 01:31
DaemonFCIt covered two visits per month for free, so I took them.Jan 30 01:31
DaemonFC 30 01:32 | [Phoronix] Future Of Fedora Spins Is Questioned With Fedora.Next  [ ]Jan 30 01:32
DaemonFCI don't know why having additional spins is controversial.Jan 30 01:33
DaemonFCThey're benign to anyone that wants a different spin.Jan 30 01:33
DaemonFC 30 01:33 | [Phoronix] Radeon DRM Gets A Few More Fixes For Linux 3.14  [ ]Jan 30 01:33
DaemonFCThe kernel-side radeon support for the 6000 series and older is basically complete as of Linux 3.13.Jan 30 01:34
DaemonFCAside from some bug fixes, there's not much more to be done in the kernel.Jan 30 01:34
DaemonFCNew versions of Mesa are the big performance wins now.Jan 30 01:34
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 30 02:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Will Android PCs finally destroy Windows on theJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines                 desktop? 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel 3.13 Gets Its First UpdateJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines        30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Homerun 1.2.0 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33 | Will Android PCs finally destroy Windows on the desktop? | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition)Jan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines        30 02:33 | Linux Kernel 3.13 Gets Its First Update | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33 | Homerun 1.2.0 | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Firefox Add-ons for Social Media JunkiesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines        30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33 | Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition) | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33 | Best Firefox Add-ons for Social Media Junkies | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
*abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #techrightsJan 30 03:20
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DaemonFCschestowitz: I got my 28 cent refund check from the Indiana BMV settlement.Jan 30 06:34
DaemonFCNow if I could just find a time machine somewhere, I could go back to 1990 and get myself a Pepsi out of the vending machine.Jan 30 06:34
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 30 06:45
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schestowitz__ 30 09:00 The Latest FOSS FUD Revolves Around Fakes and Bogus Arguments 30 09:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Latest FOSS FUD Revolves Around Fakes and Bogus Arguments | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 09:00
schestowitz__"It's amazing how Microsoft recycles this trash for decades. They pour it on until people believe it. Fewer people believe it these days, I hope."Jan 30 09:00
iophkIt's also a distraction for the poor way that Windows manages software installationJan 30 09:00
iophk*fromJan 30 09:00
schestowitz__today is the last day we can migrare tux machinesJan 30 09:08
iophkcan it be done?Jan 30 09:08
schestowitz__I might have to extend no-ipJan 30 09:08
schestowitz__25 dollarsJan 30 09:08
schestowitz__the VM is not ready yet...Jan 30 09:09
iophkohJan 30 09:09
schestowitz__yesterday tux machines got record traffic for ther monthJan 30 09:10
schestowitz__107k hits for the dayJan 30 09:10
iophkniceJan 30 09:10
schestowitz__96k pagesJan 30 09:10
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 30 09:13
iophkApproximately how many visitors from that?Jan 30 09:13
schestowitz__14kJan 30 09:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     openSUSE Review, Ubuntu Happenings, and ZorinJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines                 OS 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Red Hat's Roger Egan Joined DockerJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines        30 09:25 | openSUSE Review, Ubuntu Happenings, and Zorin OS | Tux MachinesJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 09:25 | Why Red Hat's Roger Egan Joined Docker | Tux MachinesJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Like Arduino? Miniaturize your project withJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines                 TinyCircuits 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 09:25 | Like Arduino? Miniaturize your project with TinyCircuits | Tux MachinesJan 30 09:25
schestowitz__ 30 09:28 #Google Heavily Taxed by #PatentTroll (Not a Real Company) That #Microsoft Gave Patents to #swpats #vringoJan 30 09:28
schestowitz__"The US judicial and regulatory system is a bad joke. 1.36% of AdWord revenue is huge. That's on top of the endless Android lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny that Microsoft is miraculously able to push Google's way. I'm so ashamed of my government."Jan 30 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google Heavily Taxed by Patent Troll (Not a Real Company) That Microsoft Gave Patents to | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 09:28
*Carlos (~carlos@ has joined #techrightsJan 30 09:33
*Carlos is now known as Guest3859Jan 30 09:33
schestowitz__ 30 09:33 Serious petitions like get discredited by nonsense and celebs 30 09:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Protect Net Neutrality, the Open Internet and Our Economy | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 09:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 09:33
schestowitz__"This whole site is a joke. They keep changing the rules to ensure nothing productive gets done."Jan 30 09:33
schestowitz__""Serious petitions"? Please."Jan 30 09:34
schestowitz__"^lol'd"Jan 30 09:34
schestowitz__I agree, they dodge the people and their requests by upping limits. The whole thing is a farce like a ballot box, designed only to give the illusion that the government is serving people, not corporations and oligarchsJan 30 09:35
schestowitz__ 30 09:35 Debunking charades 30 09:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | "A Silent Coup": Jeremy Scahill & Bob Herbert on Corporate, Military Interests Shaping Obama's SOTU  [ ]Jan 30 09:36
schestowitz__"I saw them on Democracy Now! this morning and their analysis of the President's SOTU was spot on."Jan 30 09:36
schestowitz__ 30 09:36 #Copyright Law Still All About #Protectionism , Needs RevisionJan 30 09:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Copyright Law Still All About Protectionism, Needs Revision | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 09:36
schestowitz__"It has always been about protectionism."Jan 30 09:36
schestowitz__ 30 09:37
schestowitz__"If he wins, it will only contribute to the hollywoodization of the resistance... I had enough of prizes, heros, bad guys, good guys, donzels in distress and all that bullshit! The only thing I see is structures of power creating entertainment. I hope, if the time comes, that he deny the award... but i guess thats asking too much..."Jan 30 09:37 Remember when a Chinese got a political Nobel peace prize? Well, the US is having a "China moment" 30 09:37
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Snowden Gets Nobel Nomination as U.S. Pursues Trial - Bloomberg  [ ]Jan 30 09:37
schestowitz__iophk: 30 09:46 | Crisis-hit southern Europeans try their luck in Finland | Yle Uutiset |  [ ]Jan 30 09:46
iophkYeah, there are growing communities.Jan 30 09:46
iophkAlso in Sweden last year they took in around 50,000 of just refugees.  That's a whole townJan 30 09:47
schestowitz__ 30 09:53 Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight 30 09:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight  [ ]Jan 30 09:53
schestowitz__"Most of the cases of privatization that I have seen go very badly are concerning services for which there is not a reasonable way to opt out or to have competition. #Monopolies of any form breed #corruption, #exploitation, and tend to be #facist. In this particular instance, the deal should have been rejected entirely on the grounds that it could not be evaluated in the time provided. 686 pages of complex, dense legalese is Jan 30 09:53
schestowitz__impossible to process in two days."Jan 30 09:53
schestowitz__ 30 09:54 Manufactured Nuclear Crisis they also tried to manufacture gas attack crisis in #syria as they did in #iraq & #koreaJan 30 09:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | A Manufactured Nuclear Crisis - Inter Press Service  [ ]Jan 30 09:54
schestowitz__"Meanwhile Fukushima, a real nuclear crisis, can't get arrested."Jan 30 09:54
schestowitz__ 30 09:54 James Clapper calls for Snowden and 'accomplices' to return #NSA documents he doesn't know how digital stuff works?Jan 30 09:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | James Clapper calls for Snowden and 'accomplices' to return NSA documents | World news |  [ ]Jan 30 09:54
schestowitz__"I call for Clapper to return the US Senate to a place of honesty (good luck) and to return the US to a country that follows it's own constitution (even better luck...)""Jan 30 09:55
iophk 30 10:01 | Harassment Arrest Of Charlie Shrem Shows Dangerously Repressive U.S. Police System - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 30 10:01
iophkbit of a misinterpretation of the GPL.  It requires that the changes (freedom) be paid forward, not what this license does: Jan 30 10:07
iophk 30 10:07 | Open Compute pushes GPL-like license for 'open source hardware' | Computer hardware - InfoWorld  [ ]Jan 30 10:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open Standards and Open Source make a greatJan 30 10:15
TweetTuxMachines                 pairing 30 10:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 10:15 | Open Standards and Open Source make a great pairing | Tux MachinesJan 30 10:15
schestowitz__This video has been banned in the UKJan 30 10:19
schestowitz__ 30 10:19 | Nice Way Code Think Horse - YouTube  [ ]Jan 30 10:19
schestowitz__When NSA buddy Microsoft accuses Google of being poor on privacy on British broadcast, then that's OK with ASA...Jan 30 10:20
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 30 11:14
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 30 11:15
iophk 30 11:18 | UK picks Open Document Format for all government files • The Register  [ ]Jan 30 11:18
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 30 11:49
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 30 11:59
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 30 11:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Enlightenment 0.18.3 Release Allows the Use ofJan 30 12:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Elementary 1.9 or Later 30 12:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 12:35 | Enlightenment 0.18.3 Release Allows the Use of Elementary 1.9 or Later | Tux MachinesJan 30 12:35
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 30 12:38
schestowitz__iophk: any followup on that?Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__Other than the announcment?Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__i have another post coming, but no news really since yesterdayJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__A bunch of us now work on getting Tuxera in the mudJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__"Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__On 01/29/2014 at 2:28 PM, "Bradley M. Kuhn" <> wrote:Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    rxrz,Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    I appreciate that you have written to us rather than attempting to takeJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    action yourself. While I know Snowden-like activities are popular theseJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    days, I assure you that they only make it more difficult for ConservancyJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    to enforce the GPL. Specifically, the Samsung matter was more difficultJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    and more time consuming for Conservancy to deal with because of theJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    "code leaks". Conservancy has very limited resources for GPLJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    enforcement, so I appreciate that you aren't making our job harder hereJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    by contacting us early and discussing it before taking action.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Meanwhile, I've read the materials that you shared with us. However, asJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    it stands, we cannot take action specifically because:Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__ wrote at 01:23 (EST):Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > Right now the original blob files have been removed from github byJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > repository's maintainerJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    ... I can't witness any active distribution of this file at this time.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Of course, that doesn't mean it isn't being distributed, but I need toJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    see it being distributed actively to take action here. More detailsJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    below:Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    If you could tell us what specific product this software appears in, weJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    can research further. The ideal would be to show us a publiclyJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    distributed firmware available online from the company who incorporatedJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    this software in their product. Since that sometimes doesn't occur, theJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    next best thing is to give us the exact model of a product that you knowJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    for sure contains this software.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Please note that a "cease and desist" of a violation is a reasonableJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    response to resolve a GPL violation (even though it's not our preferredJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    solution). If Tuxera (and its downstreams) are no longer distributingJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    infringing software, the GPL violation is likely "resolved" -- at leastJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    to a point whereby it'd be very difficult for us to take immediateJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    action (unless they violate the license again).Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Brad, meanwhile, if you have a direct interest in joining Conservancy'sJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers, I can talk with you aboutJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    that. Your direct involvement would make it easier for us to takeJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    action on this matter. However, we can admittedly take action, sinceJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    your work is part of a larger GPL'd whole work, which is copyrighted byJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    many people some of whom are already in the GPL Compliance Project forJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Linux Developers. Nevertheless, contact me on a separate thread if youJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    would like to join our compliance coalition.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > I would like to request an official statement from a representative ofJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > Tuxera concerning this particular driver and have the complete sourceJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > code for this product, since it has been distributed under GPL licenseJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > and is based on the driver taken from Linux kernel tree.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    I don't recommend that at this point. I don't yet see a clear chain ofJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    distribution that puts the binary in your hands completelyJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    legitimately without any questions. The right next step is to figureJan 30 12:43
schestowitz__    out what product this binary driver appeared in, and examine theJan 30 12:43
schestowitz__    physical product and/or a firmware legitimately obtained from aJan 30 12:43
schestowitz__    distributor to verify the violation.Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__    I look forward to your next correspondence.Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__    -- Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__    Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive Director, Software Freedom ConservancyJan 30 12:43
schestowitz__    (home of BusyBox, Samba, and the GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers)Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__'Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__ 30 12:43 Debian policy of no proprietary drivers is comprising convenience for freedom been there beforeJan 30 12:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Debian 7: In Search of the Lost Driver - Goodbye, Microsoft®  [ ]Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__"This, incidentally, is yet another example of why the most important tool for a Linux installation is a second computer, connected to the Internet. OR the most important tool for a GNU/Linux DEBIAN installation is a little search of supported drivers before install the new version/distro ... In the same time, Debian is known for this kind of "problem" which is not in fact if you know the Debian's policy. This is the same with Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__Triskel, indeed. I could be more surprised if this kind of problem appeared with Ubuntu, Mint, Or Suse which include lot of non-free/proprietary drivers."Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__"I didn't say that for you Roy, only for the author"Jan 30 12:43
iophkschestowitz__: no followup yet on the ODF announcement, just that the Reg picked it up after the othersJan 30 13:04
schestowitz__lots of articles yesterdayJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__latest on tuxeraJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__"Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__Hello, Bradley.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__Thank you, I appreciate the work you're doing as well.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__The case with Samsung has proven to me that we cannot trust even to the largest corporations when it comes toJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__being compliant and respecting the effort of many developers who believe in and contribute to FOSS.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__I hope you understand that many people including myself felt that it was a very serious violation of trust, noJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__matter under which conditions Samsung had to hide the original Linux code from us.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Not being public is a hard task for me, and I would like to tell you that I have my trust in you to contribute effort for handling this case.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__The file is still available via that repo's history and in my forked repo right here:Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__ 30 13:13 | asuswrt-merlin/release/src/router/tuxera/broadcom/hfsplus/kernel-module at master · rxrz/asuswrt-merlin · GitHub  [ ]Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Doesn't it matter that ASUS had this file in their development bundle? Tuxera had "HFS+ Embedded" availableJan 30 13:13
schestowitz__since June '11 (*/ and it makes it more that 2 years from today's date.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__The driver's version which came out of Asus' tar is dated with Nov of '13, which makes it still about 2 years as this product has been available. I would say it's a small chance Tuxera "forgot" to put the proper license in there, an even smaller chance they haven't sold a single copy of this product in 3 years.Jan 30 13:13 | Internet Archive Wayback Machine  [ ]Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__To me it's a no-brainer: Tuxera's been selling this driver for years now, it's based on Brad Boyer's source code, they got caught (thanks to Asus). We've got a proof, that they've been selling a product which is a 90% result of hard work of people from our community.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I believe It is our common job to keep things right and fair.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I do feel for Samsung being caught between two trains of M$'s patents and Linux' free license. But the fact that they've been selling a product based on code from Linux tree, for years, and not returning any money they literally stole from honest developers who contributed their free time to support FOSS and GPL, makes me feel quite bad. They didn't have to do that, but nobody forced them to use the code from the vfat driver as a Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__base. In the end they didn't pay any fines, they ended up being heroes by open-sourcing the driver.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I am 100% sure it is exactly the same case this time, except there were no patents involved. It never will be neither fair in case with exFat nor in case with HFS+ even if they give up the source to the product they most likely originally stole from Brad. None of us have money for a lawyer to sue violators of GPL and companies seem to be happy to abuse this fact.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__They won't pay anybody for stealing the product, even though they made a fortune out of it.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I have a small question:Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Let's imagine for a second they haven't used Brad's GPL'd source as a base for their product, but still sold an HFS+ driver written from scratch under GPL (even a single copy)...Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__can we require the source code legally from them?Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Speaking of Snowden's contribution to society, honestly, I lost the rest of my trust in proprietary software companies.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I am not surprised at all by Tuxera stealing code and selling as their own, I've been more surprised by Samsung being involved in the theft of vfat Linux code.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__My goal is to get the source to the complete Linux HFS+ driver.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I will get the proof of them selling this driver as a product in the past.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Thank you.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__-rxrzJan 30 13:13
schestowitz__P.S.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Have a small question, off the record: why do companies get sued for let's say, using software they didn't purchase in their products, but when it comes down to selling products based on free software, in violation to GPL, companies don't get in trouble? It just feels wrong to me that we can only count on them to just release the source once they get caught and not pay any money they stole by using readily available open software? IfJan 30 13:13
schestowitz__companies do not respect GPL and just do whatever they want then what's the point of having licenses at all?Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__'Jan 30 13:13
*trn has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 30 13:28
schestowitz__ 30 14:13 | FileZilla warns of large malware campaign | Security - InfoWorld  [ ]Jan 30 14:13 | File Stealing Version of FileZilla is Making Its Way Around Internet | Digital Trends  [ ]Jan 30 14:13
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 30 14:27
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How Linux dominates the mobile marketJan 30 15:04
TweetTuxMachines        30 15:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 15:04 | How Linux dominates the mobile market | Tux MachinesJan 30 15:04
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 30 15:22
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice 4.2 Brings OpenCL Calc, OOXMLJan 30 17:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements 30 17:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 17:03 | LibreOffice 4.2 Brings OpenCL Calc, OOXML Improvements | Tux MachinesJan 30 17:03
*Andromm ( has joined #techrightsJan 30 17:14
iophk 30 17:26 | GoDaddy owns up to role in epic Twitter account hijacking | PCWorld  [ ]Jan 30 17:26
*Guest3859 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 30 17:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Keep Tabs on Income and Expenses with MyJan 30 17:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Expenses for Android 30 17:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 17:44 | Keep Tabs on Income and Expenses with My Expenses for Android | Tux MachinesJan 30 17:44
iophk 30 17:59 | AT&T Develops Credits System to Limit File-Sharing Bandwidth | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 30 17:59
iophk 30 18:01 | Ukrainian police use cellphones to track protestors, court order shows | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 30 18:01
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 30 18:24
schestowitz__ 30 18:35
TechrightsBot-tr@nn81: The collection @schestowitz articles @black_duck_sw :  True or Fiction?Jan 30 18:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Black Duck - TechrightsJan 30 18:35
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schestowitz__ 30 19:24 Companies that use terms like "community manager" reveal their real attitude towards volunteers. Say "coordinator" or "leader", not managerJan 30 19:24
schestowitz__"Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__Very true. Most of the community managers I've dealt with were less interested in listening and understanding than they were with having me swallow a set of talking points. They waste everyone's time.Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__After some thought, I like the term community representative and think that it's a legitimate thing to do. Communications manager, even that sounds like perception management. I agree with other people here that "leader" and "coordinator" also imply control or manipulation. Representative is an honest term and implies two way communication representing the company to the community and the community to the company. That's a valid and Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__useful specialization and division of labor. People busy coding need others who are good at listening to make sure everyone understands each otherJan 30 19:24
schestowitz__"Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__ 30 19:33
schestowitz__"analogical to richard stallman's quote "open source is what the industry can accept but free is where they need to end up""Jan 30 19:33
schestowitz__ 30 19:34 reshared: ## This video has been banned in the UKJan 30 19:34
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Nice Way Code Think Horse - YouTube  [ ]Jan 30 19:34
schestowitz__"Awesome! Here they shouldn't see deer..., a fellow cyclist found traps in the nearby forest where we cycle. And I don't think they were for bugs. :("Jan 30 19:34
MinceRgeekingsJan 30 19:41
*yang has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 30 20:34
*yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrightsJan 30 20:41
schestowitz__ 30 21:00
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Hard to say; "improved OOXML support" seems to be common phrase in LO changelogs. Almost like it's maintenance not enhancementJan 30 21:00
schestowitz__ 30 21:00
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Microsoft Offers $100 Credit For People Who Trade In PS3 For Xbox One via @consumeristJan 30 21:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft Offers $100 Credit For People Who Trade In PS3 For Xbox One – ConsumeristJan 30 21:00
iophkgtgJan 30 21:04
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 30 21:08
schestowitz__ 30 21:15 "Samsung shipped 320 million smart phones in 2013" 30 21:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung makes EU push via 60 Carphone Warehouse-Samsung exclusive stores | Muktware  [ ]Jan 30 21:15
schestowitz__"The Belgian phone companies Belgacom and Base will not be very happy when they get to know that. What other brands of smart phones will be left over for them to sell? Mobistar already has the exclusive deal to sell iPhones."Jan 30 21:15
schestowitz__ 30 21:45 | Where in the world is Richard Stallman? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software  [ ]Jan 30 21:45
schestowitz__"Jan 30 21:45
schestowitz__Feb 10, 2014 01:00 PM Helsinki, Finland Event "The Path to Digital Freedom"Jan 30 21:45
schestowitz__Feb 11, 2014 01:00 PM Helsinki, Finland Event Richard Stallman to speak in Helsinki, FinlandJan 30 21:45
schestowitz__Feb 20, 2014 07:00 PM New York, NY Event "A Free Digital Society"Jan 30 21:45
schestowitz__"Jan 30 21:45
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 30 23:04
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MinceRgnJan 30 23:38
*synchris has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 31 00:15
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 31 07:08
iophk 31 07:25 | EU has secret plan for police to 'remote stop' cars - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 31 07:25
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 31 07:30
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 31 07:33
iophk 31 07:35 | Netflix's Battle For Net Neutrality Could Look Like This  [ ]Jan 31 07:35
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 31 07:44
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*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 31 07:50
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iophk 31 07:57 | Communities Dominate Brands: Google Sells Motorola Unit to Lenovo - I told you this would happen...  [ ]Jan 31 07:57
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrightsJan 31 08:02
iophk 31 08:49 | BBC News - EU group mulls 'remote car-stopping device' for police  [ ]Jan 31 08:49
iophk 31 09:13 | Judge Understands BitTorrent, Kills Mass Piracy Lawsuits | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 31 09:13
iophk 31 09:13 | One Week Left To Give Input To Future European Copyright Monopoly Law - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 31 09:13
*carlos_ (~carlos@ has joined #techrightsJan 31 09:43
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MinceRgeekingsJan 31 10:38
schestowitz__iophk: hiJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__morning, MinceRJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__Just a quick questionJan 31 10:41
iophksureJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__say you have site A with DNS pointing to XJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__and site B with DNS pointing to YJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__when you move DNS from X to YJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__can you expect no downtime?Jan 31 10:42
iophkI think so, butJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__i see requests served OK, but it seems like some machines (esp. in our house) still go nowhere when looking up the addressJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__I think that nameserver migrations without downtimes are sometimes like that, but I want to be sure before we leave the house for 5 hoursJan 31 10:43
iophkit looks like also a matter of changing authoritative name serversJan 31 10:43
schestowitz__on the same network, the tablet reaches the old serverJan 31 10:43
schestowitz__And the phone and laptop reach nowhereJan 31 10:43
iophkIt may be your cacheJan 31 10:44
iophkOn two networks, I get the new ip for the hostnameJan 31 10:44
iophklemme check one more...Jan 31 10:45
schestowitz__gotchaJan 31 10:45
schestowitz__Is this host-level cache like /etc/hosts?Jan 31 10:45
schestowitz__Becfuse changing broewsers has no effectJan 31 10:45
schestowitz__Wher eis DNS cache?Jan 31 10:45
iophkThe third one is ok.Jan 31 10:46
schestowitz__maybeit'a cached at the hubJan 31 10:46
iophkI'm not sure how it is all cached, if it is still looking for the old name server it will still get the old address.Jan 31 10:46
iophkWhich nameserver to use might be cachedJan 31 10:47
schestowitz__the problem is. it does not even connect to the old server, escept the tabletJan 31 10:47
schestowitz__it accesses the old siteJan 31 10:47
schestowitz__the others get nowhereJan 31 10:47
iophkDid you get the old registrar to drop the name?Jan 31 10:48
schestowitz__nope. not afaikJan 31 10:48
schestowitz__Maybe it checks the IP against the DNS and finds a mismatcxh or somethingJan 31 10:49
schestowitz__But it does seem to be working for everyone (so far as I know) except usJan 31 10:49
iophkmight be two registrars fighting it out for the authoritative answerJan 31 10:49
schestowitz__I'll try my web proxyJan 31 10:49
iophkwhat about setting the old registrar to point to the new, static ip?Jan 31 10:49
schestowitz__I don't know how to change registrars details in that wayJan 31 10:50
iophkI'm getting the new ip on a 4th net, too.Jan 31 10:51
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 31 10:52
schestowitz__it works from the proxyJan 31 10:52
schestowitz__and pages load as I would hope, inc. sub-sectionsJan 31 10:53
schestowitz__So I think it's safe to leave it at that and try access from home later onJan 31 10:53
schestowitz__I have some posts to publish later, i tried to make almost 10 yesterday, I didn't sleep well because the moigration wasn't complete before 3amJan 31 10:54
schestowitz__bblJan 31 10:54
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 31 10:59
iophk 31 11:12 | The Internet You Know and Love is in Danger | American Civil Liberties Union  [ ]Jan 31 11:12
DaemonFC 31 11:30 | The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers' | Alternet  [ ]Jan 31 11:30
DaemonFCschestowitz__: They included Bill Gates.Jan 31 11:30
iophk 31 12:36 | Why you should care about the end of net neutrality - tech - 29 January 2014 - New Scientist  [ ]Jan 31 12:36
DaemonFC 31 13:37 | MATE makes it to Ubuntu Trusty repo | Muktware  [ ]Jan 31 13:37
DaemonFCIt seems like MATE is going to do OK.Jan 31 13:37
*Omega has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 31 13:38
*BlueCloud ( has joined #techrightsJan 31 14:05
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schestowitz__ 31 17:24 | The "we are all i...Jan 31 17:24
schestowitz__ 31 17:24 The "we are all in this together" propaganda ignores the fact that the rich increase their wealth at double-digit % per year, Queen has sharesJan 31 17:24
*carlos_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 31 17:31
iophkChinese new year today.Jan 31 17:39
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 31 17:41
schestowitz__ 31 17:45
schestowitz__iophk: yeah, no dragon dances hereJan 31 17:45
schestowitz__but about 10k lanterns around city centreJan 31 17:46
schestowitz__They probably bought them for like a pound each to appease the Chinese cpmmunity (we have Chinatown here) after the waste of money for Jan 1stJan 31 17:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Yesterday in Techrights 31 17:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 17:47
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 17:47
schestowitz__ 31 18:06 The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers'Jan 31 18:06
schestowitz__The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers' including the biggest thief who buys the press, GatesJan 31 18:07
*Omega ( has joined #techrightsJan 31 18:13
schestowitz__iophk: thanks for the linksJan 31 18:18
schestowitz__I am catchingm up with lots from ysterdayJan 31 18:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Professional Video Editor `Lightworks` 11.5Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Goes Stable For Linux 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 18:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Bigger, better, faster: LibreOffice 4.2Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines        31 18:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 18:30
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD’s first ARM processors to feature 8-coreJan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines                 servers 31 18:30
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Will Android lose market share to otherJan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines                 versions of mobile Linux?Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines        31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 18:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 18:30
*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJan 31 19:02
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*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 31 19:23
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It’s Not Just Android: 3 Upcoming Linux MobileJan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Operating Systems 31 19:55
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Kernel Vulnerability Affects Ubuntu 13.10Jan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines        31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 19:55
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Moonlight: Yet Another Linux DesktopJan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Environment 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 19:55
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME's Virtual Filesystem Reaches VersionJan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines                 1.19.5 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 19:55
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Pinguy OS 13.10 Beta 3Jan 31 19:55
TweetTuxMachines        31 19:55
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:55
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 31 20:07
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 31 20:09
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     RT-enhanced Linux stack aims at comms gearJan 31 20:31
TweetTuxMachines        31 20:31
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 20:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Video of the Week: Sailfish Mobile OSJan 31 20:31
TweetTuxMachines                 Updates 31 20:31
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 20:31
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 20:31
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It Pays To Sell GNU/LinuxJan 31 20:31
TweetTuxMachines        31 20:31
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 20:31
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 31 21:06
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsJan 31 21:31
DaemonFCIn the hospital, two 1 cent aspirins are $50 and a $1 bag of sterile saline IV solution is $800. Jan 31 21:33
DaemonFC:PJan 31 21:33
abeNd-orgsick people = profit!Jan 31 21:33
DaemonFC 31 21:49 | Customer Discussions: Indiana's Republicans sue to protect your right to be poisoned by mercury, because something something something economy.  [ ]Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFC 31 21:49
DaemonFCIndiana utility rates are expected to have a modest increase due to EPA regulations limiting mercury pollution. Indiana spewed about 46,000 pounds of mercury into the air last year.Jan 31 21:49 | Indiana biz groups challenge EPA climate change rules  [ ]Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFCIt says that the EPA is accepting public comments. I asked them to finalize the new regulations and to please fight Indiana in court if they have to.Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFCFrom the article:Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFC"The increase includes the cost associated with taking mercury and other toxins out of power-plant emissions to meet new rules. (Indiana is among the states challenging those rules in federal court.) " Jan 31 21:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     An Intel Galileo WalkthroughJan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines        31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 21:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     FreeBSD Open-Source OS Comes to the PC-BSDJan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Desktop 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 21:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenSSH 6.5 released 31 21:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A look at ROSA Fresh R2 LXDE EditionJan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines        31 21:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 31 22:04
MinceR 31 22:20 | EU has secret plan for police to 'remote stop' cars - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 31 22:20
*MinceR suggests remote detonation feature as wellJan 31 22:20
gde33that was one of my many proposals to the EUJan 31 22:22
gde33they did god know howmany of them, almost as if I wrote the whole agendaJan 31 22:22
gde33lmaoJan 31 22:22
MinceR:>Jan 31 22:22
gde33lets not do car chases and stop carsJan 31 22:22
gde33if you dont like it we can run you over or something equally appropriateJan 31 22:23
MinceRlet's be very surprised when we find out that the primary targets of this will disable the "feature" in their carsJan 31 22:23
gde33smashed by a trainJan 31 22:23
gde33lolJan 31 22:23
gde33not as easy as you thinkJan 31 22:23
MinceRalso let's be very surprised when others exploit the feature against drivers and kill them or rob themJan 31 22:23
MinceRor bothJan 31 22:23
MinceRdoesn't seem to difficult -- remove, disconnect or isolate the antenna that receives the commandJan 31 22:23
gde33then you are going to use the road but ohh it is full of carsJan 31 22:24
gde33what a bummerJan 31 22:24
gde33lolJan 31 22:24
gde33MinceR: it will be annoying, that is the pointJan 31 22:26
MinceRno, the point is that it will kill people they didn't want to keepJan 31 22:26
MinceRs/keep/kill/Jan 31 22:26
MinceRand that it will be exploited against peopleJan 31 22:27
gde33sure it willJan 31 22:27
MinceRbecause a bunch of fascist idiots never think anything throughJan 31 22:27
MinceRor they just don't careJan 31 22:27
MinceRit's not their life that's threatened after allJan 31 22:27
MinceR(or so they think)Jan 31 22:27
gde33you just need a transportation system that worksJan 31 22:28
gde33switching off the machines is part of thatJan 31 22:28
MinceRthat's what the ignition key/switch is forJan 31 22:28
gde33I also proposed a speed limiterJan 31 22:29
MinceRanother great ideaJan 31 22:29
MinceRit's not like some accidents could be avoided by speeding away from the source of the dangerJan 31 22:29
gde33people have this idea that people working on roads have to get killed regularlyJan 31 22:29
MinceR(and who cares anyway)Jan 31 22:29
MinceRwell, that explains these half-baked ideas, thenJan 31 22:29
gde33the max speed outside my house is 5 km/h there are no sidewalksJan 31 22:30
gde33it even use to have speed bumpsJan 31 22:30
gde33hahJan 31 22:30
MinceRi'm sure they saved lots of money with no sidewalksJan 31 22:31
MinceRsidewalks are expensive stuff!Jan 31 22:31
gde33it is in the way the blocks are buildJan 31 22:31
MinceRyes, "badly"Jan 31 22:31
gde33basically it is one big sidewalkJan 31 22:31
gde33cars are suppose to drive walking speed to the parkingJan 31 22:31
MinceRwhat are cars doing on it then?Jan 31 22:31
MinceRcars don't belong on the sidewalk.Jan 31 22:31
gde33sure, but there are other areas with other speed limits that dont work eitherJan 31 22:32
gde33the max is 120 on the highway, people drive 140Jan 31 22:32
gde33you are very annoying if you drive 120Jan 31 22:32
MinceRmost people can't handle drivingJan 31 22:32
MinceRthose who can't do it shouldn't be allowed toJan 31 22:32
gde33then the whole train goes in front of the cameraJan 31 22:32
gde33and they all get ticketsJan 31 22:32
gde33it's a nonsense systemJan 31 22:33
MinceRlike, if they can't learn how to keep distance, they shouldn't get to driveJan 31 22:33
MinceRinstead of endangering meJan 31 22:33
*yang has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 31 22:33
gde33you should be able to put the pedal to the mettalJan 31 22:33
MinceRif they can't learn how to use turn signals, they probably can't learn most of other things eitherJan 31 22:33
MinceRso, again, don't let them driveJan 31 22:33
gde33drive max speed the whole timeJan 31 22:33
gde33corners to!Jan 31 22:33
gde33if the traffic light is red, the car slows downJan 31 22:33
gde33not maybeJan 31 22:34
gde33we are not just going to make itJan 31 22:34
gde33lolJan 31 22:34
MinceRif the traffic controller computer has a glitch, you dieJan 31 22:34
MinceRfun timesJan 31 22:34
gde33maybe you should remember the whole drive by wire system is going to be implmeneted?Jan 31 22:34
MinceRnot immediately, of courseJan 31 22:34
MinceRyou get to suffer for a few hours, stuck in the car, slowly crushed to deathJan 31 22:34
gde33Rotterdam harbor has huge storage area where only robot trucks driveJan 31 22:35
gde33nothing goes wrongJan 31 22:35
MinceRwhy do you want drive by wire?Jan 31 22:35
MinceRare cars too reliable yet?Jan 31 22:35
gde33no they aren'tJan 31 22:35
gde33they are driven by idiots remember?Jan 31 22:35
MinceRyupJan 31 22:35
MinceRthat's the problemJan 31 22:35
gde33you should stop blaming the idiotsJan 31 22:35
gde33that just makes you one of them lolJan 31 22:35
gde33hahaJan 31 22:35
MinceRyou're not making senseJan 31 22:36
gde33we need to make a good system for themJan 31 22:36
gde33so that they can drive places without issuesJan 31 22:36
MinceRwe have one, it's called public transportJan 31 22:36
gde33linux carsJan 31 22:36
gde33public transport doesn't workJan 31 22:36
MinceRneither do idiotsJan 31 22:36
MinceRand neither does the "i'll just push a few buttons randomly here on the remote control for that guy's car while he thinks he's driving it lol"Jan 31 22:37
gde33I do have real ideas how [public] transport should workJan 31 22:37
MinceRso do iJan 31 22:37
gde33I'm just not going to propose those to the EUJan 31 22:37
gde33they wouldnt understandJan 31 22:37
MinceRindeedJan 31 22:37
MinceRhungary is a pretty good example of how a public transport shouldn't and can't work, thoughJan 31 22:38
gde33the point is that we already have robot cars hereJan 31 22:38
gde33many of themJan 31 22:38
gde33since the 80'sJan 31 22:38
MinceRin special environments, yesJan 31 22:38
MinceRnot on general roadsJan 31 22:38
gde33it gets increasingly silly to have people crash themselves into annother for the greater good of transportation lolJan 31 22:38
MinceRnot mixed with other modes of transportJan 31 22:38
gde33sure they areJan 31 22:38
MinceRwhere?Jan 31 22:39
gde33they look like trucks with 2 behindsJan 31 22:39
MinceRnever seen thoseJan 31 22:39
gde33it is mostly pilots but it's done arround the worldJan 31 22:39
MinceRairlines are very differentJan 31 22:40
MinceRwith all the space, you can offset them a lot more from each other (lanes too)Jan 31 22:40
MinceRplus you don't get pedestrians, bikers, etc.Jan 31 22:40
MinceRor crossing other modes of transportJan 31 22:40
MinceRalso, you have an extra dimension to avoid conflictsJan 31 22:41
*yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrightsJan 31 22:41
gde33fly by wire you mean?Jan 31 22:41
MinceRand afaik pretty much all the planes are involved in traffic controlJan 31 22:41
MinceRno, i mean autopilot and suchJan 31 22:41
MinceRalso, afaik traffic control isn't automatic eitherJan 31 22:41
gde33they are working on the fliying civilian Jan 31 22:41
gde33the goal is cars that fly with roads in the skyJan 31 22:42
gde33and fly by wireJan 31 22:42
gde33so there is a kind of road in the skyJan 31 22:42
MinceRit's a goal, not something that's already implementedJan 31 22:42
gde33here it is a goalJan 31 22:42
gde33there are pilotsJan 31 22:42
MinceRafaik fly-by-wire is merely controlling the control surfaces indirectly, though a computerJan 31 22:42
gde33sure, it is very simpleJan 31 22:43
gde33the robot driver will just use many perhaps terrible systems side by sideJan 31 22:43
gde33like follow the white lineJan 31 22:43
MinceRwhich is not what i'm looking for when the danger is that m$ will manage to infest these systems with their crapwareJan 31 22:43
gde33amazon uses robots in their warehouse Jan 31 22:44
gde33lol 31 22:44
MinceRthey've already infested systems that can distract the driver or even make it impossible for them to see what they're doingJan 31 22:44
MinceRthe warehouse is a strictly controlled environmentJan 31 22:44
MinceRthe street isn'tJan 31 22:44
gde33a crane like on the left in the picture could easily build housesJan 31 22:44
MinceRand it won't wait for crossing pedestriansJan 31 22:45
gde33the harbor is so controlled that if you walk on the road the trucks may all get a new planing.Jan 31 22:45
MinceRactually it looks like it's driven by a humanJan 31 22:45
MinceRit has a driver's cabin on the leftJan 31 22:46
gde33so you walk onto the road, there isn't a truck to be seen anywheeJan 31 22:46
gde33but they are all planning how to avoid youJan 31 22:46
gde33if there is any object on the road it deploys people to go check it outJan 31 22:46
gde33all alarms go off if it isn't just perfectJan 31 22:47
gde33the place also turns into a container madhouse if it isn't just perfectJan 31 22:48
gde33costs serious moneyJan 31 22:48
MinceRand i suspect they don't often let people in itJan 31 22:48
gde33microsoft people are stopped at the gateJan 31 22:49
gde33lolJan 31 22:49
MinceR:>Jan 31 22:49
DaemonFCI punch in telephone numbers at random at the gas station.Jan 31 22:50
DaemonFCThe grocery store loyalty card customers usually don't redeem their gas points.Jan 31 22:50
gde33Dutch people never build anything that isn't going to work. If there is an inch of doubt they all run away, seriously.Jan 31 22:51
DaemonFCSo at the last day of the month, I go through until I find one with a lot of points, and then I use their gas points.Jan 31 22:51
DaemonFCI managed to find a 40 cent per gallon one today. B-)Jan 31 22:51
gde33hahJan 31 22:52
gde33here the suppermarket has a folder with the deals in it.Jan 31 22:52
gde33I dont use it but some people look at it as the adventureJan 31 22:55
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 31 22:55
gde33I think a delivery suppermarket with a fancy website could be much cheaper.Jan 31 22:57
gde33we could make it like world of warcraftJan 31 22:58
gde33have people fight over their food dealsJan 31 22:58
gde33hardcore battles to the deathJan 31 22:58
MinceRno need for a website to do that, black friday already worksJan 31 22:58
gde33not enough carnageJan 31 22:58
MinceRhand out chainsaws at the entrance, thenJan 31 22:58
gde33sell the store client for 300 euroJan 31 22:59
MinceRor just popularize the idea so clients will bring their ownJan 31 22:59
MinceRor just raise the stakes and let them figure it outJan 31 22:59
gde33the de-lux shop op and shopJan 31 22:59
MinceRmaybe overpopulation will take care of it on its ownJan 31 22:59
gde33my most brutal marketing innovation was to do store storage in a display next to peoples bed.Jan 31 23:00
gde33this moment of natural zombieJan 31 23:00
gde33pick your new boots?Jan 31 23:00
gde33lolJan 31 23:01
gde33space populationJan 31 23:01
MinceRi don't think people need any help to make really stupid decisionsJan 31 23:02
gde33200 years mars will be infested with humansJan 31 23:02
MinceRthey do it on their own just fine, even when their own life is at stakeJan 31 23:02
MinceRonly if humanity survives that longJan 31 23:02
MinceRand doesn't blast itself back into the stone age, or mad maxJan 31 23:02
MinceRor merely let the fundies take over to the point where they will no longer be able to figure out how to continueJan 31 23:03
MinceRand won't care anywayJan 31 23:03
gde33my best EU proposal was to have banks put a donation button on their websiteJan 31 23:04
gde33that would salve evrythingJan 31 23:04
gde33we could all donate as much as we want to, as often as we likeJan 31 23:04
gde33^^Jan 31 23:05
MinceRthe hungarian government has already set up a system so you could donate to themJan 31 23:05
gde33niceJan 31 23:05
gde33One of my most popular ideas was the volentary tax systemJan 31 23:05
gde33it got support from all anglesJan 31 23:06
gde33the republican nazi completely agreed with the tree hugger SJFJan 31 23:06
MinceRalso known as "charity"? :>Jan 31 23:06
gde33only now we call it governmentJan 31 23:06
gde33imagine the fun we could have?Jan 31 23:06
gde33It would be public informationJan 31 23:07
gde33and we could of course refuse you services if you chose not to payJan 31 23:08
MinceRisn't the current setup better?Jan 31 23:08
MinceRwhere they just take the money away from you no matter whatJan 31 23:09
MinceRand if you're in hungary, you'll either get nothing in exchange for it, or something so crap it might as well be nothingJan 31 23:09
gde33noJan 31 23:09
gde33the implication of just taking something from you would invetiably be people taking things from meJan 31 23:09
MinceRso? the zombies don't mindJan 31 23:09
MinceRhere, at leastJan 31 23:09
gde33if I can talk you into just handing over your moneyJan 31 23:10
gde33you are of course free to do that to me as wellJan 31 23:10
MinceRgovernments all over the world have managed to talk people into such a one-way dealJan 31 23:10
MinceRsee also the 'social contract'Jan 31 23:10
gde33could do both side by side in a transitionJan 31 23:10
gde33the deal was nesasaryJan 31 23:11
gde33we needed representation because we couldnt be all over the world at the same timeJan 31 23:11
gde33this is not true anymore, thats all that has changedJan 31 23:12
MinceRdid we get representation?Jan 31 23:12
MinceRi'm pretty sure the nazis in fidesz don't represent meJan 31 23:12
gde33I'm sure it worked at least for some people some day historicallyJan 31 23:12
gde33lolJan 31 23:12
gde33it was better than nothing at allJan 31 23:12
gde33at least we got lies we could believe in for our voteJan 31 23:12
MinceRwe always got lies we could believe inJan 31 23:13
gde33as a kind of "pick your own branding"Jan 31 23:13
MinceRthat's what cults were for, tooJan 31 23:13
MinceRstill areJan 31 23:13
gde33vote for whatever gets your electroytes goingJan 31 23:13
MinceRit's got what plants crave?Jan 31 23:13
gde33:)Jan 31 23:14
gde33with volentary taxes the ideas would have to be proffitableJan 31 23:15
gde33imagine that lolJan 31 23:15
gde33we can build windmills and solar factories if it makes financial senseJan 31 23:15
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:16
DaemonFCI see those books on using Android devices, and I have to wonder who reads those, and did their parents have any children that lived?Jan 31 23:16
DaemonFCLearning how to tie your shoe laces is harder than learning Android for ****'s sake... *sigh* People......Jan 31 23:16
DaemonFCI don't see why Sprint should have to level the rainforest to print out documentation for every single thing you want to do with your Android computer, which has access to the online manuals because it has a web browser. Jan 31 23:16
MinceRthey're always profitableJan 31 23:17
MinceRjust not for youJan 31 23:17
gde33the investor doesnt get paid?Jan 31 23:18
MinceRdependsJan 31 23:18
gde33that nasa court case where they didnt look at the martian mushroom.Jan 31 23:18
MinceRyou won't live on words alone :>Jan 31 23:18
gde33the public paid for the picturesJan 31 23:18
gde33we could put it in writing how and when they are going to be compensatedJan 31 23:19
gde33not unusual Jan 31 23:19
*abeNd-org has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 31 23:21
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFCI always laugh when I see those Consumer Cellular commercials.Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFC"It has big buttons and no features!"Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFCOh, so, like Windows 8?Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFC*rimshot* Jan 31 23:22
MinceR:>Jan 31 23:22
gde33with icons so that you dont have to remember how to readJan 31 23:23
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:25
DaemonFCI think they actually said "no confusing features". Windows has no features and manages to be extremely confusing.Jan 31 23:25
DaemonFCLike, why does that tile desktop POS pop up randomly and why does their window manager switch between Firefox and Firefox Private Browsing windows so that you type what you're trying to put into the private browsing window into the non-private browsing window unless you happen to close the non-private window before you use the private one?Jan 31 23:25
DaemonFCWindow managers that consume 300+ MB of RAM and inexplicably switch between active windows need to be taken out back and given both barrels. Jan 31 23:25
MinceRhypeOS has no features and manages to confuse its users and fansJan 31 23:25
MinceR(into believing that the hypePhone is a smartphone, for example)Jan 31 23:26
MinceRalso, inexplicably switching between active windows (or to nothing at all) is an old winblows feature, even xp had itJan 31 23:26
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:27
DaemonFCSorry... Software companies that don't listen to their users, implement bloated things that are of questionable usefulness, change the user interface constantly and in inappropriate ways, and produce malfunctioning code are a nit of mine.Jan 31 23:27
DaemonFCThankfully, I don't have to use any Microsoft or Apple products on my computers. Jan 31 23:27
MinceR 31 23:31
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:34
DaemonFCThe last time I actually read a manual on how to use an operating system was when I was about 9 years old and trying to use DOS.*Jan 31 23:34
DaemonFCAnyway, I managed to hand edit my autoexec.bat and config.sys to use emm386.exe and himem.sys to free up enough conventional and extended memory to make Star Wars:X-Wing work because 640k was not enough for anyone. :/Jan 31 23:34
DaemonFC 31 23:34
DaemonFC*(I guess you could count the odd glancing of manpages if you want to be dicky about it. Learning command switches and syntax is a little different than an iPhone user trying to figure out how to tap on an icon. Where do they dig these people up?) Jan 31 23:34 | Star Wars: X-Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 31 23:34
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:35
DaemonFCIt's so complicated! TAP TAP TAP! I don't know how to use this thing. TAP TAP TAP!Jan 31 23:35
DaemonFCALL IS LOST! ALL IS LOST!!!!! Jan 31 23:35
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:37
DaemonFCAnd now a public service message for crApple customers.Jan 31 23:37
DaemonFC Jan 31 23:37
MinceR:)Jan 31 23:37
*ohama has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 31 23:39
gde33tnwpwhd (Thats not what picard would have done)Jan 31 23:39
DaemonFCPicard would hit that, with an inverse tachyon beam.Jan 31 23:40
gde33I was just pondering how every notable nerd must have his inner picard one can addressJan 31 23:40
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 31 23:44
MinceRgnJan 31 23:54
DaemonFC 01 01:06 | Customer Discussions: Study finds that cough syrup is apparently useless for doing anything other than making sizzurp.  [ ]Feb 01 01:06
DaemonFCI remember when I had to go to the laundromat.Feb 01 01:19
DaemonFCMom's washer broke down and she had to go there recently. She complained about most of the machines being broken and/or filthy and getting gouged to do her laundry.Feb 01 01:20
DaemonFCI told her "Now you know why I was wearing the same clothes 4-5 times when I worked at Walmart. I got sick of putting $40 in their nasty ass machines every month!"Feb 01 01:21
gde33MinceR: but volentary taxes, imagine it, it would look something like kickstarterFeb 01 01:30
gde33every committee for it selfFeb 01 01:30
gde33foreiners may pay taxes to :)Feb 01 01:33
gde33maybe all we need is some sort of wrapper for existing libraries :DFeb 01 01:40
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Feb 01 02:34
DaemonFC 01 02:44 | Customer Discussions: Microsoft sues a company for exercising their rights under the first sale doctrine.  [ ]Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFC 01 02:44
DaemonFCMicrosoft has sued a computer store that was selling refurbished laptops that came with a Windows Vista license, which had been re-imaged with the same version of Windows Vista that they came with.Feb 01 02:44 | NO TITLE  [ ]Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCMicrosoft claims that exercising your rights under the First Sale Doctrine is "counterfeiting software".Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCIn other words, everyone that is selling their old computer and keeps Windows on it for the next owner is doing the same thing that this company did. Microsoft says you have no right to do that, which flies in the face of Supreme Court precedent. (It's the same as selling a used book or a used CD, which is totally legal.)Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCI'm not suggesting that it's good to give someone else a copy of Windows.Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCIt's better to give them software that respects their freedom, such as GNU/Linux. Nobody has ever been sued for "counterfeiting" GNU/Linux, because software counterfeiting is impossible, and everyone has the guaranteed right to share it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 02:47
DaemonFCIt seems that there isn't much (proprietary) software that the NSA hasn't bugged these days.Feb 01 02:47
DaemonFCEven Angry Birds is reporting to them about the user's activity!Feb 01 02:47
DaemonFCI hate it when birds take a leak. It always happens right after you get out of the car wash... Feb 01 02:47
*ohama ( has joined #techrightsFeb 01 02:59
schestowitz__DaemonFC: good linkFeb 01 03:02
schestowitz__I will do an article about it tomorrowFeb 01 03:02
schestowitz__[21:33] <DaemonFC> In the hospital, two 1 cent aspirins are $50 and a $1 bag of sterile saline IV solution is $800. Feb 01 03:10
schestowitz__Wow, welcome to USAFeb 01 03:11
DaemonFC Patricia says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCMicrosoft produces rubbish products and is a has-been dying company. This is one of their last gasps of frustration. If MS wins, I hope that more people switch to a Mac for their new computer. Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCApple software has most of the same problems regarding lack of user freedoms.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCThey haven't sued anyone for reselling their Mac that I am aware of, but they wouldn't need to. Software is kind of a hook for them to sell their expensive computers in the first place. Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFC Patricia says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCApple gives away its OS for free these days - you need to keep up. Feb 01 03:11
schestowitz__[21:33] <abeNd-org> sick people = profit!Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCThey give it away gratis at the moment, but it does not give its users freedom.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCVista 8.1 was also gratis, but did not give users freedom.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCIn fact, every new version of either OS takes more freedom away from the user. Feb 01 03:11
schestowitz__Not here, not yet, although the Tories try to make it soFeb 01 03:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCSo, why would I care about Microsoft threatening a company for distributing its software?Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCWell, first, it threatens everyone who has purchased a license to use anything that is bound by copyright.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCSecondly, it would not mean fewer copies of Windows in existence. Every user and company would simply stop reselling existing licenses, and pay Microsoft even more money for new licenses, which is worse than simply reselling an existing license, which would give them even more money to attack users and their freedom with more malicious products.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCIt would be better if every copy of Windows was destroyed, but giving them more money for new licenses just makes two problems where there was only one problem before. It's counterproductive. Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCerr, because it wouldFeb 01 03:12
DaemonFCKeep an eye on this case. It threatens the entire first sale doctrine.Feb 01 03:14
DaemonFCAlmost every time you give this Supreme Court another chance to fuck people over, it takes it.Feb 01 03:14
DaemonFCschestowitz__: Yeah. I had good insurance before I turned 18.Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCAt the time, there was no PPACA, so you just lost your parents health insurance when you turned 18.Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCIt's 26 now.Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCAnyway, with a few minutes left on the clock, I hurried up and got a whole bunch of things taken care of.Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCWithin a year, I had sinus surgery, a tonsillectomy, all my wisdom teeth removed, etc. Feb 01 03:16
DaemonFCI actually got all my wisdom teeth removed and then lost my dental AND heath insurance the very next day.Feb 01 03:16
DaemonFC*healthFeb 01 03:16
DaemonFCAnd I was lucky I could get in at the last minute, because 12 years ago, it cost over $2,500 to get your wisdom teeth removed.Feb 01 03:17
DaemonFCThey weren't causing me a problem, yet, but I hurried up and got it done because there was no telling when it would be a problem and where I was going to find $2,500 at.Feb 01 03:18
DaemonFCThe pain medication they gave me didn't work, and the dentist would not speak to me, or call in a new prescription, because I was no longer insured.Feb 01 03:19
DaemonFCSo I basically spent the next week in terrible pain because I had no insurance and was recovering from surgery.Feb 01 03:19
DaemonFCschestowitz__: Don't get sick here.Feb 01 03:20
DaemonFCGet sick just about anywhere else in the developed world, but don't get sick here.Feb 01 03:20
DaemonFC 01 03:27 | Customer Discussions: Christie asks for public's patience while he comes uo with new story  [ ]Feb 01 03:27
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:27
DaemonFC"It wasn't me! It was the three chinned man! Oh ****!" Feb 01 03:27
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 04:12
DaemonFCThe British have a right-wing government that is dealing with a legacy universal healthcare program that dates back to better days when people cared about each other, that they have to make fail, so they can have an excuse to privatize it.Feb 01 04:12
DaemonFCSort of like Republicans in the US and free public education. Feb 01 04:12
DaemonFCFirst you have to make it fail.Feb 01 04:13
DaemonFCThen you scream "It's failing!".Feb 01 04:14
DaemonFCThen you "fix it" (so that rich criminals can gorge themselves on the privatized inferior version).Feb 01 04:14
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 01 06:08
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 06:11
ldk 01 07:07
TechrightsBot-tr@matthew_d_green: "Anonymity is the enemy of privacy" says RSA head, with an (apparently) straight face. This stuff is gold. 01 07:07
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 01 09:03
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 09:21
*puppywatch__ has quit (*.net *.split)Feb 01 09:30
*puppywatch__ ( has joined #techrightsFeb 01 09:34
Sosumitell Patricia that crapple is a hardware manufacturerFeb 01 10:14
Sosumiand their main revenue, if actually, all revenue comes from hardwareFeb 01 10:15
Sosumithat is why you have the computers they sell totally locked downFeb 01 10:15
Sosumisimply because crapple isn't going to get your money if you keep updating you dear mac pro for 6 yearsFeb 01 10:16
Sosumispecially when it comes to realms of graphics cardsFeb 01 10:16
Sosumiand if m$ is so crappy, why do you get much better drivers on windows (and linux) than on osxFeb 01 10:17
Sosumiif m$ is so bad, why does xcode is a total letdown compared to VS?Feb 01 10:17
Sosumiis crapple actually better? or just as bad as m$Feb 01 10:19
Sosumimy money is on the laterFeb 01 10:19
Sosumisurely the aluminum macbooks are kewl and everythingFeb 01 10:20
Sosumibut so are dell precisions and hp elitebooksFeb 01 10:20
Sosumiand eclipse is free and better than bothFeb 01 10:23
Sosumixcode and vsFeb 01 10:23
Sosumibut, it has been known since forever that m$ doesn't want you to resell your already activated winblows license with a laptopFeb 01 10:24
Sosumieven throughFeb 01 10:24
Sosumithe seller could claimFeb 01 10:24
Sosumithat he's just reselling the laptop hardware wiseFeb 01 10:25
Sosumiand as for the included windows is just like "an ownership transfer"Feb 01 10:26
Sosumiand that he's not charging for thatFeb 01 10:26
Sosumiand I hope that in each receipt he passedFeb 01 10:28
Sosumihe never mentioned laptop with winblows vistaFeb 01 10:28
Sosumibecause in that way he'll be screwedFeb 01 10:28
Sosumi 01 11:59
Sosumino commentFeb 01 12:00
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 12:03
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 12:03
iophkBruce's site has been down for at least a few days.Feb 01 12:14
iophk 01 12:14
iophkAlso, he seems to have stopped with Lighttpd and moved to nginx.Feb 01 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Feb 01 12:14
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Feb 01 12:37
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 12:51
cubezzzI'd never use an operating system without source code unless there was absolutely no other choiceFeb 01 12:51
cubezzzhistorically, Xenix was a giant step backwards from Unix v7Feb 01 12:52
iophkcubezzz: even this one?  Feb 01 12:52
iophk 01 12:52 | The second operating system hiding in every mobile phone  [ ]Feb 01 12:52
cubezzzwell, I never use mobile phones :)Feb 01 12:53
iophk:)Feb 01 12:53
cubezzzSunOS was similar, Sun took 4.3BSD and made it into a closed source OSFeb 01 12:55
cubezzztwo examples of going from open source to proprietary sourceFeb 01 12:55
cubezzzafter 1992 everything changed again, this time going in the opposite directionFeb 01 12:56
cubezzzI hacked up a preliminary list of alternative operating systems:Feb 01 13:03
cubezzz 01 13:03
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Feb 01 13:28
iophkpropaganda : 01 13:42 | Seven ways Microsoft Excel could change the world | News |  [ ]Feb 01 13:42
iophkand here : 01 13:45 | Why ditching Facebook feels like opting out of modern life | Technology |  [ ]Feb 01 13:45
iophk 01 13:46 | One million people call on FCC to “save net neutrality” | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 13:46
Sosumisince apple is so greatFeb 01 13:49
Sosumito the point they can't even get their own stuff working properlyFeb 01 13:49
Sosumi 01 13:49 | 1/24/2014 Late 2013 Mac Pro randcom crashes/restarts and sleep problems -  [ ]Feb 01 13:49
Sosumi 01 13:49 | Mac Pro 2013  6,1 Thunderbolt / Sleep /Wake Reboot Problem - Appreciate Help - MacRumors Forums  [ ]Feb 01 13:50
Sosumialso, maya viewport gets worst results on osx than it gets on windows and on linuxFeb 01 13:50
Sosumiand that is with the amd cards used on the trashcan proFeb 01 13:51
Sosumiso Patricia is kind of being a crapple patricianFeb 01 13:52
Sosumiand we all know moronic that kind of ppl can beFeb 01 13:52
cubezzzhaha, excelFeb 01 13:56
cubezzz 01 13:56
cubezzzDEC was more open source than Apple ever wasFeb 01 14:03
cubezzzeven if only partiallyFeb 01 14:04
cubezzzDEC let one have RT11 source code, plus tons of source code for some lanugagesFeb 01 14:04
cubezzzeven IBM was better than Apple :)Feb 01 14:05
cubezzzDEC was also better than Commodore, Atari and Radio ShackFeb 01 14:06
cubezzzwhat good open source project did Commodore make?Feb 01 14:06
cubezzzthat's right... nothing :)Feb 01 14:07
cubezzzA lot of the stuff that appeared on Fish disks was from the PDP-11 worldFeb 01 14:08
cubezzzat least DEC has DECUS, which goes all the way back to 1961Feb 01 14:09
cubezzzhttp://www.decuslib.comFeb 01 14:10 | NO TITLEFeb 01 14:10
cubezzzok, so DEC is dead but there are still DECUS archives aroundFeb 01 14:11
cubezzzwhat did Apple have in the past?Feb 01 14:14
cubezzzthey had Xenix on Lisa, and a bunch of closed source OSesFeb 01 14:14
cubezzzI guess nothing has changed thereFeb 01 14:15
iophk 01 14:16 | Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 14:16
Sosumicrapple has no good open source project that I can nameFeb 01 14:17
iophkThey've taken over CUPSFeb 01 14:18
Sosumiand the stuff on macosforge/macports are kind of deadFeb 01 14:19
Sosumixquartz? lol, their new compiler? llvm/clangFeb 01 14:19
Sosumiwhy would anyone use that anywaysFeb 01 14:20
Sosumiopendarwin?Feb 01 14:20
Sosumiget freebsd insteadFeb 01 14:20
Sosumiso, when apple says in their propaganda that they are great open source contributorsFeb 01 14:21
Sosumiwell that is a lieFeb 01 14:21
cubezzzI heard that opendarwin was shut down quite a while agoFeb 01 14:21
cubezzz2006 I think?Feb 01 14:21
Sosumino ideaFeb 01 14:21
Sosumibut they still release darwin packageFeb 01 14:22
Sosumi*theFeb 01 14:22
Sosumianother open source project from crappleFeb 01 14:22
Sosumiweb objects?Feb 01 14:22
cubezzzso sure BSD is a good choice, openbsd, netbsd or freebsdFeb 01 14:22
Sosumideprecated and then "open sourced"Feb 01 14:23
cubezzzI can write for BSD or Linux and it's easy enough to go from one to the other, usuallyFeb 01 14:23
Sosumishake, that composing suite that apple got when they bought nothing is realFeb 01 14:23
Sosumialso deprecated, but never open sourcedFeb 01 14:23
Sosumianother open source project from themFeb 01 14:25
Sosumithe apple lossless audio codecFeb 01 14:25
SosumiI wander why anyone would use that over flacFeb 01 14:26
Sosumior wavFeb 01 14:26
Sosumiunless ofc you have an ipod or a hypephoneFeb 01 14:26
cubezzzreally much of the hardware nowadays isn't too greatFeb 01 14:28
iophk wav can't handle metadata if I understand correctly. flac is the way to go.Feb 01 14:28
cubezzzthe basic program of closed source bios has not been addressed except:Feb 01 14:28
cubezzz 01 14:29 | Chromebooks - corebootFeb 01 14:29
cubezzzs/program/problem/Feb 01 14:29
Sosumiintel is charging more and more for their partsFeb 01 14:29
cubezzzyou can get a chromebook pretty cheap tooFeb 01 14:30
Sosumieven through they cost pocket change to produceFeb 01 14:30
Sosumichromebooks are kind of toy computersFeb 01 14:30
Sosumionly that top of the line model google has is decent enoughFeb 01 14:31
cubezzzI'm all ears to hear about good alternatives :)Feb 01 14:31
Sosumiplus I really have no need for a laptopFeb 01 14:31
Sosumiso I kind of not keep on par with what is aroundFeb 01 14:32
Sosumibut as for alternativesFeb 01 14:32
MinceR 01 14:32
Sosuminew intelistations pleaseFeb 01 14:32
Sosumiwith ppcFeb 01 14:32
Sosumior sparcstationsFeb 01 14:33
Sosumiintel needs big competition on the high end segmentsFeb 01 14:34
Sosumiotherwise they just charge an arm and a leg for their workstation partsFeb 01 14:34
iophkLarry is helping his friend Bill by choking sparc.Feb 01 14:34
iophkHe could be making money on it otherwise.Feb 01 14:34
Sosumiyep he couldFeb 01 14:42
Sosumithe big hope now is IBMFeb 01 14:43
Sosumisince they sold the x86 business to lenovoFeb 01 14:43
Sosuminow all they have left is powerFeb 01 14:43
SosumiI really hope they don't confine it to just serversFeb 01 14:44
MinceRi think they sold it because they don't want to do itFeb 01 14:44
Sosumithey don't want to do it with x86Feb 01 14:45
Sosumithat was why they sold their business to lenovoFeb 01 14:46
Sosumiand now since what they have left is ppc, they could leverage that architecture also outside serversFeb 01 14:47
Sosumiand that means bringing back the intelistationFeb 01 14:47
Sosumiwhich in the past, used the same power variant used by apple on the powermacFeb 01 14:47
iophkit would be great if it meant some Power workstations or notebooks.Feb 01 14:48
SosumiyeahFeb 01 14:51
Sosumilets see how it'll be in a year from nowFeb 01 14:52
iophk 01 15:56 | 2014: The Year America Broke The Internet - Business Insider  [ ]Feb 01 15:56
schestowitz__iophk: Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__Hello, Bradley.Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__Here I would like to present the proof of thfsplus.ko labeled as "GPL" while being sold along with products (NAS storages in this case):Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__ -> 01 16:29
schestowitz__It seems to me that Tuxera will at least have to open the code for the GPL product they sold. If it turnsFeb 01 16:29 | QNAP NAS Community Forum • View topic - HFS+ module  [ ]Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__out to be the case that they did with HFS+ what Samsung did with vfat.ko and exFAT, then it's up to FinnishFeb 01 16:29
schestowitz__authorities to deal with Tuxera's actions.Feb 01 16:29 | QNAP NAS Community Forum • Login  [ ]Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__Please feel free to forward the source code to me as an attachment in case Tuxera sends it to you via reply.Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__Thank you.Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__-rxrzFeb 01 16:29
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:29
iophkinterestingFeb 01 16:30
schestowitz__release date drupal 8 is hard to figure outFeb 01 16:32
schestowitz__nobody gives even an estimateFeb 01 16:33
schestowitz__nut being slow to release is good for companieFeb 01 16:33
schestowitz__ 01 16:33 | when will drupal 8 release? | Drupal.orgFeb 01 16:33
schestowitz__iophk: maybe some Finns should liaise with rzrzFeb 01 16:33
schestowitz__she could use some help, with language, access etc.Feb 01 16:34
schestowitz__she's anonFeb 01 16:34
schestowitz__This is very effectiveFeb 01 16:34
schestowitz__she's effectively throwing patents on FSes like that down the drainFeb 01 16:34
schestowitz__and makes support for them possible without the red tapes, like patent payments of buying blobsFeb 01 16:34
schestowitz__This undermines Apple and Microsoft actions against Android, Tizen, etc.Feb 01 16:35
schestowitz__Drupal 8Feb 01 16:35
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:35
schestowitz__ou can check the release cycle for Drupal 8 here:Feb 01 16:36
schestowitz__ 01 16:36 | Drupal core release cycle | Drupal.orgFeb 01 16:36
schestowitz__Unfortunately there is no official release date yet.Feb 01 16:36
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:36
iophk"The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view this forum."Feb 01 16:40
iophkqnapFeb 01 16:40
*yang has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Feb 01 16:54
*yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 17:01
iophkTxera are also bringing in sw patents through the back door by acting as if they are valid and paying/receiving money for them.  That hurts the interests of the EU badly.Feb 01 17:30
iophkThat might not be directly affecting the HFS issue, but might be important anyway.Feb 01 17:30
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Feb 01 17:46
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 17:54
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 17:54
Sosumialso new M$ CEO may be Satya NadellaFeb 01 17:55
Sosumia dude that has been already 20 years with M$Feb 01 17:55
MinceRandroidauthority says it might be sundar pichaiFeb 01 17:55
MinceRi don't see how that would workFeb 01 17:55
Sosumiand that probably belongs to the Balmer echo chamberFeb 01 17:55
Sosumiall I know is that M$Feb 01 17:56
Sosumineeds a john sculleyFeb 01 17:56
MinceRm$ has performed an illegal operation and needs to be shut downFeb 01 17:57
Sosumiand who else than a john sculley to wreck it to the ground?Feb 01 17:57
Sosumikind of like tim crook is already doing with crappleFeb 01 17:58
Sosumiios marketshare going downFeb 01 17:58
MinceRtim crook should hurry upFeb 01 17:58
MinceRcrApple is still doing too much damageFeb 01 17:58
Sosumino exact direction on their products, outside of the ever increasing locked gardenFeb 01 17:58
MinceRwhich the cultists loveFeb 01 17:59
MinceRas alwaysFeb 01 17:59
Sosumiwith the mac pro being the latest victimFeb 01 17:59
Sosumihelvetica neue (lol=Feb 01 17:59
Sosumiand just look at the iphone, it doesn't even feature a gorilla glass 3 screen coverFeb 01 18:00
Sosumieven through it is the most expensive phone aroundFeb 01 18:00
MinceRit also doesn't feature an open platformFeb 01 18:01
MinceRor real multitaskingFeb 01 18:01
Sosumino idea about the multitaskingFeb 01 18:02
MinceRthe set of background tasks is predefined and requires special APIsFeb 01 18:02
MinceRso less "multitasking" than in DOSFeb 01 18:02
MinceRwhere you'd have to hook interrupts but could at least do what you wantedFeb 01 18:03
SosumilolFeb 01 18:03
MinceRoh, also no common filesystemFeb 01 18:04
SosumiyepFeb 01 18:05
Sosumithey could just have built some sort of finder into itFeb 01 18:05
Sosumibut noFeb 01 18:05
MinceRthere was some bullshit said about needing a file manager being bad or somethingFeb 01 18:06
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 18:06
schestowitz__ 01 18:07 Whitewashing the #fed number cooking is not heroism, and economic gaps increaseFeb 01 18:07
schestowitz__"Strangely, most of the sites I read would use the title "The Douche"..."Feb 01 18:07
schestowitz__ 01 18:07 "The site of Bruce Perens site has been down for at least a few days." -iophk missing #technocratFeb 01 18:07
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Feb 01 18:07
schestowitz__"Site is up. It looks like a fresh Apache install or so."Feb 01 18:07
schestowitz__nginxFeb 01 18:07
iophkcontent down, though technically the site is upFeb 01 18:08
Sosumino idea, but having an user exposed file system would mean that the user wouldn't need to reset the phone in case some app broke and you could no longer access itFeb 01 18:08
Sosumialso, from what I heardFeb 01 18:08
iophkIt has been like that for a while.Feb 01 18:08
Sosumideleting an appFeb 01 18:08
Sosumidoesn't remove everything pertaining to the said appFeb 01 18:08
schestowitz__iophk: not many people know about the siiteFeb 01 18:08
schestowitz__let alone read itFeb 01 18:08
schestowitz__ 01 18:08 Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta  #ubuntu #linux #steamosFeb 01 18:08
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 18:08
schestowitz__"I kind of hate unetbootin. Never got it to work properly. That's probably just my fault though. SUSE Studio Imagewriter is the best, IMO. 'course, good old dd is nice too."Feb 01 18:09
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Feb 01 18:17
*msb__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 01 18:17
Sosumi 01 18:21 | Windows 8.1 Marketshare Right Behind Windows Vista | Digital Trends  [ ]Feb 01 18:21
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 18:21
SosumilolFeb 01 18:22
Sosumi 01 18:23
TechrightsBot-tr@thurrott: @quiggles It may not be selling as well as Vista.Feb 01 18:23
Sosumim$ went to the "trouble" (lol) of creating metroFeb 01 18:27
Sosumibut things that could actually increase productivityFeb 01 18:27
Sosumilike virtual desktops and "exposé" type features are non existentFeb 01 18:28
MinceReven crApple's virtual desktop is crippledFeb 01 18:33
Sosumibut at least they have oneFeb 01 18:59
*msb_ ( has joined #techrightsFeb 01 19:03
iophk 01 19:12 | Philip K. Dick Predictions - Business Insider  [ ]Feb 01 19:12
iophk 01 19:22 | Foreign government requests Bermuda to investigate Microsoft's Irish-linked subsidiaries  [ ]Feb 01 19:22
iophkThus the noise about the CEO choices.  It buries the real news.Feb 01 19:25
iophk 01 19:32 | Yahoo plans return to search engine roots with a vengeance : PERSONAL TECH : Tech Times  [ ]Feb 01 19:32
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has left #techrightsFeb 01 19:55
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 19:55
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 19:55
iophk 01 19:56 | David Cameron Says Snooper's Charter Is Necessary Because Fictional Crime Dramas He Watches Prove It | Techdirt  [ ]Feb 01 19:56
iophk 01 20:01 | BBC News - David Cameron wants fresh push on communications data  [ ]Feb 01 20:01
iophk 01 20:25 | Bermuda Sun: Tax probe into Bermuda based trio of Microsoft linked entities  [ ]Feb 01 20:25
iophkWhat about that bribery scandal from last year?  That too seems to have been brushed under the rug.Feb 01 20:26
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Feb 01 21:06
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 21:22
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 01 21:47
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 21:50
DaemonFC 01 22:12 | Sign our petition: America deserves a raise  [ ]Feb 01 22:12
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 22:26
DaemonFCFirst of all, their "Law of Similars" is ridiculous pseudo-scientific garbage. It makes a ridiculous claim that water has a "memory" of everything it has been exposed to, that the effect on the human body of a substance is greater the more diluted it is, and that the substance in question will cure diseases that cause similar symptoms of the substance that is claimed to be the active ingredient in the homeopathic solution. (The hair of the dog Feb 01 22:26
DaemonFCthat bit you?)/Feb 01 22:26
DaemonFCSecondly, there's no way to achieve the dilutions that they claim. One duck liver and heart would be more than enough to make all of the "Oscillococcinum" sold in the world (supposedly a flu remedy), and it would require more than 100 times more water than exists on the planet Earth to dilute it to the claimed dilution.Feb 01 22:26
DaemonFCThird, and purely ironic, the biggest company behind "homeopathic remedies" is a French company called Boiron, which rhymes with "Moron".Feb 01 22:26
DaemonFCEven though homeopathy is pseudo-scientific crap, it has a large base of followers, and you can find their little bottles of water and placebo pills at your local Walgreens. It's a multi-billion dollar per year business. Feb 01 22:26
DaemonFCAnd on that note, I'm going to take a leak. Please enjoy drinking an 8C dilution of my urine. I hope it's refreshing.Feb 01 22:26
DaemonFCIf it cures anything, let me know. Feb 01 22:26
MinceR:>Feb 01 22:28
MinceR"i got a homeopathic pill for my gullibility"Feb 01 22:28
DaemonFCYeah, it's a waste of money.Feb 01 22:46
DaemonFCIt's worse because you're not just wasting money, you're using placebo as an alternative to seeking medical attention.Feb 01 22:47
DaemonFCGovernments seem to regard homeopathy as benign.Feb 01 22:47
DaemonFCHeh. Oral B has decreased the prices of their electric toothbrushes, but slipped in a 25% price increase on the replacement heads.Feb 01 23:05
DaemonFCtime to balance the checkbookFeb 01 23:21
DaemonFC:PFeb 01 23:21
DaemonFCpay off the credit card again and see how much I have left until paydayFeb 01 23:21
DaemonFClolFeb 01 23:27
DaemonFCI used 356 GB of data last monthFeb 01 23:27
DaemonFCWell, my cable internet bill is up to $75.Feb 01 23:29
DaemonFCIf they're going to charge me for it, I might as well get my money's worth.Feb 01 23:29
DaemonFCThe city is now charging $5 for every bag of trash past two bags.Feb 01 23:40
DaemonFCI pointed out to my mom that since they didn't specify what a "bag" meant, that she should get one of those 55 gallon trash cans and put that in her kitchen.Feb 01 23:41
DaemonFCSo she did.Feb 01 23:41
MinceRwe were forced into a trash management contract and we're forced to pay even if we don't live at that house and don't produce trash thereFeb 01 23:47
MinceRbecause this is hungaryFeb 01 23:48
MinceRasshole of europeFeb 01 23:48
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCRomney said he was frugal and in touch with American voters because he compacted his trash to save $5 a month and only uses gratis apps on his $800 iBad.Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCPerhaps he also has a toothpaste squeezer in his bathroom. The world might never know.Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCI bet he got a great deal on his latest 11,000 square foot house, his several luxury cars, the car elevator... Maybe he even shops at Mens Wearhouse for his suits. You know that if you buy an $800 suite there, that sometimes they give you an extra one for only $100?Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCI bet he has plenty of tips for how people earning $8 an hour and no health insurance can live the high life. They just have to work even harder and eventually they'll "get what they deserve".Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCIn other words, perhaps they will be working for $8.05 an hour this time next year if they behave. Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCerrr, suitFeb 01 23:53
DaemonFCMaybe I should walk in there like Sean Connery in Highlander.Feb 01 23:53
DaemonFC"The gentleman would like a suit of clothes!"Feb 01 23:53
MinceR:>Feb 01 23:54
DaemonFCI think that it's ridiculous to spend a lot of money on clothes.Feb 01 23:57
DaemonFCI usually wear t-shirts that I got in packs of four for about $10 and some jeans from kmart.Feb 01 23:57
MinceRespecially such impractical ones (suits)Feb 01 23:57
DaemonFCI'm in compliance with the laws that state that public nudity is a crime.Feb 01 23:58
DaemonFCI don't see why I should spend more than I have to.Feb 01 23:58
DaemonFC:DFeb 01 23:58
MinceR:>Feb 01 23:58
*schestowitz ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:03
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 00:03
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:03
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*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 00:04
schestowitzyay, I'm on enlightement nowJan 26 00:04
schestowitz 26 00:21 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 00:21
schestowitz 26 00:21
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On Enlightenment (E17, first time in 12 years); works like a champ, despitefatal segmentation fault at first. Will try this for coming week.Jan 26 00:21
schestowitz 26 00:51 | Bartłomiej Maślankiewicz -- Relacja z Kijowa 2014-01-22 - YouTube  [ ]Jan 26 00:51
schestowitzrysiek|pl: ^^Jan 26 00:51
rysiek|plthey say that supposedly snipers shoot live ammo at journalistsJan 26 00:54
rysiek|pl*supposedly*Jan 26 00:54
rysiek|plthat's 4 days agoJan 26 00:55
rysiek|plold newsJan 26 00:55
schestowitz 26 00:57 Fame by wealth 26 00:57
schestowitz 26 00:58 #nsa Intel(ligence) Inside 26 00:58
*Guest22834 ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 01:08
*Guest22834 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 26 01:18
schestowitz__ 26 01:47 When Bush does it they support it, when Obush does it they denounce it Republicans -- I don't understand!!Jan 26 01:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Republicans call for halt to “unconstitutional surveillance programs” | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 01:47
schestowitz__"Well, the Democrats were all bent out of shape back in '05-'06 when Bush was doing it, but the Progressives are pretty quiet about it now. The devotion to party here in the US is astounding. It's like knifing someone for liking the wrong cola even though they both give you diabetes."Jan 26 01:47
schestowitz__ 26 01:50
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Murdoch's Fox 'news' makes you very, VERY stupid 26 01:50
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Obama's awkward moment 26 01:50
schestowitz__ 26 01:51 Murdoch's Fox 'news' makes you very, VERY stupid 26 01:51
schestowitz__"Not clicking that. Fuck that."Jan 26 01:51
schestowitz__Filed under the "science" section :-)Jan 26 01:51
schestowitz__"Of course it is Fox. facepalm"Jan 26 01:52
schestowitz__ 26 01:53 According to a new poll, less than half of people think that Red Hat does NOT give the #nsa back doors in #linux 26 01:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Is Red Hat Working for the NSA? - FOSS Force  [ ]Jan 26 01:53
schestowitz__"Link?"Jan 26 01:53
schestowitz__On the pageJan 26 01:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many ExcitingJan 26 01:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Features 26 01:59
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 01:59 | The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many Exciting Features | Tux MachinesJan 26 01:59
schestowitz__ 26 02:00
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many Exciting Features #linux #kernelJan 26 02:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] The Linux 3.14 Kernel Already Has Many Exciting FeaturesJan 26 02:00
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     More libraries switch to KOHA catalogue systemJan 26 02:45
TweetTuxMachines        26 02:45
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 02:45 | More libraries switch to KOHA catalogue system | Tux MachinesJan 26 02:45
DaemonFCThis is the nastiest winter that I can remember.Jan 26 03:58
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 04:03
*roy_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:30
*roy_ has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 04:30
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:30
*schestowitz_bed2 ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:32
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*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 04:52
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:58
*eebrah (~eebrah@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 08:46
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 09:30
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 09:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:36 Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive #mageia #pclinuxos #mandriva #gnu #linuxJan 26 09:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 09:36
Sosumi 26 10:01 | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 10:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOSJan 26 10:01
TweetTuxMachines                 Still Very Much Alive 26 10:01
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 10:01 | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Tux MachinesJan 26 10:01
Sosumianother reason why I favor either vanilla android or open source androidJan 26 10:07
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:09
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 10:17
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:18
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:18 Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution 26 10:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 10:18
schestowitz_bed2Sosumi: yeahJan 26 10:19
schestowitz_bed2Samsung is evikJan 26 10:19
schestowitz_bed2Like Sony, just not as badJan 26 10:19
schestowitz_bed2Sony is deep in the MAFIAA and DRM businessJan 26 10:19
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update  #samsung #ballnuxJan 26 10:23
Sosumisony actually went to the point of not even allowing audio cds on the ps4Jan 26 10:23
Sosumiin order to shove their music anywhere serviceJan 26 10:24
Sosumialso, no flac supportJan 26 10:24
iophkps3 was good until they pulled the ability to run Linux.Jan 26 10:25
iophkps4 ... mehJan 26 10:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:25 Geneva 26 10:25
Sosumips3 was okJan 26 10:26
iophkIt was heading a very good direction until they decided to reverse policy and block dual use.Jan 26 10:27
iophkIt would be interesting to find out the motivation for that move.Jan 26 10:27
Sosumibut I think that the lack of gpu acceleration out of the box was kind dumbJan 26 10:27
Sosumialthough folks were finding workaroundsJan 26 10:27
Sosumito a lesser extent, no ecc memory kind killed it for clusteringJan 26 10:27
Sosumialthough you could always use some error correcting algoJan 26 10:28
Sosumibut it was a cheap way to get access to the cellJan 26 10:29
Sosumiwithout overpaying for a cell computing board or rackJan 26 10:29
Sosumiand I'm all in for choice and optionsJan 26 10:29
Sosumiso shame on themJan 26 10:29
*pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 26 10:29
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:31 reshared: keyboard pants...Jan 26 10:31
schestowitz_bed2"Spacebar! Ooooh yeah! Spacebar me now!"Jan 26 10:31
Sosumiplus, were there any games on the ps3 that awarded a purchase of the system?Jan 26 10:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:31 Obama's awkward moment 26 10:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | That Awkward Moment When... - CheezburgerJan 26 10:31
schestowitz_bed2"It's amazing how politicians can tell lies no matter how outrageous are."Jan 26 10:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:32 Murdoch's Fox 'news' makes you very, VERY stupid 26 10:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ancient tablet reveals new details about Noah's Ark prototype | Fox News  [ ]Jan 26 10:32
schestowitz_bed2"The world is awash in a rising tide of stupid shit nowadays."Jan 26 10:32
schestowitz_bed2"The "like" is for the comment."Jan 26 10:32
Sosumibecause, outside of wipeout, there were any actually good games on the thingJan 26 10:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:34 Bass 26 10:34
schestowitz_bed2"It seems that assholes are everywhere, not only in banana republics like mine."Jan 26 10:34
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:35 Utah is Ending Homelessness by Giving People Homes #utah #povertyJan 26 10:35
schestowitz_bed2"Interesting."Jan 26 10:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Utah is Ending Homelessness by Giving People Homes | NationofChange  [ ]Jan 26 10:35
Sosumisame could be said about the xbox 2, outside of some republished games like rez hd (dreamcast), geometry wars and the ninja gaiden series (the ones done by itagaki))Jan 26 10:35
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:35 On children's website, #NSA puts a furry, smiley face on its mission (anti) "CryptoKids"Jan 26 10:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On children's website, NSA puts a furry, smiley face on its mission |  [ ]Jan 26 10:35
schestowitz_bed2""In the world of diplomacy, knowing what your enemy is planning helps you to prepare". So are they finally admitting that see the rest of the world as an enemy?"Jan 26 10:35
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 10:36 Mac Asay deletes #chromebooks from history 26 10:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why The Linux Desktop Doesn't Matter Anymore – ReadWrite  [ ]Jan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2I think he has something of a point, in that most users will just pick the option Dell/HP tell them to and doesn't involve any work to get it running. They look at linux and see something complicated they can't trust, windows is the soma of computing.Jan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2That said, he's being a dick. He tied the whole thing to a sensationalist headline and completely ignored the fact thatJan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2    The linux desktop isn't irrelevant to the millions of people who use itJan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2    It's growingJan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 10:36
schestowitz_bed2"Oh, and I feel so sorry for his friend Valerie if he advised her to switch to apple. I hope she didn't get scared away from trying new stuff just because of that."Jan 26 10:37
Sosumioutside of those "exclusives" I fail to actually name games that are exclusive to those systems and that manage to be better of what we find on the pcJan 26 10:37
Sosumiand it isn't looking better on this genJan 26 10:37
Sosumiwith the introduction of touch games and motion junk with camerasJan 26 10:38
Sosumiand voice recognitionJan 26 10:38
Sosumiwhich transmit all your data to the game publisherJan 26 10:38
Sosumialthough the portable consoles kind of look niceJan 26 10:39
Sosumiyou could just get an original pspJan 26 10:39
Sosumiand play games for cheapJan 26 10:39
Sosumiif you're into turn based strategy games and some nice platformersJan 26 10:40
Sosumithe disgaea series and the priny series are nice and can be bought dirt cheap on the second hand marketJan 26 10:41
Sosumialso, don't we have Davos conference around nowJan 26 10:42
Sosumiin which the failing oligarchs will be plotting to keep themselves afloatJan 26 10:43
Sosumiaka the survival of the unfitJan 26 10:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficialJan 26 10:44
TweetTuxMachines                 accessories via software updateJan 26 10:44
TweetTuxMachines        26 10:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 10:44 | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Tux MachinesJan 26 10:44
iophk 26 10:48 | FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report  [ ]Jan 26 10:48
*TweetTuxMachines @voidquest44 retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via...'Jan 26 10:53
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:54 reshared: #Programmierer #Feindschaft bis in den Tod !?!Jan 26 10:54
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 26 10:54
schestowitz_bed2iophk: anything specific?Jan 26 10:54
schestowitz_bed2"iophk: anything specific?bööse :)|Jan 26 10:55
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:56 reshared: #gifs #policeJan 26 10:56
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 26 10:56
schestowitz_bed2"this explains so much in a nutshell, the first reaction of the jackboot is to destroy, to maim and to use violence, without logical reflection or reason"Jan 26 10:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:57 reshared: # Biggest Hole Dug by Hand # Jan 26 10:57
schestowitz_bed2"Fascinating. Simply fascinating."Jan 26 10:57
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:57 Worse than Jobs: the man who added #apple to #nsa #prism 26 10:57
schestowitz_bed2“there is no back door. The government doesn’t have access to our servers. They would have to cart us out in box for that, and that will not happen.”Jan 26 10:57
schestowitz_bed2... And you don't believe Tim Cook?Jan 26 10:57
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tim Cook Talks NSA, Secrecy, and More with ABC News  [ ]Jan 26 10:57
SosumiTim CrookJan 26 10:57
iophkNothing specific that I know of but it would be interesting to know what caused Sony to do an about face on allowing Linux.Jan 26 10:58
Sosumisony had also allowed linux on the ps2Jan 26 11:00
Sosumito the point of even selling you a kitJan 26 11:00
iophkIt was a selling point.Jan 26 11:00
SosumiI think that was directed to the japanese marketJan 26 11:01
Sosumiin order to minimize the amount of occupied space at homeJan 26 11:01
Sosumisince flats in japan tend to be quite smallJan 26 11:01
iophkOnly the large ones are small.  The rest are much smaller.Jan 26 11:02
Sosumimore like a house fit for gnome or hobbitJan 26 11:02
Sosumiand since most ppl in the end always end up having a laptopJan 26 11:02
SosumiI think that was the idea behind thatJan 26 11:03
iophk 26 11:03 | Swedish Public Television Claims Copyright Publication Rights To Everybody's Sports Photos If Posted On Twitter - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 26 11:03
Sosumigiving folks a small footprint computerJan 26 11:03
Sosumithat doubles as a console and bluray playerJan 26 11:03
Sosumiwell, triplesJan 26 11:04
iophkbasically 3 device in oneJan 26 11:04
Sosumiand a docking station for the pspJan 26 11:04
Sosumiso 4 devices in oneJan 26 11:04
SosumiI actually bought a ps3 back in early 2009Jan 26 11:05
Sosumiin order to test cellJan 26 11:05
Sosumiofc that I returned the console after thatJan 26 11:05
schestowitz_bed2iophk: wowJan 26 11:06
schestowitz_bed2new lowJan 26 11:06
Sosumiand from what I could tell, at least the powerpc core was as fast as the 1.8 g5 Jan 26 11:06
Sosumithat crapple included on the base powermac g5 when they introduced the architectureJan 26 11:07
Sosumiand I couldn't get decent results from the SPEsJan 26 11:08
Sosumibut from my opinion, at that timeJan 26 11:08
Sosumiyou'd be better with one or more gtx 9800Jan 26 11:08
Sosuminew low? where? me buying the console?Jan 26 11:09
SosumiI had 15 days to test it out and then go back to the store and ask to be refundedJan 26 11:10
Sosumiso I got my 399€ back anywaysJan 26 11:10
Sosumiand sony got a console to recondition in order to sell it back again as newJan 26 11:11
iophkschestowitz_bed2: there were some web hosting services that tried to take ownership of everything that was uploaded and published on their machines.  I can't recall the name(s) right now, but I think they're not in business any more.Jan 26 11:13
iophkIt was more than a few years ago.Jan 26 11:13
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Your photos are not yours 26 11:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Mississippi is now the tenth state to consider legislation to ban cooperation with #NSA up from sixJan 26 11:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mississippi is now the tenth state to consider legislation to ban cooperation with NSA | Nullify NSA!Nullify NSA!Jan 26 11:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "THE NEWS" ❂ JUICE RAP NEWS ❂ SEASON 2 EP 1 real news, with humourJan 26 11:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | "THE NEWS"  ❂  JUICE RAP NEWS  ❂  SEASON 2  EP 1 - YouTubeJan 26 11:18
iophkI guess that kind of grab happens often still: 26 11:20 | Facebook to Instagram users: 'all your photos are belong to us' - The Tell - MarketWatch  [ ]Jan 26 11:20
schestowitz_bed2yeahJan 26 11:21
schestowitz_bed2I thought about this, BUT...Jan 26 11:21
schestowitz_bed2This is about WHERE you upload toJan 26 11:21
schestowitz_bed2Not WHERE you take the photoJan 26 11:21
iophkgood pointJan 26 11:21
iophktwitter is just an indeJan 26 11:21
schestowitz_bed2Also, 5 or 6 years ago I read about some place with a tree where if you took a photo, they claimed to own the copyrightsJan 26 11:21
iophkindexJan 26 11:21
schestowitz_bed2either way, there's a landgrab of copyrightsJan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2like all ownershiJan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2see what I write this morning about GatesJan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2he now invests directly in oppression of protestJan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2and made 15 billion last yearJan 26 11:22
schestowitz_bed2my personal hero /sarcasmJan 26 11:23
iophkUntil he starts handing out cash, it's just bluff and marketing no real philanthropy.Jan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2an afford to hire people with inside information Jan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2i.e. people who rig the marketsJan 26 11:23
iophkBut then maybe that's the point.Jan 26 11:23
schestowitz_bed2taking away from hopefuls who think that investment is a win to allJan 26 11:24
schestowitz_bed2wait for ZDNet et al. to use that to smear AndroidJan 26 11:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014Jan 26 11:28
TweetTuxMachines        26 11:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 11:28 | Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 26 11:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu LinuxJan 26 11:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Pre-installed PC Released By System76.Jan 26 11:28
TweetTuxMachines        26 11:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 11:28 | Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76.  | Tux MachinesJan 26 11:28
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 #tizen is back then... #linuxJan 26 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 | MuktwareJan 26 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Windows is infecting #Android don't use Windows.Jan 26 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New malware uses Windows to infect Android devices | MuktwareJan 26 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76. #gnu #linux #ubuntuJan 26 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76. | CrazyEngineersJan 26 11:29
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Limitations in #e17 (Enlightenment) make me yearn for KDE4: can't resize windows with SHIFT+mouse, Kipper needed. Good side: RAM miracle!Jan 26 11:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Latest Unity7 Update in #Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. #gnu #linuxJan 26 11:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. | CrazyEngineersJan 26 11:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #drones with legs, wheels, etc. 26 11:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army expects to replace a quarter of soldiers with robots by 2040 - SlashGearJan 26 11:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040 | MuktwareJan 26 11:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army Envisions More Robotic FutureJan 26 11:41
iophk 26 11:42 | Forever Peace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 26 11:42
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:43
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Now that assassination by flying robots (based on #nsa kill lists) has been made "normal" by the corporate, war-loving media we move furtherJan 26 11:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:45
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Remember that to the #nsa "undesirables" include journalists, whistleblowers, regulators, politicians, human rights groups, protestersJan 26 11:45
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: In #yemen the #obama administration helped the jailing of a journalist for daring to compete with US reporting (monopoly) on #drone strikesJan 26 11:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Jailing journalists and such not a novel concept (1990) Tocuhe! 26 11:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ex-official: Cia Helped Jail Mandela - Chicago TribuneJan 26 11:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | President Obama Poses for Selfie at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service - ABC NewsJan 26 11:48
iophk 26 11:50 | Strong majority in IMCO voted to defend net neutrality | Christian Engström, Pirate MEP  [ ]Jan 26 11:50
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 11:51 | open...: "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do...  [ ]Jan 26 11:51
schestowitz_bed2I contacted him and others yesterdayJan 26 11:51
schestowitz_bed2but I only found out it had gone online because you told meJan 26 11:51
iophkIt has a lot of valuable pages, it is of value to Heise and of negligible maintenance costs (I would expect) and it could probably be converted to static pages if the current software is too much trouble.Jan 26 11:53
schestowitz_bed2yeah, that tooJan 26 11:53
schestowitz_bed2instead thet try to bloster the ranking of their pro-MS and pro-Apple siteJan 26 11:54
schestowitz_bed2Heise.deJan 26 11:54
iophkThat may be the real motivation behind the closure: pound the M$ drumJan 26 11:56
iophkyay Bill!Jan 26 11:56
schestowitz_bed2maybe they can ask Bill to support the publicatiomn, toe HJan 26 11:57
schestowitz_bed2Bill says he likes sharingJan 26 11:57
schestowitz_bed2The H is about sharingJan 26 11:57
iophkAnd about promoting IT.  Bill says he likes promoting IT.Jan 26 11:57
schestowitz_bed2maybe bill can cobble together some lamp serverJan 26 11:58
schestowitz_bed2he's an uber-technical guyJan 26 11:58
schestowitz_bed2!google idiot wrote this code eller bill gatesJan 26 11:58
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - The Story of Steve Jobs: An Inspiration or a Cautionary Tale? | Wired ... | 26 11:58
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bill Gates: 'I wrote Steve Jobs a letter as he was dying. He kept it by ... | 26 11:58
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - The Secret Origin of Windows - Technologizer | 26 11:58
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Gates Says Biden, Clinton Would Make Good Presidents | 26 11:58
iophkyeah he invented the Inernet and PCs and sliced bread ...Jan 26 11:58
schestowitz_bed2wow, Bill really googlebombed it out of existenceJan 26 11:58
schestowitz_bed2mjust hgave cost a fortune to dump all those puff pieces on high pagerank sitesJan 26 11:59
iophkGoogle ranking is quite ephemeral especially where M$ can dump on it.Jan 26 11:59
iophkDuring the last week or so, one or more of the links posted mentioned Sweden's Carl Bildt leading some kind of commission to investigate NSA surveillance and overreach.  That's almost a conflict of interest given where he sits politically.  Jan 26 12:00
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:01
TechrightsBot-tr@GatoPreto19: @schestowitz Reporting Truth means Jail or Kill-Lists, nowadays.. Or was it that way since ever..Jan 26 12:01
schestowitz_bed2but not in the US. It used to be China, Russia....Jan 26 12:01
schestowitz_bed2yes, I wrote about this Bildt nonsenseJan 26 12:01
schestowitz_bed2he';s a friend of RoveJan 26 12:01
schestowitz_bed2And a hawkJan 26 12:01
schestowitz_bed2!google bildt nigger is a niggerJan 26 12:02
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - “A nigger is a nigger and a Swede is a Swede”. Top leaders of ... | 26 12:02
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bildt's Party & Mandela's Darkies | Rixstep Industry Watch |,00.shtmlJan 26 12:02
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Twitter / wikileaks: “A nigger is a nigger and ... | 26 12:02
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - “A Swede is a Swede & a Jew is a Jew”, says Carl Bildt. Analysing ... | 26 12:02
iophkYes, he will go through the motions and conclude that there is not enough surveillance.Jan 26 12:02
schestowitz_bed2ah, wouldn't that be awesome for his mates?Jan 26 12:02
schestowitz_bed2I didn't even think about it like thatJan 26 12:02
schestowitz_bed2I just said it was comical and a PR attemptJan 26 12:03
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:04
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Finally it seems like people such as @glynmoody plan the use of #copyrights wisely everyone should do thisJan 26 12:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | open...: "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do...Jan 26 12:04
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUs #nvidia no good, def. not when it comes to freedomJan 26 12:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUsJan 26 12:04
iophkSome of the Swedish blog headlines translate to the goat being appointed head gardner or the the fox being appointed to watch the hen house and similarJan 26 12:04
iophk 26 12:05
iophk"Carl  Bildt is potentially one of the least suitable people to lead efforts  to chart the way for a freer and safer Internet for users"Jan 26 12:05 | Google Translate  [ ]Jan 26 12:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's WhatJan 26 12:12
TweetTuxMachines                 I Aim to Do... 26 12:12
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 12:12 | "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do... | Tux MachinesJan 26 12:12
schestowitz_bed2   Jan 26 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of Drama #fedora #gnu #linux #redhatJan 26 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of DramaJan 26 12:22
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Europe's Highest Court Says DRM Circumvention May Be Lawful In Certain Circumstances #drm #copyrightJan 26 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Europe's Highest Court Says DRM Circumvention May Be Lawful In Certain Circumstances | TechdirtJan 26 12:22
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The claim that #bildt will "investigate" the #nsa seems like a PR ploy, possibly designed to help "find" that NSA actions are "lawful"Jan 26 12:24
schestowitz_bed2I will look at some NSA news nowJan 26 12:24
iophkWhich politicians or investigating politicians own, own stock in or have friends in companies that make money off of NSA surveillance?Jan 26 12:25
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 26 12:28
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Rich people: people are poor because they're lazy; Poor people, indoctrinated by rich people-owned media: I just need to work harder.Jan 26 12:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Back when I was in #davos it was known for skiing and calm. Now it's associated with white-collar crime 26 12:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | State of Power 2014: Exposing the Davos Class | ROAR MagazineJan 26 12:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #WEF held in #Davos so that the thieves can go check their bank accounts while they're traveling to "talk about poverty" in private jets.Jan 26 12:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:34
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Global warning is a problem, said man with a private jet, speaking about "giving" while hoarding additional $15.8bn 26 12:34
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution | TechrightsJan 26 12:34
*eebrah has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 26 12:36
schestowitz_bed2LOLJan 26 12:39
schestowitz_bed2"Rep. Peter King on Saturday blasted a new resolution from the Republican National Committee concerning the National Security Agency,"Jan 26 12:39
schestowitz_bed2'KingJan 26 12:39
schestowitz_bed2!google peter kind wikileaksJan 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Peter King On Why Wikileaks Should Be Declared A Terrorist ... | 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Rep. Peter King: Prosecute WikiLeaks, Julian Assange - Jennifer ... | 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Peter King: Declare Wikileaks A Terrorist Organization | 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - WikiLeaks Is A Terror Outfit: Rep. Peter King : It's All Politics : NPR | 26 12:39
schestowitz_bed2!google peter king wikileaksJan 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Peter King On Why Wikileaks Should Be Declared A Terrorist ... | 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Rep. Peter King: Prosecute WikiLeaks, Julian Assange - Jennifer ... | 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - WikiLeaks Is A Terror Outfit: Rep. Peter King : It's All Politics : NPR | 26 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Congressman wants WikiLeaks listed as terrorist group - CNET News | 26 12:39
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 26 12:42
*schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 12:43
iophk"Besides Bildt chaired we find in the group Michael Chertoff.  He worked for George W. Bush in the U.S. Homeland Security and was one of the brains behind the Patriot Act.  A brilliant name to protect the right to freedom and privacy online - from the NSA's perspective.  Another is Sir David Omand.  He was previously head of GCHQ. "Jan 26 12:44
iophk 26 12:44 | Google Translate  [ ]Jan 26 12:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa executives and facilitators should be trialled for #espionage 26 12:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Snowden NSA economic espionage claim broadcast as teaser to first TV interview | News | DW.DE | 26.01.2014Jan 26 12:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA also serves economic interests: Snowden interview  | South China Morning PostJan 26 12:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 26 12:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Tim Cook, who let the #nsa get access through #prism , says #NSA doesn't have "back door access" to Apple servers. #liar #timcook #appleJan 26 12:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: In a way, Tim Cook is correct; there are no back doors, none are needed. #apple is just granting the #nsa physical, free access to data.Jan 26 12:46
iophkfront-door access thenJan 26 12:47
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Get 'em while they're young," they say... 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA's website for kids isn't creepy. Nope. Not creepy at all.Jan 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "send an e-mail without worrying what it will look like on their permanent record." #nsaJan 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden Elaborates on NSA, Spying | Maximum PCJan 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hawk for #nsa shows no signs of abolishing. #CIA Post: "White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden declined to comment" 26 12:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Obama signs off on nomination of Rogers as NSA director - The Washington PostJan 26 12:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of DramaJan 26 12:56
TweetTuxMachines        26 12:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 12:56 | Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of Drama | Tux MachinesJan 26 12:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: You know we're seriously *ed when tech executives say to us there's no back door simply because NSA is secretly using front door (collusion)Jan 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Crushing people's morale 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Aldous Huxley saw it coming 26 12:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa is all about business, serving the oligarchs who own and control the nation 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA also serves economic interests: Snowden interview  < German news | Expatica GermanyJan 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA serves economic interests: Snowden | SBS NewsJan 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Death squads have assassinated eight trade union leaders in Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia." 26 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Stop Killer Coke! Death squads have assassinated eight trade union leaders in Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia. The Stop Killer Coke campaign holds the beverage giant responsible.Jan 26 12:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Politico continues to give a platform to radicals whatever gives them hitsJan 26 13:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Peter King slams RNC on NSA resolution - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.comJan 26 13:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "As it tries to protect us from the “bad guys,” the government has become more intrusive in our lives." 26 13:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Letter: NSA tramples freedoms - LettersJan 26 13:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why is it always ABC (clue: conflict of interest) that's whitewashing #apple abuses? Not even a pretense of independence in media anymore.Jan 26 13:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #cellphones : people "line up at stores to pay for the latest model of these monitoring devices." 26 13:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Diary: My NSA Nightmare Last Night | OpEdNewsJan 26 13:14
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How Many People Have Died in 5 Years of [Obama|NSA|CIA] #Drone Wars? ~2400 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How Many People Have Died in 5 Years of Drone Wars? - PolicyMicJan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | FarsnewsJan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Two former US officials criticize #drone war "military general and another top counter-terrorism advisor"Jan 26 13:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | :::  - Two former US officials criticize drone warJan 26 13:15
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "prosecutors are preparing to investigate allegations that  #CIA ran secret detention camps in the county's forests" 26 13:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Poland to probe secret CIA prisons | Europe | World BulletinJan 26 13:19
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies #germany #ebergyJan 26 13:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies | Beyond RevolutionJan 26 13:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: There are people who would work 60 hours per week for oligarchs and not spend one minute reading criticism, let alone attend a protest.Jan 26 13:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Neo-Feudalism a taboo 26 13:27
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:28 There are people who would work 60 hours per week for oligarchs and not spend one minute reading criticism, let alone attend a protest.Jan 26 13:28
schestowitz_bed2"They can't even walk their dogs: "Jan 26 13:29 | ### #WTF??Jan 26 13:29
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Definitely NOT to be used: hardware-level crypto (i.e. cryptic algo) in #amd #linux avoid, it's a US company. #nsaJan 26 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Linux 3.14 Supports AMD's Cryptographic CoprocessorJan 26 13:42
iophkforgetting the illegal per-processor fees they had to compete against:Jan 26 13:45
iophk 26 13:45 | Mac pioneers lauded as Apple celebrates 30 years of Macintosh computers |  [ ]Jan 26 13:45
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "It's alarming that few girls or students of color are taking computer science classes." 26 13:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | America's Coming Geek Gap | Mother JonesJan 26 13:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #linuxfoundation is trying hard to paint #linux development as multi-cultural and sex-agnostic. Commendable marketing, but unrealistic.Jan 26 13:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Foes of FOSS have for a long time tried to portray FOSS as causing the gender gap (in CS). This has become a good way to identify FOSS foes.Jan 26 13:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: It is widely known that the #cia traditionally used "human rights", "racism", and "women's rights" to justify (to public) economic coupsJan 26 13:55
schestowitz_bed2 26 13:55
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz there's a lot more women in proprietary dev than open source. those are the numbers.Jan 26 13:56
schestowitz_bed2If the difference is 5% versus, say, 15%, then it's not so statistically significant. I heard this argument before.Jan 26 13:56
schestowitz_bed2Negative discrimination plays a role in it. That is, contrary to the usual claims, companies often hire women for "balance"Jan 26 13:57
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:04
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz show me substantiation for this claimJan 26 14:04
schestowitz_bed2personal stories; for statistical substantiation, someone will need to fund super controversial studyJan 26 14:05
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:05
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz it's 1% versus 15%. there is actually a problem. burying your head in the sand is avoidant behaviour.Jan 26 14:05
schestowitz_bed21% for KDE maybe. Very different in FOSS companies, which also include various roles.Jan 26 14:06
schestowitz_bed2I work for a FOSS company where about half the staff is female, inc. technical rolesJan 26 14:07
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:07
TechrightsBot-tr@unclepete_100: @schestowitz Quelle surprise.Jan 26 14:07
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:07
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Digital footprints (spurious and unwanted), such as "utm_source=feedburner", show the infinite greed for offline #surveillance tooJan 26 14:07
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:10 Definitely NOT to be used: hardware-level crypto (i.e. cryptic algo) in #amd #linux avoid, it's a US company. #nsaJan 26 14:10
schestowitz_bed2"what do you use?"Jan 26 14:10
schestowitz_bed2One should use FOSS and not offload computation such as this to the co-processorJan 26 14:10
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fast and loose with the term "Insider Trading" which is a crime that's how some plutocrats get richerJan 26 14:20
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent Insider Trading: Facebook Inc (FB), Intel , Questcor, Red Hat, Texas Instruments, Verizon Communications | FX News CallJan 26 14:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New malware uses Windows to infect AndroidJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines                 devices 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pwnium hackathon: Google offers over $2 millionJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines                 in rewards 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:21 | New malware uses Windows to infect Android devices | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 FeaturesJan 26 14:21 | Pwnium hackathon: Google offers over $2 million in rewards | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ ThemingJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Support. 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:21 | Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better SupportJan 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines                 for RAW Images 26 14:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 14:21 | gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW Images | Tux MachinesJan 26 14:21
MinceRgeekingsJan 26 14:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:35 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 26 14:35
schestowitz_bed2TV is the appeal for others to find for you what you might find entertaining, usually because one cannot entertain oneselfJan 26 14:36
MinceRdunno, i watch more tv programs on the web than on the tv :>Jan 26 14:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Reading as an 'app' 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: CNN, after firing journalists in droves, warns #twitter and #facebook 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Opinion: Why Twitter should watch its back - CNN.comJan 26 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Google is watching you, with the help of fools who pay top bucks for #CCTV equipment 26 14:38
Sosumipict of the dayJan 26 14:57
Sosumi 26 14:57
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 26 14:57
SosumiTPPzilaJan 26 14:57
schestowitz_bed2I see they've inserted some conpiracy theories into itJan 26 15:04
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:04 via @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} Jan 26 15:04
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 26 15:06
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:08
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Discussion and education, one person at a time 26 15:08
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Even the US government won't use US phones US phones have back doors.Jan 26 15:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | chycho: The Irony and the Hypocrisy, the U.S. Department of Defense Is Using Blackberry for Its Privacy (Update on The Surveillance State)Jan 26 15:14
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 15:24
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 15:24
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 15:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Shortly after #billgates started to bribe 'guardian' it became very Google-hostile, even when #microsoft does worse 26 15:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why Google Android software is not as free or open-source as you may think | Technology | theguardian.comJan 26 15:25
schestowitz_bed2Charles Arhur againJan 26 15:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW Images #gnome #gnu #linux #softwareJan 26 15:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW ImagesJan 26 15:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison uber benchmark. #linux #phoronixJan 26 15:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card ComparisonJan 26 15:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hacking Open the Data Center #sharingJan 26 15:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hacking Open the Data Center | Re/codeJan 26 15:30
schestowitz_bed2it's good to see phoronic returning to hardware science and journalism as opposed to gossip and personalities cultJan 26 15:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa #dropbox is worth a lot of money, but to who?  #datahoarding #marketing #prism #masssurveillance #surveillanceJan 26 15:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Morning Download: Dropbox’s $10 Billion Valuation Shows Pull of Consumerization - The CIO Report - WSJJan 26 15:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA: Monetising/extorting millions of fools who upload their data to some remote (in US) server and take cameras (phones) to their bathroomJan 26 15:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The best alternative for #dropbox is called "hard drive" (it's this thing you put in your machine), not #nsa traps: 26 15:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | 5 Dropbox alternatives for the small business - Computer Business ReviewJan 26 15:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "According to a new report by Splashdata, the most common password in 2013 was “123456”" 26 15:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ‘Password’ no longer the Internet’s worst password | GulfNews.comJan 26 15:45
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:49 | Twitter, Box, and Dropbox attracting hordes of employees away from tech giants | VentureBeat | Business | by Rebecca Grant  [ ]Jan 26 15:49
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:53
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #outage at #nsa #dropbox "was caused by internal maintenance," according to DropBox. Setting up more doors for NSA? 26 15:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hackers claim responsibility for Dropbox outage (Wired UK)Jan 26 15:53
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "US Investigative Journalist Michael Hastings told an incredible story when he returned from his 2010 trip" 26 15:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How economic warfare killed the People's Bank — RT Op-EdgeJan 26 15:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics CardJan 26 15:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Comparison 26 15:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:56 | 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison | Tux MachinesJan 26 15:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hacking Open the Data CenterJan 26 15:56
TweetTuxMachines        26 15:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:56 | Hacking Open the Data Center | Tux MachinesJan 26 15:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 15:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hidden ownership (also of the corporate media, as a World Bank whistleblower explained last year) 26 15:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Science "another religion" response 26 15:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #FBI priorities 26 15:59
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:00
schestowitz_bed2Why is Jobs overlaid on top of the British flag? That disgraceful sociopath was not British.Jan 26 16:00
XFaCEschestowitz_bed2: what search engine would you recommend?Jan 26 16:07
schestowitz_bed2none at the momentJan 26 16:14
schestowitz_bed2ixquick sold outJan 26 16:14
schestowitz_bed2and I don't know what to use anymoreJan 26 16:14
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: New Screenshots Galleries :Instructionals : Games 26 16:15
XFaCEthere's always that p2p oneJan 26 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New Screenshots Galleries | TechrightsJan 26 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 26/1/2014: Instructionals | TechrightsJan 26 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 26/1/2014: Games | TechrightsJan 26 16:15
XFaCEschestowitz_bed2: how did they sell out exactly?Jan 26 16:15
XFaCEI missed the tweet/articleJan 26 16:15
XFaCEor rather I can't remember what it saidJan 26 16:15
schestowitz_bed2they signed up with Google last yearJan 26 16:25
schestowitz_bed2AdSense and stuffJan 26 16:25
schestowitz_bed2they also opened an office and server side in the USJan 26 16:25
schestowitz_bed2So it is no longer a Dutch thing, and the government can force them to hand over users' daraJan 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2*dataJan 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:26 Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive #mageia #pclinuxos #mandriva #gnu #linuxJan 26 16:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2"Tanx Roy, I have just installed mageia 3 in my nephew's laptop, an old Dell precision notebook, so I'm not happy to view this fast upgrade trend. In my opinion the cycles release could be more time long. One or one and half year are too much short. Ok the Mageia is a cutting-edge distribution but I like a more LTS version. Bye the way Mageia rulezzz :)"Jan 26 16:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hear, see, speak 26 16:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:31 | Ximion's Blog  » Blog Archive   » Next stop: FOSDEM’14  [ ]Jan 26 16:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:37
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Making #apple even angrier at #android 26 16:37
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How to Give your Android Smartphone the iOS 7 Look | TechSourceJan 26 16:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 26 16:42
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 26 16:42
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 26 16:42
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 16:42 | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux MachinesJan 26 16:42 | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 26 16:42 | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJan 26 16:42
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Interview: Linus #Torvalds - "I don't read code any more" reposted, still interestingJan 26 16:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | open...: Interview: Linus Torvalds - "I don't read code any more"Jan 26 16:46
schestowitz_bed2 26 16:48 | Why the Military Industrial Complex Needs Al-Qaeda, the Best Enemy Money Can Buy |  [ ]Jan 26 16:48
schestowitz_bed2'When Ted Cruz infamously warned against the U.S. acting as “Al-Qaeda’s air force,” he was referring to White House support for rebel jihadists in Syria, the most effective of whom represent groups like ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra."Jan 26 16:48
schestowitz_bed2Lost up north 26 17:00
MinceR 26 17:02 | Obama Wants to Give Your Toys to Other Kids - CheezburgerJan 26 17:02
MinceR 26 17:05 | What the Government Thinks of Citizens Who Want Their Privacy - CheezburgerJan 26 17:05
iophk 26 17:07
iophk 26 17:07 | German TV: Edward Snowden says NSA is involved in industrial sabotage | World news |  [ ]Jan 26 17:07 | German TV: Snowden Says NSA Also Spies On Industry  [ ]Jan 26 17:07
*synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 17:16
*synchris has quit (Changing host)Jan 26 17:16
*synchris (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/synchris) has joined #techrightsJan 26 17:16
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "leaders want to officially state their displeasure with federal military policy during the “war on..."" (dissent) 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | States Say “Stop” to NDAA | American Free PressJan 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ndaa Nullification "Trend Is Spreading" "nullify unconstitutional acts of the federal government."Jan 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Wall Street Journal Takes Notice: Nullification "Trend Is Spreading"Jan 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ndaa = "presidential authority, to arrest, kidnap, detain without trial and hold indefinitely American citizens" 26 17:24
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: British MPs demand scrutiny of US military bases amid spying reports based that help maim and killJan 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | British MPs demand scrutiny of US military bases amid spying reports — RT NewsJan 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #cia did not give #Karzai ENOUGH black bags full of cash #drones #assassinationJan 26 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Karzai to US: Start talks with Taliban or leave  – The Express TribuneJan 26 17:24
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:26
schestowitz_bed2"One and half year is not enough for me. If I Installed mageia3 3 month late and I don't want the risk to have a not supported O.S., I have only one year of true use of mageia. I must to upgrade some months in advance because: * buy new hardware (HD, SSD) * have time to upgrade * buy flash memory for safety backup * have time to set-up the new DE (Desktop environment) if is a new installation (/home preserved) * ecc ecc usually I Jan 26 17:26
schestowitz_bed2have both the old mageia and the new because the troubles with the hardware and software often occurs."Jan 26 17:26
schestowitz_bed2"Mageia is the best distribution for me, I'm a Mageia supporter so I criticize It ;)"Jan 26 17:26
schestowitz_bed2'Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2Google's been doing an awfully good job of generating its own home-grown hostility.Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2From 1998 to about 2005, I was overwhelmingly supportive of the company.Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2With the release of Gmail, I started to have my concerns. It's a good product, but handing my search and email data to the same company calls for a huge investment of trust.Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2Over the 2.5 years I've watched Google+ play out and develop, my attitude has turned sharply negative. The company's behavior cannot simply be seen as benign, as I've noted, even with the best of intentions, [Google cannot protect its users against a nation-sized advanced persistent threat.Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2And I'm no longer convinced in the least Google has the best of intentions.Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2Search + mail + phone + Nest ....Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2Really, the uncanny valley of creepiness has been well and truly entered.Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 17:27
schestowitz_bed2 26 17:27 | Schmidt: My biggest mistake is still not realizing my biggest mistake : dredmorbius  [ ]Jan 26 17:27
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 26 18:10
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:10
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 18:10
*XFaCE has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 26 18:35
*XFaCE_ (XFaCE@unaffiliated/xface) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:36
*XFaCE_ is now known as XFaCEJan 26 18:36
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 26 19:11
sebsebseb Jan 26 19:11
roy_heyJan 26 19:41
roy_ 26 19:42
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz @glynmoody how extremely annoyingJan 26 19:42
roy_ 26 19:43 Patents Roundup: SCOTUS, Qualcomm, and ‘Beneficial’ ‘Innovations’ (Patent Troll) #scotus #swpats #foss #linuxJan 26 19:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Patents Roundup: SCOTUS, Qualcomm, and ‘Beneficial’ ‘Innovations’ (Patent Troll) | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 19:43 Bringing #TheH Open/H-Online Articles Back Online Without Help From #Heise hopefully, others can follow @glynmoodyJan 26 19:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bringing The H Open/H-Online Articles Back Online Without Help From Heise | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 19:43 Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United StatesJan 26 19:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 19:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 26 20:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 20:02 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 26 20:02
roy_ 26 20:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Today in Techrights #techrightsJan 26 20:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 26 20:03
roy_ 26 20:12 Conclusion of the day re #e17 : plasma-desktop (KDE4) can be run under Enlightenment but it's windowed and klipper still not supportedJan 26 20:12
roy_ 26 20:14
TechrightsBot-tr@EllieAsksWhy: @davidgerard Articles were to remain accessible! I didn't know you read H-Online. I liked the fora, only read though, shy @schestowitzJan 26 20:14
iophkIs there a good link to a promise to keep The H articles online?  Or was that on the H site itself?Jan 26 20:15
roy_ 26 20:18 | Doves released in the Vatican are immediately attacked by seagull and crow | Mail Online  [ ]Jan 26 20:18
roy_On The HJan 26 20:18
roy_dj said soJan 26 20:18
iophkWas it more advertising money from M$ which motivated them to pull the plug?Jan 26 20:19
iophk 26 20:33
iophkPS4 ? Jan 26 20:33 | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 26 20:33
MinceRthe article claims that's linux-basedJan 26 20:34
iophkYeah, it looked that way. Jan 26 20:35
Sosumi 26 20:35 | Streaming comes to Steam: run on your gaming rig, play on your laptop | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 20:35
iophkMaybe using the M$ definition where all non-M$ stuff is "linux"Jan 26 20:35
Sosumiawesome and works on linux tooJan 26 20:35
Sosumiand it is local streamingJan 26 20:37
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 26 20:40
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 21:39
MinceRgnJan 26 21:43
roy_ 26 22:11 How To See All The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook — And Block ThemJan 26 22:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | See All The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook — And Block Them - Business Insider  [ ]Jan 26 22:11 ARD - Interview mit Edward Snowden 26 01 2014 #abc acts as though it's surprisedJan 26 22:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ARD - Interview mit Edward Snowden 26 01 2014 - YouTube  [ ]Jan 26 22:11 It's time to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry IMG: 26 22:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | It's time to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry | Bill McKibben  | Comment is free |  [ ]Jan 26 22:12
roy_ 26 22:27 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 22:27 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 22:27 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 22:27
roy_ 26 22:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell #ibm #nsaJan 26 22:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell | TechrightsJan 26 22:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA director 26 22:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Saving world 26 22:28
roy_ 26 22:31
*synchris has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 26 23:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA AreJan 26 23:16
TweetTuxMachines                 a Company’s Death Knell 26 23:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 23:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategyJan 26 23:17
TweetTuxMachines                 in the living room' 26 23:17 | IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell | Tux MachinesJan 26 23:17
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 23:17 | Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' | Tux MachinesJan 26 23:17
roy_ 26 23:19 | Bodhi Guide to Enlightenment - Shelves and Gadgets  [ ]Jan 26 23:19
roy_ 26 23:19 | Everything for your Enlightenment Desktop -  E17-Stuff.orgJan 26 23:19
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:27
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:28
*freedomrun has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 26 23:42
roy_wowJan 26 23:44
roy_I think elive being non-free led to this: 26 23:44 | Group E17-Stuff.orgJan 26 23:44
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 23:59
roy_ 27 00:00 Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' #steam #gnu #linuxJan 27 00:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' | Tux MachinesJan 27 00:00 While experimenting with gadgets, themes, extensions for Enlightenment I found this group, maybe ELive-associated 27 00:00
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Cirrus_Minor)Jan 27 01:17
DaemonFCI'm so mad right now.Jan 27 02:27
DaemonFCSomehow, Facebook posted a timeline update with a picture that my bf posted of his ex last year before he met me.Jan 27 02:27
DaemonFCand it flagged it as a new postJan 27 02:27
DaemonFCSo I called him and screamed at him, and then he had no idea what I was angry about.Jan 27 02:28
DaemonFCNothing good ever comes from Facebook.Jan 27 02:28
DaemonFCI'm considering switching back to Kubuntu. I've used Fedora for a little over a year.Jan 27 03:06
DaemonFCThe 14.04 LTS will have components that are new enough to do everything I want to do.Jan 27 03:07
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 27 03:21
DaemonFC 27 03:26
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 27 03:35
DaemonFC 27 04:26 | Coca-Cola Wants to Share a Coke, But Not With Gay People  [ ]Jan 27 04:26
DaemonFCI don't like Coke much anyway.Jan 27 04:26
DaemonFCWhen I go out to eat these days, I get water.Jan 27 04:27
DaemonFCThe price of Coke products at restaurants has gotten so bad that it can add $3 to your bill for each person.Jan 27 04:27
DaemonFCTim and I just get water when we go out for dinner.Jan 27 04:27
DaemonFCI had a waiter at Applebees try to bring me a "Dasani" bottled water and charge me $2 for it.Jan 27 04:28
DaemonFCI told him "No, that's not what I wanted. I wanted tap water.Jan 27 04:28
DaemonFCSo now I specify "tap water".Jan 27 04:28
DaemonFCWho pays $2 for a 20 ounce bottle of water?Jan 27 04:29
DaemonFCTim needs new tires. His rear tires are worn down so bad that they're bald. He had one go flat so I put some tire slime in it and reinflated it.Jan 27 04:34
DaemonFCYou don't want to do that to a tire that has lots of tread left on it, because then nobody will patch it.Jan 27 04:35
DaemonFCBut the tire is basically finished and he just needs to get around for a few more days on it.Jan 27 04:35
DaemonFCI run mine down until they're bald too, unless it's winter.Jan 27 04:37
DaemonFCTires have really gotten expensive, because the federal government is imposing import tariffs on them now.Jan 27 04:37
DaemonFCA $55 tire in 2007 is now an $85 tire. :PJan 27 04:37
DaemonFCSo if you can run them for a few more months, it makes sense to do that.Jan 27 04:38
DaemonFC 27 04:46 | Fiber one bars...good or bad 4 u? |  [ ]Jan 27 04:46
DaemonFCFiber bars remind me of that "bad gas explosion" question on that IQ test.Jan 27 04:46
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 27 07:20
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 27 07:23
DaemonFC 27 07:48 | Evil Triumphs: Satanic Birds Attack Pope's Peace Doves  [ ]Jan 27 07:48
DaemonFCLOLJan 27 07:48
DaemonFCMinceR will like that.Jan 27 07:48
DaemonFC"The children were young, impressionable, and are now likely ruined."Jan 27 07:49
DaemonFCAnd that was just from being raped by the priests before seeing the birds attacked.Jan 27 07:49
DaemonFC:PJan 27 07:49
DaemonFC 27 07:58
DaemonFC 27 08:16 | Why The Linux Desktop Doesn't Matter Anymore – ReadWrite  [ ]Jan 27 08:16
DaemonFCMatt Asay writes an anti-Linux hit piece.Jan 27 08:16
*ohama has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 27 08:42
*ohama ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 08:43
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 27 09:00
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 27 09:00
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 27 09:09
MinceRgeekingsJan 27 09:13
MinceRDaemonFC: awesomeJan 27 09:14
MinceRif they knew a bit about how doves behave, they wouldn't have associated peace with themJan 27 09:22
MinceRanywayJan 27 09:22
gde33I just had the thought that net neutrality might be a bad ideaJan 27 09:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung, Google sign patent dealJan 27 09:29
TweetTuxMachines        27 09:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 09:29 | Samsung, Google sign patent deal | Tux MachinesJan 27 09:29
gde33I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 09:29
gde33if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 09:29
iophkI know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. Jan 27 09:30
gde33it might just be great if you had to pay for thingsJan 27 09:30
iophkMaybe it will be really great if the carriers can charge for both ends of the connection instead of just the one.Jan 27 09:30
gde33it seems nesasaryJan 27 09:31
iophkAnd thus kill the goose that has been laying the golden eggs.Jan 27 09:31
gde33the alternative is to create google and bling monstersJan 27 09:31
*TweetTuxMachines @RanjibDey retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Samsung, Google sign patent deal'Jan 27 09:31
gde33I'm not so sure about thatJan 27 09:32
iophkFalse dichotomy.  The net, with net neutrality, has made a lot of money for a lot of people and their businesses.  Jan 27 09:32
gde33I think people who make it their goal not to earn money are never going to have the influence they seekJan 27 09:32
iophkThere's probably precious few small businesses without a web presence.Jan 27 09:32
iophkAnything bigger has a serious web site.Jan 27 09:33
gde33it isn't a system that favors the little guy at allJan 27 09:33
gde33it favors the big and fat Jan 27 09:33
iophkEliminating net neutrality will eliminate the little guy all together.Jan 27 09:33
gde33nonsenseJan 27 09:33
iophkToo many fees.Jan 27 09:33
iophkDouble billing .Jan 27 09:33
gde33I would just get an internet contract with those things as wellJan 27 09:33
*ohama has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 27 09:33
gde33not doubleJan 27 09:33
gde33just have those pay who should payJan 27 09:34
gde33google is earning 50 bucks for a clickJan 27 09:34
iophkThey already are.  Jan 27 09:34
gde33I have to pay for the pipe?Jan 27 09:34
gde33make me laugh?Jan 27 09:34
iophkThey're paying already.Jan 27 09:34
iophkYou're paying for your end already.Jan 27 09:34
*ohama ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 09:34
gde33people also dont aperciate content if it is freeJan 27 09:34
iophk"content"Jan 27 09:34
iophkIt's already paid for.Jan 27 09:34
gde33dont apperciate anythign that is freeJan 27 09:34
gde33take it for grantedJan 27 09:35
iophkName one web site that is not paid for by somebody or some company / org?Jan 27 09:35
iophkIt's all paid for, plenty of money sloshing around out there now.Jan 27 09:35
gde33no offense to poor people but that type of traffic just isn't worth the bandwithJan 27 09:36
iophk"Name one web site that is not paid for by somebody or some company / org?"Jan 27 09:36
gde33that is just to pay for the centraly controlled server design flawJan 27 09:38
MinceR102940 < gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 09:38
MinceRfame or fun is often enough rewardJan 27 09:38
gde33no it isn'tJan 27 09:38
iophkor actual moneyJan 27 09:38
iophkVolkswagen makes money off of their web presence.Jan 27 09:38
iophkSo does Netflix.Jan 27 09:38
gde33I want to be an artist and make a living doing that, if my art sucks it wont work I understand that, if it doesn't suck I would need a day job with it?Jan 27 09:38
gde33the audience is just cheapJan 27 09:39
gde33thats what is wrongJan 27 09:39
gde33want the fruits of my labor for freeJan 27 09:39
MinceRalso, eliminating net neutrality will merely increase the barriers to entry for little guysJan 27 09:39
gde33I'm trying but it is very limitedJan 27 09:39
gde33I'm not seeing thatJan 27 09:40
MinceRalso, not all artists make a living from artJan 27 09:40
iophkMost art only has value after the demise of the artist.  Jan 27 09:40
gde33I think you should spend your money how you likeJan 27 09:40
iophkMany famous works are that way.Jan 27 09:41
gde33if that shuold be made impossible we should get rid of moneyJan 27 09:41
gde33dont blame the internet for how things work?Jan 27 09:41
iophkSo why are you blaming the net then?Jan 27 09:41
gde33my curiosity was triggered by it not being such a bad idea as it seemed at firstJan 27 09:42
iophkNothing stops you for putting up a paywall on your site.Jan 27 09:42
gde33lots of things stop me from doing thatJan 27 09:42
gde33how would you like to pay?Jan 27 09:43
iophkOffer several options.Jan 27 09:43
gde33howabout a contract with your service providerJan 27 09:43
iophkNo ISPs that I know of offer gated communities in that way.Jan 27 09:44
iophkYou need to set up your own paywall..Jan 27 09:44
gde33every man for himselfJan 27 09:44
gde33or else it wouldn't be neutralJan 27 09:44
gde33lmaoJan 27 09:44
gde33it isn't going to workJan 27 09:44
iophkIt works for some.Jan 27 09:44
gde33it should be a subscription systemJan 27 09:44
iophkIt seems to work for NetflixJan 27 09:44
gde33so that I can get packages with stuff in themJan 27 09:45
MinceRso, every isp/media conglomerate for itself?Jan 27 09:45
gde33we need a system to get the money from the end user into the developer pocketsJan 27 09:45
gde33the ISP is THE way to do thisJan 27 09:45
schestowitz_bed2 27 09:45
TechrightsBot-tr@andrew_roffey: @schestowitz it looks like @glynmoody has his blog licensed as CC0 which means it should be easier for his work to be republishedJan 27 09:45
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @andrew_roffey @schestowitz yupJan 27 09:45
iophkYou're talking net tax instead now.Jan 27 09:45
gde33there we have evidence of payments, known customer base etc etcJan 27 09:45
MinceRthere are many micropayment providers, there could be even moreJan 27 09:46
iophkflattr, bitcoin, moneybookers, etc.Jan 27 09:46
MinceRbitcoin and the like might also be usedJan 27 09:46
gde33my paywall would burn off 99.999% of my trafficJan 27 09:46
gde33not that traffic would happen of courseJan 27 09:46
schestowitz_bed2 27 09:46
iophkI feel bad for the fellow who bought a pizza with a large number of bitcoins a few years back.Jan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: [RT]  Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States … #amd #linux #nsaJan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States | TechrightsJan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Samsung, Google sign patent deal #patent #samsung #google #androidJan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung, Google sign patent deal - MuktwareJan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Privacy News: Ten States Against the NSA, Snowden Speaks About Espionage #nsa #privacyJan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Privacy News: Ten States Against the NSA, Snowden Speaks About Espionage | TechrightsJan 27 09:47
MinceRso you'd instead force the users to pay through the one ISP that's available in their area?Jan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life remember when the #fbi sent letters with death threats?Jan 27 09:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My LifeJan 27 09:47
gde33iophk: I use to lurk the channel read the daily bitcoin skepticJan 27 09:47
iophk 27 09:47 | The Bitcoin Pizza Purchase That's Worth $7 Million Today - Forbes  [ ]Jan 27 09:47
gde33iophk: those would all be milionares now :PJan 27 09:47
MinceRand have the isp block your site if they don't want to let you sell access?Jan 27 09:47
MinceRfor example, if they run a competing siteJan 27 09:47
gde33that should be the only excuse not to grant accessJan 27 09:48
gde33running the wrong payment processor is not a good excuse not to make moneyJan 27 09:48
gde33I wish the internet worked with real id'sJan 27 09:48
gde33seriouslyJan 27 09:48
MinceRbut competing with an isp/media conglomerate is?Jan 27 09:48
gde33some sort of system that makes it worth to create contentJan 27 09:49
iophkDefine content.Jan 27 09:49
gde33say you sit yourself down and write a bookJan 27 09:49
gde33now you are going to publish it on the internetJan 27 09:50
iophkSo far the net is empty with no info at all out there.  Not even one service or product yet.  We've got all this connectivity and waiting with no results yet...Jan 27 09:50
gde33now you need multinationals because that is net neutralityJan 27 09:50
gde33writing for the enemyJan 27 09:50
gde33lolJan 27 09:50
iophkPublish via a publisher.  There are many to choose from.  It can be a small publisher.Jan 27 09:50
gde33it wont workJan 27 09:50
gde33it just doesnt workJan 27 09:51
iophkNope. No e-books have happened yet.  We're still waiting for them.Jan 27 09:51
MinceRyeah, it's not like people are making money by selling booksJan 27 09:51
MinceRright nowJan 27 09:51
gde33it doesnt work because the deal doesn't depend on the quality of the workJan 27 09:51
MinceRin the model you propose, it would depend a lot less on the quality of the workJan 27 09:51
MinceRit would depend only on which isp manages to get a monopoly where you liveJan 27 09:52
gde33not that I dont apperciate the crusade against the monopoly but we seem to have lost that war alreadyJan 27 09:52
MinceRso let's give up and hand everything else to the winners, too?Jan 27 09:53
gde33if you want a stable system you have to accept a bit of bad works that go unpunishedJan 27 09:53
MinceRthat's not a "bit"Jan 27 09:54
gde33MinceR: not at allJan 27 09:54
iophkgde33: name one site that is not paid for alreadyJan 27 09:54
gde33just look at all perspectives, apperciate the view, then try find something betterJan 27 09:54
gde33I could most likely still make a popular website, but when I did I hated the attention.Jan 27 09:55
gde33you need thousands of people, then you still earn nothing.Jan 27 09:55
gde33you have to plaster the pages with advertisement to get tiny revenue :PJan 27 09:56
iophkThen you need a better business plan...Jan 27 09:56
gde33the web needs oneJan 27 09:56
gde33the content creator should be judged by his content, now how he plays the search engine lottoJan 27 09:56
MinceRyour scheme would merely force users to pay whoever wins the search engine lotteryJan 27 09:57
gde33not the userJan 27 09:57
MinceRor whoever diverts the user's browser using whatever exploit worksJan 27 09:57
gde33the packages should be tailored just like television stationsJan 27 09:58
gde33just like you get a bunch of magazinesJan 27 09:58
gde33because the web is so big you can do huge numbers of themJan 27 09:58
iophkI see.  The net is too open and the cable tv model is more appropriate, you say.Jan 27 09:58
gde33it has it's advantagesJan 27 09:59
DaemonFCI think that DRM might be losing more sales for them than it's worth.Jan 27 09:59
iophkI haven't seen any.  Most I've seen myself and heard from others is that the cable tv model, with bundling, is a liability.Jan 27 09:59
iophkDRM does cost sales.Jan 27 09:59
MinceR105810 < gde33> the packages should be tailored just like television stationsJan 27 10:00
gde33we would get ourselves the FOSS package and read delicious FOSS blogs the whole monthJan 27 10:00
MinceRso, you get a bunch of sites your isp happens to likeJan 27 10:00
MinceRnot the ones you wantJan 27 10:00
MinceRthat's a great business model, yeahJan 27 10:00
DaemonFCMinceR: Right. I remember asking Comcast repeatedly to carry LOGO.Jan 27 10:00
gde33whoever wants to make the selectionJan 27 10:00
MinceRif you live in a fantasy where every isp likes your site that muchJan 27 10:00
DaemonFCThey finally did, over two years later.Jan 27 10:00
iophkResearch databases also have that model.  High-impact journals are spread across several bundles so that the fees to get all of them are outrageous to impossible.Jan 27 10:01
gde33you still get the normal internetJan 27 10:01
MinceRyeah, if crippled is "normal"Jan 27 10:01
gde33we just get extra stuff behind a paywallJan 27 10:01
MinceRif you get that at allJan 27 10:01
MinceRwhich is not likelyJan 27 10:01
iophkAOL and others have tried that walled-garden approach.Jan 27 10:01
gde33the moment you have the means to pay me I will create that content for youJan 27 10:01
gde33I should be doing this for free?Jan 27 10:02
MinceRthe means exists nowJan 27 10:02
MinceRwhat you've proposed will not help you.Jan 27 10:02
gde33interesting deal, how sell this to me?Jan 27 10:02
gde33I'm not motivated :PJan 27 10:02
DaemonFCWell, porn and piracy are driving most of the demand for fast internet.Jan 27 10:02
MinceRthen don't do anythingJan 27 10:02
DaemonFCGood luck getting people to pay for what they will gladly take for free right now.Jan 27 10:02
gde33the FOSS subscription will give you access to a web entirely without people who didn't buy that subscriptionJan 27 10:02
DaemonFCThey need to monetize the "piracy" somehow.Jan 27 10:02
gde33that is the added valueJan 27 10:02
gde33finally a whole web with nothing but apple usersJan 27 10:03
iophkDaemonFC: bill has monetized piracy already.  It's his means of maintaining monopoly rents, which is where nearly all of his money comes from.Jan 27 10:03
gde33you want to put any idiot on the page then give him a form to submit into my databaseJan 27 10:03
gde33thats just.... hahahhaJan 27 10:03
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has left #techrightsJan 27 10:04
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 27 10:04
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 27 10:04
gde33it is just a thought of courseJan 27 10:04
gde33you will be shocked by how well everything works if you get rid of everyone who doesn't want to pay 50 cents to be part of it.Jan 27 10:06
iophkWhere is the example to show off for that model?Jan 27 10:09
iophkThe existing model makes trillions of dollars per yearJan 27 10:09
gde33a guy I know use to organise business meet ups where people could invest in stuffJan 27 10:09
gde33it cost 10 guilders at firstJan 27 10:09
gde33it produced an audience of moanersJan 27 10:10
gde33he increased the price over time, he is now at 2000 euro per ticketJan 27 10:10
gde33at the beginning of the meeting he explains that this is way to much for 1 cup of coffeeJan 27 10:10
gde33and that he has no idea what to do with all the moneyJan 27 10:10
gde33but it was just to get rid of everyone who didn't want to pay that just for the ticketJan 27 10:11
gde33then everyone laughs Jan 27 10:11
gde33he tells the same story every yearJan 27 10:11
iophk"there's one born every minute"Jan 27 10:11
gde33they actually get work done in this settingJan 27 10:11
gde33with the cheaper tickets the non investors took all the time, they are just skeptical, it isnt strange or anything.Jan 27 10:12
gde33you would be sitting there with your 10 guilder ticket cheering at the stage " there is one born every minute"Jan 27 10:13
gde33heheheJan 27 10:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Call for votes on default Linux init system forJan 27 10:13
TweetTuxMachines                 jessie 27 10:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 10:13 | Call for votes on default Linux init system for jessie | Tux MachinesJan 27 10:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce theJan 27 10:13
TweetTuxMachines                 release of Core v5.2 27 10:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 10:13 | Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Core v5.2 | Tux MachinesJan 27 10:13
gde33a whole web for religious peopleJan 27 10:14
DaemonFC 27 10:16 | Customer Discussions: Everybody already knew that there "are no gays in Iran", unless the religious fundamentalists forgot to hang or shoot one. Now, we know that the same is true in Sochi (Russia).  [ ]Jan 27 10:16
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 27 10:16
DaemonFCSeveral gay bars, but no gay people. Hmmm....Jan 27 10:16
DaemonFCFundamentalist Christians in America admire this position of the Ayatollah Khamenei and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and seek to use their examples as a model for America.Jan 27 10:16
DaemonFC 27 10:16
DaemonFCFrom the article:Jan 27 10:16 | BBC News - Sochi mayor tells BBC: No gay people in our town  [ ]Jan 27 10:16
DaemonFC"The mayor of Sochi, host of the Winter Olympics, has said there are no gay people in the city."Jan 27 10:16
DaemonFC"Opposition leader Boris Nemtsov said there were several gay bars in Sochi." Jan 27 10:16
iophk 27 10:19 | Why The Copyright Industry Is Doomed, In One Single Sentence | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 27 10:19
schestowitz_bed2DaemonFC: 27 10:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BBC headline makes it sound like #sochi mayor said opposite of what he actually said sounds like #propaganda is #bbcJan 27 10:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Western nations: when we can't discredit a rival nation using women's rights, then we look hard for other angles and then twist words.Jan 27 10:20
schestowitz_bed2DaemonFC: dont fall into the trap of russophobiaJan 27 10:21
schestowitz_bed2the US and UK want you toJan 27 10:21
schestowitz_bed2the NSA does tooJan 27 10:21
schestowitz_bed2Those terroristsJan 27 10:21
schestowitz_bed2 27 10:21
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: February 11, 2014: The Day We Fight Back Against the NSA activism before love?Jan 27 10:21
DaemonFCSeveral gay bars.Jan 27 10:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | February 11, 2014: The Day We Fight Back Against the NSA - FOSS ForceJan 27 10:21
iophkespcially the NSAJan 27 10:21
DaemonFCNo gay people.Jan 27 10:21
DaemonFCHow does that work?Jan 27 10:21
DaemonFCWho is making this endeavor profitable?Jan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2the BBC made it sound like he denies them accessJan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2but the body of the article says the oppositeJan 27 10:22
DaemonFC"leave the children alone" is pretty damned offensiveJan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2Orwell/Blair uses to work for the BBC, writing propaganda for themJan 27 10:22
schestowitz_bed2They need to make it look objective while it's notJan 27 10:22
DaemonFCHow would you feel if all straight people were labeled child molesters and told that they could be thrown in prison for even talking to someone under 18?Jan 27 10:22
DaemonFCOf course this is ridiculous.Jan 27 10:23
DaemonFCIf it was just Putin, it wouldn't be Russian law.Jan 27 10:23
DaemonFCI understand that they have a legislature there. :)Jan 27 10:23
DaemonFC 27 10:28
iophk"On February 11th, participating U.S. websites will display banners  urging their visitors to call or email their Congressperson or Senator"Jan 27 10:29
iophkHow does that work for sites outside the US?  They are affected as well and could participate in the 11 feb protest.Jan 27 10:29
DaemonFC 27 10:30
iophk 27 10:38 | The Day We Fight Back - February 11th 2014Jan 27 10:38
iophkkind of devoid of contentJan 27 10:38
MinceRgde33: oh, i didn't realize that your business plan began with buying an ISP :>Jan 27 10:39
gde33I dont have any plan, the game seemed riggedJan 27 10:42
gde33I have my own way of looking at the humanity, the more it diverts from the norm the more illogical my plans sound. Jan 27 10:44
gde33in my view orwell was an optimistJan 27 10:46
gde33in his system at least one gets to be abused by other peopleJan 27 10:47
DaemonFC 27 10:48 | Activist Post: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need Cash  [ ]Jan 27 10:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Richard Stallman on How He Started GNUJan 27 10:55
TweetTuxMachines        27 10:55 | Richard Stallman on How He Started GNU | Tux MachinesJan 27 10:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 10:55
DaemonFC 27 11:01 | Pope's peace doves attacked by crow and seagull | World news |  [ ]Jan 27 11:01
MinceR 27 11:20
Sosumi 27 11:25
Sosumi"Mozilla Thunderbird - WireTap Remote 0Day Vulnerability"Jan 27 11:25
Sosumialso, there are no gays in saudi arabia, quatar, oman and UAEJan 27 11:29
Sosumiunless the medieval wahabi there forgot to shoot or behead themJan 27 11:31
Sosumidid I forget Bahrain?Jan 27 11:32
Sosumisilly meJan 27 11:32
Sosumiand aren't those countries, specially saudi arabia, alongside with the US, UK, France and Israel the ones bankrolling jihadis into syria?Jan 27 11:40
Sosumiyeah those guys that impose sharia law, that eat man's hearts aka canibalism, fornicate with corpses and so on?Jan 27 11:41
Sosumicompared to those guysJan 27 11:41
Sosumiputin and khameni are actually kewl guys to hang withJan 27 11:42
Sosumi 27 11:46 | iPhone Market Share Holds Strong as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac Rumors  [ ]Jan 27 11:46
Sosumiyes, holding strong while losing marketshare on all fronts to android and to lesses extent, pocket pcJan 27 11:46
Sosumi*windows phoneJan 27 11:47
*werebutt (~buttbutt@ has joined #techrightsJan 27 11:59
*werebutt (~buttbutt@ has left #techrightsJan 27 11:59
iophk 27 12:09
iophk"Police began tracking Aguilar's phone and soon discovered it was at the mall."Jan 27 12:09 | Md. mall gunman was avid skater, no criminal past |  [ ]Jan 27 12:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power LinuxJan 27 12:16
TweetTuxMachines                 PCs 27 12:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 12:16 | Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCs | Tux MachinesJan 27 12:16
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 27 12:35
*jono_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 15:06
iophk 27 15:13 | Interview with Catherine Dumas of SUNY Albany |  [ ]Jan 27 15:13
iophk 27 15:49 | Apple's iPhone marketshare dips in Q4, Samsung falters under pressure from low-cost OEMs  [ ]Jan 27 15:49
schestowitz_bed2 27 15:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCs #gnu #linuxJan 27 15:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCsJan 27 15:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:20] <iophk> Was it more advertising money from M$ which motivated them to pull the plug?Jan 27 15:57
schestowitz_bed2Unlikely, I doubt it, but it's not impossibleJan 27 15:57
schestowitz_bed220:34] <iophk> 27 15:57 | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 27 15:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:34] <iophk> PS4 ? Jan 27 15:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:34] <TechrightsBot-tr> | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 27 15:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:36] <MinceR> the article claims that's linux-basedJan 27 15:57
schestowitz_bed2"Moving forward a generation to the brand new PS4, and Linux still binds the heart of the now X86 based powerhouse. Sony confirmed back in November that the angular beast uses a modified version of FreeBSD 9 Kernel to power its own Orbis OS."Jan 27 15:57
MinceRthe author doesn't seem to realize the difference between Linux and the FreeBSD kernelJan 27 15:58
schestowitz_bed2It's TechRadar, Britain's embarrassment and tech tabloidJan 27 15:58
schestowitz_bed2it does lots of headline baitsJan 27 15:59
MinceR:>Jan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2Along the lines of "linux is dead"Jan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2I think it's somewhat connected to Linux Format, but I was never sure how exactlyJan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2I remember this site negativelyJan 27 15:59
schestowitz_bed2[08:18] <DaemonFC> Matt Asay writes an anti-Linux hit piece.Jan 27 16:01
schestowitz_bed2So what's the newsJan 27 16:01
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:02
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Satan made them do it!" 27 16:02
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Evil Triumphs: Satanic Birds Attack Pope's Peace DovesJan 27 16:02
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:02
schestowitz_bed2MehJan 27 16:03
schestowitz_bed2[09:31] <iophk> I know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. :-)Jan 27 16:03
schestowitz_bed2Content creatorsJan 27 16:03
schestowitz_bed2[09:30] <gde33> I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 16:03
schestowitz_bed2[09:30] <gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 16:04
schestowitz_bed2Poor content creator... who would farm for food?Jan 27 16:04
schestowitz_bed2If anything, the copyright cartel/monoopoly NEEDS neutralityJan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2to make it affordable to streamJan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2people pay the bill for traddicJan 27 16:05
schestowitz_bed2the problem is, the cartel sometimes owns the cable companies too, or vice versaJan 27 16:05
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 27 16:05
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 27 16:06
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 27 16:06
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:07
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: I eagerly wait for #bitcoin to become widely accepted, but judging by experience, monopoly/big banks will co-opt it 27 16:08
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Bitcoin Pizza Purchase That's Worth $7 Million Today - ForbesJan 27 16:08
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need Cash sounds like #natwestJan 27 16:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Activist Post: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need CashJan 27 16:12
schestowitz_bed2This headline is funnyJan 27 16:16
schestowitz_bed2Then again, it's an Apple boosting siteJan 27 16:16
schestowitz_bed2Classified under "religion"Jan 27 16:16
schestowitz_bed2[11:47] <TechrightsBot-tr> | iPhone Market Share Holds Strong as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac Rumors  [ ]Jan 27 16:16 | iPhone Market Share Dips Slightly as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac RumorsJan 27 16:16
schestowitz_bed2Losing but strong LOLJan 27 16:16
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Police began tracking Aguilar's phone and soon discovered it was at the mall." #trackingdeviceJan 27 16:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Md. mall gunman was avid skater, no criminal past | www.ajc.comJan 27 16:18
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 27 16:18
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #apple is having a #microsoft moment 27 16:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Apple's iPhone marketshare dips in Q4, Samsung falters under pressure from low-cost OEMsJan 27 16:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Open source events grow at the #university 27 16:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Interview with Catherine Dumas of SUNY Albany | opensource.comJan 27 16:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open source events grow at the universityJan 27 16:27
TweetTuxMachines        27 16:27
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 16:27 | Open source events grow at the university | Tux MachinesJan 27 16:27
schestowitz_bed2 27 16:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Write like a champ with #latex aided by these tools 27 16:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Essential LaTeX Tools - Linux Links - The Linux Portal SiteJan 27 16:59
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:05
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: LinuxScreenshots dot org has just been put on sale. People who like to try and take screenshots of distro might want to secure the traditionJan 27 17:05
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:06
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #KMail Complexity - and a little Patience #kde #gnu #linuxJan 27 17:06
TechrightsBot-tr-> | LXer: KMail Complexity - and a little PatienceJan 27 17:06
sebsebsebschestowitz_bed2: I got one of those call about an hour and a half agoJan 27 17:06
sebsebsebyour Windows computer is gting messagesJan 27 17:06
sebsebsebwe are rining you up about htatJan 27 17:07
sebsebsebplease do this so we can help you with your omputerJan 27 17:07
sebsebsebI had some fun with the guy on the phone :dJan 27 17:07
sebsebsebfor a few minutesJan 27 17:07
iophkhow long were you able to keep them on the line?Jan 27 17:07
sebsebsebiophk: oh a long timeJan 27 17:07
sebsebsebiophk: probably longer if I WantedJan 27 17:07
sebsebsebI did the call for like sixx minutesJan 27 17:07
iophkDid they figure out you run Gnu/LInux?Jan 27 17:07
sebsebsebiophk: I  even did the like yeah right stuff and started calling him a con man and everythingJan 27 17:08
sebsebseband saying how they trick people into acccess ot the coputer like that to steal passwords etc is illegalJan 27 17:08
sebsebseband so on Jan 27 17:08
sebsebsebiophk: he's like your Wndows Pc.  I was ike what country you form, he's like LodonJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebLondon Microsoft supportJan 27 17:08
sebsebsebI was like uh yeah right and Ia m APple support,  and he's  just carrying on, trying to get me to run some code thing or whatever,  wanting to check the computer id code and yeahJan 27 17:09
sebsebsebthen eventaully I am like actsally I run something called Linux, do you n know what that is?Jan 27 17:09
sebsebsebiophk: eventually he hanged up on me or hwateverJan 27 17:09
sebsebsebI was even like your a con man if I put in....  I Probably won't beable to ring you back since your number will be hiddenJan 27 17:10
sebsebsebiophk: thing is there is a number I can call backJan 27 17:10
sebsebsebshould I?  to see what happensJan 27 17:10
iophkIs it very, very expensive to call that number?Jan 27 17:10
iophkIt could be.Jan 27 17:10
sebsebsebiophk: well yeah might get charged to call that numberJan 27 17:10
sebsebsebit did sayon the phone thingJan 27 17:10
iophk20₤ / minute?Jan 27 17:11
sebsebsebI don't knowJan 27 17:11
sebsebsebnot sure if we have such numbersJan 27 17:11
iophkBest not to try then.Jan 27 17:11
sebsebsebthat are realy really expensive to calllJan 27 17:11
sebsebseb,but yeah your rightJan 27 17:11
sebsebsebit could be some charged number if calling itJan 27 17:11
sebsebsebwhere they get cashJan 27 17:11
iophkIf it were a toll-free number it might be ok.Jan 27 17:11
sebsebsebit's some sort numberJan 27 17:11
sebsebsebiophk: once there's another call it's goneJan 27 17:12
sebsebsebunless I save the numberJan 27 17:12
iophkshort stackJan 27 17:12
sebsebsebas in write it  down some whereJan 27 17:12
sebsebsebiophk: short stack ??Jan 27 17:12
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits rebuttal from Bradley Kuhn. #gnu #sflc #fsf #conservancyJan 27 17:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Jan 27 17:12
iophkhtt:// 27 17:13
schestowitz_bed2sebsebseb: I know one guy who has a friend who fell for this scamJan 27 17:13
schestowitz_bed2I think I got such a call a month agoJan 27 17:13
schestowitz_bed2I can't recsall mcuhJan 27 17:13
sebsebsebyeah I had one last year or whateverJan 27 17:13
schestowitz_bed2I really hung up quicklyJan 27 17:13
sebsebseb,but the one today oh that was a good laughJan 27 17:13
schestowitz_bed2glad you likes itJan 27 17:13
sebsebsebschestowitz_bed2: i had good fun for a few minutesJan 27 17:13
schestowitz_bed2and they foot the bill for the callJan 27 17:14
sebsebsebI think he thought I Would do the thingJan 27 17:14
sebsebsebfor agsJan 27 17:14
sebsebsebagesJan 27 17:14
schestowitz_bed2well done, but there are better ways to avengeJan 27 17:14
schestowitz_bed2brbJan 27 17:14
sebsebsebto avenge?Jan 27 17:14
sebsebsebwel about having funJan 27 17:14
sebsebseband I know what they are doingJan 27 17:14
sebsebsebiophk: you play a long and then  make it clear later that your not all stupidJan 27 17:15
sebsebsebthat's what I did :dJan 27 17:15
iophkSome try to keep them on the line longer.Jan 27 17:15
sebsebsebyeah he Jan 27 17:16
iophkIt keeps them from bothering others and have some fun.Jan 27 17:16
sebsebseboh he would have styaed on the line with me I don't know long reallyJan 27 17:16
sebsebsebif I hadn't said ceratin stuffJan 27 17:16
sebsebsebiophk: and he didn't pick up some of my  like oh yeah stuff etc, and what  that really emantJan 27 17:16
sebsebseb,but I guess since he was from India or whateverJan 27 17:16
sebsebsebok well number gone then, unless same thingJan 27 17:17
sebsebsebgot another call just now, but no responseJan 27 17:17
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:17
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: An #OpenLetter from US Researchers in #Cryptography and Information Security #nsa harms everyone except oligarchsJan 27 17:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | An Open Letter from US Researchers in Cryptography and Information SecurityJan 27 17:17
iophkactually queue (FIFO) 27 17:19 | Queue (abstract data type) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 27 17:19
iophkI thought most digital phones hold way more than one number.Jan 27 17:20
sebsebsebiophk: I don't know it's the network number I ringJan 27 17:29
sebsebsebmaybe this phone can hold more than one thoughJan 27 17:29
schestowitz_bed2  Jan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Android ends 2013 on a high note #android #linuxJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Android ends 2013 on a high note | Mobile - CNET NewsJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project #lux #camera is backJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project | Open ElectronicsJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For Linux #intel #linuxJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For LinuxJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hands-on with Knoppix Linux 7.2.0: A well-established and very stable Linux distribution #knoppix #debian #gnu #linuxJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hands-on with Knoppix Linux 7.2.0: A well-established and very stable Linux distribution | ZDNetJan 27 17:39
schestowitz_bed2 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: U.S. DOJ Files Charges Against Alleged Android App Counterfeiters #android #linuxJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: What's the best thing about being an open source community manager? #opensource #communityJan 27 17:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Advice and wisdom from 14 community managers on CM Appreciation Day | opensource.comJan 27 17:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GOJan 27 18:02
TweetTuxMachines                 For Linux 27 18:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera ProjectJan 27 18:02
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android ends 2013 on a high noteJan 27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:03 | Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For Linux | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:03 | Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:03 | Android ends 2013 on a high note | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-ProfitsJan 27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:03 | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What's the best thing about being an openJan 27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines                 source community manager?Jan 27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines        27 18:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 18:03 | What's the best thing about being an open source community manager? | Tux MachinesJan 27 18:03
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sebsebseb Jan 27 18:40
iophk  sebsebseb: fossdem!Jan 27 18:41
sebsebsebiophk: yepJan 27 18:41
sebsebsebiophk: shuld be meeting two guys from Estonia on Thursday evening toJan 27 18:41
sebsebsebfor dnnerJan 27 18:41
sebsebsebwith the guy from USAJan 27 18:41
iophkcoolJan 27 18:41
sebsebsebiophk: SystemD have some kind of hackfestJan 27 18:42
sebsebsebon Thursday andFriday toJan 27 18:42
sebsebseb,but that's probably not really for meJan 27 18:42
sebsebsebiophk: now I Just need to sort out getting picked up form the air portJan 27 18:42
sebsebseband yeahJan 27 18:42
iophktrain or bus?Jan 27 18:42
sebsebsebiophk: guy from project can't do it, so hpefuly the hotel can pick up like beforeJan 27 18:42
sebsebsebthere may be a train that goes nearish to the hotelJan 27 18:43
sebsebseb,butJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebI'd rather just be picked up like beforeJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebiophk: hotel has the air port pick up optoin on the form that didn't work, and I Had to contact them again about pick upJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebphone was enaged just nowJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebiophk: they are a bit bad at relying to email toJan 27 18:43
sebsebsebso  just doing things over phone instead this time compelty it seemsJan 27 18:44
iophkAre the presentations going to be streamed ?Jan 27 18:44
sebsebsebsome of them will be sureJan 27 18:44
sebsebseband then videos up after the event like beforeJan 27 18:44
sebsebsebiophk: so anything in the ain room will probably get stramed and videodJan 27 18:44
sebsebsebwhen I looked nothing I wanted to go to there as such so that's okJan 27 18:44
iophkHow long do you think it will take for them to post the videos this time?Jan 27 18:44
sebsebsebiophk: there's so much going on at onceJan 27 18:44
iophkYes, many things at the same time.Jan 27 18:45
sebsebseba week or so after and the first lot of vidoesp robably go up, past ones already on there of courseJan 27 18:45
sebsebsebiophk: yep always going to miss omethingJan 27 18:45
iophkIt makes it hard to choose and then harder to discuss since others saw something different.Jan 27 18:45
sebsebsebcould get sucked into stands and then miss whatever, or ould go to osme talk and miss hwateverJan 27 18:45
iophkIIRC Bradley Kuhn had an interesting talk planned.Jan 27 18:45
sebsebseb,but talk wise it seems I am only  really interested in the legal issues devv room and  maybe MozillaJan 27 18:45
sebsebseband cross distor when Deb talks there maybeJan 27 18:45
sebsebsebiophk: yep Bradly KUHN AND Karan Sandler and such will be speaking in legal issuesJan 27 18:46
sebsebsebyeah really most of the tlaks I am going to be interested in are from Americans :DJan 27 18:46
sebsebsebiophk: already met Bradly sort ofJan 27 18:47
sebsebsebiophk: as in I saw him on thep anel and yeahJan 27 18:47
sebsebseblast yearJan 27 18:47
roy_ 27 18:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Emacs and #GNU - the lesser-known relationship (one used to create the other, both ways) 27 18:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bytes Media - Emacs and GNUJan 27 18:48
*schestowitz_log has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 27 18:48
*roy_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 27 18:48
*schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 27 19:05
gde33[17:02:48] <schestowitz_bed2> MehJan 27 19:14
gde33[17:03:33] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:31] <iophk> I know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. :-)Jan 27 19:15
gde33[17:03:38] <schestowitz_bed2> Content creatorsJan 27 19:15
gde33[17:03:45] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:30] <gde33> I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 19:15
gde33[17:03:46] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:30] <gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 19:15
gde33[17:03:53] <schestowitz_bed2> Poor content creator... who would farm for food?Jan 27 19:15
gde33[17:04:45] <schestowitz_bed2> If anything, the copyright cartel/monoopoly NEEDS neutralityJan 27 19:15
gde33[17:04:52] <schestowitz_bed2> to make it affordable to streamJan 27 19:15
gde33[17:04:58] <schestowitz_bed2> people pay the bill for traddicJan 27 19:15
gde33[17:05:10] <schestowitz_bed2> the problem is, the cartel sometimes owns the cable companies too, or vice versaJan 27 19:15
gde33you think you can force out the artJan 27 19:15
iophkHow much did VanGogh get paid?Jan 27 19:15
gde33NOTHINGJan 27 19:15
gde33that was good right?Jan 27 19:16
iophkNot much of a business model then...Jan 27 19:16
gde33that is your ideal model?Jan 27 19:16
gde33I only hear selling content is a terrible idea, one should get into the bitcoin ponzi in steadJan 27 19:16
gde33very homogenious standardsJan 27 19:17
gde33I wish this channel cost 100 euro per monthJan 27 19:18
iophkpay Roy then.Jan 27 19:19
gde33it would add some urgency to the debate, I would be helped by thatJan 27 19:19
gde33I've tried constructive discussion with people on the web for many years, if I look at the results I have to say far I've been wasting my time and effort.Jan 27 19:20
iophkThis afternoon you were hinting at a tax on net traffic to subsidize something or other.Jan 27 19:21
gde33yeah, then you asked for evidence, then I explained how it keeps out uninterested people, l gave an example, then you argued a sucker is born every minute as to prove the topic was unintersting? something like that?Jan 27 19:22
iophkpaying for the sake of paying? Jan 27 19:22
gde33exactlyJan 27 19:22
iophkNo return for that payment is for suckers.Jan 27 19:22
gde33no no, the payment is to keep out that opinionJan 27 19:23
gde33to make sure you are not there to elaborate on your skepticismJan 27 19:23
gde33not that it isn't validJan 27 19:23
iophkStart an alternate internet for people with more dollars than senseJan 27 19:23
gde33that is what i'm wondering about basically, how that would lookJan 27 19:23
iophkThere's a lot of dark fiber out there.Jan 27 19:23
gde33we can only guess I think?Jan 27 19:24
iophkNot if you have a business plan and enough money to back it up.Jan 27 19:24
gde33you also need to be motivated to go do something like thatJan 27 19:24
gde33in what way do I benefit from paying for googles bandwith?Jan 27 19:25
gde33Makes it sound as if the price they charge has something to do with the cost of what they are sellingJan 27 19:26
gde33it doesntJan 27 19:26
gde33they are just looking to max out proffitJan 27 19:26
iophkGoogle is paying for Google's bandwidth currently.Jan 27 19:26
iophkThey pay big money for that.Jan 27 19:26
gde33trueJan 27 19:26
gde33it is that atractive to own the infrastucture your business runs onJan 27 19:27
gde33I do completely agree with the ideology of customer own infrasturctureJan 27 19:27
gde33with most people it is just pearls for pigsJan 27 19:27
iophkYou have to continue with common carriage or it just will choke.Jan 27 19:28
gde33sorry not sure what you are trying to explain hereJan 27 19:28
iophkThe Internet is a network of networks.  If they don't allow the traffic of others, then nothing functions except for a crappy little zone.  That's what has already been tried and already failed.Jan 27 19:29
gde33that a non neutral internet would drown out the free things?Jan 27 19:29
iophkAnd the paid thingsJan 27 19:29
iophkespeially the paid thingsJan 27 19:29
gde33depends how you structure the paymentsJan 27 19:29
iophkbesides there aren't any free things on the netJan 27 19:29
iophkthey are all paid forJan 27 19:29
iophkalreaadyJan 27 19:29
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 27 19:29
gde33let me put it like this: In what way do I benefit from net neturality as a content creator?Jan 27 19:31
MinceRyou get to compete at allJan 27 19:31
MinceRusers can access your content without having their connection to it crippledJan 27 19:31
MinceRyou get a chanceJan 27 19:32
gde33oh but they do, I can only afford very minimalistic hostingJan 27 19:32
MinceRwithout net neutrality, you don't even get a chanceJan 27 19:32
gde33how would that work?Jan 27 19:32
MinceRhow would what work?Jan 27 19:32
gde33not getting a chanceJan 27 19:32
MinceRlet's say you host some videos on your siteJan 27 19:33
MinceRthe user's isp has a deal with google, so they offer youtube; and they offer their own siteJan 27 19:33
gde33cant afford the bandwith but ok, lets assume I couldJan 27 19:33
MinceRyou don't have a deal with them because you're a competitor and you're small fryJan 27 19:33
gde33yesJan 27 19:33
MinceRif they're feeling gracious the user isn't entirely banned from your siteJan 27 19:33
MinceRthey just don't get to stream the video at allJan 27 19:33
MinceRit's like they're using a 9600 bps modem to access the siteJan 27 19:34
gde33the user paid for internet, he can have access to anything he wantsJan 27 19:34
MinceRyes, if they have net neutralityJan 27 19:34
MinceRif they don't, then the user can have access to anything the ISP wants him toJan 27 19:34
MinceRhowever the ISP wants him toJan 27 19:34
iophkat whatever lowered speeds the ISP wants him to...Jan 27 19:34
gde33start your own isp?Jan 27 19:35
iophknot enough because the other ISPs you connect to can stil choke youJan 27 19:35
MinceRwhere will you get the finds for that?Jan 27 19:35
gde33I think we will have exactly the same thing only in a different formatJan 27 19:35
MinceRand where will you provide service?Jan 27 19:35
MinceRs/find/fund/Jan 27 19:35
MinceRno, we don't even have nearly the same thingJan 27 19:35
MinceRof course, things get even worse if you used some p2p protocol to help with hostingJan 27 19:36
gde33you are saying that net neutrality will give the ISP the right to block websites?Jan 27 19:36
MinceRnormally, that does work (GNU/Linux iso distribution via BitTorrent, for example)Jan 27 19:36
gde33is that really the same topic?Jan 27 19:36
MinceRyes, among other thingsJan 27 19:36
MinceRpart of what a common carrier is about is that they aren't allowed to decide what to block and what to allow throughJan 27 19:36
MinceRbut if you don't have net neutrality, the ISPs will just block p2p protocols entirelyJan 27 19:37
gde33so the blocked content is just not availableJan 27 19:37
gde33you dont get access to all the books for exampleJan 27 19:37
MinceRit can be blocked entirelyJan 27 19:37
gde33you didn't pay for that > no accessJan 27 19:37
MinceRor it can be allowed but slowed down arbitrarilyJan 27 19:37
gde33Are we not creating a giant straw man for the ISP? Is there really no way to do this fairly?Jan 27 19:38
MinceRnoJan 27 19:38
MinceRthe way to do this fairly is called net neutralityJan 27 19:38
gde33as in no blocking of content, just additional packages?Jan 27 19:38
MinceRanything else is by definition unfairJan 27 19:38
MinceRthey won't phrase it as "blocking of content"Jan 27 19:39
MinceRfor a normal internet user, all of the internet is the defaultJan 27 19:39
MinceRfor a non-neutral greedy ISP, nothing is the default, everything is "additional"Jan 27 19:39
gde33I will explain it again, this time I will just convince you: The thing is, proof of work equals value.Jan 27 19:40
gde33you can create cryptographic hashees and sell those in stead of selling contentJan 27 19:40
iophkbitcoinJan 27 19:40
gde33but it will always be a pretend gameJan 27 19:40
gde33pretend valueJan 27 19:40
gde33so you are just pretending everything is free / worthlessJan 27 19:41
iophkyou're missing the point that it's all paid for alreadyJan 27 19:41
iophkno need to pay twiceJan 27 19:41
gde33not enoughJan 27 19:41
iophkpay Roy thenJan 27 19:42
gde33my point was payments for the sake of payments remember?Jan 27 19:42
iophkand a solution was offered.  Fund your alternative to the Internet.Jan 27 19:42
gde33if existing plots are all that terrible at granting things their value, what else can we think of?Jan 27 19:42
gde33but wasnt that what netneutrality aimed to prevent?Jan 27 19:43
gde33everyone will be against me just for trying to attribute value lolJan 27 19:44
iophkValue to what?Jan 27 19:44
gde33to everythingJan 27 19:44
iophkUse Flattr thenJan 27 19:44
gde33that will only work for 0% of my trafficJan 27 19:45
iophk Maybe it is already being compensated in proportion to its perceived value... Jan 27 19:46
gde33not an acceptable hypothesisJan 27 19:46
gde33you can go project that on your own creationsJan 27 19:47
iophkthe data seems to support itJan 27 19:47
gde33not at all actuallyJan 27 19:47
gde33I just hatted the attentionJan 27 19:47
gde33I dont like having attention from more people than I can answer toJan 27 19:47
iophkHow did your test of Flattr go?  What was wrong?Jan 27 19:48
gde33I'm looking at it right now for the first timeJan 27 19:48
gde33 27 19:48 | Financez votre logiciel - Open FundingJan 27 19:48
gde33is also funJan 27 19:48
gde33but I'm not seeing the revolutionJan 27 19:48
gde33the hard worked content items are not worth anywhere as much as the cryptographic hashJan 27 19:49
gde33this while you can just easly create a hashJan 27 19:49
gde33much easier than producing a valuable workJan 27 19:49
gde33I can also do a ponzi scheme with site creditsJan 27 19:50
iophkThere is also crowdsourcing.Jan 27 19:50
gde33that seems to workJan 27 19:50
iophkBut then deliverables are required.Jan 27 19:50
gde33facinating developmentJan 27 19:50
gde33I dont even know howmany kickstarter victims there areJan 27 19:50
gde33there is at least one who lost his shipmentJan 27 19:51
gde33in most of the cases it seems to work nicelyJan 27 19:51
gde33still it seems more a measure of peoples kindness than of the collective vision for the future?Jan 27 19:52
gde33bit of personal greed lolJan 27 19:52
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 27 19:56
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gde33I've always had ideas for making a better world, people without money say they are stupid ideas, people with money say I'm wasting my time, it isnt worth the effort to try, the goal should be to make money not to do good things.Jan 27 19:58
gde33I've been trying to convince the poor people ever since, it was such an epic failure that I'm starting to agree with the milionaires.Jan 27 19:59
gde33IF you want to make the world a better place: start by swindeling your way to the topJan 27 20:00
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MinceR204019 < gde33> I will explain it again, this time I will just convince you: The thing is, proof of work equals value.Jan 27 20:06
MinceRit doesn't.Jan 27 20:06
MinceRvalue is what the market values. work may well be wasted.Jan 27 20:06
MinceRas for network access, it's currently paid for by the users alreadyJan 27 20:07
MinceRthere's no need to pretend that it's provided gratis.Jan 27 20:07
gde33proof of workJan 27 20:08
MinceRsame thing.Jan 27 20:08
iophkeffort != valueJan 27 20:08
MinceR(but it's a very communist thing to insist that any busywork is valuable and that everyone must be robbed to compensate the communist for worthless work)Jan 27 20:08
gde33you need to feel useful toJan 27 20:09
gde33in that way there is value, one can even play footballJan 27 20:09
MinceRfootball had better be useful by itself, thenJan 27 20:11
gde33who made you the decider?Jan 27 20:11
MinceRof what?Jan 27 20:11
gde33that came out wrong lolJan 27 20:12
gde33who decided what has value and what not?Jan 27 20:12
MinceRthe market didJan 27 20:12
MinceRthe people who had money they could and were willing to spend on goods.Jan 27 20:12
gde33but on the perceved value not what things cost to makeJan 27 20:12
MinceRwith the loss of net neutrality, the market would lose controlJan 27 20:12
MinceRand it would be placed in the hand of the corporate oligarchs.Jan 27 20:13
MinceRwhoever owns your internet connection would decide whose news you read.Jan 27 20:13
gde33why wouldnt that happen anyway?Jan 27 20:13
MinceRit certainly looks like it's happeningJan 27 20:14
gde33I can make a blog right now, write blog posts, but no one is going to read themJan 27 20:14
MinceReven the w3c has turned against its old idea of an open webJan 27 20:14
gde33people cant even find them without the oligarchsJan 27 20:14
MinceRyes they canJan 27 20:14
MinceRfor example, i could ask you the address right now, if i wanted to knowJan 27 20:14
MinceRand i could read it all without my ISP's express permission.Jan 27 20:15
gde33then if todays posting is not precicely what you are looking for you never look at it againJan 27 20:15
gde33easy come easy goJan 27 20:15
MinceRand you would deprive me of that choice?Jan 27 20:15
MinceRdo you think your blog is so important that people should be forced to read it?Jan 27 20:16
gde33I would deprive you from such harsh judgementJan 27 20:16
gde33The blog could be so important everyone should read it.Jan 27 20:16
gde33the chance is thereJan 27 20:17
gde33to become a good writer you have to write the whole timeJan 27 20:17
gde33it might be crap some daysJan 27 20:17
gde33you shouldnt be put on trial over each blog postJan 27 20:17
gde33overal performanceJan 27 20:18
MinceRand you won't beJan 27 20:18
MinceRif what you do is valued, the word will spreadJan 27 20:18
MinceRand there are search engines too, including at least one p2p oneJan 27 20:18
gde33nah the word wont spread, you have to work your ass offJan 27 20:19
gde33asking random strangers for a few bucks would go much fasterJan 27 20:20
MinceRyes, you have to work your ass offJan 27 20:20
MinceRand if you do it right, the word will spreadJan 27 20:20
gde33then what? big bandwith bills?Jan 27 20:20
iophkOr issue an IPOJan 27 20:20
gde33have LIES advertised all over the website?Jan 27 20:20
MinceRyou can choose your advertisersJan 27 20:20
MinceRthey don't have to be liesJan 27 20:21
MinceR(i know, the truth isn't very popular nowadays)Jan 27 20:21
gde33something other than google?Jan 27 20:21
gde33hah yesJan 27 20:21
MinceRpossiblyJan 27 20:21
gde33that wont work as wellJan 27 20:22
gde33you need 10 times as much trafficJan 27 20:22
gde33if not 100Jan 27 20:22
gde33you have to go full retard, "become a militard, join the fight in iraq today"Jan 27 20:23
gde33then you make moneyJan 27 20:23
MinceRyou'll need a business modelJan 27 20:23
MinceRhopefully a better one than "herp derp let's gang up on the users and rob them blind"Jan 27 20:23
gde33not my kind of planJan 27 20:23
MinceRyour earlier comments suggest otherwise.Jan 27 20:24
gde33usually my plans are to complex to even consider, I do have some admiration for the simplistic thereJan 27 20:24
gde33if it has you explain why people need something you dont have to bother with the ideaJan 27 20:25
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gde33If people can be robbed they must have had something.Jan 27 20:27
gde33most people in this world dont have anything.Jan 27 20:27
MinceRmost people in this world don't have access to the internetJan 27 20:28
MinceRmost people in this would would not be able to read your blog even if they wanted to.Jan 27 20:28
MinceRs/would/world/Jan 27 20:28
gde33I tried to do it in print one time with a few people, it was surpricingly expensive to do small editionsJan 27 20:29
gde33why would someone with 1 hour of internet per week not be able to write a valuable text?Jan 27 20:30
gde33why do we have all this audience building he has to get into?Jan 27 20:30
MinceRbecause quite a lot of people want to be heardJan 27 20:31
gde33that doesnt make people less valuableJan 27 20:31
MinceRand listeners have limited timeJan 27 20:31
MinceRare you sure of that? :>Jan 27 20:31
gde33oh yes, I believe most of the problelms we can produce are based on not valuing people.Jan 27 20:32
gde33then moan when others dont value you eitherJan 27 20:32
MinceRif you do not value people, is that just another way of saying that people have zero value? :>Jan 27 20:32
gde33when you abuse people you get to be abused basicallyJan 27 20:32
MinceRi'd be fine with just not bothering each otherJan 27 20:33
MinceRbut for most people that's a concept too advancedJan 27 20:33
gde33MinceR: just that you value them less I supposeJan 27 20:33
gde33I believe in bothering people a little bitJan 27 20:33
gde33a friend of mine plays computer games all day, I call him an enabler. lolJan 27 20:34
gde33just to bother himJan 27 20:34
gde33I think people automatically live up to the expectation when you assert their valueJan 27 20:35
MinceRthey usually don'tJan 27 20:35
gde33have to do it the whole lifeJan 27 20:35
MinceRi learned that the hard wayJan 27 20:35
gde33sure, but we should die trying to convince them :)Jan 27 20:36
MinceRno thanksJan 27 20:36
gde33that is one of your valuable qualitiesJan 27 20:37
MinceRdon't worry, chances are i'll die eventuallyJan 27 20:37
gde33your legacy will live on :DJan 27 20:37
gde33people wont remember it was you when they repeat your wordsJan 27 20:37
MinceRor it won'tJan 27 20:37
gde33everything we know was made up by some oneJan 27 20:38
gde33each letter, each word, some of the sentencesJan 27 20:38
MinceRmaybe humanity will wipe out itself along with all its recordsJan 27 20:38
MinceRand there's nobody out there who could catch and decode our EM emissionsJan 27 20:38
gde33of course it willJan 27 20:38
gde33the big question is if we will escape the solar system before that happensJan 27 20:38
gde33if we will live as short as 1 sunJan 27 20:39
gde33hehJan 27 20:39
MinceRor shorterJan 27 20:39
gde33!!!Jan 27 20:39
gde33but we could very well potentially infest the whole gallaxyJan 27 20:39
gde33and beyondJan 27 20:39
MinceRwe have technology that could wipe out higher-order life on this planet in the hands of religious extremists who believe that if everyone does, that's acceptableJan 27 20:39
gde33grow green fur on all those ballsJan 27 20:39
MinceRand maybe that's the best outcomeJan 27 20:39
MinceRs/one does/one dies/Jan 27 20:40
gde33we get to play our partJan 27 20:40
gde33maybe we are the ones without sins?Jan 27 20:40
gde33lolJan 27 20:40
MinceRthat depends on how you define 'sin'Jan 27 20:40
gde33I define it as who should throw the first stoneJan 27 20:40
MinceRcertain religious zealots who believe themselves to be experts on ethics believe that you're responsible for the sins of your ancestorsJan 27 20:41
MinceRwhich shows how much they really know about ethicsJan 27 20:41
gde33at least we get to suffer their sins Jan 27 20:41
MinceRyayJan 27 20:41
gde33but also enjoy their accomplishmentsJan 27 20:41
MinceRi was kinda hoping for more than just sufferingJan 27 20:41
gde33I had a dream a few days ago where I finally calculated why religion is nothing but an ego tripJan 27 20:42
gde33the idea one would be punished in the after life for what one doesJan 27 20:42
MinceRit's worse than an ego tripJan 27 20:42
gde33when I do something I dont care about thatJan 27 20:42
gde33I do things because they need doing, burning forever might just be worth itJan 27 20:42
MinceRit's a mental infection that poisons everythingJan 27 20:42
gde33we should have put George's head on a pike way back in 2001, then suffer the eternal punishment.Jan 27 20:43
gde33it would be totally worth itJan 27 20:43
MinceRdubya?Jan 27 20:43
gde33yeahJan 27 20:43
gde33burn him at the stakeJan 27 20:43
gde33god can complant all he likes?Jan 27 20:43
gde33he is going to punish me?Jan 27 20:43
MinceR"God" does not exist.Jan 27 20:44
gde33that is suppose to stop me from doing the right thing?Jan 27 20:44
MinceRits definition is inconsistent with itself, therefore falseJan 27 20:44
gde33exactlyJan 27 20:44
gde33but my argument is that it is all rooted on egoistic behaviorJan 27 20:44
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gde33I use to have some sympathy for the mood they create while doing thingsJan 27 20:45
gde33the collective feeling of trying to do the right thingJan 27 20:45
MinceRand then you realized that they undermine the ability to reason? :>Jan 27 20:45
MinceRalso any possibility of toleranceJan 27 20:46
gde33that isn't an argument you can use to convince that personJan 27 20:46
gde33if you can show him he is all doing this for himself Jan 27 20:46
MinceRthere is no argument you can use to convince a religious zealot.Jan 27 20:46
gde33then that changes the whole storyJan 27 20:46
gde33I think there is a good compromise available.Jan 27 20:46
MinceRone of the main traits the memetic evolution of religion selects for is the immunization against removal and against competitorsJan 27 20:46
gde33we take all the good stuff offered by a relgion, then we put that in a new wrapper and ask non religious people to help with these good thingsJan 27 20:47
gde33then we would be willing to help themJan 27 20:47
MinceRif it isn't based on reason, then it doesn't have a good foundationJan 27 20:47
MinceRand if it is, then it isn't religion.Jan 27 20:47
gde33some of it can be based on reasonJan 27 20:48
gde33if we the people start a non proffit to make a better world you better not get the idea to build a church from the donationsJan 27 20:48
gde33we might need to hire a few people to do the administration and we might need a buildingJan 27 20:49
gde33if the church has a ready made building available for this it seems usableJan 27 20:49
gde33hell, they would be doing the lords work?Jan 27 20:50
MinceRwhat would that be?Jan 27 20:50
MinceRexterminating lots of people for not being the chosen ones? :>Jan 27 20:51
gde33I think an atheist can be convinced to help the church if they would be doing something actually useful.Jan 27 20:51
MinceRestablishing the rules under which humans are to be trafficked in? :>Jan 27 20:51
gde33those things could all be repackaged Jan 27 20:52
gde33call it a new level of milder more moderated religionJan 27 20:52
gde33they have to understand that doing good involves actual workJan 27 20:52
MinceRthere are such religionsJan 27 20:52
MinceRnot abrahamic ones, though :>Jan 27 20:52
gde33if you interupt that work to read bibles you are not helping anyoneJan 27 20:53
gde33More general: we create organisations that may turn into giant monsters, we have to find a training method for the monster to learn new tricks.Jan 27 20:55
gde33it all seems far to staticJan 27 20:56
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gde33big tech companies buying small businesses is a way of learning something for such creature.Jan 27 20:56
gde33but how are we going to teach BP cold fusion?Jan 27 20:57
gde33lolJan 27 20:57
MinceRor maybe we should just slay the monstersJan 27 20:57
gde33if anything it is an argument pro dictatorshipJan 27 20:57
gde33nothing is like being judged by a single personJan 27 20:57
gde33hahaJan 27 20:57
MinceRnothing is as bad, yesJan 27 20:58
MinceRi don't see how that's pro dictatorshipJan 27 20:58
gde33no no, if you add more people it gets worseJan 27 20:58
gde33eventually we dont agree about anythingJan 27 20:58
MinceRwhich slows down the destructionJan 27 20:58
MinceRso, a good thingJan 27 20:58
gde33the thing becomes a life form in it selfJan 27 20:58
MinceRand of course if people didn't suck quite so much, it could be much betterJan 27 20:58
gde33the components are not in charge of itJan 27 20:58
gde33you will get a ticket type 44 as described in rule 1034Jan 27 20:59
gde33I'm just the officer writing the ticketJan 27 20:59
gde33I'm sorry ok? lolJan 27 20:59
MinceR"i was only obeying orders"Jan 27 21:00
MinceRthat's not a good excuseJan 27 21:00
gde33but it works like thtaJan 27 21:00
MinceRwell yes, humanity works in a horrible wayJan 27 21:00
gde33you only need 2% to think like that to be able controll everyone elseJan 27 21:00
gde33it isn't something likely to get fixedJan 27 21:01
MinceRit will probably get fixed in the most painful method availableJan 27 21:01
gde33we could start with brainscans for politiciansJan 27 21:01
MinceRoverpopulation, wars, famine, plagues, extinctionJan 27 21:01
schestowitz 27 21:01
TechrightsBot-trNo message foundJan 27 21:01
MinceRmaybe a bit of nuclear winterJan 27 21:01
gde33nothing we cant handleJan 27 21:02
MinceRschestowitz: Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!Jan 27 21:02
MinceRnot sure what there is to handle about painful self-exterminationJan 27 21:02
gde33brainscans for politicians and a diploma before you get to voteJan 27 21:02
MinceRthat won't helpJan 27 21:03
gde33I had some fun discussions with people about those 2Jan 27 21:03
gde33why wont it help?Jan 27 21:03
MinceRit merely installs a centralized authority that decides who gets to run for office and who gets to voteJan 27 21:03
MinceRsure, they'll claim it's for objective reasonsJan 27 21:03
MinceRbut it won't beJan 27 21:03
gde33not if it cant contain the evilJan 27 21:03
gde33if the evil cant manifest it cant run the placeJan 27 21:03
MinceRit willJan 27 21:03
MinceRit's everywhereJan 27 21:03
gde33we know that empathic people feel the pain of othersJan 27 21:04
MinceRand people are trying hard to make it worseJan 27 21:04
gde33I wouldnt mind making that a requirement for politiciansJan 27 21:04
MinceRhow would you enforce it?Jan 27 21:04
gde33just eliminate the psychopathsJan 27 21:04
MinceRhow would you do that?Jan 27 21:04
gde33with brainscans and other testsJan 27 21:04
MinceRpsychopathy is probably the most difficult kind of mental disorder to diagnose objectivelyJan 27 21:05
gde33we dont need objectivityJan 27 21:05
MinceRpart of it is that the psychopath tries to hide their own disorderJan 27 21:05
gde33we need certaintyJan 27 21:05
MinceRwe do need objectivityJan 27 21:05
gde33empathic people get seizurs when you show them choped up bodies on a monitorJan 27 21:05
MinceRwithout objectivity, you get people deciding who gets whatJan 27 21:05
MinceRand corruptionJan 27 21:05
gde33if you can just sit there without any emotion you are not the man for the jobJan 27 21:05
MinceRsame system as before, maybe with a few more levelsJan 27 21:05
MinceRi doubt that everyone who's desensitized to images of mutilated bodies is a psychopathJan 27 21:06
gde33if you have an amount of people some will test obviously empathic, some will test obviously psychopatic and some will test average.Jan 27 21:06
MinceRi'm pretty sure it wasn't on any of the checklists i've seenJan 27 21:07
gde33I dont think it is a sexy idea to put the clear psychopath in powerJan 27 21:07
MinceRi'm pretty sure Cleckley didn't mention it in Mask of Sanity :>Jan 27 21:07
gde33he doesn't have what it takesJan 27 21:07
MinceRhe'll speak to the people and make them believe that he does have what it takesJan 27 21:07
gde33We could argue about average people but the cases where it is all to obvious should be eliminated.Jan 27 21:07
MinceRalso, tests can be corruptedJan 27 21:07
gde33these are people who dont have activity in that part of their brainJan 27 21:07
gde33you are setting up shop for warsJan 27 21:08
MinceRif the people doing the test aren't willing to lie about the results, the people in power will replace themJan 27 21:08
gde33you can certainly have a few cases where it isn't easy to get a good ratingJan 27 21:08
gde33just publish the data?Jan 27 21:08
MinceRalso, i'm pretty sure a psychopath could fake discomfortJan 27 21:08
gde33if you want to be a public figure, wouldnt you want to know this about yourself?Jan 27 21:09
gde33to what extend you are faking empathy?Jan 27 21:09
MinceRthey could tamper the data before publishing itJan 27 21:09
gde33it wont make you less of a personJan 27 21:09
gde33do you think a truly empathic person could just start a war for proffit?Jan 27 21:10
gde33personally, if you come to my desk to suggest such a thing I might just have to end youJan 27 21:10
gde33lolJan 27 21:10
MinceRno, i think a psychopath could easily fake being empathicJan 27 21:10
MinceRfor your testJan 27 21:10
gde33he cantJan 27 21:10
MinceRthen they get into power and do whatever they wanted to do all alongJan 27 21:10
gde33the biological effect is to strongJan 27 21:10
MinceRwhile faking whatever emotions they needJan 27 21:10
gde33people feel as if it is their finger being cut when looking at itJan 27 21:10
MinceRread Mask of Sanity :>Jan 27 21:11
gde33there is no evidence such tests can be faked but still it would add a layer of securityJan 27 21:11
MinceRno, it wouldn'tJan 27 21:11
MinceRit would merely add more hooks for corruptionJan 27 21:11
MinceRand more chances to attack people the oligarchy doesn't want in powerJan 27 21:11
gde33dont you understand that some people have no feeling for others?Jan 27 21:12
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MinceRi doJan 27 21:12
MinceRbut it won't be easy to tell if they do or notJan 27 21:12
gde33there are cases where we can establish this with great certaintyJan 27 21:12
MinceRfrom the outsideJan 27 21:12
gde33or do you doubt there are such cases?Jan 27 21:12
MinceRalso, by the very nature of such testing there would be a small number of people making a decisionJan 27 21:13
MinceRwhich would be easily subvertedJan 27 21:13
gde33the information could just be presented to the voterJan 27 21:13
MinceRthe voter is not a trained psychiatristJan 27 21:13
gde33you are showing empathy to people who dont know what it meansJan 27 21:13
gde33why would you bother with that?Jan 27 21:13
MinceRand any discrepancy could be explained as a different interpretation of the dataJan 27 21:13
gde33do you think they will aperciate it?Jan 27 21:13
MinceRpoliticians already do thatJan 27 21:14
gde33they will think of it as your weaknessJan 27 21:14
MinceRthey'll present the data and their decisionJan 27 21:14
MinceRand claim that the decision is based on the dataJan 27 21:14
gde33sureJan 27 21:14
MinceRand another expert will easily determined that the decision is bogusJan 27 21:14
gde33you can have the tests done independentlyJan 27 21:14
MinceRwhile the ones on the politician's side will agree with it, no matter whatJan 27 21:15
gde33the other expert deserves a fair hearingJan 27 21:15
MinceRso, how many tests will decide if someone gets to run for office or not?Jan 27 21:15
MinceRand how?Jan 27 21:15
gde33I'm still talking about the extreme cases where people have pretty much reverted to using nothing but their lizard brainJan 27 21:15
MinceRalso, m$'s example should show that "independent" is easily thrown aroundJan 27 21:15
gde33the john mcain kind of politicianJan 27 21:15
gde33where non of the brain worksJan 27 21:15
MinceRthat's the sort of people a large percentage of the voters wantJan 27 21:16
MinceRmost of the people are idiotsJan 27 21:16
gde33he just started singing bomb iraq bomb bomb iraq?Jan 27 21:16
MinceRand i see no way of fixing thatJan 27 21:16
gde33he thought he was being funnyJan 27 21:16
gde33seriouslyJan 27 21:16
MinceR 27 21:16
gde33that brings me to argument 2Jan 27 21:17
gde33the voter diplomaJan 27 21:17
gde33:DJan 27 21:17
MinceRsame problemJan 27 21:17
gde33what do you mean?Jan 27 21:17
gde33you want to not know anything then decide stuff for me?Jan 27 21:17
MinceRwhoever hands out the diploma decides who gets to voteJan 27 21:17
gde33gtfo?Jan 27 21:17
MinceRand so they'll be corrupted to decide the corruptor's voters are eligible, others aren'tJan 27 21:17
gde33you just say that because you failed for the testJan 27 21:18
MinceRyeah, that's what the corruptor will sayJan 27 21:18
MinceRexactlyJan 27 21:18
MinceRour commies before 1990 prohibited opposition parties from participating in the election by claiming that they were all "fascists"Jan 27 21:19
gde33hahahaJan 27 21:19
MinceRif you wanted democracy, you were a "fascist"Jan 27 21:19
gde33a very efficent system right thereJan 27 21:20
gde33we are going to do something like that to youJan 27 21:20
gde33not just make you unelectable based on science data that says ur a naziJan 27 21:20
gde33but also not give you the diploma for not knowing anything at all about our great nationJan 27 21:21
MinceRyeah, "science" "data"Jan 27 21:21
MinceRwhoever writes the test decides what the right answers areJan 27 21:21
gde33but hey, at least I've addressed earlier arguments of my content not being original enough.Jan 27 21:22
MinceR:>Jan 27 21:22
gde33I will just have to make this case in future argumentsJan 27 21:22
gde33hahaJan 27 21:22
MinceR 27 21:22
gde33 27 21:25
MinceR:DJan 27 21:25
MinceRthe execution is somewhat lackingJan 27 21:25
gde33I was just distracted by the thoughts that gifs are really nice, not a lot of work to make for how funny they can be.Jan 27 21:26
gde33 27 21:26
gde33 27 21:28
gde33$-but-fly.pngJan 27 21:29
gde33MinceR: but to get back to the combi, between wanting psychopaths and wanting uneducated people in government you've pretty much ruined everything.Jan 27 21:32
gde33there is no hope nowJan 27 21:32
MinceRapparently you've failed at reading comprehensionJan 27 21:32
gde33it is either nazi's or nazi'sJan 27 21:32
MinceRindeed there is no hopeJan 27 21:32
gde33hahahaJan 27 21:32
MinceRwhatever system you'll invent to restrict who can run for office or can vote, can and will be corrupted.Jan 27 21:33
MinceRjust like whatever system people coming up with organizing government can and will be corruptedJan 27 21:33
gde33 27 21:33
MinceR:>Jan 27 21:33
MinceRwhat if my dreams are nightmares?Jan 27 21:33
gde33we dont care what they areJan 27 21:34
gde33you dont have dreams as far as the rest of us is concernedJan 27 21:34
gde33we have nothing to worry aboutJan 27 21:34
MinceRindeed, worrying won't help eitherJan 27 21:36
gde33I say first we get rid of government psycho's, then remove the people would cant be bothered to know anything from voting.Jan 27 21:36
gde33then at least our downfall will be well organisedJan 27 21:37
gde33then we increase the complexity of the voting processJan 27 21:38
MinceRand how would you do that?Jan 27 21:38
gde33excluding even more peopleJan 27 21:38
MinceRand how will increased complexity work?Jan 27 21:38
gde33voting more often on actual topicsJan 27 21:38
gde33involvement in decision makingJan 27 21:39
MinceRmost people can't be botheredJan 27 21:39
MinceRthey already vote randomlyJan 27 21:39
gde33we can compensate them for not participatingJan 27 21:39
gde33they can always learn the nesasary stuff and join usJan 27 21:39
gde33until they do they will just have to trust usJan 27 21:40
gde33one way or annotherJan 27 21:40
MinceRthey can't and they don't care toJan 27 21:40
gde33I dont see the problem with people who dont careJan 27 21:40
MinceRand if you devise a system to confirm that they've learned, that system will be compromisedJan 27 21:40
gde33cant we respect that?Jan 27 21:40
MinceRpeople who don't care do a lot of damageJan 27 21:40
gde33I'm looking for basic knowledgeJan 27 21:40
MinceRpeople who don't care to think a bit voted hungary into a dictatorshipJan 27 21:41
MinceRpeople who don't care to thing a bit keep the usa in its two-party systemJan 27 21:41
gde33we can eliminate most voters with the requirement of knowing which parties they can chose from.Jan 27 21:41
MinceRprobably same in the ukJan 27 21:41
MinceRnot sure how that would work, considering that parties get nominated before the electionJan 27 21:41
MinceRand there are a lot of parties who try to get nominatedJan 27 21:42
gde33we can require basic knowledge of each optionJan 27 21:42
MinceRagain, someone will decide what the right answers areJan 27 21:42
gde33without knowledge of what the choices are your choice cant be considered as valauble as the next guyJan 27 21:42
MinceRand someone will tell the voters on their side what the right answers areJan 27 21:42
gde33at first the test should be kintergarden levelJan 27 21:43
gde33seriouslyJan 27 21:43
gde33most voters only know the names of the top 3 optionsJan 27 21:43
MinceRalso, people will try to smear your test with all sorts of false stuff too, to fight itJan 27 21:43
gde33thats fairJan 27 21:44
gde33it deserves to be attackedJan 27 21:44
MinceRand it won't be introduced anywhereJan 27 21:44
gde33for reasons you described earlierJan 27 21:44
MinceRunless the oligarchs want it toJan 27 21:44
MinceRbut then they'll shape it to their needsJan 27 21:44
gde33the idea is not at a stage where it can be implmenetedJan 27 21:44
gde33but it is intersting to talk with people who argue they want to vote but they dont want to bother knowing anythingJan 27 21:45
gde33if you ask them how we are going to get it right they say ehheheheJan 27 21:45
gde33technically the correct responseJan 27 21:46
gde33If such a system would be taken over it would still allow for greater citizen participation?Jan 27 21:49
MinceRit would seem to me that it would allow for less citizen participationJan 27 21:49
MinceRseeing how it's all about restricting who gets to participateJan 27 21:49
gde33smaller numbers but more influence?Jan 27 21:49
MinceRwell, those are connectedJan 27 21:50
gde33the test could be designed to eliminate a fixed percentage of votersJan 27 21:50
MinceRin the extreme, you have one citizen participating, the PatricianJan 27 21:50
MinceRhe is the Man, he has the Vote.Jan 27 21:50
gde33we merge his brain with the super computerJan 27 21:51
gde333)???? 4) proffit!Jan 27 21:51
MinceRlolJan 27 21:52
gde33it will be our only solution to avoid rule by AIJan 27 21:53
MinceRexcept he will be the AI and he will ruleJan 27 21:55
MinceRso we won't avoid it at allJan 27 21:56
gde33I liked Chavez TV showJan 27 22:02
gde33who knows, maybe we could do a telepresence political modelJan 27 22:02
gde33cybernetic politicians with advanced teleroboticsJan 27 22:04
MinceRhow would you tell if they're psychopaths then?Jan 27 22:06
gde33by pluging into the live feeling telemetry feedJan 27 22:06
gde33make it so that one can experience the representativeJan 27 22:06
MinceRand then someone broke into the feed and made everyone die from a seizure :>Jan 27 22:07
gde33they are going to die anywayJan 27 22:08
gde33at least it will be efficentJan 27 22:08
MinceRthere are more efficient ways to kill everybodyJan 27 22:08
gde33less emotionally involved?Jan 27 22:08
MinceRno, everybodyJan 27 22:09
gde33build in a safty systemJan 27 22:09
gde33mcaffee emo 2.0Jan 27 22:10
MinceRoohJan 27 22:10
MinceRmcaffee for my neural systemJan 27 22:10
MinceRi can't waitJan 27 22:10
gde33you just configure the feelings you wantJan 27 22:10
MinceRnew and exciting ways to suffer and dieJan 27 22:10
MinceRand you can't even uninstall it!Jan 27 22:11
gde33we always end up with thatJan 27 22:11
MinceRof course the assumption that my neural system runs winblows is even scarierJan 27 22:11
gde33it almost defeats the purpose of technologyJan 27 22:11
gde33bad patches :PJan 27 22:11
MinceRs/mcaffee/mcafee/Jan 27 22:12
MinceR(or, for german speakers, s/mcaffee/mcaffe/ :> )Jan 27 22:13
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MinceR 27 22:52 | Google "Duverger's Law" - CheezburgerJan 27 22:52
gde33have people say their own opinion doesnt matterJan 27 22:59
gde33if there was a 3rd party that represents what I believe I wouldnt vote for it because I dont want to be the first in anything. kind of logicJan 27 23:01
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gde33MinceR: the oposite is also a fun picture, select the psycho as our leader then do an iq test to eliminate votes from overly brainy people.Jan 27 23:14
MinceRwhat would that do?Jan 27 23:14
gde33it would make a collective out of people who really need oneJan 27 23:14
gde33and deploy a leader who knows he is a psycho, he should take some advice when it gets in the wayJan 27 23:15
gde33a bit like a surgeon would have to stay a bit emotionally detachedJan 27 23:17
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 27 23:40
*TechrightsBot-tr has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 27 23:48
MinceR 27 23:53
gde33MinceR:!msg/sci.physics/5-d_fI6_Gz8/kyAQzodJQWoJJan 28 00:10
MinceRo_OJan 28 00:11
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 00:19
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 00:25
DaemonFC"We didn't make it for Indians, WE MADE IT FOR WESTERNERS *WHO CAN AFFORD IT*".Jan 28 00:25
DaemonFC(Emphasis is mine)Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCIn other words, not even all westerners, only the very rich ones. And I'm sure that even post-Obamacare, insurance companies will figure out some way to "discourage" customers that cost them $5,750 a month in drugs alone. People that are that sick are the reason Medicare and Medicaid exist. They're made a burden of the public because private insurers don't want those customers, only relatively healthy ones. That's why those programs are allowed Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCto exist. It's privatized profits and socialized losses. Lemon Socialism.Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCI think it's wonderful that India has used the force majeure of its national government against foreign predatory drug companies, to help cancer and HIV patients.Jan 28 00:26
DaemonFCMore countries should do this, and they should tell Obama and his corporate crapitalist cronies to go to hell, and exactly where to shove the TPP. Jan 28 00:26
MinceRgnJan 28 00:40
schestowitz 28 01:10
schestowitz 28 01:13
DaemonFCBetter anything than Apple.Jan 28 01:14
DaemonFCIt's hard to imagine any devices that come along that could be more hostile to freedom than iThings.Jan 28 01:14
DaemonFCEven Microsoft doesn't have a blanket ban of copyleft software on their Windows store.Jan 28 01:14
DaemonFCOf course they could at any point, and that sort of abuse is something that app store monopolies enable.Jan 28 01:15
DaemonFCgeezJan 28 01:29
DaemonFCI've almost filled up my 2 TB hard drive.Jan 28 01:29
DaemonFC:PJan 28 01:29
DaemonFCI need to go through looking for files that I don't need anymore.Jan 28 01:29
gde33DaemonFC: you just need to buy a new one ;)Jan 28 01:32
gde33when you have 6 TB or more you will see that cleaning up is pointless lolJan 28 01:33
schestowitz__tessier: only 3 or so days left for the site's current host; can a VM be set up tomorrow?Jan 28 01:43
*TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ has joined #techrightsJan 28 01:46
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.71Jan 28 01:46
schestowitz__gde33: I have 8 TVJan 28 01:46
schestowitz__YBJan 28 01:46
schestowitz__TBJan 28 01:46
schestowitz__ 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Suppressing contenders 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google "Duverger's Law" - CheezburgerJan 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Without money" 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: FBI: catching the "criminals" (privacy proponents) 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Optical illusion in 3-D 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: War on #anonymity 28 01:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The FBI Seized All of TorMail's Data and Is Using It to Catch HackersJan 28 01:59
schestowitz__ 28 02:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dreams 28 02:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Choices #europe not much better 28 02:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:05 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade toJan 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 13.10 Now 28 02:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:05 | Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 Now | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:05
DaemonFCMy dad on Facebook regarding gay marriage. " So, besides offending a whole lot of people, confusing others, inspiring a lot of people to not care, and introducing that group to the joys of divorce, where is the prize?"Jan 28 02:17
DaemonFCMe: "Who cares if right-wing crazies in the American Taliban are offended? Seriously. Fuck them. I mean that. Fuck them very much. Sure, divorce will happen. I don't think it will exceed the embarrassingly high divorce rate of straight people, which is well over 50%."Jan 28 02:17
schestowitz__ 28 02:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 Now #ubuntu #linux #gnuJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 NowJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: New version of Google spyware is out #firefox improved a lot, people should revisit itJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes Mouse Pointer and Quicktime IssuesJan 28 02:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Snowden-branded #nsa leaks are starting to slow down (infrequent new disclosures); are new anonymous leakers (using Snowden's name) afraid?Jan 28 02:19
schestowitz__ 28 02:28 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 02:28
schestowitz__"inBloom, I think, is a Gates thing."Jan 28 02:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 02:28
schestowitz__Yes, I have already criticised that article at the timeJan 28 02:29
gde33does this link work? 28 02:30
schestowitz__ 28 02:30 | Is Red Hat Working for the NSA? - FOSS Force  [ ]Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__"Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__@Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Some of those are facts, and I should read the rest of them again, but e.g. my take on Linus’ father was that he was speculating.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__Mixing facts and speculation doesn’t make them all facts.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__BSD devs don’t trust HW RNG’s, neither Linux devs. And Linux devs treat every bug the same way, security implications or not.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__I might not like it but that’s the way they work.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__My final question to you is: given your distrust on RedHat, how can you recommend people to use CentOS, given that they use the same sources?Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__I wouldn’t trust them either, especially since they’re part of RedHat now.Jan 28 02:30
schestowitz__"Jan 28 02:30
gde33I had annother great idea to limit peoples freedom, bra locks with build-in iq test.Jan 28 02:41
schestowitz__ 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured List #gnome #gnu #linuxJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured ListJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux? #zdnet again 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux?  | ITworldJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ZDNet - TechrightsJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + Xfce #kfce #kde #linuxmint #gnu #linuxJan 28 02:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + XfceJan 28 02:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes MouseJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Pointer and Quicktime IssuesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the FeaturedJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines                 List 28 02:56 | New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes Mouse Pointer and Quicktime Issues | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux?Jan 28 02:56 | GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured List | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56 | Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux? | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + XfceJan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:56 | Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + Xfce | Tux MachinesJan 28 02:56
schestowitz__ 28 02:56
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #seagate are incompetent; if all they can replace a faulty drive with is another faulty drive, then it's better if they don't bother at all.Jan 28 02:56
TweetTuxMachines@Kaitlyneene     @tuxmachines 20 minutos... *o*Jan 28 02:57
TweetTuxMachines        28 02:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 02:57
TechrightsBot-tr@Kaitlyneene: @tuxmachines 20 minutos... *o* 28 02:57
gde33MinceR: I'm still on our choice between nazi's or nazi'sJan 28 03:15
gde33 28 03:15 | WE ARE THE NAZIS - 911 THE MUSICAL - YouTube  [ ]Jan 28 03:15
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 28 03:46
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 03:50
gde33common guys, we will win this war?Jan 28 03:58
tessierschestowitz__: I'm working on a VM now...Jan 28 05:02
tessierschestowitz__: /home is 99% full btw. Do you get emails when this happens? The monitoring system is configured to send them...Jan 28 05:05
tessierI just extended the logical volume for  /home...Jan 28 05:06
DaemonFCThe Indiana General Assembly just voted to strike the second sentence from the marriage discrimination amendment.Jan 28 05:32
DaemonFCThat means that they have to pass it again every year through 2016 before it can be placed on the ballot.Jan 28 05:33
DaemonFCI think the Republicans did this because they hope that the courts will save them from having to vote in favor of the amendment.Jan 28 05:33
tessierIndiana....I have lots of family there.Jan 28 06:55
tessierMostly conservative and mostly bigots of one sort or another.Jan 28 06:55
DaemonFCthe rural partsJan 28 07:05
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 07:16
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 07:18
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 08:11
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 08:19
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 08:39
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 28 08:43
*MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #techrightsJan 28 08:53
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 28 08:56
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:08
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 28 09:08
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRJan 28 09:12
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceRJan 28 09:16
iophk 28 09:29 | Tor Anonymity Software vs. the National Security Agency - Businessweek  [ ]Jan 28 09:29
schestowitz__[05:05] <tessier> schestowitz__: /home is 99% full btw. Do you get emails when this happens? The monitoring system is configured to send them...Jan 28 09:30
*msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 28 09:31
schestowitz__oops, I know why this happened. Must always have around 3 GB free for the backups to take place (DBs are over 2 GB)Jan 28 09:31
schestowitz__iophk: I posted a link to it some days ago when it was first publishedJan 28 09:32
iophkYes, I just now noticed that it actually made the cover.Jan 28 09:32
schestowitz__I said they had spun itJan 28 09:36
schestowitz__Tor has some support from gov Jan 28 09:36
schestowitz__Origin and fundingJan 28 09:36
schestowitz__For their astroturf ro whateverJan 28 09:36
schestowitz__and propping up coups in other countries perhapsJan 28 09:36
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 28 09:37
schestowitz__The BW/bloomberg article goes further by characterising it as a property of the gov, I thinkJan 28 09:37
schestowitz__ 28 09:37 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 09:37
schestowitz__Entertainment is another word for a palliative against one's disatisfaction with oneself. Unless one is first able to be happy while just being, without distraction (including thinking), then one craves entertainment. Conversely, if one is able to be content alone and not distracted from one's own being, entertainment serves no purpose, but can be taken, or left aside, with equal ease."77"Jan 28 09:38
schestowitz__ 28 09:38 #outage at #nsa #dropbox "was caused by internal maintenance," according to DropBox. Setting up more doors for NSA? 28 09:38
schestowitz__You would not expect these geniuses to contract out to companies for this kind of thing. Remember when the CIA director got caught in some woman's Yahoo?"77"Jan 28 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hackers claim responsibility for Dropbox outage (Wired UK)  [ ]Jan 28 09:38
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:40
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 28 09:40
*msb__ ( has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:42
*TRT (~twitfolk@ has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:43
schestowitz__ 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #GNU in the Days of #UNIX 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> |  » Blog Archive   » GNU in the Days of UNIXJan 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #TuxMachines Site Migration Imminent (Updatex2) The target VM is now ready.Jan 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Site Migration Imminent (Updatex2) | Tux MachinesJan 28 09:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #seagate claims to have warranty, but what it actually means is, you can send faulty drive at own expense to get a different faulty oneJan 28 09:48
schestowitz__ 28 09:49 Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies #germany #ebergyJan 28 09:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies | Beyond Revolution  [ ]Jan 28 09:49
schestowitz__"Good. Now if this can just happen everywhere..."Jan 28 09:49
schestowitz__ 28 09:50 #fsf #unix #c #linux #gnuJan 28 09:50
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 28 09:50
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 28 09:50
schestowitz__'He was probably at a seminar or whatever in Britain or speaking about the british market, would be my guess. AS IF BRITAIN IS DEVOID OF SOCIOPATHS! For shame."Jan 28 09:50
schestowitz__ 28 09:51 Rich people: people are poor because they're lazy; Poor people, indoctrinated by rich people-owned media: I just need to work harder.Jan 28 09:51
schestowitz__"When in reality, it is because the rich people have forced those poorer than them into debt. We have to take out loans (debt) of debt-based money in order to do almost anything because it is nearly impossible to save up for large purchases (cars, houses, college) because the money loses its value before it can be spent. And by rich people, I exclude the majority of business owners who are also forced to use debt."Jan 28 09:51
schestowitz__ 28 09:51 Hollywood and celebs: all the distraction our world needs to be blind to state crimes, tyranny, & other illegalities 28 09:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Op-Ed: MSNBC cuts off NSA interview for 'breaking news' of Bieber arrest  [ ]Jan 28 09:51
schestowitz__"Considering the "press" is owned by tConsidering the "press" is owned by the same people that own the government through bribes, sorry "campaign contributions", it would not surprise me were giddy when they found out about this."he same people that own the government through bribes, sorry "campaign contributions", it would not surprise me were giddy when they found out about this.Jan 28 09:51
MinceR 28 09:52
schestowitz__MinceR: yeahJan 28 09:53
schestowitz__ 28 09:53 "Get 'em while they're young," they say... 28 09:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA's website for kids isn't creepy. Nope. Not creepy at all.  [ ]Jan 28 09:53
schestowitz__"Indoctrination of the young and impressionable is always creep-tastic."Jan 28 09:53
schestowitz__ 28 09:53 Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update  #samsung #ballnuxJan 28 09:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 28 09:53
schestowitz__"...taking a page from Apple's playbook..."Jan 28 09:53
MinceRindeedJan 28 09:54
MinceRalso, region lockJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__yeahJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__Apple is suffering from ANdroud nowJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__it too is a religionJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__preying on young and unpopularJan 28 09:54
schestowitz__Thinking they'd substitute  bad life with a tiny worship-worthy machineJan 28 09:55
schestowitz__ 28 09:55 #drones with legs, wheels, etc. 28 09:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army expects to replace a quarter of soldiers with robots by 2040 - SlashGear  [ ]Jan 28 09:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040 - Muktware  [ ]Jan 28 09:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army Envisions More Robotic Future  [ ]Jan 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014Jan 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung rumoured to release ‘Galaxy Glass’ IFAJan 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Berlin 2014 28 09:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 09:55 | 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 09:55 | Samsung rumoured to release ‘Galaxy Glass’ IFA Berlin 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 09:55
schestowitz__"An unquestioning army who will never question their orders, regardless of how inhumane they are..."Jan 28 09:56
schestowitz__ 28 10:03 | Richard Sherman's Winning Rant  [ ]Jan 28 10:03
schestowitz__ 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Case of the Missing OS, or Did Apple Eat Pear? #apple #pearos 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Case of the Missing OS, or Did Apple Eat Pear? | Community | LinuxInsiderJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why a Deletion of Pear OS From the Web (Including SourceForge) is Mysterious | TechrightsJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment #omeJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop EnvironmentJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Paradox' Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux - MuktwareJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #samsung to produce #linux based #cctv glasses too 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung rumoured to release 'Galaxy Glass' IFA Berlin 2014 - MuktwareJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 #ubuntu #gnu #linuxJan 28 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 | TechSourceJan 28 10:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IVJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines                 heading for Linux 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Knoppix Review, Shotwell's Future, and 5Jan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Insults 28 10:35 | Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35 | Knoppix Review, Shotwell's Future, and 5 Insults | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop EnvironmentJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines        28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35 | Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Make Peace with pax 28 10:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:35 | Make Peace with pax | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:35
iophkok, authorized access then?Jan 28 10:38
iophk 28 10:38 | Microsoft rules out ‘back door’ access to MPs’ electronic communications | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 10:39
iophkIt's probably right there in the EULAJan 28 10:39
iophk,0,0.htmlstory?track=bluesky-ct-headJan 28 10:41 | How open-source software drives innovation - Blue Sky Innovation  [ ]Jan 28 10:41
schestowitz__iophk: good linkJan 28 10:45
schestowitz__I will write about it laterJan 28 10:45
schestowitz__The Guardian covers up for Microsoft againJan 28 10:45
iophk*EULA -> EULA(s)Jan 28 10:47
MinceR 28 10:51
schestowitz__ 28 10:52 | Tech Comics: Geek Spoilsports - Datamation  [ ]Jan 28 10:52
schestowitz__iophk: any related articles?Jan 28 10:53
schestowitz__I xdidn't see one with accusationsJan 28 10:53
schestowitz__Just a defence of MicrosoftJan 28 10:53
iophknot off handJan 28 10:53
iophkpossibly a pre-emptive strike to distract from something.Jan 28 10:53
iophkIt might be in reference to something months old.Jan 28 10:54
iophk 28 10:55 | NSA Built Back Door In All Microsoft Windows Software Since 1999 :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website  [ ]Jan 28 10:55
iophk 28 10:55 | Snowden leak: Microsoft added backdoor for Feds • The Register  [ ]Jan 28 10:56
iophk 28 10:56 | News - Zentyal 3.3, featuring Microsoft Exchange Server replacement, is now available  | Linux Small Business Server  [ ]Jan 28 10:56
schestowitz__ 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie Preview #ubuntu #debian #linuxJan 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie PreviewJan 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Delivery #drones 28 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How open-source software drives innovation because the "i" word (innovation) is hip these daysJan 28 10:57
schestowitz__iophk: yes, but these are from last yearJan 28 10:57
iophkyes, oldJan 28 10:57
schestowitz__was there a new complaint in Aussie Greens?Jan 28 10:57
schestowitz__Cause I saw no coverage of themJan 28 10:57
schestowitz__certainly not from Gates-funded 'guardian'Jan 28 10:58
iophkmaybe this?Jan 28 10:58
iophk 28 10:58 | Australian MPs could be exposed to US surveillance, IT official concedes | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 10:58
schestowitz__yeah, but oldishJan 28 10:58
iophkOf course the Guardian is not going to help by linking to any other articles, old or new.Jan 28 10:59
iophkIt could be in response to the old article or a distraction from something else happening now.Jan 28 11:00
schestowitz__like what?Jan 28 11:01
schestowitz__I didn't see MS in the headlines, except for liesJan 28 11:01
schestowitz__Brad Smith and others claiming to move "cloud" out of US for non-US 'customersJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__Huff Puff/AOL printed this nonsenseJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__It's a PR plotJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__It's a PR ployJan 28 11:02
schestowitz__because of seagate I didn't have time to look into NSA news yesterdayJan 28 11:02
iophkI wouldn't know, the good headlines are often buried.Jan 28 11:04
iophkalso old : Jan 28 11:10
iophk 28 11:10
iophk"We know that Microsoft software contains a back door which is utilised  by the US NSA and Microsoft has been very active in assisting the NSA to  circumvent the company’s own encryption standards."Jan 28 11:10 | Worst CIO job in Australia? - Delimiter  [ ]Jan 28 11:10
schestowitz__ 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "The gist of the story is that "123456" is now the most commonly used weak password" I use people who use it!Jan 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Password Security Requires Multiple Layers of ProtectionJan 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card Comparison #amd #nvidia #linuxJan 28 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card ComparisonJan 28 11:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian JessieJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Preview 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce LinuxJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics Card Comparison 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:15 | Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie Preview | Tux MachinesJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Four must try Indie games on LinuxJan 28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines        28 11:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:15 | 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card Comparison | Tux MachinesJan 28 11:15 | Four must try Indie games on Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 11:15
schestowitz__ 28 11:17 Optical illusion in 3-D 28 11:17
schestowitz__ 28 11:17 | floating box illusion - YouTube  [ ]Jan 28 11:17
schestowitz__ 28 11:19 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 11:19
schestowitz__"yep oh look, it's you '"Jan 28 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 11:19 | glyn moody - Google+ - All Your Child's Data Are Belong To InBloom -…  [ ]Jan 28 11:19 | To Lisa Macfarlane and Suzanne Estey: And you thought it was a conspiracy theory? | Seattle Education  [ ]Jan 28 11:19 | Will Hill - Google+ - We covered inBloom before. It’s like Gates’ own mini-PRISM.…  [ ]Jan 28 11:19
schestowitz__Thankful for the mention...Jan 28 11:20
schestowitz__ 28 11:20 War on #anonymity 28 11:20
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The FBI Seized All of TorMail's Data and Is Using It to Catch Hackers  [ ]Jan 28 11:20
schestowitz__"Gizmodo is stupid. FBI uses Windows malware, search warrants and duress to steal a database, so Gizmodo concludes TOR is worthless. No, what's worthless for your privacy is Windows, non free software and US hosting."Jan 28 11:20
schestowitz__ 28 11:21 Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life remember when the #fbi sent letters with death threats?Jan 28 11:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life  [ ]Jan 28 11:21
schestowitz__"I would like more people appreciate what Snowden did and realize what costed him. There would be no need of a handful of heros if millons of people acted like responsible citizens."Jan 28 11:21
schestowitz__several other NSA employees are now following his example and leaking more documents, published with attribution to Snowden for their safety, based on G.A.P.Jan 28 11:22
schestowitz__ 28 12:11 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__"Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__I don't disagree and think we're just highlighting different aspects of the issue.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__However, rather than demeaning or downgrading TV watchers, I'm encouraging people to consider what they do and why, and providing a simple and easy way to test out my statement, for anyone with a mind to wake up.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__Try changing a habit, and if you can't, well, are you curious to know why is that? Is that OK for you? And if not, well the solution is in there too.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__The last part is not easy though, and something I have been working on for years, with some success, but always many more habits to challenge, and aspects of myself that I struggle to be with.Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__"Jan 28 12:11
schestowitz__My wife and I don't watch TV. I gave away my last set about a decade ago, and I've hardly missed a thing. In fact, the world (outdoor) and society (communication) is too good to be wasted, esp. if the alternative is a one-way broadcast (data-pushing) apparatus which treats us like fetuses.Jan 28 12:13
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 28 12:27
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 28 12:31
schestowitz__ 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Four must try Indie games on Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Four must try Indie games on Linux - MuktwareJan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Developers, generally speaking, want to share their code with other developers." 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Jan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "It's lawyers and business people with dollar signs in their eyes who want to make proprietary software." 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "EU agreed its current Data Protection Directive in 1995... Mark Zuckerberg was just 11." #privacyJan 28 12:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Data Protection Day - European CommissionJan 28 12:31
schestowitz__ 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: First ever #CryEngine Game to head for Linux  #gnu #linux #gamesJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google Patent aims to offer ad based driverless taxi service - MuktwareJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Speaking personally, I have never, ever, switched off comments on my blog posts or deleted posts" 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On Accountability  |  jonobacon@homeJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 5 Must Have Steam Titles on Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For EveryoneJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The state of digital freedom in 2014 OSI president speaks about freedom, not openness. #fsf #gnuJan 28 12:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The state of digital freedom in 2014 | Open Source Software - InfoWorldJan 28 12:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First ever CryEngine Game to head for LinuxJan 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     5 Must Have Steam Titles on LinuxJan 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:55 | First ever CryEngine Game to head for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The state of digital freedom in 2014Jan 28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 12:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:56 | 5 Must Have Steam Titles on Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that areJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Actually Stable 28 12:56 | The state of digital freedom in 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:56 | 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:56
iophk 28 13:11 | Finnish schools using open source reap savings | Joinup  [ ]Jan 28 13:11
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 28 13:16
schestowitz__ Jan 28 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Finnish schools using open source reap savings #finland #freedom #freeswJan 28 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable #gnu #linuxJan 28 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For EveryoneJan 28 13:36
schestowitz__ 28 13:37
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Upgrading home connection to fibre-optics; 80Mbit download, 20Mbit upload. This will hopefully make the connections more stable, too.Jan 28 13:37
MinceRif i want cutting edge, i'll buy a sword. if i want bleeding edge, i'll use it.Jan 28 13:37
schestowitz__ 28 13:41 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 13:41
schestowitz__"That's great. :-) TV is the headline here, because almost everyone has one, and many watch a lot of it, but it it's not the point of my post, which is about the many ways people are averse to being, and how disempowering this can be."Jan 28 13:41
schestowitz__ 28 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox #gnome #kde #gnu #linuxJan 28 13:42
TechrightsBot-tr-> | KDE Desktop Vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox - DatamationJan 28 13:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Finnish schools using open source reap savingsJan 28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines        28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great ParadoxJan 28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines        28 13:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 13:44 | Finnish schools using open source reap savings | Tux MachinesJan 28 13:44 | KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox | Tux MachinesJan 28 13:44
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 28 13:56
schestowitz__ 28 13:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ForgeRock rocks with #Sun projects 28 13:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actionsJan 28 13:59
schestowitz__iophk: I habe some posts scheduled for tonightJan 28 13:59
iophkcoolJan 28 13:59
schestowitz__I have lots planned for yesterday, but Seagate drive arrive and it was as broken as the one it replacedJan 28 14:00
schestowitz__Burned 4 hours of my time, killed my appetiate, and even ruined my morningJan 28 14:00
schestowitz__I wonder if a company can be held legally liable for replacing faulty with faulty under "warrany"Jan 28 14:00
schestowitz__Just a total waste of time, would be better to use the time to just buy a new driveJan 28 14:00
iophkI've heard that some send refurbished drives as warranty replacements.Jan 28 14:01
iophkHow long was the warranty? 1,2,5 years?Jan 28 14:01
schestowitz__Tonight I need to set up NRPE on dozens of Debian servers, then I can post lots of good articles again, can pick up pace again this year, and am getting fibre next month...Jan 28 14:01
schestowitz__2 years Jan 28 14:01
schestowitz__the new drive sort of hangs up randomlyJan 28 14:02
schestowitz__Sometimes while formattingJan 28 14:02
iophkThere was a recent report rating Seagate as very low on reliabi.lityJan 28 14:02
iophkHitachi was best in the report.Jan 28 14:02
schestowitz__I need to focus on TuxMachiens migration, so I'll put off any futher work on the drive. I will do a thorough fsck thius weekend and use it to prove they sent me garbageJan 28 14:02
schestowitz__Segates's official account in twitter already stepped in for damage controlJan 28 14:03
schestowitz__I got Hitachi as a replacement for a bad laptop drive in my CompaqJan 28 14:03
schestowitz__IIRC it lasted for many yearsJan 28 14:03
schestowitz__When I tried it in 2001, around 10 years later, I think it did get some inode issues (under DSL), but that was the last time I played with that old laptop (32 MB of RAM)Jan 28 14:04
schestowitz__Hitachi=IBMJan 28 14:04
schestowitz__Is that something that's in China's hands now too?Jan 28 14:04
schestowitz__IBM makes me think, maybe the future realy is IT staff losing jobs to China (the Symphony team is largely Chinese) and China is going to just buy or overrise US brandsJan 28 14:05
schestowitz__And then there's IndiaJan 28 14:05
schestowitz__China, reportedly, is now getting more involved in software, just like IndiaJan 28 14:06
schestowitz__huiman resources (time) are cheap thereJan 28 14:06
iophkTheir R&D may not be so good but then the US has been cutting and cutting R&D for years now.Jan 28 14:06
schestowitz__They can do extreme programming, like having 3 people working on a program at once, spotting issues like they do in factoriesJan 28 14:06
schestowitz__My siuster works with Chinese programmers who are in GE, and she's says they're not so good.... yet GE has been dropping US workers and hiring in China for a whileJan 28 14:07
schestowitz__My brother's old company did the same with India, and some said that the cost of fixing their programming mistakes (I actually think they have fantastic programmers) is higher than the savings of outsourcing the jobJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Mass production paradigm is being ytested in s/w nowJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__See MicrosoftJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Around Vista they send the programming to IndiaJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Same with AdobeJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__And look what happenedJan 28 14:08
schestowitz__Saved money on wages, but the software is not necessarily better, to say the leastJan 28 14:09
schestowitz__It's good for managers, perhaps, but even that's doubtab;eJan 28 14:09
iophkM$ has never had good quality though.  And I can't recall when Adobe last was good.Jan 28 14:09
schestowitz__Class war is now also a war t devalue IT pros, driving their wages down, increasing working hours, stress, etc.Jan 28 14:10
schestowitz__Automation experts too are no longer valuedJan 28 14:10
schestowitz__Like outsourcing the outsiurcersJan 28 14:10
schestowitz__Eventually the outsourcers too will see themselves replaced by thiose whom they promoteJan 28 14:10
schestowitz__FOSS is one way to reduce costsJan 28 14:10
iophkSaves effort, too.Jan 28 14:11
schestowitz__and then sort of justify the expense of hiring expensive staffJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__Like people who manage 1000 servers at onceJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__with no costs associated with the automation (puppet, nagios, etc.) involvesJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__*vedJan 28 14:11
schestowitz__[13:59] <TechrightsBot-tr> @schestowitz: #ForgeRock rocks with #Sun projects 28 14:12 | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actionsJan 28 14:12
schestowitz__The FOSS SMBs are good to work forJan 28 14:12
schestowitz__They have large companies as clientsJan 28 14:12
schestowitz__staff can work from home, bossing minimalJan 28 14:12
schestowitz__People motivated by eagerness to deploy FOSSJan 28 14:13
schestowitz__An ideaological boss of sortsJan 28 14:13
schestowitz__Like political drives, or advocacyJan 28 14:13
iophk,Jan 28 14:15
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__We estimate your download speed will be between 79.9Mb and 80Mb.Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__We estimate your upload speed will be between 20Mb and 20Mb. Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:18
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__Remember to turn on your free BT Parental ControlsJan 28 14:19
schestowitz__Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children. That's why we include free BT Parental Controls with all our broadband packages.Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__If you haven't already, turn on BT Parental Controls now.Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__(you'll need to log in and click the BT Parental Controls tile) Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__"Jan 28 14:19
schestowitz__LOLJan 28 14:19
schestowitz__At least it's still OFF by DEDAULTJan 28 14:19
schestowitz__Won't be for longJan 28 14:19
iophkNope, not for long.Jan 28 14:20
iophkWhen it's deployed widely enough, they'll throw th.e switchJan 28 14:21
schestowitz__yeahJan 28 14:21
schestowitz__It's not important what _I_ doJan 28 14:21
schestowitz__Sites like TorrentFreak get blockedJan 28 14:21
schestowitz__So people around me will continues to be brainwashed only by one side of the feudJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__And it hurts everyoneJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__lullung the populationJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__TPP - sounds good, freedom... trade...Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz__Frzcking- cool, mate, saves me in energy billsJan 28 14:22
iophkReminds me a little of how Groklaw and other sites were blocked during the OOXML scandal due to a 'contract dispute'  Funny how nothing like that has happened before or since.  I guess with the BTPC, some sites will get blocked "accidentally" at key times.Jan 28 14:22
schestowitz__Censorship - well, think about the childrenJan 28 14:22
schestowitz__DPI - against terrorism, helps me get targetted marketingJan 28 14:23
schestowitz__Groklaw was blocked?Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz__PJ never explained to me thatJan 28 14:23
iophkIn parts of Europe.Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz__she abstained form commentingJan 28 14:23
schestowitz__I think Websense blacklisted herJan 28 14:23
iophkUpdegrove and some others were als o blocked.Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz__on what grounds was it?Jan 28 14:23
schestowitz__WowJan 28 14:24
iophkSome were blocked directly others because the DNS they used were blocked.Jan 28 14:24
schestowitz__I wonder if i should be careful with the photos of drone victimsJan 28 14:24
schestowitz__They could use that as an excuse for blocking. I never had someone reporting to me that s/he had been blocked, not even in censorship-happy nationsJan 28 14:24
iophkIt was interesting that the pro-standards people were clustered around certain companies and blocking that one company could block directly / indirectly the sites.  It let up hours after the vote.Jan 28 14:24
iophk*a fewJan 28 14:25
schestowitz__Not even when I wrote a lot morew and get around 3 million hits per week (now it's less than that)Jan 28 14:25
schestowitz__One day we can get bloc0kedJan 28 14:25
iophk(16.23.57) schestowitz__: on what grounds was it?Jan 28 14:25
iophkThe claim was a contract dispute between networks...Jan 28 14:25
iophk"happens all the time" was the excuse.Jan 28 14:26
schestowitz__esp. now that I dtop links on NSA, GCHQ, some leaks (not as many original ones as before), criticism of armies... Jan 28 14:26
schestowitz__This reminds me, I have a load of links to dtop about it... hang on...Jan 28 14:26
schestowitz__ 28 14:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "BT Cloud - online storage with 50GB of space" - cool, now you can share your personal data with #gchq and #nsa for FREE!Jan 28 14:27
iophkGroklaw was blocked in late march 2008 according to old mails.Jan 28 14:28
schestowitz__ 28 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BT E-mail: "Remember to turn on your free BT Parental Controls. Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children."Jan 28 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Think about the children! They might read _*gasp_* news sites like TorrentFreak (blocked by Sky) and be exposed to other views.Jan 28 14:38
iophkThe block was not everywhere just in some regions IIRCJan 28 14:38
schestowitz__yeah, Norway IIRCJan 28 14:38
schestowitz__her readers in Norway reported this at the timeJan 28 14:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open source venture that's profited fromJan 28 14:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Oracle's actions 28 14:38
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 14:38 | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actions  | Tux MachinesJan 28 14:38
schestowitz__She may have mentioned in in news PicksJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__TBH, I have not been to GL for monthsJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__I wonder how much the archive is good for when it comes to traffic, which is what matters because it gauges impact factorJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__Groklw is badly build in the SEO senseJan 28 14:39
schestowitz__Comments are hidden by default for one thingJan 28 14:39
iophkYeah, most CMS are bad for that.Jan 28 14:40
iophkThe Comes v M$ stuff could also use metadata to aid in the searching.Jan 28 14:43
iophkI wonder if it would be practical or appropriate to convert it to static HTML or just leave it?Jan 28 14:44
schestowitz__I don;t think many would pursue Comes docs anymoreJan 28 14:44
schestowitz__Microsoft is dying Jan 28 14:44
schestowitz__no matter what they say and how they cook the booksJan 28 14:44
schestowitz__many businesses still feed MS, but for how long?Jan 28 14:44
schestowitz__We help some migrate to Linux at the server room AND desktop (Ubuntu mostly)Jan 28 14:44
schestowitz__main fileserver transition due tonight at midlandJan 28 14:45
iophkNice.Jan 28 14:45
schestowitz__And once these succeed, the word spreadsJan 28 14:45
schestowitz__and more in the same sector follow, as they do...Jan 28 14:45
schestowitz__ 28 14:45
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Links 28/01/2014: Recent News About Militarism, Violence news from the past week or soJan 28 14:45
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 28/01/2014: Recent News About Militarism, Violence | TechrightsJan 28 14:45
iophk 28 14:46 | Congressmen Call For DNI Clapper's Ouster | Threatpost - English - Global -  [ ]Jan 28 14:46
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 28 15:04
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 28 15:04:31 2014
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 28 15:04:54 2014
*Now talking on #techrightsJan 28 15:04
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovellJan 28 15:04
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012Jan 28 15:04
*pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJan 28 15:05
*schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 28 15:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 15:09
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Issa, Five Other Congressmen Call For DNI Clapper’s Removal removal only? How about prosecution? #nsaJan 28 15:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014Jan 28 15:47
TweetTuxMachines        28 15:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 15:47 | More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 15:47
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:02 "BT Cloud - online storage with 50GB of space" - cool, now you can share your personal data with #gchq and #nsa for FREE!Jan 28 16:02
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 28 16:02
*jono has quit (Changing host)Jan 28 16:02
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 28 16:02
schestowitz_bed2"you paid for it"Jan 28 16:02
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:02 BT E-mail: "Remember to turn on your free BT Parental Controls. Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children."Jan 28 16:02
schestowitz_bed2"Reaky , anyone recently watched v for vendetta ? You britons r headed that way , in the speed line ..."Jan 28 16:03
schestowitz_bed2"Parental important for everyone" Adults too, I guess...Jan 28 16:03
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:04 #KMail Complexity - and a little Patience #kde #gnu #linuxJan 28 16:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | LXer: KMail Complexity - and a little Patience  [ ]Jan 28 16:04
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 28 16:04
schestowitz_bed2That's one of the reasons your E17 desktop seems so smooth. If you turn on Kmail, that effect will go away.Jan 28 16:04
schestowitz_bed2KDE, to their credit, is working to make that search less obnoxious but I don't see how it can work. The only time I used Nepomuk was when Kmail demanded it for search. Even though I limited it to my email, it consumed 50 to 100% of my cpu for a week or two. It finally calmed down.Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2The first and only time I tried to actually search my email using the fancy database, it deleted all of my email. The damn thing froze as soon as I pressed the search button. I waited for it to do what it wanted and was horrified to see that everything had been erased.Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2Those two things, depending on database for core functions and risk of complete email loss, are why I'm going to use Trinity for my email. Wheezy has the last version of Kmail that I'd recommend to anyone, so I recommend other email clients to new users now.Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2thunderbird is very good and themes make it integrate well with everythingJan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:05 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2"?You said it well."Jan 28 16:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 16:05
schestowitz_bed2I tried, without success, for about 20 minutes to find the long writerup about why not to use DDG. I was unable to find it via G+, D*, personal site sections, Google search. Is that still online?Jan 28 16:06
iophk 28 16:08 | GCHQ is monitoring Facebook Likes and Youtube with Operation Squeaky Dolphin- The Inquirer  [ ]Jan 28 16:08
iophk 28 16:14 | A Little (Angry) Bird Told the NSA What You’re Up To - ABC News  [ ]Jan 28 16:14
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GCHQ taught NSA how to #monitor Facebook , #Twitter in real time – #Snowden leak #gchq #nsaJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014 margins make #linux #arm etc. take overJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014  |   Robert PogsonJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know - thanks to ANGRY BIRDS • The RegisterJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds: NSA And GCHQ Harvest Apps DataJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds and 'leaky' phone apps targeted by NSA and GCHQ for user data | World news | theguardian.comJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." (using sex in attempt to cause suicide) MLK died laterJan 28 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. | Black People Meet | African Americans | DesteeJan 28 16:15
schestowitz_bed2iophk: toy beat me to itJan 28 16:15
schestowitz_bed2*youJan 28 16:15
iophkSo it got a little help with the popularity...Jan 28 16:16
schestowitz_bed2yeah, well...Jan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2I just showed it to RianneJan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2she and I played a finished many of the Angry Birds seriesJan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2And there's no escaping the spying, even in  gamesJan 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2!google cghq xbox liveJan 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - NSA, GCHQ can listen to Xbox Live chat communications - Eurogamer | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - World of Spycraft: NSA, GCHQ hacked WoW and Xbox Live, other ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - NSA and GCHQ spied on Xbox Live and World of Warcraft gamers ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - NSA And GCHQ Allegedly Spying On Xbox Live Gamers | 28 16:17
schestowitz_bed2!google cghq world of warcraftJan 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - NSA and GCHQ spies 'operated in games including World of ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - NSA, GCHQ 'planted agents' into World of Warcraft, Second Life to ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - NSA and GCHQ agents spied on online gamers using World of ... | 28 16:17
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - World of Spycraft: NSA, GCHQ hacked WoW and Xbox Live, other ... | 28 16:17
iophkI guess Tetris was almost as popular but not as bloated.Jan 28 16:17
iophkNo space for spy stuff.Jan 28 16:18
schestowitz_bed2it's duiguised as "business model"Jan 28 16:18
schestowitz_bed2Allowing the app to connect to the WebJan 28 16:18
schestowitz_bed2sending out data, not just fetching adsJan 28 16:18
iophkApparently a lot of other apps do similar leaks of info.Jan 28 16:20
iophkM$ was getting into ad servers a while back.Jan 28 16:20
iophkI thought that was about financial control but surveillance could have been part of it now that this comes to light.Jan 28 16:21
iophk 28 16:25
iophk 28 16:25 | Explanation Of Facebook And Microsoft's Atlas Ad Server - Business Insider  [ ]Jan 28 16:25 | Facebook Finally Pulls Trigger, Buys Atlas Ad Server From Microsoft (*Updated With Comment) - Forbes  [ ]Jan 28 16:25
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BBC: "Google's Drummond calls for new #NSA reforms" - yeah, they all do, those corporates, for their own profits, convenience, not #privacyJan 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Bruce Schneier: 'NSA and GCHQ have betrayed the trust of the internet' #nsa #gchq #internetJan 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | BBC News - Bruce Schneier: 'NSA and GCHQ have betrayed the trust of the internet'Jan 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Surprising it's reported as noteworthy that Google Maps is spying on users. It has been known since ~7 years ago. 28 16:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Not even Google Maps, Angry Birds are safe from NSA and GCHQ spying | News | TechRadarJan 28 16:28
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Obama negotiates with his bosses (corporations) -- not people -- regarding #privacy so epic. Funders decide.Jan 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tech giants reach White House deal on NSA surveillance of customer data | World news | theguardian.comJan 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Corporate press represents a "diversity" of views: the views of corporations as well as the views of corporations-funded politicians.Jan 28 16:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #CCTV Glasses are normalising the idea of invading people's homes, bathrooms etc. with connected, always-on cameras. Spooky stuff.Jan 28 16:29
schestowitz_bed2iophk: what's the significant in today's context (FB/MSFT)Jan 28 16:30
iophkthe possibility for trackingJan 28 16:40
schestowitz_bed2loJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2iophk: Preston GrallaJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:41 | One benefit of Windows Phone: The NSA may not be snooping on you | Computerworld Blogs  [ ]Jan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2don't clickJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2the headline says it allJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2 Preston GrallaJan 28 16:41
iophkgralla againJan 28 16:41
schestowitz_bed2Use Windows... for PRIVACY :-)Jan 28 16:41
iophkProbably uses weasel words to describe the situation.Jan 28 16:42
iophkWith FB taking in Atlas, they are getting more ties with M$ and with M$ "technology"Jan 28 16:43
iophk 28 16:43 | NO TITLE  [ ]Jan 28 16:43
iophkallows M$ to track site usage Jan 28 16:44
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Time (very pro-NSA) says the #us #government wants #nsa not to change, only to change perception 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Eyes Ways to Keep NSA Snooping Hidden | TIME.comJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA #Surveillance Divides the Republican Party I hope it burns it, tooJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Surveillance Divides the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - The AtlanticJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #SAP comedy: it too pretends to be pro #privacy nice #PR ployJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | SAP and Atos team up for EU cloud standards to counter NSA threat | News | TechRadarJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA, GCHQ mapping “political alignment” of cellphone users McCarthyism much?Jan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA, GCHQ mapping “political alignment” of cellphone users - World Socialist Web SiteJan 28 16:47
schestowitz_bed2 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The NSA, CIA, and the Promise of Industrial #Espionage #cia #nsa government-sanctioned crimeJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA, CIA, and the Promise of Industrial Espionage » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "AT&T’s ambitions to expand in Europe have been put on ice, for now." good!Jan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA may have done AT&T a favor by hurting its reputation in Europe  –  QuartzJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Cut Off the NSA's Juice if they break the law, which they do, why not cut them off?Jan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Article: Cut Off the NSA's Juice | OpEdNewsJan 28 16:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: War and surveillance are a video games to GCHQ: Xbox Live, WoW, Angry Birds, etc. They use FPSs to recruit killers, too. Games as brainwash.Jan 28 16:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes anJan 28 16:59
TweetTuxMachines                 appearance 28 16:59
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 16:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linode's Command Line Interface Tool HelpsJan 28 16:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Automate Cloud Servers 28 16:59
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 16:59 | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance | Tux MachinesJan 28 16:59 | Linode's Command Line Interface Tool Helps Automate Cloud Servers | Tux MachinesJan 28 17:00
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Exceptionalism with assassination by flying robots 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US missile strike kills senior al-Shabaab leader in Somalia - Sabahionline.comJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Can other countries bomb USA like it bombs Somalia and many others? - English pravda.ruJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Should a robot decide when to kill? the Drone Defence: "I was only following algorithms. It came from a subroutine."Jan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Should a robot decide when to kill? | The VergeJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Drone strikes have crashed weddings, schools, funerals and rescuers. When will it end? It will end by awarenessJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The terrible human price of Obama’s drone war - Salon.comJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Peace activist raises awareness of drones thank you, ma'am!Jan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 17:03
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: US exit from Afghanistan concerns #CIA so it means it's good to exit. 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Times Of Cental Asia - US exit from Afghanistan concerns CIAJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Our quagmire in Afghanistan - The Intelligencer: Bucks County | Op-EdJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Feinstein thinks assassination by #drones is OK because it mostly kills Arabs (for now) 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Senator Feinstein discusses John Brennan, the CIA and drone strikes - YouTubeJan 28 17:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Corporate press lets us select a team like a football team, but the very glorification of football cannot be challenged. Politics =~ sport.Jan 28 17:03
schestowitz_bed2Morell is a moron 28 17:05 | Sochi Olympics the ‘most dangerous’ games ever: ex-CIA boss - Washington Times  [ ]Jan 28 17:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Daily Russophobia from Michael Moron (former# CIA boss) 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #CIA whistleblower Kiriakou’s letters from prison on #Firedoglake blog "dangerous," says Bureau of Prisons 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: US Department of "Justice" is covering up #torture no surprise here, but it's worth notingJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | DOJ challenges journalist's claim to CIA interrogation report | Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).Jan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Kiriakou exposed illegal torture; torturers promoted, #Kiriakou jailed. #Snowden exposed illegal spying; spies defended, Sno. fears for lifeJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On #CIA Prisons, Poland Sold Out for 'Pathetically Little' (Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland) exporting #torture to #euJan 28 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On CIA Prisons, Poland Sold Out for 'Pathetically Little' (Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland)Jan 28 17:14
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance #tizen #linux #samsungJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance - MuktwareJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Linode's Command Line Interface Tool Helps Automate Cloud Servers #linode #linux #softwareJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks? #chromebook #google #gnu #linuxJan 28 17:22
iophk 28 17:30 | Bureau of Prisons Considers CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s ‘Letters from Loretto’ on Firedoglake to Be Dangerous |  The Dissenter  [ ]Jan 28 17:30
schestowitz_bed2posted alreadyJan 28 17:32
schestowitz_bed2see aboveJan 28 17:32
schestowitz_bed2oh, nmJan 28 17:32
schestowitz_bed2I posted a link to a linkJan 28 17:32
schestowitz_bed2I added both to my draftsJan 28 17:33
iophkthe FDL goes into detail the BB link has little detailJan 28 17:33
iophk 28 17:36 | ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 28 17:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks?Jan 28 17:47
TweetTuxMachines        28 17:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 17:47 | Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks? | Tux MachinesJan 28 17:47
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 28 17:50
schestowitz_bed2 28 17:51 #NSA #Surveillance Divides the Republican Party I hope it burns it, tooJan 28 17:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Surveillance Divides the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic  [ ]Jan 28 17:51
schestowitz_bed2"This will probably offer a new political paradigm in which social repression is not legislated but politicians will still think they can run the economy. Not a solution but culturally notable for sure."Jan 28 17:51
Guest47366 Jan 28 18:11 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 28 18:11
Guest47366 28 18:11 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 28 18:11
Guest47366 Jan 28 18:11
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @glynmoody @schestowitz Wikipedian ideas of fun. I think I got them all, at least in main article space ...Jan 28 18:11
Guest47366 28 18:11
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @glynmoody @schestowitz of course, half of them were what Heise laughingly called "permalinks". I THINK YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANSJan 28 18:12
Guest47366Publishers and writers are not the sameJan 28 18:12
Guest47366 28 18:12
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @davidgerard @schestowitz ha!Jan 28 18:12
MinceR 28 18:21
Guest47366iophk: just been looking around GroklawJan 28 18:21
Guest47366for 10 minutesJan 28 18:21
Guest47366It really is no longer maintainedJan 28 18:21
Guest47366not even behind the scenesJan 28 18:21
Guest47366 28 18:21 | Groklaw - Digging for TruthJan 28 18:21
Guest47366It's like a fossilised siteJan 28 18:22
iophkRight.  It closed last year.Jan 28 18:22
Guest47366This time for realJan 28 18:22
iophkIt probably would be safer to  be put in some kind of archive mode.Jan 28 18:22
iophkYes.  It's permanent.Jan 28 18:22
Guest47366In the past she spoke abouit preservation and orignisationJan 28 18:22
*Guest47366 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has left #techrights ("Konversation term")Jan 28 18:23
*Guest47366 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 28 18:25
*Guest47366 is now known as schestowitzJan 28 18:25
iophkThe last addition to Groklaw was in Sep with a newspickJan 28 18:25
schestowitzFOSS news sites are growing smaller and fewerJan 28 18:28
schestowitzIMHOJan 28 18:28
schestowitzLike a post-hype thingJan 28 18:29
schestowitzEven Muktware is diverting its courseJan 28 18:29
schestowitzGoogle, Internet, etc.Jan 28 18:29
schestowitzNot so focused on FOSS anymoreJan 28 18:29
schestowitzProprietary games, tech news..Jan 28 18:29
schestowitzI guess operating ina  vacuum for a movement is hardJan 28 18:30
schestowitzbecause on the Web, like anywhere, we need sourcesJan 28 18:30
schestowitzin the past journalists would reach out to people, execs, etc.Jan 28 18:30
iophktwitter and facebook are not conducive to news, just chatterJan 28 18:31
schestowitzNow we can use sites that do this, but when they become scarce/few, then it;'s getting harder to follow leadsJan 28 18:31
iophkand in general, investigative journalism is being killedJan 28 18:31
schestowitzif it happens only in twitter, it's not "News"Jan 28 18:31
MinceRin general, journalism is dyingJan 28 18:31
schestowitzLike announcments from W3CJan 28 18:31
schestowitzIt becomes news when news sites write about itJan 28 18:31
MinceRannouncements from w3c are like announcements from the north korean governmentJan 28 18:32
schestowitzDepends on how one defines journalismJan 28 18:32
schestowitzIn the mind of the government, the purpose of journalism is to create calm among the populationJan 28 18:32
MinceRin my mind, that's not journalismJan 28 18:32
iophkyes, but look at who / what is in the W3C now, that's the cause.Jan 28 18:33
schestowitzI have 3 short articles in the pipeline..Jan 28 18:33
schestowitzThe lady who exposed Samsung GPL violation mailed me about Tuxera doing the sameJan 28 18:34
schestowitzTuxera are assholes... and an embarrassment to FinlandJan 28 18:34
iophkYes, they are.Jan 28 18:34
MinceRwhat's tuxera?Jan 28 18:34
iophkM$ Patent resellersJan 28 18:34
MinceRand is it nearly as much of an embarrassment to finland as mokia?Jan 28 18:34
iophkSelling M$ patents via FinlandJan 28 18:35
iophkMokia is dead.  Most people have realized that.Jan 28 18:35
iophkJolla has sold out several times.Jan 28 18:35
MinceRalarmingly many people haven't realized itJan 28 18:35
iophkM$ won't keep the name alive I think. They'll rebrand as M$Jan 28 18:36
DaemonFC 28 19:05 | Customer Discussions: The House Committing Un-American Activities. Remembering McCarthyism.  [ ]Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCI saw a Facebook memorial for Pete Seeger, quoting his testimony to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (the paranoid anti-communist committee).Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC"I love my country very dearly, and I greatly resent this implication that some of the places that I have sung and some of the people that I have known, and some of my opinions, whether they are religious or philosophical, or I might be a vegetarian, make me any less of an American."Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCI wrote the following:Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCAhh, McCarthyism. They were so paranoid about Communism that they forced most of Hollywood, including Lucille Ball to testify, accusing them of being "Communist sympathizers".Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFCThe committee committed so many civil rights abuses that it got the nickname "The House Committing Un-American Activities".Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC 28 19:05
DaemonFC Jan 28 19:05 | McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 28 19:05 | House Un-American Activities Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 28 19:05
DaemonFC 28 19:12 | The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World's Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away | ThinkProgress  [ ]Jan 28 19:12
DaemonFCMuch of it is draining out into the Atlantic because of human activity.Jan 28 19:13
DaemonFCI was at Lake Michigan a couple of years ago. The shoreline has moved back by about 30-40 feet from the last time I was there, in the 90s.Jan 28 19:13
iophkMany dunes are gone, too.Jan 28 19:18
*DaemonFC is planning to migrate this system to CentOS 7 with KDE when it is out...Jan 28 19:20
DaemonFCKDE 5 is approaching and I'm not sure about it.Jan 28 19:20
MinceRXFCE is calling ;)Jan 28 19:21
iophk,2817,2430024,00.aspJan 28 19:24
iophk 28 19:24 | Rovio Denies Providing User Data to Spy Agencies | News & Opinion  |  [ ]Jan 28 19:24 | Angry Birds firm calls for industry to respond to NSA spying revelations | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 19:24
DaemonFCThey don't have to provide it.Jan 28 19:36
DaemonFCAll they have to do is fail to protect it during transport.Jan 28 19:36
iophk 28 20:14 | Pete Seeger, famed folksong crooner and writer, dead at 94 - NY Daily News  [ ]Jan 28 20:14
DaemonFCApparently, the iBeacon spyware was introduced in iOS 7, but the hardware to enable it has been in all iPhones and dormant since iPhone 4.Jan 28 20:20
DaemonFCIf you walk into a store and start getting alerts from that store on your iPhone, that's why. But it's just as likely to be used silently to track where you are in their store, accurate to within a couple of inches, so that they can profile how the customer shops in their stores and design layouts that get people to buy more stuff they don't need.Jan 28 20:20
DaemonFCiBeacon meets the entire definition of spyware. It's something that the user wouldn't approve of, that leaks out personal information to untrusted third parties, and it can't be shut off or removed, even when you know about it. Jan 28 20:20
DaemonFC 28 20:20 | iBeacon, Shopkick: Privacy policies for location-tracking apps aren’t clear enough.  [ ]Jan 28 20:20
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 28 20:47
MinceRany suggestions for a search engine that doesn't randomly discard letters from search terms when they feel like it?Jan 28 21:37
Sosumijust read Dave Girard's mac pro reviewJan 28 22:10
Sosumiand I can't believe the guy is actually praising the thingJan 28 22:10
Sosumicrapple apologists everywhereJan 28 22:10
Sosumionly anandtech did it right, while sweeting it up a bit in order to not shut future review units sent in by crappleJan 28 22:12
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ukraine 28 22:22
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules #censorship #europeJan 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules | TorrentFreakJan 28 22:22
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Every censor says he/she/it does so for noble reasons, including security (children, adults, etc.) but it ends up suppressing oppositionJan 28 22:22
schestowitz 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Tuxera #GPL Violations Alleged #microsoft #swpats #patent #fsf #linuxJan 28 22:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tuxera GPL Violations Alleged | TechrightsJan 28 22:22
schestowitz 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Anti-GNU/Linux Agenda at ZDNet (Part of CBS) Noted Again #zdnet #cbs #cnet #gnu #linux #microsoftJan 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Anti-GNU/Linux Agenda at ZDNet (Part of CBS) Noted Again | TechrightsJan 28 22:23
schestowitz 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "ZDNet is a technology tabloid-like news sites whose writers have many conflicts of interest" #ZDNetJan 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ZDNet - TechrightsJan 28 22:23
schestowitz 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Microsoft’s Role in Political and Industrial #Espionage Concealed for those who weren't sure 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft’s Role in Political and Industrial Espionage Concealed | TechrightsJan 28 22:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsJan 28 22:23
schestowitz 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA Watch: GCHQ/NSA Gang Up Against Servers, Hide Violations, Face Blowback nsa #fbi #gchq #surveillance #policeJan 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Watch: GCHQ/NSA Gang Up Against Servers, Hide Violations, Face Blowback | TechrightsJan 28 22:24
schestowitz 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: News Snapshot: The Decline of Civility #police #humanrights #civilrights #techrights #uk #ukraine #us #turkeyJan 28 22:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | News Snapshot: The Decline of Civility | TechrightsJan 28 22:24
schestowitz 28 22:25
schestowitz 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NetNeutrality is Dead in the West. Now What? #uk #us #internet #web #censorshipJan 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Net Neutrality is Dead in the West. Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 22:25
schestowitz 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: DRM is Coming to the Web (as ‘Standard’). Now What? #drm #w3c #internet #web #eu #europe #dmca #copyrightJan 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | DRM is Coming to the Web (as ‘Standard’). Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 22:25
schestowitz 28 22:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Censorship Has Taken Over the Web. Now What? #censorship #internet #wwwJan 28 22:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Censorship Has Taken Over the Web. Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 22:26
*Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 28 22:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 28 23:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 23:04 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 28 23:04
MinceRgnJan 28 23:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition)Jan 28 23:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 23:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 23:55 | Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition) | Tux MachinesJan 28 23:55
*Cirrus_Minor has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 29 00:21
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 00:24
DaemonFCWhy doesn't signing up for Medicaid count as being insured when a person was not insured before they qualified for Medicaid?Jan 29 00:24
DaemonFCI don't understand. It's not good insurance, but it's better than nothing in the sense that diving into a pool of electric eels is better than nothing when you really need to go for a swim.Jan 29 00:24
DaemonFCTruth is that the reimbursement rates are so low that most of the doctors that take it are really third rate or outright committing fraud to get more money out of the program. It would have been better to expand Medicare. Jan 29 00:24
DaemonFC 29 01:29 | Why Is Russia So Homophobic? - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic  [ ]Jan 29 01:29
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 29 02:03
DaemonFC 29 03:12 | Customer Discussions: Bernie Sanders debating Michelle Bachman on CNN.  [ ]Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFCStupid anti-vax/anti-science Fundie witch that screams over everyone else vs. The guy that should be our next president.Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFC*grabs the popcorn* Jan 29 03:12
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCIt would be a mistake for India to sign off on the TPP in its current form.Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCIt would be the medical and computing equivalent of bringing rabbits to Australia.Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCThe only thing it will do for them is bleed them dry since almost all of the patents are owned by foreigners. Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCIn fact, it wouldn't be entirely unfair to call the TPP "patent colonization".Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFCRich countries have ganged up to bleed other countries dry. It's definitely a big enough mistake to allow software-related patents in, but drug patents actually kill people. Jan 29 03:21
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:23
DaemonFCRick Scott's corruption, by itself, has cost Florida tax payers more than the combined fraud in all needs-based welfare, put together, several times over.Jan 29 03:23
DaemonFCIt's almost funny. Jan 29 03:23
DaemonFCRick Scott is so corrupt, that he even has Republicans saying "Holy shit, this guy is corrupt!".Jan 29 03:25
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 03:32
DaemonFCI was kind of pissed when it was MLK day and I couldn't even get a haircut because that was closed too. Jan 29 03:32
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 29 04:53
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 29 04:56
*cubezzz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 29 05:49
*cubelog has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 29 05:50
*cubezzz ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 05:50
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*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 29 05:56
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 06:22
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 06:22
*Gandi (~JohnSmith@gateway/tor-sasl/yourwish) has joined #techrightsJan 29 06:31
*Gandi (~JohnSmith@gateway/tor-sasl/yourwish) has left #techrightsJan 29 06:31
*prurigro has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 29 06:41
*prurigro (prurigro@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:bb8a) has joined #techrightsJan 29 06:42
*ldk has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 29 06:46
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:07 First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance 29 07:07
TechrightsBot-tr-> | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance - Muktware  [ ]Jan 29 07:07
schestowitz_bed2You missed a space before http:// …"77777"Jan 29 07:07
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:// )Jan 29 07:07
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:09 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable 29 07:09
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For Everyone  [ ]Jan 29 07:09
schestowitz_bed2\o/ Sabayon \o/"77"Jan 29 07:09
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:11
TechrightsBot-tr@CryptoPartyMCR: @schestowitz  Thanks 4 tweet! The CryptoParty is part of a week long Free Software festival #BitCoin #freeyourandroidJan 29 07:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Free Software Festival – Manchester | FSFE - MCRJan 29 07:12
*nj3ma is now known as nj3ma_ZzzJan 29 07:13
*nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3maJan 29 07:26
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:30 reshared: ### Sawant takes $40,000 of salary, rest goes to “Solidarity Fund”Jan 29 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 29 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sawant takes $40,000 of salary, rest goes to “Solidarity Fund” - Strange Bedfellows — Politics News  [ ]Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2"Sounds good."Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:30 Daily Russophobia from Michael Moron (former# CIA boss) 29 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sochi Olympics the ‘most dangerous’ games ever: ex-CIA boss - Washington Times  [ ]Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2"Mike Morrell! :D"Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:30 #Obama negotiates with his bosses (corporations) -- not people -- regarding #privacy so epic. Funders decide.Jan 29 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tech giants reach White House deal on NSA surveillance of customer data | World news |  [ ]Jan 29 07:30
schestowitz_bed2"Walking dead tech giants."Jan 29 07:31
schestowitz_bed2No more subsidies from CIA?Jan 29 07:31
schestowitz_bed2"^^ agree, the NSA has killed US tech industry as we know it. Only free software companies might survive and they too will have NSA's stink on them."Jan 29 07:31
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World’s Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away wars over water to comeJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World's Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away | ThinkProgressJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ad networks are selling us out to the #nsa 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Rovio Denies Providing User Data to Spy Agencies | News & Opinion  | PCMag.comJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds firm calls for industry to respond to NSA spying revelations | World news | theguardian.comJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "This app follows you while you shop—and it needs a clearer privacy policy." #privacyJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | iBeacon, Shopkick: Privacy policies for location-tracking apps aren’t clear enough.Jan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "media like to focus on the party lifestyles of the rich and glamorous" -Neelie on WEF she also attends BilderbergJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ensuring Jobs for the Future -  my blog from Davos - European CommissionJan 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Linux is the only supported OS Intel has mentioned for either the original single-core Quark or the dual-core model" 29 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Intel headgear to offer fast offline voice processing ·  LinuxGizmos.comJan 29 07:39
schestowitz_bed2 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Upstart #SolidXK Distro Seeks First Business Customers "unofficial Linux Mint Debian Edition with KDE"Jan 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Upstart SolidXK Distro Seeks First Business Customers | Linux.comJan 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Android PCs and other Windows-alternative desktops are for real #android #linuxJan 29 07:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | OwnCloud Documents to bring Open Document Format editing to private cloud | ZDNetJan 29 07:48
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? #mintlinux #gnu #linuxJan 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? - FOSS ForceJan 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Is Fry a closeted fan of Gates, or just a useful revisionist? that's how history is being warped....Jan 29 08:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious • The RegisterJan 29 08:01
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 29 08:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor?Jan 29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again:Jan 29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines                 This time it's serious 29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:15 | Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for NetworkingJan 29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:15 | Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open SourceJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:16 | Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking  | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How to run Linux on a ChromebookJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:16 | Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open Source | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:16 | How to run Linux on a Chromebook | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:16
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking #dell #linuxJan 29 08:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for NetworkingJan 29 08:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Even North #Korea Loves #Linux and Open Source safe from NSA?Jan 29 08:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open Source | Open Source Application Software Companies content from The VAR GuyJan 29 08:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | North Korea embraces Linux and Open Source | ITworldJan 29 08:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How to run Linux on a Chromebook #gnu #linux #chromebookJan 29 08:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How to run Linux on a Chromebook | ITworldJan 29 08:17
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:17 "J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." (using sex in attempt to cause suicide) MLK died laterJan 29 08:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. | Black People Meet | African Americans | Destee  [ ]Jan 29 08:17
schestowitz_bed2"One of the assassins of Malcolm X, Talmadge Hayer, met with John Ali the night before Malcolm's assassination. John Ali was a high ranking member of the Nation of Islam and is now known to have been an FBI informant. He routinely fomented tension between Malcolm and other members of the NOI as well as between Malcolm and the leader of NOI, Elijah Muhammad."Jan 29 08:18
*TweetTuxMachines @kanelsmak retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking'Jan 29 08:18
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:18 Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know 29 08:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know - thanks to ANGRY BIRDS • The Register  [ ]Jan 29 08:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds: NSA And GCHQ Harvest Apps Data  [ ]Jan 29 08:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds and 'leaky' phone apps targeted by NSA and GCHQ for user data | World news |  [ ]Jan 29 08:18
schestowitz_bed2"NSA cat is watching you, CodeHero."Jan 29 08:18
schestowitz_bed2"It sure is Will, it sure is."Jan 29 08:19
schestowitz_bed2"LOL, a little birdie told them."Jan 29 08:19
schestowitz_bed2"They probably have the best porn too. I wonder what they spend their day doing :P"Jan 29 08:19
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:19 #CCTV Glasses are normalising the idea of invading people's homes, bathrooms etc. with connected, always-on cameras. Spooky stuff.Jan 29 08:19
schestowitz_bed2"Non free cameras are spooky."Jan 29 08:20
schestowitz_bed2Esp. with wi-fiJan 29 08:20
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:21 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2Oh yes, thanks, I still have it online. I also have a few incomplete opinions up, such as why people should not use Bing, and how Bruce Byfield is an ass. I've been having more fun with model airplanes lately than I have tangling with jerks. Sooner or later, I have to finish writing that Bing essay.Jan 29 08:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2My IP address recently changed due to Mediacom failure. I try to keep that up to date on my diaspora, g+ and other pages. From there, you can navigate to where I'm trying to collect my opinion pagesJan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 08:21
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | My RC Models  [ ]Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:21 | Will Hill - Información - Google+  [ ]Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2"Ugh! opinion pages and I still have it online were supposed to lead you to the relevant pages. I wonder how I typoed that."Jan 29 08:21
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 08:22
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | Index of /photo_album/chron/desktop/opinion/  [ ]Jan 29 08:22
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 08:22
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | Duck Duck No No  [ ]Jan 29 08:22
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why You Should Not Use Duck Duck Go worth repeating because many fools on the Web promote itJan 29 08:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 29 08:35
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers #linux #virtualizationJan 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers | Linux.comJan 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report hopefully #intel will abandon this world. #crimeJan 29 08:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report - MuktwareJan 29 08:39
*ldk ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 08:43
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 29 08:48
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 29 08:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Intel could abandon smartphone market: ReportJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: HugoJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Trippaers 29 08:56 | Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:56 | OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0Jan 29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines        29 08:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 08:56 | My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0 | Tux MachinesJan 29 08:56
schestowitz_bed2 29 08:56 | Samsung Retains Position as the Top Global Semiconductor Customer in 2013, According to Gartner  [ ]Jan 29 08:56
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0 #pcbsd #unixJan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0Jan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #debian still debating init systems 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Debian Init System Discussion Is Still UnsettledJan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses #holland #freedomJan 29 09:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses | JoinupJan 29 09:28
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA industrial espionage #machon on #espionage by #nsaJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA industrial espionage - Using Our IntelligenceJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: SUSE and Amazon, two companies that pay #microsoft for #linux have provide #nsa back doors, get together 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server now available on AWS GovCloud  - CIOLJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? #linux #arduinoJan 29 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? | Dr Dobb'sJan 29 09:29
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution Award #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxJan 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution AwardJan 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Links 29/1/2014: Games Applications Instructionals 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Games | TechrightsJan 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Applications | TechrightsJan 29 09:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Instructionals | TechrightsJan 29 09:44
MinceR 29 09:45 | Daily Kos: GOP Congressman Threatens to Kill Reporter After SOTU (Video)  [ ]Jan 29 09:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud AutomationJan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines                 Solution Award 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around?Jan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines        29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46 | Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution Award | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 29 09:46 | Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 29 09:46 | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 09:46 | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:46 | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJan 29 09:46
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Security experts explain how the NSA and GCHQ may be harvesting data from smartphone apps like Angry Birds" 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How 'leaky' smartphone apps are sending your data to the NSA - TelegraphJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "U.S. president also called for patent reform" based on what #NSA 'reform' means, it's PR/public consent seekingJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Obama touches on NSA reform in State of the Union address - Techworld.comJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA privacy fears driving business back to UK hosting providers oh, back to #gchq arms. #uk #FogComputingJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA privacy fears driving business back to UK hosting providers - 28 Jan 2014  - Computing NewsJan 29 09:58
schestowitz_bed2 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The article from Computing mostly quotes Jones (whom I habitually speak to at the gym); but his firm uses Hyper-V (Trojan horse), WindowsJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Tossing figures at the public without informing those whom the #nsa spies on is not "transparency", it's nonsense 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Companies Allowed To Publish NSA Data Request NumbersJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA scandal: Germans hold out for ‘change they can believe in’ #germany should grant #snowden permanent asylumJan 29 09:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA scandal: Germans hold out for ‘change they can believe in’ — RT Op-EdgeJan 29 09:58
*nj3ma2 (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 10:24
schestowitz_bed2 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NYT improperly redacted latest NSA leak doc, revealing name of agent and a target #nsa #nytimesJan 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Article: NYT improperly redacted latest NSA leak doc, revealing name of agent and a target | OpEdNewsJan 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: AT&T CEO: met European officials, NSA affair affecting business #europe #nsaJan 29 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | AT&T CEO: met European officials, NSA affair affecting business | ReutersJan 29 10:38
*nj3ma2 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 29 10:38
iophk 29 10:51 | Court: Google infringed patents, must pay 1.36 percent of AdWords revenue | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 29 10:52
iophk"Vringo also sued Microsoft over ads in its Bing search engine. Microsoft settled that case in May, agreeing to pay $1 million plus 5 percent of whatever Google ultimately pays."Jan 29 10:53
iophkFueling the attack on Google.Jan 29 10:53
gde33what is facinating about it is that google didn't update the advertisement, it was always the same old garbage. Now if they want to everything is patented.Jan 29 10:59
gde33it was very weird how they refused to update the cash cowJan 29 10:59
iophk 29 11:02 | UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office  to open source | Technology |  [ ]Jan 29 11:02
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 29 12:03
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 29 12:07
*Andromm (~androirc@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 12:51
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 12:57
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 13:40
*jono has quit (Changing host)Jan 29 13:40
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 29 13:40
*nj3ma2 (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 14:14
nj3ma2great news thatJan 29 14:17 ditching m$Jan 29 14:17
Sosumiwhile they are at it, why not ditch the entire thing?Jan 29 15:37
iophkIt would be good if it happened, but they are still in the talking phase.Jan 29 15:40
iophkThey need to move quickly to avoid interference from M$Jan 29 15:41
schestowitz_bed2 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Exercising freedom use and defend your rights or lose themJan 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On our necks #consumerism #debtJan 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dodging espionage - new infographic the only way to go, safelyJan 29 15:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Big win for Free software in the UK now they talk about it publiclyJan 29 15:46
schestowitz_bed2 29 15:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: When papers did not report on readers 29 15:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Facebook sends phone data to NSA and ads companies including Microsoft 29 15:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Free surveillance 29 15:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: A traitor to war 29 15:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel peace prize | World news | theguardian.comJan 29 15:47
schestowitz_bed2nj3ma2: thanks for the news!Jan 29 15:50
schestowitz_bed2We'll probably put in a bid :-)Jan 29 15:50
nj3ma2:-)Jan 29 15:52
schestowitz_bed2I will do an article about it laterJan 29 15:52
schestowitz_bed2like Munich, this could set off other govs on the same routeJan 29 15:52
iophkOnce there are a few, there will be a rush.Jan 29 15:53
schestowitz_bed2Good for people who deploy and support foss, MS will surely try to bribe politicians to change course, but I doubt the bribe budget is enough after the NSA scandaslsJan 29 15:53
iophkDidn't Spain go FOSS also?  Extremadura comes to mind, but they've dropped out of the media.Jan 29 15:53
schestowitz_bed2Some bribves budget was spent tryint o make OOXML/MS OFFICE looK like "standard"Jan 29 15:54
schestowitz_bed2brbJan 29 15:54
schestowitz_bed2Also snowden got nominatedJan 29 15:54
iophkBribes may need to be bigger now but there are still those that push M$ for ideological reasons.Jan 29 15:54
schestowitz_bed2Today we got 7 good pieces of news here (personal stuff)Jan 29 15:54
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 29 15:58
*jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 15:59
*jono has quit (Changing host)Jan 29 15:59
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 29 15:59
SosumiI actually think every government should have an IT department capable of rolling out their infrastructure without outside interferenceJan 29 16:03
Sosumi*ownJan 29 16:03
schestowitz_bed2 29 16:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #uk government's promise to move to Free/libre software and  #odf does not seem like a PR ploy this time around. Will cover it later.Jan 29 16:03
Sosumiwell, at least, only relying on hardware vendorsJan 29 16:03
Sosumibut doing the software in house based on fossJan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2 29 16:04 Why You Should Not Use Duck Duck Go worth repeating because many fools on the Web promote itJan 29 16:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Duck Duck No No  [ ]Jan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2"Sorry, but a lot of this still doesn't make sense to me. This concludes with "If you are going to use a US based search engine, it might as well be Google." which is absolutely insane if you actually read the article. All of the reasons stated for not using DDG are equally applicable to Google so why use them as an argument against DDG and to use Google? It may be unfair to gain users through exploiting NSA stories, but Google isJan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2still USA-based and just as susceptible to FISC orders. It seems like a wash either way."Jan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2Using Google is not wise, I don't agree with this conclusionJan 29 16:04
Sosumiand properly tailoring their systems for the specific task they are performingJan 29 16:04
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 16:05
schestowitz_bed2If you are going to let yourself be spied on, you might as well get something out of it. DDG and many other search engines pollute their results with Bing, Microsoft's "Decision Engine" which is misleading on top of being spied on. Google's search results are still excellent.Jan 29 16:05
schestowitz_bed2I wish that I knew of an honest alternative that gave excellent results. That is changing through copyright/DMCA takedown censorship and other pressures, but at the time of writing, it was true. I wish that I knew if TOR or proxies would protect your privacy but I don't. These things were beyond the scope of my essay which was why you should not trust DDG.Jan 29 16:05
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 16:05
nj3ma2some attempts at building a federated, distributed search engine have been madeJan 29 16:09
nj3ma2like you crawl your little corner of the webJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2I crawl mineJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2we join effortsJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2not much success so farJan 29 16:10
nj3ma2but worth the tryJan 29 16:10
Sosumi 29 16:10 | AMD reveals its first ARM processor: 8-core Opteron A1100 | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 29 16:11
iophknj3ma2: you mean like YaCy?Jan 29 16:12
Sosumigood, but we need an actual alternative to intelJan 29 16:13
iophkOracle could have run with Sparc instead of suffocating it.Jan 29 16:13
SosumiyesJan 29 16:13
nj3ma2iophk: exactlyJan 29 16:13
Sosumiand IBM could relaunch the intellistationJan 29 16:13
iophkIBM has put $1 billion into Power and has ditched x86Jan 29 16:13
schestowitz_bed2no, IBM claims thatJan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2the 1 billion figureJan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2it's just marketingJan 29 16:14
iophkIt was the number they cited.Jan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2Big Blye tries hard to paint itself as a sysadmin's friendJan 29 16:14
schestowitz_bed2And this was in LinuxConJan 29 16:14
iophk 29 16:15 | IBM News room - 2013-09-17 IBM Commits $1 Billion to Fuel Linux and Open Source Innovation on Power Systems - United States  [ ]Jan 29 16:15
iophkThe press release suggests the money will be spent on more than marketing.Jan 29 16:16
Sosumican't some pressure be put on them?Jan 29 16:18
Sosumior make them see that there is some demand for ppc based workstations?Jan 29 16:19
MinceRbribes? PR?Jan 29 16:19
iophkprobably the former might workJan 29 16:19
iophkif big enoughJan 29 16:19
MinceRi mean, what they spent the money onJan 29 16:19
Sosumiwell, if you bribe me with a new intellistationJan 29 16:19
SosumiI'll test it for freeJan 29 16:20
Sosumiit work on both ways :)Jan 29 16:20
Sosumi*worksJan 29 16:20
iophk:)Jan 29 16:20
MinceRthe usual deal is 'you give me a new product and i write a 100% positive review about it'Jan 29 16:21
MinceRso what you're offering is inferior :>Jan 29 16:21
Sosumionly apple does thatJan 29 16:22
Sosumiand they don't even need to employ trolls like M$ or EA doesJan 29 16:23
Sosumithe cultists do it for themJan 29 16:23
*nj3ma2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 29 16:32
schestowitz_bed2[16:16] <iophk> The press release suggests the money will be spent on more than marketing.Jan 29 16:37
schestowitz_bed2That;s not what I was sayingJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2The numbers are marketing, not the spendings Jan 29 16:38
iophkokJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2I wrote two articles about it at the timeJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2I wrote many pieces criticising IBM tooJan 29 16:38
schestowitz_bed2last one was 2 days ago, re NSA collabJan 29 16:38
iophkI recall that one.Jan 29 16:39
schestowitz_bed2They also spoke to me on the phone when I confronted themJan 29 16:40
iophkDid they say much of interest?Jan 29 16:41
schestowitz_bed2Yuppie Nuremberg defenceJan 29 16:44
iophkNot much of a surprise.Jan 29 16:45
schestowitz_bed2They are quite pretentiousJan 29 16:47
schestowitz_bed2A lot of the management is in NY and NJ area, so enough said...Jan 29 16:47
iophkThey were used to selling based on just the name for a very long time.  Jan 29 16:49
schestowitz_bed2yeah, rightly perhapsJan 29 16:51
schestowitz_bed2I think they're very expensive nowJan 29 16:51
iophkThey were expensive then too.Jan 29 16:51
schestowitz_bed2and with outsourcing and all I'm not sure how good they and other multinationals are ATMJan 29 16:51
iophkTech people used to be really upset with the, but at the same time management fawned over them.Jan 29 16:51
schestowitz_bed2The bank I left replaced senior staff with kidsJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2and the service was shutJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2*shitJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2Today i spoke to an old lady, my mom's age, at a building societyJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2we are moving our savings thereJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2She was so much kinder than all those who are selected probably because they're paid lessJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2IBM has done this for yearsJan 29 16:52
schestowitz_bed2Cringley posted many good articles about it in 2012Jan 29 16:53
schestowitz_bed2I think it is based on people feeding him infoJan 29 16:53
schestowitz_bed2he really nailed it into IBMJan 29 16:53
schestowitz_bed2 29 16:53
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Now it can be tracked by the #NSA easier. :DJan 29 16:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Space Hulk released for LinuxJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD tries to kickstart ARM-for-serversJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines                 ecosystem 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Space Hulk released for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Free software and ethical consumptionJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55 | AMD tries to kickstart ARM-for-servers ecosystem | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Free software and ethical consumption | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Java-based malware driving DDoS botnet infectsJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Windows, Mac, Linux devicesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Java-based malware driving DDoS botnet infects Windows, Mac, Linux devices | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Setting Up Our Voice-Over-IP Phone SystemJan 29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 16:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:55 | Setting Up Our Voice-Over-IP Phone System | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:55
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:12 Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses #holland #freedomJan 29 17:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses | Joinup  [ ]Jan 29 17:12
schestowitz_bed2So much for all that FUD from Microsoft ..."77"Jan 29 17:12
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:12 "Security experts explain how the NSA and GCHQ may be harvesting data from smartphone apps like Angry Birds" 29 17:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How 'leaky' smartphone apps are sending your data to the NSA - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 29 17:13
schestowitz_bed2Never liked that game anyway :P"77"Jan 29 17:13
schestowitz_bed2After finishing 3 of this series my wife and I got bored (Star Wars)Jan 29 17:13
schestowitz_bed2We finished Original, Seasons, and Rio.Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2"autant que les lapins crétins. Parcontre j'aime Rayman"Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2"Je déteste Angry Brids! Je haie ses gros oiseaux dés le départ !!!"Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2autant que les lapins crétins. Parcontre j'aime Rayman"7"Jan 29 17:14
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:15 Facebook sends phone data to NSA and ads companies including Microsoft 29 17:15
schestowitz_bed2Holy moly, look at all the stuff demanded. Send email without you knowing it. Turn on your microphone, change your volume, read your address book again, turn on and off other applications, cover other applications up, read and write to your call log. That's about as complete control of your cell phone as can be imagined. Microsoft really hates email and loves to spam people with it."77"Jan 29 17:15
schestowitz_bed2 29 17:16 Big win for Free software in the UK now they talk about it publiclyJan 29 17:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office  to open source | Technology |  [ ]Jan 29 17:16
schestowitz_bed2I'm not impressed. Timid talk about using "open source" has been going on for about a decade. Didn't BECTA say this kind of thing but then buy Microsoft over and over? In the mean time, whole branches of government in France, Germany and Italy moved to free software and dumped Windoze completely."77"Jan 29 17:16
schestowitz_bed2Some parts of UK gov are already moving to FOSS, they just don't talk about it publiclyJan 29 17:16
schestowitz_bed2They learned from Bristol, Birmingham, Munich, etc. (retaliation, bribes, etc.)Jan 29 17:17
*schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 29 17:20
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 29 17:21
iophkYeah, I forgot about BECTA. They talked about FOSS for a bit all the while appeasing M$Jan 29 17:50
iophk 29 17:51 | Becta fails the open source test | ZDNet  [ ]Jan 29 17:51
schestowitz 29 17:51
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @Morality124 @schestowitz apparently, but even so...Jan 29 17:51
schestowitz 29 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @glynmoody @schestowitz It's easy to live in a bubble it seems.Jan 29 17:52
schestowitzre 29 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped - wow, naive much? #privacyJan 29 17:52
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped | Technically Incorrect - CNET NewsJan 29 17:52
schestowitzCNETJan 29 17:53
schestowitzCBSJan 29 17:53
schestowitzNSA boostersJan 29 17:53
schestowitzanyway, no point feeding itJan 29 17:53
iophknahJan 29 17:53
schestowitzbesides the point of really criticising this appealling oligacch. CNET *CBS) still grooming him and NSA...Jan 29 17:53
iophk 29 17:54 | The Open Sourcerer  » Becta  [ ]Jan 29 17:54
schestowitzLike talking about Obama's swatting of a fly while on TV rather than swatting of thousands (humans) by dronesJan 29 17:57
schestowitzLet's all dilute the news (CBS) by talking about the Brand ("Gates") and say something pointless about NSA...Jan 29 17:58
schestowitz 29 17:58
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @glynmoody @schestowitz You think the NSA betrays him for the cooperation he has provided over the years? (Windows exploits et al.)Jan 29 17:58
schestowitz 29 17:58
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: Rich bubble RT @glynmoody Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped -  wow, naive much? #privacy @schestowitzJan 29 17:58
schestowitz 29 17:59
schestowitzMicrosoft has rhe back doors, that's old news. Everything to distact from Davod now....Jan 29 17:59
schestowitzMicrosoft has the back doors, that's old news. Everything to distract from Davos now....Jan 29 17:59
schestowitz 29 18:00
*synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 18:16
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*synchris (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/synchris) has joined #techrightsJan 29 18:16
iophkThe petitions are getting treated as seriously by the public as by the administration:Jan 29 18:35
iophk 29 18:35 | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 18:35
iophkcontrastJan 29 18:36
iophk 29 18:36 | Protect Net Neutrality, the Open Internet and Our Economy | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 18:36
iophk 29 18:37 | Restore Net Neutrality By Directing the FCC to Classify Internet Providers as "Common Carriers". | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 18:37
iophk 29 19:17 | 28 January - Data Protection Day - Council of Europe  [ ]Jan 29 19:17
MinceR172245 < Sosumi> only apple does thatJan 29 19:25
MinceRi've heard msft did it tooJan 29 19:25
MinceR(especially when they tried to pit lipstick on vista)Jan 29 19:25
MinceRs/pit/put/Jan 29 19:25
Sosumitalking of vistaJan 29 19:29
SosumiI wander on how easy it is to bypass the UACJan 29 19:29
MinceRvery easy, especially in vista7Jan 29 19:29
MinceRat least without any sp-sJan 29 19:29
Sosumiand how many users, stupidly, run windows with it disabledJan 29 19:30
MinceRyou just name your executable so it's on m$'s list and ask for privilegesJan 29 19:30
MinceRthe list included things that would never need it, of courseJan 29 19:30
SosumilolJan 29 19:33
Sosumi 29 19:52 | Scientist back from Japan: I’ve seen data showing highest radioactivity levels in ocean that have been observed recently — NHK: Nuclear waste may be leaking “directly from buildings” not only going into groundwater via tunnels (VIDEOS)  [ ]Jan 29 19:52
Sosumi 29 19:52 | SURPRISE: You're Eating Fukushima Radiation and Bloody, Cancerous Tumors in Fish Contaminated By Radiation  [ ]Jan 29 19:52
Sosumican't check the validaty of the images, but I wouldn't be eating anything from the pacific anywaysJan 29 19:53
Sosumi*validityJan 29 19:53
iophk 29 20:28 | Communities Dominate Brands: Apple Results Q4 - Wow this was far worse than I thought...  [ ]Jan 29 20:28
iophk"Yes it is now a fact, we've seen 'peak iPhone' in its market share - and  now the iPhone will adjust gradually towards the historically  consistent market share that the Macintosh has held in the PC market  which will be single digits by the end of this decade definitely."Jan 29 20:29
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 29 20:46
MinceR 29 20:57 | The MAD Strip Club — Orwell: Search Habits | Mad Magazine  [ ]Jan 29 20:58
Sosumi 29 21:04 | Forget global warming, worry about the Earth's MAGNETOSPHERE | Mail Online  [ ]Jan 29 21:04
Sosumibeen hearing that since 05Jan 29 21:04
Sosumino one caredJan 29 21:04
Sosumiand no one still caresJan 29 21:04
Sosumilets just buy solar panels and windfarmsJan 29 21:04
Sosumiand earth is still a closed system, yeah, solar activity, cosmic streams have no impact on weatherJan 29 21:05
Sosumiand I'm not jokingJan 29 21:06
Sosumithey actually said the "system", earth, behaved like thatJan 29 21:07
Sosumiback when I was in the 10th grade and had biologyJan 29 21:07
Sosumiwhich was also in 2005Jan 29 21:07
Sosumiof course some of us said that was wrongJan 29 21:08
Sosumibut nvm, if it was like that on the bookJan 29 21:08
Sosumithen it must be trueJan 29 21:08
MinceR 29 21:11 | Oh When The Poles Come Marching InJan 29 21:11
Sosumijust don't go outsideJan 29 21:14
Sosumiand stay in places that you already know that can't penetrated by EMF radiationJan 29 21:15
Sosumiaka if you can't get a cell phone signalJan 29 21:15
Sosumithen it is safeJan 29 21:15
MinceR"just two things of which you must beware: / don't drink the water and don't breathe the air."Jan 29 21:15
SosumilolJan 29 21:15
Sosumialso, the sun might expand and engulf everything up to marsJan 29 21:17
Sosumiand we concerned about the polesJan 29 21:18
MinceRthat will happen a tiny bit laterJan 29 21:18
MinceR:>Jan 29 21:18
Sosumiand why shouldn't we also be concerned about the other polesJan 29 21:18
MinceRmight as well say "who cares, entropy will be maxed out eventually. also, all particles will decay."Jan 29 21:19
MinceRthe West Pole and the East Pole?Jan 29 21:19
Sosumithose are just a reference based to the south and north pole :PJan 29 21:20
SosumiI meant the polishJan 29 21:20
Sosumipolish, poles, you know, basically the same thingJan 29 21:20
Sosumi 29 21:21
MinceRwell, not sureJan 29 21:21
MinceRi'm kinda worried about themJan 29 21:21
Sosumiif a totem pole falls and there's no one there to witness the fallJan 29 21:21
MinceRthey seem to be fundifying themselvesJan 29 21:21
Sosumidoes it make a sound?Jan 29 21:22
MinceRthey've already banned abortion for religious reasonsJan 29 21:22
MinceRsome of their nazis seem to want to turn poland into hungaryJan 29 21:22
SosumiI'd be more concerned about their pension fundsJan 29 21:22
MinceRwell, if they follow the hungarian path then they won't have any pension fundsJan 29 21:23
Sosumiand hungary is kind of sounding more like "u hungy"?Jan 29 21:23
SosumioopsJan 29 21:23
Sosumi"u hungry"Jan 29 21:23
MinceRno, it's sounding more like a future depopulated zoneJan 29 21:23
Sosumikind of just like poortugalJan 29 21:24
Sosumiwith the desertification of the interiorJan 29 21:24
Sosumiand an abysmal natality rateJan 29 21:25
Sosumithat was already abysmal in 2004Jan 29 21:25
MinceRthat's the one thing i don't mindJan 29 21:25
MinceRthere are too many people around here anywayJan 29 21:25
Sosumihas become much worse after the 2008 "financial blowjob"Jan 29 21:26
Sosumiwell, but if we were to rebuild this nationJan 29 21:26
Sosumiwe'd actually need some laborJan 29 21:27
MinceRpeople should realize that nations are irrelevantJan 29 21:27
Sosumiand the current population numbers, besides being mostly unqualifiedJan 29 21:27
MinceRor they could just kill each other over belonging to different "nations", that's fine tooJan 29 21:27
Sosumithey're not enoughJan 29 21:27
Sosumiyes, but even then we still need to manage this rectangleJan 29 21:28
Sosumiand you know, back in the daysJan 29 21:28
Sosumiwe left the rectangle because it wasn't enoughJan 29 21:29
Sosumiat the present timeJan 29 21:29
Sosumithe only way to make the rectangle profitable is to invest in high tech stuff and have it done hereJan 29 21:29
Sosumibut meanwhile they are cutting scholarships and investment in educationJan 29 21:29
Sosumiin order to appease speculators in the city of london and in wall stJan 29 21:30
Sosumiinstead of doing what I've suggestedJan 29 21:30
Sosumiand probably countless of othersJan 29 21:30
MinceRstill better than turning education into religious brainwashing in order to appease nazisJan 29 21:30
Sosumiincluding that guy Tsipras in greeceJan 29 21:31
Sosumiban derivatives and freeze the debtJan 29 21:31
Sosumifor as long as the crisis continuesJan 29 21:31
Sosumiand have the ecb churn tranches of money for infrastructure buildingJan 29 21:32
Sosumilike high speed rails interconnecting all europeJan 29 21:32
Sosumiwe kind of need a couple more dams in order to coupe with the dry seasonsJan 29 21:33
Sosumispecially up the northJan 29 21:33
Sosumiand we actually need a new plan for the damsJan 29 21:34
Sosumisince the current one was conceived prior to 1975Jan 29 21:34
Sosumiand kind of hasn't received any updateJan 29 21:34
Sosumi1968 to be preciseJan 29 21:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 29 21:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 21:50 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 29 21:50
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 29 22:45
DaemonFC 29 22:49 | Customer Discussions: Chicago is being robbed by the company that it gave the privatization contract to run its parking meters.  [ ]Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFC 29 22:49
DaemonFCThe company that Chicago gave its parking meters to is suing them, claiming that the state needs to pay them money to compensate it for road repairs, which "cost the company money in lost parking meter fees".Jan 29 22:49 | Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight  [ ]Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCIndiana is also being robbed by the company that Mitch Daniels sold the toll roads to. He gave them a 75 year contract in 2006, all of the money is gone, and the company is claiming that Indiana owes it money because it is getting less toll road fees than it thought it would when it signed the contract.Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCEven without that, they would make more money in the 75 years than they paid for the contract.Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCPrivatization is often proposed by right-wing politicians who claim that it will save money. The companies that get the contracts almost never run things cheaper than the state was. The first thing that the toll road company did in Indiana was jack up the toll and stop maintaining the roads. They're full of potholes now, and the fee for driving on them has doubled.Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCIndiana's Republicans passed a law that gives them a pass to drive on the toll road for free. Many Indiana House and Senate Democrats refused to use the pass, and kept paying the toll. Jan 29 22:49
DaemonFCerr ,cityJan 29 22:50
DaemonFC 29 22:54 | Customer Discussions: Obama's high school pot dealer who he thanked for the 'good times'  [ ]Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFCThe majority of adults in the United States admit to having smoked pot at least once, and I'm sure the number rises even higher when you account for the ones that have and are lying about it.Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFCRecreational marijuana usage is not a scandal. Medicinal use is even less controversial. Please go back to the 1950s where the other right wing social beliefs are waiting for you. Jan 29 22:54
DaemonFCThe laws just need to catch up. The majority of American adults could have theoretically been imprisoned at some point under just this one law. Jan 29 22:55
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 29 22:58
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCChik Fil Meh doles out free diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and colorectal cancer to stranded motorists. Stranded by *snort* three inches of *BWAHAHAHAAAAA* three inches of snow... *BAHAHAHAAAA!!!!* Sorry.Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCA snowstorm in the South is about as rare as a living brain cell in a room full of conservative Christians....Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFC:) Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCHow the hell do you get stuck in three inches of snow?Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCAre you driving a Geo Metro?Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCA little bit of snow, and these southern fried morons are having pile ups and declaring emergencies and shutting down the roads. They need to drive in Indiana a couple of times. The roads don't get closed here until they actually become impassable. A couple of weeks ago, I was driving down a state highway in a white out blizzard where I could occasionally figure out what lane I was in, and I managed to make it about 40 miles each way without any Jan 29 23:13
DaemonFCreal trouble. Jan 29 23:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Microsoft Office out of office across the UKJan 29 23:36
TweetTuxMachines                 government? 29 23:36
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 23:36 | Microsoft Office out of office across the UK government? | Tux MachinesJan 29 23:36
*ghgh (56381f73@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 29 23:41
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DaemonFC Jan 29 23:46 | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 23:46
*sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 30 00:03
sebsebsebhiJan 30 00:03
MinceRgnJan 30 00:15
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DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 30 00:56
DaemonFCI'd be fine with Obama if he still did smoke pot.Jan 30 00:56
DaemonFCThere are thousands of things that the FDA says are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS, HEHEHE), that are not as safe as pot. Jan 30 00:56
*jono_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 30 01:00
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DaemonFCI got my 28 cent refund check from the BMV this morning.Jan 30 01:23
DaemonFCI just deposited it with my phone. :PJan 30 01:23
DaemonFC 30 01:27 | Naturopathic Physicians and the Affordable Care Act | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 01:27
*DaemonFC head desksJan 30 01:27
DaemonFCNothing in the ACA requires private insurers to cover "alternative medicine", and most of them don't cover it because they know it is worthless.Jan 30 01:28
DaemonFCIn fact, I've never seen a health insurance policy that did cover it, except maybe some limited chiropractic coverage for lower back pain.Jan 30 01:28
DaemonFCWhich is about the only thing that chiropractors are good for.Jan 30 01:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     As free software users, we need to speak outJan 30 01:30
TweetTuxMachines                 against the TPP 30 01:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 01:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Google to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo forJan 30 01:30 | As free software users, we need to speak out against the TPP  | Tux MachinesJan 30 01:30
TweetTuxMachines                 $3 billion: Confirmed 30 01:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 01:30
DaemonFCI have a chiropractor that I see for lower back pain from time to time.Jan 30 01:30 | Google to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo for $3 billion: Confirmed | Tux MachinesJan 30 01:30
DaemonFCHe was included in an insurance plan that I had when I worked at a warehouse.Jan 30 01:31
DaemonFCIt covered two visits per month for free, so I took them.Jan 30 01:31
DaemonFC 30 01:32 | [Phoronix] Future Of Fedora Spins Is Questioned With Fedora.Next  [ ]Jan 30 01:32
DaemonFCI don't know why having additional spins is controversial.Jan 30 01:33
DaemonFCThey're benign to anyone that wants a different spin.Jan 30 01:33
DaemonFC 30 01:33 | [Phoronix] Radeon DRM Gets A Few More Fixes For Linux 3.14  [ ]Jan 30 01:33
DaemonFCThe kernel-side radeon support for the 6000 series and older is basically complete as of Linux 3.13.Jan 30 01:34
DaemonFCAside from some bug fixes, there's not much more to be done in the kernel.Jan 30 01:34
DaemonFCNew versions of Mesa are the big performance wins now.Jan 30 01:34
*jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 30 02:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Will Android PCs finally destroy Windows on theJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines                 desktop? 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel 3.13 Gets Its First UpdateJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines        30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Homerun 1.2.0 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33 | Will Android PCs finally destroy Windows on the desktop? | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition)Jan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines        30 02:33 | Linux Kernel 3.13 Gets Its First Update | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33 | Homerun 1.2.0 | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Firefox Add-ons for Social Media JunkiesJan 30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines        30 02:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 02:33 | Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition) | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33 | Best Firefox Add-ons for Social Media Junkies | Tux MachinesJan 30 02:33
*abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #techrightsJan 30 03:20
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DaemonFCschestowitz: I got my 28 cent refund check from the Indiana BMV settlement.Jan 30 06:34
DaemonFCNow if I could just find a time machine somewhere, I could go back to 1990 and get myself a Pepsi out of the vending machine.Jan 30 06:34
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 30 06:45
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 30 06:46
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 30 06:48
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 30 07:57
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schestowitz__ 30 09:00 The Latest FOSS FUD Revolves Around Fakes and Bogus Arguments 30 09:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Latest FOSS FUD Revolves Around Fakes and Bogus Arguments | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 09:00
schestowitz__"It's amazing how Microsoft recycles this trash for decades. They pour it on until people believe it. Fewer people believe it these days, I hope."Jan 30 09:00
iophkIt's also a distraction for the poor way that Windows manages software installationJan 30 09:00
iophk*fromJan 30 09:00
schestowitz__today is the last day we can migrare tux machinesJan 30 09:08
iophkcan it be done?Jan 30 09:08
schestowitz__I might have to extend no-ipJan 30 09:08
schestowitz__25 dollarsJan 30 09:08
schestowitz__the VM is not ready yet...Jan 30 09:08
iophkohJan 30 09:08
schestowitz__yesterday tux machines got record traffic for ther monthJan 30 09:09
schestowitz__107k hits for the dayJan 30 09:10
iophkniceJan 30 09:10
schestowitz__96k pagesJan 30 09:10
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 30 09:12
iophkApproximately how many visitors from that?Jan 30 09:13
schestowitz__14kJan 30 09:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     openSUSE Review, Ubuntu Happenings, and ZorinJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines                 OS 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Red Hat's Roger Egan Joined DockerJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines        30 09:25 | openSUSE Review, Ubuntu Happenings, and Zorin OS | Tux MachinesJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 09:25 | Why Red Hat's Roger Egan Joined Docker | Tux MachinesJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Like Arduino? Miniaturize your project withJan 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines                 TinyCircuits 30 09:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 09:25 | Like Arduino? Miniaturize your project with TinyCircuits | Tux MachinesJan 30 09:25
schestowitz__ 30 09:27 #Google Heavily Taxed by #PatentTroll (Not a Real Company) That #Microsoft Gave Patents to #swpats #vringoJan 30 09:27
schestowitz__"The US judicial and regulatory system is a bad joke. 1.36% of AdWord revenue is huge. That's on top of the endless Android lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny that Microsoft is miraculously able to push Google's way. I'm so ashamed of my government."Jan 30 09:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google Heavily Taxed by Patent Troll (Not a Real Company) That Microsoft Gave Patents to | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 09:27
*Carlos (~carlos@ has joined #techrightsJan 30 09:33
*Carlos is now known as Guest3859Jan 30 09:33
schestowitz__ 30 09:33 Serious petitions like get discredited by nonsense and celebs 30 09:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Protect Net Neutrality, the Open Internet and Our Economy | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 09:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 09:33
schestowitz__"This whole site is a joke. They keep changing the rules to ensure nothing productive gets done."Jan 30 09:33
schestowitz__""Serious petitions"? Please."Jan 30 09:33
schestowitz__"^lol'd"Jan 30 09:34
schestowitz__I agree, they dodge the people and their requests by upping limits. The whole thing is a farce like a ballot box, designed only to give the illusion that the government is serving people, not corporations and oligarchsJan 30 09:34
schestowitz__ 30 09:35 Debunking charades 30 09:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | "A Silent Coup": Jeremy Scahill & Bob Herbert on Corporate, Military Interests Shaping Obama's SOTU  [ ]Jan 30 09:35
schestowitz__"I saw them on Democracy Now! this morning and their analysis of the President's SOTU was spot on."Jan 30 09:35
schestowitz__ 30 09:36 #Copyright Law Still All About #Protectionism , Needs RevisionJan 30 09:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Copyright Law Still All About Protectionism, Needs Revision | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 09:36
schestowitz__"It has always been about protectionism."Jan 30 09:36
schestowitz__ 30 09:37
schestowitz__"If he wins, it will only contribute to the hollywoodization of the resistance... I had enough of prizes, heros, bad guys, good guys, donzels in distress and all that bullshit! The only thing I see is structures of power creating entertainment. I hope, if the time comes, that he deny the award... but i guess thats asking too much..."Jan 30 09:37 Remember when a Chinese got a political Nobel peace prize? Well, the US is having a "China moment" 30 09:37
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Snowden Gets Nobel Nomination as U.S. Pursues Trial - Bloomberg  [ ]Jan 30 09:37
schestowitz__iophk: 30 09:45 | Crisis-hit southern Europeans try their luck in Finland | Yle Uutiset |  [ ]Jan 30 09:45
iophkYeah, there are growing communities.Jan 30 09:46
iophkAlso in Sweden last year they took in around 50,000 of just refugees.  That's a whole townJan 30 09:47
schestowitz__ 30 09:53 Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight 30 09:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight  [ ]Jan 30 09:53
schestowitz__"Most of the cases of privatization that I have seen go very badly are concerning services for which there is not a reasonable way to opt out or to have competition. #Monopolies of any form breed #corruption, #exploitation, and tend to be #facist. In this particular instance, the deal should have been rejected entirely on the grounds that it could not be evaluated in the time provided. 686 pages of complex, dense legalese is Jan 30 09:53
schestowitz__impossible to process in two days."Jan 30 09:53
schestowitz__ 30 09:54 Manufactured Nuclear Crisis they also tried to manufacture gas attack crisis in #syria as they did in #iraq & #koreaJan 30 09:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | A Manufactured Nuclear Crisis - Inter Press Service  [ ]Jan 30 09:54
schestowitz__"Meanwhile Fukushima, a real nuclear crisis, can't get arrested."Jan 30 09:54
schestowitz__ 30 09:54 James Clapper calls for Snowden and 'accomplices' to return #NSA documents he doesn't know how digital stuff works?Jan 30 09:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | James Clapper calls for Snowden and 'accomplices' to return NSA documents | World news |  [ ]Jan 30 09:54
schestowitz__"I call for Clapper to return the US Senate to a place of honesty (good luck) and to return the US to a country that follows it's own constitution (even better luck...)""Jan 30 09:54
iophk 30 10:01 | Harassment Arrest Of Charlie Shrem Shows Dangerously Repressive U.S. Police System - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 30 10:01
iophkbit of a misinterpretation of the GPL.  It requires that the changes (freedom) be paid forward, not what this license does: Jan 30 10:07
iophk 30 10:07 | Open Compute pushes GPL-like license for 'open source hardware' | Computer hardware - InfoWorld  [ ]Jan 30 10:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open Standards and Open Source make a greatJan 30 10:15
TweetTuxMachines                 pairing 30 10:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 10:15 | Open Standards and Open Source make a great pairing | Tux MachinesJan 30 10:15
schestowitz__This video has been banned in the UKJan 30 10:19
schestowitz__ 30 10:19 | Nice Way Code Think Horse - YouTube  [ ]Jan 30 10:19
schestowitz__When NSA buddy Microsoft accuses Google of being poor on privacy on British broadcast, then that's OK with ASA...Jan 30 10:20
*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 30 11:14
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iophk 30 11:18 | UK picks Open Document Format for all government files • The Register  [ ]Jan 30 11:18
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*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 30 11:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Enlightenment 0.18.3 Release Allows the Use ofJan 30 12:34
TweetTuxMachines                 Elementary 1.9 or Later 30 12:34
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 12:34 | Enlightenment 0.18.3 Release Allows the Use of Elementary 1.9 or Later | Tux MachinesJan 30 12:35
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 30 12:38
schestowitz__iophk: any followup on that?Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__Other than the announcment?Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__i have another post coming, but no news really since yesterdayJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__A bunch of us now work on getting Tuxera in the mudJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__"Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__On 01/29/2014 at 2:28 PM, "Bradley M. Kuhn" <> wrote:Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    rxrz,Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    I appreciate that you have written to us rather than attempting to takeJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    action yourself. While I know Snowden-like activities are popular theseJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    days, I assure you that they only make it more difficult for ConservancyJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    to enforce the GPL. Specifically, the Samsung matter was more difficultJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    and more time consuming for Conservancy to deal with because of theJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    "code leaks". Conservancy has very limited resources for GPLJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    enforcement, so I appreciate that you aren't making our job harder hereJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    by contacting us early and discussing it before taking action.Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    Meanwhile, I've read the materials that you shared with us. However, asJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    it stands, we cannot take action specifically because:Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__ wrote at 01:23 (EST):Jan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    > Right now the original blob files have been removed from github byJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    > repository's maintainerJan 30 12:41
schestowitz__    ... I can't witness any active distribution of this file at this time.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Of course, that doesn't mean it isn't being distributed, but I need toJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    see it being distributed actively to take action here. More detailsJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    below:Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    If you could tell us what specific product this software appears in, weJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    can research further. The ideal would be to show us a publiclyJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    distributed firmware available online from the company who incorporatedJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    this software in their product. Since that sometimes doesn't occur, theJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    next best thing is to give us the exact model of a product that you knowJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    for sure contains this software.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Please note that a "cease and desist" of a violation is a reasonableJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    response to resolve a GPL violation (even though it's not our preferredJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    solution). If Tuxera (and its downstreams) are no longer distributingJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    infringing software, the GPL violation is likely "resolved" -- at leastJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    to a point whereby it'd be very difficult for us to take immediateJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    action (unless they violate the license again).Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Brad, meanwhile, if you have a direct interest in joining Conservancy'sJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers, I can talk with you aboutJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    that. Your direct involvement would make it easier for us to takeJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    action on this matter. However, we can admittedly take action, sinceJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    your work is part of a larger GPL'd whole work, which is copyrighted byJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    many people some of whom are already in the GPL Compliance Project forJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Linux Developers. Nevertheless, contact me on a separate thread if youJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    would like to join our compliance coalition.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > I would like to request an official statement from a representative ofJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > Tuxera concerning this particular driver and have the complete sourceJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > code for this product, since it has been distributed under GPL licenseJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    > and is based on the driver taken from Linux kernel tree.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    I don't recommend that at this point. I don't yet see a clear chain ofJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    distribution that puts the binary in your hands completelyJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    legitimately without any questions. The right next step is to figureJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    out what product this binary driver appeared in, and examine theJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    physical product and/or a firmware legitimately obtained from aJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    distributor to verify the violation.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    I look forward to your next correspondence.Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    -- Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive Director, Software Freedom ConservancyJan 30 12:42
schestowitz__    (home of BusyBox, Samba, and the GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers)Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__'Jan 30 12:42
schestowitz__ 30 12:43 Debian policy of no proprietary drivers is comprising convenience for freedom been there beforeJan 30 12:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Debian 7: In Search of the Lost Driver - Goodbye, Microsoft®  [ ]Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__"This, incidentally, is yet another example of why the most important tool for a Linux installation is a second computer, connected to the Internet. OR the most important tool for a GNU/Linux DEBIAN installation is a little search of supported drivers before install the new version/distro ... In the same time, Debian is known for this kind of "problem" which is not in fact if you know the Debian's policy. This is the same with Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__Triskel, indeed. I could be more surprised if this kind of problem appeared with Ubuntu, Mint, Or Suse which include lot of non-free/proprietary drivers."Jan 30 12:43
schestowitz__"I didn't say that for you Roy, only for the author"Jan 30 12:43
iophkschestowitz__: no followup yet on the ODF announcement, just that the Reg picked it up after the othersJan 30 13:03
schestowitz__lots of articles yesterdayJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__latest on tuxeraJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__"Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__Hello, Bradley.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__Thank you, I appreciate the work you're doing as well.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__The case with Samsung has proven to me that we cannot trust even to the largest corporations when it comes toJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__being compliant and respecting the effort of many developers who believe in and contribute to FOSS.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__I hope you understand that many people including myself felt that it was a very serious violation of trust, noJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__matter under which conditions Samsung had to hide the original Linux code from us.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__Not being public is a hard task for me, and I would like to tell you that I have my trust in you to contribute effort for handling this case.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__The file is still available via that repo's history and in my forked repo right here:Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__ 30 13:12 | asuswrt-merlin/release/src/router/tuxera/broadcom/hfsplus/kernel-module at master · rxrz/asuswrt-merlin · GitHub  [ ]Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__Doesn't it matter that ASUS had this file in their development bundle? Tuxera had "HFS+ Embedded" availableJan 30 13:12
schestowitz__since June '11 (*/ and it makes it more that 2 years from today's date.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__The driver's version which came out of Asus' tar is dated with Nov of '13, which makes it still about 2 years as this product has been available. I would say it's a small chance Tuxera "forgot" to put the proper license in there, an even smaller chance they haven't sold a single copy of this product in 3 years.Jan 30 13:12 | Internet Archive Wayback Machine  [ ]Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__To me it's a no-brainer: Tuxera's been selling this driver for years now, it's based on Brad Boyer's source code, they got caught (thanks to Asus). We've got a proof, that they've been selling a product which is a 90% result of hard work of people from our community.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__I believe It is our common job to keep things right and fair.Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__I do feel for Samsung being caught between two trains of M$'s patents and Linux' free license. But the fact that they've been selling a product based on code from Linux tree, for years, and not returning any money they literally stole from honest developers who contributed their free time to support FOSS and GPL, makes me feel quite bad. They didn't have to do that, but nobody forced them to use the code from the vfat driver as a Jan 30 13:12
schestowitz__base. In the end they didn't pay any fines, they ended up being heroes by open-sourcing the driver.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I am 100% sure it is exactly the same case this time, except there were no patents involved. It never will be neither fair in case with exFat nor in case with HFS+ even if they give up the source to the product they most likely originally stole from Brad. None of us have money for a lawyer to sue violators of GPL and companies seem to be happy to abuse this fact.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__They won't pay anybody for stealing the product, even though they made a fortune out of it.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I have a small question:Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Let's imagine for a second they haven't used Brad's GPL'd source as a base for their product, but still sold an HFS+ driver written from scratch under GPL (even a single copy)...Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__can we require the source code legally from them?Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Speaking of Snowden's contribution to society, honestly, I lost the rest of my trust in proprietary software companies.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I am not surprised at all by Tuxera stealing code and selling as their own, I've been more surprised by Samsung being involved in the theft of vfat Linux code.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__My goal is to get the source to the complete Linux HFS+ driver.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__I will get the proof of them selling this driver as a product in the past.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Thank you.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__-rxrzJan 30 13:13
schestowitz__P.S.Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__Have a small question, off the record: why do companies get sued for let's say, using software they didn't purchase in their products, but when it comes down to selling products based on free software, in violation to GPL, companies don't get in trouble? It just feels wrong to me that we can only count on them to just release the source once they get caught and not pay any money they stole by using readily available open software? IfJan 30 13:13
schestowitz__companies do not respect GPL and just do whatever they want then what's the point of having licenses at all?Jan 30 13:13
schestowitz__'Jan 30 13:13
*trn has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 30 13:28
schestowitz__ 30 14:12 | FileZilla warns of large malware campaign | Security - InfoWorld  [ ]Jan 30 14:12 | File Stealing Version of FileZilla is Making Its Way Around Internet | Digital Trends  [ ]Jan 30 14:13
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Jan 30 14:26
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How Linux dominates the mobile marketJan 30 15:04
TweetTuxMachines        30 15:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 15:04 | How Linux dominates the mobile market | Tux MachinesJan 30 15:04
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 30 15:22
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice 4.2 Brings OpenCL Calc, OOXMLJan 30 17:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements 30 17:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 17:03 | LibreOffice 4.2 Brings OpenCL Calc, OOXML Improvements | Tux MachinesJan 30 17:03
*Andromm ( has joined #techrightsJan 30 17:14
iophk 30 17:26 | GoDaddy owns up to role in epic Twitter account hijacking | PCWorld  [ ]Jan 30 17:26
*Guest3859 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 30 17:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Keep Tabs on Income and Expenses with MyJan 30 17:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Expenses for Android 30 17:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 17:44 | Keep Tabs on Income and Expenses with My Expenses for Android | Tux MachinesJan 30 17:44
iophk 30 17:59 | AT&T Develops Credits System to Limit File-Sharing Bandwidth | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 30 17:59
iophk 30 18:00 | Ukrainian police use cellphones to track protestors, court order shows | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 30 18:00
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 30 18:23
schestowitz__ 30 18:35
TechrightsBot-tr@nn81: The collection @schestowitz articles @black_duck_sw :  True or Fiction?Jan 30 18:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Black Duck - TechrightsJan 30 18:35
*jono has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 30 18:38
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schestowitz__ 30 19:24 Companies that use terms like "community manager" reveal their real attitude towards volunteers. Say "coordinator" or "leader", not managerJan 30 19:24
schestowitz__"Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__Very true. Most of the community managers I've dealt with were less interested in listening and understanding than they were with having me swallow a set of talking points. They waste everyone's time.Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__After some thought, I like the term community representative and think that it's a legitimate thing to do. Communications manager, even that sounds like perception management. I agree with other people here that "leader" and "coordinator" also imply control or manipulation. Representative is an honest term and implies two way communication representing the company to the community and the community to the company. That's a valid and Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__useful specialization and division of labor. People busy coding need others who are good at listening to make sure everyone understands each otherJan 30 19:24
schestowitz__"Jan 30 19:24
schestowitz__ 30 19:33
schestowitz__"analogical to richard stallman's quote "open source is what the industry can accept but free is where they need to end up""Jan 30 19:33
schestowitz__ 30 19:33 reshared: ## This video has been banned in the UKJan 30 19:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Nice Way Code Think Horse - YouTube  [ ]Jan 30 19:33
schestowitz__"Awesome! Here they shouldn't see deer..., a fellow cyclist found traps in the nearby forest where we cycle. And I don't think they were for bugs. :("Jan 30 19:33
MinceRgeekingsJan 30 19:40
*yang has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 30 20:34
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schestowitz__ 30 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Hard to say; "improved OOXML support" seems to be common phrase in LO changelogs. Almost like it's maintenance not enhancementJan 30 20:59
schestowitz__ 30 21:00
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Microsoft Offers $100 Credit For People Who Trade In PS3 For Xbox One via @consumeristJan 30 21:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft Offers $100 Credit For People Who Trade In PS3 For Xbox One – ConsumeristJan 30 21:00
iophkgtgJan 30 21:04
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 30 21:08
schestowitz__ 30 21:15 "Samsung shipped 320 million smart phones in 2013" 30 21:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung makes EU push via 60 Carphone Warehouse-Samsung exclusive stores | Muktware  [ ]Jan 30 21:15
schestowitz__"The Belgian phone companies Belgacom and Base will not be very happy when they get to know that. What other brands of smart phones will be left over for them to sell? Mobistar already has the exclusive deal to sell iPhones."Jan 30 21:15
schestowitz__ 30 21:44 | Where in the world is Richard Stallman? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software  [ ]Jan 30 21:44
schestowitz__"Jan 30 21:44
schestowitz__Feb 10, 2014 01:00 PM Helsinki, Finland Event "The Path to Digital Freedom"Jan 30 21:44
schestowitz__Feb 11, 2014 01:00 PM Helsinki, Finland Event Richard Stallman to speak in Helsinki, FinlandJan 30 21:44
schestowitz__Feb 20, 2014 07:00 PM New York, NY Event "A Free Digital Society"Jan 30 21:44
schestowitz__"Jan 30 21:44
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 30 23:03
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MinceRgnJan 30 23:37
*synchris has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 31 00:14
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iophk 31 07:24 | EU has secret plan for police to 'remote stop' cars - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 31 07:24
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 31 07:30
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iophk 31 07:35 | Netflix's Battle For Net Neutrality Could Look Like This  [ ]Jan 31 07:35
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iophk 31 07:57 | Communities Dominate Brands: Google Sells Motorola Unit to Lenovo - I told you this would happen...  [ ]Jan 31 07:57
*TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrightsJan 31 08:01
iophk 31 08:49 | BBC News - EU group mulls 'remote car-stopping device' for police  [ ]Jan 31 08:49
iophk 31 09:12 | Judge Understands BitTorrent, Kills Mass Piracy Lawsuits | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 31 09:12
iophk 31 09:13 | One Week Left To Give Input To Future European Copyright Monopoly Law - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 31 09:13
*carlos_ (~carlos@ has joined #techrightsJan 31 09:42
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MinceRgeekingsJan 31 10:38
schestowitz__iophk: hiJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__morning, MinceRJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__Just a quick questionJan 31 10:41
iophksureJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__say you have site A with DNS pointing to XJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__and site B with DNS pointing to YJan 31 10:41
schestowitz__when you move DNS from X to YJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__can you expect no downtime?Jan 31 10:42
iophkI think so, butJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__i see requests served OK, but it seems like some machines (esp. in our house) still go nowhere when looking up the addressJan 31 10:42
schestowitz__I think that nameserver migrations without downtimes are sometimes like that, but I want to be sure before we leave the house for 5 hoursJan 31 10:43
iophkit looks like also a matter of changing authoritative name serversJan 31 10:43
schestowitz__on the same network, the tablet reaches the old serverJan 31 10:43
schestowitz__And the phone and laptop reach nowhereJan 31 10:43
iophkIt may be your cacheJan 31 10:44
iophkOn two networks, I get the new ip for the hostnameJan 31 10:44
iophklemme check one more...Jan 31 10:44
schestowitz__gotchaJan 31 10:44
schestowitz__Is this host-level cache like /etc/hosts?Jan 31 10:45
schestowitz__Becfuse changing broewsers has no effectJan 31 10:45
schestowitz__Wher eis DNS cache?Jan 31 10:45
iophkThe third one is ok.Jan 31 10:46
schestowitz__maybeit'a cached at the hubJan 31 10:46
iophkI'm not sure how it is all cached, if it is still looking for the old name server it will still get the old address.Jan 31 10:46
iophkWhich nameserver to use might be cachedJan 31 10:46
schestowitz__the problem is. it does not even connect to the old server, escept the tabletJan 31 10:47
schestowitz__it accesses the old siteJan 31 10:47
schestowitz__the others get nowhereJan 31 10:47
iophkDid you get the old registrar to drop the name?Jan 31 10:48
schestowitz__nope. not afaikJan 31 10:48
schestowitz__Maybe it checks the IP against the DNS and finds a mismatcxh or somethingJan 31 10:48
schestowitz__But it does seem to be working for everyone (so far as I know) except usJan 31 10:49
iophkmight be two registrars fighting it out for the authoritative answerJan 31 10:49
schestowitz__I'll try my web proxyJan 31 10:49
iophkwhat about setting the old registrar to point to the new, static ip?Jan 31 10:49
schestowitz__I don't know how to change registrars details in that wayJan 31 10:50
iophkI'm getting the new ip on a 4th net, too.Jan 31 10:51
*Andromm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 31 10:52
schestowitz__it works from the proxyJan 31 10:52
schestowitz__and pages load as I would hope, inc. sub-sectionsJan 31 10:52
schestowitz__So I think it's safe to leave it at that and try access from home later onJan 31 10:52
schestowitz__I have some posts to publish later, i tried to make almost 10 yesterday, I didn't sleep well because the moigration wasn't complete before 3amJan 31 10:53
schestowitz__bblJan 31 10:53
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 31 10:59
iophk 31 11:12 | The Internet You Know and Love is in Danger | American Civil Liberties Union  [ ]Jan 31 11:12
DaemonFC 31 11:30 | The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers' | Alternet  [ ]Jan 31 11:30
DaemonFCschestowitz__: They included Bill Gates.Jan 31 11:30
iophk 31 12:36 | Why you should care about the end of net neutrality - tech - 29 January 2014 - New Scientist  [ ]Jan 31 12:36
DaemonFC 31 13:36 | MATE makes it to Ubuntu Trusty repo | Muktware  [ ]Jan 31 13:36
DaemonFCIt seems like MATE is going to do OK.Jan 31 13:37
*Omega has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 31 13:37
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schestowitz__ 31 17:24 | The "we are all i...Jan 31 17:24
schestowitz__ 31 17:24 The "we are all in this together" propaganda ignores the fact that the rich increase their wealth at double-digit % per year, Queen has sharesJan 31 17:24
*carlos_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 31 17:31
iophkChinese new year today.Jan 31 17:39
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 31 17:41
schestowitz__ 31 17:45
schestowitz__iophk: yeah, no dragon dances hereJan 31 17:45
schestowitz__but about 10k lanterns around city centreJan 31 17:45
schestowitz__They probably bought them for like a pound each to appease the Chinese cpmmunity (we have Chinatown here) after the waste of money for Jan 1stJan 31 17:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Yesterday in Techrights 31 17:46
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 17:46
schestowitz__ 31 18:06 The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers'Jan 31 18:06
schestowitz__The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers' including the biggest thief who buys the press, GatesJan 31 18:07
*Omega ( has joined #techrightsJan 31 18:12
schestowitz__iophk: thanks for the linksJan 31 18:18
schestowitz__I am catchingm up with lots from ysterdayJan 31 18:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Professional Video Editor `Lightworks` 11.5Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Goes Stable For Linux 31 18:30
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Bigger, better, faster: LibreOffice 4.2Jan 31 18:30
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 18:30
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD’s first ARM processors to feature 8-coreJan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines                 servers 31 18:30
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Will Android lose market share to otherJan 31 18:30
TweetTuxMachines                 versions of mobile Linux?Jan 31 18:30
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*abeNd-org ( has joined #techrightsJan 31 19:02
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*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 31 19:18
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*schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 31 19:23
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 31 19:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It’s Not Just Android: 3 Upcoming Linux MobileJan 31 19:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Operating Systems 31 19:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Kernel Vulnerability Affects Ubuntu 13.10Jan 31 19:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Moonlight: Yet Another Linux DesktopJan 31 19:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Environment 31 19:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME's Virtual Filesystem Reaches VersionJan 31 19:54
TweetTuxMachines                 1.19.5 31 19:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Pinguy OS 13.10 Beta 3Jan 31 19:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 19:54
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 31 20:07
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 31 20:08
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     RT-enhanced Linux stack aims at comms gearJan 31 20:30
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 20:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Video of the Week: Sailfish Mobile OSJan 31 20:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Updates 31 20:30
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 20:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It Pays To Sell GNU/LinuxJan 31 20:30
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 20:30
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 31 21:06
*ThistleWeb (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #techrightsJan 31 21:31
DaemonFCIn the hospital, two 1 cent aspirins are $50 and a $1 bag of sterile saline IV solution is $800. Jan 31 21:32
DaemonFC:PJan 31 21:32
abeNd-orgsick people = profit!Jan 31 21:33
DaemonFC 31 21:48 | Customer Discussions: Indiana's Republicans sue to protect your right to be poisoned by mercury, because something something something economy.  [ ]Jan 31 21:48
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFC 31 21:49
DaemonFCIndiana utility rates are expected to have a modest increase due to EPA regulations limiting mercury pollution. Indiana spewed about 46,000 pounds of mercury into the air last year.Jan 31 21:49 | Indiana biz groups challenge EPA climate change rules  [ ]Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFCIt says that the EPA is accepting public comments. I asked them to finalize the new regulations and to please fight Indiana in court if they have to.Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFCFrom the article:Jan 31 21:49
DaemonFC"The increase includes the cost associated with taking mercury and other toxins out of power-plant emissions to meet new rules. (Indiana is among the states challenging those rules in federal court.) " Jan 31 21:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     An Intel Galileo WalkthroughJan 31 21:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     FreeBSD Open-Source OS Comes to the PC-BSDJan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Desktop 31 21:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenSSH 6.5 released 31 21:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A look at ROSA Fresh R2 LXDE EditionJan 31 21:54
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TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 21:54
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 31 22:04
MinceR 31 22:20 | EU has secret plan for police to 'remote stop' cars - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 31 22:20
*MinceR suggests remote detonation feature as wellJan 31 22:20
gde33that was one of my many proposals to the EUJan 31 22:21
gde33they did god know howmany of them, almost as if I wrote the whole agendaJan 31 22:22
gde33lmaoJan 31 22:22
MinceR:>Jan 31 22:22
gde33lets not do car chases and stop carsJan 31 22:22
gde33if you dont like it we can run you over or something equally appropriateJan 31 22:22
MinceRlet's be very surprised when we find out that the primary targets of this will disable the "feature" in their carsJan 31 22:22
gde33smashed by a trainJan 31 22:22
gde33lolJan 31 22:22
gde33not as easy as you thinkJan 31 22:23
MinceRalso let's be very surprised when others exploit the feature against drivers and kill them or rob themJan 31 22:23
MinceRor bothJan 31 22:23
MinceRdoesn't seem to difficult -- remove, disconnect or isolate the antenna that receives the commandJan 31 22:23
gde33then you are going to use the road but ohh it is full of carsJan 31 22:24
gde33what a bummerJan 31 22:24
gde33lolJan 31 22:24
gde33MinceR: it will be annoying, that is the pointJan 31 22:26
MinceRno, the point is that it will kill people they didn't want to keepJan 31 22:26
MinceRs/keep/kill/Jan 31 22:26
MinceRand that it will be exploited against peopleJan 31 22:26
gde33sure it willJan 31 22:26
MinceRbecause a bunch of fascist idiots never think anything throughJan 31 22:27
MinceRor they just don't careJan 31 22:27
MinceRit's not their life that's threatened after allJan 31 22:27
MinceR(or so they think)Jan 31 22:27
gde33you just need a transportation system that worksJan 31 22:27
gde33switching off the machines is part of thatJan 31 22:28
MinceRthat's what the ignition key/switch is forJan 31 22:28
gde33I also proposed a speed limiterJan 31 22:28
MinceRanother great ideaJan 31 22:28
MinceRit's not like some accidents could be avoided by speeding away from the source of the dangerJan 31 22:29
gde33people have this idea that people working on roads have to get killed regularlyJan 31 22:29
MinceR(and who cares anyway)Jan 31 22:29
MinceRwell, that explains these half-baked ideas, thenJan 31 22:29
gde33the max speed outside my house is 5 km/h there are no sidewalksJan 31 22:29
gde33it even use to have speed bumpsJan 31 22:30
gde33hahJan 31 22:30
MinceRi'm sure they saved lots of money with no sidewalksJan 31 22:30
MinceRsidewalks are expensive stuff!Jan 31 22:30
gde33it is in the way the blocks are buildJan 31 22:31
MinceRyes, "badly"Jan 31 22:31
gde33basically it is one big sidewalkJan 31 22:31
gde33cars are suppose to drive walking speed to the parkingJan 31 22:31
MinceRwhat are cars doing on it then?Jan 31 22:31
MinceRcars don't belong on the sidewalk.Jan 31 22:31
gde33sure, but there are other areas with other speed limits that dont work eitherJan 31 22:31
gde33the max is 120 on the highway, people drive 140Jan 31 22:32
gde33you are very annoying if you drive 120Jan 31 22:32
MinceRmost people can't handle drivingJan 31 22:32
MinceRthose who can't do it shouldn't be allowed toJan 31 22:32
gde33then the whole train goes in front of the cameraJan 31 22:32
gde33and they all get ticketsJan 31 22:32
gde33it's a nonsense systemJan 31 22:32
MinceRlike, if they can't learn how to keep distance, they shouldn't get to driveJan 31 22:32
MinceRinstead of endangering meJan 31 22:32
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gde33you should be able to put the pedal to the mettalJan 31 22:33
MinceRif they can't learn how to use turn signals, they probably can't learn most of other things eitherJan 31 22:33
MinceRso, again, don't let them driveJan 31 22:33
gde33drive max speed the whole timeJan 31 22:33
gde33corners to!Jan 31 22:33
gde33if the traffic light is red, the car slows downJan 31 22:33
gde33not maybeJan 31 22:33
gde33we are not just going to make itJan 31 22:33
gde33lolJan 31 22:33
MinceRif the traffic controller computer has a glitch, you dieJan 31 22:34
MinceRfun timesJan 31 22:34
gde33maybe you should remember the whole drive by wire system is going to be implmeneted?Jan 31 22:34
MinceRnot immediately, of courseJan 31 22:34
MinceRyou get to suffer for a few hours, stuck in the car, slowly crushed to deathJan 31 22:34
gde33Rotterdam harbor has huge storage area where only robot trucks driveJan 31 22:34
gde33nothing goes wrongJan 31 22:34
MinceRwhy do you want drive by wire?Jan 31 22:34
MinceRare cars too reliable yet?Jan 31 22:34
gde33no they aren'tJan 31 22:34
gde33they are driven by idiots remember?Jan 31 22:35
MinceRyupJan 31 22:35
MinceRthat's the problemJan 31 22:35
gde33you should stop blaming the idiotsJan 31 22:35
gde33that just makes you one of them lolJan 31 22:35
gde33hahaJan 31 22:35
MinceRyou're not making senseJan 31 22:35
gde33we need to make a good system for themJan 31 22:35
gde33so that they can drive places without issuesJan 31 22:35
MinceRwe have one, it's called public transportJan 31 22:35
gde33linux carsJan 31 22:35
gde33public transport doesn't workJan 31 22:36
MinceRneither do idiotsJan 31 22:36
MinceRand neither does the "i'll just push a few buttons randomly here on the remote control for that guy's car while he thinks he's driving it lol"Jan 31 22:37
gde33I do have real ideas how [public] transport should workJan 31 22:37
MinceRso do iJan 31 22:37
gde33I'm just not going to propose those to the EUJan 31 22:37
gde33they wouldnt understandJan 31 22:37
MinceRindeedJan 31 22:37
MinceRhungary is a pretty good example of how a public transport shouldn't and can't work, thoughJan 31 22:37
gde33the point is that we already have robot cars hereJan 31 22:37
gde33many of themJan 31 22:37
gde33since the 80'sJan 31 22:38
MinceRin special environments, yesJan 31 22:38
MinceRnot on general roadsJan 31 22:38
gde33it gets increasingly silly to have people crash themselves into annother for the greater good of transportation lolJan 31 22:38
MinceRnot mixed with other modes of transportJan 31 22:38
gde33sure they areJan 31 22:38
MinceRwhere?Jan 31 22:38
gde33they look like trucks with 2 behindsJan 31 22:38
MinceRnever seen thoseJan 31 22:39
gde33it is mostly pilots but it's done arround the worldJan 31 22:39
MinceRairlines are very differentJan 31 22:39
MinceRwith all the space, you can offset them a lot more from each other (lanes too)Jan 31 22:40
MinceRplus you don't get pedestrians, bikers, etc.Jan 31 22:40
MinceRor crossing other modes of transportJan 31 22:40
MinceRalso, you have an extra dimension to avoid conflictsJan 31 22:40
*yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrightsJan 31 22:40
gde33fly by wire you mean?Jan 31 22:41
MinceRand afaik pretty much all the planes are involved in traffic controlJan 31 22:41
MinceRno, i mean autopilot and suchJan 31 22:41
MinceRalso, afaik traffic control isn't automatic eitherJan 31 22:41
gde33they are working on the fliying civilian Jan 31 22:41
gde33the goal is cars that fly with roads in the skyJan 31 22:41
gde33and fly by wireJan 31 22:41
gde33so there is a kind of road in the skyJan 31 22:42
MinceRit's a goal, not something that's already implementedJan 31 22:42
gde33here it is a goalJan 31 22:42
gde33there are pilotsJan 31 22:42
MinceRafaik fly-by-wire is merely controlling the control surfaces indirectly, though a computerJan 31 22:42
gde33sure, it is very simpleJan 31 22:42
gde33the robot driver will just use many perhaps terrible systems side by sideJan 31 22:43
gde33like follow the white lineJan 31 22:43
MinceRwhich is not what i'm looking for when the danger is that m$ will manage to infest these systems with their crapwareJan 31 22:43
gde33amazon uses robots in their warehouse Jan 31 22:43
gde33lol 31 22:43
MinceRthey've already infested systems that can distract the driver or even make it impossible for them to see what they're doingJan 31 22:43
MinceRthe warehouse is a strictly controlled environmentJan 31 22:44
MinceRthe street isn'tJan 31 22:44
gde33a crane like on the left in the picture could easily build housesJan 31 22:44
MinceRand it won't wait for crossing pedestriansJan 31 22:44
gde33the harbor is so controlled that if you walk on the road the trucks may all get a new planing.Jan 31 22:45
MinceRactually it looks like it's driven by a humanJan 31 22:45
MinceRit has a driver's cabin on the leftJan 31 22:45
gde33so you walk onto the road, there isn't a truck to be seen anywheeJan 31 22:45
gde33but they are all planning how to avoid youJan 31 22:45
gde33if there is any object on the road it deploys people to go check it outJan 31 22:46
gde33all alarms go off if it isn't just perfectJan 31 22:47
gde33the place also turns into a container madhouse if it isn't just perfectJan 31 22:48
gde33costs serious moneyJan 31 22:48
MinceRand i suspect they don't often let people in itJan 31 22:48
gde33microsoft people are stopped at the gateJan 31 22:48
gde33lolJan 31 22:48
MinceR:>Jan 31 22:48
DaemonFCI punch in telephone numbers at random at the gas station.Jan 31 22:50
DaemonFCThe grocery store loyalty card customers usually don't redeem their gas points.Jan 31 22:50
gde33Dutch people never build anything that isn't going to work. If there is an inch of doubt they all run away, seriously.Jan 31 22:50
DaemonFCSo at the last day of the month, I go through until I find one with a lot of points, and then I use their gas points.Jan 31 22:50
DaemonFCI managed to find a 40 cent per gallon one today. B-)Jan 31 22:50
gde33hahJan 31 22:51
gde33here the suppermarket has a folder with the deals in it.Jan 31 22:52
gde33I dont use it but some people look at it as the adventureJan 31 22:54
*ThistleWeb has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 31 22:55
gde33I think a delivery suppermarket with a fancy website could be much cheaper.Jan 31 22:57
gde33we could make it like world of warcraftJan 31 22:57
gde33have people fight over their food dealsJan 31 22:57
gde33hardcore battles to the deathJan 31 22:58
MinceRno need for a website to do that, black friday already worksJan 31 22:58
gde33not enough carnageJan 31 22:58
MinceRhand out chainsaws at the entrance, thenJan 31 22:58
gde33sell the store client for 300 euroJan 31 22:58
MinceRor just popularize the idea so clients will bring their ownJan 31 22:58
MinceRor just raise the stakes and let them figure it outJan 31 22:59
gde33the de-lux shop op and shopJan 31 22:59
MinceRmaybe overpopulation will take care of it on its ownJan 31 22:59
gde33my most brutal marketing innovation was to do store storage in a display next to peoples bed.Jan 31 22:59
gde33this moment of natural zombieJan 31 23:00
gde33pick your new boots?Jan 31 23:00
gde33lolJan 31 23:00
gde33space populationJan 31 23:01
MinceRi don't think people need any help to make really stupid decisionsJan 31 23:01
gde33200 years mars will be infested with humansJan 31 23:01
MinceRthey do it on their own just fine, even when their own life is at stakeJan 31 23:01
MinceRonly if humanity survives that longJan 31 23:02
MinceRand doesn't blast itself back into the stone age, or mad maxJan 31 23:02
MinceRor merely let the fundies take over to the point where they will no longer be able to figure out how to continueJan 31 23:02
MinceRand won't care anywayJan 31 23:03
gde33my best EU proposal was to have banks put a donation button on their websiteJan 31 23:04
gde33that would salve evrythingJan 31 23:04
gde33we could all donate as much as we want to, as often as we likeJan 31 23:04
gde33^^Jan 31 23:04
MinceRthe hungarian government has already set up a system so you could donate to themJan 31 23:05
gde33niceJan 31 23:05
gde33One of my most popular ideas was the volentary tax systemJan 31 23:05
gde33it got support from all anglesJan 31 23:05
gde33the republican nazi completely agreed with the tree hugger SJFJan 31 23:06
MinceRalso known as "charity"? :>Jan 31 23:06
gde33only now we call it governmentJan 31 23:06
gde33imagine the fun we could have?Jan 31 23:06
gde33It would be public informationJan 31 23:07
gde33and we could of course refuse you services if you chose not to payJan 31 23:07
MinceRisn't the current setup better?Jan 31 23:08
MinceRwhere they just take the money away from you no matter whatJan 31 23:08
MinceRand if you're in hungary, you'll either get nothing in exchange for it, or something so crap it might as well be nothingJan 31 23:09
gde33noJan 31 23:09
gde33the implication of just taking something from you would invetiably be people taking things from meJan 31 23:09
MinceRso? the zombies don't mindJan 31 23:09
MinceRhere, at leastJan 31 23:09
gde33if I can talk you into just handing over your moneyJan 31 23:09
gde33you are of course free to do that to me as wellJan 31 23:09
MinceRgovernments all over the world have managed to talk people into such a one-way dealJan 31 23:09
MinceRsee also the 'social contract'Jan 31 23:10
gde33could do both side by side in a transitionJan 31 23:10
gde33the deal was nesasaryJan 31 23:11
gde33we needed representation because we couldnt be all over the world at the same timeJan 31 23:11
gde33this is not true anymore, thats all that has changedJan 31 23:11
MinceRdid we get representation?Jan 31 23:11
MinceRi'm pretty sure the nazis in fidesz don't represent meJan 31 23:12
gde33I'm sure it worked at least for some people some day historicallyJan 31 23:12
gde33lolJan 31 23:12
gde33it was better than nothing at allJan 31 23:12
gde33at least we got lies we could believe in for our voteJan 31 23:12
MinceRwe always got lies we could believe inJan 31 23:12
gde33as a kind of "pick your own branding"Jan 31 23:12
MinceRthat's what cults were for, tooJan 31 23:12
MinceRstill areJan 31 23:12
gde33vote for whatever gets your electroytes goingJan 31 23:13
MinceRit's got what plants crave?Jan 31 23:13
gde33:)Jan 31 23:13
gde33with volentary taxes the ideas would have to be proffitableJan 31 23:14
gde33imagine that lolJan 31 23:14
gde33we can build windmills and solar factories if it makes financial senseJan 31 23:15
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:16
DaemonFCI see those books on using Android devices, and I have to wonder who reads those, and did their parents have any children that lived?Jan 31 23:16
DaemonFCLearning how to tie your shoe laces is harder than learning Android for ****'s sake... *sigh* People......Jan 31 23:16
DaemonFCI don't see why Sprint should have to level the rainforest to print out documentation for every single thing you want to do with your Android computer, which has access to the online manuals because it has a web browser. Jan 31 23:16
MinceRthey're always profitableJan 31 23:16
MinceRjust not for youJan 31 23:16
gde33the investor doesnt get paid?Jan 31 23:17
MinceRdependsJan 31 23:17
gde33that nasa court case where they didnt look at the martian mushroom.Jan 31 23:18
MinceRyou won't live on words alone :>Jan 31 23:18
gde33the public paid for the picturesJan 31 23:18
gde33we could put it in writing how and when they are going to be compensatedJan 31 23:18
gde33not unusual Jan 31 23:19
*abeNd-org has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 31 23:20
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFCI always laugh when I see those Consumer Cellular commercials.Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFC"It has big buttons and no features!"Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFCOh, so, like Windows 8?Jan 31 23:22
DaemonFC*rimshot* Jan 31 23:22
MinceR:>Jan 31 23:22
gde33with icons so that you dont have to remember how to readJan 31 23:23
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:24
DaemonFCI think they actually said "no confusing features". Windows has no features and manages to be extremely confusing.Jan 31 23:25
DaemonFCLike, why does that tile desktop POS pop up randomly and why does their window manager switch between Firefox and Firefox Private Browsing windows so that you type what you're trying to put into the private browsing window into the non-private browsing window unless you happen to close the non-private window before you use the private one?Jan 31 23:25
DaemonFCWindow managers that consume 300+ MB of RAM and inexplicably switch between active windows need to be taken out back and given both barrels. Jan 31 23:25
MinceRhypeOS has no features and manages to confuse its users and fansJan 31 23:25
MinceR(into believing that the hypePhone is a smartphone, for example)Jan 31 23:25
MinceRalso, inexplicably switching between active windows (or to nothing at all) is an old winblows feature, even xp had itJan 31 23:26
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:27
DaemonFCSorry... Software companies that don't listen to their users, implement bloated things that are of questionable usefulness, change the user interface constantly and in inappropriate ways, and produce malfunctioning code are a nit of mine.Jan 31 23:27
DaemonFCThankfully, I don't have to use any Microsoft or Apple products on my computers. Jan 31 23:27
MinceR 31 23:31
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:33
DaemonFCThe last time I actually read a manual on how to use an operating system was when I was about 9 years old and trying to use DOS.*Jan 31 23:34
DaemonFCAnyway, I managed to hand edit my autoexec.bat and config.sys to use emm386.exe and himem.sys to free up enough conventional and extended memory to make Star Wars:X-Wing work because 640k was not enough for anyone. :/Jan 31 23:34
DaemonFC 31 23:34
DaemonFC*(I guess you could count the odd glancing of manpages if you want to be dicky about it. Learning command switches and syntax is a little different than an iPhone user trying to figure out how to tap on an icon. Where do they dig these people up?) Jan 31 23:34 | Star Wars: X-Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 31 23:34
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:35
DaemonFCIt's so complicated! TAP TAP TAP! I don't know how to use this thing. TAP TAP TAP!Jan 31 23:35
DaemonFCALL IS LOST! ALL IS LOST!!!!! Jan 31 23:35
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:36
DaemonFCAnd now a public service message for crApple customers.Jan 31 23:36
DaemonFC Jan 31 23:36
MinceR:)Jan 31 23:37
*ohama has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 31 23:39
gde33tnwpwhd (Thats not what picard would have done)Jan 31 23:39
DaemonFCPicard would hit that, with an inverse tachyon beam.Jan 31 23:39
gde33I was just pondering how every notable nerd must have his inner picard one can addressJan 31 23:40
*jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 31 23:44
MinceRgnJan 31 23:54
DaemonFC 01 01:05 | Customer Discussions: Study finds that cough syrup is apparently useless for doing anything other than making sizzurp.  [ ]Feb 01 01:05
DaemonFCI remember when I had to go to the laundromat.Feb 01 01:19
DaemonFCMom's washer broke down and she had to go there recently. She complained about most of the machines being broken and/or filthy and getting gouged to do her laundry.Feb 01 01:19
DaemonFCI told her "Now you know why I was wearing the same clothes 4-5 times when I worked at Walmart. I got sick of putting $40 in their nasty ass machines every month!"Feb 01 01:20
gde33MinceR: but volentary taxes, imagine it, it would look something like kickstarterFeb 01 01:30
gde33every committee for it selfFeb 01 01:30
gde33foreiners may pay taxes to :)Feb 01 01:33
gde33maybe all we need is some sort of wrapper for existing libraries :DFeb 01 01:39
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Feb 01 02:34
DaemonFC 01 02:43 | Customer Discussions: Microsoft sues a company for exercising their rights under the first sale doctrine.  [ ]Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFC 01 02:44
DaemonFCMicrosoft has sued a computer store that was selling refurbished laptops that came with a Windows Vista license, which had been re-imaged with the same version of Windows Vista that they came with.Feb 01 02:44 | NO TITLE  [ ]Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCMicrosoft claims that exercising your rights under the First Sale Doctrine is "counterfeiting software".Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCIn other words, everyone that is selling their old computer and keeps Windows on it for the next owner is doing the same thing that this company did. Microsoft says you have no right to do that, which flies in the face of Supreme Court precedent. (It's the same as selling a used book or a used CD, which is totally legal.)Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCI'm not suggesting that it's good to give someone else a copy of Windows.Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFCIt's better to give them software that respects their freedom, such as GNU/Linux. Nobody has ever been sued for "counterfeiting" GNU/Linux, because software counterfeiting is impossible, and everyone has the guaranteed right to share it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Feb 01 02:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 02:47
DaemonFCIt seems that there isn't much (proprietary) software that the NSA hasn't bugged these days.Feb 01 02:47
DaemonFCEven Angry Birds is reporting to them about the user's activity!Feb 01 02:47
DaemonFCI hate it when birds take a leak. It always happens right after you get out of the car wash... Feb 01 02:47
*ohama ( has joined #techrightsFeb 01 02:58
schestowitz__DaemonFC: good linkFeb 01 03:02
schestowitz__I will do an article about it tomorrowFeb 01 03:02
schestowitz__[21:33] <DaemonFC> In the hospital, two 1 cent aspirins are $50 and a $1 bag of sterile saline IV solution is $800. Feb 01 03:10
schestowitz__Wow, welcome to USAFeb 01 03:10
DaemonFC Patricia says:Feb 01 03:10
DaemonFCMicrosoft produces rubbish products and is a has-been dying company. This is one of their last gasps of frustration. If MS wins, I hope that more people switch to a Mac for their new computer. Feb 01 03:10
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:10
DaemonFCApple software has most of the same problems regarding lack of user freedoms.Feb 01 03:10
DaemonFCThey haven't sued anyone for reselling their Mac that I am aware of, but they wouldn't need to. Software is kind of a hook for them to sell their expensive computers in the first place. Feb 01 03:10
DaemonFC Patricia says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCApple gives away its OS for free these days - you need to keep up. Feb 01 03:11
schestowitz__[21:33] <abeNd-org> sick people = profit!Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCThey give it away gratis at the moment, but it does not give its users freedom.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCVista 8.1 was also gratis, but did not give users freedom.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCIn fact, every new version of either OS takes more freedom away from the user. Feb 01 03:11
schestowitz__Not here, not yet, although the Tories try to make it soFeb 01 03:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCSo, why would I care about Microsoft threatening a company for distributing its software?Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCWell, first, it threatens everyone who has purchased a license to use anything that is bound by copyright.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCSecondly, it would not mean fewer copies of Windows in existence. Every user and company would simply stop reselling existing licenses, and pay Microsoft even more money for new licenses, which is worse than simply reselling an existing license, which would give them even more money to attack users and their freedom with more malicious products.Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCIt would be better if every copy of Windows was destroyed, but giving them more money for new licenses just makes two problems where there was only one problem before. It's counterproductive. Feb 01 03:11
DaemonFCerr, because it wouldFeb 01 03:12
DaemonFCKeep an eye on this case. It threatens the entire first sale doctrine.Feb 01 03:13
DaemonFCAlmost every time you give this Supreme Court another chance to fuck people over, it takes it.Feb 01 03:13
DaemonFCschestowitz__: Yeah. I had good insurance before I turned 18.Feb 01 03:14
DaemonFCAt the time, there was no PPACA, so you just lost your parents health insurance when you turned 18.Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCIt's 26 now.Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCAnyway, with a few minutes left on the clock, I hurried up and got a whole bunch of things taken care of.Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCWithin a year, I had sinus surgery, a tonsillectomy, all my wisdom teeth removed, etc. Feb 01 03:15
DaemonFCI actually got all my wisdom teeth removed and then lost my dental AND heath insurance the very next day.Feb 01 03:16
DaemonFC*healthFeb 01 03:16
DaemonFCAnd I was lucky I could get in at the last minute, because 12 years ago, it cost over $2,500 to get your wisdom teeth removed.Feb 01 03:17
DaemonFCThey weren't causing me a problem, yet, but I hurried up and got it done because there was no telling when it would be a problem and where I was going to find $2,500 at.Feb 01 03:17
DaemonFCThe pain medication they gave me didn't work, and the dentist would not speak to me, or call in a new prescription, because I was no longer insured.Feb 01 03:19
DaemonFCSo I basically spent the next week in terrible pain because I had no insurance and was recovering from surgery.Feb 01 03:19
DaemonFCschestowitz__: Don't get sick here.Feb 01 03:19
DaemonFCGet sick just about anywhere else in the developed world, but don't get sick here.Feb 01 03:20
DaemonFC 01 03:27 | Customer Discussions: Christie asks for public's patience while he comes uo with new story  [ ]Feb 01 03:27
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 03:27
DaemonFC"It wasn't me! It was the three chinned man! Oh ****!" Feb 01 03:27
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 04:12
DaemonFCThe British have a right-wing government that is dealing with a legacy universal healthcare program that dates back to better days when people cared about each other, that they have to make fail, so they can have an excuse to privatize it.Feb 01 04:12
DaemonFCSort of like Republicans in the US and free public education. Feb 01 04:12
DaemonFCFirst you have to make it fail.Feb 01 04:13
DaemonFCThen you scream "It's failing!".Feb 01 04:13
DaemonFCThen you "fix it" (so that rich criminals can gorge themselves on the privatized inferior version).Feb 01 04:13
*amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 01 06:07
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ldk 01 07:07
TechrightsBot-tr@matthew_d_green: "Anonymity is the enemy of privacy" says RSA head, with an (apparently) straight face. This stuff is gold. 01 07:07
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* gives channel operator status to MinceR ChanServFeb 01 09:41
Sosumitell Patricia that crapple is a hardware manufacturerFeb 01 10:13
Sosumiand their main revenue, if actually, all revenue comes from hardwareFeb 01 10:14
Sosumithat is why you have the computers they sell totally locked downFeb 01 10:14
Sosumisimply because crapple isn't going to get your money if you keep updating you dear mac pro for 6 yearsFeb 01 10:15
Sosumispecially when it comes to realms of graphics cardsFeb 01 10:16
Sosumiand if m$ is so crappy, why do you get much better drivers on windows (and linux) than on osxFeb 01 10:16
Sosumiif m$ is so bad, why does xcode is a total letdown compared to VS?Feb 01 10:17
Sosumiis crapple actually better? or just as bad as m$Feb 01 10:18
Sosumimy money is on the laterFeb 01 10:18
Sosumisurely the aluminum macbooks are kewl and everythingFeb 01 10:19
Sosumibut so are dell precisions and hp elitebooksFeb 01 10:20
Sosumiand eclipse is free and better than bothFeb 01 10:22
Sosumixcode and vsFeb 01 10:23
Sosumibut, it has been known since forever that m$ doesn't want you to resell your already activated winblows license with a laptopFeb 01 10:24
Sosumieven throughFeb 01 10:24
Sosumithe seller could claimFeb 01 10:24
Sosumithat he's just reselling the laptop hardware wiseFeb 01 10:24
Sosumiand as for the included windows is just like "an ownership transfer"Feb 01 10:25
Sosumiand that he's not charging for thatFeb 01 10:26
Sosumiand I hope that in each receipt he passedFeb 01 10:27
Sosumihe never mentioned laptop with winblows vistaFeb 01 10:27
Sosumibecause in that way he'll be screwedFeb 01 10:28
Sosumi 01 11:59
Sosumino commentFeb 01 11:59
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 12:02
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 12:02
iophkBruce's site has been down for at least a few days.Feb 01 12:14
iophk 01 12:14
iophkAlso, he seems to have stopped with Lighttpd and moved to nginx.Feb 01 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Feb 01 12:14
*freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Feb 01 12:37
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 12:51
cubezzzI'd never use an operating system without source code unless there was absolutely no other choiceFeb 01 12:51
cubezzzhistorically, Xenix was a giant step backwards from Unix v7Feb 01 12:52
iophkcubezzz: even this one?  Feb 01 12:52
iophk 01 12:52 | The second operating system hiding in every mobile phone  [ ]Feb 01 12:52
cubezzzwell, I never use mobile phones :)Feb 01 12:52
iophk:)Feb 01 12:52
cubezzzSunOS was similar, Sun took 4.3BSD and made it into a closed source OSFeb 01 12:54
cubezzztwo examples of going from open source to proprietary sourceFeb 01 12:55
cubezzzafter 1992 everything changed again, this time going in the opposite directionFeb 01 12:55
cubezzzI hacked up a preliminary list of alternative operating systems:Feb 01 13:02
cubezzz 01 13:03
*freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Feb 01 13:27
iophkpropaganda : 01 13:41 | Seven ways Microsoft Excel could change the world | News |  [ ]Feb 01 13:41
iophkand here : 01 13:44 | Why ditching Facebook feels like opting out of modern life | Technology |  [ ]Feb 01 13:44
iophk 01 13:46 | One million people call on FCC to “save net neutrality” | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 13:46
Sosumisince apple is so greatFeb 01 13:49
Sosumito the point they can't even get their own stuff working properlyFeb 01 13:49
Sosumi 01 13:49 | 1/24/2014 Late 2013 Mac Pro randcom crashes/restarts and sleep problems -  [ ]Feb 01 13:49
Sosumi 01 13:49 | Mac Pro 2013  6,1 Thunderbolt / Sleep /Wake Reboot Problem - Appreciate Help - MacRumors Forums  [ ]Feb 01 13:49
Sosumialso, maya viewport gets worst results on osx than it gets on windows and on linuxFeb 01 13:50
Sosumiand that is with the amd cards used on the trashcan proFeb 01 13:50
Sosumiso Patricia is kind of being a crapple patricianFeb 01 13:51
Sosumiand we all know moronic that kind of ppl can beFeb 01 13:52
cubezzzhaha, excelFeb 01 13:56
cubezzz 01 13:56
cubezzzDEC was more open source than Apple ever wasFeb 01 14:03
cubezzzeven if only partiallyFeb 01 14:03
cubezzzDEC let one have RT11 source code, plus tons of source code for some lanugagesFeb 01 14:04
cubezzzeven IBM was better than Apple :)Feb 01 14:04
cubezzzDEC was also better than Commodore, Atari and Radio ShackFeb 01 14:05
cubezzzwhat good open source project did Commodore make?Feb 01 14:06
cubezzzthat's right... nothing :)Feb 01 14:06
cubezzzA lot of the stuff that appeared on Fish disks was from the PDP-11 worldFeb 01 14:07
cubezzzat least DEC has DECUS, which goes all the way back to 1961Feb 01 14:09
cubezzzhttp://www.decuslib.comFeb 01 14:10 | NO TITLEFeb 01 14:10
cubezzzok, so DEC is dead but there are still DECUS archives aroundFeb 01 14:10
cubezzzwhat did Apple have in the past?Feb 01 14:14
cubezzzthey had Xenix on Lisa, and a bunch of closed source OSesFeb 01 14:14
cubezzzI guess nothing has changed thereFeb 01 14:15
iophk 01 14:16 | Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 14:16
Sosumicrapple has no good open source project that I can nameFeb 01 14:17
iophkThey've taken over CUPSFeb 01 14:17
Sosumiand the stuff on macosforge/macports are kind of deadFeb 01 14:18
Sosumixquartz? lol, their new compiler? llvm/clangFeb 01 14:19
Sosumiwhy would anyone use that anywaysFeb 01 14:19
Sosumiopendarwin?Feb 01 14:20
Sosumiget freebsd insteadFeb 01 14:20
Sosumiso, when apple says in their propaganda that they are great open source contributorsFeb 01 14:20
Sosumiwell that is a lieFeb 01 14:20
cubezzzI heard that opendarwin was shut down quite a while agoFeb 01 14:21
cubezzz2006 I think?Feb 01 14:21
Sosumino ideaFeb 01 14:21
Sosumibut they still release darwin packageFeb 01 14:21
Sosumi*theFeb 01 14:21
Sosumianother open source project from crappleFeb 01 14:22
Sosumiweb objects?Feb 01 14:22
cubezzzso sure BSD is a good choice, openbsd, netbsd or freebsdFeb 01 14:22
Sosumideprecated and then "open sourced"Feb 01 14:22
cubezzzI can write for BSD or Linux and it's easy enough to go from one to the other, usuallyFeb 01 14:22
Sosumishake, that composing suite that apple got when they bought nothing is realFeb 01 14:23
Sosumialso deprecated, but never open sourcedFeb 01 14:23
Sosumianother open source project from themFeb 01 14:25
Sosumithe apple lossless audio codecFeb 01 14:25
SosumiI wander why anyone would use that over flacFeb 01 14:25
Sosumior wavFeb 01 14:25
Sosumiunless ofc you have an ipod or a hypephoneFeb 01 14:26
cubezzzreally much of the hardware nowadays isn't too greatFeb 01 14:28
iophk wav can't handle metadata if I understand correctly. flac is the way to go.Feb 01 14:28
cubezzzthe basic program of closed source bios has not been addressed except:Feb 01 14:28
cubezzz 01 14:28 | Chromebooks - corebootFeb 01 14:28
cubezzzs/program/problem/Feb 01 14:29
Sosumiintel is charging more and more for their partsFeb 01 14:29
cubezzzyou can get a chromebook pretty cheap tooFeb 01 14:29
Sosumieven through they cost pocket change to produceFeb 01 14:29
Sosumichromebooks are kind of toy computersFeb 01 14:30
Sosumionly that top of the line model google has is decent enoughFeb 01 14:30
cubezzzI'm all ears to hear about good alternatives :)Feb 01 14:30
Sosumiplus I really have no need for a laptopFeb 01 14:31
Sosumiso I kind of not keep on par with what is aroundFeb 01 14:31
Sosumibut as for alternativesFeb 01 14:32
MinceR 01 14:32
Sosuminew intelistations pleaseFeb 01 14:32
Sosumiwith ppcFeb 01 14:32
Sosumior sparcstationsFeb 01 14:33
Sosumiintel needs big competition on the high end segmentsFeb 01 14:33
Sosumiotherwise they just charge an arm and a leg for their workstation partsFeb 01 14:34
iophkLarry is helping his friend Bill by choking sparc.Feb 01 14:34
iophkHe could be making money on it otherwise.Feb 01 14:34
Sosumiyep he couldFeb 01 14:42
Sosumithe big hope now is IBMFeb 01 14:42
Sosumisince they sold the x86 business to lenovoFeb 01 14:43
Sosuminow all they have left is powerFeb 01 14:43
SosumiI really hope they don't confine it to just serversFeb 01 14:43
MinceRi think they sold it because they don't want to do itFeb 01 14:44
Sosumithey don't want to do it with x86Feb 01 14:45
Sosumithat was why they sold their business to lenovoFeb 01 14:46
Sosumiand now since what they have left is ppc, they could leverage that architecture also outside serversFeb 01 14:46
Sosumiand that means bringing back the intelistationFeb 01 14:46
Sosumiwhich in the past, used the same power variant used by apple on the powermacFeb 01 14:47
iophkit would be great if it meant some Power workstations or notebooks.Feb 01 14:47
SosumiyeahFeb 01 14:50
Sosumilets see how it'll be in a year from nowFeb 01 14:51
iophk 01 15:56 | 2014: The Year America Broke The Internet - Business Insider  [ ]Feb 01 15:56
schestowitz__iophk: Feb 01 16:28
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:28
schestowitz__Hello, Bradley.Feb 01 16:28
schestowitz__Here I would like to present the proof of thfsplus.ko labeled as "GPL" while being sold along with products (NAS storages in this case):Feb 01 16:28
schestowitz__ -> 01 16:28
schestowitz__It seems to me that Tuxera will at least have to open the code for the GPL product they sold. If it turnsFeb 01 16:29 | QNAP NAS Community Forum • View topic - HFS+ module  [ ]Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__out to be the case that they did with HFS+ what Samsung did with vfat.ko and exFAT, then it's up to FinnishFeb 01 16:29
schestowitz__authorities to deal with Tuxera's actions.Feb 01 16:29 | QNAP NAS Community Forum • Login  [ ]Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__Please feel free to forward the source code to me as an attachment in case Tuxera sends it to you via reply.Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__Thank you.Feb 01 16:29
schestowitz__-rxrzFeb 01 16:29
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:29
iophkinterestingFeb 01 16:30
schestowitz__release date drupal 8 is hard to figure outFeb 01 16:32
schestowitz__nobody gives even an estimateFeb 01 16:32
schestowitz__nut being slow to release is good for companieFeb 01 16:32
schestowitz__ 01 16:32 | when will drupal 8 release? | Drupal.orgFeb 01 16:32
schestowitz__iophk: maybe some Finns should liaise with rzrzFeb 01 16:33
schestowitz__she could use some help, with language, access etc.Feb 01 16:33
schestowitz__she's anonFeb 01 16:33
schestowitz__This is very effectiveFeb 01 16:33
schestowitz__she's effectively throwing patents on FSes like that down the drainFeb 01 16:34
schestowitz__and makes support for them possible without the red tapes, like patent payments of buying blobsFeb 01 16:34
schestowitz__This undermines Apple and Microsoft actions against Android, Tizen, etc.Feb 01 16:34
schestowitz__Drupal 8Feb 01 16:35
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:35
schestowitz__ou can check the release cycle for Drupal 8 here:Feb 01 16:35
schestowitz__ 01 16:35 | Drupal core release cycle | Drupal.orgFeb 01 16:35
schestowitz__Unfortunately there is no official release date yet.Feb 01 16:35
schestowitz__"Feb 01 16:35
iophk"The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view this forum."Feb 01 16:39
iophkqnapFeb 01 16:40
*yang has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Feb 01 16:53
*yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 17:01
iophkTxera are also bringing in sw patents through the back door by acting as if they are valid and paying/receiving money for them.  That hurts the interests of the EU badly.Feb 01 17:30
iophkThat might not be directly affecting the HFS issue, but might be important anyway.Feb 01 17:30
*iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Feb 01 17:45
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 17:53
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 17:53
Sosumialso new M$ CEO may be Satya NadellaFeb 01 17:54
Sosumia dude that has been already 20 years with M$Feb 01 17:54
MinceRandroidauthority says it might be sundar pichaiFeb 01 17:55
MinceRi don't see how that would workFeb 01 17:55
Sosumiand that probably belongs to the Balmer echo chamberFeb 01 17:55
Sosumiall I know is that M$Feb 01 17:55
Sosumineeds a john sculleyFeb 01 17:56
MinceRm$ has performed an illegal operation and needs to be shut downFeb 01 17:56
Sosumiand who else than a john sculley to wreck it to the ground?Feb 01 17:57
Sosumikind of like tim crook is already doing with crappleFeb 01 17:57
Sosumiios marketshare going downFeb 01 17:57
MinceRtim crook should hurry upFeb 01 17:58
MinceRcrApple is still doing too much damageFeb 01 17:58
Sosumino exact direction on their products, outside of the ever increasing locked gardenFeb 01 17:58
MinceRwhich the cultists loveFeb 01 17:58
MinceRas alwaysFeb 01 17:58
Sosumiwith the mac pro being the latest victimFeb 01 17:58
Sosumihelvetica neue (lol=Feb 01 17:58
Sosumiand just look at the iphone, it doesn't even feature a gorilla glass 3 screen coverFeb 01 17:59
Sosumieven through it is the most expensive phone aroundFeb 01 18:00
MinceRit also doesn't feature an open platformFeb 01 18:01
MinceRor real multitaskingFeb 01 18:01
Sosumino idea about the multitaskingFeb 01 18:01
MinceRthe set of background tasks is predefined and requires special APIsFeb 01 18:02
MinceRso less "multitasking" than in DOSFeb 01 18:02
MinceRwhere you'd have to hook interrupts but could at least do what you wantedFeb 01 18:02
SosumilolFeb 01 18:03
MinceRoh, also no common filesystemFeb 01 18:04
SosumiyepFeb 01 18:04
Sosumithey could just have built some sort of finder into itFeb 01 18:05
Sosumibut noFeb 01 18:05
MinceRthere was some bullshit said about needing a file manager being bad or somethingFeb 01 18:05
*freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 18:06
schestowitz__ 01 18:06 Whitewashing the #fed number cooking is not heroism, and economic gaps increaseFeb 01 18:06
schestowitz__"Strangely, most of the sites I read would use the title "The Douche"..."Feb 01 18:07
schestowitz__ 01 18:07 "The site of Bruce Perens site has been down for at least a few days." -iophk missing #technocratFeb 01 18:07
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Feb 01 18:07
schestowitz__"Site is up. It looks like a fresh Apache install or so."Feb 01 18:07
schestowitz__nginxFeb 01 18:07
iophkcontent down, though technically the site is upFeb 01 18:07
Sosumino idea, but having an user exposed file system would mean that the user wouldn't need to reset the phone in case some app broke and you could no longer access itFeb 01 18:07
Sosumialso, from what I heardFeb 01 18:08
iophkIt has been like that for a while.Feb 01 18:08
Sosumideleting an appFeb 01 18:08
Sosumidoesn't remove everything pertaining to the said appFeb 01 18:08
schestowitz__iophk: not many people know about the siiteFeb 01 18:08
schestowitz__let alone read itFeb 01 18:08
schestowitz__ 01 18:08 Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta  #ubuntu #linux #steamosFeb 01 18:08
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 18:08
schestowitz__"I kind of hate unetbootin. Never got it to work properly. That's probably just my fault though. SUSE Studio Imagewriter is the best, IMO. 'course, good old dd is nice too."Feb 01 18:08
*amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Feb 01 18:17
*msb__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 01 18:17
Sosumi 01 18:20 | Windows 8.1 Marketshare Right Behind Windows Vista | Digital Trends  [ ]Feb 01 18:20
*amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 18:21
SosumilolFeb 01 18:21
Sosumi 01 18:22
TechrightsBot-tr@thurrott: @quiggles It may not be selling as well as Vista.Feb 01 18:22
Sosumim$ went to the "trouble" (lol) of creating metroFeb 01 18:26
Sosumibut things that could actually increase productivityFeb 01 18:27
Sosumilike virtual desktops and "exposé" type features are non existentFeb 01 18:27
MinceReven crApple's virtual desktop is crippledFeb 01 18:32
Sosumibut at least they have oneFeb 01 18:58
*msb_ ( has joined #techrightsFeb 01 19:02
iophk 01 19:12 | Philip K. Dick Predictions - Business Insider  [ ]Feb 01 19:12
iophk 01 19:22 | Foreign government requests Bermuda to investigate Microsoft's Irish-linked subsidiaries  [ ]Feb 01 19:22
iophkThus the noise about the CEO choices.  It buries the real news.Feb 01 19:25
iophk 01 19:32 | Yahoo plans return to search engine roots with a vengeance : PERSONAL TECH : Tech Times  [ ]Feb 01 19:32
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has left #techrightsFeb 01 19:54
*iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 19:54
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 19:54
iophk 01 19:56 | David Cameron Says Snooper's Charter Is Necessary Because Fictional Crime Dramas He Watches Prove It | Techdirt  [ ]Feb 01 19:56
iophk 01 20:01 | BBC News - David Cameron wants fresh push on communications data  [ ]Feb 01 20:01
iophk 01 20:25 | Bermuda Sun: Tax probe into Bermuda based trio of Microsoft linked entities  [ ]Feb 01 20:25
iophkWhat about that bribery scandal from last year?  That too seems to have been brushed under the rug.Feb 01 20:25
*iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Feb 01 21:05
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 21:22
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 01 21:47
*DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 21:50
DaemonFC 01 22:12 | Sign our petition: America deserves a raise  [ ]Feb 01 22:12
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 22:25
DaemonFCFirst of all, their "Law of Similars" is ridiculous pseudo-scientific garbage. It makes a ridiculous claim that water has a "memory" of everything it has been exposed to, that the effect on the human body of a substance is greater the more diluted it is, and that the substance in question will cure diseases that cause similar symptoms of the substance that is claimed to be the active ingredient in the homeopathic solution. (The hair of the dog Feb 01 22:25
DaemonFCthat bit you?)/Feb 01 22:25
DaemonFCSecondly, there's no way to achieve the dilutions that they claim. One duck liver and heart would be more than enough to make all of the "Oscillococcinum" sold in the world (supposedly a flu remedy), and it would require more than 100 times more water than exists on the planet Earth to dilute it to the claimed dilution.Feb 01 22:25
DaemonFCThird, and purely ironic, the biggest company behind "homeopathic remedies" is a French company called Boiron, which rhymes with "Moron".Feb 01 22:25
DaemonFCEven though homeopathy is pseudo-scientific crap, it has a large base of followers, and you can find their little bottles of water and placebo pills at your local Walgreens. It's a multi-billion dollar per year business. Feb 01 22:25
DaemonFCAnd on that note, I'm going to take a leak. Please enjoy drinking an 8C dilution of my urine. I hope it's refreshing.Feb 01 22:25
DaemonFCIf it cures anything, let me know. Feb 01 22:25
MinceR:>Feb 01 22:27
MinceR"i got a homeopathic pill for my gullibility"Feb 01 22:28
DaemonFCYeah, it's a waste of money.Feb 01 22:46
DaemonFCIt's worse because you're not just wasting money, you're using placebo as an alternative to seeking medical attention.Feb 01 22:46
DaemonFCGovernments seem to regard homeopathy as benign.Feb 01 22:47
DaemonFCHeh. Oral B has decreased the prices of their electric toothbrushes, but slipped in a 25% price increase on the replacement heads.Feb 01 23:04
DaemonFCtime to balance the checkbookFeb 01 23:20
DaemonFC:PFeb 01 23:20
DaemonFCpay off the credit card again and see how much I have left until paydayFeb 01 23:20
DaemonFClolFeb 01 23:26
DaemonFCI used 356 GB of data last monthFeb 01 23:26
DaemonFCWell, my cable internet bill is up to $75.Feb 01 23:29
DaemonFCIf they're going to charge me for it, I might as well get my money's worth.Feb 01 23:29
DaemonFCThe city is now charging $5 for every bag of trash past two bags.Feb 01 23:40
DaemonFCI pointed out to my mom that since they didn't specify what a "bag" meant, that she should get one of those 55 gallon trash cans and put that in her kitchen.Feb 01 23:40
DaemonFCSo she did.Feb 01 23:40
MinceRwe were forced into a trash management contract and we're forced to pay even if we don't live at that house and don't produce trash thereFeb 01 23:47
MinceRbecause this is hungaryFeb 01 23:47
MinceRasshole of europeFeb 01 23:47
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCRomney said he was frugal and in touch with American voters because he compacted his trash to save $5 a month and only uses gratis apps on his $800 iBad.Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCPerhaps he also has a toothpaste squeezer in his bathroom. The world might never know.Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCI bet he got a great deal on his latest 11,000 square foot house, his several luxury cars, the car elevator... Maybe he even shops at Mens Wearhouse for his suits. You know that if you buy an $800 suite there, that sometimes they give you an extra one for only $100?Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCI bet he has plenty of tips for how people earning $8 an hour and no health insurance can live the high life. They just have to work even harder and eventually they'll "get what they deserve".Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCIn other words, perhaps they will be working for $8.05 an hour this time next year if they behave. Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFCerrr, suitFeb 01 23:52
DaemonFCMaybe I should walk in there like Sean Connery in Highlander.Feb 01 23:52
DaemonFC"The gentleman would like a suit of clothes!"Feb 01 23:53
MinceR:>Feb 01 23:53
DaemonFCI think that it's ridiculous to spend a lot of money on clothes.Feb 01 23:57
DaemonFCI usually wear t-shirts that I got in packs of four for about $10 and some jeans from kmart.Feb 01 23:57
MinceRespecially such impractical ones (suits)Feb 01 23:57
DaemonFCI'm in compliance with the laws that state that public nudity is a crime.Feb 01 23:58
DaemonFCI don't see why I should spend more than I have to.Feb 01 23:58
DaemonFC:DFeb 01 23:58
MinceR:>Feb 01 23:58
-->eebrah (~eebrah@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 03:46
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 04:30
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 04:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 04:36 Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive #mageia #pclinuxos #mandriva #gnu #linuxJan 26 04:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 04:36
Sosumi 26 05:01 | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 05:01
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOSJan 26 05:01
TweetTuxMachines                 Still Very Much Alive 26 05:01
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 05:01 | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Tux MachinesJan 26 05:01
Sosumianother reason why I favor either vanilla android or open source androidJan 26 05:07
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 05:09
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 26 05:17
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 26 05:18
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:18 Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution 26 05:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 05:18
schestowitz_bed2Sosumi: yeahJan 26 05:19
schestowitz_bed2Samsung is evikJan 26 05:19
schestowitz_bed2Like Sony, just not as badJan 26 05:19
schestowitz_bed2Sony is deep in the MAFIAA and DRM businessJan 26 05:19
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update  #samsung #ballnuxJan 26 05:23
Sosumisony actually went to the point of not even allowing audio cds on the ps4Jan 26 05:23
Sosumiin order to shove their music anywhere serviceJan 26 05:24
Sosumialso, no flac supportJan 26 05:24
iophkps3 was good until they pulled the ability to run Linux.Jan 26 05:25
iophkps4 ... mehJan 26 05:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:25 Geneva 26 05:25
Sosumips3 was okJan 26 05:26
iophkIt was heading a very good direction until they decided to reverse policy and block dual use.Jan 26 05:27
iophkIt would be interesting to find out the motivation for that move.Jan 26 05:27
Sosumibut I think that the lack of gpu acceleration out of the box was kind dumbJan 26 05:27
Sosumialthough folks were finding workaroundsJan 26 05:27
Sosumito a lesser extent, no ecc memory kind killed it for clusteringJan 26 05:27
Sosumialthough you could always use some error correcting algoJan 26 05:28
Sosumibut it was a cheap way to get access to the cellJan 26 05:29
Sosumiwithout overpaying for a cell computing board or rackJan 26 05:29
Sosumiand I'm all in for choice and optionsJan 26 05:29
Sosumiso shame on themJan 26 05:29
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 26 05:29
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #techrightsJan 26 05:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:31 reshared: keyboard pants...Jan 26 05:31
schestowitz_bed2"Spacebar! Ooooh yeah! Spacebar me now!"Jan 26 05:31
Sosumiplus, were there any games on the ps3 that awarded a purchase of the system?Jan 26 05:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:31 Obama's awkward moment 26 05:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | That Awkward Moment When... - CheezburgerJan 26 05:31
schestowitz_bed2"It's amazing how politicians can tell lies no matter how outrageous are."Jan 26 05:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:32 Murdoch's Fox 'news' makes you very, VERY stupid 26 05:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ancient tablet reveals new details about Noah's Ark prototype | Fox News  [ ]Jan 26 05:32
schestowitz_bed2"The world is awash in a rising tide of stupid shit nowadays."Jan 26 05:32
schestowitz_bed2"The "like" is for the comment."Jan 26 05:32
Sosumibecause, outside of wipeout, there were any actually good games on the thingJan 26 05:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:34 Bass 26 05:34
schestowitz_bed2"It seems that assholes are everywhere, not only in banana republics like mine."Jan 26 05:34
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:35 Utah is Ending Homelessness by Giving People Homes #utah #povertyJan 26 05:35
schestowitz_bed2"Interesting."Jan 26 05:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Utah is Ending Homelessness by Giving People Homes | NationofChange  [ ]Jan 26 05:35
Sosumisame could be said about the xbox 2, outside of some republished games like rez hd (dreamcast), geometry wars and the ninja gaiden series (the ones done by itagaki))Jan 26 05:35
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:35 On children's website, #NSA puts a furry, smiley face on its mission (anti) "CryptoKids"Jan 26 05:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On children's website, NSA puts a furry, smiley face on its mission |  [ ]Jan 26 05:35
schestowitz_bed2""In the world of diplomacy, knowing what your enemy is planning helps you to prepare". So are they finally admitting that see the rest of the world as an enemy?"Jan 26 05:35
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:36
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 05:36 Mac Asay deletes #chromebooks from history 26 05:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why The Linux Desktop Doesn't Matter Anymore – ReadWrite  [ ]Jan 26 05:36
schestowitz_bed2I think he has something of a point, in that most users will just pick the option Dell/HP tell them to and doesn't involve any work to get it running. They look at linux and see something complicated they can't trust, windows is the soma of computing.Jan 26 05:36
schestowitz_bed2That said, he's being a dick. He tied the whole thing to a sensationalist headline and completely ignored the fact thatJan 26 05:36
schestowitz_bed2    The linux desktop isn't irrelevant to the millions of people who use itJan 26 05:36
schestowitz_bed2    It's growingJan 26 05:36
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 05:36
schestowitz_bed2"Oh, and I feel so sorry for his friend Valerie if he advised her to switch to apple. I hope she didn't get scared away from trying new stuff just because of that."Jan 26 05:37
Sosumioutside of those "exclusives" I fail to actually name games that are exclusive to those systems and that manage to be better of what we find on the pcJan 26 05:37
Sosumiand it isn't looking better on this genJan 26 05:37
Sosumiwith the introduction of touch games and motion junk with camerasJan 26 05:38
Sosumiand voice recognitionJan 26 05:38
Sosumiwhich transmit all your data to the game publisherJan 26 05:38
Sosumialthough the portable consoles kind of look niceJan 26 05:39
Sosumiyou could just get an original pspJan 26 05:39
Sosumiand play games for cheapJan 26 05:39
Sosumiif you're into turn based strategy games and some nice platformersJan 26 05:40
Sosumithe disgaea series and the priny series are nice and can be bought dirt cheap on the second hand marketJan 26 05:41
Sosumialso, don't we have Davos conference around nowJan 26 05:42
Sosumiin which the failing oligarchs will be plotting to keep themselves afloatJan 26 05:43
Sosumiaka the survival of the unfitJan 26 05:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficialJan 26 05:44
TweetTuxMachines                 accessories via software updateJan 26 05:44
TweetTuxMachines        26 05:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 05:44 | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Tux MachinesJan 26 05:44
iophk 26 05:48 | FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report  [ ]Jan 26 05:48
*TweetTuxMachines @voidquest44 retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via...'Jan 26 05:53
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:54 reshared: #Programmierer #Feindschaft bis in den Tod !?!Jan 26 05:54
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 26 05:54
schestowitz_bed2iophk: anything specific?Jan 26 05:54
schestowitz_bed2"iophk: anything specific?bööse :)|Jan 26 05:55
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:56 reshared: #gifs #policeJan 26 05:56
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 26 05:56
schestowitz_bed2"this explains so much in a nutshell, the first reaction of the jackboot is to destroy, to maim and to use violence, without logical reflection or reason"Jan 26 05:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:57 reshared: # Biggest Hole Dug by Hand # Jan 26 05:57
schestowitz_bed2"Fascinating. Simply fascinating."Jan 26 05:57
schestowitz_bed2 26 05:57 Worse than Jobs: the man who added #apple to #nsa #prism 26 05:57
schestowitz_bed2“there is no back door. The government doesn’t have access to our servers. They would have to cart us out in box for that, and that will not happen.”Jan 26 05:57
schestowitz_bed2... And you don't believe Tim Cook?Jan 26 05:57
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 05:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tim Cook Talks NSA, Secrecy, and More with ABC News  [ ]Jan 26 05:57
SosumiTim CrookJan 26 05:57
iophkNothing specific that I know of but it would be interesting to know what caused Sony to do an about face on allowing Linux.Jan 26 05:58
Sosumisony had also allowed linux on the ps2Jan 26 06:00
Sosumito the point of even selling you a kitJan 26 06:00
iophkIt was a selling point.Jan 26 06:00
SosumiI think that was directed to the japanese marketJan 26 06:01
Sosumiin order to minimize the amount of occupied space at homeJan 26 06:01
Sosumisince flats in japan tend to be quite smallJan 26 06:01
iophkOnly the large ones are small.  The rest are much smaller.Jan 26 06:02
Sosumimore like a house fit for gnome or hobbitJan 26 06:02
Sosumiand since most ppl in the end always end up having a laptopJan 26 06:02
SosumiI think that was the idea behind thatJan 26 06:03
iophk 26 06:03 | Swedish Public Television Claims Copyright Publication Rights To Everybody's Sports Photos If Posted On Twitter - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 26 06:03
Sosumigiving folks a small footprint computerJan 26 06:03
Sosumithat doubles as a console and bluray playerJan 26 06:03
Sosumiwell, triplesJan 26 06:04
iophkbasically 3 device in oneJan 26 06:04
Sosumiand a docking station for the pspJan 26 06:04
Sosumiso 4 devices in oneJan 26 06:04
SosumiI actually bought a ps3 back in early 2009Jan 26 06:05
Sosumiin order to test cellJan 26 06:05
Sosumiofc that I returned the console after thatJan 26 06:05
schestowitz_bed2iophk: wowJan 26 06:06
schestowitz_bed2new lowJan 26 06:06
Sosumiand from what I could tell, at least the powerpc core was as fast as the 1.8 g5 Jan 26 06:06
Sosumithat crapple included on the base powermac g5 when they introduced the architectureJan 26 06:07
Sosumiand I couldn't get decent results from the SPEsJan 26 06:08
Sosumibut from my opinion, at that timeJan 26 06:08
Sosumiyou'd be better with one or more gtx 9800Jan 26 06:08
Sosuminew low? where? me buying the console?Jan 26 06:09
SosumiI had 15 days to test it out and then go back to the store and ask to be refundedJan 26 06:10
Sosumiso I got my 399€ back anywaysJan 26 06:10
Sosumiand sony got a console to recondition in order to sell it back again as newJan 26 06:11
iophkschestowitz_bed2: there were some web hosting services that tried to take ownership of everything that was uploaded and published on their machines.  I can't recall the name(s) right now, but I think they're not in business any more.Jan 26 06:13
iophkIt was more than a few years ago.Jan 26 06:13
schestowitz_bed2 26 06:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Your photos are not yours 26 06:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Mississippi is now the tenth state to consider legislation to ban cooperation with #NSA up from sixJan 26 06:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mississippi is now the tenth state to consider legislation to ban cooperation with NSA | Nullify NSA!Nullify NSA!Jan 26 06:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "THE NEWS" ❂ JUICE RAP NEWS ❂ SEASON 2 EP 1 real news, with humourJan 26 06:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | "THE NEWS"  ❂  JUICE RAP NEWS  ❂  SEASON 2  EP 1 - YouTubeJan 26 06:18
iophkI guess that kind of grab happens often still: 26 06:20 | Facebook to Instagram users: 'all your photos are belong to us' - The Tell - MarketWatch  [ ]Jan 26 06:20
schestowitz_bed2yeahJan 26 06:21
schestowitz_bed2I thought about this, BUT...Jan 26 06:21
schestowitz_bed2This is about WHERE you upload toJan 26 06:21
schestowitz_bed2Not WHERE you take the photoJan 26 06:21
iophkgood pointJan 26 06:21
iophktwitter is just an indeJan 26 06:21
schestowitz_bed2Also, 5 or 6 years ago I read about some place with a tree where if you took a photo, they claimed to own the copyrightsJan 26 06:21
iophkindexJan 26 06:21
schestowitz_bed2either way, there's a landgrab of copyrightsJan 26 06:22
schestowitz_bed2like all ownershiJan 26 06:22
schestowitz_bed2see what I write this morning about GatesJan 26 06:22
schestowitz_bed2he now invests directly in oppression of protestJan 26 06:22
schestowitz_bed2and made 15 billion last yearJan 26 06:22
schestowitz_bed2my personal hero /sarcasmJan 26 06:23
iophkUntil he starts handing out cash, it's just bluff and marketing no real philanthropy.Jan 26 06:23
schestowitz_bed2an afford to hire people with inside information Jan 26 06:23
schestowitz_bed2i.e. people who rig the marketsJan 26 06:23
iophkBut then maybe that's the point.Jan 26 06:23
schestowitz_bed2taking away from hopefuls who think that investment is a win to allJan 26 06:24
schestowitz_bed2wait for ZDNet et al. to use that to smear AndroidJan 26 06:24
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014Jan 26 06:28
TweetTuxMachines        26 06:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 06:28 | Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 26 06:28
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu LinuxJan 26 06:28
TweetTuxMachines                 Pre-installed PC Released By System76.Jan 26 06:28
TweetTuxMachines        26 06:28
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 06:28 | Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76.  | Tux MachinesJan 26 06:28
schestowitz_bed2 26 06:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 #tizen is back then... #linuxJan 26 06:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung has Tizen devices to show at MWC 2014 | MuktwareJan 26 06:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Windows is infecting #Android don't use Windows.Jan 26 06:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New malware uses Windows to infect Android devices | MuktwareJan 26 06:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76. #gnu #linux #ubuntuJan 26 06:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sable Complete All-in-one Ubuntu Linux Pre-installed PC Released By System76. | CrazyEngineersJan 26 06:29
schestowitz_bed2 26 06:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Limitations in #e17 (Enlightenment) make me yearn for KDE4: can't resize windows with SHIFT+mouse, Kipper needed. Good side: RAM miracle!Jan 26 06:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Latest Unity7 Update in #Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. #gnu #linuxJan 26 06:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. | CrazyEngineersJan 26 06:41
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #drones with legs, wheels, etc. 26 06:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army expects to replace a quarter of soldiers with robots by 2040 - SlashGearJan 26 06:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040 | MuktwareJan 26 06:41
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army Envisions More Robotic FutureJan 26 06:41
iophk 26 06:42 | Forever Peace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 26 06:42
schestowitz_bed2 26 06:43
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Now that assassination by flying robots (based on #nsa kill lists) has been made "normal" by the corporate, war-loving media we move furtherJan 26 06:43
schestowitz_bed2 26 06:45
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Remember that to the #nsa "undesirables" include journalists, whistleblowers, regulators, politicians, human rights groups, protestersJan 26 06:45
schestowitz_bed2 26 06:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: In #yemen the #obama administration helped the jailing of a journalist for daring to compete with US reporting (monopoly) on #drone strikesJan 26 06:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Jailing journalists and such not a novel concept (1990) Tocuhe! 26 06:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ex-official: Cia Helped Jail Mandela - Chicago TribuneJan 26 06:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | President Obama Poses for Selfie at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service - ABC NewsJan 26 06:48
iophk 26 06:50 | Strong majority in IMCO voted to defend net neutrality | Christian Engström, Pirate MEP  [ ]Jan 26 06:50
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 06:51 | open...: "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do...  [ ]Jan 26 06:51
schestowitz_bed2I contacted him and others yesterdayJan 26 06:51
schestowitz_bed2but I only found out it had gone online because you told meJan 26 06:51
iophkIt has a lot of valuable pages, it is of value to Heise and of negligible maintenance costs (I would expect) and it could probably be converted to static pages if the current software is too much trouble.Jan 26 06:53
schestowitz_bed2yeah, that tooJan 26 06:53
schestowitz_bed2instead thet try to bloster the ranking of their pro-MS and pro-Apple siteJan 26 06:54
schestowitz_bed2Heise.deJan 26 06:54
iophkThat may be the real motivation behind the closure: pound the M$ drumJan 26 06:56
iophkyay Bill!Jan 26 06:56
schestowitz_bed2maybe they can ask Bill to support the publicatiomn, toe HJan 26 06:57
schestowitz_bed2Bill says he likes sharingJan 26 06:57
schestowitz_bed2The H is about sharingJan 26 06:57
iophkAnd about promoting IT.  Bill says he likes promoting IT.Jan 26 06:57
schestowitz_bed2maybe bill can cobble together some lamp serverJan 26 06:58
schestowitz_bed2he's an uber-technical guyJan 26 06:58
schestowitz_bed2!google idiot wrote this code eller bill gatesJan 26 06:58
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - The Story of Steve Jobs: An Inspiration or a Cautionary Tale? | Wired ... | 26 06:58
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bill Gates: 'I wrote Steve Jobs a letter as he was dying. He kept it by ... | 26 06:58
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - The Secret Origin of Windows - Technologizer | 26 06:58
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Gates Says Biden, Clinton Would Make Good Presidents | 26 06:58
iophkyeah he invented the Inernet and PCs and sliced bread ...Jan 26 06:58
schestowitz_bed2wow, Bill really googlebombed it out of existenceJan 26 06:58
schestowitz_bed2mjust hgave cost a fortune to dump all those puff pieces on high pagerank sitesJan 26 06:59
iophkGoogle ranking is quite ephemeral especially where M$ can dump on it.Jan 26 06:59
iophkDuring the last week or so, one or more of the links posted mentioned Sweden's Carl Bildt leading some kind of commission to investigate NSA surveillance and overreach.  That's almost a conflict of interest given where he sits politically.  Jan 26 07:00
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:01
TechrightsBot-tr@GatoPreto19: @schestowitz Reporting Truth means Jail or Kill-Lists, nowadays.. Or was it that way since ever..Jan 26 07:01
schestowitz_bed2but not in the US. It used to be China, Russia....Jan 26 07:01
schestowitz_bed2yes, I wrote about this Bildt nonsenseJan 26 07:01
schestowitz_bed2he';s a friend of RoveJan 26 07:01
schestowitz_bed2And a hawkJan 26 07:01
schestowitz_bed2!google bildt nigger is a niggerJan 26 07:02
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - “A nigger is a nigger and a Swede is a Swede”. Top leaders of ... | 26 07:02
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Bildt's Party & Mandela's Darkies | Rixstep Industry Watch |,00.shtmlJan 26 07:02
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Twitter / wikileaks: “A nigger is a nigger and ... | 26 07:02
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - “A Swede is a Swede & a Jew is a Jew”, says Carl Bildt. Analysing ... | 26 07:02
iophkYes, he will go through the motions and conclude that there is not enough surveillance.Jan 26 07:02
schestowitz_bed2ah, wouldn't that be awesome for his mates?Jan 26 07:02
schestowitz_bed2I didn't even think about it like thatJan 26 07:02
schestowitz_bed2I just said it was comical and a PR attemptJan 26 07:03
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:04
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Finally it seems like people such as @glynmoody plan the use of #copyrights wisely everyone should do thisJan 26 07:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | open...: "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do...Jan 26 07:04
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUs #nvidia no good, def. not when it comes to freedomJan 26 07:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUsJan 26 07:04
iophkSome of the Swedish blog headlines translate to the goat being appointed head gardner or the the fox being appointed to watch the hen house and similarJan 26 07:04
iophk 26 07:05
iophk"Carl  Bildt is potentially one of the least suitable people to lead efforts  to chart the way for a freer and safer Internet for users"Jan 26 07:05 | Google Translate  [ ]Jan 26 07:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's WhatJan 26 07:12
TweetTuxMachines                 I Aim to Do... 26 07:12
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 07:12 | "The H Open" is Closed and Offline; Here's What I Aim to Do... | Tux MachinesJan 26 07:12
schestowitz_bed2   Jan 26 07:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of Drama #fedora #gnu #linux #redhatJan 26 07:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of DramaJan 26 07:22
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Europe's Highest Court Says DRM Circumvention May Be Lawful In Certain Circumstances #drm #copyrightJan 26 07:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Europe's Highest Court Says DRM Circumvention May Be Lawful In Certain Circumstances | TechdirtJan 26 07:22
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 07:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The claim that #bildt will "investigate" the #nsa seems like a PR ploy, possibly designed to help "find" that NSA actions are "lawful"Jan 26 07:24
schestowitz_bed2I will look at some NSA news nowJan 26 07:24
iophkWhich politicians or investigating politicians own, own stock in or have friends in companies that make money off of NSA surveillance?Jan 26 07:25
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 26 07:28
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Rich people: people are poor because they're lazy; Poor people, indoctrinated by rich people-owned media: I just need to work harder.Jan 26 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Back when I was in #davos it was known for skiing and calm. Now it's associated with white-collar crime 26 07:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | State of Power 2014: Exposing the Davos Class | ROAR MagazineJan 26 07:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #WEF held in #Davos so that the thieves can go check their bank accounts while they're traveling to "talk about poverty" in private jets.Jan 26 07:32
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:34
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Global warning is a problem, said man with a private jet, speaking about "giving" while hoarding additional $15.8bn 26 07:34
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution | TechrightsJan 26 07:34
<--eebrah has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 26 07:36
schestowitz_bed2LOLJan 26 07:39
schestowitz_bed2"Rep. Peter King on Saturday blasted a new resolution from the Republican National Committee concerning the National Security Agency,"Jan 26 07:39
schestowitz_bed2'KingJan 26 07:39
schestowitz_bed2!google peter kind wikileaksJan 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Peter King On Why Wikileaks Should Be Declared A Terrorist ... | 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Rep. Peter King: Prosecute WikiLeaks, Julian Assange - Jennifer ... | 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - Peter King: Declare Wikileaks A Terrorist Organization | 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - WikiLeaks Is A Terror Outfit: Rep. Peter King : It's All Politics : NPR | 26 07:39
schestowitz_bed2!google peter king wikileaksJan 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - Peter King On Why Wikileaks Should Be Declared A Terrorist ... | 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - Rep. Peter King: Prosecute WikiLeaks, Julian Assange - Jennifer ... | 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - WikiLeaks Is A Terror Outfit: Rep. Peter King : It's All Politics : NPR | 26 07:39
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - Congressman wants WikiLeaks listed as terrorist group - CNET News | 26 07:39
<--schestowitz_bed2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 26 07:42
-->schestowitz_bed2 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 26 07:43
iophk"Besides Bildt chaired we find in the group Michael Chertoff.  He worked for George W. Bush in the U.S. Homeland Security and was one of the brains behind the Patriot Act.  A brilliant name to protect the right to freedom and privacy online - from the NSA's perspective.  Another is Sir David Omand.  He was previously head of GCHQ. "Jan 26 07:44
iophk 26 07:44 | Google Translate  [ ]Jan 26 07:44
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa executives and facilitators should be trialled for #espionage 26 07:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Snowden NSA economic espionage claim broadcast as teaser to first TV interview | News | DW.DE | 26.01.2014Jan 26 07:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA also serves economic interests: Snowden interview  | South China Morning PostJan 26 07:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 26 07:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Tim Cook, who let the #nsa get access through #prism , says #NSA doesn't have "back door access" to Apple servers. #liar #timcook #appleJan 26 07:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: In a way, Tim Cook is correct; there are no back doors, none are needed. #apple is just granting the #nsa physical, free access to data.Jan 26 07:46
iophkfront-door access thenJan 26 07:47
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Get 'em while they're young," they say... 26 07:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA's website for kids isn't creepy. Nope. Not creepy at all.Jan 26 07:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "send an e-mail without worrying what it will look like on their permanent record." #nsaJan 26 07:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden Elaborates on NSA, Spying | Maximum PCJan 26 07:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hawk for #nsa shows no signs of abolishing. #CIA Post: "White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden declined to comment" 26 07:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Obama signs off on nomination of Rogers as NSA director - The Washington PostJan 26 07:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of DramaJan 26 07:56
TweetTuxMachines        26 07:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 07:56 | Fedora's Future Is Still Causing Lots Of Drama | Tux MachinesJan 26 07:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: You know we're seriously *ed when tech executives say to us there's no back door simply because NSA is secretly using front door (collusion)Jan 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Crushing people's morale 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Aldous Huxley saw it coming 26 07:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa is all about business, serving the oligarchs who own and control the nation 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA also serves economic interests: Snowden interview  < German news | Expatica GermanyJan 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA serves economic interests: Snowden | SBS NewsJan 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Death squads have assassinated eight trade union leaders in Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia." 26 07:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Stop Killer Coke! Death squads have assassinated eight trade union leaders in Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia. The Stop Killer Coke campaign holds the beverage giant responsible.Jan 26 07:58
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Politico continues to give a platform to radicals whatever gives them hitsJan 26 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Peter King slams RNC on NSA resolution - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.comJan 26 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "As it tries to protect us from the “bad guys,” the government has become more intrusive in our lives." 26 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Letter: NSA tramples freedoms - LettersJan 26 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why is it always ABC (clue: conflict of interest) that's whitewashing #apple abuses? Not even a pretense of independence in media anymore.Jan 26 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #cellphones : people "line up at stores to pay for the latest model of these monitoring devices." 26 08:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Diary: My NSA Nightmare Last Night | OpEdNewsJan 26 08:14
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How Many People Have Died in 5 Years of [Obama|NSA|CIA] #Drone Wars? ~2400 26 08:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How Many People Have Died in 5 Years of Drone Wars? - PolicyMicJan 26 08:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | FarsnewsJan 26 08:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Two former US officials criticize #drone war "military general and another top counter-terrorism advisor"Jan 26 08:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | :::  - Two former US officials criticize drone warJan 26 08:15
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "prosecutors are preparing to investigate allegations that  #CIA ran secret detention camps in the county's forests" 26 08:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Poland to probe secret CIA prisons | Europe | World BulletinJan 26 08:19
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies #germany #ebergyJan 26 08:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies | Beyond RevolutionJan 26 08:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: There are people who would work 60 hours per week for oligarchs and not spend one minute reading criticism, let alone attend a protest.Jan 26 08:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Neo-Feudalism a taboo 26 08:27
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:28 There are people who would work 60 hours per week for oligarchs and not spend one minute reading criticism, let alone attend a protest.Jan 26 08:28
schestowitz_bed2"They can't even walk their dogs: "Jan 26 08:29 | ### #WTF??Jan 26 08:29
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:42
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Definitely NOT to be used: hardware-level crypto (i.e. cryptic algo) in #amd #linux avoid, it's a US company. #nsaJan 26 08:42
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Linux 3.14 Supports AMD's Cryptographic CoprocessorJan 26 08:42
iophkforgetting the illegal per-processor fees they had to compete against:Jan 26 08:45
iophk 26 08:45 | Mac pioneers lauded as Apple celebrates 30 years of Macintosh computers |  [ ]Jan 26 08:45
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "It's alarming that few girls or students of color are taking computer science classes." 26 08:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | America's Coming Geek Gap | Mother JonesJan 26 08:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #linuxfoundation is trying hard to paint #linux development as multi-cultural and sex-agnostic. Commendable marketing, but unrealistic.Jan 26 08:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Foes of FOSS have for a long time tried to portray FOSS as causing the gender gap (in CS). This has become a good way to identify FOSS foes.Jan 26 08:55
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: It is widely known that the #cia traditionally used "human rights", "racism", and "women's rights" to justify (to public) economic coupsJan 26 08:55
schestowitz_bed2 26 08:55
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz there's a lot more women in proprietary dev than open source. those are the numbers.Jan 26 08:56
schestowitz_bed2If the difference is 5% versus, say, 15%, then it's not so statistically significant. I heard this argument before.Jan 26 08:56
schestowitz_bed2Negative discrimination plays a role in it. That is, contrary to the usual claims, companies often hire women for "balance"Jan 26 08:57
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:04
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz show me substantiation for this claimJan 26 09:04
schestowitz_bed2personal stories; for statistical substantiation, someone will need to fund super controversial studyJan 26 09:05
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:05
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz it's 1% versus 15%. there is actually a problem. burying your head in the sand is avoidant behaviour.Jan 26 09:05
schestowitz_bed21% for KDE maybe. Very different in FOSS companies, which also include various roles.Jan 26 09:06
schestowitz_bed2I work for a FOSS company where about half the staff is female, inc. technical rolesJan 26 09:07
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:07
TechrightsBot-tr@unclepete_100: @schestowitz Quelle surprise.Jan 26 09:07
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:07
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Digital footprints (spurious and unwanted), such as "utm_source=feedburner", show the infinite greed for offline #surveillance tooJan 26 09:07
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:10 Definitely NOT to be used: hardware-level crypto (i.e. cryptic algo) in #amd #linux avoid, it's a US company. #nsaJan 26 09:10
schestowitz_bed2"what do you use?"Jan 26 09:10
schestowitz_bed2One should use FOSS and not offload computation such as this to the co-processorJan 26 09:10
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fast and loose with the term "Insider Trading" which is a crime that's how some plutocrats get richerJan 26 09:20
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent Insider Trading: Facebook Inc (FB), Intel , Questcor, Red Hat, Texas Instruments, Verizon Communications | FX News CallJan 26 09:20
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New malware uses Windows to infect AndroidJan 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 devices 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Pwnium hackathon: Google offers over $2 millionJan 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 in rewards 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 09:21 | New malware uses Windows to infect Android devices | Tux MachinesJan 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 FeaturesJan 26 09:21 | Pwnium hackathon: Google offers over $2 million in rewards | Tux MachinesJan 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ ThemingJan 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 Support. 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 09:21 | Latest Unity7 Update in Ubuntu 14.04 Features Anti-aliased Windows & Full GTK3+ Theming Support. | Tux MachinesJan 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better SupportJan 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines                 for RAW Images 26 09:21
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 09:21 | gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW Images | Tux MachinesJan 26 09:21
MinceRgeekingsJan 26 09:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:35 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 26 09:35
schestowitz_bed2TV is the appeal for others to find for you what you might find entertaining, usually because one cannot entertain oneselfJan 26 09:36
MinceRdunno, i watch more tv programs on the web than on the tv :>Jan 26 09:37
schestowitz_bed2 26 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Reading as an 'app' 26 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: CNN, after firing journalists in droves, warns #twitter and #facebook 26 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Opinion: Why Twitter should watch its back - CNN.comJan 26 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Google is watching you, with the help of fools who pay top bucks for #CCTV equipment 26 09:38
Sosumipict of the dayJan 26 09:57
Sosumi 26 09:57
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 26 09:57
SosumiTPPzilaJan 26 09:57
schestowitz_bed2I see they've inserted some conpiracy theories into itJan 26 10:04
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:04 via @{Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) ;} Jan 26 10:04
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 26 10:06
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:08
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Discussion and education, one person at a time 26 10:08
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Even the US government won't use US phones US phones have back doors.Jan 26 10:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | chycho: The Irony and the Hypocrisy, the U.S. Department of Defense Is Using Blackberry for Its Privacy (Update on The Surveillance State)Jan 26 10:14
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 26 10:24
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 26 10:24
schestowitz_bed2iophk: 26 10:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Shortly after #billgates started to bribe 'guardian' it became very Google-hostile, even when #microsoft does worse 26 10:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why Google Android software is not as free or open-source as you may think | Technology | theguardian.comJan 26 10:25
schestowitz_bed2Charles Arhur againJan 26 10:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW Images #gnome #gnu #linux #softwareJan 26 10:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | gThumb 3.3.1 Image Viewer Has Better Support for RAW ImagesJan 26 10:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison uber benchmark. #linux #phoronixJan 26 10:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card ComparisonJan 26 10:25
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hacking Open the Data Center #sharingJan 26 10:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hacking Open the Data Center | Re/codeJan 26 10:30
schestowitz_bed2it's good to see phoronic returning to hardware science and journalism as opposed to gossip and personalities cultJan 26 10:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #nsa #dropbox is worth a lot of money, but to who?  #datahoarding #marketing #prism #masssurveillance #surveillanceJan 26 10:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Morning Download: Dropbox’s $10 Billion Valuation Shows Pull of Consumerization - The CIO Report - WSJJan 26 10:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA: Monetising/extorting millions of fools who upload their data to some remote (in US) server and take cameras (phones) to their bathroomJan 26 10:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The best alternative for #dropbox is called "hard drive" (it's this thing you put in your machine), not #nsa traps: 26 10:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | 5 Dropbox alternatives for the small business - Computer Business ReviewJan 26 10:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "According to a new report by Splashdata, the most common password in 2013 was “123456”" 26 10:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ‘Password’ no longer the Internet’s worst password | GulfNews.comJan 26 10:45
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:49 | Twitter, Box, and Dropbox attracting hordes of employees away from tech giants | VentureBeat | Business | by Rebecca Grant  [ ]Jan 26 10:49
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:53
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #outage at #nsa #dropbox "was caused by internal maintenance," according to DropBox. Setting up more doors for NSA? 26 10:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hackers claim responsibility for Dropbox outage (Wired UK)Jan 26 10:53
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "US Investigative Journalist Michael Hastings told an incredible story when he returned from his 2010 trip" 26 10:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How economic warfare killed the People's Bank — RT Op-EdgeJan 26 10:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics CardJan 26 10:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Comparison 26 10:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 10:56 | 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison | Tux MachinesJan 26 10:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Hacking Open the Data CenterJan 26 10:56
TweetTuxMachines        26 10:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 10:56 | Hacking Open the Data Center | Tux MachinesJan 26 10:56
schestowitz_bed2 26 10:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hidden ownership (also of the corporate media, as a World Bank whistleblower explained last year) 26 10:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Science "another religion" response 26 10:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #FBI priorities 26 10:59
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:00
schestowitz_bed2Why is Jobs overlaid on top of the British flag? That disgraceful sociopath was not British.Jan 26 11:00
XFaCEschestowitz_bed2: what search engine would you recommend?Jan 26 11:07
schestowitz_bed2none at the momentJan 26 11:14
schestowitz_bed2ixquick sold outJan 26 11:14
schestowitz_bed2and I don't know what to use anymoreJan 26 11:14
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: New Screenshots Galleries :Instructionals : Games 26 11:15
XFaCEthere's always that p2p oneJan 26 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New Screenshots Galleries | TechrightsJan 26 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 26/1/2014: Instructionals | TechrightsJan 26 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 26/1/2014: Games | TechrightsJan 26 11:15
XFaCEschestowitz_bed2: how did they sell out exactly?Jan 26 11:15
XFaCEI missed the tweet/articleJan 26 11:15
XFaCEor rather I can't remember what it saidJan 26 11:15
schestowitz_bed2they signed up with Google last yearJan 26 11:25
schestowitz_bed2AdSense and stuffJan 26 11:25
schestowitz_bed2they also opened an office and server side in the USJan 26 11:25
schestowitz_bed2So it is no longer a Dutch thing, and the government can force them to hand over users' daraJan 26 11:26
schestowitz_bed2*dataJan 26 11:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:26 Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive #mageia #pclinuxos #mandriva #gnu #linuxJan 26 11:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Mageia 4 Out Next Week, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS Still Very Much Alive | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 11:26
schestowitz_bed2"Tanx Roy, I have just installed mageia 3 in my nephew's laptop, an old Dell precision notebook, so I'm not happy to view this fast upgrade trend. In my opinion the cycles release could be more time long. One or one and half year are too much short. Ok the Mageia is a cutting-edge distribution but I like a more LTS version. Bye the way Mageia rulezzz :)"Jan 26 11:26
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:30
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hear, see, speak 26 11:30
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:31 | Ximion's Blog  » Blog Archive   » Next stop: FOSDEM’14  [ ]Jan 26 11:31
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:37
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Making #apple even angrier at #android 26 11:37
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How to Give your Android Smartphone the iOS 7 Look | TechSourceJan 26 11:37
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Screenshots 26 11:42
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 11:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 26 11:42
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 11:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 26 11:42
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 11:42 | Leftovers: Screenshots | Tux MachinesJan 26 11:42 | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 26 11:42 | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJan 26 11:42
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Interview: Linus #Torvalds - "I don't read code any more" reposted, still interestingJan 26 11:46
TechrightsBot-tr-> | open...: Interview: Linus Torvalds - "I don't read code any more"Jan 26 11:46
schestowitz_bed2 26 11:48 | Why the Military Industrial Complex Needs Al-Qaeda, the Best Enemy Money Can Buy |  [ ]Jan 26 11:48
schestowitz_bed2'When Ted Cruz infamously warned against the U.S. acting as “Al-Qaeda’s air force,” he was referring to White House support for rebel jihadists in Syria, the most effective of whom represent groups like ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra."Jan 26 11:48
schestowitz_bed2Lost up north 26 12:00
MinceR 26 12:02 | Obama Wants to Give Your Toys to Other Kids - CheezburgerJan 26 12:02
MinceR 26 12:05 | What the Government Thinks of Citizens Who Want Their Privacy - CheezburgerJan 26 12:05
iophk 26 12:07
iophk 26 12:07 | German TV: Edward Snowden says NSA is involved in industrial sabotage | World news |  [ ]Jan 26 12:07 | German TV: Snowden Says NSA Also Spies On Industry  [ ]Jan 26 12:07
-->synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJan 26 12:16
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schestowitz_bed2 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "leaders want to officially state their displeasure with federal military policy during the “war on..."" (dissent) 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | States Say “Stop” to NDAA | American Free PressJan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ndaa Nullification "Trend Is Spreading" "nullify unconstitutional acts of the federal government."Jan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Wall Street Journal Takes Notice: Nullification "Trend Is Spreading"Jan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ndaa = "presidential authority, to arrest, kidnap, detain without trial and hold indefinitely American citizens" 26 12:24
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: British MPs demand scrutiny of US military bases amid spying reports based that help maim and killJan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | British MPs demand scrutiny of US military bases amid spying reports — RT NewsJan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #cia did not give #Karzai ENOUGH black bags full of cash #drones #assassinationJan 26 12:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Karzai to US: Start talks with Taliban or leave  – The Express TribuneJan 26 12:24
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:26
schestowitz_bed2"One and half year is not enough for me. If I Installed mageia3 3 month late and I don't want the risk to have a not supported O.S., I have only one year of true use of mageia. I must to upgrade some months in advance because: * buy new hardware (HD, SSD) * have time to upgrade * buy flash memory for safety backup * have time to set-up the new DE (Desktop environment) if is a new installation (/home preserved) * ecc ecc usually I Jan 26 12:26
schestowitz_bed2have both the old mageia and the new because the troubles with the hardware and software often occurs."Jan 26 12:26
schestowitz_bed2"Mageia is the best distribution for me, I'm a Mageia supporter so I criticize It ;)"Jan 26 12:26
schestowitz_bed2'Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2Google's been doing an awfully good job of generating its own home-grown hostility.Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2From 1998 to about 2005, I was overwhelmingly supportive of the company.Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2With the release of Gmail, I started to have my concerns. It's a good product, but handing my search and email data to the same company calls for a huge investment of trust.Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2Over the 2.5 years I've watched Google+ play out and develop, my attitude has turned sharply negative. The company's behavior cannot simply be seen as benign, as I've noted, even with the best of intentions, [Google cannot protect its users against a nation-sized advanced persistent threat.Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2And I'm no longer convinced in the least Google has the best of intentions.Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2Search + mail + phone + Nest ....Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2Really, the uncanny valley of creepiness has been well and truly entered.Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 26 12:27
schestowitz_bed2 26 12:27 | Schmidt: My biggest mistake is still not realizing my biggest mistake : dredmorbius  [ ]Jan 26 12:27
<--iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 26 13:10
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-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 26 14:11
sebsebseb Jan 26 14:11
roy_heyJan 26 14:41
roy_ 26 14:42
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @schestowitz @glynmoody how extremely annoyingJan 26 14:42
roy_ 26 14:43 Patents Roundup: SCOTUS, Qualcomm, and ‘Beneficial’ ‘Innovations’ (Patent Troll) #scotus #swpats #foss #linuxJan 26 14:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Patents Roundup: SCOTUS, Qualcomm, and ‘Beneficial’ ‘Innovations’ (Patent Troll) | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 14:43 Bringing #TheH Open/H-Online Articles Back Online Without Help From #Heise hopefully, others can follow @glynmoodyJan 26 14:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bringing The H Open/H-Online Articles Back Online Without Help From Heise | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 14:43 Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United StatesJan 26 14:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States | Techrights  [ ]Jan 26 14:43
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 26 15:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 15:02 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 26 15:02
roy_ 26 15:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Today in Techrights #techrightsJan 26 15:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 26 15:03
roy_ 26 15:12 Conclusion of the day re #e17 : plasma-desktop (KDE4) can be run under Enlightenment but it's windowed and klipper still not supportedJan 26 15:12
roy_ 26 15:14
TechrightsBot-tr@EllieAsksWhy: @davidgerard Articles were to remain accessible! I didn't know you read H-Online. I liked the fora, only read though, shy @schestowitzJan 26 15:14
iophkIs there a good link to a promise to keep The H articles online?  Or was that on the H site itself?Jan 26 15:15
roy_ 26 15:18 | Doves released in the Vatican are immediately attacked by seagull and crow | Mail Online  [ ]Jan 26 15:18
roy_On The HJan 26 15:18
roy_dj said soJan 26 15:18
iophkWas it more advertising money from M$ which motivated them to pull the plug?Jan 26 15:19
iophk 26 15:33
iophkPS4 ? Jan 26 15:33 | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 26 15:33
MinceRthe article claims that's linux-basedJan 26 15:34
iophkYeah, it looked that way. Jan 26 15:35
Sosumi 26 15:35 | Streaming comes to Steam: run on your gaming rig, play on your laptop | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 26 15:35
iophkMaybe using the M$ definition where all non-M$ stuff is "linux"Jan 26 15:35
Sosumiawesome and works on linux tooJan 26 15:35
Sosumiand it is local streamingJan 26 15:37
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 26 15:40
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 16:39
MinceRgnJan 26 16:43
roy_ 26 17:11 How To See All The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook — And Block ThemJan 26 17:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | See All The Companies That Are Tracking You On Facebook — And Block Them - Business Insider  [ ]Jan 26 17:11 ARD - Interview mit Edward Snowden 26 01 2014 #abc acts as though it's surprisedJan 26 17:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ARD - Interview mit Edward Snowden 26 01 2014 - YouTube  [ ]Jan 26 17:11 It's time to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry IMG: 26 17:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | It's time to stop investing in the fossil fuel industry | Bill McKibben  | Comment is free |  [ ]Jan 26 17:12
roy_ 26 17:27 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 17:27 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 17:27 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 26 17:27
roy_ 26 17:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell #ibm #nsaJan 26 17:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell | TechrightsJan 26 17:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA director 26 17:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Saving world 26 17:28
roy_ 26 17:31
<--synchris has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 26 18:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA AreJan 26 18:16
TweetTuxMachines                 a Company’s Death Knell 26 18:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategyJan 26 18:17
TweetTuxMachines                 in the living room' 26 18:17 | IBM Shows That Collaborations With the NSA Are a Company’s Death Knell | Tux MachinesJan 26 18:17
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 26 18:17 | Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' | Tux MachinesJan 26 18:17
roy_ 26 18:19 | Bodhi Guide to Enlightenment - Shelves and Gadgets  [ ]Jan 26 18:19
roy_ 26 18:19 | Everything for your Enlightenment Desktop -  E17-Stuff.orgJan 26 18:19
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:27
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<--freedomrun has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 26 18:42
roy_wowJan 26 18:44
roy_I think elive being non-free led to this: 26 18:44 | Group E17-Stuff.orgJan 26 18:44
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 18:59
roy_ 26 19:00 Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' #steam #gnu #linuxJan 26 19:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Steam Machines 'a big step forward for strategy in the living room' | Tux MachinesJan 26 19:00 While experimenting with gadgets, themes, extensions for Enlightenment I found this group, maybe ELive-associated 26 19:00
<--Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: Cirrus_Minor)Jan 26 20:17
DaemonFCI'm so mad right now.Jan 26 21:27
DaemonFCSomehow, Facebook posted a timeline update with a picture that my bf posted of his ex last year before he met me.Jan 26 21:27
DaemonFCand it flagged it as a new postJan 26 21:27
DaemonFCSo I called him and screamed at him, and then he had no idea what I was angry about.Jan 26 21:28
DaemonFCNothing good ever comes from Facebook.Jan 26 21:28
DaemonFCI'm considering switching back to Kubuntu. I've used Fedora for a little over a year.Jan 26 22:06
DaemonFCThe 14.04 LTS will have components that are new enough to do everything I want to do.Jan 26 22:07
<--freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Jan 26 22:21
DaemonFC 26 22:26
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 26 22:35
DaemonFC 26 23:26 | Coca-Cola Wants to Share a Coke, But Not With Gay People  [ ]Jan 26 23:26
DaemonFCI don't like Coke much anyway.Jan 26 23:26
DaemonFCWhen I go out to eat these days, I get water.Jan 26 23:27
DaemonFCThe price of Coke products at restaurants has gotten so bad that it can add $3 to your bill for each person.Jan 26 23:27
DaemonFCTim and I just get water when we go out for dinner.Jan 26 23:27
DaemonFCI had a waiter at Applebees try to bring me a "Dasani" bottled water and charge me $2 for it.Jan 26 23:28
DaemonFCI told him "No, that's not what I wanted. I wanted tap water.Jan 26 23:28
DaemonFCSo now I specify "tap water".Jan 26 23:28
DaemonFCWho pays $2 for a 20 ounce bottle of water?Jan 26 23:29
DaemonFCTim needs new tires. His rear tires are worn down so bad that they're bald. He had one go flat so I put some tire slime in it and reinflated it.Jan 26 23:34
DaemonFCYou don't want to do that to a tire that has lots of tread left on it, because then nobody will patch it.Jan 26 23:35
DaemonFCBut the tire is basically finished and he just needs to get around for a few more days on it.Jan 26 23:35
DaemonFCI run mine down until they're bald too, unless it's winter.Jan 26 23:37
DaemonFCTires have really gotten expensive, because the federal government is imposing import tariffs on them now.Jan 26 23:37
DaemonFCA $55 tire in 2007 is now an $85 tire. :PJan 26 23:37
DaemonFCSo if you can run them for a few more months, it makes sense to do that.Jan 26 23:38
DaemonFC 26 23:46 | Fiber one bars...good or bad 4 u? |  [ ]Jan 26 23:46
DaemonFCFiber bars remind me of that "bad gas explosion" question on that IQ test.Jan 26 23:46
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 27 02:20
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DaemonFC 27 02:48 | Evil Triumphs: Satanic Birds Attack Pope's Peace Doves  [ ]Jan 27 02:48
DaemonFCLOLJan 27 02:48
DaemonFCMinceR will like that.Jan 27 02:48
DaemonFC"The children were young, impressionable, and are now likely ruined."Jan 27 02:49
DaemonFCAnd that was just from being raped by the priests before seeing the birds attacked.Jan 27 02:49
DaemonFC:PJan 27 02:49
DaemonFC 27 02:58
DaemonFC 27 03:16 | Why The Linux Desktop Doesn't Matter Anymore – ReadWrite  [ ]Jan 27 03:16
DaemonFCMatt Asay writes an anti-Linux hit piece.Jan 27 03:16
<--ohama has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 27 03:42
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<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 27 04:09
MinceRgeekingsJan 27 04:13
MinceRDaemonFC: awesomeJan 27 04:14
MinceRif they knew a bit about how doves behave, they wouldn't have associated peace with themJan 27 04:22
MinceRanywayJan 27 04:22
gde33I just had the thought that net neutrality might be a bad ideaJan 27 04:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung, Google sign patent dealJan 27 04:29
TweetTuxMachines        27 04:29
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 04:29 | Samsung, Google sign patent deal | Tux MachinesJan 27 04:29
gde33I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 04:29
gde33if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 04:29
iophkI know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. Jan 27 04:30
gde33it might just be great if you had to pay for thingsJan 27 04:30
iophkMaybe it will be really great if the carriers can charge for both ends of the connection instead of just the one.Jan 27 04:30
gde33it seems nesasaryJan 27 04:31
iophkAnd thus kill the goose that has been laying the golden eggs.Jan 27 04:31
gde33the alternative is to create google and bling monstersJan 27 04:31
*TweetTuxMachines @RanjibDey retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Samsung, Google sign patent deal'Jan 27 04:31
gde33I'm not so sure about thatJan 27 04:32
iophkFalse dichotomy.  The net, with net neutrality, has made a lot of money for a lot of people and their businesses.  Jan 27 04:32
gde33I think people who make it their goal not to earn money are never going to have the influence they seekJan 27 04:32
iophkThere's probably precious few small businesses without a web presence.Jan 27 04:32
iophkAnything bigger has a serious web site.Jan 27 04:33
gde33it isn't a system that favors the little guy at allJan 27 04:33
gde33it favors the big and fat Jan 27 04:33
iophkEliminating net neutrality will eliminate the little guy all together.Jan 27 04:33
gde33nonsenseJan 27 04:33
iophkToo many fees.Jan 27 04:33
iophkDouble billing .Jan 27 04:33
gde33I would just get an internet contract with those things as wellJan 27 04:33
<--ohama has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 27 04:33
gde33not doubleJan 27 04:33
gde33just have those pay who should payJan 27 04:34
gde33google is earning 50 bucks for a clickJan 27 04:34
iophkThey already are.  Jan 27 04:34
gde33I have to pay for the pipe?Jan 27 04:34
gde33make me laugh?Jan 27 04:34
iophkThey're paying already.Jan 27 04:34
iophkYou're paying for your end already.Jan 27 04:34
-->ohama ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 04:34
gde33people also dont aperciate content if it is freeJan 27 04:34
iophk"content"Jan 27 04:34
iophkIt's already paid for.Jan 27 04:34
gde33dont apperciate anythign that is freeJan 27 04:34
gde33take it for grantedJan 27 04:35
iophkName one web site that is not paid for by somebody or some company / org?Jan 27 04:35
iophkIt's all paid for, plenty of money sloshing around out there now.Jan 27 04:35
gde33no offense to poor people but that type of traffic just isn't worth the bandwithJan 27 04:36
iophk"Name one web site that is not paid for by somebody or some company / org?"Jan 27 04:36
gde33that is just to pay for the centraly controlled server design flawJan 27 04:38
MinceR102940 < gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 04:38
MinceRfame or fun is often enough rewardJan 27 04:38
gde33no it isn'tJan 27 04:38
iophkor actual moneyJan 27 04:38
iophkVolkswagen makes money off of their web presence.Jan 27 04:38
iophkSo does Netflix.Jan 27 04:38
gde33I want to be an artist and make a living doing that, if my art sucks it wont work I understand that, if it doesn't suck I would need a day job with it?Jan 27 04:38
gde33the audience is just cheapJan 27 04:39
gde33thats what is wrongJan 27 04:39
gde33want the fruits of my labor for freeJan 27 04:39
MinceRalso, eliminating net neutrality will merely increase the barriers to entry for little guysJan 27 04:39
gde33I'm trying but it is very limitedJan 27 04:39
gde33I'm not seeing thatJan 27 04:40
MinceRalso, not all artists make a living from artJan 27 04:40
iophkMost art only has value after the demise of the artist.  Jan 27 04:40
gde33I think you should spend your money how you likeJan 27 04:40
iophkMany famous works are that way.Jan 27 04:41
gde33if that shuold be made impossible we should get rid of moneyJan 27 04:41
gde33dont blame the internet for how things work?Jan 27 04:41
iophkSo why are you blaming the net then?Jan 27 04:41
gde33my curiosity was triggered by it not being such a bad idea as it seemed at firstJan 27 04:42
iophkNothing stops you for putting up a paywall on your site.Jan 27 04:42
gde33lots of things stop me from doing thatJan 27 04:42
gde33how would you like to pay?Jan 27 04:43
iophkOffer several options.Jan 27 04:43
gde33howabout a contract with your service providerJan 27 04:43
iophkNo ISPs that I know of offer gated communities in that way.Jan 27 04:44
iophkYou need to set up your own paywall..Jan 27 04:44
gde33every man for himselfJan 27 04:44
gde33or else it wouldn't be neutralJan 27 04:44
gde33lmaoJan 27 04:44
gde33it isn't going to workJan 27 04:44
iophkIt works for some.Jan 27 04:44
gde33it should be a subscription systemJan 27 04:44
iophkIt seems to work for NetflixJan 27 04:44
gde33so that I can get packages with stuff in themJan 27 04:45
MinceRso, every isp/media conglomerate for itself?Jan 27 04:45
gde33we need a system to get the money from the end user into the developer pocketsJan 27 04:45
gde33the ISP is THE way to do thisJan 27 04:45
schestowitz_bed2 27 04:45
TechrightsBot-tr@andrew_roffey: @schestowitz it looks like @glynmoody has his blog licensed as CC0 which means it should be easier for his work to be republishedJan 27 04:45
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @andrew_roffey @schestowitz yupJan 27 04:45
iophkYou're talking net tax instead now.Jan 27 04:45
gde33there we have evidence of payments, known customer base etc etcJan 27 04:45
MinceRthere are many micropayment providers, there could be even moreJan 27 04:46
iophkflattr, bitcoin, moneybookers, etc.Jan 27 04:46
MinceRbitcoin and the like might also be usedJan 27 04:46
gde33my paywall would burn off 99.999% of my trafficJan 27 04:46
gde33not that traffic would happen of courseJan 27 04:46
schestowitz_bed2 27 04:46
iophkI feel bad for the fellow who bought a pizza with a large number of bitcoins a few years back.Jan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: [RT]  Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States … #amd #linux #nsaJan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Never Ever Use Coprocessors for Cryptology, Especially If Implemented in the United States | TechrightsJan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Samsung, Google sign patent deal #patent #samsung #google #androidJan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung, Google sign patent deal - MuktwareJan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Privacy News: Ten States Against the NSA, Snowden Speaks About Espionage #nsa #privacyJan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Privacy News: Ten States Against the NSA, Snowden Speaks About Espionage | TechrightsJan 27 04:47
MinceRso you'd instead force the users to pay through the one ISP that's available in their area?Jan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life remember when the #fbi sent letters with death threats?Jan 27 04:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My LifeJan 27 04:47
gde33iophk: I use to lurk the channel read the daily bitcoin skepticJan 27 04:47
iophk 27 04:47 | The Bitcoin Pizza Purchase That's Worth $7 Million Today - Forbes  [ ]Jan 27 04:47
gde33iophk: those would all be milionares now :PJan 27 04:47
MinceRand have the isp block your site if they don't want to let you sell access?Jan 27 04:47
MinceRfor example, if they run a competing siteJan 27 04:47
gde33that should be the only excuse not to grant accessJan 27 04:48
gde33running the wrong payment processor is not a good excuse not to make moneyJan 27 04:48
gde33I wish the internet worked with real id'sJan 27 04:48
gde33seriouslyJan 27 04:48
MinceRbut competing with an isp/media conglomerate is?Jan 27 04:48
gde33some sort of system that makes it worth to create contentJan 27 04:49
iophkDefine content.Jan 27 04:49
gde33say you sit yourself down and write a bookJan 27 04:49
gde33now you are going to publish it on the internetJan 27 04:50
iophkSo far the net is empty with no info at all out there.  Not even one service or product yet.  We've got all this connectivity and waiting with no results yet...Jan 27 04:50
gde33now you need multinationals because that is net neutralityJan 27 04:50
gde33writing for the enemyJan 27 04:50
gde33lolJan 27 04:50
iophkPublish via a publisher.  There are many to choose from.  It can be a small publisher.Jan 27 04:50
gde33it wont workJan 27 04:51
gde33it just doesnt workJan 27 04:51
iophkNope. No e-books have happened yet.  We're still waiting for them.Jan 27 04:51
MinceRyeah, it's not like people are making money by selling booksJan 27 04:51
MinceRright nowJan 27 04:51
gde33it doesnt work because the deal doesn't depend on the quality of the workJan 27 04:51
MinceRin the model you propose, it would depend a lot less on the quality of the workJan 27 04:51
MinceRit would depend only on which isp manages to get a monopoly where you liveJan 27 04:52
gde33not that I dont apperciate the crusade against the monopoly but we seem to have lost that war alreadyJan 27 04:52
MinceRso let's give up and hand everything else to the winners, too?Jan 27 04:53
gde33if you want a stable system you have to accept a bit of bad works that go unpunishedJan 27 04:53
MinceRthat's not a "bit"Jan 27 04:54
gde33MinceR: not at allJan 27 04:54
iophkgde33: name one site that is not paid for alreadyJan 27 04:54
gde33just look at all perspectives, apperciate the view, then try find something betterJan 27 04:54
gde33I could most likely still make a popular website, but when I did I hated the attention.Jan 27 04:55
gde33you need thousands of people, then you still earn nothing.Jan 27 04:55
gde33you have to plaster the pages with advertisement to get tiny revenue :PJan 27 04:56
iophkThen you need a better business plan...Jan 27 04:56
gde33the web needs oneJan 27 04:56
gde33the content creator should be judged by his content, now how he plays the search engine lottoJan 27 04:56
MinceRyour scheme would merely force users to pay whoever wins the search engine lotteryJan 27 04:57
gde33not the userJan 27 04:57
MinceRor whoever diverts the user's browser using whatever exploit worksJan 27 04:57
gde33the packages should be tailored just like television stationsJan 27 04:58
gde33just like you get a bunch of magazinesJan 27 04:58
gde33because the web is so big you can do huge numbers of themJan 27 04:58
iophkI see.  The net is too open and the cable tv model is more appropriate, you say.Jan 27 04:58
gde33it has it's advantagesJan 27 04:59
DaemonFCI think that DRM might be losing more sales for them than it's worth.Jan 27 04:59
iophkI haven't seen any.  Most I've seen myself and heard from others is that the cable tv model, with bundling, is a liability.Jan 27 04:59
iophkDRM does cost sales.Jan 27 04:59
MinceR105810 < gde33> the packages should be tailored just like television stationsJan 27 05:00
gde33we would get ourselves the FOSS package and read delicious FOSS blogs the whole monthJan 27 05:00
MinceRso, you get a bunch of sites your isp happens to likeJan 27 05:00
MinceRnot the ones you wantJan 27 05:00
MinceRthat's a great business model, yeahJan 27 05:00
DaemonFCMinceR: Right. I remember asking Comcast repeatedly to carry LOGO.Jan 27 05:00
gde33whoever wants to make the selectionJan 27 05:00
MinceRif you live in a fantasy where every isp likes your site that muchJan 27 05:00
DaemonFCThey finally did, over two years later.Jan 27 05:00
iophkResearch databases also have that model.  High-impact journals are spread across several bundles so that the fees to get all of them are outrageous to impossible.Jan 27 05:01
gde33you still get the normal internetJan 27 05:01
MinceRyeah, if crippled is "normal"Jan 27 05:01
gde33we just get extra stuff behind a paywallJan 27 05:01
MinceRif you get that at allJan 27 05:01
MinceRwhich is not likelyJan 27 05:01
iophkAOL and others have tried that walled-garden approach.Jan 27 05:01
gde33the moment you have the means to pay me I will create that content for youJan 27 05:01
gde33I should be doing this for free?Jan 27 05:02
MinceRthe means exists nowJan 27 05:02
MinceRwhat you've proposed will not help you.Jan 27 05:02
gde33interesting deal, how sell this to me?Jan 27 05:02
gde33I'm not motivated :PJan 27 05:02
DaemonFCWell, porn and piracy are driving most of the demand for fast internet.Jan 27 05:02
MinceRthen don't do anythingJan 27 05:02
DaemonFCGood luck getting people to pay for what they will gladly take for free right now.Jan 27 05:02
gde33the FOSS subscription will give you access to a web entirely without people who didn't buy that subscriptionJan 27 05:02
DaemonFCThey need to monetize the "piracy" somehow.Jan 27 05:02
gde33that is the added valueJan 27 05:02
gde33finally a whole web with nothing but apple usersJan 27 05:03
iophkDaemonFC: bill has monetized piracy already.  It's his means of maintaining monopoly rents, which is where nearly all of his money comes from.Jan 27 05:03
gde33you want to put any idiot on the page then give him a form to submit into my databaseJan 27 05:03
gde33thats just.... hahahhaJan 27 05:03
<--iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has left #techrightsJan 27 05:04
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 27 05:04
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 27 05:04
gde33it is just a thought of courseJan 27 05:04
gde33you will be shocked by how well everything works if you get rid of everyone who doesn't want to pay 50 cents to be part of it.Jan 27 05:06
iophkWhere is the example to show off for that model?Jan 27 05:09
iophkThe existing model makes trillions of dollars per yearJan 27 05:09
gde33a guy I know use to organise business meet ups where people could invest in stuffJan 27 05:09
gde33it cost 10 guilders at firstJan 27 05:09
gde33it produced an audience of moanersJan 27 05:10
gde33he increased the price over time, he is now at 2000 euro per ticketJan 27 05:10
gde33at the beginning of the meeting he explains that this is way to much for 1 cup of coffeeJan 27 05:10
gde33and that he has no idea what to do with all the moneyJan 27 05:10
gde33but it was just to get rid of everyone who didn't want to pay that just for the ticketJan 27 05:11
gde33then everyone laughs Jan 27 05:11
gde33he tells the same story every yearJan 27 05:11
iophk"there's one born every minute"Jan 27 05:11
gde33they actually get work done in this settingJan 27 05:11
gde33with the cheaper tickets the non investors took all the time, they are just skeptical, it isnt strange or anything.Jan 27 05:12
gde33you would be sitting there with your 10 guilder ticket cheering at the stage " there is one born every minute"Jan 27 05:13
gde33heheheJan 27 05:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Call for votes on default Linux init system forJan 27 05:13
TweetTuxMachines                 jessie 27 05:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 05:13 | Call for votes on default Linux init system for jessie | Tux MachinesJan 27 05:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce theJan 27 05:13
TweetTuxMachines                 release of Core v5.2 27 05:13
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 05:13 | Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Core v5.2 | Tux MachinesJan 27 05:13
gde33a whole web for religious peopleJan 27 05:14
DaemonFC 27 05:16 | Customer Discussions: Everybody already knew that there "are no gays in Iran", unless the religious fundamentalists forgot to hang or shoot one. Now, we know that the same is true in Sochi (Russia).  [ ]Jan 27 05:16
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 27 05:16
DaemonFCSeveral gay bars, but no gay people. Hmmm....Jan 27 05:16
DaemonFCFundamentalist Christians in America admire this position of the Ayatollah Khamenei and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and seek to use their examples as a model for America.Jan 27 05:16
DaemonFC 27 05:16
DaemonFCFrom the article:Jan 27 05:16 | BBC News - Sochi mayor tells BBC: No gay people in our town  [ ]Jan 27 05:16
DaemonFC"The mayor of Sochi, host of the Winter Olympics, has said there are no gay people in the city."Jan 27 05:16
DaemonFC"Opposition leader Boris Nemtsov said there were several gay bars in Sochi." Jan 27 05:16
iophk 27 05:19 | Why The Copyright Industry Is Doomed, In One Single Sentence | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 27 05:19
schestowitz_bed2DaemonFC: 27 05:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BBC headline makes it sound like #sochi mayor said opposite of what he actually said sounds like #propaganda is #bbcJan 27 05:20
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Western nations: when we can't discredit a rival nation using women's rights, then we look hard for other angles and then twist words.Jan 27 05:20
schestowitz_bed2DaemonFC: dont fall into the trap of russophobiaJan 27 05:21
schestowitz_bed2the US and UK want you toJan 27 05:21
schestowitz_bed2the NSA does tooJan 27 05:21
schestowitz_bed2Those terroristsJan 27 05:21
schestowitz_bed2 27 05:21
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: February 11, 2014: The Day We Fight Back Against the NSA activism before love?Jan 27 05:21
DaemonFCSeveral gay bars.Jan 27 05:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | February 11, 2014: The Day We Fight Back Against the NSA - FOSS ForceJan 27 05:21
iophkespcially the NSAJan 27 05:21
DaemonFCNo gay people.Jan 27 05:21
DaemonFCHow does that work?Jan 27 05:21
DaemonFCWho is making this endeavor profitable?Jan 27 05:22
schestowitz_bed2the BBC made it sound like he denies them accessJan 27 05:22
schestowitz_bed2but the body of the article says the oppositeJan 27 05:22
DaemonFC"leave the children alone" is pretty damned offensiveJan 27 05:22
schestowitz_bed2Orwell/Blair uses to work for the BBC, writing propaganda for themJan 27 05:22
schestowitz_bed2They need to make it look objective while it's notJan 27 05:22
DaemonFCHow would you feel if all straight people were labeled child molesters and told that they could be thrown in prison for even talking to someone under 18?Jan 27 05:22
DaemonFCOf course this is ridiculous.Jan 27 05:23
DaemonFCIf it was just Putin, it wouldn't be Russian law.Jan 27 05:23
DaemonFCI understand that they have a legislature there. :)Jan 27 05:23
DaemonFC 27 05:28
iophk"On February 11th, participating U.S. websites will display banners  urging their visitors to call or email their Congressperson or Senator"Jan 27 05:29
iophkHow does that work for sites outside the US?  They are affected as well and could participate in the 11 feb protest.Jan 27 05:29
DaemonFC 27 05:30
iophk 27 05:38 | The Day We Fight Back - February 11th 2014Jan 27 05:38
iophkkind of devoid of contentJan 27 05:38
MinceRgde33: oh, i didn't realize that your business plan began with buying an ISP :>Jan 27 05:39
gde33I dont have any plan, the game seemed riggedJan 27 05:42
gde33I have my own way of looking at the humanity, the more it diverts from the norm the more illogical my plans sound. Jan 27 05:44
gde33in my view orwell was an optimistJan 27 05:46
gde33in his system at least one gets to be abused by other peopleJan 27 05:47
DaemonFC 27 05:48 | Activist Post: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need Cash  [ ]Jan 27 05:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Richard Stallman on How He Started GNUJan 27 05:55
TweetTuxMachines        27 05:55 | Richard Stallman on How He Started GNU | Tux MachinesJan 27 05:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 05:55
DaemonFC 27 06:01 | Pope's peace doves attacked by crow and seagull | World news |  [ ]Jan 27 06:01
MinceR 27 06:20
Sosumi 27 06:25
Sosumi"Mozilla Thunderbird - WireTap Remote 0Day Vulnerability"Jan 27 06:25
Sosumialso, there are no gays in saudi arabia, quatar, oman and UAEJan 27 06:29
Sosumiunless the medieval wahabi there forgot to shoot or behead themJan 27 06:31
Sosumidid I forget Bahrain?Jan 27 06:32
Sosumisilly meJan 27 06:32
Sosumiand aren't those countries, specially saudi arabia, alongside with the US, UK, France and Israel the ones bankrolling jihadis into syria?Jan 27 06:40
Sosumiyeah those guys that impose sharia law, that eat man's hearts aka canibalism, fornicate with corpses and so on?Jan 27 06:41
Sosumicompared to those guysJan 27 06:41
Sosumiputin and khameni are actually kewl guys to hang withJan 27 06:42
Sosumi 27 06:46 | iPhone Market Share Holds Strong as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac Rumors  [ ]Jan 27 06:46
Sosumiyes, holding strong while losing marketshare on all fronts to android and to lesses extent, pocket pcJan 27 06:46
Sosumi*windows phoneJan 27 06:47
-->werebutt (~buttbutt@ has joined #techrightsJan 27 06:59
<--werebutt (~buttbutt@ has left #techrightsJan 27 06:59
iophk 27 07:09
iophk"Police began tracking Aguilar's phone and soon discovered it was at the mall."Jan 27 07:09 | Md. mall gunman was avid skater, no criminal past |  [ ]Jan 27 07:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power LinuxJan 27 07:16
TweetTuxMachines                 PCs 27 07:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 07:16 | Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCs | Tux MachinesJan 27 07:16
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 27 07:35
-->jono_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 10:06
iophk 27 10:13 | Interview with Catherine Dumas of SUNY Albany |  [ ]Jan 27 10:13
iophk 27 10:49 | Apple's iPhone marketshare dips in Q4, Samsung falters under pressure from low-cost OEMs  [ ]Jan 27 10:49
schestowitz_bed2 27 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCs #gnu #linuxJan 27 10:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCsJan 27 10:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:20] <iophk> Was it more advertising money from M$ which motivated them to pull the plug?Jan 27 10:57
schestowitz_bed2Unlikely, I doubt it, but it's not impossibleJan 27 10:57
schestowitz_bed220:34] <iophk> 27 10:57 | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 27 10:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:34] <iophk> PS4 ? Jan 27 10:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:34] <TechrightsBot-tr> | Linux: why it's the third gaming platform | News | TechRadar  [ ]Jan 27 10:57
schestowitz_bed2[20:36] <MinceR> the article claims that's linux-basedJan 27 10:57
schestowitz_bed2"Moving forward a generation to the brand new PS4, and Linux still binds the heart of the now X86 based powerhouse. Sony confirmed back in November that the angular beast uses a modified version of FreeBSD 9 Kernel to power its own Orbis OS."Jan 27 10:57
MinceRthe author doesn't seem to realize the difference between Linux and the FreeBSD kernelJan 27 10:58
schestowitz_bed2It's TechRadar, Britain's embarrassment and tech tabloidJan 27 10:58
schestowitz_bed2it does lots of headline baitsJan 27 10:59
MinceR:>Jan 27 10:59
schestowitz_bed2Along the lines of "linux is dead"Jan 27 10:59
schestowitz_bed2I think it's somewhat connected to Linux Format, but I was never sure how exactlyJan 27 10:59
schestowitz_bed2I remember this site negativelyJan 27 10:59
schestowitz_bed2[08:18] <DaemonFC> Matt Asay writes an anti-Linux hit piece.Jan 27 11:01
schestowitz_bed2So what's the newsJan 27 11:01
schestowitz_bed2 27 11:02
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Satan made them do it!" 27 11:02
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Evil Triumphs: Satanic Birds Attack Pope's Peace DovesJan 27 11:02
schestowitz_bed2 27 11:02
schestowitz_bed2MehJan 27 11:03
schestowitz_bed2[09:31] <iophk> I know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. :-)Jan 27 11:03
schestowitz_bed2Content creatorsJan 27 11:03
schestowitz_bed2[09:30] <gde33> I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 11:03
schestowitz_bed2[09:30] <gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 11:04
schestowitz_bed2Poor content creator... who would farm for food?Jan 27 11:04
schestowitz_bed2If anything, the copyright cartel/monoopoly NEEDS neutralityJan 27 11:05
schestowitz_bed2to make it affordable to streamJan 27 11:05
schestowitz_bed2people pay the bill for traddicJan 27 11:05
schestowitz_bed2the problem is, the cartel sometimes owns the cable companies too, or vice versaJan 27 11:05
<--iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 27 11:05
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schestowitz_bed2 27 11:07
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: I eagerly wait for #bitcoin to become widely accepted, but judging by experience, monopoly/big banks will co-opt it 27 11:08
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Bitcoin Pizza Purchase That's Worth $7 Million Today - ForbesJan 27 11:08
schestowitz_bed2 27 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need Cash sounds like #natwestJan 27 11:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Activist Post: Bank Run Fears: Customers Being Forced to Provide Evidence For Why They Need CashJan 27 11:12
schestowitz_bed2This headline is funnyJan 27 11:16
schestowitz_bed2Then again, it's an Apple boosting siteJan 27 11:16
schestowitz_bed2Classified under "religion"Jan 27 11:16
schestowitz_bed2[11:47] <TechrightsBot-tr> | iPhone Market Share Holds Strong as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac Rumors  [ ]Jan 27 11:16 | iPhone Market Share Dips Slightly as Android Increases Lead in Global Smartphone Race - Mac RumorsJan 27 11:16
schestowitz_bed2Losing but strong LOLJan 27 11:16
schestowitz_bed2 27 11:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Police began tracking Aguilar's phone and soon discovered it was at the mall." #trackingdeviceJan 27 11:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Md. mall gunman was avid skater, no criminal past | www.ajc.comJan 27 11:18
-->Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 27 11:18
schestowitz_bed2 27 11:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #apple is having a #microsoft moment 27 11:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Apple's iPhone marketshare dips in Q4, Samsung falters under pressure from low-cost OEMsJan 27 11:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Open source events grow at the #university 27 11:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Interview with Catherine Dumas of SUNY Albany | opensource.comJan 27 11:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open source events grow at the universityJan 27 11:27
TweetTuxMachines        27 11:27
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 11:27 | Open source events grow at the university | Tux MachinesJan 27 11:27
schestowitz_bed2 27 11:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Write like a champ with #latex aided by these tools 27 11:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Essential LaTeX Tools - Linux Links - The Linux Portal SiteJan 27 11:59
schestowitz_bed2 27 12:05
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: LinuxScreenshots dot org has just been put on sale. People who like to try and take screenshots of distro might want to secure the traditionJan 27 12:05
schestowitz_bed2 27 12:06
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #KMail Complexity - and a little Patience #kde #gnu #linuxJan 27 12:06
TechrightsBot-tr-> | LXer: KMail Complexity - and a little PatienceJan 27 12:06
sebsebsebschestowitz_bed2: I got one of those call about an hour and a half agoJan 27 12:06
sebsebsebyour Windows computer is gting messagesJan 27 12:06
sebsebsebwe are rining you up about htatJan 27 12:07
sebsebsebplease do this so we can help you with your omputerJan 27 12:07
sebsebsebI had some fun with the guy on the phone :dJan 27 12:07
sebsebsebfor a few minutesJan 27 12:07
iophkhow long were you able to keep them on the line?Jan 27 12:07
sebsebsebiophk: oh a long timeJan 27 12:07
sebsebsebiophk: probably longer if I WantedJan 27 12:07
sebsebsebI did the call for like sixx minutesJan 27 12:07
iophkDid they figure out you run Gnu/LInux?Jan 27 12:07
sebsebsebiophk: I  even did the like yeah right stuff and started calling him a con man and everythingJan 27 12:08
sebsebseband saying how they trick people into acccess ot the coputer like that to steal passwords etc is illegalJan 27 12:08
sebsebseband so on Jan 27 12:08
sebsebsebiophk: he's like your Wndows Pc.  I was ike what country you form, he's like LodonJan 27 12:08
sebsebsebLondon Microsoft supportJan 27 12:08
sebsebsebI was like uh yeah right and Ia m APple support,  and he's  just carrying on, trying to get me to run some code thing or whatever,  wanting to check the computer id code and yeahJan 27 12:09
sebsebsebthen eventaully I am like actsally I run something called Linux, do you n know what that is?Jan 27 12:09
sebsebsebiophk: eventually he hanged up on me or hwateverJan 27 12:09
sebsebsebI was even like your a con man if I put in....  I Probably won't beable to ring you back since your number will be hiddenJan 27 12:10
sebsebsebiophk: thing is there is a number I can call backJan 27 12:10
sebsebsebshould I?  to see what happensJan 27 12:10
iophkIs it very, very expensive to call that number?Jan 27 12:10
iophkIt could be.Jan 27 12:10
sebsebsebiophk: well yeah might get charged to call that numberJan 27 12:10
sebsebsebit did sayon the phone thingJan 27 12:10
iophk20₤ / minute?Jan 27 12:11
sebsebsebI don't knowJan 27 12:11
sebsebsebnot sure if we have such numbersJan 27 12:11
iophkBest not to try then.Jan 27 12:11
sebsebsebthat are realy really expensive to calllJan 27 12:11
sebsebseb,but yeah your rightJan 27 12:11
sebsebsebit could be some charged number if calling itJan 27 12:11
sebsebsebwhere they get cashJan 27 12:11
iophkIf it were a toll-free number it might be ok.Jan 27 12:11
sebsebsebit's some sort numberJan 27 12:11
sebsebsebiophk: once there's another call it's goneJan 27 12:12
sebsebsebunless I save the numberJan 27 12:12
iophkshort stackJan 27 12:12
sebsebsebas in write it  down some whereJan 27 12:12
sebsebsebiophk: short stack ??Jan 27 12:12
schestowitz_bed2 27 12:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits rebuttal from Bradley Kuhn. #gnu #sflc #fsf #conservancyJan 27 12:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Jan 27 12:12
iophkhtt:// 27 12:13
schestowitz_bed2sebsebseb: I know one guy who has a friend who fell for this scamJan 27 12:13
schestowitz_bed2I think I got such a call a month agoJan 27 12:13
schestowitz_bed2I can't recsall mcuhJan 27 12:13
sebsebsebyeah I had one last year or whateverJan 27 12:13
schestowitz_bed2I really hung up quicklyJan 27 12:13
sebsebseb,but the one today oh that was a good laughJan 27 12:13
schestowitz_bed2glad you likes itJan 27 12:13
sebsebsebschestowitz_bed2: i had good fun for a few minutesJan 27 12:13
schestowitz_bed2and they foot the bill for the callJan 27 12:14
sebsebsebI think he thought I Would do the thingJan 27 12:14
sebsebsebfor agsJan 27 12:14
sebsebsebagesJan 27 12:14
schestowitz_bed2well done, but there are better ways to avengeJan 27 12:14
schestowitz_bed2brbJan 27 12:14
sebsebsebto avenge?Jan 27 12:14
sebsebsebwel about having funJan 27 12:14
sebsebseband I know what they are doingJan 27 12:14
sebsebsebiophk: you play a long and then  make it clear later that your not all stupidJan 27 12:15
sebsebsebthat's what I did :dJan 27 12:15
iophkSome try to keep them on the line longer.Jan 27 12:15
sebsebsebyeah he Jan 27 12:16
iophkIt keeps them from bothering others and have some fun.Jan 27 12:16
sebsebseboh he would have styaed on the line with me I don't know long reallyJan 27 12:16
sebsebsebif I hadn't said ceratin stuffJan 27 12:16
sebsebsebiophk: and he didn't pick up some of my  like oh yeah stuff etc, and what  that really emantJan 27 12:16
sebsebseb,but I guess since he was from India or whateverJan 27 12:16
sebsebsebok well number gone then, unless same thingJan 27 12:17
sebsebsebgot another call just now, but no responseJan 27 12:17
schestowitz_bed2 27 12:17
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: An #OpenLetter from US Researchers in #Cryptography and Information Security #nsa harms everyone except oligarchsJan 27 12:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | An Open Letter from US Researchers in Cryptography and Information SecurityJan 27 12:17
iophkactually queue (FIFO) 27 12:19 | Queue (abstract data type) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 27 12:19
iophkI thought most digital phones hold way more than one number.Jan 27 12:20
sebsebsebiophk: I don't know it's the network number I ringJan 27 12:29
sebsebsebmaybe this phone can hold more than one thoughJan 27 12:29
schestowitz_bed2  Jan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Android ends 2013 on a high note #android #linuxJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Android ends 2013 on a high note | Mobile - CNET NewsJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project #lux #camera is backJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project | Open ElectronicsJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For Linux #intel #linuxJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For LinuxJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Hands-on with Knoppix Linux 7.2.0: A well-established and very stable Linux distribution #knoppix #debian #gnu #linuxJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hands-on with Knoppix Linux 7.2.0: A well-established and very stable Linux distribution | ZDNetJan 27 12:39
schestowitz_bed2 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: U.S. DOJ Files Charges Against Alleged Android App Counterfeiters #android #linuxJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: What's the best thing about being an open source community manager? #opensource #communityJan 27 12:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Advice and wisdom from 14 community managers on CM Appreciation Day | opensource.comJan 27 12:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GOJan 27 13:02
TweetTuxMachines                 For Linux 27 13:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 13:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera ProjectJan 27 13:02
TweetTuxMachines        27 13:02
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 13:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Android ends 2013 on a high noteJan 27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines        27 13:03 | Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For Linux | Tux MachinesJan 27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 13:03 | Welcome DIY, Open source Lux camera Project | Tux MachinesJan 27 13:03 | Android ends 2013 on a high note | Tux MachinesJan 27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-ProfitsJan 27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines        27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 13:03 | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits | Tux MachinesJan 27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     What's the best thing about being an openJan 27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines                 source community manager?Jan 27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines        27 13:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 13:03 | What's the best thing about being an open source community manager? | Tux MachinesJan 27 13:03
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 27 13:10
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sebsebseb Jan 27 13:40
iophk  sebsebseb: fossdem!Jan 27 13:41
sebsebsebiophk: yepJan 27 13:41
sebsebsebiophk: shuld be meeting two guys from Estonia on Thursday evening toJan 27 13:41
sebsebsebfor dnnerJan 27 13:41
sebsebsebwith the guy from USAJan 27 13:41
iophkcoolJan 27 13:41
sebsebsebiophk: SystemD have some kind of hackfestJan 27 13:42
sebsebsebon Thursday andFriday toJan 27 13:42
sebsebseb,but that's probably not really for meJan 27 13:42
sebsebsebiophk: now I Just need to sort out getting picked up form the air portJan 27 13:42
sebsebseband yeahJan 27 13:42
iophktrain or bus?Jan 27 13:42
sebsebsebiophk: guy from project can't do it, so hpefuly the hotel can pick up like beforeJan 27 13:42
sebsebsebthere may be a train that goes nearish to the hotelJan 27 13:43
sebsebseb,butJan 27 13:43
sebsebsebI'd rather just be picked up like beforeJan 27 13:43
sebsebsebiophk: hotel has the air port pick up optoin on the form that didn't work, and I Had to contact them again about pick upJan 27 13:43
sebsebsebphone was enaged just nowJan 27 13:43
sebsebsebiophk: they are a bit bad at relying to email toJan 27 13:43
sebsebsebso  just doing things over phone instead this time compelty it seemsJan 27 13:44
iophkAre the presentations going to be streamed ?Jan 27 13:44
sebsebsebsome of them will be sureJan 27 13:44
sebsebseband then videos up after the event like beforeJan 27 13:44
sebsebsebiophk: so anything in the ain room will probably get stramed and videodJan 27 13:44
sebsebsebwhen I looked nothing I wanted to go to there as such so that's okJan 27 13:44
iophkHow long do you think it will take for them to post the videos this time?Jan 27 13:44
sebsebsebiophk: there's so much going on at onceJan 27 13:44
iophkYes, many things at the same time.Jan 27 13:45
sebsebseba week or so after and the first lot of vidoesp robably go up, past ones already on there of courseJan 27 13:45
sebsebsebiophk: yep always going to miss omethingJan 27 13:45
iophkIt makes it hard to choose and then harder to discuss since others saw something different.Jan 27 13:45
sebsebsebcould get sucked into stands and then miss whatever, or ould go to osme talk and miss hwateverJan 27 13:45
iophkIIRC Bradley Kuhn had an interesting talk planned.Jan 27 13:45
sebsebseb,but talk wise it seems I am only  really interested in the legal issues devv room and  maybe MozillaJan 27 13:45
sebsebseband cross distor when Deb talks there maybeJan 27 13:45
sebsebsebiophk: yep Bradly KUHN AND Karan Sandler and such will be speaking in legal issuesJan 27 13:46
sebsebsebyeah really most of the tlaks I am going to be interested in are from Americans :DJan 27 13:46
sebsebsebiophk: already met Bradly sort ofJan 27 13:47
sebsebsebiophk: as in I saw him on thep anel and yeahJan 27 13:47
sebsebseblast yearJan 27 13:47
roy_ 27 13:47
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gde33[17:02:48] <schestowitz_bed2> MehJan 27 14:14
gde33[17:03:33] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:31] <iophk> I know.  The net has been such a desert.  Not even one business uses it yet. :-)Jan 27 14:15
gde33[17:03:38] <schestowitz_bed2> Content creatorsJan 27 14:15
gde33[17:03:45] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:30] <gde33> I'm trying to look from the perspective of content creatorsJan 27 14:15
gde33[17:03:46] <schestowitz_bed2> [09:30] <gde33> if there is no reward they wont create anythingJan 27 14:15
gde33[17:03:53] <schestowitz_bed2> Poor content creator... who would farm for food?Jan 27 14:15
gde33[17:04:45] <schestowitz_bed2> If anything, the copyright cartel/monoopoly NEEDS neutralityJan 27 14:15
gde33[17:04:52] <schestowitz_bed2> to make it affordable to streamJan 27 14:15
gde33[17:04:58] <schestowitz_bed2> people pay the bill for traddicJan 27 14:15
gde33[17:05:10] <schestowitz_bed2> the problem is, the cartel sometimes owns the cable companies too, or vice versaJan 27 14:15
gde33you think you can force out the artJan 27 14:15
iophkHow much did VanGogh get paid?Jan 27 14:15
gde33NOTHINGJan 27 14:15
gde33that was good right?Jan 27 14:16
iophkNot much of a business model then...Jan 27 14:16
gde33that is your ideal model?Jan 27 14:16
gde33I only hear selling content is a terrible idea, one should get into the bitcoin ponzi in steadJan 27 14:16
gde33very homogenious standardsJan 27 14:17
gde33I wish this channel cost 100 euro per monthJan 27 14:18
iophkpay Roy then.Jan 27 14:19
gde33it would add some urgency to the debate, I would be helped by thatJan 27 14:19
gde33I've tried constructive discussion with people on the web for many years, if I look at the results I have to say far I've been wasting my time and effort.Jan 27 14:20
iophkThis afternoon you were hinting at a tax on net traffic to subsidize something or other.Jan 27 14:21
gde33yeah, then you asked for evidence, then I explained how it keeps out uninterested people, l gave an example, then you argued a sucker is born every minute as to prove the topic was unintersting? something like that?Jan 27 14:22
iophkpaying for the sake of paying? Jan 27 14:22
gde33exactlyJan 27 14:22
iophkNo return for that payment is for suckers.Jan 27 14:22
gde33no no, the payment is to keep out that opinionJan 27 14:23
gde33to make sure you are not there to elaborate on your skepticismJan 27 14:23
gde33not that it isn't validJan 27 14:23
iophkStart an alternate internet for people with more dollars than senseJan 27 14:23
gde33that is what i'm wondering about basically, how that would lookJan 27 14:23
iophkThere's a lot of dark fiber out there.Jan 27 14:23
gde33we can only guess I think?Jan 27 14:24
iophkNot if you have a business plan and enough money to back it up.Jan 27 14:24
gde33you also need to be motivated to go do something like thatJan 27 14:24
gde33in what way do I benefit from paying for googles bandwith?Jan 27 14:25
gde33Makes it sound as if the price they charge has something to do with the cost of what they are sellingJan 27 14:26
gde33it doesntJan 27 14:26
gde33they are just looking to max out proffitJan 27 14:26
iophkGoogle is paying for Google's bandwidth currently.Jan 27 14:26
iophkThey pay big money for that.Jan 27 14:26
gde33trueJan 27 14:26
gde33it is that atractive to own the infrastucture your business runs onJan 27 14:27
gde33I do completely agree with the ideology of customer own infrasturctureJan 27 14:27
gde33with most people it is just pearls for pigsJan 27 14:27
iophkYou have to continue with common carriage or it just will choke.Jan 27 14:28
gde33sorry not sure what you are trying to explain hereJan 27 14:28
iophkThe Internet is a network of networks.  If they don't allow the traffic of others, then nothing functions except for a crappy little zone.  That's what has already been tried and already failed.Jan 27 14:29
gde33that a non neutral internet would drown out the free things?Jan 27 14:29
iophkAnd the paid thingsJan 27 14:29
iophkespeially the paid thingsJan 27 14:29
gde33depends how you structure the paymentsJan 27 14:29
iophkbesides there aren't any free things on the netJan 27 14:29
iophkthey are all paid forJan 27 14:29
iophkalreaadyJan 27 14:29
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gde33let me put it like this: In what way do I benefit from net neturality as a content creator?Jan 27 14:31
MinceRyou get to compete at allJan 27 14:31
MinceRusers can access your content without having their connection to it crippledJan 27 14:31
MinceRyou get a chanceJan 27 14:32
gde33oh but they do, I can only afford very minimalistic hostingJan 27 14:32
MinceRwithout net neutrality, you don't even get a chanceJan 27 14:32
gde33how would that work?Jan 27 14:32
MinceRhow would what work?Jan 27 14:32
gde33not getting a chanceJan 27 14:32
MinceRlet's say you host some videos on your siteJan 27 14:33
MinceRthe user's isp has a deal with google, so they offer youtube; and they offer their own siteJan 27 14:33
gde33cant afford the bandwith but ok, lets assume I couldJan 27 14:33
MinceRyou don't have a deal with them because you're a competitor and you're small fryJan 27 14:33
gde33yesJan 27 14:33
MinceRif they're feeling gracious the user isn't entirely banned from your siteJan 27 14:33
MinceRthey just don't get to stream the video at allJan 27 14:33
MinceRit's like they're using a 9600 bps modem to access the siteJan 27 14:34
gde33the user paid for internet, he can have access to anything he wantsJan 27 14:34
MinceRyes, if they have net neutralityJan 27 14:34
MinceRif they don't, then the user can have access to anything the ISP wants him toJan 27 14:34
MinceRhowever the ISP wants him toJan 27 14:34
iophkat whatever lowered speeds the ISP wants him to...Jan 27 14:34
gde33start your own isp?Jan 27 14:35
iophknot enough because the other ISPs you connect to can stil choke youJan 27 14:35
MinceRwhere will you get the finds for that?Jan 27 14:35
gde33I think we will have exactly the same thing only in a different formatJan 27 14:35
MinceRand where will you provide service?Jan 27 14:35
MinceRs/find/fund/Jan 27 14:35
MinceRno, we don't even have nearly the same thingJan 27 14:35
MinceRof course, things get even worse if you used some p2p protocol to help with hostingJan 27 14:36
gde33you are saying that net neutrality will give the ISP the right to block websites?Jan 27 14:36
MinceRnormally, that does work (GNU/Linux iso distribution via BitTorrent, for example)Jan 27 14:36
gde33is that really the same topic?Jan 27 14:36
MinceRyes, among other thingsJan 27 14:36
MinceRpart of what a common carrier is about is that they aren't allowed to decide what to block and what to allow throughJan 27 14:36
MinceRbut if you don't have net neutrality, the ISPs will just block p2p protocols entirelyJan 27 14:37
gde33so the blocked content is just not availableJan 27 14:37
gde33you dont get access to all the books for exampleJan 27 14:37
MinceRit can be blocked entirelyJan 27 14:37
gde33you didn't pay for that > no accessJan 27 14:37
MinceRor it can be allowed but slowed down arbitrarilyJan 27 14:37
gde33Are we not creating a giant straw man for the ISP? Is there really no way to do this fairly?Jan 27 14:38
MinceRnoJan 27 14:38
MinceRthe way to do this fairly is called net neutralityJan 27 14:38
gde33as in no blocking of content, just additional packages?Jan 27 14:38
MinceRanything else is by definition unfairJan 27 14:38
MinceRthey won't phrase it as "blocking of content"Jan 27 14:39
MinceRfor a normal internet user, all of the internet is the defaultJan 27 14:39
MinceRfor a non-neutral greedy ISP, nothing is the default, everything is "additional"Jan 27 14:39
gde33I will explain it again, this time I will just convince you: The thing is, proof of work equals value.Jan 27 14:40
gde33you can create cryptographic hashees and sell those in stead of selling contentJan 27 14:40
iophkbitcoinJan 27 14:40
gde33but it will always be a pretend gameJan 27 14:40
gde33pretend valueJan 27 14:40
gde33so you are just pretending everything is free / worthlessJan 27 14:41
iophkyou're missing the point that it's all paid for alreadyJan 27 14:41
iophkno need to pay twiceJan 27 14:41
gde33not enoughJan 27 14:41
iophkpay Roy thenJan 27 14:42
gde33my point was payments for the sake of payments remember?Jan 27 14:42
iophkand a solution was offered.  Fund your alternative to the Internet.Jan 27 14:42
gde33if existing plots are all that terrible at granting things their value, what else can we think of?Jan 27 14:42
gde33but wasnt that what netneutrality aimed to prevent?Jan 27 14:43
gde33everyone will be against me just for trying to attribute value lolJan 27 14:44
iophkValue to what?Jan 27 14:44
gde33to everythingJan 27 14:44
iophkUse Flattr thenJan 27 14:44
gde33that will only work for 0% of my trafficJan 27 14:45
iophk Maybe it is already being compensated in proportion to its perceived value... Jan 27 14:46
gde33not an acceptable hypothesisJan 27 14:46
gde33you can go project that on your own creationsJan 27 14:47
iophkthe data seems to support itJan 27 14:47
gde33not at all actuallyJan 27 14:47
gde33I just hatted the attentionJan 27 14:47
gde33I dont like having attention from more people than I can answer toJan 27 14:47
iophkHow did your test of Flattr go?  What was wrong?Jan 27 14:48
gde33I'm looking at it right now for the first timeJan 27 14:48
gde33 27 14:48 | Financez votre logiciel - Open FundingJan 27 14:48
gde33is also funJan 27 14:48
gde33but I'm not seeing the revolutionJan 27 14:48
gde33the hard worked content items are not worth anywhere as much as the cryptographic hashJan 27 14:49
gde33this while you can just easly create a hashJan 27 14:49
gde33much easier than producing a valuable workJan 27 14:49
gde33I can also do a ponzi scheme with site creditsJan 27 14:50
iophkThere is also crowdsourcing.Jan 27 14:50
gde33that seems to workJan 27 14:50
iophkBut then deliverables are required.Jan 27 14:50
gde33facinating developmentJan 27 14:50
gde33I dont even know howmany kickstarter victims there areJan 27 14:50
gde33there is at least one who lost his shipmentJan 27 14:51
gde33in most of the cases it seems to work nicelyJan 27 14:51
gde33still it seems more a measure of peoples kindness than of the collective vision for the future?Jan 27 14:52
gde33bit of personal greed lolJan 27 14:52
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gde33I've always had ideas for making a better world, people without money say they are stupid ideas, people with money say I'm wasting my time, it isnt worth the effort to try, the goal should be to make money not to do good things.Jan 27 14:58
gde33I've been trying to convince the poor people ever since, it was such an epic failure that I'm starting to agree with the milionaires.Jan 27 14:59
gde33IF you want to make the world a better place: start by swindeling your way to the topJan 27 15:00
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MinceR204019 < gde33> I will explain it again, this time I will just convince you: The thing is, proof of work equals value.Jan 27 15:06
MinceRit doesn't.Jan 27 15:06
MinceRvalue is what the market values. work may well be wasted.Jan 27 15:06
MinceRas for network access, it's currently paid for by the users alreadyJan 27 15:07
MinceRthere's no need to pretend that it's provided gratis.Jan 27 15:07
gde33proof of workJan 27 15:08
MinceRsame thing.Jan 27 15:08
iophkeffort != valueJan 27 15:08
MinceR(but it's a very communist thing to insist that any busywork is valuable and that everyone must be robbed to compensate the communist for worthless work)Jan 27 15:08
gde33you need to feel useful toJan 27 15:09
gde33in that way there is value, one can even play footballJan 27 15:09
MinceRfootball had better be useful by itself, thenJan 27 15:11
gde33who made you the decider?Jan 27 15:11
MinceRof what?Jan 27 15:11
gde33that came out wrong lolJan 27 15:12
gde33who decided what has value and what not?Jan 27 15:12
MinceRthe market didJan 27 15:12
MinceRthe people who had money they could and were willing to spend on goods.Jan 27 15:12
gde33but on the perceved value not what things cost to makeJan 27 15:12
MinceRwith the loss of net neutrality, the market would lose controlJan 27 15:12
MinceRand it would be placed in the hand of the corporate oligarchs.Jan 27 15:13
MinceRwhoever owns your internet connection would decide whose news you read.Jan 27 15:13
gde33why wouldnt that happen anyway?Jan 27 15:13
MinceRit certainly looks like it's happeningJan 27 15:14
gde33I can make a blog right now, write blog posts, but no one is going to read themJan 27 15:14
MinceReven the w3c has turned against its old idea of an open webJan 27 15:14
gde33people cant even find them without the oligarchsJan 27 15:14
MinceRyes they canJan 27 15:14
MinceRfor example, i could ask you the address right now, if i wanted to knowJan 27 15:14
MinceRand i could read it all without my ISP's express permission.Jan 27 15:15
gde33then if todays posting is not precicely what you are looking for you never look at it againJan 27 15:15
gde33easy come easy goJan 27 15:15
MinceRand you would deprive me of that choice?Jan 27 15:15
MinceRdo you think your blog is so important that people should be forced to read it?Jan 27 15:16
gde33I would deprive you from such harsh judgementJan 27 15:16
gde33The blog could be so important everyone should read it.Jan 27 15:16
gde33the chance is thereJan 27 15:17
gde33to become a good writer you have to write the whole timeJan 27 15:17
gde33it might be crap some daysJan 27 15:17
gde33you shouldnt be put on trial over each blog postJan 27 15:17
gde33overal performanceJan 27 15:18
MinceRand you won't beJan 27 15:18
MinceRif what you do is valued, the word will spreadJan 27 15:18
MinceRand there are search engines too, including at least one p2p oneJan 27 15:18
gde33nah the word wont spread, you have to work your ass offJan 27 15:19
gde33asking random strangers for a few bucks would go much fasterJan 27 15:20
MinceRyes, you have to work your ass offJan 27 15:20
MinceRand if you do it right, the word will spreadJan 27 15:20
gde33then what? big bandwith bills?Jan 27 15:20
iophkOr issue an IPOJan 27 15:20
gde33have LIES advertised all over the website?Jan 27 15:20
MinceRyou can choose your advertisersJan 27 15:20
MinceRthey don't have to be liesJan 27 15:21
MinceR(i know, the truth isn't very popular nowadays)Jan 27 15:21
gde33something other than google?Jan 27 15:21
gde33hah yesJan 27 15:21
MinceRpossiblyJan 27 15:21
gde33that wont work as wellJan 27 15:22
gde33you need 10 times as much trafficJan 27 15:22
gde33if not 100Jan 27 15:22
gde33you have to go full retard, "become a militard, join the fight in iraq today"Jan 27 15:23
gde33then you make moneyJan 27 15:23
MinceRyou'll need a business modelJan 27 15:23
MinceRhopefully a better one than "herp derp let's gang up on the users and rob them blind"Jan 27 15:23
gde33not my kind of planJan 27 15:23
MinceRyour earlier comments suggest otherwise.Jan 27 15:24
gde33usually my plans are to complex to even consider, I do have some admiration for the simplistic thereJan 27 15:24
gde33if it has you explain why people need something you dont have to bother with the ideaJan 27 15:25
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gde33If people can be robbed they must have had something.Jan 27 15:27
gde33most people in this world dont have anything.Jan 27 15:27
MinceRmost people in this world don't have access to the internetJan 27 15:28
MinceRmost people in this would would not be able to read your blog even if they wanted to.Jan 27 15:28
MinceRs/would/world/Jan 27 15:28
gde33I tried to do it in print one time with a few people, it was surpricingly expensive to do small editionsJan 27 15:29
gde33why would someone with 1 hour of internet per week not be able to write a valuable text?Jan 27 15:30
gde33why do we have all this audience building he has to get into?Jan 27 15:30
MinceRbecause quite a lot of people want to be heardJan 27 15:31
gde33that doesnt make people less valuableJan 27 15:31
MinceRand listeners have limited timeJan 27 15:31
MinceRare you sure of that? :>Jan 27 15:31
gde33oh yes, I believe most of the problelms we can produce are based on not valuing people.Jan 27 15:32
gde33then moan when others dont value you eitherJan 27 15:32
MinceRif you do not value people, is that just another way of saying that people have zero value? :>Jan 27 15:32
gde33when you abuse people you get to be abused basicallyJan 27 15:32
MinceRi'd be fine with just not bothering each otherJan 27 15:33
MinceRbut for most people that's a concept too advancedJan 27 15:33
gde33MinceR: just that you value them less I supposeJan 27 15:33
gde33I believe in bothering people a little bitJan 27 15:33
gde33a friend of mine plays computer games all day, I call him an enabler. lolJan 27 15:34
gde33just to bother himJan 27 15:34
gde33I think people automatically live up to the expectation when you assert their valueJan 27 15:35
MinceRthey usually don'tJan 27 15:35
gde33have to do it the whole lifeJan 27 15:35
MinceRi learned that the hard wayJan 27 15:35
gde33sure, but we should die trying to convince them :)Jan 27 15:36
MinceRno thanksJan 27 15:36
gde33that is one of your valuable qualitiesJan 27 15:37
MinceRdon't worry, chances are i'll die eventuallyJan 27 15:37
gde33your legacy will live on :DJan 27 15:37
gde33people wont remember it was you when they repeat your wordsJan 27 15:37
MinceRor it won'tJan 27 15:37
gde33everything we know was made up by some oneJan 27 15:38
gde33each letter, each word, some of the sentencesJan 27 15:38
MinceRmaybe humanity will wipe out itself along with all its recordsJan 27 15:38
MinceRand there's nobody out there who could catch and decode our EM emissionsJan 27 15:38
gde33of course it willJan 27 15:38
gde33the big question is if we will escape the solar system before that happensJan 27 15:38
gde33if we will live as short as 1 sunJan 27 15:39
gde33hehJan 27 15:39
MinceRor shorterJan 27 15:39
gde33!!!Jan 27 15:39
gde33but we could very well potentially infest the whole gallaxyJan 27 15:39
gde33and beyondJan 27 15:39
MinceRwe have technology that could wipe out higher-order life on this planet in the hands of religious extremists who believe that if everyone does, that's acceptableJan 27 15:39
gde33grow green fur on all those ballsJan 27 15:39
MinceRand maybe that's the best outcomeJan 27 15:39
MinceRs/one does/one dies/Jan 27 15:40
gde33we get to play our partJan 27 15:40
gde33maybe we are the ones without sins?Jan 27 15:40
gde33lolJan 27 15:40
MinceRthat depends on how you define 'sin'Jan 27 15:40
gde33I define it as who should throw the first stoneJan 27 15:40
MinceRcertain religious zealots who believe themselves to be experts on ethics believe that you're responsible for the sins of your ancestorsJan 27 15:41
MinceRwhich shows how much they really know about ethicsJan 27 15:41
gde33at least we get to suffer their sins Jan 27 15:41
MinceRyayJan 27 15:41
gde33but also enjoy their accomplishmentsJan 27 15:41
MinceRi was kinda hoping for more than just sufferingJan 27 15:41
gde33I had a dream a few days ago where I finally calculated why religion is nothing but an ego tripJan 27 15:42
gde33the idea one would be punished in the after life for what one doesJan 27 15:42
MinceRit's worse than an ego tripJan 27 15:42
gde33when I do something I dont care about thatJan 27 15:42
gde33I do things because they need doing, burning forever might just be worth itJan 27 15:42
MinceRit's a mental infection that poisons everythingJan 27 15:42
gde33we should have put George's head on a pike way back in 2001, then suffer the eternal punishment.Jan 27 15:43
gde33it would be totally worth itJan 27 15:43
MinceRdubya?Jan 27 15:43
gde33yeahJan 27 15:43
gde33burn him at the stakeJan 27 15:43
gde33god can complant all he likes?Jan 27 15:43
gde33he is going to punish me?Jan 27 15:43
MinceR"God" does not exist.Jan 27 15:44
gde33that is suppose to stop me from doing the right thing?Jan 27 15:44
MinceRits definition is inconsistent with itself, therefore falseJan 27 15:44
gde33exactlyJan 27 15:44
gde33but my argument is that it is all rooted on egoistic behaviorJan 27 15:44
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gde33I use to have some sympathy for the mood they create while doing thingsJan 27 15:45
gde33the collective feeling of trying to do the right thingJan 27 15:45
MinceRand then you realized that they undermine the ability to reason? :>Jan 27 15:45
MinceRalso any possibility of toleranceJan 27 15:46
gde33that isn't an argument you can use to convince that personJan 27 15:46
gde33if you can show him he is all doing this for himself Jan 27 15:46
MinceRthere is no argument you can use to convince a religious zealot.Jan 27 15:46
gde33then that changes the whole storyJan 27 15:46
gde33I think there is a good compromise available.Jan 27 15:46
MinceRone of the main traits the memetic evolution of religion selects for is the immunization against removal and against competitorsJan 27 15:46
gde33we take all the good stuff offered by a relgion, then we put that in a new wrapper and ask non religious people to help with these good thingsJan 27 15:47
gde33then we would be willing to help themJan 27 15:47
MinceRif it isn't based on reason, then it doesn't have a good foundationJan 27 15:47
MinceRand if it is, then it isn't religion.Jan 27 15:47
gde33some of it can be based on reasonJan 27 15:48
gde33if we the people start a non proffit to make a better world you better not get the idea to build a church from the donationsJan 27 15:48
gde33we might need to hire a few people to do the administration and we might need a buildingJan 27 15:49
gde33if the church has a ready made building available for this it seems usableJan 27 15:49
gde33hell, they would be doing the lords work?Jan 27 15:50
MinceRwhat would that be?Jan 27 15:50
MinceRexterminating lots of people for not being the chosen ones? :>Jan 27 15:51
gde33I think an atheist can be convinced to help the church if they would be doing something actually useful.Jan 27 15:51
MinceRestablishing the rules under which humans are to be trafficked in? :>Jan 27 15:51
gde33those things could all be repackaged Jan 27 15:52
gde33call it a new level of milder more moderated religionJan 27 15:52
gde33they have to understand that doing good involves actual workJan 27 15:52
MinceRthere are such religionsJan 27 15:52
MinceRnot abrahamic ones, though :>Jan 27 15:52
gde33if you interupt that work to read bibles you are not helping anyoneJan 27 15:53
gde33More general: we create organisations that may turn into giant monsters, we have to find a training method for the monster to learn new tricks.Jan 27 15:55
gde33it all seems far to staticJan 27 15:56
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gde33big tech companies buying small businesses is a way of learning something for such creature.Jan 27 15:56
gde33but how are we going to teach BP cold fusion?Jan 27 15:57
gde33lolJan 27 15:57
MinceRor maybe we should just slay the monstersJan 27 15:57
gde33if anything it is an argument pro dictatorshipJan 27 15:57
gde33nothing is like being judged by a single personJan 27 15:57
gde33hahaJan 27 15:57
MinceRnothing is as bad, yesJan 27 15:58
MinceRi don't see how that's pro dictatorshipJan 27 15:58
gde33no no, if you add more people it gets worseJan 27 15:58
gde33eventually we dont agree about anythingJan 27 15:58
MinceRwhich slows down the destructionJan 27 15:58
MinceRso, a good thingJan 27 15:58
gde33the thing becomes a life form in it selfJan 27 15:58
MinceRand of course if people didn't suck quite so much, it could be much betterJan 27 15:58
gde33the components are not in charge of itJan 27 15:58
gde33you will get a ticket type 44 as described in rule 1034Jan 27 15:59
gde33I'm just the officer writing the ticketJan 27 15:59
gde33I'm sorry ok? lolJan 27 15:59
MinceR"i was only obeying orders"Jan 27 16:00
MinceRthat's not a good excuseJan 27 16:00
gde33but it works like thtaJan 27 16:00
MinceRwell yes, humanity works in a horrible wayJan 27 16:00
gde33you only need 2% to think like that to be able controll everyone elseJan 27 16:00
gde33it isn't something likely to get fixedJan 27 16:01
MinceRit will probably get fixed in the most painful method availableJan 27 16:01
gde33we could start with brainscans for politiciansJan 27 16:01
MinceRoverpopulation, wars, famine, plagues, extinctionJan 27 16:01
schestowitz 27 16:01
TechrightsBot-trNo message foundJan 27 16:01
MinceRmaybe a bit of nuclear winterJan 27 16:01
gde33nothing we cant handleJan 27 16:02
MinceRschestowitz: Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!Jan 27 16:02
MinceRnot sure what there is to handle about painful self-exterminationJan 27 16:02
gde33brainscans for politicians and a diploma before you get to voteJan 27 16:02
MinceRthat won't helpJan 27 16:03
gde33I had some fun discussions with people about those 2Jan 27 16:03
gde33why wont it help?Jan 27 16:03
MinceRit merely installs a centralized authority that decides who gets to run for office and who gets to voteJan 27 16:03
MinceRsure, they'll claim it's for objective reasonsJan 27 16:03
MinceRbut it won't beJan 27 16:03
gde33not if it cant contain the evilJan 27 16:03
gde33if the evil cant manifest it cant run the placeJan 27 16:03
MinceRit willJan 27 16:03
MinceRit's everywhereJan 27 16:03
gde33we know that empathic people feel the pain of othersJan 27 16:04
MinceRand people are trying hard to make it worseJan 27 16:04
gde33I wouldnt mind making that a requirement for politiciansJan 27 16:04
MinceRhow would you enforce it?Jan 27 16:04
gde33just eliminate the psychopathsJan 27 16:04
MinceRhow would you do that?Jan 27 16:04
gde33with brainscans and other testsJan 27 16:04
MinceRpsychopathy is probably the most difficult kind of mental disorder to diagnose objectivelyJan 27 16:05
gde33we dont need objectivityJan 27 16:05
MinceRpart of it is that the psychopath tries to hide their own disorderJan 27 16:05
gde33we need certaintyJan 27 16:05
MinceRwe do need objectivityJan 27 16:05
gde33empathic people get seizurs when you show them choped up bodies on a monitorJan 27 16:05
MinceRwithout objectivity, you get people deciding who gets whatJan 27 16:05
MinceRand corruptionJan 27 16:05
gde33if you can just sit there without any emotion you are not the man for the jobJan 27 16:05
MinceRsame system as before, maybe with a few more levelsJan 27 16:05
MinceRi doubt that everyone who's desensitized to images of mutilated bodies is a psychopathJan 27 16:06
gde33if you have an amount of people some will test obviously empathic, some will test obviously psychopatic and some will test average.Jan 27 16:06
MinceRi'm pretty sure it wasn't on any of the checklists i've seenJan 27 16:07
gde33I dont think it is a sexy idea to put the clear psychopath in powerJan 27 16:07
MinceRi'm pretty sure Cleckley didn't mention it in Mask of Sanity :>Jan 27 16:07
gde33he doesn't have what it takesJan 27 16:07
MinceRhe'll speak to the people and make them believe that he does have what it takesJan 27 16:07
gde33We could argue about average people but the cases where it is all to obvious should be eliminated.Jan 27 16:07
MinceRalso, tests can be corruptedJan 27 16:07
gde33these are people who dont have activity in that part of their brainJan 27 16:07
gde33you are setting up shop for warsJan 27 16:08
MinceRif the people doing the test aren't willing to lie about the results, the people in power will replace themJan 27 16:08
gde33you can certainly have a few cases where it isn't easy to get a good ratingJan 27 16:08
gde33just publish the data?Jan 27 16:08
MinceRalso, i'm pretty sure a psychopath could fake discomfortJan 27 16:08
gde33if you want to be a public figure, wouldnt you want to know this about yourself?Jan 27 16:09
gde33to what extend you are faking empathy?Jan 27 16:09
MinceRthey could tamper the data before publishing itJan 27 16:09
gde33it wont make you less of a personJan 27 16:09
gde33do you think a truly empathic person could just start a war for proffit?Jan 27 16:10
gde33personally, if you come to my desk to suggest such a thing I might just have to end youJan 27 16:10
gde33lolJan 27 16:10
MinceRno, i think a psychopath could easily fake being empathicJan 27 16:10
MinceRfor your testJan 27 16:10
gde33he cantJan 27 16:10
MinceRthen they get into power and do whatever they wanted to do all alongJan 27 16:10
gde33the biological effect is to strongJan 27 16:10
MinceRwhile faking whatever emotions they needJan 27 16:10
gde33people feel as if it is their finger being cut when looking at itJan 27 16:10
MinceRread Mask of Sanity :>Jan 27 16:11
gde33there is no evidence such tests can be faked but still it would add a layer of securityJan 27 16:11
MinceRno, it wouldn'tJan 27 16:11
MinceRit would merely add more hooks for corruptionJan 27 16:11
MinceRand more chances to attack people the oligarchy doesn't want in powerJan 27 16:11
gde33dont you understand that some people have no feeling for others?Jan 27 16:12
-->jono_ ( has joined #techrightsJan 27 16:12
MinceRi doJan 27 16:12
MinceRbut it won't be easy to tell if they do or notJan 27 16:12
gde33there are cases where we can establish this with great certaintyJan 27 16:12
MinceRfrom the outsideJan 27 16:12
gde33or do you doubt there are such cases?Jan 27 16:12
MinceRalso, by the very nature of such testing there would be a small number of people making a decisionJan 27 16:13
MinceRwhich would be easily subvertedJan 27 16:13
gde33the information could just be presented to the voterJan 27 16:13
MinceRthe voter is not a trained psychiatristJan 27 16:13
gde33you are showing empathy to people who dont know what it meansJan 27 16:13
gde33why would you bother with that?Jan 27 16:13
MinceRand any discrepancy could be explained as a different interpretation of the dataJan 27 16:13
gde33do you think they will aperciate it?Jan 27 16:13
MinceRpoliticians already do thatJan 27 16:14
gde33they will think of it as your weaknessJan 27 16:14
MinceRthey'll present the data and their decisionJan 27 16:14
MinceRand claim that the decision is based on the dataJan 27 16:14
gde33sureJan 27 16:14
MinceRand another expert will easily determined that the decision is bogusJan 27 16:14
gde33you can have the tests done independentlyJan 27 16:14
MinceRwhile the ones on the politician's side will agree with it, no matter whatJan 27 16:15
gde33the other expert deserves a fair hearingJan 27 16:15
MinceRso, how many tests will decide if someone gets to run for office or not?Jan 27 16:15
MinceRand how?Jan 27 16:15
gde33I'm still talking about the extreme cases where people have pretty much reverted to using nothing but their lizard brainJan 27 16:15
MinceRalso, m$'s example should show that "independent" is easily thrown aroundJan 27 16:15
gde33the john mcain kind of politicianJan 27 16:15
gde33where non of the brain worksJan 27 16:15
MinceRthat's the sort of people a large percentage of the voters wantJan 27 16:16
MinceRmost of the people are idiotsJan 27 16:16
gde33he just started singing bomb iraq bomb bomb iraq?Jan 27 16:16
MinceRand i see no way of fixing thatJan 27 16:16
gde33he thought he was being funnyJan 27 16:16
gde33seriouslyJan 27 16:16
MinceR 27 16:16
gde33that brings me to argument 2Jan 27 16:17
gde33the voter diplomaJan 27 16:17
gde33:DJan 27 16:17
MinceRsame problemJan 27 16:17
gde33what do you mean?Jan 27 16:17
gde33you want to not know anything then decide stuff for me?Jan 27 16:17
MinceRwhoever hands out the diploma decides who gets to voteJan 27 16:17
gde33gtfo?Jan 27 16:17
MinceRand so they'll be corrupted to decide the corruptor's voters are eligible, others aren'tJan 27 16:17
gde33you just say that because you failed for the testJan 27 16:18
MinceRyeah, that's what the corruptor will sayJan 27 16:18
MinceRexactlyJan 27 16:18
MinceRour commies before 1990 prohibited opposition parties from participating in the election by claiming that they were all "fascists"Jan 27 16:19
gde33hahahaJan 27 16:19
MinceRif you wanted democracy, you were a "fascist"Jan 27 16:19
gde33a very efficent system right thereJan 27 16:20
gde33we are going to do something like that to youJan 27 16:20
gde33not just make you unelectable based on science data that says ur a naziJan 27 16:20
gde33but also not give you the diploma for not knowing anything at all about our great nationJan 27 16:21
MinceRyeah, "science" "data"Jan 27 16:21
MinceRwhoever writes the test decides what the right answers areJan 27 16:21
gde33but hey, at least I've addressed earlier arguments of my content not being original enough.Jan 27 16:22
MinceR:>Jan 27 16:22
gde33I will just have to make this case in future argumentsJan 27 16:22
gde33hahaJan 27 16:22
MinceR 27 16:22
gde33 27 16:25
MinceR:DJan 27 16:25
MinceRthe execution is somewhat lackingJan 27 16:25
gde33I was just distracted by the thoughts that gifs are really nice, not a lot of work to make for how funny they can be.Jan 27 16:26
gde33 27 16:26
gde33 27 16:28
gde33$-but-fly.pngJan 27 16:29
gde33MinceR: but to get back to the combi, between wanting psychopaths and wanting uneducated people in government you've pretty much ruined everything.Jan 27 16:32
gde33there is no hope nowJan 27 16:32
MinceRapparently you've failed at reading comprehensionJan 27 16:32
gde33it is either nazi's or nazi'sJan 27 16:32
MinceRindeed there is no hopeJan 27 16:32
gde33hahahaJan 27 16:32
MinceRwhatever system you'll invent to restrict who can run for office or can vote, can and will be corrupted.Jan 27 16:33
MinceRjust like whatever system people coming up with organizing government can and will be corruptedJan 27 16:33
gde33 27 16:33
MinceR:>Jan 27 16:33
MinceRwhat if my dreams are nightmares?Jan 27 16:33
gde33we dont care what they areJan 27 16:34
gde33you dont have dreams as far as the rest of us is concernedJan 27 16:34
gde33we have nothing to worry aboutJan 27 16:34
MinceRindeed, worrying won't help eitherJan 27 16:36
gde33I say first we get rid of government psycho's, then remove the people would cant be bothered to know anything from voting.Jan 27 16:36
gde33then at least our downfall will be well organisedJan 27 16:37
gde33then we increase the complexity of the voting processJan 27 16:38
MinceRand how would you do that?Jan 27 16:38
gde33excluding even more peopleJan 27 16:38
MinceRand how will increased complexity work?Jan 27 16:38
gde33voting more often on actual topicsJan 27 16:38
gde33involvement in decision makingJan 27 16:39
MinceRmost people can't be botheredJan 27 16:39
MinceRthey already vote randomlyJan 27 16:39
gde33we can compensate them for not participatingJan 27 16:39
gde33they can always learn the nesasary stuff and join usJan 27 16:39
gde33until they do they will just have to trust usJan 27 16:40
gde33one way or annotherJan 27 16:40
MinceRthey can't and they don't care toJan 27 16:40
gde33I dont see the problem with people who dont careJan 27 16:40
MinceRand if you devise a system to confirm that they've learned, that system will be compromisedJan 27 16:40
gde33cant we respect that?Jan 27 16:40
MinceRpeople who don't care do a lot of damageJan 27 16:40
gde33I'm looking for basic knowledgeJan 27 16:40
MinceRpeople who don't care to think a bit voted hungary into a dictatorshipJan 27 16:41
MinceRpeople who don't care to thing a bit keep the usa in its two-party systemJan 27 16:41
gde33we can eliminate most voters with the requirement of knowing which parties they can chose from.Jan 27 16:41
MinceRprobably same in the ukJan 27 16:41
MinceRnot sure how that would work, considering that parties get nominated before the electionJan 27 16:41
MinceRand there are a lot of parties who try to get nominatedJan 27 16:42
gde33we can require basic knowledge of each optionJan 27 16:42
MinceRagain, someone will decide what the right answers areJan 27 16:42
gde33without knowledge of what the choices are your choice cant be considered as valauble as the next guyJan 27 16:42
MinceRand someone will tell the voters on their side what the right answers areJan 27 16:42
gde33at first the test should be kintergarden levelJan 27 16:43
gde33seriouslyJan 27 16:43
gde33most voters only know the names of the top 3 optionsJan 27 16:43
MinceRalso, people will try to smear your test with all sorts of false stuff too, to fight itJan 27 16:43
gde33thats fairJan 27 16:44
gde33it deserves to be attackedJan 27 16:44
MinceRand it won't be introduced anywhereJan 27 16:44
gde33for reasons you described earlierJan 27 16:44
MinceRunless the oligarchs want it toJan 27 16:44
MinceRbut then they'll shape it to their needsJan 27 16:44
gde33the idea is not at a stage where it can be implmenetedJan 27 16:44
gde33but it is intersting to talk with people who argue they want to vote but they dont want to bother knowing anythingJan 27 16:45
gde33if you ask them how we are going to get it right they say ehheheheJan 27 16:45
gde33technically the correct responseJan 27 16:46
gde33If such a system would be taken over it would still allow for greater citizen participation?Jan 27 16:49
MinceRit would seem to me that it would allow for less citizen participationJan 27 16:49
MinceRseeing how it's all about restricting who gets to participateJan 27 16:49
gde33smaller numbers but more influence?Jan 27 16:49
MinceRwell, those are connectedJan 27 16:50
gde33the test could be designed to eliminate a fixed percentage of votersJan 27 16:50
MinceRin the extreme, you have one citizen participating, the PatricianJan 27 16:50
MinceRhe is the Man, he has the Vote.Jan 27 16:50
gde33we merge his brain with the super computerJan 27 16:51
gde333)???? 4) proffit!Jan 27 16:51
MinceRlolJan 27 16:52
gde33it will be our only solution to avoid rule by AIJan 27 16:53
MinceRexcept he will be the AI and he will ruleJan 27 16:55
MinceRso we won't avoid it at allJan 27 16:56
gde33I liked Chavez TV showJan 27 17:02
gde33who knows, maybe we could do a telepresence political modelJan 27 17:02
gde33cybernetic politicians with advanced teleroboticsJan 27 17:04
MinceRhow would you tell if they're psychopaths then?Jan 27 17:06
gde33by pluging into the live feeling telemetry feedJan 27 17:06
gde33make it so that one can experience the representativeJan 27 17:06
MinceRand then someone broke into the feed and made everyone die from a seizure :>Jan 27 17:07
gde33they are going to die anywayJan 27 17:08
gde33at least it will be efficentJan 27 17:08
MinceRthere are more efficient ways to kill everybodyJan 27 17:08
gde33less emotionally involved?Jan 27 17:08
MinceRno, everybodyJan 27 17:09
gde33build in a safty systemJan 27 17:09
gde33mcaffee emo 2.0Jan 27 17:10
MinceRoohJan 27 17:10
MinceRmcaffee for my neural systemJan 27 17:10
MinceRi can't waitJan 27 17:10
gde33you just configure the feelings you wantJan 27 17:10
MinceRnew and exciting ways to suffer and dieJan 27 17:10
MinceRand you can't even uninstall it!Jan 27 17:11
gde33we always end up with thatJan 27 17:11
MinceRof course the assumption that my neural system runs winblows is even scarierJan 27 17:11
gde33it almost defeats the purpose of technologyJan 27 17:11
gde33bad patches :PJan 27 17:11
MinceRs/mcaffee/mcafee/Jan 27 17:12
MinceR(or, for german speakers, s/mcaffee/mcaffe/ :> )Jan 27 17:13
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 27 17:41
MinceR 27 17:52 | Google "Duverger's Law" - CheezburgerJan 27 17:52
gde33have people say their own opinion doesnt matterJan 27 17:59
gde33if there was a 3rd party that represents what I believe I wouldnt vote for it because I dont want to be the first in anything. kind of logicJan 27 18:01
<--Cirrus_Minor has quit (Quit: ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄┉ħţţρş╱╱:αяcħℓίηυχ.σŕ❡ฺ ฺ┉▄ ▃ ▂ ▁)Jan 27 18:04
gde33MinceR: the oposite is also a fun picture, select the psycho as our leader then do an iq test to eliminate votes from overly brainy people.Jan 27 18:14
MinceRwhat would that do?Jan 27 18:14
gde33it would make a collective out of people who really need oneJan 27 18:14
gde33and deploy a leader who knows he is a psycho, he should take some advice when it gets in the wayJan 27 18:15
gde33a bit like a surgeon would have to stay a bit emotionally detachedJan 27 18:17
<--jono_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Jan 27 18:40
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MinceR 27 18:53
gde33MinceR:!msg/sci.physics/5-d_fI6_Gz8/kyAQzodJQWoJJan 27 19:10
MinceRo_OJan 27 19:11
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 27 19:19
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 27 19:25
DaemonFC"We didn't make it for Indians, WE MADE IT FOR WESTERNERS *WHO CAN AFFORD IT*".Jan 27 19:25
DaemonFC(Emphasis is mine)Jan 27 19:26
DaemonFCIn other words, not even all westerners, only the very rich ones. And I'm sure that even post-Obamacare, insurance companies will figure out some way to "discourage" customers that cost them $5,750 a month in drugs alone. People that are that sick are the reason Medicare and Medicaid exist. They're made a burden of the public because private insurers don't want those customers, only relatively healthy ones. That's why those programs are allowed Jan 27 19:26
DaemonFCto exist. It's privatized profits and socialized losses. Lemon Socialism.Jan 27 19:26
DaemonFCI think it's wonderful that India has used the force majeure of its national government against foreign predatory drug companies, to help cancer and HIV patients.Jan 27 19:26
DaemonFCMore countries should do this, and they should tell Obama and his corporate crapitalist cronies to go to hell, and exactly where to shove the TPP. Jan 27 19:26
MinceRgnJan 27 19:40
schestowitz 27 20:10
schestowitz 27 20:13
DaemonFCBetter anything than Apple.Jan 27 20:14
DaemonFCIt's hard to imagine any devices that come along that could be more hostile to freedom than iThings.Jan 27 20:14
DaemonFCEven Microsoft doesn't have a blanket ban of copyleft software on their Windows store.Jan 27 20:14
DaemonFCOf course they could at any point, and that sort of abuse is something that app store monopolies enable.Jan 27 20:15
DaemonFCgeezJan 27 20:29
DaemonFCI've almost filled up my 2 TB hard drive.Jan 27 20:29
DaemonFC:PJan 27 20:29
DaemonFCI need to go through looking for files that I don't need anymore.Jan 27 20:29
gde33DaemonFC: you just need to buy a new one ;)Jan 27 20:32
gde33when you have 6 TB or more you will see that cleaning up is pointless lolJan 27 20:33
schestowitz__tessier: only 3 or so days left for the site's current host; can a VM be set up tomorrow?Jan 27 20:43
-->TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ has joined #techrightsJan 27 20:46
TechrightsBot-trHello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.71Jan 27 20:46
schestowitz__gde33: I have 8 TVJan 27 20:46
schestowitz__YBJan 27 20:46
schestowitz__TBJan 27 20:46
schestowitz__ 27 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Suppressing contenders 27 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google "Duverger's Law" - CheezburgerJan 27 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Without money" 27 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: FBI: catching the "criminals" (privacy proponents) 27 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Optical illusion in 3-D 27 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: War on #anonymity 27 20:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The FBI Seized All of TorMail's Data and Is Using It to Catch HackersJan 27 20:59
schestowitz__ 27 21:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dreams 27 21:02
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Choices #europe not much better 27 21:02
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 27 21:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 21:05 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 27 21:05
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade toJan 27 21:05
TweetTuxMachines                 Ubuntu 13.10 Now 27 21:05
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 21:05 | Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 Now | Tux MachinesJan 27 21:05
DaemonFCMy dad on Facebook regarding gay marriage. " So, besides offending a whole lot of people, confusing others, inspiring a lot of people to not care, and introducing that group to the joys of divorce, where is the prize?"Jan 27 21:17
DaemonFCMe: "Who cares if right-wing crazies in the American Taliban are offended? Seriously. Fuck them. I mean that. Fuck them very much. Sure, divorce will happen. I don't think it will exceed the embarrassingly high divorce rate of straight people, which is well over 50%."Jan 27 21:17
schestowitz__ 27 21:18
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 Now #ubuntu #linux #gnuJan 27 21:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ubuntu 13.04 Is No Longer Supported, Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 NowJan 27 21:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: New version of Google spyware is out #firefox improved a lot, people should revisit itJan 27 21:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes Mouse Pointer and Quicktime IssuesJan 27 21:19
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Snowden-branded #nsa leaks are starting to slow down (infrequent new disclosures); are new anonymous leakers (using Snowden's name) afraid?Jan 27 21:19
schestowitz__ 27 21:28 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 27 21:28
schestowitz__"inBloom, I think, is a Gates thing."Jan 27 21:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 27 21:28
schestowitz__Yes, I have already criticised that article at the timeJan 27 21:29
gde33does this link work? 27 21:30
schestowitz__ 27 21:30 | Is Red Hat Working for the NSA? - FOSS Force  [ ]Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__"Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__@Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Some of those are facts, and I should read the rest of them again, but e.g. my take on Linus’ father was that he was speculating.Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__Mixing facts and speculation doesn’t make them all facts.Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__BSD devs don’t trust HW RNG’s, neither Linux devs. And Linux devs treat every bug the same way, security implications or not.Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__I might not like it but that’s the way they work.Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__My final question to you is: given your distrust on RedHat, how can you recommend people to use CentOS, given that they use the same sources?Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__I wouldn’t trust them either, especially since they’re part of RedHat now.Jan 27 21:30
schestowitz__"Jan 27 21:30
gde33I had annother great idea to limit peoples freedom, bra locks with build-in iq test.Jan 27 21:41
schestowitz__ 27 21:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured List #gnome #gnu #linuxJan 27 21:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured ListJan 27 21:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux? #zdnet again 27 21:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux?  | ITworldJan 27 21:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ZDNet - TechrightsJan 27 21:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + Xfce #kfce #kde #linuxmint #gnu #linuxJan 27 21:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Das U-Blog by Prashanth: Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + XfceJan 27 21:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes MouseJan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Pointer and Quicktime IssuesJan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines        27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the FeaturedJan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines                 List 27 21:56 | New Google Chrome 32 Release Fixes Mouse Pointer and Quicktime Issues | Tux MachinesJan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux?Jan 27 21:56 | GNOME Software App Adds Ardour to the Featured List | Tux MachinesJan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines        27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 21:56 | Why do Windows journalists have to trash Linux? | Tux MachinesJan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + XfceJan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines        27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 21:56 | Revisited: Linux Mint 16 "Petra" KDE + Xfce | Tux MachinesJan 27 21:56
schestowitz__ 27 21:56
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #seagate are incompetent; if all they can replace a faulty drive with is another faulty drive, then it's better if they don't bother at all.Jan 27 21:56
TweetTuxMachines@Kaitlyneene     @tuxmachines 20 minutos... *o*Jan 27 21:57
TweetTuxMachines        27 21:57
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 27 21:57
TechrightsBot-tr@Kaitlyneene: @tuxmachines 20 minutos... *o* 27 21:57
gde33MinceR: I'm still on our choice between nazi's or nazi'sJan 27 22:15
gde33 27 22:15 | WE ARE THE NAZIS - 911 THE MUSICAL - YouTube  [ ]Jan 27 22:15
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 27 22:46
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 27 22:50
gde33common guys, we will win this war?Jan 27 22:58
tessierschestowitz__: I'm working on a VM now...Jan 28 00:02
tessierschestowitz__: /home is 99% full btw. Do you get emails when this happens? The monitoring system is configured to send them...Jan 28 00:05
tessierI just extended the logical volume for  /home...Jan 28 00:06
DaemonFCThe Indiana General Assembly just voted to strike the second sentence from the marriage discrimination amendment.Jan 28 00:32
DaemonFCThat means that they have to pass it again every year through 2016 before it can be placed on the ballot.Jan 28 00:33
DaemonFCI think the Republicans did this because they hope that the courts will save them from having to vote in favor of the amendment.Jan 28 00:33
tessierIndiana....I have lots of family there.Jan 28 01:55
tessierMostly conservative and mostly bigots of one sort or another.Jan 28 01:55
DaemonFCthe rural partsJan 28 02:05
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 02:16
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 28 02:18
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<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 03:39
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-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 28 04:08
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 28 04:08
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---ChanServ gives channel operator status to MinceRJan 28 04:16
iophk 28 04:29 | Tor Anonymity Software vs. the National Security Agency - Businessweek  [ ]Jan 28 04:29
schestowitz__[05:05] <tessier> schestowitz__: /home is 99% full btw. Do you get emails when this happens? The monitoring system is configured to send them...Jan 28 04:30
<--msb__ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 28 04:31
schestowitz__oops, I know why this happened. Must always have around 3 GB free for the backups to take place (DBs are over 2 GB)Jan 28 04:31
schestowitz__iophk: I posted a link to it some days ago when it was first publishedJan 28 04:32
iophkYes, I just now noticed that it actually made the cover.Jan 28 04:32
schestowitz__I said they had spun itJan 28 04:36
schestowitz__Tor has some support from gov Jan 28 04:36
schestowitz__Origin and fundingJan 28 04:36
schestowitz__For their astroturf ro whateverJan 28 04:36
schestowitz__and propping up coups in other countries perhapsJan 28 04:36
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 28 04:37
schestowitz__The BW/bloomberg article goes further by characterising it as a property of the gov, I thinkJan 28 04:37
schestowitz__ 28 04:37 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 04:37
schestowitz__Entertainment is another word for a palliative against one's disatisfaction with oneself. Unless one is first able to be happy while just being, without distraction (including thinking), then one craves entertainment. Conversely, if one is able to be content alone and not distracted from one's own being, entertainment serves no purpose, but can be taken, or left aside, with equal ease."77"Jan 28 04:38
schestowitz__ 28 04:38 #outage at #nsa #dropbox "was caused by internal maintenance," according to DropBox. Setting up more doors for NSA? 28 04:38
schestowitz__You would not expect these geniuses to contract out to companies for this kind of thing. Remember when the CIA director got caught in some woman's Yahoo?"77"Jan 28 04:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Hackers claim responsibility for Dropbox outage (Wired UK)  [ ]Jan 28 04:38
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 28 04:40
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-->msb__ ( has joined #techrightsJan 28 04:42
-->TRT (~twitfolk@ has joined #techrightsJan 28 04:43
schestowitz__ 28 04:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #GNU in the Days of #UNIX 28 04:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> |  » Blog Archive   » GNU in the Days of UNIXJan 28 04:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #TuxMachines Site Migration Imminent (Updatex2) The target VM is now ready.Jan 28 04:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Site Migration Imminent (Updatex2) | Tux MachinesJan 28 04:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #seagate claims to have warranty, but what it actually means is, you can send faulty drive at own expense to get a different faulty oneJan 28 04:48
schestowitz__ 28 04:49 Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies #germany #ebergyJan 28 04:49
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Over Half of Germany’s Renewable Energy Owned By Citizens & Farmers, Not Utility Companies | Beyond Revolution  [ ]Jan 28 04:49
schestowitz__"Good. Now if this can just happen everywhere..."Jan 28 04:49
schestowitz__ 28 04:50 #fsf #unix #c #linux #gnuJan 28 04:50
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 28 04:50
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 28 04:50
schestowitz__'He was probably at a seminar or whatever in Britain or speaking about the british market, would be my guess. AS IF BRITAIN IS DEVOID OF SOCIOPATHS! For shame."Jan 28 04:50
schestowitz__ 28 04:51 Rich people: people are poor because they're lazy; Poor people, indoctrinated by rich people-owned media: I just need to work harder.Jan 28 04:51
schestowitz__"When in reality, it is because the rich people have forced those poorer than them into debt. We have to take out loans (debt) of debt-based money in order to do almost anything because it is nearly impossible to save up for large purchases (cars, houses, college) because the money loses its value before it can be spent. And by rich people, I exclude the majority of business owners who are also forced to use debt."Jan 28 04:51
schestowitz__ 28 04:51 Hollywood and celebs: all the distraction our world needs to be blind to state crimes, tyranny, & other illegalities 28 04:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Op-Ed: MSNBC cuts off NSA interview for 'breaking news' of Bieber arrest  [ ]Jan 28 04:51
schestowitz__"Considering the "press" is owned by tConsidering the "press" is owned by the same people that own the government through bribes, sorry "campaign contributions", it would not surprise me were giddy when they found out about this."he same people that own the government through bribes, sorry "campaign contributions", it would not surprise me were giddy when they found out about this.Jan 28 04:51
MinceR 28 04:52
schestowitz__MinceR: yeahJan 28 04:53
schestowitz__ 28 04:53 "Get 'em while they're young," they say... 28 04:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA's website for kids isn't creepy. Nope. Not creepy at all.  [ ]Jan 28 04:53
schestowitz__"Indoctrination of the young and impressionable is always creep-tastic."Jan 28 04:53
schestowitz__ 28 04:53 Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update  #samsung #ballnuxJan 28 04:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Note 3 users: Samsung disabled unofficial accessories via software update | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 28 04:53
schestowitz__"...taking a page from Apple's playbook..."Jan 28 04:53
MinceRindeedJan 28 04:54
MinceRalso, region lockJan 28 04:54
schestowitz__yeahJan 28 04:54
schestowitz__Apple is suffering from ANdroud nowJan 28 04:54
schestowitz__it too is a religionJan 28 04:54
schestowitz__preying on young and unpopularJan 28 04:54
schestowitz__Thinking they'd substitute  bad life with a tiny worship-worthy machineJan 28 04:55
schestowitz__ 28 04:55 #drones with legs, wheels, etc. 28 04:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army expects to replace a quarter of soldiers with robots by 2040 - SlashGear  [ ]Jan 28 04:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040 - Muktware  [ ]Jan 28 04:55
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Army Envisions More Robotic Future  [ ]Jan 28 04:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014Jan 28 04:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 04:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 04:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Samsung rumoured to release ‘Galaxy Glass’ IFAJan 28 04:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Berlin 2014 28 04:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 04:55 | 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 04:55 | Samsung rumoured to release ‘Galaxy Glass’ IFA Berlin 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 04:55
schestowitz__"An unquestioning army who will never question their orders, regardless of how inhumane they are..."Jan 28 04:56
schestowitz__ 28 05:03 | Richard Sherman's Winning Rant  [ ]Jan 28 05:03
schestowitz__ 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Case of the Missing OS, or Did Apple Eat Pear? #apple #pearos 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Case of the Missing OS, or Did Apple Eat Pear? | Community | LinuxInsiderJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why a Deletion of Pear OS From the Web (Including SourceForge) is Mysterious | TechrightsJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment #omeJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop EnvironmentJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Paradox' Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux - MuktwareJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #samsung to produce #linux based #cctv glasses too 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung rumoured to release 'Galaxy Glass' IFA Berlin 2014 - MuktwareJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 #ubuntu #gnu #linuxJan 28 05:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | 7 Things We Expect from Ubuntu in 2014 | TechSourceJan 28 05:27
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IVJan 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines                 heading for Linux 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Knoppix Review, Shotwell's Future, and 5Jan 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines                 Insults 28 05:35 | Paradox’ Runemaster and Hearts of Iron IV heading for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 05:35 | Knoppix Review, Shotwell's Future, and 5 Insults | Tux MachinesJan 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop EnvironmentJan 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines        28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 05:35 | Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment | Tux MachinesJan 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Make Peace with pax 28 05:35
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 05:35 | Make Peace with pax | Tux MachinesJan 28 05:35
iophkok, authorized access then?Jan 28 05:38
iophk 28 05:38 | Microsoft rules out ‘back door’ access to MPs’ electronic communications | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 05:39
iophkIt's probably right there in the EULAJan 28 05:39
iophk,0,0.htmlstory?track=bluesky-ct-headJan 28 05:41 | How open-source software drives innovation - Blue Sky Innovation  [ ]Jan 28 05:41
schestowitz__iophk: good linkJan 28 05:45
schestowitz__I will write about it laterJan 28 05:45
schestowitz__The Guardian covers up for Microsoft againJan 28 05:45
iophk*EULA -> EULA(s)Jan 28 05:47
MinceR 28 05:51
schestowitz__ 28 05:52 | Tech Comics: Geek Spoilsports - Datamation  [ ]Jan 28 05:52
schestowitz__iophk: any related articles?Jan 28 05:53
schestowitz__I xdidn't see one with accusationsJan 28 05:53
schestowitz__Just a defence of MicrosoftJan 28 05:53
iophknot off handJan 28 05:53
iophkpossibly a pre-emptive strike to distract from something.Jan 28 05:53
iophkIt might be in reference to something months old.Jan 28 05:54
iophk 28 05:55 | NSA Built Back Door In All Microsoft Windows Software Since 1999 :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website  [ ]Jan 28 05:55
iophk 28 05:55 | Snowden leak: Microsoft added backdoor for Feds • The Register  [ ]Jan 28 05:56
iophk 28 05:56 | News - Zentyal 3.3, featuring Microsoft Exchange Server replacement, is now available  | Linux Small Business Server  [ ]Jan 28 05:56
schestowitz__ 28 05:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie Preview #ubuntu #debian #linuxJan 28 05:57
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie PreviewJan 28 05:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Delivery #drones 28 05:57
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How open-source software drives innovation because the "i" word (innovation) is hip these daysJan 28 05:57
schestowitz__iophk: yes, but these are from last yearJan 28 05:57
iophkyes, oldJan 28 05:57
schestowitz__was there a new complaint in Aussie Greens?Jan 28 05:57
schestowitz__Cause I saw no coverage of themJan 28 05:57
schestowitz__certainly not from Gates-funded 'guardian'Jan 28 05:58
iophkmaybe this?Jan 28 05:58
iophk 28 05:58 | Australian MPs could be exposed to US surveillance, IT official concedes | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 05:58
schestowitz__yeah, but oldishJan 28 05:58
iophkOf course the Guardian is not going to help by linking to any other articles, old or new.Jan 28 05:59
iophkIt could be in response to the old article or a distraction from something else happening now.Jan 28 06:00
schestowitz__like what?Jan 28 06:01
schestowitz__I didn't see MS in the headlines, except for liesJan 28 06:01
schestowitz__Brad Smith and others claiming to move "cloud" out of US for non-US 'customersJan 28 06:02
schestowitz__Huff Puff/AOL printed this nonsenseJan 28 06:02
schestowitz__It's a PR plotJan 28 06:02
schestowitz__It's a PR ployJan 28 06:02
schestowitz__because of seagate I didn't have time to look into NSA news yesterdayJan 28 06:02
iophkI wouldn't know, the good headlines are often buried.Jan 28 06:04
iophkalso old : Jan 28 06:10
iophk 28 06:10
iophk"We know that Microsoft software contains a back door which is utilised  by the US NSA and Microsoft has been very active in assisting the NSA to  circumvent the company’s own encryption standards."Jan 28 06:10 | Worst CIO job in Australia? - Delimiter  [ ]Jan 28 06:10
schestowitz__ 28 06:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "The gist of the story is that "123456" is now the most commonly used weak password" I use people who use it!Jan 28 06:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Password Security Requires Multiple Layers of ProtectionJan 28 06:12
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card Comparison #amd #nvidia #linuxJan 28 06:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card ComparisonJan 28 06:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian JessieJan 28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Preview 28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce LinuxJan 28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines                 Graphics Card Comparison 28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 06:15 | Ubuntu 14.04 vs. Debian 7.3 vs. Debian Jessie Preview | Tux MachinesJan 28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Four must try Indie games on LinuxJan 28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines        28 06:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 06:15 | 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce Linux Graphics Card Comparison | Tux MachinesJan 28 06:15 | Four must try Indie games on Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 06:15
schestowitz__ 28 06:17 Optical illusion in 3-D 28 06:17
schestowitz__ 28 06:17 | floating box illusion - YouTube  [ ]Jan 28 06:17
schestowitz__ 28 06:19 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 06:19
schestowitz__"yep oh look, it's you '"Jan 28 06:19
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 06:19 | glyn moody - Google+ - All Your Child's Data Are Belong To InBloom -…  [ ]Jan 28 06:19 | To Lisa Macfarlane and Suzanne Estey: And you thought it was a conspiracy theory? | Seattle Education  [ ]Jan 28 06:19 | Will Hill - Google+ - We covered inBloom before. It’s like Gates’ own mini-PRISM.…  [ ]Jan 28 06:19
schestowitz__Thankful for the mention...Jan 28 06:20
schestowitz__ 28 06:20 War on #anonymity 28 06:20
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The FBI Seized All of TorMail's Data and Is Using It to Catch Hackers  [ ]Jan 28 06:20
schestowitz__"Gizmodo is stupid. FBI uses Windows malware, search warrants and duress to steal a database, so Gizmodo concludes TOR is worthless. No, what's worthless for your privacy is Windows, non free software and US hosting."Jan 28 06:20
schestowitz__ 28 06:21 Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life remember when the #fbi sent letters with death threats?Jan 28 06:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden: There Are 'Significant Threats' To My Life  [ ]Jan 28 06:21
schestowitz__"I would like more people appreciate what Snowden did and realize what costed him. There would be no need of a handful of heros if millons of people acted like responsible citizens."Jan 28 06:21
schestowitz__several other NSA employees are now following his example and leaking more documents, published with attribution to Snowden for their safety, based on G.A.P.Jan 28 06:22
schestowitz__ 28 07:11 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 07:11
schestowitz__"Jan 28 07:11
schestowitz__I don't disagree and think we're just highlighting different aspects of the issue.Jan 28 07:11
schestowitz__However, rather than demeaning or downgrading TV watchers, I'm encouraging people to consider what they do and why, and providing a simple and easy way to test out my statement, for anyone with a mind to wake up.Jan 28 07:11
schestowitz__Try changing a habit, and if you can't, well, are you curious to know why is that? Is that OK for you? And if not, well the solution is in there too.Jan 28 07:11
schestowitz__The last part is not easy though, and something I have been working on for years, with some success, but always many more habits to challenge, and aspects of myself that I struggle to be with.Jan 28 07:11
schestowitz__"Jan 28 07:11
schestowitz__My wife and I don't watch TV. I gave away my last set about a decade ago, and I've hardly missed a thing. In fact, the world (outdoor) and society (communication) is too good to be wasted, esp. if the alternative is a one-way broadcast (data-pushing) apparatus which treats us like fetuses.Jan 28 07:13
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jan 28 07:27
-->sebsebseb (~mageiause@fsf/member/sebsebseb) has joined #techrightsJan 28 07:31
schestowitz__ 28 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Four must try Indie games on Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Four must try Indie games on Linux - MuktwareJan 28 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Developers, generally speaking, want to share their code with other developers." 28 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | GCC, LLVM, Copyleft, Companies, and Non-Profits - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Jan 28 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "It's lawyers and business people with dollar signs in their eyes who want to make proprietary software." 28 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "EU agreed its current Data Protection Directive in 1995... Mark Zuckerberg was just 11." #privacyJan 28 07:31
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Data Protection Day - European CommissionJan 28 07:31
schestowitz__ 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: First ever #CryEngine Game to head for Linux  #gnu #linux #gamesJan 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google Patent aims to offer ad based driverless taxi service - MuktwareJan 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Speaking personally, I have never, ever, switched off comments on my blog posts or deleted posts" 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On Accountability  |  jonobacon@homeJan 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 5 Must Have Steam Titles on Linux #games #gnu #linuxJan 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For EveryoneJan 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The state of digital freedom in 2014 OSI president speaks about freedom, not openness. #fsf #gnuJan 28 07:32
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The state of digital freedom in 2014 | Open Source Software - InfoWorldJan 28 07:32
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First ever CryEngine Game to head for LinuxJan 28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     5 Must Have Steam Titles on LinuxJan 28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 07:55 | First ever CryEngine Game to head for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     The state of digital freedom in 2014Jan 28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 07:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 07:56 | 5 Must Have Steam Titles on Linux | Tux MachinesJan 28 07:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that areJan 28 07:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Actually Stable 28 07:56 | The state of digital freedom in 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 07:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 07:56 | 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable | Tux MachinesJan 28 07:56
iophk 28 08:11 | Finnish schools using open source reap savings | Joinup  [ ]Jan 28 08:11
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 28 08:16
schestowitz__ Jan 28 08:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Finnish schools using open source reap savings #finland #freedom #freeswJan 28 08:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable #gnu #linuxJan 28 08:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For EveryoneJan 28 08:36
schestowitz__ 28 08:37
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Upgrading home connection to fibre-optics; 80Mbit download, 20Mbit upload. This will hopefully make the connections more stable, too.Jan 28 08:37
MinceRif i want cutting edge, i'll buy a sword. if i want bleeding edge, i'll use it.Jan 28 08:37
schestowitz__ 28 08:41 #### Life Without TV... boring? Jan 28 08:41
schestowitz__"That's great. :-) TV is the headline here, because almost everyone has one, and many watch a lot of it, but it it's not the point of my post, which is about the many ways people are averse to being, and how disempowering this can be."Jan 28 08:41
schestowitz__ 28 08:42
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox #gnome #kde #gnu #linuxJan 28 08:42
TechrightsBot-tr-> | KDE Desktop Vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox - DatamationJan 28 08:42
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Finnish schools using open source reap savingsJan 28 08:44
TweetTuxMachines        28 08:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 08:44
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great ParadoxJan 28 08:44
TweetTuxMachines        28 08:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 08:44 | Finnish schools using open source reap savings | Tux MachinesJan 28 08:44 | KDE Desktop vs. GNOME Apps: The Great Paradox | Tux MachinesJan 28 08:44
<--sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 28 08:56
schestowitz__ 28 08:59
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #ForgeRock rocks with #Sun projects 28 08:59
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actionsJan 28 08:59
schestowitz__iophk: I habe some posts scheduled for tonightJan 28 08:59
iophkcoolJan 28 08:59
schestowitz__I have lots planned for yesterday, but Seagate drive arrive and it was as broken as the one it replacedJan 28 09:00
schestowitz__Burned 4 hours of my time, killed my appetiate, and even ruined my morningJan 28 09:00
schestowitz__I wonder if a company can be held legally liable for replacing faulty with faulty under "warrany"Jan 28 09:00
schestowitz__Just a total waste of time, would be better to use the time to just buy a new driveJan 28 09:00
iophkI've heard that some send refurbished drives as warranty replacements.Jan 28 09:01
iophkHow long was the warranty? 1,2,5 years?Jan 28 09:01
schestowitz__Tonight I need to set up NRPE on dozens of Debian servers, then I can post lots of good articles again, can pick up pace again this year, and am getting fibre next month...Jan 28 09:01
schestowitz__2 years Jan 28 09:01
schestowitz__the new drive sort of hangs up randomlyJan 28 09:02
schestowitz__Sometimes while formattingJan 28 09:02
iophkThere was a recent report rating Seagate as very low on reliabi.lityJan 28 09:02
iophkHitachi was best in the report.Jan 28 09:02
schestowitz__I need to focus on TuxMachiens migration, so I'll put off any futher work on the drive. I will do a thorough fsck thius weekend and use it to prove they sent me garbageJan 28 09:02
schestowitz__Segates's official account in twitter already stepped in for damage controlJan 28 09:03
schestowitz__I got Hitachi as a replacement for a bad laptop drive in my CompaqJan 28 09:03
schestowitz__IIRC it lasted for many yearsJan 28 09:03
schestowitz__When I tried it in 2001, around 10 years later, I think it did get some inode issues (under DSL), but that was the last time I played with that old laptop (32 MB of RAM)Jan 28 09:04
schestowitz__Hitachi=IBMJan 28 09:04
schestowitz__Is that something that's in China's hands now too?Jan 28 09:04
schestowitz__IBM makes me think, maybe the future realy is IT staff losing jobs to China (the Symphony team is largely Chinese) and China is going to just buy or overrise US brandsJan 28 09:05
schestowitz__And then there's IndiaJan 28 09:05
schestowitz__China, reportedly, is now getting more involved in software, just like IndiaJan 28 09:06
schestowitz__huiman resources (time) are cheap thereJan 28 09:06
iophkTheir R&D may not be so good but then the US has been cutting and cutting R&D for years now.Jan 28 09:06
schestowitz__They can do extreme programming, like having 3 people working on a program at once, spotting issues like they do in factoriesJan 28 09:06
schestowitz__My siuster works with Chinese programmers who are in GE, and she's says they're not so good.... yet GE has been dropping US workers and hiring in China for a whileJan 28 09:07
schestowitz__My brother's old company did the same with India, and some said that the cost of fixing their programming mistakes (I actually think they have fantastic programmers) is higher than the savings of outsourcing the jobJan 28 09:08
schestowitz__Mass production paradigm is being ytested in s/w nowJan 28 09:08
schestowitz__See MicrosoftJan 28 09:08
schestowitz__Around Vista they send the programming to IndiaJan 28 09:08
schestowitz__Same with AdobeJan 28 09:08
schestowitz__And look what happenedJan 28 09:08
schestowitz__Saved money on wages, but the software is not necessarily better, to say the leastJan 28 09:09
schestowitz__It's good for managers, perhaps, but even that's doubtab;eJan 28 09:09
iophkM$ has never had good quality though.  And I can't recall when Adobe last was good.Jan 28 09:09
schestowitz__Class war is now also a war t devalue IT pros, driving their wages down, increasing working hours, stress, etc.Jan 28 09:10
schestowitz__Automation experts too are no longer valuedJan 28 09:10
schestowitz__Like outsourcing the outsiurcersJan 28 09:10
schestowitz__Eventually the outsourcers too will see themselves replaced by thiose whom they promoteJan 28 09:10
schestowitz__FOSS is one way to reduce costsJan 28 09:10
iophkSaves effort, too.Jan 28 09:11
schestowitz__and then sort of justify the expense of hiring expensive staffJan 28 09:11
schestowitz__Like people who manage 1000 servers at onceJan 28 09:11
schestowitz__with no costs associated with the automation (puppet, nagios, etc.) involvesJan 28 09:11
schestowitz__*vedJan 28 09:11
schestowitz__[13:59] <TechrightsBot-tr> @schestowitz: #ForgeRock rocks with #Sun projects 28 09:12 | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actionsJan 28 09:12
schestowitz__The FOSS SMBs are good to work forJan 28 09:12
schestowitz__They have large companies as clientsJan 28 09:12
schestowitz__staff can work from home, bossing minimalJan 28 09:12
schestowitz__People motivated by eagerness to deploy FOSSJan 28 09:13
schestowitz__An ideaological boss of sortsJan 28 09:13
schestowitz__Like political drives, or advocacyJan 28 09:13
iophk,Jan 28 09:15
schestowitz__"Jan 28 09:18
schestowitz__We estimate your download speed will be between 79.9Mb and 80Mb.Jan 28 09:18
schestowitz__We estimate your upload speed will be between 20Mb and 20Mb. Jan 28 09:18
schestowitz__"Jan 28 09:18
schestowitz__"Jan 28 09:19
schestowitz__Remember to turn on your free BT Parental ControlsJan 28 09:19
schestowitz__Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children. That's why we include free BT Parental Controls with all our broadband packages.Jan 28 09:19
schestowitz__If you haven't already, turn on BT Parental Controls now.Jan 28 09:19
schestowitz__(you'll need to log in and click the BT Parental Controls tile) Jan 28 09:19
schestowitz__"Jan 28 09:19
schestowitz__LOLJan 28 09:19
schestowitz__At least it's still OFF by DEDAULTJan 28 09:19
schestowitz__Won't be for longJan 28 09:19
iophkNope, not for long.Jan 28 09:20
iophkWhen it's deployed widely enough, they'll throw th.e switchJan 28 09:21
schestowitz__yeahJan 28 09:21
schestowitz__It's not important what _I_ doJan 28 09:21
schestowitz__Sites like TorrentFreak get blockedJan 28 09:21
schestowitz__So people around me will continues to be brainwashed only by one side of the feudJan 28 09:22
schestowitz__And it hurts everyoneJan 28 09:22
schestowitz__lullung the populationJan 28 09:22
schestowitz__TPP - sounds good, freedom... trade...Jan 28 09:22
schestowitz__Frzcking- cool, mate, saves me in energy billsJan 28 09:22
iophkReminds me a little of how Groklaw and other sites were blocked during the OOXML scandal due to a 'contract dispute'  Funny how nothing like that has happened before or since.  I guess with the BTPC, some sites will get blocked "accidentally" at key times.Jan 28 09:22
schestowitz__Censorship - well, think about the childrenJan 28 09:22
schestowitz__DPI - against terrorism, helps me get targetted marketingJan 28 09:23
schestowitz__Groklaw was blocked?Jan 28 09:23
schestowitz__PJ never explained to me thatJan 28 09:23
iophkIn parts of Europe.Jan 28 09:23
schestowitz__she abstained form commentingJan 28 09:23
schestowitz__I think Websense blacklisted herJan 28 09:23
iophkUpdegrove and some others were als o blocked.Jan 28 09:23
schestowitz__on what grounds was it?Jan 28 09:23
schestowitz__WowJan 28 09:24
iophkSome were blocked directly others because the DNS they used were blocked.Jan 28 09:24
schestowitz__I wonder if i should be careful with the photos of drone victimsJan 28 09:24
schestowitz__They could use that as an excuse for blocking. I never had someone reporting to me that s/he had been blocked, not even in censorship-happy nationsJan 28 09:24
iophkIt was interesting that the pro-standards people were clustered around certain companies and blocking that one company could block directly / indirectly the sites.  It let up hours after the vote.Jan 28 09:24
iophk*a fewJan 28 09:25
schestowitz__Not even when I wrote a lot morew and get around 3 million hits per week (now it's less than that)Jan 28 09:25
schestowitz__One day we can get bloc0kedJan 28 09:25
iophk(16.23.57) schestowitz__: on what grounds was it?Jan 28 09:25
iophkThe claim was a contract dispute between networks...Jan 28 09:25
iophk"happens all the time" was the excuse.Jan 28 09:26
schestowitz__esp. now that I dtop links on NSA, GCHQ, some leaks (not as many original ones as before), criticism of armies... Jan 28 09:26
schestowitz__This reminds me, I have a load of links to dtop about it... hang on...Jan 28 09:26
schestowitz__ 28 09:27
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "BT Cloud - online storage with 50GB of space" - cool, now you can share your personal data with #gchq and #nsa for FREE!Jan 28 09:27
iophkGroklaw was blocked in late march 2008 according to old mails.Jan 28 09:28
schestowitz__ 28 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BT E-mail: "Remember to turn on your free BT Parental Controls. Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children."Jan 28 09:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Think about the children! They might read _*gasp_* news sites like TorrentFreak (blocked by Sky) and be exposed to other views.Jan 28 09:38
iophkThe block was not everywhere just in some regions IIRCJan 28 09:38
schestowitz__yeah, Norway IIRCJan 28 09:38
schestowitz__her readers in Norway reported this at the timeJan 28 09:38
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open source venture that's profited fromJan 28 09:38
TweetTuxMachines                 Oracle's actions 28 09:38
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 09:38 | Open source venture that's profited from Oracle's actions  | Tux MachinesJan 28 09:38
schestowitz__She may have mentioned in in news PicksJan 28 09:39
schestowitz__TBH, I have not been to GL for monthsJan 28 09:39
schestowitz__I wonder how much the archive is good for when it comes to traffic, which is what matters because it gauges impact factorJan 28 09:39
schestowitz__Groklw is badly build in the SEO senseJan 28 09:39
schestowitz__Comments are hidden by default for one thingJan 28 09:39
iophkYeah, most CMS are bad for that.Jan 28 09:40
iophkThe Comes v M$ stuff could also use metadata to aid in the searching.Jan 28 09:43
iophkI wonder if it would be practical or appropriate to convert it to static HTML or just leave it?Jan 28 09:44
schestowitz__I don;t think many would pursue Comes docs anymoreJan 28 09:44
schestowitz__Microsoft is dying Jan 28 09:44
schestowitz__no matter what they say and how they cook the booksJan 28 09:44
schestowitz__many businesses still feed MS, but for how long?Jan 28 09:44
schestowitz__We help some migrate to Linux at the server room AND desktop (Ubuntu mostly)Jan 28 09:44
schestowitz__main fileserver transition due tonight at midlandJan 28 09:45
iophkNice.Jan 28 09:45
schestowitz__And once these succeed, the word spreadsJan 28 09:45
schestowitz__and more in the same sector follow, as they do...Jan 28 09:45
schestowitz__ 28 09:45
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Links 28/01/2014: Recent News About Militarism, Violence news from the past week or soJan 28 09:45
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 28/01/2014: Recent News About Militarism, Violence | TechrightsJan 28 09:45
iophk 28 09:46 | Congressmen Call For DNI Clapper's Ouster | Threatpost - English - Global -  [ ]Jan 28 09:46
-->frankbutt (~frankbutt@ has joined #techrightsJan 28 09:49
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schestowitz_bed2 28 09:56 reshared: Bishop's auto-masochist machine...Jan 28 09:56
schestowitz_bed2"...or enable Googleborgs wave of semi-autonomous robot armies to wash over the land enslaving most of us for the benefit of a few..."Jan 28 09:56
schestowitz_bed2 28 09:57
schestowitz_bed2"with Eric "don't blame me, it's legal, so blame politicians, and lobbyists, no wait, not lobbyists" Schmidt at the helm, Bugs is right on here."Jan 28 09:57
schestowitz_bed2 28 10:04
schestowitz_bed2"With the recent acquisitions of DeepMind and Boston Robotics, one really has to wonder..."Jan 28 10:04
-->schestowitz_log (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 28 10:04
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schestowitz_bed2 28 10:09
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Issa, Five Other Congressmen Call For DNI Clapper’s Removal removal only? How about prosecution? #nsaJan 28 10:09
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014Jan 28 10:47
TweetTuxMachines        28 10:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 10:47 | More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014 | Tux MachinesJan 28 10:47
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:02 "BT Cloud - online storage with 50GB of space" - cool, now you can share your personal data with #gchq and #nsa for FREE!Jan 28 11:02
-->jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 28 11:02
<--jono has quit (Changing host)Jan 28 11:02
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 28 11:02
schestowitz_bed2"you paid for it"Jan 28 11:02
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:02 BT E-mail: "Remember to turn on your free BT Parental Controls. Staying safe online is important for everyone, especially your children."Jan 28 11:02
schestowitz_bed2"Reaky , anyone recently watched v for vendetta ? You britons r headed that way , in the speed line ..."Jan 28 11:03
schestowitz_bed2"Parental important for everyone" Adults too, I guess...Jan 28 11:03
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:04 #KMail Complexity - and a little Patience #kde #gnu #linuxJan 28 11:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | LXer: KMail Complexity - and a little Patience  [ ]Jan 28 11:04
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 28 11:04
schestowitz_bed2That's one of the reasons your E17 desktop seems so smooth. If you turn on Kmail, that effect will go away.Jan 28 11:04
schestowitz_bed2KDE, to their credit, is working to make that search less obnoxious but I don't see how it can work. The only time I used Nepomuk was when Kmail demanded it for search. Even though I limited it to my email, it consumed 50 to 100% of my cpu for a week or two. It finally calmed down.Jan 28 11:05
schestowitz_bed2The first and only time I tried to actually search my email using the fancy database, it deleted all of my email. The damn thing froze as soon as I pressed the search button. I waited for it to do what it wanted and was horrified to see that everything had been erased.Jan 28 11:05
schestowitz_bed2Those two things, depending on database for core functions and risk of complete email loss, are why I'm going to use Trinity for my email. Wheezy has the last version of Kmail that I'd recommend to anyone, so I recommend other email clients to new users now.Jan 28 11:05
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 28 11:05
schestowitz_bed2thunderbird is very good and themes make it integrate well with everythingJan 28 11:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:05 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 28 11:05
schestowitz_bed2"?You said it well."Jan 28 11:05
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 28 11:05
schestowitz_bed2I tried, without success, for about 20 minutes to find the long writerup about why not to use DDG. I was unable to find it via G+, D*, personal site sections, Google search. Is that still online?Jan 28 11:06
iophk 28 11:08 | GCHQ is monitoring Facebook Likes and Youtube with Operation Squeaky Dolphin- The Inquirer  [ ]Jan 28 11:08
iophk 28 11:14 | A Little (Angry) Bird Told the NSA What You’re Up To - ABC News  [ ]Jan 28 11:14
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: GCHQ taught NSA how to #monitor Facebook , #Twitter in real time – #Snowden leak #gchq #nsaJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014 margins make #linux #arm etc. take overJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | More Decay Of Wintel Seen In 2014  |   Robert PogsonJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know - thanks to ANGRY BIRDS • The RegisterJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds: NSA And GCHQ Harvest Apps DataJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds and 'leaky' phone apps targeted by NSA and GCHQ for user data | World news | theguardian.comJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." (using sex in attempt to cause suicide) MLK died laterJan 28 11:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. | Black People Meet | African Americans | DesteeJan 28 11:15
schestowitz_bed2iophk: toy beat me to itJan 28 11:15
schestowitz_bed2*youJan 28 11:15
iophkSo it got a little help with the popularity...Jan 28 11:16
schestowitz_bed2yeah, well...Jan 28 11:17
schestowitz_bed2I just showed it to RianneJan 28 11:17
schestowitz_bed2she and I played a finished many of the Angry Birds seriesJan 28 11:17
schestowitz_bed2And there's no escaping the spying, even in  gamesJan 28 11:17
schestowitz_bed2!google cghq xbox liveJan 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - NSA, GCHQ can listen to Xbox Live chat communications - Eurogamer | 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - World of Spycraft: NSA, GCHQ hacked WoW and Xbox Live, other ... | 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - NSA and GCHQ spied on Xbox Live and World of Warcraft gamers ... | 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - NSA And GCHQ Allegedly Spying On Xbox Live Gamers | 28 11:17
schestowitz_bed2!google cghq world of warcraftJan 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[1] - NSA and GCHQ spies 'operated in games including World of ... | 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[2] - NSA, GCHQ 'planted agents' into World of Warcraft, Second Life to ... | 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[3] - NSA and GCHQ agents spied on online gamers using World of ... | 28 11:17
TechrightsBot-tr[4] - World of Spycraft: NSA, GCHQ hacked WoW and Xbox Live, other ... | 28 11:17
iophkI guess Tetris was almost as popular but not as bloated.Jan 28 11:17
iophkNo space for spy stuff.Jan 28 11:18
schestowitz_bed2it's duiguised as "business model"Jan 28 11:18
schestowitz_bed2Allowing the app to connect to the WebJan 28 11:18
schestowitz_bed2sending out data, not just fetching adsJan 28 11:18
iophkApparently a lot of other apps do similar leaks of info.Jan 28 11:20
iophkM$ was getting into ad servers a while back.Jan 28 11:20
iophkI thought that was about financial control but surveillance could have been part of it now that this comes to light.Jan 28 11:21
iophk 28 11:25
iophk 28 11:25 | Explanation Of Facebook And Microsoft's Atlas Ad Server - Business Insider  [ ]Jan 28 11:25 | Facebook Finally Pulls Trigger, Buys Atlas Ad Server From Microsoft (*Updated With Comment) - Forbes  [ ]Jan 28 11:25
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: BBC: "Google's Drummond calls for new #NSA reforms" - yeah, they all do, those corporates, for their own profits, convenience, not #privacyJan 28 11:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Bruce Schneier: 'NSA and GCHQ have betrayed the trust of the internet' #nsa #gchq #internetJan 28 11:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | BBC News - Bruce Schneier: 'NSA and GCHQ have betrayed the trust of the internet'Jan 28 11:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Surprising it's reported as noteworthy that Google Maps is spying on users. It has been known since ~7 years ago. 28 11:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Not even Google Maps, Angry Birds are safe from NSA and GCHQ spying | News | TechRadarJan 28 11:28
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Obama negotiates with his bosses (corporations) -- not people -- regarding #privacy so epic. Funders decide.Jan 28 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tech giants reach White House deal on NSA surveillance of customer data | World news | theguardian.comJan 28 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Corporate press represents a "diversity" of views: the views of corporations as well as the views of corporations-funded politicians.Jan 28 11:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #CCTV Glasses are normalising the idea of invading people's homes, bathrooms etc. with connected, always-on cameras. Spooky stuff.Jan 28 11:29
schestowitz_bed2iophk: what's the significant in today's context (FB/MSFT)Jan 28 11:30
iophkthe possibility for trackingJan 28 11:40
schestowitz_bed2loJan 28 11:41
schestowitz_bed2iophk: Preston GrallaJan 28 11:41
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:41 | One benefit of Windows Phone: The NSA may not be snooping on you | Computerworld Blogs  [ ]Jan 28 11:41
schestowitz_bed2don't clickJan 28 11:41
schestowitz_bed2the headline says it allJan 28 11:41
schestowitz_bed2 Preston GrallaJan 28 11:41
iophkgralla againJan 28 11:41
schestowitz_bed2Use Windows... for PRIVACY :-)Jan 28 11:41
iophkProbably uses weasel words to describe the situation.Jan 28 11:42
iophkWith FB taking in Atlas, they are getting more ties with M$ and with M$ "technology"Jan 28 11:43
iophk 28 11:43 | NO TITLE  [ ]Jan 28 11:43
iophkallows M$ to track site usage Jan 28 11:44
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Time (very pro-NSA) says the #us #government wants #nsa not to change, only to change perception 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | U.S. Eyes Ways to Keep NSA Snooping Hidden | TIME.comJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA #Surveillance Divides the Republican Party I hope it burns it, tooJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Surveillance Divides the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - The AtlanticJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #SAP comedy: it too pretends to be pro #privacy nice #PR ployJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | SAP and Atos team up for EU cloud standards to counter NSA threat | News | TechRadarJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA, GCHQ mapping “political alignment” of cellphone users McCarthyism much?Jan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA, GCHQ mapping “political alignment” of cellphone users - World Socialist Web SiteJan 28 11:47
schestowitz_bed2 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The NSA, CIA, and the Promise of Industrial #Espionage #cia #nsa government-sanctioned crimeJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA, CIA, and the Promise of Industrial Espionage » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the NamesJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "AT&T’s ambitions to expand in Europe have been put on ice, for now." good!Jan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The NSA may have done AT&T a favor by hurting its reputation in Europe  –  QuartzJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Cut Off the NSA's Juice if they break the law, which they do, why not cut them off?Jan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Article: Cut Off the NSA's Juice | OpEdNewsJan 28 11:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: War and surveillance are a video games to GCHQ: Xbox Live, WoW, Angry Birds, etc. They use FPSs to recruit killers, too. Games as brainwash.Jan 28 11:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes anJan 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines                 appearance 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linode's Command Line Interface Tool HelpsJan 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines                 Automate Cloud Servers 28 11:59
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 11:59 | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance | Tux MachinesJan 28 11:59 | Linode's Command Line Interface Tool Helps Automate Cloud Servers | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:00
schestowitz_bed2 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Exceptionalism with assassination by flying robots 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US missile strike kills senior al-Shabaab leader in Somalia - Sabahionline.comJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Can other countries bomb USA like it bombs Somalia and many others? - English pravda.ruJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Should a robot decide when to kill? the Drone Defence: "I was only following algorithms. It came from a subroutine."Jan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Should a robot decide when to kill? | The VergeJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Drone strikes have crashed weddings, schools, funerals and rescuers. When will it end? It will end by awarenessJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The terrible human price of Obama’s drone war - Salon.comJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Peace activist raises awareness of drones thank you, ma'am!Jan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 12:03
schestowitz_bed2 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: US exit from Afghanistan concerns #CIA so it means it's good to exit. 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Times Of Cental Asia - US exit from Afghanistan concerns CIAJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Our quagmire in Afghanistan - The Intelligencer: Bucks County | Op-EdJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Feinstein thinks assassination by #drones is OK because it mostly kills Arabs (for now) 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Senator Feinstein discusses John Brennan, the CIA and drone strikes - YouTubeJan 28 12:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Corporate press lets us select a team like a football team, but the very glorification of football cannot be challenged. Politics =~ sport.Jan 28 12:03
schestowitz_bed2Morell is a moron 28 12:05 | Sochi Olympics the ‘most dangerous’ games ever: ex-CIA boss - Washington Times  [ ]Jan 28 12:05
schestowitz_bed2 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Daily Russophobia from Michael Moron (former# CIA boss) 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #CIA whistleblower Kiriakou’s letters from prison on #Firedoglake blog "dangerous," says Bureau of Prisons 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: US Department of "Justice" is covering up #torture no surprise here, but it's worth notingJan 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | DOJ challenges journalist's claim to CIA interrogation report | Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).Jan 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Kiriakou exposed illegal torture; torturers promoted, #Kiriakou jailed. #Snowden exposed illegal spying; spies defended, Sno. fears for lifeJan 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On #CIA Prisons, Poland Sold Out for 'Pathetically Little' (Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland) exporting #torture to #euJan 28 12:14
TechrightsBot-tr-> | On CIA Prisons, Poland Sold Out for 'Pathetically Little' (Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland)Jan 28 12:14
schestowitz_bed2 28 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance #tizen #linux #samsungJan 28 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance - MuktwareJan 28 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Linode's Command Line Interface Tool Helps Automate Cloud Servers #linode #linux #softwareJan 28 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Jan 28 12:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks? #chromebook #google #gnu #linuxJan 28 12:22
iophk 28 12:30 | Bureau of Prisons Considers CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s ‘Letters from Loretto’ on Firedoglake to Be Dangerous |  The Dissenter  [ ]Jan 28 12:30
schestowitz_bed2posted alreadyJan 28 12:32
schestowitz_bed2see aboveJan 28 12:32
schestowitz_bed2oh, nmJan 28 12:32
schestowitz_bed2I posted a link to a linkJan 28 12:32
schestowitz_bed2I added both to my draftsJan 28 12:33
iophkthe FDL goes into detail the BB link has little detailJan 28 12:33
iophk 28 12:36 | ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 28 12:36
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks?Jan 28 12:47
TweetTuxMachines        28 12:47
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 12:47 | Could Samsung Focus Exclusively on Chromebooks? | Tux MachinesJan 28 12:47
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 28 12:50
schestowitz_bed2 28 12:51 #NSA #Surveillance Divides the Republican Party I hope it burns it, tooJan 28 12:51
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Surveillance Divides the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic  [ ]Jan 28 12:51
schestowitz_bed2"This will probably offer a new political paradigm in which social repression is not legislated but politicians will still think they can run the economy. Not a solution but culturally notable for sure."Jan 28 12:51
Guest47366 Jan 28 13:11 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 28 13:11
Guest47366 28 13:11 | Twitter  [ ]Jan 28 13:11
Guest47366 Jan 28 13:11
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @glynmoody @schestowitz Wikipedian ideas of fun. I think I got them all, at least in main article space ...Jan 28 13:11
Guest47366 28 13:11
TechrightsBot-tr@davidgerard: @glynmoody @schestowitz of course, half of them were what Heise laughingly called "permalinks". I THINK YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANSJan 28 13:12
Guest47366Publishers and writers are not the sameJan 28 13:12
Guest47366 28 13:12
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @davidgerard @schestowitz ha!Jan 28 13:12
MinceR 28 13:21
Guest47366iophk: just been looking around GroklawJan 28 13:21
Guest47366for 10 minutesJan 28 13:21
Guest47366It really is no longer maintainedJan 28 13:21
Guest47366not even behind the scenesJan 28 13:21
Guest47366 28 13:21 | Groklaw - Digging for TruthJan 28 13:21
Guest47366It's like a fossilised siteJan 28 13:22
iophkRight.  It closed last year.Jan 28 13:22
Guest47366This time for realJan 28 13:22
iophkIt probably would be safer to  be put in some kind of archive mode.Jan 28 13:22
iophkYes.  It's permanent.Jan 28 13:22
Guest47366In the past she spoke abouit preservation and orignisationJan 28 13:22
<--Guest47366 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has left #techrights ("Konversation term")Jan 28 13:23
-->Guest47366 (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 28 13:25
---Guest47366 is now known as schestowitzJan 28 13:25
iophkThe last addition to Groklaw was in Sep with a newspickJan 28 13:25
schestowitzFOSS news sites are growing smaller and fewerJan 28 13:28
schestowitzIMHOJan 28 13:28
schestowitzLike a post-hype thingJan 28 13:29
schestowitzEven Muktware is diverting its courseJan 28 13:29
schestowitzGoogle, Internet, etc.Jan 28 13:29
schestowitzNot so focused on FOSS anymoreJan 28 13:29
schestowitzProprietary games, tech news..Jan 28 13:29
schestowitzI guess operating ina  vacuum for a movement is hardJan 28 13:30
schestowitzbecause on the Web, like anywhere, we need sourcesJan 28 13:30
schestowitzin the past journalists would reach out to people, execs, etc.Jan 28 13:30
iophktwitter and facebook are not conducive to news, just chatterJan 28 13:31
schestowitzNow we can use sites that do this, but when they become scarce/few, then it;'s getting harder to follow leadsJan 28 13:31
iophkand in general, investigative journalism is being killedJan 28 13:31
schestowitzif it happens only in twitter, it's not "News"Jan 28 13:31
MinceRin general, journalism is dyingJan 28 13:31
schestowitzLike announcments from W3CJan 28 13:31
schestowitzIt becomes news when news sites write about itJan 28 13:31
MinceRannouncements from w3c are like announcements from the north korean governmentJan 28 13:32
schestowitzDepends on how one defines journalismJan 28 13:32
schestowitzIn the mind of the government, the purpose of journalism is to create calm among the populationJan 28 13:32
MinceRin my mind, that's not journalismJan 28 13:32
iophkyes, but look at who / what is in the W3C now, that's the cause.Jan 28 13:33
schestowitzI have 3 short articles in the pipeline..Jan 28 13:33
schestowitzThe lady who exposed Samsung GPL violation mailed me about Tuxera doing the sameJan 28 13:34
schestowitzTuxera are assholes... and an embarrassment to FinlandJan 28 13:34
iophkYes, they are.Jan 28 13:34
MinceRwhat's tuxera?Jan 28 13:34
iophkM$ Patent resellersJan 28 13:34
MinceRand is it nearly as much of an embarrassment to finland as mokia?Jan 28 13:34
iophkSelling M$ patents via FinlandJan 28 13:35
iophkMokia is dead.  Most people have realized that.Jan 28 13:35
iophkJolla has sold out several times.Jan 28 13:35
MinceRalarmingly many people haven't realized itJan 28 13:35
iophkM$ won't keep the name alive I think. They'll rebrand as M$Jan 28 13:36
DaemonFC 28 14:05 | Customer Discussions: The House Committing Un-American Activities. Remembering McCarthyism.  [ ]Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFCI saw a Facebook memorial for Pete Seeger, quoting his testimony to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (the paranoid anti-communist committee).Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFC"I love my country very dearly, and I greatly resent this implication that some of the places that I have sung and some of the people that I have known, and some of my opinions, whether they are religious or philosophical, or I might be a vegetarian, make me any less of an American."Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFCI wrote the following:Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFCAhh, McCarthyism. They were so paranoid about Communism that they forced most of Hollywood, including Lucille Ball to testify, accusing them of being "Communist sympathizers".Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFCThe committee committed so many civil rights abuses that it got the nickname "The House Committing Un-American Activities".Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFC 28 14:05
DaemonFC Jan 28 14:05 | McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 28 14:05 | House Un-American Activities Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 28 14:05
DaemonFC 28 14:12 | The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World's Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away | ThinkProgress  [ ]Jan 28 14:12
DaemonFCMuch of it is draining out into the Atlantic because of human activity.Jan 28 14:13
DaemonFCI was at Lake Michigan a couple of years ago. The shoreline has moved back by about 30-40 feet from the last time I was there, in the 90s.Jan 28 14:13
iophkMany dunes are gone, too.Jan 28 14:18
*DaemonFC is planning to migrate this system to CentOS 7 with KDE when it is out...Jan 28 14:20
DaemonFCKDE 5 is approaching and I'm not sure about it.Jan 28 14:20
MinceRXFCE is calling ;)Jan 28 14:21
iophk,2817,2430024,00.aspJan 28 14:24
iophk 28 14:24 | Rovio Denies Providing User Data to Spy Agencies | News & Opinion  |  [ ]Jan 28 14:24 | Angry Birds firm calls for industry to respond to NSA spying revelations | World news |  [ ]Jan 28 14:24
DaemonFCThey don't have to provide it.Jan 28 14:36
DaemonFCAll they have to do is fail to protect it during transport.Jan 28 14:36
iophk 28 15:14 | Pete Seeger, famed folksong crooner and writer, dead at 94 - NY Daily News  [ ]Jan 28 15:14
DaemonFCApparently, the iBeacon spyware was introduced in iOS 7, but the hardware to enable it has been in all iPhones and dormant since iPhone 4.Jan 28 15:20
DaemonFCIf you walk into a store and start getting alerts from that store on your iPhone, that's why. But it's just as likely to be used silently to track where you are in their store, accurate to within a couple of inches, so that they can profile how the customer shops in their stores and design layouts that get people to buy more stuff they don't need.Jan 28 15:20
DaemonFCiBeacon meets the entire definition of spyware. It's something that the user wouldn't approve of, that leaks out personal information to untrusted third parties, and it can't be shut off or removed, even when you know about it. Jan 28 15:20
DaemonFC 28 15:20 | iBeacon, Shopkick: Privacy policies for location-tracking apps aren’t clear enough.  [ ]Jan 28 15:20
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 28 15:47
MinceRany suggestions for a search engine that doesn't randomly discard letters from search terms when they feel like it?Jan 28 16:37
Sosumijust read Dave Girard's mac pro reviewJan 28 17:10
Sosumiand I can't believe the guy is actually praising the thingJan 28 17:10
Sosumicrapple apologists everywhereJan 28 17:10
Sosumionly anandtech did it right, while sweeting it up a bit in order to not shut future review units sent in by crappleJan 28 17:12
schestowitz 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ukraine 28 17:22
schestowitz 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules #censorship #europeJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ISPs No Longer Have to Block The Pirate Bay, Dutch Court Rules | TorrentFreakJan 28 17:22
schestowitz 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Every censor says he/she/it does so for noble reasons, including security (children, adults, etc.) but it ends up suppressing oppositionJan 28 17:22
schestowitz 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #Tuxera #GPL Violations Alleged #microsoft #swpats #patent #fsf #linuxJan 28 17:22
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tuxera GPL Violations Alleged | TechrightsJan 28 17:22
schestowitz 28 17:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Anti-GNU/Linux Agenda at ZDNet (Part of CBS) Noted Again #zdnet #cbs #cnet #gnu #linux #microsoftJan 28 17:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Anti-GNU/Linux Agenda at ZDNet (Part of CBS) Noted Again | TechrightsJan 28 17:23
schestowitz 28 17:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "ZDNet is a technology tabloid-like news sites whose writers have many conflicts of interest" #ZDNetJan 28 17:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | ZDNet - TechrightsJan 28 17:23
schestowitz 28 17:23
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Microsoft’s Role in Political and Industrial #Espionage Concealed for those who weren't sure 28 17:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft’s Role in Political and Industrial Espionage Concealed | TechrightsJan 28 17:23
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsJan 28 17:23
schestowitz 28 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA Watch: GCHQ/NSA Gang Up Against Servers, Hide Violations, Face Blowback nsa #fbi #gchq #surveillance #policeJan 28 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA Watch: GCHQ/NSA Gang Up Against Servers, Hide Violations, Face Blowback | TechrightsJan 28 17:24
schestowitz 28 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: News Snapshot: The Decline of Civility #police #humanrights #civilrights #techrights #uk #ukraine #us #turkeyJan 28 17:24
TechrightsBot-tr-> | News Snapshot: The Decline of Civility | TechrightsJan 28 17:24
schestowitz 28 17:25
schestowitz 28 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NetNeutrality is Dead in the West. Now What? #uk #us #internet #web #censorshipJan 28 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Net Neutrality is Dead in the West. Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 17:25
schestowitz 28 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: DRM is Coming to the Web (as ‘Standard’). Now What? #drm #w3c #internet #web #eu #europe #dmca #copyrightJan 28 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr-> | DRM is Coming to the Web (as ‘Standard’). Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 17:25
schestowitz 28 17:25
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Censorship Has Taken Over the Web. Now What? #censorship #internet #wwwJan 28 17:26
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Censorship Has Taken Over the Web. Now What? | TechrightsJan 28 17:26
-->Cirrus_Minor (~Cirrus_Mi@CAcert/Cirrus-Minor) has joined #techrightsJan 28 17:26
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 28 18:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 18:04 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 28 18:04
MinceRgnJan 28 18:10
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition)Jan 28 18:55
TweetTuxMachines        28 18:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 28 18:55 | Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition) | Tux MachinesJan 28 18:55
<--Cirrus_Minor has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)Jan 28 19:21
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 19:24
DaemonFCWhy doesn't signing up for Medicaid count as being insured when a person was not insured before they qualified for Medicaid?Jan 28 19:24
DaemonFCI don't understand. It's not good insurance, but it's better than nothing in the sense that diving into a pool of electric eels is better than nothing when you really need to go for a swim.Jan 28 19:24
DaemonFCTruth is that the reimbursement rates are so low that most of the doctors that take it are really third rate or outright committing fraud to get more money out of the program. It would have been better to expand Medicare. Jan 28 19:24
DaemonFC 28 20:29 | Why Is Russia So Homophobic? - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic  [ ]Jan 28 20:29
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 28 21:03
DaemonFC 28 22:12 | Customer Discussions: Bernie Sanders debating Michelle Bachman on CNN.  [ ]Jan 28 22:12
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 22:12
DaemonFCStupid anti-vax/anti-science Fundie witch that screams over everyone else vs. The guy that should be our next president.Jan 28 22:12
DaemonFC*grabs the popcorn* Jan 28 22:12
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 22:21
DaemonFCIt would be a mistake for India to sign off on the TPP in its current form.Jan 28 22:21
DaemonFCIt would be the medical and computing equivalent of bringing rabbits to Australia.Jan 28 22:21
DaemonFCThe only thing it will do for them is bleed them dry since almost all of the patents are owned by foreigners. Jan 28 22:21
DaemonFCIn fact, it wouldn't be entirely unfair to call the TPP "patent colonization".Jan 28 22:21
DaemonFCRich countries have ganged up to bleed other countries dry. It's definitely a big enough mistake to allow software-related patents in, but drug patents actually kill people. Jan 28 22:21
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 22:23
DaemonFCRick Scott's corruption, by itself, has cost Florida tax payers more than the combined fraud in all needs-based welfare, put together, several times over.Jan 28 22:23
DaemonFCIt's almost funny. Jan 28 22:23
DaemonFCRick Scott is so corrupt, that he even has Republicans saying "Holy shit, this guy is corrupt!".Jan 28 22:25
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 28 22:32
DaemonFCI was kind of pissed when it was MLK day and I couldn't even get a haircut because that was closed too. Jan 28 22:32
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 28 23:53
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsJan 28 23:56
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-->You are now talking on #techrightsJan 29 00:52
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-ChanServ-[##amiga] As per we are now ##amiga.Jan 29 00:52
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-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 29 00:56
-->jono ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 01:22
<--jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 29 01:22
-->Gandi (~JohnSmith@gateway/tor-sasl/yourwish) has joined #techrightsJan 29 01:31
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schestowitz_bed2 29 02:07 First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance 29 02:07
TechrightsBot-tr-> | First Samsung Tizen smartphone makes an appearance - Muktware  [ ]Jan 29 02:07
schestowitz_bed2You missed a space before http:// …"77777"Jan 29 02:07
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host 'http:' ( status 0 @ http:// )Jan 29 02:07
schestowitz_bed2 29 02:09 5 Bleeding Edge Linux Distributions that are Actually Stable 29 02:09
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux Federation | Linux For Everyone  [ ]Jan 29 02:09
schestowitz_bed2\o/ Sabayon \o/"77"Jan 29 02:09
schestowitz_bed2 29 02:11
TechrightsBot-tr@CryptoPartyMCR: @schestowitz  Thanks 4 tweet! The CryptoParty is part of a week long Free Software festival #BitCoin #freeyourandroidJan 29 02:11
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Free Software Festival – Manchester | FSFE - MCRJan 29 02:12
---nj3ma is now known as nj3ma_ZzzJan 29 02:13
---nj3ma_Zzz is now known as nj3maJan 29 02:26
schestowitz_bed2 29 02:30 reshared: ### Sawant takes $40,000 of salary, rest goes to “Solidarity Fund”Jan 29 02:30
TechrightsBot-tr  Photo by 29 02:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sawant takes $40,000 of salary, rest goes to “Solidarity Fund” - Strange Bedfellows — Politics News  [ ]Jan 29 02:30
schestowitz_bed2"Sounds good."Jan 29 02:30
schestowitz_bed2 29 02:30 Daily Russophobia from Michael Moron (former# CIA boss) 29 02:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Sochi Olympics the ‘most dangerous’ games ever: ex-CIA boss - Washington Times  [ ]Jan 29 02:30
schestowitz_bed2"Mike Morrell! :D"Jan 29 02:30
schestowitz_bed2 29 02:30 #Obama negotiates with his bosses (corporations) -- not people -- regarding #privacy so epic. Funders decide.Jan 29 02:30
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Tech giants reach White House deal on NSA surveillance of customer data | World news |  [ ]Jan 29 02:30
schestowitz_bed2"Walking dead tech giants."Jan 29 02:31
schestowitz_bed2No more subsidies from CIA?Jan 29 02:31
schestowitz_bed2"^^ agree, the NSA has killed US tech industry as we know it. Only free software companies might survive and they too will have NSA's stink on them."Jan 29 02:31
schestowitz_bed2 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World’s Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away wars over water to comeJan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World's Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away | ThinkProgressJan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ad networks are selling us out to the #nsa 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Rovio Denies Providing User Data to Spy Agencies | News & Opinion  | PCMag.comJan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds firm calls for industry to respond to NSA spying revelations | World news | theguardian.comJan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "This app follows you while you shop—and it needs a clearer privacy policy." #privacyJan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | iBeacon, Shopkick: Privacy policies for location-tracking apps aren’t clear enough.Jan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "media like to focus on the party lifestyles of the rich and glamorous" -Neelie on WEF she also attends BilderbergJan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ensuring Jobs for the Future -  my blog from Davos - European CommissionJan 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Linux is the only supported OS Intel has mentioned for either the original single-core Quark or the dual-core model" 29 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Intel headgear to offer fast offline voice processing ·  LinuxGizmos.comJan 29 02:39
schestowitz_bed2 29 02:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Upstart #SolidXK Distro Seeks First Business Customers "unofficial Linux Mint Debian Edition with KDE"Jan 29 02:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Upstart SolidXK Distro Seeks First Business Customers | Linux.comJan 29 02:48
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Android PCs and other Windows-alternative desktops are for real #android #linuxJan 29 02:48
TechrightsBot-tr-> | OwnCloud Documents to bring Open Document Format editing to private cloud | ZDNetJan 29 02:48
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? #mintlinux #gnu #linuxJan 29 03:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? - FOSS ForceJan 29 03:01
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Is Fry a closeted fan of Gates, or just a useful revisionist? that's how history is being warped....Jan 29 03:01
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious • The RegisterJan 29 03:01
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 29 03:12
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor?Jan 29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines        29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again:Jan 29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines                 This time it's serious 29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:15 | Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for NetworkingJan 29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines        29 03:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:15 | Stephen Fry rewrites computer history again: This time it's serious | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open SourceJan 29 03:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 03:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:16 | Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking  | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:16
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How to run Linux on a ChromebookJan 29 03:16
TweetTuxMachines        29 03:16 | Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open Source | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:16
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:16 | How to run Linux on a Chromebook | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:16
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking #dell #linuxJan 29 03:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for NetworkingJan 29 03:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Even North #Korea Loves #Linux and Open Source safe from NSA?Jan 29 03:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Even North Korea Loves Linux and Open Source | Open Source Application Software Companies content from The VAR GuyJan 29 03:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | North Korea embraces Linux and Open Source | ITworldJan 29 03:16
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: How to run Linux on a Chromebook #gnu #linux #chromebookJan 29 03:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How to run Linux on a Chromebook | ITworldJan 29 03:17
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:17 "J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." (using sex in attempt to cause suicide) MLK died laterJan 29 03:17
TechrightsBot-tr-> | J. EDGAR HOOVER'S LETTER TO DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. | Black People Meet | African Americans | Destee  [ ]Jan 29 03:17
schestowitz_bed2"One of the assassins of Malcolm X, Talmadge Hayer, met with John Ali the night before Malcolm's assassination. John Ali was a high ranking member of the Nation of Islam and is now known to have been an FBI informant. He routinely fomented tension between Malcolm and other members of the NOI as well as between Malcolm and the leader of NOI, Elijah Muhammad."Jan 29 03:18
*TweetTuxMachines @kanelsmak retweeted @tuxmachines: 'Dell Embraces Cumulus Linux for Networking'Jan 29 03:18
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:18 Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know 29 03:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know - thanks to ANGRY BIRDS • The Register  [ ]Jan 29 03:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds: NSA And GCHQ Harvest Apps Data  [ ]Jan 29 03:18
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Angry Birds and 'leaky' phone apps targeted by NSA and GCHQ for user data | World news |  [ ]Jan 29 03:18
schestowitz_bed2"NSA cat is watching you, CodeHero."Jan 29 03:18
schestowitz_bed2"It sure is Will, it sure is."Jan 29 03:19
schestowitz_bed2"LOL, a little birdie told them."Jan 29 03:19
schestowitz_bed2"They probably have the best porn too. I wonder what they spend their day doing :P"Jan 29 03:19
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:19 #CCTV Glasses are normalising the idea of invading people's homes, bathrooms etc. with connected, always-on cameras. Spooky stuff.Jan 29 03:19
schestowitz_bed2"Non free cameras are spooky."Jan 29 03:20
schestowitz_bed2Esp. with wi-fiJan 29 03:20
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:21 Recent News About Free Software in EducationJan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2Oh yes, thanks, I still have it online. I also have a few incomplete opinions up, such as why people should not use Bing, and how Bruce Byfield is an ass. I've been having more fun with model airplanes lately than I have tangling with jerks. Sooner or later, I have to finish writing that Bing essay.Jan 29 03:21
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Recent News About Free Software in Education | Techrights  [ ]Jan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2My IP address recently changed due to Mediacom failure. I try to keep that up to date on my diaspora, g+ and other pages. From there, you can navigate to where I'm trying to collect my opinion pagesJan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 03:21
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | My RC Models  [ ]Jan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:21 | Will Hill - Información - Google+  [ ]Jan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2"Ugh! opinion pages and I still have it online were supposed to lead you to the relevant pages. I wonder how I typoed that."Jan 29 03:21
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 03:22
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | Index of /photo_album/chron/desktop/opinion/  [ ]Jan 29 03:22
schestowitz_bed2http:// 29 03:22
TechrightsBot-tr173.21.64.166 | Duck Duck No No  [ ]Jan 29 03:22
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:35
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Why You Should Not Use Duck Duck Go worth repeating because many fools on the Web promote itJan 29 03:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NO TITLEJan 29 03:35
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers #linux #virtualizationJan 29 03:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers | Linux.comJan 29 03:39
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report hopefully #intel will abandon this world. #crimeJan 29 03:39
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report - MuktwareJan 29 03:39
-->ldk ( has joined #techrightsJan 29 03:43
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsJan 29 03:48
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkJan 29 03:48
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Intel could abandon smartphone market: ReportJan 29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines        29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: HugoJan 29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines                 Trippaers 29 03:56 | Intel could abandon smartphone market: Report | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:56 | OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Hugo Trippaers | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0Jan 29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines        29 03:56
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 03:56 | My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0 | Tux MachinesJan 29 03:56
schestowitz_bed2 29 03:56 | Samsung Retains Position as the Top Global Semiconductor Customer in 2013, According to Gartner  [ ]Jan 29 03:56
schestowitz_bed2 29 04:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0 #pcbsd #unixJan 29 04:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] My 10 Minute Experience With PC-BSD 10.0Jan 29 04:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #debian still debating init systems 29 04:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | [Phoronix] Debian Init System Discussion Is Still UnsettledJan 29 04:28
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses #holland #freedomJan 29 04:28
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses | JoinupJan 29 04:28
schestowitz_bed2 29 04:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA industrial espionage #machon on #espionage by #nsaJan 29 04:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA industrial espionage - Using Our IntelligenceJan 29 04:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: SUSE and Amazon, two companies that pay #microsoft for #linux have provide #nsa back doors, get together 29 04:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server now available on AWS GovCloud  - CIOLJan 29 04:29
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? #linux #arduinoJan 29 04:29
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? | Dr Dobb'sJan 29 04:29
schestowitz_bed2 29 04:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution Award #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linuxJan 29 04:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution AwardJan 29 04:44
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Links 29/1/2014: Games Applications Instructionals 29 04:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Games | TechrightsJan 29 04:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Applications | TechrightsJan 29 04:44
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Links 29/1/2014: Instructionals | TechrightsJan 29 04:44
MinceR 29 04:45 | Daily Kos: GOP Congressman Threatens to Kill Reporter After SOTU (Video)  [ ]Jan 29 04:45
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud AutomationJan 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines                 Solution Award 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around?Jan 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines        29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 04:46 | Ubuntu’s Juju Wins the Best Cloud Automation Solution Award | Tux MachinesJan 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     today's howtos 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Software 29 04:46 | Galileo: The Slowest Fast Computer Around? | Tux MachinesJan 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Leftovers: Gaming 29 04:46 | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJan 29 04:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 04:46 | Leftovers: Software | Tux MachinesJan 29 04:46 | Leftovers: Gaming | Tux MachinesJan 29 04:46
schestowitz_bed2 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "Security experts explain how the NSA and GCHQ may be harvesting data from smartphone apps like Angry Birds" 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How 'leaky' smartphone apps are sending your data to the NSA - TelegraphJan 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: "U.S. president also called for patent reform" based on what #NSA 'reform' means, it's PR/public consent seekingJan 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Obama touches on NSA reform in State of the Union address - Techworld.comJan 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NSA privacy fears driving business back to UK hosting providers oh, back to #gchq arms. #uk #FogComputingJan 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA privacy fears driving business back to UK hosting providers - 28 Jan 2014  - Computing NewsJan 29 04:58
schestowitz_bed2 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The article from Computing mostly quotes Jones (whom I habitually speak to at the gym); but his firm uses Hyper-V (Trojan horse), WindowsJan 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Tossing figures at the public without informing those whom the #nsa spies on is not "transparency", it's nonsense 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | US Companies Allowed To Publish NSA Data Request NumbersJan 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: #NSA scandal: Germans hold out for ‘change they can believe in’ #germany should grant #snowden permanent asylumJan 29 04:58
TechrightsBot-tr-> | NSA scandal: Germans hold out for ‘change they can believe in’ — RT Op-EdgeJan 29 04:58
-->nj3ma2 (~nj3ma@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 05:24
schestowitz_bed2 29 05:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: NYT improperly redacted latest NSA leak doc, revealing name of agent and a target #nsa #nytimesJan 29 05:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Article: NYT improperly redacted latest NSA leak doc, revealing name of agent and a target | OpEdNewsJan 29 05:38
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: AT&T CEO: met European officials, NSA affair affecting business #europe #nsaJan 29 05:38
TechrightsBot-tr-> | AT&T CEO: met European officials, NSA affair affecting business | ReutersJan 29 05:38
<--nj3ma2 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jan 29 05:38
iophk 29 05:51 | Court: Google infringed patents, must pay 1.36 percent of AdWords revenue | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 29 05:52
iophk"Vringo also sued Microsoft over ads in its Bing search engine. Microsoft settled that case in May, agreeing to pay $1 million plus 5 percent of whatever Google ultimately pays."Jan 29 05:53
iophkFueling the attack on Google.Jan 29 05:53
gde33what is facinating about it is that google didn't update the advertisement, it was always the same old garbage. Now if they want to everything is patented.Jan 29 05:59
gde33it was very weird how they refused to update the cash cowJan 29 05:59
iophk 29 06:02 | UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office  to open source | Technology |  [ ]Jan 29 06:02
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nj3ma2great news thatJan 29 09:17 ditching m$Jan 29 09:17
Sosumiwhile they are at it, why not ditch the entire thing?Jan 29 10:37
iophkIt would be good if it happened, but they are still in the talking phase.Jan 29 10:40
iophkThey need to move quickly to avoid interference from M$Jan 29 10:41
schestowitz_bed2 29 10:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Exercising freedom use and defend your rights or lose themJan 29 10:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: On our necks #consumerism #debtJan 29 10:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Dodging espionage - new infographic the only way to go, safelyJan 29 10:46
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Big win for Free software in the UK now they talk about it publiclyJan 29 10:46
schestowitz_bed2 29 10:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: When papers did not report on readers 29 10:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Facebook sends phone data to NSA and ads companies including Microsoft 29 10:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: Free surveillance 29 10:47
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: A traitor to war 29 10:47
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel peace prize | World news | theguardian.comJan 29 10:47
schestowitz_bed2nj3ma2: thanks for the news!Jan 29 10:50
schestowitz_bed2We'll probably put in a bid :-)Jan 29 10:50
nj3ma2:-)Jan 29 10:52
schestowitz_bed2I will do an article about it laterJan 29 10:52
schestowitz_bed2like Munich, this could set off other govs on the same routeJan 29 10:52
iophkOnce there are a few, there will be a rush.Jan 29 10:53
schestowitz_bed2Good for people who deploy and support foss, MS will surely try to bribe politicians to change course, but I doubt the bribe budget is enough after the NSA scandaslsJan 29 10:53
iophkDidn't Spain go FOSS also?  Extremadura comes to mind, but they've dropped out of the media.Jan 29 10:53
schestowitz_bed2Some bribves budget was spent tryint o make OOXML/MS OFFICE looK like "standard"Jan 29 10:54
schestowitz_bed2brbJan 29 10:54
schestowitz_bed2Also snowden got nominatedJan 29 10:54
iophkBribes may need to be bigger now but there are still those that push M$ for ideological reasons.Jan 29 10:54
schestowitz_bed2Today we got 7 good pieces of news here (personal stuff)Jan 29 10:54
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SosumiI actually think every government should have an IT department capable of rolling out their infrastructure without outside interferenceJan 29 11:03
Sosumi*ownJan 29 11:03
schestowitz_bed2 29 11:03
TechrightsBot-tr@schestowitz: The #uk government's promise to move to Free/libre software and  #odf does not seem like a PR ploy this time around. Will cover it later.Jan 29 11:03
Sosumiwell, at least, only relying on hardware vendorsJan 29 11:03
Sosumibut doing the software in house based on fossJan 29 11:04
schestowitz_bed2 29 11:04 Why You Should Not Use Duck Duck Go worth repeating because many fools on the Web promote itJan 29 11:04
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Duck Duck No No  [ ]Jan 29 11:04
schestowitz_bed2"Sorry, but a lot of this still doesn't make sense to me. This concludes with "If you are going to use a US based search engine, it might as well be Google." which is absolutely insane if you actually read the article. All of the reasons stated for not using DDG are equally applicable to Google so why use them as an argument against DDG and to use Google? It may be unfair to gain users through exploiting NSA stories, but Google is Jan 29 11:04
schestowitz_bed2still USA-based and just as susceptible to FISC orders. It seems like a wash either way."Jan 29 11:04
schestowitz_bed2Using Google is not wise, I don't agree with this conclusionJan 29 11:04
Sosumiand properly tailoring their systems for the specific task they are performingJan 29 11:04
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 11:05
schestowitz_bed2If you are going to let yourself be spied on, you might as well get something out of it. DDG and many other search engines pollute their results with Bing, Microsoft's "Decision Engine" which is misleading on top of being spied on. Google's search results are still excellent.Jan 29 11:05
schestowitz_bed2I wish that I knew of an honest alternative that gave excellent results. That is changing through copyright/DMCA takedown censorship and other pressures, but at the time of writing, it was true. I wish that I knew if TOR or proxies would protect your privacy but I don't. These things were beyond the scope of my essay which was why you should not trust DDG.Jan 29 11:05
schestowitz_bed2"Jan 29 11:05
nj3ma2some attempts at building a federated, distributed search engine have been madeJan 29 11:09
nj3ma2like you crawl your little corner of the webJan 29 11:10
nj3ma2I crawl mineJan 29 11:10
nj3ma2we join effortsJan 29 11:10
nj3ma2not much success so farJan 29 11:10
nj3ma2but worth the tryJan 29 11:10
Sosumi 29 11:10 | AMD reveals its first ARM processor: 8-core Opteron A1100 | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 29 11:11
iophknj3ma2: you mean like YaCy?Jan 29 11:12
Sosumigood, but we need an actual alternative to intelJan 29 11:13
iophkOracle could have run with Sparc instead of suffocating it.Jan 29 11:13
SosumiyesJan 29 11:13
nj3ma2iophk: exactlyJan 29 11:13
Sosumiand IBM could relaunch the intellistationJan 29 11:13
iophkIBM has put $1 billion into Power and has ditched x86Jan 29 11:13
schestowitz_bed2no, IBM claims thatJan 29 11:14
schestowitz_bed2the 1 billion figureJan 29 11:14
schestowitz_bed2it's just marketingJan 29 11:14
iophkIt was the number they cited.Jan 29 11:14
schestowitz_bed2Big Blye tries hard to paint itself as a sysadmin's friendJan 29 11:14
schestowitz_bed2And this was in LinuxConJan 29 11:14
iophk 29 11:15 | IBM News room - 2013-09-17 IBM Commits $1 Billion to Fuel Linux and Open Source Innovation on Power Systems - United States  [ ]Jan 29 11:15
iophkThe press release suggests the money will be spent on more than marketing.Jan 29 11:16
Sosumican't some pressure be put on them?Jan 29 11:18
Sosumior make them see that there is some demand for ppc based workstations?Jan 29 11:19
MinceRbribes? PR?Jan 29 11:19
iophkprobably the former might workJan 29 11:19
iophkif big enoughJan 29 11:19
MinceRi mean, what they spent the money onJan 29 11:19
Sosumiwell, if you bribe me with a new intellistationJan 29 11:19
SosumiI'll test it for freeJan 29 11:20
Sosumiit work on both ways :)Jan 29 11:20
Sosumi*worksJan 29 11:20
iophk:)Jan 29 11:20
MinceRthe usual deal is 'you give me a new product and i write a 100% positive review about it'Jan 29 11:21
MinceRso what you're offering is inferior :>Jan 29 11:21
Sosumionly apple does thatJan 29 11:22
Sosumiand they don't even need to employ trolls like M$ or EA doesJan 29 11:23
Sosumithe cultists do it for themJan 29 11:23
<--nj3ma2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 29 11:32
schestowitz_bed2[16:16] <iophk> The press release suggests the money will be spent on more than marketing.Jan 29 11:37
schestowitz_bed2That;s not what I was sayingJan 29 11:38
schestowitz_bed2The numbers are marketing, not the spendings Jan 29 11:38
iophkokJan 29 11:38
schestowitz_bed2I wrote two articles about it at the timeJan 29 11:38
schestowitz_bed2I wrote many pieces criticising IBM tooJan 29 11:38
schestowitz_bed2last one was 2 days ago, re NSA collabJan 29 11:38
iophkI recall that one.Jan 29 11:39
schestowitz_bed2They also spoke to me on the phone when I confronted themJan 29 11:40
iophkDid they say much of interest?Jan 29 11:41
schestowitz_bed2Yuppie Nuremberg defenceJan 29 11:44
iophkNot much of a surprise.Jan 29 11:45
schestowitz_bed2They are quite pretentiousJan 29 11:47
schestowitz_bed2A lot of the management is in NY and NJ area, so enough said...Jan 29 11:47
iophkThey were used to selling based on just the name for a very long time.  Jan 29 11:49
schestowitz_bed2yeah, rightly perhapsJan 29 11:51
schestowitz_bed2I think they're very expensive nowJan 29 11:51
iophkThey were expensive then too.Jan 29 11:51
schestowitz_bed2and with outsourcing and all I'm not sure how good they and other multinationals are ATMJan 29 11:51
iophkTech people used to be really upset with the, but at the same time management fawned over them.Jan 29 11:51
schestowitz_bed2The bank I left replaced senior staff with kidsJan 29 11:52
schestowitz_bed2and the service was shutJan 29 11:52
schestowitz_bed2*shitJan 29 11:52
schestowitz_bed2Today i spoke to an old lady, my mom's age, at a building societyJan 29 11:52
schestowitz_bed2we are moving our savings thereJan 29 11:52
schestowitz_bed2She was so much kinder than all those who are selected probably because they're paid lessJan 29 11:52
schestowitz_bed2IBM has done this for yearsJan 29 11:52
schestowitz_bed2Cringley posted many good articles about it in 2012Jan 29 11:53
schestowitz_bed2I think it is based on people feeding him infoJan 29 11:53
schestowitz_bed2he really nailed it into IBMJan 29 11:53
schestowitz_bed2 29 11:53
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Now it can be tracked by the #NSA easier. :DJan 29 11:53
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Space Hulk released for LinuxJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD tries to kickstart ARM-for-serversJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines                 ecosystem 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 11:55 | Space Hulk released for Linux | Tux MachinesJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Free software and ethical consumptionJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 11:55 | AMD tries to kickstart ARM-for-servers ecosystem | Tux MachinesJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 11:55 | Free software and ethical consumption | Tux MachinesJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Java-based malware driving DDoS botnet infectsJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines                 Windows, Mac, Linux devicesJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 11:55 | Java-based malware driving DDoS botnet infects Windows, Mac, Linux devices | Tux MachinesJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Setting Up Our Voice-Over-IP Phone SystemJan 29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines        29 11:55
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 11:55 | Setting Up Our Voice-Over-IP Phone System | Tux MachinesJan 29 11:55
schestowitz_bed2 29 12:12 Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses #holland #freedomJan 29 12:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Dutch city of Ede spends 92 percent less (!) than its peers on software licenses | Joinup  [ ]Jan 29 12:12
schestowitz_bed2So much for all that FUD from Microsoft ..."77"Jan 29 12:12
schestowitz_bed2 29 12:12 "Security experts explain how the NSA and GCHQ may be harvesting data from smartphone apps like Angry Birds" 29 12:12
TechrightsBot-tr-> | How 'leaky' smartphone apps are sending your data to the NSA - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 29 12:13
schestowitz_bed2Never liked that game anyway :P"77"Jan 29 12:13
schestowitz_bed2After finishing 3 of this series my wife and I got bored (Star Wars)Jan 29 12:13
schestowitz_bed2We finished Original, Seasons, and Rio.Jan 29 12:14
schestowitz_bed2"autant que les lapins crétins. Parcontre j'aime Rayman"Jan 29 12:14
schestowitz_bed2"Je déteste Angry Brids! Je haie ses gros oiseaux dés le départ !!!"Jan 29 12:14
schestowitz_bed2 29 12:14
schestowitz_bed2autant que les lapins crétins. Parcontre j'aime Rayman"7"Jan 29 12:14
schestowitz_bed2 29 12:15 Facebook sends phone data to NSA and ads companies including Microsoft 29 12:15
schestowitz_bed2Holy moly, look at all the stuff demanded. Send email without you knowing it. Turn on your microphone, change your volume, read your address book again, turn on and off other applications, cover other applications up, read and write to your call log. That's about as complete control of your cell phone as can be imagined. Microsoft really hates email and loves to spam people with it."77"Jan 29 12:15
schestowitz_bed2 29 12:16 Big win for Free software in the UK now they talk about it publiclyJan 29 12:16
TechrightsBot-tr-> | UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office  to open source | Technology |  [ ]Jan 29 12:16
schestowitz_bed2I'm not impressed. Timid talk about using "open source" has been going on for about a decade. Didn't BECTA say this kind of thing but then buy Microsoft over and over? In the mean time, whole branches of government in France, Germany and Italy moved to free software and dumped Windoze completely."77"Jan 29 12:16
schestowitz_bed2Some parts of UK gov are already moving to FOSS, they just don't talk about it publiclyJan 29 12:16
schestowitz_bed2They learned from Bristol, Birmingham, Munich, etc. (retaliation, bribes, etc.)Jan 29 12:17
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iophkYeah, I forgot about BECTA. They talked about FOSS for a bit all the while appeasing M$Jan 29 12:50
iophk 29 12:51 | Becta fails the open source test | ZDNet  [ ]Jan 29 12:51
schestowitz 29 12:51
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: @Morality124 @schestowitz apparently, but even so...Jan 29 12:51
schestowitz 29 12:52
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @glynmoody @schestowitz It's easy to live in a bubble it seems.Jan 29 12:52
schestowitzre 29 12:52
TechrightsBot-tr@glynmoody: Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped - wow, naive much? #privacyJan 29 12:52
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped | Technically Incorrect - CNET NewsJan 29 12:52
schestowitzCNETJan 29 12:53
schestowitzCBSJan 29 12:53
schestowitzNSA boostersJan 29 12:53
schestowitzanyway, no point feeding itJan 29 12:53
iophknahJan 29 12:53
schestowitzbesides the point of really criticising this appealling oligacch. CNET *CBS) still grooming him and NSA...Jan 29 12:53
iophk 29 12:54 | The Open Sourcerer  » Becta  [ ]Jan 29 12:54
schestowitzLike talking about Obama's swatting of a fly while on TV rather than swatting of thousands (humans) by dronesJan 29 12:57
schestowitzLet's all dilute the news (CBS) by talking about the Brand ("Gates") and say something pointless about NSA...Jan 29 12:58
schestowitz 29 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @glynmoody @schestowitz You think the NSA betrays him for the cooperation he has provided over the years? (Windows exploits et al.)Jan 29 12:58
schestowitz 29 12:58
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: Rich bubble RT @glynmoody Bill Gates: I assume my phone's not being tapped -  wow, naive much? #privacy @schestowitzJan 29 12:58
schestowitz 29 12:59
schestowitzMicrosoft has rhe back doors, that's old news. Everything to distact from Davod now....Jan 29 12:59
schestowitzMicrosoft has the back doors, that's old news. Everything to distract from Davos now....Jan 29 12:59
schestowitz 29 13:00
-->synchris (~quassel@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 13:16
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iophkThe petitions are getting treated as seriously by the public as by the administration:Jan 29 13:35
iophk 29 13:35 | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 13:35
iophkcontrastJan 29 13:36
iophk 29 13:36 | Protect Net Neutrality, the Open Internet and Our Economy | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 13:36
iophk 29 13:37 | Restore Net Neutrality By Directing the FCC to Classify Internet Providers as "Common Carriers". | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 13:37
iophk 29 14:17 | 28 January - Data Protection Day - Council of Europe  [ ]Jan 29 14:17
MinceR172245 < Sosumi> only apple does thatJan 29 14:25
MinceRi've heard msft did it tooJan 29 14:25
MinceR(especially when they tried to pit lipstick on vista)Jan 29 14:25
MinceRs/pit/put/Jan 29 14:25
Sosumitalking of vistaJan 29 14:29
SosumiI wander on how easy it is to bypass the UACJan 29 14:29
MinceRvery easy, especially in vista7Jan 29 14:29
MinceRat least without any sp-sJan 29 14:29
Sosumiand how many users, stupidly, run windows with it disabledJan 29 14:30
MinceRyou just name your executable so it's on m$'s list and ask for privilegesJan 29 14:30
MinceRthe list included things that would never need it, of courseJan 29 14:30
SosumilolJan 29 14:33
Sosumi 29 14:52 | Scientist back from Japan: I’ve seen data showing highest radioactivity levels in ocean that have been observed recently — NHK: Nuclear waste may be leaking “directly from buildings” not only going into groundwater via tunnels (VIDEOS)  [ ]Jan 29 14:52
Sosumi 29 14:52 | SURPRISE: You're Eating Fukushima Radiation and Bloody, Cancerous Tumors in Fish Contaminated By Radiation  [ ]Jan 29 14:52
Sosumican't check the validaty of the images, but I wouldn't be eating anything from the pacific anywaysJan 29 14:53
Sosumi*validityJan 29 14:53
iophk 29 15:28 | Communities Dominate Brands: Apple Results Q4 - Wow this was far worse than I thought...  [ ]Jan 29 15:28
iophk"Yes it is now a fact, we've seen 'peak iPhone' in its market share - and  now the iPhone will adjust gradually towards the historically  consistent market share that the Macintosh has held in the PC market  which will be single digits by the end of this decade definitely."Jan 29 15:29
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 29 15:46
MinceR 29 15:57 | The MAD Strip Club — Orwell: Search Habits | Mad Magazine  [ ]Jan 29 15:58
Sosumi 29 16:04 | Forget global warming, worry about the Earth's MAGNETOSPHERE | Mail Online  [ ]Jan 29 16:04
Sosumibeen hearing that since 05Jan 29 16:04
Sosumino one caredJan 29 16:04
Sosumiand no one still caresJan 29 16:04
Sosumilets just buy solar panels and windfarmsJan 29 16:04
Sosumiand earth is still a closed system, yeah, solar activity, cosmic streams have no impact on weatherJan 29 16:05
Sosumiand I'm not jokingJan 29 16:06
Sosumithey actually said the "system", earth, behaved like thatJan 29 16:07
Sosumiback when I was in the 10th grade and had biologyJan 29 16:07
Sosumiwhich was also in 2005Jan 29 16:07
Sosumiof course some of us said that was wrongJan 29 16:08
Sosumibut nvm, if it was like that on the bookJan 29 16:08
Sosumithen it must be trueJan 29 16:08
MinceR 29 16:11 | Oh When The Poles Come Marching InJan 29 16:11
Sosumijust don't go outsideJan 29 16:14
Sosumiand stay in places that you already know that can't penetrated by EMF radiationJan 29 16:15
Sosumiaka if you can't get a cell phone signalJan 29 16:15
Sosumithen it is safeJan 29 16:15
MinceR"just two things of which you must beware: / don't drink the water and don't breathe the air."Jan 29 16:15
SosumilolJan 29 16:15
Sosumialso, the sun might expand and engulf everything up to marsJan 29 16:17
Sosumiand we concerned about the polesJan 29 16:18
MinceRthat will happen a tiny bit laterJan 29 16:18
MinceR:>Jan 29 16:18
Sosumiand why shouldn't we also be concerned about the other polesJan 29 16:18
MinceRmight as well say "who cares, entropy will be maxed out eventually. also, all particles will decay."Jan 29 16:19
MinceRthe West Pole and the East Pole?Jan 29 16:19
Sosumithose are just a reference based to the south and north pole :PJan 29 16:20
SosumiI meant the polishJan 29 16:20
Sosumipolish, poles, you know, basically the same thingJan 29 16:20
Sosumi 29 16:21
MinceRwell, not sureJan 29 16:21
MinceRi'm kinda worried about themJan 29 16:21
Sosumiif a totem pole falls and there's no one there to witness the fallJan 29 16:21
MinceRthey seem to be fundifying themselvesJan 29 16:21
Sosumidoes it make a sound?Jan 29 16:22
MinceRthey've already banned abortion for religious reasonsJan 29 16:22
MinceRsome of their nazis seem to want to turn poland into hungaryJan 29 16:22
SosumiI'd be more concerned about their pension fundsJan 29 16:22
MinceRwell, if they follow the hungarian path then they won't have any pension fundsJan 29 16:23
Sosumiand hungary is kind of sounding more like "u hungy"?Jan 29 16:23
SosumioopsJan 29 16:23
Sosumi"u hungry"Jan 29 16:23
MinceRno, it's sounding more like a future depopulated zoneJan 29 16:23
Sosumikind of just like poortugalJan 29 16:24
Sosumiwith the desertification of the interiorJan 29 16:24
Sosumiand an abysmal natality rateJan 29 16:25
Sosumithat was already abysmal in 2004Jan 29 16:25
MinceRthat's the one thing i don't mindJan 29 16:25
MinceRthere are too many people around here anywayJan 29 16:25
Sosumihas become much worse after the 2008 "financial blowjob"Jan 29 16:26
Sosumiwell, but if we were to rebuild this nationJan 29 16:26
Sosumiwe'd actually need some laborJan 29 16:27
MinceRpeople should realize that nations are irrelevantJan 29 16:27
Sosumiand the current population numbers, besides being mostly unqualifiedJan 29 16:27
MinceRor they could just kill each other over belonging to different "nations", that's fine tooJan 29 16:27
Sosumithey're not enoughJan 29 16:27
Sosumiyes, but even then we still need to manage this rectangleJan 29 16:28
Sosumiand you know, back in the daysJan 29 16:28
Sosumiwe left the rectangle because it wasn't enoughJan 29 16:29
Sosumiat the present timeJan 29 16:29
Sosumithe only way to make the rectangle profitable is to invest in high tech stuff and have it done hereJan 29 16:29
Sosumibut meanwhile they are cutting scholarships and investment in educationJan 29 16:29
Sosumiin order to appease speculators in the city of london and in wall stJan 29 16:30
Sosumiinstead of doing what I've suggestedJan 29 16:30
Sosumiand probably countless of othersJan 29 16:30
MinceRstill better than turning education into religious brainwashing in order to appease nazisJan 29 16:30
Sosumiincluding that guy Tsipras in greeceJan 29 16:31
Sosumiban derivatives and freeze the debtJan 29 16:31
Sosumifor as long as the crisis continuesJan 29 16:31
Sosumiand have the ecb churn tranches of money for infrastructure buildingJan 29 16:32
Sosumilike high speed rails interconnecting all europeJan 29 16:32
Sosumiwe kind of need a couple more dams in order to coupe with the dry seasonsJan 29 16:33
Sosumispecially up the northJan 29 16:33
Sosumiand we actually need a new plan for the damsJan 29 16:34
Sosumisince the current one was conceived prior to 1975Jan 29 16:34
Sosumiand kind of hasn't received any updateJan 29 16:34
Sosumi1968 to be preciseJan 29 16:47
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Today in Techrights 29 16:50
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 16:50 | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJan 29 16:50
<--jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 29 17:45
DaemonFC 29 17:49 | Customer Discussions: Chicago is being robbed by the company that it gave the privatization contract to run its parking meters.  [ ]Jan 29 17:49
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 17:49
DaemonFC 29 17:49
DaemonFCThe company that Chicago gave its parking meters to is suing them, claiming that the state needs to pay them money to compensate it for road repairs, which "cost the company money in lost parking meter fees".Jan 29 17:49 | Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight  [ ]Jan 29 17:49
DaemonFCIndiana is also being robbed by the company that Mitch Daniels sold the toll roads to. He gave them a 75 year contract in 2006, all of the money is gone, and the company is claiming that Indiana owes it money because it is getting less toll road fees than it thought it would when it signed the contract.Jan 29 17:49
DaemonFCEven without that, they would make more money in the 75 years than they paid for the contract.Jan 29 17:49
DaemonFCPrivatization is often proposed by right-wing politicians who claim that it will save money. The companies that get the contracts almost never run things cheaper than the state was. The first thing that the toll road company did in Indiana was jack up the toll and stop maintaining the roads. They're full of potholes now, and the fee for driving on them has doubled.Jan 29 17:49
DaemonFCIndiana's Republicans passed a law that gives them a pass to drive on the toll road for free. Many Indiana House and Senate Democrats refused to use the pass, and kept paying the toll. Jan 29 17:49
DaemonFCerr ,cityJan 29 17:50
DaemonFC 29 17:54 | Customer Discussions: Obama's high school pot dealer who he thanked for the 'good times'  [ ]Jan 29 17:54
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 17:54
DaemonFCThe majority of adults in the United States admit to having smoked pot at least once, and I'm sure the number rises even higher when you account for the ones that have and are lying about it.Jan 29 17:54
DaemonFCRecreational marijuana usage is not a scandal. Medicinal use is even less controversial. Please go back to the 1950s where the other right wing social beliefs are waiting for you. Jan 29 17:54
DaemonFCThe laws just need to catch up. The majority of American adults could have theoretically been imprisoned at some point under just this one law. Jan 29 17:55
-->jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #techrightsJan 29 17:58
DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 18:13
DaemonFCChik Fil Meh doles out free diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and colorectal cancer to stranded motorists. Stranded by *snort* three inches of *BWAHAHAHAAAAA* three inches of snow... *BAHAHAHAAAA!!!!* Sorry.Jan 29 18:13
DaemonFCA snowstorm in the South is about as rare as a living brain cell in a room full of conservative Christians....Jan 29 18:13
DaemonFC:) Jan 29 18:13
DaemonFCHow the hell do you get stuck in three inches of snow?Jan 29 18:13
DaemonFCAre you driving a Geo Metro?Jan 29 18:13
DaemonFCA little bit of snow, and these southern fried morons are having pile ups and declaring emergencies and shutting down the roads. They need to drive in Indiana a couple of times. The roads don't get closed here until they actually become impassable. A couple of weeks ago, I was driving down a state highway in a white out blizzard where I could occasionally figure out what lane I was in, and I managed to make it about 40 miles each way without any Jan 29 18:13
DaemonFCreal trouble. Jan 29 18:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Microsoft Office out of office across the UKJan 29 18:36
TweetTuxMachines                 government? 29 18:36
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 18:36 | Microsoft Office out of office across the UK government? | Tux MachinesJan 29 18:36
-->ghgh (56381f73@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #techrightsJan 29 18:41
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DaemonFC Jan 29 18:46 | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 18:46
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sebsebsebhiJan 29 19:03
MinceRgnJan 29 19:15
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DaemonFC ZOMG PINK PONIES says:Jan 29 19:56
DaemonFCI'd be fine with Obama if he still did smoke pot.Jan 29 19:56
DaemonFCThere are thousands of things that the FDA says are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS, HEHEHE), that are not as safe as pot. Jan 29 19:56
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DaemonFCI got my 28 cent refund check from the BMV this morning.Jan 29 20:23
DaemonFCI just deposited it with my phone. :PJan 29 20:23
DaemonFC 29 20:27 | Naturopathic Physicians and the Affordable Care Act | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 29 20:27
*DaemonFC head desksJan 29 20:27
DaemonFCNothing in the ACA requires private insurers to cover "alternative medicine", and most of them don't cover it because they know it is worthless.Jan 29 20:28
DaemonFCIn fact, I've never seen a health insurance policy that did cover it, except maybe some limited chiropractic coverage for lower back pain.Jan 29 20:28
DaemonFCWhich is about the only thing that chiropractors are good for.Jan 29 20:29
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     As free software users, we need to speak outJan 29 20:30
TweetTuxMachines                 against the TPP 29 20:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 20:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Google to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo forJan 29 20:30 | As free software users, we need to speak out against the TPP  | Tux MachinesJan 29 20:30
TweetTuxMachines                 $3 billion: Confirmed 29 20:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 20:30
DaemonFCI have a chiropractor that I see for lower back pain from time to time.Jan 29 20:30 | Google to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo for $3 billion: Confirmed | Tux MachinesJan 29 20:30
DaemonFCHe was included in an insurance plan that I had when I worked at a warehouse.Jan 29 20:31
DaemonFCIt covered two visits per month for free, so I took them.Jan 29 20:31
DaemonFC 29 20:32 | [Phoronix] Future Of Fedora Spins Is Questioned With Fedora.Next  [ ]Jan 29 20:32
DaemonFCI don't know why having additional spins is controversial.Jan 29 20:33
DaemonFCThey're benign to anyone that wants a different spin.Jan 29 20:33
DaemonFC 29 20:33 | [Phoronix] Radeon DRM Gets A Few More Fixes For Linux 3.14  [ ]Jan 29 20:33
DaemonFCThe kernel-side radeon support for the 6000 series and older is basically complete as of Linux 3.13.Jan 29 20:34
DaemonFCAside from some bug fixes, there's not much more to be done in the kernel.Jan 29 20:34
DaemonFCNew versions of Mesa are the big performance wins now.Jan 29 20:34
<--jono_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 29 21:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Will Android PCs finally destroy Windows on theJan 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines                 desktop? 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Kernel 3.13 Gets Its First UpdateJan 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines        29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Homerun 1.2.0 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 21:33 | Will Android PCs finally destroy Windows on the desktop? | Tux MachinesJan 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition)Jan 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines        29 21:33 | Linux Kernel 3.13 Gets Its First Update | Tux MachinesJan 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 21:33 | Homerun 1.2.0 | Tux MachinesJan 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Best Firefox Add-ons for Social Media JunkiesJan 29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines        29 21:33
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 29 21:33 | Review: Manjaro Linux 0.8.9 (Cinnamon edition) | Tux MachinesJan 29 21:33 | Best Firefox Add-ons for Social Media Junkies | Tux MachinesJan 29 21:33
-->abeNd-org (~Keith@ has joined #techrightsJan 29 22:20
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DaemonFCschestowitz: I got my 28 cent refund check from the Indiana BMV settlement.Jan 30 01:34
DaemonFCNow if I could just find a time machine somewhere, I could go back to 1990 and get myself a Pepsi out of the vending machine.Jan 30 01:34
<--amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 30 01:45
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schestowitz__ 30 04:00 The Latest FOSS FUD Revolves Around Fakes and Bogus Arguments 30 04:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | The Latest FOSS FUD Revolves Around Fakes and Bogus Arguments | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 04:00
schestowitz__"It's amazing how Microsoft recycles this trash for decades. They pour it on until people believe it. Fewer people believe it these days, I hope."Jan 30 04:00
iophkIt's also a distraction for the poor way that Windows manages software installationJan 30 04:00
iophk*fromJan 30 04:00
schestowitz__today is the last day we can migrare tux machinesJan 30 04:08
iophkcan it be done?Jan 30 04:08
schestowitz__I might have to extend no-ipJan 30 04:08
schestowitz__25 dollarsJan 30 04:08
schestowitz__the VM is not ready yet...Jan 30 04:08
iophkohJan 30 04:09
schestowitz__yesterday tux machines got record traffic for ther monthJan 30 04:09
schestowitz__107k hits for the dayJan 30 04:10
iophkniceJan 30 04:10
schestowitz__96k pagesJan 30 04:10
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 30 04:12
iophkApproximately how many visitors from that?Jan 30 04:13
schestowitz__14kJan 30 04:13
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     openSUSE Review, Ubuntu Happenings, and ZorinJan 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines                 OS 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Why Red Hat's Roger Egan Joined DockerJan 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines        30 04:25 | openSUSE Review, Ubuntu Happenings, and Zorin OS | Tux MachinesJan 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 04:25 | Why Red Hat's Roger Egan Joined Docker | Tux MachinesJan 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Like Arduino? Miniaturize your project withJan 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines                 TinyCircuits 30 04:25
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 04:25 | Like Arduino? Miniaturize your project with TinyCircuits | Tux MachinesJan 30 04:25
schestowitz__ 30 04:27 #Google Heavily Taxed by #PatentTroll (Not a Real Company) That #Microsoft Gave Patents to #swpats #vringoJan 30 04:27
schestowitz__"The US judicial and regulatory system is a bad joke. 1.36% of AdWord revenue is huge. That's on top of the endless Android lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny that Microsoft is miraculously able to push Google's way. I'm so ashamed of my government."Jan 30 04:27
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Google Heavily Taxed by Patent Troll (Not a Real Company) That Microsoft Gave Patents to | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 04:27
-->Carlos (~carlos@ has joined #techrightsJan 30 04:33
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schestowitz__ 30 04:33 Serious petitions like get discredited by nonsense and celebs 30 04:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Protect Net Neutrality, the Open Internet and Our Economy | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 04:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government  [ ]Jan 30 04:33
schestowitz__"This whole site is a joke. They keep changing the rules to ensure nothing productive gets done."Jan 30 04:33
schestowitz__""Serious petitions"? Please."Jan 30 04:33
schestowitz__"^lol'd"Jan 30 04:34
schestowitz__I agree, they dodge the people and their requests by upping limits. The whole thing is a farce like a ballot box, designed only to give the illusion that the government is serving people, not corporations and oligarchsJan 30 04:34
schestowitz__ 30 04:35 Debunking charades 30 04:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | "A Silent Coup": Jeremy Scahill & Bob Herbert on Corporate, Military Interests Shaping Obama's SOTU  [ ]Jan 30 04:35
schestowitz__"I saw them on Democracy Now! this morning and their analysis of the President's SOTU was spot on."Jan 30 04:35
schestowitz__ 30 04:36 #Copyright Law Still All About #Protectionism , Needs RevisionJan 30 04:36
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Copyright Law Still All About Protectionism, Needs Revision | Techrights  [ ]Jan 30 04:36
schestowitz__"It has always been about protectionism."Jan 30 04:36
schestowitz__ 30 04:37
schestowitz__"If he wins, it will only contribute to the hollywoodization of the resistance... I had enough of prizes, heros, bad guys, good guys, donzels in distress and all that bullshit! The only thing I see is structures of power creating entertainment. I hope, if the time comes, that he deny the award... but i guess thats asking too much..."Jan 30 04:37 Remember when a Chinese got a political Nobel peace prize? Well, the US is having a "China moment" 30 04:37
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Snowden Gets Nobel Nomination as U.S. Pursues Trial - Bloomberg  [ ]Jan 30 04:37
schestowitz__iophk: 30 04:45 | Crisis-hit southern Europeans try their luck in Finland | Yle Uutiset |  [ ]Jan 30 04:45
iophkYeah, there are growing communities.Jan 30 04:46
iophkAlso in Sweden last year they took in around 50,000 of just refugees.  That's a whole townJan 30 04:47
schestowitz__ 30 04:53 Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight 30 04:53
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Costs of Privatization Hidden in Plain Sight  [ ]Jan 30 04:53
schestowitz__"Most of the cases of privatization that I have seen go very badly are concerning services for which there is not a reasonable way to opt out or to have competition. #Monopolies of any form breed #corruption, #exploitation, and tend to be #facist. In this particular instance, the deal should have been rejected entirely on the grounds that it could not be evaluated in the time provided. 686 pages of complex, dense legalese is Jan 30 04:53
schestowitz__impossible to process in two days."Jan 30 04:53
schestowitz__ 30 04:54 Manufactured Nuclear Crisis they also tried to manufacture gas attack crisis in #syria as they did in #iraq & #koreaJan 30 04:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | A Manufactured Nuclear Crisis - Inter Press Service  [ ]Jan 30 04:54
schestowitz__"Meanwhile Fukushima, a real nuclear crisis, can't get arrested."Jan 30 04:54
schestowitz__ 30 04:54 James Clapper calls for Snowden and 'accomplices' to return #NSA documents he doesn't know how digital stuff works?Jan 30 04:54
TechrightsBot-tr-> | James Clapper calls for Snowden and 'accomplices' to return NSA documents | World news |  [ ]Jan 30 04:54
schestowitz__"I call for Clapper to return the US Senate to a place of honesty (good luck) and to return the US to a country that follows it's own constitution (even better luck...)""Jan 30 04:54
iophk 30 05:01 | Harassment Arrest Of Charlie Shrem Shows Dangerously Repressive U.S. Police System - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 30 05:01
iophkbit of a misinterpretation of the GPL.  It requires that the changes (freedom) be paid forward, not what this license does: Jan 30 05:07
iophk 30 05:07 | Open Compute pushes GPL-like license for 'open source hardware' | Computer hardware - InfoWorld  [ ]Jan 30 05:07
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Open Standards and Open Source make a greatJan 30 05:15
TweetTuxMachines                 pairing 30 05:15
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 05:15 | Open Standards and Open Source make a great pairing | Tux MachinesJan 30 05:15
schestowitz__This video has been banned in the UKJan 30 05:19
schestowitz__ 30 05:19 | Nice Way Code Think Horse - YouTube  [ ]Jan 30 05:19
schestowitz__When NSA buddy Microsoft accuses Google of being poor on privacy on British broadcast, then that's OK with ASA...Jan 30 05:20
<--schestowitz__ has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 30 06:14
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iophk 30 06:18 | UK picks Open Document Format for all government files • The Register  [ ]Jan 30 06:18
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Enlightenment 0.18.3 Release Allows the Use ofJan 30 07:34
TweetTuxMachines                 Elementary 1.9 or Later 30 07:34
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 07:34 | Enlightenment 0.18.3 Release Allows the Use of Elementary 1.9 or Later | Tux MachinesJan 30 07:35
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsJan 30 07:38
schestowitz__iophk: any followup on that?Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__Other than the announcment?Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__i have another post coming, but no news really since yesterdayJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__A bunch of us now work on getting Tuxera in the mudJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__"Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__On 01/29/2014 at 2:28 PM, "Bradley M. Kuhn" <> wrote:Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    rxrz,Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    I appreciate that you have written to us rather than attempting to takeJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    action yourself. While I know Snowden-like activities are popular theseJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    days, I assure you that they only make it more difficult for ConservancyJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    to enforce the GPL. Specifically, the Samsung matter was more difficultJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    and more time consuming for Conservancy to deal with because of theJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    "code leaks". Conservancy has very limited resources for GPLJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    enforcement, so I appreciate that you aren't making our job harder hereJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    by contacting us early and discussing it before taking action.Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    Meanwhile, I've read the materials that you shared with us. However, asJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    it stands, we cannot take action specifically because:Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__ wrote at 01:23 (EST):Jan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    > Right now the original blob files have been removed from github byJan 30 07:41
schestowitz__    > repository's maintainerJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    ... I can't witness any active distribution of this file at this time.Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    Of course, that doesn't mean it isn't being distributed, but I need toJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    see it being distributed actively to take action here. More detailsJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    below:Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    If you could tell us what specific product this software appears in, weJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    can research further. The ideal would be to show us a publiclyJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    distributed firmware available online from the company who incorporatedJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    this software in their product. Since that sometimes doesn't occur, theJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    next best thing is to give us the exact model of a product that you knowJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    for sure contains this software.Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    Please note that a "cease and desist" of a violation is a reasonableJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    response to resolve a GPL violation (even though it's not our preferredJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    solution). If Tuxera (and its downstreams) are no longer distributingJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    infringing software, the GPL violation is likely "resolved" -- at leastJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    to a point whereby it'd be very difficult for us to take immediateJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    action (unless they violate the license again).Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    Brad, meanwhile, if you have a direct interest in joining Conservancy'sJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers, I can talk with you aboutJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    that. Your direct involvement would make it easier for us to takeJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    action on this matter. However, we can admittedly take action, sinceJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    your work is part of a larger GPL'd whole work, which is copyrighted byJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    many people some of whom are already in the GPL Compliance Project forJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    Linux Developers. Nevertheless, contact me on a separate thread if youJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    would like to join our compliance coalition.Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    > I would like to request an official statement from a representative ofJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    > Tuxera concerning this particular driver and have the complete sourceJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    > code for this product, since it has been distributed under GPL licenseJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    > and is based on the driver taken from Linux kernel tree.Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    I don't recommend that at this point. I don't yet see a clear chain ofJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    distribution that puts the binary in your hands completelyJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    legitimately without any questions. The right next step is to figureJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    out what product this binary driver appeared in, and examine theJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    physical product and/or a firmware legitimately obtained from aJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    distributor to verify the violation.Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    I look forward to your next correspondence.Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    -- Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive Director, Software Freedom ConservancyJan 30 07:42
schestowitz__    (home of BusyBox, Samba, and the GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers)Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__'Jan 30 07:42
schestowitz__ 30 07:43 Debian policy of no proprietary drivers is comprising convenience for freedom been there beforeJan 30 07:43
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Debian 7: In Search of the Lost Driver - Goodbye, Microsoft®  [ ]Jan 30 07:43
schestowitz__"This, incidentally, is yet another example of why the most important tool for a Linux installation is a second computer, connected to the Internet. OR the most important tool for a GNU/Linux DEBIAN installation is a little search of supported drivers before install the new version/distro ... In the same time, Debian is known for this kind of "problem" which is not in fact if you know the Debian's policy. This is the same with Jan 30 07:43
schestowitz__Triskel, indeed. I could be more surprised if this kind of problem appeared with Ubuntu, Mint, Or Suse which include lot of non-free/proprietary drivers."Jan 30 07:43
schestowitz__"I didn't say that for you Roy, only for the author"Jan 30 07:43
iophkschestowitz__: no followup yet on the ODF announcement, just that the Reg picked it up after the othersJan 30 08:03
schestowitz__lots of articles yesterdayJan 30 08:12
schestowitz__latest on tuxeraJan 30 08:12
schestowitz__"Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__Hello, Bradley.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__Thank you, I appreciate the work you're doing as well.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__The case with Samsung has proven to me that we cannot trust even to the largest corporations when it comes toJan 30 08:12
schestowitz__being compliant and respecting the effort of many developers who believe in and contribute to FOSS.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__I hope you understand that many people including myself felt that it was a very serious violation of trust, noJan 30 08:12
schestowitz__matter under which conditions Samsung had to hide the original Linux code from us.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__Not being public is a hard task for me, and I would like to tell you that I have my trust in you to contribute effort for handling this case.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__The file is still available via that repo's history and in my forked repo right here:Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__ 30 08:12 | asuswrt-merlin/release/src/router/tuxera/broadcom/hfsplus/kernel-module at master · rxrz/asuswrt-merlin · GitHub  [ ]Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__Doesn't it matter that ASUS had this file in their development bundle? Tuxera had "HFS+ Embedded" availableJan 30 08:12
schestowitz__since June '11 (*/ and it makes it more that 2 years from today's date.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__The driver's version which came out of Asus' tar is dated with Nov of '13, which makes it still about 2 years as this product has been available. I would say it's a small chance Tuxera "forgot" to put the proper license in there, an even smaller chance they haven't sold a single copy of this product in 3 years.Jan 30 08:12 | Internet Archive Wayback Machine  [ ]Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__To me it's a no-brainer: Tuxera's been selling this driver for years now, it's based on Brad Boyer's source code, they got caught (thanks to Asus). We've got a proof, that they've been selling a product which is a 90% result of hard work of people from our community.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__I believe It is our common job to keep things right and fair.Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__I do feel for Samsung being caught between two trains of M$'s patents and Linux' free license. But the fact that they've been selling a product based on code from Linux tree, for years, and not returning any money they literally stole from honest developers who contributed their free time to support FOSS and GPL, makes me feel quite bad. They didn't have to do that, but nobody forced them to use the code from the vfat driver as a Jan 30 08:12
schestowitz__base. In the end they didn't pay any fines, they ended up being heroes by open-sourcing the driver.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__I am 100% sure it is exactly the same case this time, except there were no patents involved. It never will be neither fair in case with exFat nor in case with HFS+ even if they give up the source to the product they most likely originally stole from Brad. None of us have money for a lawyer to sue violators of GPL and companies seem to be happy to abuse this fact.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__They won't pay anybody for stealing the product, even though they made a fortune out of it.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__I have a small question:Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__Let's imagine for a second they haven't used Brad's GPL'd source as a base for their product, but still sold an HFS+ driver written from scratch under GPL (even a single copy)...Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__can we require the source code legally from them?Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__Speaking of Snowden's contribution to society, honestly, I lost the rest of my trust in proprietary software companies.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__I am not surprised at all by Tuxera stealing code and selling as their own, I've been more surprised by Samsung being involved in the theft of vfat Linux code.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__My goal is to get the source to the complete Linux HFS+ driver.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__I will get the proof of them selling this driver as a product in the past.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__Thank you.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__-rxrzJan 30 08:13
schestowitz__P.S.Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__Have a small question, off the record: why do companies get sued for let's say, using software they didn't purchase in their products, but when it comes down to selling products based on free software, in violation to GPL, companies don't get in trouble? It just feels wrong to me that we can only count on them to just release the source once they get caught and not pay any money they stole by using readily available open software? If Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__companies do not respect GPL and just do whatever they want then what's the point of having licenses at all?Jan 30 08:13
schestowitz__'Jan 30 08:13
<--trn has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jan 30 08:28
schestowitz__ 30 09:12 | FileZilla warns of large malware campaign | Security - InfoWorld  [ ]Jan 30 09:12 | File Stealing Version of FileZilla is Making Its Way Around Internet | Digital Trends  [ ]Jan 30 09:13
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     How Linux dominates the mobile marketJan 30 10:04
TweetTuxMachines        30 10:04
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 10:04 | How Linux dominates the mobile market | Tux MachinesJan 30 10:04
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     LibreOffice 4.2 Brings OpenCL Calc, OOXMLJan 30 12:03
TweetTuxMachines                 Improvements 30 12:03
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 12:03 | LibreOffice 4.2 Brings OpenCL Calc, OOXML Improvements | Tux MachinesJan 30 12:03
-->Andromm ( has joined #techrightsJan 30 12:14
iophk 30 12:26 | GoDaddy owns up to role in epic Twitter account hijacking | PCWorld  [ ]Jan 30 12:26
<--Guest3859 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 30 12:39
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Keep Tabs on Income and Expenses with MyJan 30 12:44
TweetTuxMachines                 Expenses for Android 30 12:44
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 30 12:44 | Keep Tabs on Income and Expenses with My Expenses for Android | Tux MachinesJan 30 12:44
iophk 30 12:59 | AT&T Develops Credits System to Limit File-Sharing Bandwidth | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 30 12:59
iophk 30 13:00 | Ukrainian police use cellphones to track protestors, court order shows | Ars Technica  [ ]Jan 30 13:00
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJan 30 13:23
schestowitz__ 30 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr@nn81: The collection @schestowitz articles @black_duck_sw :  True or Fiction?Jan 30 13:35
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Black Duck - TechrightsJan 30 13:35
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schestowitz__ 30 14:24 Companies that use terms like "community manager" reveal their real attitude towards volunteers. Say "coordinator" or "leader", not managerJan 30 14:24
schestowitz__"Jan 30 14:24
schestowitz__Very true. Most of the community managers I've dealt with were less interested in listening and understanding than they were with having me swallow a set of talking points. They waste everyone's time.Jan 30 14:24
schestowitz__After some thought, I like the term community representative and think that it's a legitimate thing to do. Communications manager, even that sounds like perception management. I agree with other people here that "leader" and "coordinator" also imply control or manipulation. Representative is an honest term and implies two way communication representing the company to the community and the community to the company. That's a valid and Jan 30 14:24
schestowitz__useful specialization and division of labor. People busy coding need others who are good at listening to make sure everyone understands each otherJan 30 14:24
schestowitz__"Jan 30 14:24
schestowitz__ 30 14:33
schestowitz__"analogical to richard stallman's quote "open source is what the industry can accept but free is where they need to end up""Jan 30 14:33
schestowitz__ 30 14:33 reshared: ## This video has been banned in the UKJan 30 14:33
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Nice Way Code Think Horse - YouTube  [ ]Jan 30 14:33
schestowitz__"Awesome! Here they shouldn't see deer..., a fellow cyclist found traps in the nearby forest where we cycle. And I don't think they were for bugs. :("Jan 30 14:33
MinceRgeekingsJan 30 14:40
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schestowitz__ 30 15:59
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Hard to say; "improved OOXML support" seems to be common phrase in LO changelogs. Almost like it's maintenance not enhancementJan 30 15:59
schestowitz__ 30 16:00
TechrightsBot-tr@Morality124: @schestowitz Microsoft Offers $100 Credit For People Who Trade In PS3 For Xbox One via @consumeristJan 30 16:00
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Microsoft Offers $100 Credit For People Who Trade In PS3 For Xbox One – ConsumeristJan 30 16:00
iophkgtgJan 30 16:03
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jan 30 16:08
schestowitz__ 30 16:15 "Samsung shipped 320 million smart phones in 2013" 30 16:15
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Samsung makes EU push via 60 Carphone Warehouse-Samsung exclusive stores | Muktware  [ ]Jan 30 16:15
schestowitz__"The Belgian phone companies Belgacom and Base will not be very happy when they get to know that. What other brands of smart phones will be left over for them to sell? Mobistar already has the exclusive deal to sell iPhones."Jan 30 16:15
schestowitz__ 30 16:44 | Where in the world is Richard Stallman? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software  [ ]Jan 30 16:44
schestowitz__"Jan 30 16:44
schestowitz__Feb 10, 2014 01:00 PM Helsinki, Finland Event "The Path to Digital Freedom"Jan 30 16:44
schestowitz__Feb 11, 2014 01:00 PM Helsinki, Finland Event Richard Stallman to speak in Helsinki, FinlandJan 30 16:44
schestowitz__Feb 20, 2014 07:00 PM New York, NY Event "A Free Digital Society"Jan 30 16:44
schestowitz__"Jan 30 16:44
<--abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 30 18:03
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MinceRgnJan 30 18:37
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iophk 31 02:24 | EU has secret plan for police to 'remote stop' cars - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 31 02:24
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iophk 31 02:35 | Netflix's Battle For Net Neutrality Could Look Like This  [ ]Jan 31 02:35
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iophk 31 02:57 | Communities Dominate Brands: Google Sells Motorola Unit to Lenovo - I told you this would happen...  [ ]Jan 31 02:57
-->TweetTuxMachines (~squirtbot@ has joined #techrightsJan 31 03:01
iophk 31 03:49 | BBC News - EU group mulls 'remote car-stopping device' for police  [ ]Jan 31 03:49
iophk 31 04:12 | Judge Understands BitTorrent, Kills Mass Piracy Lawsuits | TorrentFreak  [ ]Jan 31 04:12
iophk 31 04:13 | One Week Left To Give Input To Future European Copyright Monopoly Law - Falkvinge on Infopolicy  [ ]Jan 31 04:13
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MinceRgeekingsJan 31 05:38
schestowitz__iophk: hiJan 31 05:41
schestowitz__morning, MinceRJan 31 05:41
schestowitz__Just a quick questionJan 31 05:41
iophksureJan 31 05:41
schestowitz__say you have site A with DNS pointing to XJan 31 05:41
schestowitz__and site B with DNS pointing to YJan 31 05:41
schestowitz__when you move DNS from X to YJan 31 05:42
schestowitz__can you expect no downtime?Jan 31 05:42
iophkI think so, butJan 31 05:42
schestowitz__i see requests served OK, but it seems like some machines (esp. in our house) still go nowhere when looking up the addressJan 31 05:42
schestowitz__I think that nameserver migrations without downtimes are sometimes like that, but I want to be sure before we leave the house for 5 hoursJan 31 05:43
iophkit looks like also a matter of changing authoritative name serversJan 31 05:43
schestowitz__on the same network, the tablet reaches the old serverJan 31 05:43
schestowitz__And the phone and laptop reach nowhereJan 31 05:43
iophkIt may be your cacheJan 31 05:44
iophkOn two networks, I get the new ip for the hostnameJan 31 05:44
iophklemme check one more...Jan 31 05:44
schestowitz__gotchaJan 31 05:44
schestowitz__Is this host-level cache like /etc/hosts?Jan 31 05:45
schestowitz__Becfuse changing broewsers has no effectJan 31 05:45
schestowitz__Wher eis DNS cache?Jan 31 05:45
iophkThe third one is ok.Jan 31 05:46
schestowitz__maybeit'a cached at the hubJan 31 05:46
iophkI'm not sure how it is all cached, if it is still looking for the old name server it will still get the old address.Jan 31 05:46
iophkWhich nameserver to use might be cachedJan 31 05:46
schestowitz__the problem is. it does not even connect to the old server, escept the tabletJan 31 05:47
schestowitz__it accesses the old siteJan 31 05:47
schestowitz__the others get nowhereJan 31 05:47
iophkDid you get the old registrar to drop the name?Jan 31 05:48
schestowitz__nope. not afaikJan 31 05:48
schestowitz__Maybe it checks the IP against the DNS and finds a mismatcxh or somethingJan 31 05:48
schestowitz__But it does seem to be working for everyone (so far as I know) except usJan 31 05:49
iophkmight be two registrars fighting it out for the authoritative answerJan 31 05:49
schestowitz__I'll try my web proxyJan 31 05:49
iophkwhat about setting the old registrar to point to the new, static ip?Jan 31 05:49
schestowitz__I don't know how to change registrars details in that wayJan 31 05:50
iophkI'm getting the new ip on a 4th net, too.Jan 31 05:51
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schestowitz__it works from the proxyJan 31 05:52
schestowitz__and pages load as I would hope, inc. sub-sectionsJan 31 05:52
schestowitz__So I think it's safe to leave it at that and try access from home later onJan 31 05:52
schestowitz__I have some posts to publish later, i tried to make almost 10 yesterday, I didn't sleep well because the moigration wasn't complete before 3amJan 31 05:53
schestowitz__bblJan 31 05:53
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 31 05:59
iophk 31 06:12 | The Internet You Know and Love is in Danger | American Civil Liberties Union  [ ]Jan 31 06:12
DaemonFC 31 06:30 | The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers' | Alternet  [ ]Jan 31 06:30
DaemonFCschestowitz__: They included Bill Gates.Jan 31 06:30
iophk 31 07:36 | Why you should care about the end of net neutrality - tech - 29 January 2014 - New Scientist  [ ]Jan 31 07:36
DaemonFC 31 08:36 | MATE makes it to Ubuntu Trusty repo | Muktware  [ ]Jan 31 08:36
DaemonFCIt seems like MATE is going to do OK.Jan 31 08:37
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schestowitz__ 31 12:24 | The "we are all i...Jan 31 12:24
schestowitz__ 31 12:24 The "we are all in this together" propaganda ignores the fact that the rich increase their wealth at double-digit % per year, Queen has sharesJan 31 12:24
<--carlos_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 31 12:31
iophkChinese new year today.Jan 31 12:39
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Jan 31 12:41
schestowitz__ 31 12:45
schestowitz__iophk: yeah, no dragon dances hereJan 31 12:45
schestowitz__but about 10k lanterns around city centreJan 31 12:45
schestowitz__They probably bought them for like a pound each to appease the Chinese cpmmunity (we have Chinatown here) after the waste of money for Jan 1stJan 31 12:46
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Yesterday in Techrights 31 12:46
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 12:46
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 12:46
schestowitz__ 31 13:06 The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers'Jan 31 13:06
schestowitz__The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers — Not Inspirational 'Makers' including the biggest thief who buys the press, GatesJan 31 13:07
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schestowitz__iophk: thanks for the linksJan 31 13:18
schestowitz__I am catchingm up with lots from ysterdayJan 31 13:18
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Professional Video Editor `Lightworks` 11.5Jan 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Goes Stable For Linux 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 13:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Bigger, better, faster: LibreOffice 4.2Jan 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines        31 13:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 13:30
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     AMD’s first ARM processors to feature 8-coreJan 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines                 servers 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 13:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Will Android lose market share to otherJan 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines                 versions of mobile Linux?Jan 31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines        31 13:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 13:30
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It’s Not Just Android: 3 Upcoming Linux MobileJan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Operating Systems 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 14:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     New Kernel Vulnerability Affects Ubuntu 13.10Jan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines        31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 14:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Moonlight: Yet Another Linux DesktopJan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Environment 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 14:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     GNOME's Virtual Filesystem Reaches VersionJan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines                 1.19.5 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 14:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Review: Pinguy OS 13.10 Beta 3Jan 31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines        31 14:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 14:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 14:54
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TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     RT-enhanced Linux stack aims at comms gearJan 31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines        31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 15:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     Linux Video of the Week: Sailfish Mobile OSJan 31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines                 Updates 31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 15:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     It Pays To Sell GNU/LinuxJan 31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines        31 15:30
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 15:30
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 15:30
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DaemonFCIn the hospital, two 1 cent aspirins are $50 and a $1 bag of sterile saline IV solution is $800. Jan 31 16:32
DaemonFC:PJan 31 16:32
abeNd-orgsick people = profit!Jan 31 16:33
DaemonFC 31 16:48 | Customer Discussions: Indiana's Republicans sue to protect your right to be poisoned by mercury, because something something something economy.  [ ]Jan 31 16:48
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 16:49
DaemonFC 31 16:49
DaemonFCIndiana utility rates are expected to have a modest increase due to EPA regulations limiting mercury pollution. Indiana spewed about 46,000 pounds of mercury into the air last year.Jan 31 16:49 | Indiana biz groups challenge EPA climate change rules  [ ]Jan 31 16:49
DaemonFCIt says that the EPA is accepting public comments. I asked them to finalize the new regulations and to please fight Indiana in court if they have to.Jan 31 16:49
DaemonFCFrom the article:Jan 31 16:49
DaemonFC"The increase includes the cost associated with taking mercury and other toxins out of power-plant emissions to meet new rules. (Indiana is among the states challenging those rules in federal court.) " Jan 31 16:49
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     An Intel Galileo WalkthroughJan 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines        31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 16:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     FreeBSD Open-Source OS Comes to the PC-BSDJan 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines                 Desktop 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 16:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     OpenSSH 6.5 released 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 16:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines@tuxmachines     A look at ROSA Fresh R2 LXDE EditionJan 31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines        31 16:54
TweetTuxMachines........................................ 31 16:54
TechrightsBot-trCouldn't resolve host '' ( status 0 @ )Jan 31 16:54
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MinceR 31 17:20 | EU has secret plan for police to 'remote stop' cars - Telegraph  [ ]Jan 31 17:20
*MinceR suggests remote detonation feature as wellJan 31 17:20
gde33that was one of my many proposals to the EUJan 31 17:21
gde33they did god know howmany of them, almost as if I wrote the whole agendaJan 31 17:22
gde33lmaoJan 31 17:22
MinceR:>Jan 31 17:22
gde33lets not do car chases and stop carsJan 31 17:22
gde33if you dont like it we can run you over or something equally appropriateJan 31 17:22
MinceRlet's be very surprised when we find out that the primary targets of this will disable the "feature" in their carsJan 31 17:22
gde33smashed by a trainJan 31 17:22
gde33lolJan 31 17:22
gde33not as easy as you thinkJan 31 17:23
MinceRalso let's be very surprised when others exploit the feature against drivers and kill them or rob themJan 31 17:23
MinceRor bothJan 31 17:23
MinceRdoesn't seem to difficult -- remove, disconnect or isolate the antenna that receives the commandJan 31 17:23
gde33then you are going to use the road but ohh it is full of carsJan 31 17:24
gde33what a bummerJan 31 17:24
gde33lolJan 31 17:24
gde33MinceR: it will be annoying, that is the pointJan 31 17:26
MinceRno, the point is that it will kill people they didn't want to keepJan 31 17:26
MinceRs/keep/kill/Jan 31 17:26
MinceRand that it will be exploited against peopleJan 31 17:26
gde33sure it willJan 31 17:26
MinceRbecause a bunch of fascist idiots never think anything throughJan 31 17:27
MinceRor they just don't careJan 31 17:27
MinceRit's not their life that's threatened after allJan 31 17:27
MinceR(or so they think)Jan 31 17:27
gde33you just need a transportation system that worksJan 31 17:27
gde33switching off the machines is part of thatJan 31 17:28
MinceRthat's what the ignition key/switch is forJan 31 17:28
gde33I also proposed a speed limiterJan 31 17:28
MinceRanother great ideaJan 31 17:28
MinceRit's not like some accidents could be avoided by speeding away from the source of the dangerJan 31 17:29
gde33people have this idea that people working on roads have to get killed regularlyJan 31 17:29
MinceR(and who cares anyway)Jan 31 17:29
MinceRwell, that explains these half-baked ideas, thenJan 31 17:29
gde33the max speed outside my house is 5 km/h there are no sidewalksJan 31 17:29
gde33it even use to have speed bumpsJan 31 17:30
gde33hahJan 31 17:30
MinceRi'm sure they saved lots of money with no sidewalksJan 31 17:30
MinceRsidewalks are expensive stuff!Jan 31 17:30
gde33it is in the way the blocks are buildJan 31 17:31
MinceRyes, "badly"Jan 31 17:31
gde33basically it is one big sidewalkJan 31 17:31
gde33cars are suppose to drive walking speed to the parkingJan 31 17:31
MinceRwhat are cars doing on it then?Jan 31 17:31
MinceRcars don't belong on the sidewalk.Jan 31 17:31
gde33sure, but there are other areas with other speed limits that dont work eitherJan 31 17:31
gde33the max is 120 on the highway, people drive 140Jan 31 17:32
gde33you are very annoying if you drive 120Jan 31 17:32
MinceRmost people can't handle drivingJan 31 17:32
MinceRthose who can't do it shouldn't be allowed toJan 31 17:32
gde33then the whole train goes in front of the cameraJan 31 17:32
gde33and they all get ticketsJan 31 17:32
gde33it's a nonsense systemJan 31 17:32
MinceRlike, if they can't learn how to keep distance, they shouldn't get to driveJan 31 17:32
MinceRinstead of endangering meJan 31 17:32
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gde33you should be able to put the pedal to the mettalJan 31 17:33
MinceRif they can't learn how to use turn signals, they probably can't learn most of other things eitherJan 31 17:33
MinceRso, again, don't let them driveJan 31 17:33
gde33drive max speed the whole timeJan 31 17:33
gde33corners to!Jan 31 17:33
gde33if the traffic light is red, the car slows downJan 31 17:33
gde33not maybeJan 31 17:33
gde33we are not just going to make itJan 31 17:33
gde33lolJan 31 17:33
MinceRif the traffic controller computer has a glitch, you dieJan 31 17:34
MinceRfun timesJan 31 17:34
gde33maybe you should remember the whole drive by wire system is going to be implmeneted?Jan 31 17:34
MinceRnot immediately, of courseJan 31 17:34
MinceRyou get to suffer for a few hours, stuck in the car, slowly crushed to deathJan 31 17:34
gde33Rotterdam harbor has huge storage area where only robot trucks driveJan 31 17:34
gde33nothing goes wrongJan 31 17:34
MinceRwhy do you want drive by wire?Jan 31 17:34
MinceRare cars too reliable yet?Jan 31 17:34
gde33no they aren'tJan 31 17:34
gde33they are driven by idiots remember?Jan 31 17:35
MinceRyupJan 31 17:35
MinceRthat's the problemJan 31 17:35
gde33you should stop blaming the idiotsJan 31 17:35
gde33that just makes you one of them lolJan 31 17:35
gde33hahaJan 31 17:35
MinceRyou're not making senseJan 31 17:35
gde33we need to make a good system for themJan 31 17:35
gde33so that they can drive places without issuesJan 31 17:35
MinceRwe have one, it's called public transportJan 31 17:35
gde33linux carsJan 31 17:35
gde33public transport doesn't workJan 31 17:36
MinceRneither do idiotsJan 31 17:36
MinceRand neither does the "i'll just push a few buttons randomly here on the remote control for that guy's car while he thinks he's driving it lol"Jan 31 17:37
gde33I do have real ideas how [public] transport should workJan 31 17:37
MinceRso do iJan 31 17:37
gde33I'm just not going to propose those to the EUJan 31 17:37
gde33they wouldnt understandJan 31 17:37
MinceRindeedJan 31 17:37
MinceRhungary is a pretty good example of how a public transport shouldn't and can't work, thoughJan 31 17:37
gde33the point is that we already have robot cars hereJan 31 17:37
gde33many of themJan 31 17:37
gde33since the 80'sJan 31 17:38
MinceRin special environments, yesJan 31 17:38
MinceRnot on general roadsJan 31 17:38
gde33it gets increasingly silly to have people crash themselves into annother for the greater good of transportation lolJan 31 17:38
MinceRnot mixed with other modes of transportJan 31 17:38
gde33sure they areJan 31 17:38
MinceRwhere?Jan 31 17:38
gde33they look like trucks with 2 behindsJan 31 17:38
MinceRnever seen thoseJan 31 17:39
gde33it is mostly pilots but it's done arround the worldJan 31 17:39
MinceRairlines are very differentJan 31 17:39
MinceRwith all the space, you can offset them a lot more from each other (lanes too)Jan 31 17:40
MinceRplus you don't get pedestrians, bikers, etc.Jan 31 17:40
MinceRor crossing other modes of transportJan 31 17:40
MinceRalso, you have an extra dimension to avoid conflictsJan 31 17:40
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gde33fly by wire you mean?Jan 31 17:41
MinceRand afaik pretty much all the planes are involved in traffic controlJan 31 17:41
MinceRno, i mean autopilot and suchJan 31 17:41
MinceRalso, afaik traffic control isn't automatic eitherJan 31 17:41
gde33they are working on the fliying civilian Jan 31 17:41
gde33the goal is cars that fly with roads in the skyJan 31 17:41
gde33and fly by wireJan 31 17:41
gde33so there is a kind of road in the skyJan 31 17:42
MinceRit's a goal, not something that's already implementedJan 31 17:42
gde33here it is a goalJan 31 17:42
gde33there are pilotsJan 31 17:42
MinceRafaik fly-by-wire is merely controlling the control surfaces indirectly, though a computerJan 31 17:42
gde33sure, it is very simpleJan 31 17:42
gde33the robot driver will just use many perhaps terrible systems side by sideJan 31 17:43
gde33like follow the white lineJan 31 17:43
MinceRwhich is not what i'm looking for when the danger is that m$ will manage to infest these systems with their crapwareJan 31 17:43
gde33amazon uses robots in their warehouse Jan 31 17:43
gde33lol 31 17:43
MinceRthey've already infested systems that can distract the driver or even make it impossible for them to see what they're doingJan 31 17:43
MinceRthe warehouse is a strictly controlled environmentJan 31 17:44
MinceRthe street isn'tJan 31 17:44
gde33a crane like on the left in the picture could easily build housesJan 31 17:44
MinceRand it won't wait for crossing pedestriansJan 31 17:44
gde33the harbor is so controlled that if you walk on the road the trucks may all get a new planing.Jan 31 17:45
MinceRactually it looks like it's driven by a humanJan 31 17:45
MinceRit has a driver's cabin on the leftJan 31 17:45
gde33so you walk onto the road, there isn't a truck to be seen anywheeJan 31 17:45
gde33but they are all planning how to avoid youJan 31 17:45
gde33if there is any object on the road it deploys people to go check it outJan 31 17:46
gde33all alarms go off if it isn't just perfectJan 31 17:47
gde33the place also turns into a container madhouse if it isn't just perfectJan 31 17:48
gde33costs serious moneyJan 31 17:48
MinceRand i suspect they don't often let people in itJan 31 17:48
gde33microsoft people are stopped at the gateJan 31 17:48
gde33lolJan 31 17:48
MinceR:>Jan 31 17:48
DaemonFCI punch in telephone numbers at random at the gas station.Jan 31 17:50
DaemonFCThe grocery store loyalty card customers usually don't redeem their gas points.Jan 31 17:50
gde33Dutch people never build anything that isn't going to work. If there is an inch of doubt they all run away, seriously.Jan 31 17:50
DaemonFCSo at the last day of the month, I go through until I find one with a lot of points, and then I use their gas points.Jan 31 17:50
DaemonFCI managed to find a 40 cent per gallon one today. B-)Jan 31 17:50
gde33hahJan 31 17:51
gde33here the suppermarket has a folder with the deals in it.Jan 31 17:52
gde33I dont use it but some people look at it as the adventureJan 31 17:54
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gde33I think a delivery suppermarket with a fancy website could be much cheaper.Jan 31 17:57
gde33we could make it like world of warcraftJan 31 17:57
gde33have people fight over their food dealsJan 31 17:57
gde33hardcore battles to the deathJan 31 17:58
MinceRno need for a website to do that, black friday already worksJan 31 17:58
gde33not enough carnageJan 31 17:58
MinceRhand out chainsaws at the entrance, thenJan 31 17:58
gde33sell the store client for 300 euroJan 31 17:58
MinceRor just popularize the idea so clients will bring their ownJan 31 17:58
MinceRor just raise the stakes and let them figure it outJan 31 17:59
gde33the de-lux shop op and shopJan 31 17:59
MinceRmaybe overpopulation will take care of it on its ownJan 31 17:59
gde33my most brutal marketing innovation was to do store storage in a display next to peoples bed.Jan 31 17:59
gde33this moment of natural zombieJan 31 18:00
gde33pick your new boots?Jan 31 18:00
gde33lolJan 31 18:00
gde33space populationJan 31 18:01
MinceRi don't think people need any help to make really stupid decisionsJan 31 18:01
gde33200 years mars will be infested with humansJan 31 18:01
MinceRthey do it on their own just fine, even when their own life is at stakeJan 31 18:01
MinceRonly if humanity survives that longJan 31 18:02
MinceRand doesn't blast itself back into the stone age, or mad maxJan 31 18:02
MinceRor merely let the fundies take over to the point where they will no longer be able to figure out how to continueJan 31 18:02
MinceRand won't care anywayJan 31 18:03
gde33my best EU proposal was to have banks put a donation button on their websiteJan 31 18:04
gde33that would salve evrythingJan 31 18:04
gde33we could all donate as much as we want to, as often as we likeJan 31 18:04
gde33^^Jan 31 18:04
MinceRthe hungarian government has already set up a system so you could donate to themJan 31 18:05
gde33niceJan 31 18:05
gde33One of my most popular ideas was the volentary tax systemJan 31 18:05
gde33it got support from all anglesJan 31 18:05
gde33the republican nazi completely agreed with the tree hugger SJFJan 31 18:06
MinceRalso known as "charity"? :>Jan 31 18:06
gde33only now we call it governmentJan 31 18:06
gde33imagine the fun we could have?Jan 31 18:06
gde33It would be public informationJan 31 18:07
gde33and we could of course refuse you services if you chose not to payJan 31 18:07
MinceRisn't the current setup better?Jan 31 18:08
MinceRwhere they just take the money away from you no matter whatJan 31 18:08
MinceRand if you're in hungary, you'll either get nothing in exchange for it, or something so crap it might as well be nothingJan 31 18:09
gde33noJan 31 18:09
gde33the implication of just taking something from you would invetiably be people taking things from meJan 31 18:09
MinceRso? the zombies don't mindJan 31 18:09
MinceRhere, at leastJan 31 18:09
gde33if I can talk you into just handing over your moneyJan 31 18:09
gde33you are of course free to do that to me as wellJan 31 18:09
MinceRgovernments all over the world have managed to talk people into such a one-way dealJan 31 18:09
MinceRsee also the 'social contract'Jan 31 18:10
gde33could do both side by side in a transitionJan 31 18:10
gde33the deal was nesasaryJan 31 18:11
gde33we needed representation because we couldnt be all over the world at the same timeJan 31 18:11
gde33this is not true anymore, thats all that has changedJan 31 18:11
MinceRdid we get representation?Jan 31 18:11
MinceRi'm pretty sure the nazis in fidesz don't represent meJan 31 18:12
gde33I'm sure it worked at least for some people some day historicallyJan 31 18:12
gde33lolJan 31 18:12
gde33it was better than nothing at allJan 31 18:12
gde33at least we got lies we could believe in for our voteJan 31 18:12
MinceRwe always got lies we could believe inJan 31 18:12
gde33as a kind of "pick your own branding"Jan 31 18:12
MinceRthat's what cults were for, tooJan 31 18:12
MinceRstill areJan 31 18:12
gde33vote for whatever gets your electroytes goingJan 31 18:13
MinceRit's got what plants crave?Jan 31 18:13
gde33:)Jan 31 18:13
gde33with volentary taxes the ideas would have to be proffitableJan 31 18:14
gde33imagine that lolJan 31 18:14
gde33we can build windmills and solar factories if it makes financial senseJan 31 18:15
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 18:16
DaemonFCI see those books on using Android devices, and I have to wonder who reads those, and did their parents have any children that lived?Jan 31 18:16
DaemonFCLearning how to tie your shoe laces is harder than learning Android for ****'s sake... *sigh* People......Jan 31 18:16
DaemonFCI don't see why Sprint should have to level the rainforest to print out documentation for every single thing you want to do with your Android computer, which has access to the online manuals because it has a web browser. Jan 31 18:16
MinceRthey're always profitableJan 31 18:16
MinceRjust not for youJan 31 18:16
gde33the investor doesnt get paid?Jan 31 18:17
MinceRdependsJan 31 18:17
gde33that nasa court case where they didnt look at the martian mushroom.Jan 31 18:18
MinceRyou won't live on words alone :>Jan 31 18:18
gde33the public paid for the picturesJan 31 18:18
gde33we could put it in writing how and when they are going to be compensatedJan 31 18:18
gde33not unusual Jan 31 18:19
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DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 18:22
DaemonFCI always laugh when I see those Consumer Cellular commercials.Jan 31 18:22
DaemonFC"It has big buttons and no features!"Jan 31 18:22
DaemonFCOh, so, like Windows 8?Jan 31 18:22
DaemonFC*rimshot* Jan 31 18:22
MinceR:>Jan 31 18:22
gde33with icons so that you dont have to remember how to readJan 31 18:23
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 18:24
DaemonFCI think they actually said "no confusing features". Windows has no features and manages to be extremely confusing.Jan 31 18:25
DaemonFCLike, why does that tile desktop POS pop up randomly and why does their window manager switch between Firefox and Firefox Private Browsing windows so that you type what you're trying to put into the private browsing window into the non-private browsing window unless you happen to close the non-private window before you use the private one?Jan 31 18:25
DaemonFCWindow managers that consume 300+ MB of RAM and inexplicably switch between active windows need to be taken out back and given both barrels. Jan 31 18:25
MinceRhypeOS has no features and manages to confuse its users and fansJan 31 18:25
MinceR(into believing that the hypePhone is a smartphone, for example)Jan 31 18:25
MinceRalso, inexplicably switching between active windows (or to nothing at all) is an old winblows feature, even xp had itJan 31 18:26
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 18:27
DaemonFCSorry... Software companies that don't listen to their users, implement bloated things that are of questionable usefulness, change the user interface constantly and in inappropriate ways, and produce malfunctioning code are a nit of mine.Jan 31 18:27
DaemonFCThankfully, I don't have to use any Microsoft or Apple products on my computers. Jan 31 18:27
MinceR 31 18:31
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 18:33
DaemonFCThe last time I actually read a manual on how to use an operating system was when I was about 9 years old and trying to use DOS.*Jan 31 18:34
DaemonFCAnyway, I managed to hand edit my autoexec.bat and config.sys to use emm386.exe and himem.sys to free up enough conventional and extended memory to make Star Wars:X-Wing work because 640k was not enough for anyone. :/Jan 31 18:34
DaemonFC 31 18:34
DaemonFC*(I guess you could count the odd glancing of manpages if you want to be dicky about it. Learning command switches and syntax is a little different than an iPhone user trying to figure out how to tap on an icon. Where do they dig these people up?) Jan 31 18:34 | Star Wars: X-Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Jan 31 18:34
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 18:35
DaemonFCIt's so complicated! TAP TAP TAP! I don't know how to use this thing. TAP TAP TAP!Jan 31 18:35
DaemonFCALL IS LOST! ALL IS LOST!!!!! Jan 31 18:35
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 18:36
DaemonFCAnd now a public service message for crApple customers.Jan 31 18:36
DaemonFC Jan 31 18:36
MinceR:)Jan 31 18:37
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gde33tnwpwhd (Thats not what picard would have done)Jan 31 18:39
DaemonFCPicard would hit that, with an inverse tachyon beam.Jan 31 18:39
gde33I was just pondering how every notable nerd must have his inner picard one can addressJan 31 18:40
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MinceRgnJan 31 18:54
DaemonFC 31 20:05 | Customer Discussions: Study finds that cough syrup is apparently useless for doing anything other than making sizzurp.  [ ]Jan 31 20:05
DaemonFCI remember when I had to go to the laundromat.Jan 31 20:19
DaemonFCMom's washer broke down and she had to go there recently. She complained about most of the machines being broken and/or filthy and getting gouged to do her laundry.Jan 31 20:19
DaemonFCI told her "Now you know why I was wearing the same clothes 4-5 times when I worked at Walmart. I got sick of putting $40 in their nasty ass machines every month!"Jan 31 20:20
gde33MinceR: but volentary taxes, imagine it, it would look something like kickstarterJan 31 20:30
gde33every committee for it selfJan 31 20:30
gde33foreiners may pay taxes to :)Jan 31 20:33
gde33maybe all we need is some sort of wrapper for existing libraries :DJan 31 20:39
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DaemonFC 31 21:43 | Customer Discussions: Microsoft sues a company for exercising their rights under the first sale doctrine.  [ ]Jan 31 21:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 21:44
DaemonFC 31 21:44
DaemonFCMicrosoft has sued a computer store that was selling refurbished laptops that came with a Windows Vista license, which had been re-imaged with the same version of Windows Vista that they came with.Jan 31 21:44 | NO TITLE  [ ]Jan 31 21:44
DaemonFCMicrosoft claims that exercising your rights under the First Sale Doctrine is "counterfeiting software".Jan 31 21:44
DaemonFCIn other words, everyone that is selling their old computer and keeps Windows on it for the next owner is doing the same thing that this company did. Microsoft says you have no right to do that, which flies in the face of Supreme Court precedent. (It's the same as selling a used book or a used CD, which is totally legal.)Jan 31 21:44
DaemonFCI'm not suggesting that it's good to give someone else a copy of Windows.Jan 31 21:44
DaemonFCIt's better to give them software that respects their freedom, such as GNU/Linux. Nobody has ever been sued for "counterfeiting" GNU/Linux, because software counterfeiting is impossible, and everyone has the guaranteed right to share it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Jan 31 21:44
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 21:47
DaemonFCIt seems that there isn't much (proprietary) software that the NSA hasn't bugged these days.Jan 31 21:47
DaemonFCEven Angry Birds is reporting to them about the user's activity!Jan 31 21:47
DaemonFCI hate it when birds take a leak. It always happens right after you get out of the car wash... Jan 31 21:47
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schestowitz__DaemonFC: good linkJan 31 22:02
schestowitz__I will do an article about it tomorrowJan 31 22:02
schestowitz__[21:33] <DaemonFC> In the hospital, two 1 cent aspirins are $50 and a $1 bag of sterile saline IV solution is $800. Jan 31 22:10
schestowitz__Wow, welcome to USAJan 31 22:10
DaemonFC Patricia says:Jan 31 22:10
DaemonFCMicrosoft produces rubbish products and is a has-been dying company. This is one of their last gasps of frustration. If MS wins, I hope that more people switch to a Mac for their new computer. Jan 31 22:10
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 22:10
DaemonFCApple software has most of the same problems regarding lack of user freedoms.Jan 31 22:10
DaemonFCThey haven't sued anyone for reselling their Mac that I am aware of, but they wouldn't need to. Software is kind of a hook for them to sell their expensive computers in the first place. Jan 31 22:10
DaemonFC Patricia says:Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCApple gives away its OS for free these days - you need to keep up. Jan 31 22:11
schestowitz__[21:33] <abeNd-org> sick people = profit!Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCThey give it away gratis at the moment, but it does not give its users freedom.Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCVista 8.1 was also gratis, but did not give users freedom.Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCIn fact, every new version of either OS takes more freedom away from the user. Jan 31 22:11
schestowitz__Not here, not yet, although the Tories try to make it soJan 31 22:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCSo, why would I care about Microsoft threatening a company for distributing its software?Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCWell, first, it threatens everyone who has purchased a license to use anything that is bound by copyright.Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCSecondly, it would not mean fewer copies of Windows in existence. Every user and company would simply stop reselling existing licenses, and pay Microsoft even more money for new licenses, which is worse than simply reselling an existing license, which would give them even more money to attack users and their freedom with more malicious products.Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCIt would be better if every copy of Windows was destroyed, but giving them more money for new licenses just makes two problems where there was only one problem before. It's counterproductive. Jan 31 22:11
DaemonFCerr, because it wouldJan 31 22:12
DaemonFCKeep an eye on this case. It threatens the entire first sale doctrine.Jan 31 22:13
DaemonFCAlmost every time you give this Supreme Court another chance to fuck people over, it takes it.Jan 31 22:13
DaemonFCschestowitz__: Yeah. I had good insurance before I turned 18.Jan 31 22:14
DaemonFCAt the time, there was no PPACA, so you just lost your parents health insurance when you turned 18.Jan 31 22:15
DaemonFCIt's 26 now.Jan 31 22:15
DaemonFCAnyway, with a few minutes left on the clock, I hurried up and got a whole bunch of things taken care of.Jan 31 22:15
DaemonFCWithin a year, I had sinus surgery, a tonsillectomy, all my wisdom teeth removed, etc. Jan 31 22:15
DaemonFCI actually got all my wisdom teeth removed and then lost my dental AND heath insurance the very next day.Jan 31 22:16
DaemonFC*healthJan 31 22:16
DaemonFCAnd I was lucky I could get in at the last minute, because 12 years ago, it cost over $2,500 to get your wisdom teeth removed.Jan 31 22:17
DaemonFCThey weren't causing me a problem, yet, but I hurried up and got it done because there was no telling when it would be a problem and where I was going to find $2,500 at.Jan 31 22:17
DaemonFCThe pain medication they gave me didn't work, and the dentist would not speak to me, or call in a new prescription, because I was no longer insured.Jan 31 22:19
DaemonFCSo I basically spent the next week in terrible pain because I had no insurance and was recovering from surgery.Jan 31 22:19
DaemonFCschestowitz__: Don't get sick here.Jan 31 22:19
DaemonFCGet sick just about anywhere else in the developed world, but don't get sick here.Jan 31 22:20
DaemonFC 31 22:27 | Customer Discussions: Christie asks for public's patience while he comes uo with new story  [ ]Jan 31 22:27
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 22:27
DaemonFC"It wasn't me! It was the three chinned man! Oh ****!" Jan 31 22:27
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Jan 31 23:12
DaemonFCThe British have a right-wing government that is dealing with a legacy universal healthcare program that dates back to better days when people cared about each other, that they have to make fail, so they can have an excuse to privatize it.Jan 31 23:12
DaemonFCSort of like Republicans in the US and free public education. Jan 31 23:12
DaemonFCFirst you have to make it fail.Jan 31 23:13
DaemonFCThen you scream "It's failing!".Jan 31 23:13
DaemonFCThen you "fix it" (so that rich criminals can gorge themselves on the privatized inferior version).Jan 31 23:13
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ldk 01 02:07
TechrightsBot-tr@matthew_d_green: "Anonymity is the enemy of privacy" says RSA head, with an (apparently) straight face. This stuff is gold. 01 02:07
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Sosumitell Patricia that crapple is a hardware manufacturerFeb 01 05:13
Sosumiand their main revenue, if actually, all revenue comes from hardwareFeb 01 05:14
Sosumithat is why you have the computers they sell totally locked downFeb 01 05:14
Sosumisimply because crapple isn't going to get your money if you keep updating you dear mac pro for 6 yearsFeb 01 05:15
Sosumispecially when it comes to realms of graphics cardsFeb 01 05:16
Sosumiand if m$ is so crappy, why do you get much better drivers on windows (and linux) than on osxFeb 01 05:16
Sosumiif m$ is so bad, why does xcode is a total letdown compared to VS?Feb 01 05:17
Sosumiis crapple actually better? or just as bad as m$Feb 01 05:18
Sosumimy money is on the laterFeb 01 05:18
Sosumisurely the aluminum macbooks are kewl and everythingFeb 01 05:19
Sosumibut so are dell precisions and hp elitebooksFeb 01 05:20
Sosumiand eclipse is free and better than bothFeb 01 05:22
Sosumixcode and vsFeb 01 05:23
Sosumibut, it has been known since forever that m$ doesn't want you to resell your already activated winblows license with a laptopFeb 01 05:24
Sosumieven throughFeb 01 05:24
Sosumithe seller could claimFeb 01 05:24
Sosumithat he's just reselling the laptop hardware wiseFeb 01 05:24
Sosumiand as for the included windows is just like "an ownership transfer"Feb 01 05:25
Sosumiand that he's not charging for thatFeb 01 05:26
Sosumiand I hope that in each receipt he passedFeb 01 05:27
Sosumihe never mentioned laptop with winblows vistaFeb 01 05:27
Sosumibecause in that way he'll be screwedFeb 01 05:28
Sosumi 01 06:59
Sosumino commentFeb 01 06:59
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 07:02
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 07:02
iophkBruce's site has been down for at least a few days.Feb 01 07:14
iophk 01 07:14
iophkAlso, he seems to have stopped with Lighttpd and moved to nginx.Feb 01 07:14
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Feb 01 07:14
<--freedomrun has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Feb 01 07:37
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 07:51
cubezzzI'd never use an operating system without source code unless there was absolutely no other choiceFeb 01 07:51
cubezzzhistorically, Xenix was a giant step backwards from Unix v7Feb 01 07:52
iophkcubezzz: even this one?  Feb 01 07:52
iophk 01 07:52 | The second operating system hiding in every mobile phone  [ ]Feb 01 07:52
cubezzzwell, I never use mobile phones :)Feb 01 07:52
iophk:)Feb 01 07:52
cubezzzSunOS was similar, Sun took 4.3BSD and made it into a closed source OSFeb 01 07:54
cubezzztwo examples of going from open source to proprietary sourceFeb 01 07:55
cubezzzafter 1992 everything changed again, this time going in the opposite directionFeb 01 07:55
cubezzzI hacked up a preliminary list of alternative operating systems:Feb 01 08:02
cubezzz 01 08:03
<--freedomrun has quit (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)Feb 01 08:27
iophkpropaganda : 01 08:41 | Seven ways Microsoft Excel could change the world | News |  [ ]Feb 01 08:41
iophkand here : 01 08:44 | Why ditching Facebook feels like opting out of modern life | Technology |  [ ]Feb 01 08:44
iophk 01 08:46 | One million people call on FCC to “save net neutrality” | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 08:46
Sosumisince apple is so greatFeb 01 08:49
Sosumito the point they can't even get their own stuff working properlyFeb 01 08:49
Sosumi 01 08:49 | 1/24/2014 Late 2013 Mac Pro randcom crashes/restarts and sleep problems -  [ ]Feb 01 08:49
Sosumi 01 08:49 | Mac Pro 2013  6,1 Thunderbolt / Sleep /Wake Reboot Problem - Appreciate Help - MacRumors Forums  [ ]Feb 01 08:49
Sosumialso, maya viewport gets worst results on osx than it gets on windows and on linuxFeb 01 08:50
Sosumiand that is with the amd cards used on the trashcan proFeb 01 08:50
Sosumiso Patricia is kind of being a crapple patricianFeb 01 08:51
Sosumiand we all know moronic that kind of ppl can beFeb 01 08:52
cubezzzhaha, excelFeb 01 08:56
cubezzz 01 08:56
cubezzzDEC was more open source than Apple ever wasFeb 01 09:03
cubezzzeven if only partiallyFeb 01 09:03
cubezzzDEC let one have RT11 source code, plus tons of source code for some lanugagesFeb 01 09:04
cubezzzeven IBM was better than Apple :)Feb 01 09:04
cubezzzDEC was also better than Commodore, Atari and Radio ShackFeb 01 09:05
cubezzzwhat good open source project did Commodore make?Feb 01 09:06
cubezzzthat's right... nothing :)Feb 01 09:06
cubezzzA lot of the stuff that appeared on Fish disks was from the PDP-11 worldFeb 01 09:07
cubezzzat least DEC has DECUS, which goes all the way back to 1961Feb 01 09:09
cubezzzhttp://www.decuslib.comFeb 01 09:10 | NO TITLEFeb 01 09:10
cubezzzok, so DEC is dead but there are still DECUS archives aroundFeb 01 09:10
cubezzzwhat did Apple have in the past?Feb 01 09:14
cubezzzthey had Xenix on Lisa, and a bunch of closed source OSesFeb 01 09:14
cubezzzI guess nothing has changed thereFeb 01 09:15
iophk 01 09:16 | Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 09:16
Sosumicrapple has no good open source project that I can nameFeb 01 09:17
iophkThey've taken over CUPSFeb 01 09:17
Sosumiand the stuff on macosforge/macports are kind of deadFeb 01 09:18
Sosumixquartz? lol, their new compiler? llvm/clangFeb 01 09:19
Sosumiwhy would anyone use that anywaysFeb 01 09:19
Sosumiopendarwin?Feb 01 09:20
Sosumiget freebsd insteadFeb 01 09:20
Sosumiso, when apple says in their propaganda that they are great open source contributorsFeb 01 09:20
Sosumiwell that is a lieFeb 01 09:20
cubezzzI heard that opendarwin was shut down quite a while agoFeb 01 09:21
cubezzz2006 I think?Feb 01 09:21
Sosumino ideaFeb 01 09:21
Sosumibut they still release darwin packageFeb 01 09:21
Sosumi*theFeb 01 09:21
Sosumianother open source project from crappleFeb 01 09:22
Sosumiweb objects?Feb 01 09:22
cubezzzso sure BSD is a good choice, openbsd, netbsd or freebsdFeb 01 09:22
Sosumideprecated and then "open sourced"Feb 01 09:22
cubezzzI can write for BSD or Linux and it's easy enough to go from one to the other, usuallyFeb 01 09:22
Sosumishake, that composing suite that apple got when they bought nothing is realFeb 01 09:23
Sosumialso deprecated, but never open sourcedFeb 01 09:23
Sosumianother open source project from themFeb 01 09:25
Sosumithe apple lossless audio codecFeb 01 09:25
SosumiI wander why anyone would use that over flacFeb 01 09:25
Sosumior wavFeb 01 09:25
Sosumiunless ofc you have an ipod or a hypephoneFeb 01 09:26
cubezzzreally much of the hardware nowadays isn't too greatFeb 01 09:28
iophk wav can't handle metadata if I understand correctly. flac is the way to go.Feb 01 09:28
cubezzzthe basic program of closed source bios has not been addressed except:Feb 01 09:28
cubezzz 01 09:28 | Chromebooks - corebootFeb 01 09:28
cubezzzs/program/problem/Feb 01 09:29
Sosumiintel is charging more and more for their partsFeb 01 09:29
cubezzzyou can get a chromebook pretty cheap tooFeb 01 09:29
Sosumieven through they cost pocket change to produceFeb 01 09:29
Sosumichromebooks are kind of toy computersFeb 01 09:30
Sosumionly that top of the line model google has is decent enoughFeb 01 09:30
cubezzzI'm all ears to hear about good alternatives :)Feb 01 09:30
Sosumiplus I really have no need for a laptopFeb 01 09:31
Sosumiso I kind of not keep on par with what is aroundFeb 01 09:31
Sosumibut as for alternativesFeb 01 09:32
MinceR 01 09:32
Sosuminew intelistations pleaseFeb 01 09:32
Sosumiwith ppcFeb 01 09:32
Sosumior sparcstationsFeb 01 09:33
Sosumiintel needs big competition on the high end segmentsFeb 01 09:33
Sosumiotherwise they just charge an arm and a leg for their workstation partsFeb 01 09:34
iophkLarry is helping his friend Bill by choking sparc.Feb 01 09:34
iophkHe could be making money on it otherwise.Feb 01 09:34
Sosumiyep he couldFeb 01 09:42
Sosumithe big hope now is IBMFeb 01 09:42
Sosumisince they sold the x86 business to lenovoFeb 01 09:43
Sosuminow all they have left is powerFeb 01 09:43
SosumiI really hope they don't confine it to just serversFeb 01 09:43
MinceRi think they sold it because they don't want to do itFeb 01 09:44
Sosumithey don't want to do it with x86Feb 01 09:45
Sosumithat was why they sold their business to lenovoFeb 01 09:46
Sosumiand now since what they have left is ppc, they could leverage that architecture also outside serversFeb 01 09:46
Sosumiand that means bringing back the intelistationFeb 01 09:46
Sosumiwhich in the past, used the same power variant used by apple on the powermacFeb 01 09:47
iophkit would be great if it meant some Power workstations or notebooks.Feb 01 09:47
SosumiyeahFeb 01 09:50
Sosumilets see how it'll be in a year from nowFeb 01 09:51
iophk 01 10:56 | 2014: The Year America Broke The Internet - Business Insider  [ ]Feb 01 10:56
schestowitz__iophk: Feb 01 11:28
schestowitz__"Feb 01 11:28
schestowitz__Hello, Bradley.Feb 01 11:28
schestowitz__Here I would like to present the proof of thfsplus.ko labeled as "GPL" while being sold along with products (NAS storages in this case):Feb 01 11:28
schestowitz__ -> 01 11:28
schestowitz__It seems to me that Tuxera will at least have to open the code for the GPL product they sold. If it turnsFeb 01 11:29 | QNAP NAS Community Forum • View topic - HFS+ module  [ ]Feb 01 11:29
schestowitz__out to be the case that they did with HFS+ what Samsung did with vfat.ko and exFAT, then it's up to FinnishFeb 01 11:29
schestowitz__authorities to deal with Tuxera's actions.Feb 01 11:29 | QNAP NAS Community Forum • Login  [ ]Feb 01 11:29
schestowitz__Please feel free to forward the source code to me as an attachment in case Tuxera sends it to you via reply.Feb 01 11:29
schestowitz__Thank you.Feb 01 11:29
schestowitz__-rxrzFeb 01 11:29
schestowitz__"Feb 01 11:29
iophkinterestingFeb 01 11:30
schestowitz__release date drupal 8 is hard to figure outFeb 01 11:32
schestowitz__nobody gives even an estimateFeb 01 11:32
schestowitz__nut being slow to release is good for companieFeb 01 11:32
schestowitz__ 01 11:32 | when will drupal 8 release? | Drupal.orgFeb 01 11:32
schestowitz__iophk: maybe some Finns should liaise with rzrzFeb 01 11:33
schestowitz__she could use some help, with language, access etc.Feb 01 11:33
schestowitz__she's anonFeb 01 11:33
schestowitz__This is very effectiveFeb 01 11:33
schestowitz__she's effectively throwing patents on FSes like that down the drainFeb 01 11:34
schestowitz__and makes support for them possible without the red tapes, like patent payments of buying blobsFeb 01 11:34
schestowitz__This undermines Apple and Microsoft actions against Android, Tizen, etc.Feb 01 11:34
schestowitz__Drupal 8Feb 01 11:35
schestowitz__"Feb 01 11:35
schestowitz__ou can check the release cycle for Drupal 8 here:Feb 01 11:35
schestowitz__ 01 11:35 | Drupal core release cycle | Drupal.orgFeb 01 11:35
schestowitz__Unfortunately there is no official release date yet.Feb 01 11:35
schestowitz__"Feb 01 11:35
iophk"The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view this forum."Feb 01 11:39
iophkqnapFeb 01 11:40
<--yang has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Feb 01 11:53
-->yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 12:01
iophkTxera are also bringing in sw patents through the back door by acting as if they are valid and paying/receiving money for them.  That hurts the interests of the EU badly.Feb 01 12:30
iophkThat might not be directly affecting the HFS issue, but might be important anyway.Feb 01 12:30
<--iophk has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Feb 01 12:45
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 12:53
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 12:53
Sosumialso new M$ CEO may be Satya NadellaFeb 01 12:54
Sosumia dude that has been already 20 years with M$Feb 01 12:54
MinceRandroidauthority says it might be sundar pichaiFeb 01 12:55
MinceRi don't see how that would workFeb 01 12:55
Sosumiand that probably belongs to the Balmer echo chamberFeb 01 12:55
Sosumiall I know is that M$Feb 01 12:55
Sosumineeds a john sculleyFeb 01 12:56
MinceRm$ has performed an illegal operation and needs to be shut downFeb 01 12:56
Sosumiand who else than a john sculley to wreck it to the ground?Feb 01 12:57
Sosumikind of like tim crook is already doing with crappleFeb 01 12:57
Sosumiios marketshare going downFeb 01 12:57
MinceRtim crook should hurry upFeb 01 12:58
MinceRcrApple is still doing too much damageFeb 01 12:58
Sosumino exact direction on their products, outside of the ever increasing locked gardenFeb 01 12:58
MinceRwhich the cultists loveFeb 01 12:58
MinceRas alwaysFeb 01 12:58
Sosumiwith the mac pro being the latest victimFeb 01 12:58
Sosumihelvetica neue (lol=Feb 01 12:58
Sosumiand just look at the iphone, it doesn't even feature a gorilla glass 3 screen coverFeb 01 12:59
Sosumieven through it is the most expensive phone aroundFeb 01 13:00
MinceRit also doesn't feature an open platformFeb 01 13:01
MinceRor real multitaskingFeb 01 13:01
Sosumino idea about the multitaskingFeb 01 13:01
MinceRthe set of background tasks is predefined and requires special APIsFeb 01 13:02
MinceRso less "multitasking" than in DOSFeb 01 13:02
MinceRwhere you'd have to hook interrupts but could at least do what you wantedFeb 01 13:02
SosumilolFeb 01 13:03
MinceRoh, also no common filesystemFeb 01 13:04
SosumiyepFeb 01 13:04
Sosumithey could just have built some sort of finder into itFeb 01 13:05
Sosumibut noFeb 01 13:05
MinceRthere was some bullshit said about needing a file manager being bad or somethingFeb 01 13:05
-->freedomrun (~freedomru@unaffiliated/freedomrun) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 13:06
schestowitz__ 01 13:06 Whitewashing the #fed number cooking is not heroism, and economic gaps increaseFeb 01 13:06
schestowitz__"Strangely, most of the sites I read would use the title "The Douche"..."Feb 01 13:07
schestowitz__ 01 13:07 "The site of Bruce Perens site has been down for at least a few days." -iophk missing #technocratFeb 01 13:07
TechrightsBot-tr ( status 404 @ )Feb 01 13:07
schestowitz__"Site is up. It looks like a fresh Apache install or so."Feb 01 13:07
schestowitz__nginxFeb 01 13:07
iophkcontent down, though technically the site is upFeb 01 13:07
Sosumino idea, but having an user exposed file system would mean that the user wouldn't need to reset the phone in case some app broke and you could no longer access itFeb 01 13:07
Sosumialso, from what I heardFeb 01 13:08
iophkIt has been like that for a while.Feb 01 13:08
Sosumideleting an appFeb 01 13:08
Sosumidoesn't remove everything pertaining to the said appFeb 01 13:08
schestowitz__iophk: not many people know about the siiteFeb 01 13:08
schestowitz__let alone read itFeb 01 13:08
schestowitz__ 01 13:08 Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta  #ubuntu #linux #steamosFeb 01 13:08
TechrightsBot-tr-> | Linux on the NUC: Using Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, and the SteamOS beta | Ars Technica  [ ]Feb 01 13:08
schestowitz__"I kind of hate unetbootin. Never got it to work properly. That's probably just my fault though. SUSE Studio Imagewriter is the best, IMO. 'course, good old dd is nice too."Feb 01 13:08
<--amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)Feb 01 13:17
<--msb__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 01 13:17
Sosumi 01 13:20 | Windows 8.1 Marketshare Right Behind Windows Vista | Digital Trends  [ ]Feb 01 13:20
-->amarsh04 (~amarsh04@2001:44b8:61::d) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 13:21
SosumilolFeb 01 13:21
Sosumi 01 13:22
TechrightsBot-tr@thurrott: @quiggles It may not be selling as well as Vista.Feb 01 13:22
Sosumim$ went to the "trouble" (lol) of creating metroFeb 01 13:26
Sosumibut things that could actually increase productivityFeb 01 13:27
Sosumilike virtual desktops and "exposé" type features are non existentFeb 01 13:27
MinceReven crApple's virtual desktop is crippledFeb 01 13:32
Sosumibut at least they have oneFeb 01 13:58
-->msb_ ( has joined #techrightsFeb 01 14:02
iophk 01 14:12 | Philip K. Dick Predictions - Business Insider  [ ]Feb 01 14:12
iophk 01 14:22 | Foreign government requests Bermuda to investigate Microsoft's Irish-linked subsidiaries  [ ]Feb 01 14:22
iophkThus the noise about the CEO choices.  It buries the real news.Feb 01 14:25
iophk 01 14:32 | Yahoo plans return to search engine roots with a vengeance : PERSONAL TECH : Tech Times  [ ]Feb 01 14:32
<--iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has left #techrightsFeb 01 14:54
-->iophk (~iophk@unaffiliated/iophk) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 14:54
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to iophkFeb 01 14:54
iophk 01 14:56 | David Cameron Says Snooper's Charter Is Necessary Because Fictional Crime Dramas He Watches Prove It | Techdirt  [ ]Feb 01 14:56
iophk 01 15:01 | BBC News - David Cameron wants fresh push on communications data  [ ]Feb 01 15:01
iophk 01 15:25 | Bermuda Sun: Tax probe into Bermuda based trio of Microsoft linked entities  [ ]Feb 01 15:25
iophkWhat about that bribery scandal from last year?  That too seems to have been brushed under the rug.Feb 01 15:25
<--iophk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Feb 01 16:05
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 16:22
<--DaemonFC has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 01 16:47
-->DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsFeb 01 16:50
DaemonFC 01 17:12 | Sign our petition: America deserves a raise  [ ]Feb 01 17:12
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 17:25
DaemonFCFirst of all, their "Law of Similars" is ridiculous pseudo-scientific garbage. It makes a ridiculous claim that water has a "memory" of everything it has been exposed to, that the effect on the human body of a substance is greater the more diluted it is, and that the substance in question will cure diseases that cause similar symptoms of the substance that is claimed to be the active ingredient in the homeopathic solution. (The hair of the dog Feb 01 17:25
DaemonFCthat bit you?)/Feb 01 17:25
DaemonFCSecondly, there's no way to achieve the dilutions that they claim. One duck liver and heart would be more than enough to make all of the "Oscillococcinum" sold in the world (supposedly a flu remedy), and it would require more than 100 times more water than exists on the planet Earth to dilute it to the claimed dilution.Feb 01 17:25
DaemonFCThird, and purely ironic, the biggest company behind "homeopathic remedies" is a French company called Boiron, which rhymes with "Moron".Feb 01 17:25
DaemonFCEven though homeopathy is pseudo-scientific crap, it has a large base of followers, and you can find their little bottles of water and placebo pills at your local Walgreens. It's a multi-billion dollar per year business. Feb 01 17:25
DaemonFCAnd on that note, I'm going to take a leak. Please enjoy drinking an 8C dilution of my urine. I hope it's refreshing.Feb 01 17:25
DaemonFCIf it cures anything, let me know. Feb 01 17:25
MinceR:>Feb 01 17:27
MinceR"i got a homeopathic pill for my gullibility"Feb 01 17:28
DaemonFCYeah, it's a waste of money.Feb 01 17:46
DaemonFCIt's worse because you're not just wasting money, you're using placebo as an alternative to seeking medical attention.Feb 01 17:46
DaemonFCGovernments seem to regard homeopathy as benign.Feb 01 17:47
DaemonFCHeh. Oral B has decreased the prices of their electric toothbrushes, but slipped in a 25% price increase on the replacement heads.Feb 01 18:04
DaemonFCtime to balance the checkbookFeb 01 18:20
DaemonFC:PFeb 01 18:20
DaemonFCpay off the credit card again and see how much I have left until paydayFeb 01 18:20
DaemonFClolFeb 01 18:26
DaemonFCI used 356 GB of data last monthFeb 01 18:26
DaemonFCWell, my cable internet bill is up to $75.Feb 01 18:29
DaemonFCIf they're going to charge me for it, I might as well get my money's worth.Feb 01 18:29
DaemonFCThe city is now charging $5 for every bag of trash past two bags.Feb 01 18:40
DaemonFCI pointed out to my mom that since they didn't specify what a "bag" meant, that she should get one of those 55 gallon trash cans and put that in her kitchen.Feb 01 18:40
DaemonFCSo she did.Feb 01 18:40
MinceRwe were forced into a trash management contract and we're forced to pay even if we don't live at that house and don't produce trash thereFeb 01 18:47
MinceRbecause this is hungaryFeb 01 18:47
MinceRasshole of europeFeb 01 18:47
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 18:52
DaemonFCRomney said he was frugal and in touch with American voters because he compacted his trash to save $5 a month and only uses gratis apps on his $800 iBad.Feb 01 18:52
DaemonFCPerhaps he also has a toothpaste squeezer in his bathroom. The world might never know.Feb 01 18:52
DaemonFCI bet he got a great deal on his latest 11,000 square foot house, his several luxury cars, the car elevator... Maybe he even shops at Mens Wearhouse for his suits. You know that if you buy an $800 suite there, that sometimes they give you an extra one for only $100?Feb 01 18:52
DaemonFCI bet he has plenty of tips for how people earning $8 an hour and no health insurance can live the high life. They just have to work even harder and eventually they'll "get what they deserve".Feb 01 18:52
DaemonFCIn other words, perhaps they will be working for $8.05 an hour this time next year if they behave. Feb 01 18:52
DaemonFCerrr, suitFeb 01 18:52
DaemonFCMaybe I should walk in there like Sean Connery in Highlander.Feb 01 18:52
DaemonFC"The gentleman would like a suit of clothes!"Feb 01 18:53
MinceR:>Feb 01 18:53
DaemonFCI think that it's ridiculous to spend a lot of money on clothes.Feb 01 18:57
DaemonFCI usually wear t-shirts that I got in packs of four for about $10 and some jeans from kmart.Feb 01 18:57
MinceRespecially such impractical ones (suits)Feb 01 18:57
DaemonFCI'm in compliance with the laws that state that public nudity is a crime.Feb 01 18:58
DaemonFCI don't see why I should spend more than I have to.Feb 01 18:58
DaemonFC:DFeb 01 18:58
MinceR:>Feb 01 18:58
MinceRdoesn't it get cold in indiana? :>Feb 01 19:00
DaemonFCI don't even know why I squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube. When I was at the post office one day, the thought occurred to me that Colgate had sent out a $1 off coupon in the junk mail that week, and Kroger had the toothpaste for $1 per 4.6 ounce tube.Feb 01 19:18
DaemonFCSo I fished all of the coupons out of the trash at the post office and bought over 100 tubes of toothpaste the next time I went to the store for milk and bread.Feb 01 19:19
DaemonFCThat was definitely one of my stranger shopping trips.Feb 01 19:19
DaemonFCI did the same thing with Edge shave gel. I had dozens of $1 off coupons, and Kroger clearanced out the "sensitive skin" one for 88 cents, so I bought everything on the shelf, and then went into the back to use the restroom. On my way out, I looked for more unopened cases of it and found several of them, so I bought those too.Feb 01 19:20
DaemonFCThey paid me 22 cents per can.Feb 01 19:21
DaemonFC:)Feb 01 19:21
DaemonFCI managed to find 52 cans of it in total.Feb 01 19:21
MinceR:)Feb 01 19:22
DaemonFC 01 19:25 | Customer Discussions: President Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any president since Grover Cleveland.  [ ]Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFCWhich ones do right-wingers actually find controversial?Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFCPlease list them and why you think each one is controversial.Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFCIf you could also provide information about which sections of which orders violate any particular section of the constitution or the United States Code, please provide this information as well.Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFCThank you.Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFCIf you need help, here's the entire list with links to the text of each order. There are 166 in total, and most of them make for some pretty dry reading.Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFC Feb 01 19:25 | List of United States federal executive orders 13489 and above - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [ ]Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFCMy favorite was the one where he provided for an order of succession in the department of agriculture.Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFCClearly, he's up to something.... *rolls eyes* Feb 01 19:25
DaemonFC Tyrone Slothrop says:Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCThat's for when the Cylons attack! Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCBy your command!Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCOr the Daleks.Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCEXTERMINATE!Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCOr the Cybermen.Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCDELETE!Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCOr the Borg.Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCYou will be assassinated. Resistance is futile. Your agricultural bureaucracy will be added to our own.Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCI mean, the possibilities really are endless. Feb 01 19:26
DaemonFCassimilatedFeb 01 19:28
DaemonFCdamn autocorrectFeb 01 19:28
MinceR:)Feb 01 19:29
DaemonFCTo be totally fair, federal agencies do tend to expand until there's nothing left that they don't do.Feb 01 19:33
DaemonFCThe department of agriculture even has rent subsidies and low interest mortgage programs for rural areas.Feb 01 19:33
DaemonFCEven though the Housing and Urban Development and Federal Housing Agencies do the same kind of stuff.Feb 01 19:34
DaemonFCThey all run their programs in rural areas.Feb 01 19:34
DaemonFCWhat would be the harm in getting rid of the USDA and FHA rent and mortgage programs and giving them to HUD?Feb 01 19:35
DaemonFCWould anyone notice?Feb 01 19:35
DaemonFCI'll bet it would save billions of dollars.Feb 01 19:35
DaemonFCThere are several federal law enforcement agencies with overlapping mandates and jurisdiction.Feb 01 19:36
DaemonFCWould consolidating them all into the FBI save money? Probably.Feb 01 19:36
DaemonFCThe USDA, FDA, and Department of Education all regulate the school lunch program.Feb 01 19:37
DaemonFCWould picking one agency to run the school lunch program hurt anyone?Feb 01 19:37
DaemonFCIf you find anything the government does, you'll find three or four agencies and lots of duplications.Feb 01 19:38
DaemonFCYou could probably consolidate all of the agencies and all of their programs, fire thousands of bureaucrats and federal agents, and get the same stuff done.Feb 01 19:39
MinceRgnFeb 01 20:11
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 20:32
DaemonFCUnchained Capitalism only knows two rules.Feb 01 20:32
DaemonFCDo anything that you can get away with to make more money, and let the buyer beware.Feb 01 20:32
DaemonFCThe system is unsustainable. The Republicans want that system, and most Democrats appear to want to give people just enough that they don't become angry and violent.Feb 01 20:32
DaemonFCMost Democrats want a system that curtails only the worst excesses of capitalism and saves it from itself. I don't think that's a good thing, but it's better than what the Republicans want to do.Feb 01 20:32
DaemonFCI don't like to consider myself a Democrat, because the mainstream party is too far to the right, but I do vote for them because it's less bad than the worst thing that could happen.Feb 01 20:32
DaemonFCRomney is a product of a system that rewards people for taking advantage of others and living a parasitic lifestyle. His father was a job creator and a producer. Romney is just a business criminal and a thug that wears a suit and steals from people using legal methods. Feb 01 20:32
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 20:38
DaemonFCAnd on that topic, I refuse to ever pay money for books with DRM, where the maker of the computer that reads them has a backdoor and a delete button with which to control what is on my device, and I can't "move them to a different shelf" (another type of computer).Feb 01 20:38
DaemonFCIf the publisher or Amazon threw a brick through the window of your living room and stole books from your bookshelf, that would be against the law.Feb 01 20:38
DaemonFCWhy are they allowed to do the same thing and call it "Kindle Books"?Feb 01 20:39
DaemonFCApple, Google, and Barnes & Noble do the same thing. I don't read books on my phone unless they have no DRM. Feb 01 20:39
DaemonFC J. R. Bob Dobbs (formerly ZOMG Pink Ponies) says:Feb 01 20:58
DaemonFCComcast cold called me on my cell phone the other day offering to save me money.Feb 01 20:58
DaemonFCBy the time I got them to admit how much they were going to save me vs. my internet-only account, it was going to save me negative $120.Feb 01 20:58
DaemonFCIt included home phone service so that I could talk to other telemarketers. :) Feb 01 20:58
<--DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 01 22:27

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